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Suppl 1 to Deficiency Rept 369-370/79-06 Re Personnel Air Lock Door Seal Problem.Submits Details on Corrective Actions Taken.Actions for Unit 1 Will Be Completed & Personnel Air Lock Door Seals Reinstalled by 800130
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/30/1979
From: Parker W
NUDOCS 7912050503
Download: ML19253C424 (10)


. .

DUKE POWER COMPANY Powna Dutt.nswo 422 SouTn Cnuncu Sinur.r. Giunt.orrs N. C. asa42 wiwa o. paar en. sa.

Vict PatseD(NT -ber 309 1979 IELEPMOast: ARCA 704 Strau Pacouction 373-4083 ,

Mr. J. P. O'Reilly, Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Region II 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, GA 30303 Re: McGuire Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2

  • Docket Nos. 50-369 and 50-370 SD 369-370/79-06, Supplement 1

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

My letter of August 31, 1979, transmitted Significant Deficiency Report SD 369-370/79-06 which described a problem with the personnel air lock '

door seals. In the original report we committed to prcvide further details on the corrective actions taken. This information is contained herein.

A meeting was held at McGuire Nuclear Station on August 20, 1979, between Duke Power Ccmpany and W. J. Woolley Company to discuss the deficiencies and corrective actions. Subsequent to this meeting, W. J. Woolley Company developed procedures for shop inspecrion and repair at Irwin Steel Fabricators in Canton, Ohio (Attachment #1). All of the personnel air lock door seal ,

bolt holes wace inspected for penetration depth, thread condition, thread depth, and perpendicularity.

All fully penetrating bolt holes and all bolt holes which deviate from the perpendicular by more than three degrees were plugged, drilled, and tapped as shown on W. J. Woolley drawing 36973 (Attachment #2). Similar drawings of all doors provide a record of repairs and existing bolt hold conditions.

Deficiencies related to thread condition and depth were repaired with threaded inserts. Attachment #3 shows a section of the threaded insert in place.

These high strength inserts are installed af ter the holes have been re-tapped.

The pullout resistance of the tapped hole is actually increased since the inserts allow greater shear area contact.

1504 020 og& PRoGRt t

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k 5 E 6o/9 th Anniversary te o a = *u

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Mr. J. P. O'Reilly, Director November 30, 1979 Page Two These corrective actions for Unit I will be completed and the personnel air lock door seals reinstalled by January 31, 1980. The schedule for implementing these corrective actions on the Unit 2 personnel air lock door seals will be consistent with the startup activities for Unit 2.

Very ruly yours,

/ Wil] LC _. O./AParker,

. cw Jr.

THH/sch Attachments cc: Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 1504 021 mw


This procedure is intended for use on Personnel Air Lock Doors for McGuire Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2.

2.0 P'?RPOSE Inspection of drilled and tapped holes in door seal plates.

3.0 PROCEDURE 3.1 Identification 3.1.1 Each hole for each door has a unique identification as shown on drawings 36972 through 36979.

3.1.2 A cap is included on each of the above drawings. It is to be completed with the appropriate measurements as evidence that each inspection stop has been completed.

3.2 . Depth 3.2.1 Renove the inflatable seals and keeper bars.

3.2.2 A depth gauge with a 60* included angle pointed plunger shall be used.

3.2.3 The depth of each t. ole for the outer seal row A and .

thethe on inner map.seal row A shall be measured and recorden Based on the thickness of the door plate and the depth of the hole, taking into account -

tolerances, those that are determined to be drilled through shall be rejected.

3.3 Thread Quality 3.3.1 A "Go - No Go" type thread gauge to measure a Class 3 threaded hole shall be used.

3.3.2 The threaded gauge shall be screwed into each hole.

The "Go" portion should go in to a ninicun depth of 1/2 inch. The "No-Go" portion should not be able to be screwed in.

Those holes that do not meet the above criteria shall be rejected.

3.3.3 An attempt shall be made to correct rejected threads by running a tap into the hole. The thread gauge test procedure should then be repeated. -

1504 022



  • SIOP INSPECTION PROCEDURE REVISION 0, 10/10/79 3.0 PRECEDURE (continued) 3.4 Angularity The angularity of each hole shall be determined with the thread gauge in the hole.

The counter line of the hole shall be 90* +- 3' with the surface of the plate or the tangent of the curve.

The maximum angle should be recorded on the map. Those holes that are off by more than 3* shall ba rejected.

3.5 Documentation 3.5.1 The map shall bear the signature of the inspector (s) and dates.

3.5.2 The sign-off may be performed for each measurement recorded, or performed in groups of measurements made by each inspector. If one inspector performed all the inspections cnly one signature and date is required.

3.s Repa r Those holes which are rejected shall be repaired in accordance with drawings 36972 through 36979. The repairs shall be accomplished using approved welding procedures, and following '

the fabricators Quality Assurance Program.

1504 023

1 Ropsir Procedure ,Nu._


  • o=" " " - "/^ _

Reference S.O. No.

Custo.:erU. J. 'loolley C6mpany

' 29:;53 n Date Issued 11-12-79 Drawing Number Humber of Defective Parts 1 Door Piece Mark or Assembly Name_ Inflatable Seal Ilr Iock Door


Description of Defect _ Improperly drilled holes for counting Air Iock Seals in '

  • Personnel Air Iocks at McGuire Nuclear Station. '

Locat ion of. Defect .

To be deiser:sined at acceptance'in; Sketch if Uccessary .

spection of holes (See Opei . No. 2).

  • hh .

N.  : -

. 1504.~ 0_24:..

kh[k%5f-b IE5M. ww.~3>=

'r~.' N o .


,. Operation, Description REPAI


me$t h

Supv. Date Insp. Da w

Init. Init.


Receive and inspect for da'. age that nav have occured dur-ing shipping. ' handling, etc. trior to receltit 'by ISP. *

2. Perfora acceptance inspection as detailed below. Holes f6und to be unacceptable shall be circled with paintitick. _

Initial and date all inspect' ions'in the a propriate col- ~

unns. of the " Acceptance Instection ReDort for TcCuire Dgm' g

3 p-A.

Visual exanine all holes. This examination is to det-ect stripped, crossed, or torn threads. Describe any

[ Q/

defectc 6n the " Acceptance Inspection Report for AN I[

[(' '

McGuire Doof s" under the " Visual Thread Condition" ,tM',,%[

Heading. If a thread is four:1 to be defective, procsed ,g V[

to Omrntion m. 2n_ l ./

'. w,/ .

  • l!c Date}By


I'~~~' ~ Revisio5 I Eng. review:

7 Date:

i AllI/AI review:

I Date:

! I Production Control O shop ofrice o Anz/AI. -

O ins,wetica (When Applicable) '

o weld rioor Sheet 1 or 5


- Repair Procedurc No.


(Continued from Sheet Not ) Rework Order No. N/A.

Refe_rence S.O. Ko.'2955>N Oper. No. Operation Description

  • Date Dat, B. F.easure the denth of outer seal Rou "A" and inner seal Row "A" holes by using a pointed Varnier Dial Caliper .

depth gauge. Record the actual depth dinension on the

Acceptance Inspection Report for McGuire Doors" urder the " Drilled Hole Depth" Heading. If a hole is found

  • to be drilled thru proceed to operation No. 2D.
  • C. All threads shall be examined by using a "Go-No Go type thread 6auge. *

(1) - The "No-Go" portion should not be able to be screw-ed into the hole more than l+ turns. Record the re- '

sults on the "Accettance Insnection Report for McGuire Doors" under the "No-Go" gauze Headir2 by '

narking a "X" in the "Mo" column if the above crit-eria is not net. If a hole does not neet the abovn criteria Operation No,2D.

(2) The "Gof' portion should go into the hole a nininum depthof1/2"_. If the'above criteria is met; re-cord the results on the " Acceptance Inspection Re-port for McGuire Doors".under the "Go Gauge" Heading (

by marking a "X" in the. "Yes" column and under the

.\ /

" Tapped Thread Depth" Heading by marking (>1/2").'

If the above criteria is.not net, retap the hole D/

[ [

by using a 1/2"-13 UIC Hand Tap and re-examine with a "Go-No Go" type thread gauge as follows:

k /


(a) Th'e "Go" nortion sbould go intn +% bnin -

minimumdepthof1/2". Record the results on A )[

the " Acceptance Inspection Report for McGuire [Q ((

Doors" by narking a "X" in the "Yes" colu::n h[

v No Dato By l under the "GO Gauge" Heading and by carkir (

Revision } l Rev !!o} Date By

({['8cvision Df"Di\ ]Df\


l 1A E \ n a Production Control O Shop Offica O A. I. O Inspection O "old Floor


(Uhen Applicable) orn ISA Ray. 9-76 .

Sheet 2 or 5

pgg gg, -

Repair Procedure No.-

(Continued from Sheet !!o 2 ) Rewort: Order No. ~ N/A ..

Reference S.O. No '29553-N Oper. I!o. Operation Description '

Date Dat

(> l/2") undeh the " Tapped T tread De th" head-ing if the above criteria is et or by narking '

a "X" in the "No" colunn under the "Go Cauge" l Heading if the above criteria is not met pro- -

ceed to Operation No. 2D. '

(b) The "No Go" portion should not be able to be screwed into the hole more than 4. turns. If

  • the above criteria is not net, change the ,

"Ac, cept'ance Inspection Reconi for McGuire Doors" by renoving 'the I'X" in the "No" colunn under the ~"No-Go Cauge" Heading and marking a s"X" in the "Yes" colunn under the "No Go Giuge" '

Heading. -

D. Measure the thread angle of each hole by seresing the !

"Co-No Go" Cauge into'the hole and deternining the thread angle by using a protractor. Record the actual

  • neasurement in degrees on the "Accoptance Inspection -

Report for Ik:Cuire Doors" under the " Thread Angle Head-

. ing." ' '

E. Responsible Engineering & QA Ibrsonr.el are to evaluate -


all Inspection Data and determine if repair is required {, g -

nethodofrepair,andanyremarksthatnayberequired.l []/ .

-- Responsible Personnel will nar!: the above information ch M ./

r .

_ - , . . ,/

Ry the "Accentance Inspection Report for McGuire Doors" 'N% /?


. r- ~

uMer the annrooriate Headin~s. .N /

  • W/

~-*j All holes which will be plugged are to be drilled 1" Dia.


' %q'% /

thru by usinx a "Rotobroach"; thus renoving the existing A f/ .

improterly drilled hole.

_k ((



v !!o Date By l Revision j

' Rev !!alDate

, B7 Q /P.evision D Q '% i)Y $f N 1

\ c w h [b $) k ."3N Production Control O Snap Office 0 A. I. - O Inspection O '? eld Floor 3 - (Uhen Applicable) '

  - n .s          J.1.x                      ..

I 1 5 0 4 0-2~6: 5" 2 r 2- -

Of(F - .T

  • E#'# # * "# "*

REPAIR IROCEDURE - (Continued from Sheet No 3 ) Rcwork Order No. N/A Reference S.O. No.'29551-N er. No. Operation Description 8jt Dato Dat' 4 AllholeswhichwillbereE_iredbyusingathreadinsertarh to be drilled 17/32" Dia. x 13/16" Deep and Tapped 11/16" ~ Deep by using a special Tap. l -

5. Screw threaded inserts into required hole and set. .
6. From i 1/4" Dia. Round Bar (SA-350-IF2) purchased on ISP P.O. # M8694, prepare required quantitles of piece #1 and piece #2 Per Drawing. -
7. Use Xylene Solvent to sufficiently clean all holes drilled in Oper. #3. -
  • 8.* '

Fit and weld piece #1 and piece #2 into the anproeriate hole ;

  • in accordance with U.P. #126 including Addenda using Quali-fled Welders and Cortified 'E-7018 Electrode.
     '9. Crind all welds flush.
10. .

Clean welds made in Operation No. 8 sitfficiently for Liquid " ' Penetrant Exanination.

11. Liquid Penetrant inspect welds made in Operation No. 8 in '

accordance with ISP Procedure NDE-m-PT1 including Addenia. A / P.T. Report Required. P.T. Report No. _ -

                                                                                                      ~ <
                                                                                                 %       /

(HSB and Dut t e hbwer Personnel to review all Reports and to h,,, [ - sanple Witness sone P.T. Inspections on the entire contract). H.S.B. Review _N[ Duke Power Review


A ((

                                                                                    . iO/

n2 l!o Date By l


Revision  !,'RevNoDate

                                                                            - A L--


                                                                                  % /         Revision I fl                 -

Prcxluction Control O shop orric5 O A. - '"

t. o Inspection o '.> eld rioor (t! hen Applicable)
     ... n..    -

l 150L 027 Sheet 4 f 5

 ~% . ',        ,

Tc REPAIR IROCEDUP2 Repair Procedure No. (Continued from Sheet 1;o4 ) 8 Rework Order No._ N/A Reference S.O. No. 29553-N Oper. No. Op3 ration Description b [#* Dato

  • Da 12.

Allclannbarstoberedrilled5/8"Dia.thruandrecounter! sunk for proper head depth. . 13 Assemble clamp bars to assure plugged holes are tronerly

  • located. * -
14. Perform AcceIt ance Inspection of all repaired holes per
                   " Repair Inspection Report for McGuire Doors"
  • l
15. Completo " Manufacturer's Report of Welded Repairs or Alter-ations" H.S .B. _ *
16. Review all final documentation.
  • H.S.B. Review l Duke Power Review -
17. Pretore for shippinx. -
18. Ship. ~


                                                                                                            "N.' l.


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                                                                                            .% ? /                  -



ev No Date By l Revision _ ,RevlloDate]By 8 Q / Revision l J J Production Control O Shop office O A. 1. O Inspection a weld rioor l j g g },] Sheet 1 of L

  ._     .o._,,          o _ _, ,

Attachment #3 J Clamp Bar SA 516 Gr.70] E& Belf-13 UNC Thread (SA-304 Stainless Steel) (T

                --a               )r
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                                                    = = //,

y v llr e t Sea.\



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                                                         '              $r# sns "koe
                                                           // f I,/                   ^b

Thread.ed. Insert - 15-8 Stainless Steel (Cornbination Of TgPc 502 And Type 304)

  • We Cold Rolled Wire-Uttimate Tensile strength 200 250 Ksi.

SneTca 2. : 1504 029 Threaded. Inse.rt Assembly - _}}