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Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-34 to Provide Current Identification of All Class I Hydraulic Snubbers. Class II Fee Encl
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/28/1979
From: Lee O
To: Gammill W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19209B703 List:
P-79218, NUDOCS 7910100338
Download: ML19209B702 (4)



Sep tembe r 28, 1979 Fort St. Vrain Unit No. 1 P-79218 Mr. Willian P. Ga:amill Assistant Director for Standardization and Advanced Reactors Division of Project Managemnt U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Corniscion Washington, D.C.

20555 Docket No. 50-267 S UBJECT: Technical Specification Change Table 4.3.10-1 of LCO 4.3.10 REPERENCE : 1) P-77153 2)


3) P-78062

Dear Mr. Garraill:

This letter is to propose the following change to the Fort St. Vrain Technical Speci fica ticus :

1) Table 4.3.10-1 (i.rtachmnt 1)

This chango supersedes the changes to Table.i.3.10-1 requested in P-77153 (Re f-crence

.), P-73003, Attachrnat 1, Page 6 of 8, Iten Number 5 (Reference 2, and P-78062, Attachrent 2 (Re fereece 3).

The revised table provides tne current identification of all Class I hydraulic a nubbe rs.

In accordance with the provisions of 10CFR170, we believe that the proposed change is amndment fee Class 11 since it is pro forma in nature.

A draf t ir the amount of $1,200 for the fee payraent is attache?-

We request your concurrence with the proposed revisions as soon as possible.

If you have questions, please contact Mr. D. W. Warembourg, (303) 571-74 36.

Very truly yours,


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