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Rev 18 to McGuire Unit 1 Cycle 14 Colr
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Site: McGuire Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/22/1999
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ML20217F361 List:
MCEI-0400-46, MCEI-0400-46-R18, NUDOCS 9910200302
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MCEI-0400-46 Page 1 of 23 Revision 18 McGuire Unit 1 Cycle 14


l Core Operating Limits Report Revision 18 September 1999 Calculation Number: MCC-1553.05-00-0310 Duke Power Company Date Prepared By:

'T) d s /" M 9/2//95 6'

Checked By: foul /kb T/L[qq


7[ttITi Checked By:

eL --

Approved By:

/?rn. W 9-z.z -1949 QA Condition 1 i


The contents of this document have been reviewed to verify that no material herein either directly or indirectly changes or affects the results and conclusions presented in the 10CFR50.59 McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Reload Safety Evaluation (Calculation File: MCC-1552.08-00-0304.)

9910200302 991013


PDR ADOCK 05000369 P





MCEI-0400-46 Page 2 of 23 Revision 18 McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report j


Revision 18 of the McGuire Unit 1 COLR contains limits specific to the McGuire Unit I

~. Cycle 14 core design. This revision shall be implemented after no mode is reached and

. prior to the start of fuelloading during the McGuire Unit 1 EOC-13 outage.



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MCEI4400-46 I

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Page 3 of 23 l_

Revision 18 l

h McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report j'




Revision Effective Date Effective Panes COLR Revisions 0-3

. Superseded N/A MIC09 Revisions 4-8 Superseded N/A-MIC10 l

Revisions 9-11 Superseded N/A M1C11 Revisions 12-15 Superseded N/A MlCl2 Revisions 16-17 Superseded N/A MICl3 Revision 18 September 21,1999 l-23 MIC14 i

l l



MCEl-0400-46 Page 4 of 23 Revision 18 McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report INSERTION SHEET FOR REVISION 18 Remove pages -

Insert Rev.18 pages Pages 1-22 Pages 1-23 i

...y, MCEl-0400-46 l**'

Page 5 of 23 Revision 18 l

McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report 1.0 Core Operating Limits Report This Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Specification 5.6.5.

The Technical Specifications that reference this report are listed below:

TS Section Technical Snecifications Section Eggg 1.1 Requirements for Operational Mode 6 2.1 5

3.1.1 Shutdown Margin (Additional Entry points 2.2 6

from TS 3.1.4, TS 3.1.5 and TS 3.1.6) j 3.1.3 Moderator Temperature Coefficient 2.3 6

3.1.5 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limit 2.4 7

3.1.6 Control Bank Insertion Limit 2.5 7


3.2.1 Heat Flux liot Channel Factor 2.6 10 3.2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise 110t Channel Factor 2.7 15 3.2.3 Axial Flux Difference 2.8 16 3.3.1 Reactor Trip System Instrumentation Setpoint 2.9 18 3.5.1 Accumulators 2.10 20 3.5.4 Refueling Water Storage Tank 2.11 20 3.7.14 Spent Fuel Pool Boron Concentration 2.12 21 3.9.1

- Refueling Operations - Boron Concentration 2.13 21 The Selected Licensee Commitments that reference this report are listed below:

t SLC Section Selected License Commitment Sectiori Eage 16.15- Borated Water Source-Shutdown 2.14 22 l

16.15- Borated Water Source -Operating 2.15 23 2.0 Operating Limits The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in section 1.0 are presented in the following subsections. These limits have been developed using NRC approved methodologies specified in Technical Specification 5.6.5.

2.1 Requirements for Operational Mode 6 l

The following condition is required for operational mode 6.

2.1.1 The Reactivity Condition requirement for operational mode 6 is that kerr must be less than, or equal to 0.95.


1 MCEI-0400-46 Pag;6 of 23 Revision 18 McGuke 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report 2.2 Shutdown Margin - SDM (TS 3.1.1, TS 3.1.4, TS 3.1.5, and TS 3.1.6) 2.2.1 For TS 3.1.1, SDM shall be 21.3% AK/K in mode 2 with k-eff < l.0 and in modes 3 and 4.

2.2.2 For TS 3.1.1, SDM shall be 21.0% AK/K in mode 5.

2.2.3 For TS 3.1.4, SDM shall be 21.3% AK/K in modes 1 and 2 2.2.4 For TS 3.1.5, SDM shall be 21.3% AK/K in mode 1 and mode 2 with any control bank not fully inserted.

2.2.5 For TS 3.1.6, SDM shall be 21.3% AK/K in mode 1 and mode 2 with K-eff2 1.0.

2.3 Moderator Temperature Coefficient - MTC (TS 3.1.3) 2.3.1 The Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) Limits are:

The MTC shall be less positive than the upper limits shown in Figure 1. The BOC, ARO, HZP MTC shall be less positive than 0.7E-04 AK/K/ F.

The EOC, ARO, RTP MTC shall be less negative than the -4.lE-04 AK/K/ F l

lower MTC limit.

l l

2.3.2 The 300 PPM MTC Surveillance Limit is:

The measured 300 PPM ARO, equilibrium RTP MTC shall be less negative than or equal to -3.2E-04 AK/K/*F.

2.2.3 The 60 PPM MTC Surveillance Limit is:

The 60 PPM ARO. equilibrium RTP MTC shall be less negative than or equal to

-3.85E-04 AK/K/ F.

Where: BOC = Beginning of Cycle EOC = End of Cycle ARO = All Rods Out HZP = Hot Zero Power RTP = Rated Thermal Power PPM = Parts per million (Boron)


4-MCEl-040046 Page 7 of 23 Revision 18 l-McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report 2.4 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limit (TS 3.1.5) 2.4.1 ~ Each shutdown bank shall be withdrawn to atleast 222 steps.

l i

l 2.5 Control Bank Insertion Limits (TS 3.1.6) 2.5.1 Control banks shall be within the insertion, sequence, and ovc. p limits shown in Figure 2.

1 i

l l


MCEI440046 Pcge 8 of 23 Revision 18 McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report l

Figure 1 Moderator Temperature Coefficient Upper Limit Versus Power Level 1.0 0.9 --

g Unacceptable Operation "O

0.8 --

E 8

0.7 U

E 0.6 --

22A E ** 0.5 --


  • 0.4 --

Acceptable Operation Eg g5 0.3 --

0.2 --

i2 0.1 --

0.0 l

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Rated Thermal Power NOTE: Compliance with Technical Specification 3.1.3 may require rod withdrawal limits.

Refer to OP/1/A/6100/22 Unit 1 Data Book for details.

i i

r-MCEl-0400-46 Page 9 of 23 Revision 18 l

l L

McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report Figure 2 Control Bank Insertion Limits Versus Percent Rated Thermal Power Fully Withdrawn (Maximum = 231)

(29.6%. 231) h..--,__. -------.

,r-j(80.0%. 231) h_









e Fully Withdrawn


n nuun - 222) 180 l Control Bank B I g_'


m i 160 -d m.163)

!(i %.161) p 5

$140 f

f 5

l Control Bank C j g 120 f




_j100 f

e k


Control Bank D f

$ 60


f g



su: 40 -MO*' ")

e' s'



l Fully inserted }x


i(30%. 0) fi i

i i

s 0

l l

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Rated Thermal Power l

NOTE: Compliance with Technical Specification 3.1.3 may require rod withdrawal limits.

Refer to OP/1/A/6100/22 Unit 1 Data Book for details.

l 1

l l

l l

MCEl-040046 Page 10 of 23 Revision 18 McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report 2.6 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor - F (X,Y,Z) (TS 3.2.1) n 2.6.1 Fn(X,Y,Z) steady-state limits are defined by the followint relationships:

F7F *K(Z)/P for P > 0.5 F7P *K(Z)/0.5 for P s 0.5

where, P = (Thermal Power)/(Rated Power)

Note: The measured Fo(X,Y,Z) shall be increased by 3% to account for manufacturing tolerances and 5% to account for measurement uncertainty when comparing against the LCO limits. The manufacturing tolerance and measurement uncertainty are implicitly included in the Fq surveillance limits as defined in COLR Sections 2.6.5 and 2.6.6.

2.6.2 F7' = 2.50 x K(BU) 2.6.3 K(Z) is the normalized F (X,Y,Z) as a function of core height for MkBW fuel and n

is provided in Figure 3.

2.6.4 K(BU) is the normalized F (X,Y,Z) as a function of burnup for MkBW fuel and is n

provided in Figure 4.

The following parameters are required for core monitoring per the Surveillance Requirements of Technical Specification 3.2.1:


  • Mo(X,Y,Z) 2.6.5 Fq'(X,Y,Z)0P =


  • M
  • EU where:

Fj (X,Y,Z)0P = Cycle dependent maximum allowable design peaking factor that ensures that the F (X,Y,Z) LOCA limit will be preserved n

for operation within the LCO limits. Ff(X,Y,Z)OP includes allowances for calculation and measurement uncertainties.

MCEl-0400-46 i

Page 1I of 23 Revision 18 0

McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report i


F[(X,Y,Z) = Design power distribution'for F. F[(X,Y,Z)is provided in n

Table 1, Appendix A, for normal operating conditions and in Table 2, Appendix A for power escalation testing during initial I

startup operation.

Mo(X,Y,Z) = Margin remai.:ing in core location X,Y,Z to the LOCA limit in the transient power distribution. M (X,Y,Z) is provided in 9

Table 1, Appendix A for normal operating conditions and in Table 2, Appendix A for power escalation testing during initial t

startup operation.-

UMT = Total Peak Measurement Uncertainty. (UMT = 1.05) j MT = Engineering Hot Channel Factor. (MT = 1.03)

TILT = Peaking penalty that accounts for the peaking increase from an


allowable quadrant power tilt ratio of 1.02. (TILT = 1.035)


F'(X,Y,Z) "is the parameter identified as F"(X,Y,Z)in DPC-NE-201 IPA.

a o


  • Mc(X,Y,Z) 2.6.6 Fq*'(X,Y,Z)RPS=


  • TILT where:

Fq*'(X,Y,Z)RPS = Cycle dependent maximum allowable design peaking factor that ensures that the Fo(X,Y,Z) Centerline Fuel Melt (CFM) limit will be preserved for operation within the LCO limits.

En(X,Y,Z)RPS includes allowances for calculation and measurement uncertainties.

Fo(X,Y,Z) = Design power distributions for Fn. Fo(X,Y,Z)is provided in Table 1, Appendix A for normal operating conditions and in Table 2, Appendix A for power escalation testing during initial startup operation.

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MCEI4)400-46 Page 12 of 23 Revision 18


l' f

McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report j


l Mc(X,Y,2) = Margin remaining to the CFM limit in core location X,Y,2 I

from the transient power distribution. M (X,Y,Z) calculations c

parallel th', M (X,Y,Z) calculations described in DPC-NE-n 201 IPA, except that the LOCA limit is replaced with the CFM J

limit. Mc(X,Y,Z)is provided in Table 3, Appendix A for normal operating conditions and in Table'4, Appendix A for power escalaiion testing during initial startup operation.

UMT = Total Peak Measurement Uncertainty (UMT = 1.05)

MT = Engineering Hot Channel Factor (MT = 1.03)

TILT =' Peakiag penalty that accour ts for the peaking increase for an allowable quadrant power tht ratio of 1.02. (TILT = 1.035)

NOTE: F'(X,Y,Z)"" is the parameter identified as F""(X,Y,Z) in DPC-NE-2011PA, g

a except that Mn(X,Y,Z) is replaced by Mc(X,Y,7_,.

2.6,7 KSLOPE = 0.0725 where:

KSLOPE is the adjustment to the K value from OTAT trip setpoint required to 1

compensate for each 1% that F" (X,Y,Z) exceeds F'(X,Y,Z)"".

o a


MCEI-0400-46 Page 13 of 23 Revision 18 McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report Figure 3 K(Z), Normalized F (X,Y,Z) as a Function of Core IIeight for MkBW Fuel n

1.2 (0.0,1.00)

(12.0,1.0) 1 0.8 --

0.6 -

0.4 -

0.2 0.0 l

l l

l 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Core IIelght (ft) l l

l l

l l



MCEI-0400-46 Page 14 of 23 Revision 18 McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report Figure 4 K(BU), Normalized F (X,Y,Z) as a Function of Burnup for MkBW Fuel n

1.2 1.0 O.8 --




$ 0.6 --

W 0.4 --

0.2 --

0.0 l

l l



0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 Burnup (GWD/MTU) l I

i l

l L

7 MCEI-040046 Page 15 of 23 l

Revision 18 l-McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report 2.7 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor - Fan (X,Y). (TS 3.2.2) i l

The Fall steady-state limits referred to in Technical Specification 3.2.2 is defined by the l

following relationship.



2.7.1 FA,(X,Y)"' = MARP (X,Y)

  • 1.0 + RRIl * (1.0 - P)

I where:

Fhi(X,Y)* is defined as the steady-state, maximum allowed radial peak.

i FA,(X,Y)" includes allowances for calculation - measurement uncertainty.

l MARP(X,Y) =

Cycle-specific operating limit Maximum Allowable Radial l

Peaks. MARP(X,Y) radial peaking limits are provided in Table 7, Appendix A.


1 i

Thermal Power p _ Rated Thermal Power j

j l

RRil = Thermal Power reduction required to compensate for each 1% that the measured radial peak, F5 (X,Y), exceeds the limit.

j RRH = 3.34 (0.0 < P :s 1.0) j i

The following par.ameters are required for core monitoring per the Surveillance i

requirements of Technical Specification 3.2.2.

l 1

F,i(X,Y)x M,'(X,Y) j FA,(X,Y)SURv 3

3 2.7.2


UMR xTILT where:

i FAi(X,Y)*#

Cycle dependent maximum allowable design peaking factor


that ensures that the F (X,Y) limit will be preserved for i

3n operation within the LCO limits. Phi (X,Y) *V includes S

allowances for calculation - measurement uncertainty.

l l

rT MCEI-040046 l'

Page 16 of 23 Revision 18 McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report j

l F[n (X,Y)= Design radial power distribution for Fg, F$u (X,Y) is l

provided in Table 5, Appendix A for normal operation and in l

Table 6, Appendix A for power escalation testing during initial startup operation.

Mg(X,Y) = The margin remaining in core location X,Y relative to the Operational DNB limits in the transient power distribution.

MAH(X,Y) is provided in Table 5, Appendix A for normal -

operation and in Table 6, Appendix A for power escalation testing during initial startup operation.

UMR = Uncertainty va't'e for measured radial peaks, (UMR is set 1.0 since a factor of 1.04 is implicitly included in the variable M (X,Y)).

g TILT = Peaking penalty that accounts for the peaking increase for an allowable quadrant power tilt ratio of 1.02, (TILT = 1.035).

NOTE: fin (X,Y)suav is the parameter identified as F (X,Y) MAX in DPC-NE-2011PA.

m i

l 2.7.3 RRH = 3.34 where:

RRH = Thermal power reduction required to compensate for each 1% that the measured radial peak, Fs (X,Y) exceeds its limit.

2.7.4 TRH = 0.04 where:

u TRH = - Reduction in OTAT K setpoint required to compensate for each 1% that i


the measured radial peak, FAH (X,Y) exceeds its limit.

- 2.8 '

Axial Flux Difference-AFD (TS 3.2.3) 2.8.1 The Axial Flux Difference (AFD) Limits are provided in Figure 5.


p MCEI-040046

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l Revision 18 I-McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report Figure 5


Percent of Rated Thermal Power Versus Percent Axial Flux Difference Limits

( 18,100)


^'J i

Unacceptable Operation


Unacceptable Operation 80 --

E h

Acceptable Operation 70 -

1 60 --

2 50 -



( 36,50)

(+21,50) o 1

40 --

b 30 _-

20 -

10 -

p ___ _._ _4 4__ _. _ - 4..- ~ 0






-40 30 20 10 0

10 20 30 40 50 Axlal Flux Difference (% Delta I)

- NOTE: Lumpliance with Technical Specification 3.2.1 may require more restrictive AFD limits. Refer to OP/1/A/6100/22 Unit i Data Book of more details.

l r

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MCEl-040046 Page 18 of 23 Revision 18 L

McGuire 1 Cyc!e 14 Core Operating Limits Report l

2.9 Reactor Trip System Instrumentation Setpoints (TS 3.3.1) Table 3.3.1-1 2.9.1 Ove temperature AT Setpoint Parameter Values Parameter Value Overtemperature AT reactor trip setpoint K s 1.1978 1

Overtemperature AT reactor trip heatup setpoint K = 0.0334/0F 2

penalty coefficient Overtemperature AT reactor trip depressurization K = 0.001601/ psi 3

setpoint penalty coefficient Time constants utilized in the lead-lag compensator t12 8 sec.

for AT T2 s 3 sec.

l Time constant utilized in the lag compensator for AT T3 s 2 sec.

l i

Time constants utilized in the lead-lag compensator T4 2 28 sec.

for T.,,

T5 5 4 Sec-Time constant utilized in the measured T.,, lag T6 s 2 sec.

compensator -

f (AI)" positive" breakpoint

= 19.0 %AI t

f (AI) " negative" breakpoint

= N/A*

t f (AI)." positive" slope

= 1.769 %ATo/ %AT 1

f (AI)" negative" slope

= N/A*

t The f (AI) " negative" breakpoint and the f (AI) " negative" slope are not applicable since the fg(AI) 1 1

function is not required below the f (AI) " positive" breakpoint of 19.0% AI.

i 1



  • T MCEI-040046

' ;.f --

P ge 19 of 23 Revision 18 McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report 2.9.2 Overpower AT Setpoint Parameter Values j

j Parameter -

Value K s 1.086359

- Overpower AT reactor trip setpoint 4

Overpower AT reactor trip heatup setpoint K = 0.001179/0F 6

(penalty coefficient i

Time constants utilized in the lead-lag t 2 8 sec.

i compensator for AT T s 3 sec.

2 Time constant utilized in the lag t s 2 sec.

3 compensator for AT -

Time constant utilized in the measured T vg 1 s 2 sec.

6 lag compensator


' Time constant utilized in the rate-lag 1 2 5 sec.

7 controller for Tavs f (AI) " positive" breakpoint

= 35.0 %AI 2

f (AI) " negative" breakpoint ~

= -35.0 %AI 2

f (AI) " positive" slope

= 7.0 %ATg %AI 2

f (AI) " negative" slope

= 7.0 %ATg %AI 2

o i

I -

r-a 4

MCEI4400-46 S'.

Page 20 of 23 Revision 18 l

j McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report l

2.10 Accumulators (TS 3.5.1) 2.10.1 Boron concentration limits during modes 1 and 2, and mode 3 with RCS pressure

>1000 psi:

1 Parameter Limit j

Cold Leg Accumulator minimum boron concentration.

2,475 ppm Cold Leg Accumulator maximum boron concentration.

2,875 ppm


2.11 Refueling Water Storage Tank - RWST (TS 3.5.4) 1 2.11.1 Boron concentration limits during modes 1,2,3, and 4:

Parameter Limit Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum boron 2,675 ppm concentration.

Refueling Water Storage Tank maximum boron 2,875 ppm concentration.

l l

f L




1 MCEI-040046 j.

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Revision 18 l

McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report 2.12 Spent Fuel Pool Boron Concentration (TS 3.7.14) 2.12.1 Minimum boron concentration limit for the s;fent fuel pool. Applicable when fuel assemblies are stored in the spent fuel pool.

l Parameter Limit Spent fuel pool minimum boron concentration.

2,675 ppm 2.13 Refueling Operations - Boron Concentration (TS 3.9.1) 2.13.1 Minimum boron concentration limit for the filled portions of the Reactor Coolant System, refueling canal, and refueling cavity for mode 6 conditions. The minimum boron concentration limit and plant refueling procedures ensure that the Keff of the core will remain within the mode 6 reactivity requirement of Keff s 0.95.

l Parameter Limit j

Minimum Boron concentration of the Reactor Coolam 2,675 ppm System, the refueling canal, and the refueling cavity.

t., ;


[ *, g,

. MCEI4400-46 l_

Page 22 of 23 Revision 18 i

McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report 2.14' Borated Water Source-Shutdown (SLC 16.15 - 2.14.1 Volume and boron concentrations for the Boric Acid Storage System and the j

Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) during modes 5 and 6.

Parameter Limit Boric Acid Storage System minimum contained 8,884 gallons borated water volume 10% Level Boric Acid Storage System minimum boron 7,000 ppm concentration Boric Acid Storage System minimum water 585 gallons J

volume required to maintain SDM at 7,000 ppm Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum 43,000 gallons contained borated water volume 35 inches Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum boron 2,675 ppm concentration Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum water 3,500 gallons volume required to maintain SDM at 2,675 ppm l


F 4"


MCEl-040046 Page 23 of 23 Revision 10


McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Core Operating Limits Report 2.15 Horated Water Source - Operating (SLC 16.15 -


2.15.1' Volume and boron concentrations for the Boric Acid Storage System and the Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) during modes 1,2,3, and mode 4:

1 l

Parameter Limit Boric Acid Storage System minimum contained 22,520 gallons borated water volume 39.0% 12 vel Boric Acid Storage System minimum boron 7,000 ppm concentration Boric Acid Storage System minimum water 11,851 gallons volume required to maintain SDM at 7,000 ppm Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum 96,607 gallons contained borated water volume 103.6 inches Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum boron 2,675 ppm concentration Refueling Water Storage Tank maximum boron 2875 ppm concentration (TS 3.5.4)

Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum water 57,107 gallons volume required to maintain SDM at 2,675 ppm NOTE: Data contained in the Appendix to this document was generated in the McGuire 1 Cycle 14 Maneuvering Analysis calculation file, MCC-1553.05-00-0289. The Plant Nuclear Engineering Section will control this information via computer file (s) and should be contacted if there is a need to access this information.