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RO 3-79-23/1P on 790724:anchor Support on Emergency Svc Water Piping in RHR Room Failed.Apparently Caused by Improper Installation.Anchors & Bolts Replaced & Satisfactorily Tested
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/25/1979
From: Ullrich W
NUDOCS 7908130461
Download: ML19270H431 (2)


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]($f (2.'W n Y2 N PHILADELPHTA EJ.ECfRIC COMPANY 2-Peach Bottone Atouic PoEscr Station-Delta. Pennsylvania.

17314 July 25, 1979 Mr. Boyce H. Griwr Office of Inspectiers and Enforcewma Regiort 1 United. States Nucleme Regulatory Commiessionc 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 SUEJECT: REPORTABEE OCCURRENCE - P310FT NETTIFICATIDN; Confirming W. T. Ut 11 rich's c'onversation with. Mr. Csqpisteet,. Region 1 United States Nuclear Regulatnry Commissiorm on. July 25, 1979.

Reference-Docket No. 50.'I76 Peach Bottous' Unit 3 Technical' Specification.



Report No. 3_79-23/IP' Occurzence Date. July 2% 1979 Identificaticem of Occurrencec Failure of enchor support arr emergency service watem piping. in 35 MHit rope.

The above failure was idenelified a+ a resutt of a piping. support inspeer.Lorm progran being conducted in accordance with IE Bulletin: 79-07.


laspectiort identified one bolt on a four anchor support pisste *Aich would not torque property.

Additf orrally,, one bolt wasJ found with a ~ cracked head.'

Failure of these twon boltw cet one support piare has: been, evaluated as a support failure.,

4 parent. Cause::

M Wmng-Impropen insextlatiors.



Analysis of Occurrence::

ne supporte pisec ar4 horst wh6sh, fakled werer part: of an cuergency sesvice water line piping support The energency seruvice water line (3" disuserer) is associated wi.thi rooms cooler.w in the Unit J

'B' RH2 room.

Thee piping involved is orr the outlet side of the room coo-ter.

Possible fai leste of~

this pipe during a seismic. event could Iwad to floodi,ng of one RHR room.

Probability of such an occurrence appears to be very Acass.

2379 067 7908130 %

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Corrective Action -

Thr two failmt anchors-and t>olts have been replaced AII four bolts Ier this assemb4 c werer satisfactedsy torque tested.. Corrective action 9

is couplete Previous FaElures::

2-79-33/IP 2-79-3F/IP 3-79-19/1P g_

J-79-25/1F Very truly your s y;/ N2-_

W T. Ullrisch+ Superknemndent:

Peach 50tttnr. Aconte Fower Statiore wruoi-46 en og.

H 79 068 D " " RD

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