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Submits Nonroutine Radiological Environ Operating Rept: on 790827,oyster Samples Analyzed for gamma-emitting Radionuclides Showed Presence of Ag-110m.Review of Data Indicates That Ag-100m in Oysters Is plant-related
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/22/1979
From: Stout J
NUDOCS 7910310303
Download: ML19254E194 (1)


  • %s g BALTIMORE

[ GAS AND s ELECTRIC CHARLES CENTER. P.O. BOX 1475 BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21203 ELtcraic ENGINEERING our4=ru Nr October 22, 1979 M. Boyce H. Grier, Director r

Office of Inspecticn and Enforcement Region 1, USNRC 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA.


Dear Mr. Grier:

Eubject: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units No. 1 and 2.

License Nos. DPR-53 and 69 Nonroutine Radiological Enviren= ental Operating Report.

This report is sub=itted, in duplicate, to ec= ply with the require-ments of Appendix B Environ = ental Technical Specifications Section 5.6.2.b.

The Oyster sa=ples were collected en August 27, 1979 frc= the C;=p-Coney sa pling locatien and analyzed for ga--a-emitting radionuclides as required.

The results of the analyses showed the presence of Ag-110 at 266* h% pCi/Kg(vet).

The cyster sa=ples collected en the same date frc= the K nwood Beach sa=pling location (the background locatien) sheved Ag-llc = at e

$ hpCi/Kg(vet).

A review of the available effluent release data indicates that Ag-100 = in oysters is plant related.

Based on the observed levels of Ag-10C= during August 1979, for an average adult consu=ing ene kilogra of oysters per year the doses to the GI Tract and Whcle Ecdy are estimated at v 1.6x10-2 =re=/ year and.v 2.3x10 -5

=re / year, respectively.

These are very s-n'l fractions of the allevable 25 =re=/ year (GI Tract) and 25 =re=/ year (Whole 3cdy) deses to =e=bers of the general public, (L0 CFR Part 190 Environ = ental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operations) and are considered to be of no consequence to the health and safety of the public.

Very truly yours, L _ '.t J. W. Stout, Jr.

Chief Environ = ental Engineer ec: Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Washington, DC 20555 (17 copies) 4

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