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License Renewal Application Amendment 30 - Annual Update
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/09/2012
From: Allen B S
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
L-12-262, TAC ME4640
Download: ML12229A139 (15)


FENOC FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company 5501 North State Route 2 Oak Harbor. Ohio 43449 Barry S. Allen Vice President

-Nuclear 419-321-7676 Fax: 419-321-7582 August 9, 2012 L-1 2-262 10 CFR 54 ATTN: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 Docket No. 50-346, License Number NPF-3 License Renewal Application Amendment No. 30 -Annual Update (TAC No. ME4640)By letter dated August 27, 2010 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML102450565), FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) submitted an application pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 54 for renewal of Operating License NPF-3 for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (Davis-Besse).

Each year following submittal of a license renewal application (LRA) and at least 3 months before scheduled completion of the NRC review, 10 CFR 54.21(b) requires an amendment to the renewal application to be submitted identifying any change to the current licensing basis (CLB) of the facility that materially affects the contents of the license renewal application, including the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) supplement.

The Attachment provides a summary of the CLB changes that materially affect the LRA.Enclosure A provides Amendment No. 30 (Annual Update) to the DBNPS LRA as required by 10 CFR 54.21(b).

Enclosure B provides new and revised LRA boundary drawings.There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter. If there are any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Clifford I. Custer, Fleet License Renewal Project Manager, at 724-682-7139.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on August __, 2012.Sincerely, Barry S. Allený' / ()5 K19 X F--F-Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 L-12-262 Page 2


Current Licensing Basis (CLB) Changes that Materially Affect the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (Davis-Besse), License Renewal Application (LRA)


A. Amendment No. 30 (Annual Update) to the Davis-Besse License Renewal Application B. New and Revised Davis-Besse License Renewal Application Boundary Drawings cc: NRC DLR Project Manager NRC Region III Administrator cc: w/o Attachment or Enclosures NRC DLR Director NRR DORL Project Manager NRC Resident Inspector Utility Radiological Safety Board Attachment L-12-262 Current Licensing Basis (CLB) Changes that Materially Affect the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (Davis-Besse), License Renewal Application (LRA), Page 1 of 1 A review of Davis-Besse CLB document changes since submittal of the 2011 License Renewal Application Annual Update provided by FENOC letter dated September 30, 2011 (ML1 1276A078), identified two design changes that materially affect the contents of the Davis-Besse License Renewal Application, as follows: 1 .The Chemical Addition System was modified in March of 2012 to install a zinc injection skid. The components of the zinc injection skid satisfy the scoping criteria of 10 CFR 54.4(a)(2), and are highlighted on new license renewal boundary drawing LR-M045, Sheet 1. The aging management review results for the zinc injection skid are included in LRA Table 3.3.2-5, "Aging Management Review Results -Chemical Addition System." LRA Section, "Chemical Addition System," Table 2.3.3-5, "Chemical Addition System Components Subject to Aging Management Review," Section, "Chemical Addition System," and Table 3.3.2-5, "Aging Management Review Results -Chemical Addition System," are revised to account for the addition of the zinc injection skid. New license renewal boundary drawing LR-M045, Sheet 1 is added to depict the evaluation boundary of the zinc injection skid. Plant modifications associated with the addition of the zinc injection skid also resulted in changes to license renewal boundary drawings LR-MO10D Sheet 1, LR-M031A, LR-M037D and LR-M045.2. An articulating boom crane, known as the Containment Auxiliary Crane, was installed as permanent plant equipment during the Cycle 17 refueling outage that ended on June 13, 2012. This crane is capable of handling heavy loads, and therefore is subject to the requirements set forth in NUREG-0612, "Control of Lifting and Handling of Heavy Loads." The license renewal "Cranes and Hoists Inspection Program" is credited with managing the aging effects applicable to the crane structural components.

LRA Sections A. 1.10 and B.2.10, both titled "Cranes and Hoists Inspection Program," and Section A. 1.44, "References," are revised to include reference to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) B30.22, "Articulating Boom Cranes." See Enclosure A to this letter for the revision to the Davis-Besse LRA.See Enclosure B to this letter for the new and revised LRA Boundary Drawings.

Enclosure A Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (Davis-Besse)

Letter L-1 2-262 Amendment No. 30 (Annual Update) to the Davis-Besse License Renewal Application Page 1 of 10 License Renewal Application Sections Affected Section Table 2.3.3-5 Section Table 3.3.2-5 Section A. 1.10 Section A. 1.44 Section B.2.10 The Enclosure identifies the change to the License Renewal Application (LRA) by Affected LRA Section, LRA Page No., and Affected Paragraph and Sentence.

The count for the affected paragraph, sentence, bullet, etc. starts at the beginning of the affected Section or at the top of the affected page, as appropriate.

Below each section the reason for the change is identified, and the sentence affected is printed in italics with deleted text fined-e and added text underlined.

Enclosure A L-12-262 Page 2 of 10 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paragraph and Sentence Pages 2.3-62 Description, 2 nd paragraph and new and 2.3-63 5 th paragraph; License Renewal Drawings, new drawing; and, Components Subject to AMR, 3 rd paragraph, bulleted item Based on the installation of the new Zinc Injection System, the 2 nd paragraph is revised and a new 5 th paragraph is added to the "Description" of LRA Section, "Chemical Addition System." Additionally, a new license renewal boundary drawing number is added to the list of "License Renewal Drawings," and the bulleted item under the 3 rd paragraph of "Components Subject to AMR," is revised. LRA Section is revised to read as follows: 2 nd Paragraph revision: The Chemical Addition System provides a boric acid solution to the Boric Acid Addition System, and provides lithium hydroxide, hydrazine, ammonia, and other chemical amines to control pH and oxygen in the plant systems fed by the Reactor Coolant Chemical Addition System and Steam Generator Wet Layup Chemical Addition System. In addition, the Chemical Addition System injects zinc acetate into the RCS to reduce the radiation source term and for mitigation of primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) of Alloy 600 components.

New 5 th Paragraph:

Zinc acetate is mixed into the Zinc Iniection Mix Tank (DB-T99) with a mixer.Demineralized water is supplied from the Demineralized Water System. The solution is transferred from the Zinc Injection Mix Tank by one of two Zinc Injection Pumps (DB-P295-1 and DB-P295-2) that are capable of independent operation.

The Chemical Addition System injects zinc acetate into the RCS to reduce the radiation source term and for mitigation of primary water stress corrosion crackina (PWSCC) of Alloy 600 components Enclosure A L-12-262 Page 3 of 10 License Renewal Drawings The following license renewal drawings depict the evaluation boundaries for the system components within the scope of license renewal: LR-M035, LR-M037D, LR-M039A, LR-M039B, LR-M045, LR-M045 Sheet I Components Subject to AMR In addition to those components specifically excluded in 10 CFR 54.21(a)(1)(i), such as instruments, the following components are within the scope of license renewal but are not subject to AMR: The internals (screens) for the lithium hydroxide mix tank discharge strainer (DB-S334), the and-hydrazine pump suction strainer (DB-S335).

the zinc iniection pumps suction strainer (DB-S463) and the zinc injection pumps discharge strainer (DB-S464) are not subject to AMR because these strainers are in scope only for potential leakage and spray considerations in accordance with 10 CFR 54.4(a) (2), and serve only a structural integrity function.

Enclosure A L-12-262 Page 4 of 10 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No.Page 2.3-64 Affected Paragraph and Sentence Table 2.3.3-5 3 new rows Based on the installation of the new Zinc Injection System, LRA Table 2.3.3-5,"Chemical Addition System Components Subject to Aging Management Review," is revised to include 3 new rows, to read as follows: Component Type Intended Function ST(as defined in Table 2.0-1)Pump Casinq -Zinc iniection pumps Structural integrity (DB-P295-1

& 2)Sight glass Structural integrity Tank -Zinc iniection mix tank (DB-T99) Structural integrity Enclosure A L-12-262 Page 5 of 10 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No.Affected Paragraph and Sentence"Materials" subsection, new material; Page 3.3-9 Based on the installation of the new Zinc Injection System, the "Materials" subsection of Section, "Chemical Addition System," is revised to read as follows: Materials The materials of construction for subject mechanical components of the Chemical Addition System are: 0 Glass 0 Stainless steel Enclosure A L-12-262 Page 6 of 10 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No.Page 3.3-230 Affected Paragraph and Sentence Table 3.3.2-5 12 New Rows Based on the installation of the new Zinc Injection System, LRA Table 3.3.2-5, "Aging Management Review Results -Chemical Addition System," is revised to include 12 new rows as follows: Table 3.3.2-5 Aging Management Review Results -Chemical Addition System dAging Effect NUREG-Row Component Intended Material Environment Requiring Aging Management 1801, Table Notes No. Type Function(s)

Management Program Volume 2 Item Item Pump Casing Air with-Zinc Air w ath Iniection Structural Stainless borated water None None VII.J-16 3.3.1-99 A Pump (DB- integritx Steel leakal)ge P295-1 & 2) (External)

Pump Casing-inc Structural Stainless Air-indoor Injection Structu Stanle uncontrolled None None VII.J-15 3.3.1-94 A Pump (DB- i Steel (External)

P295-1 & 2)Pump Casing-Zinc Injection Structural Stainless Treated water Loss of Pump (DB- integrity Steel (Internal) material One-Time Insection VII.E3-15 3.3.1-24 A P295-1 & 2)

Enclosure A L-12-262 Page 7 of 10 Table 3.3.2-5 Aging Management Review Results -Chemical Addition System dAging Effect NUREG-Row Component Intended Material Environment Requiring Aging Management 1801, Table 1 Notes No. Type Function(s)

Management Program Volume 2 Item Item Pump Casing-Zinc Structural Stainless Treated water Loss of PWR Water-- Injection VIIE315 3.31-4_Pump (DB- integrit Steel (Internal) material Chemistry V. E3-15 3.3.1-24 A P295-1 & 2)Sight qlass Structural Glass Moist air None None VII.J-13 3.3.1-93 A integrit (Internal)

-Sight glass Structural Glass Treated water None None VIIJ-13 3.3.1-93 A inte.grity (Internal)

Air with-Sight glass Structural Glass borated water None None N/A N/A G integrity leakage _N/ NA_(External)

Structural Air-indoor Sight glass Glass uncontrolled None None VII.J-8 3.3.1-93 A i(External)

Enclosure A L-12-262 Page 8 of 10 Table 3.3.2-5 Aging Management Review Results -Chemical Addition System Aging Effect NUREG-Row Component Intended Material Environment Requiring Aging Management 1801, Table 1 Notes No. Type Function(s)

Management Program Volume 2 Item Item Tank -Zinc Injection Mix Structural Stainless Treated water Loss of Tank integrity Steel (Internal) material (DB- T99)Tank- Zinc Iniection Mix Structural Stainless Treated water Loss of PWR Water V11.E3-15 3.3.1-24 C Tank integrty Steel (Internal) material Chemistry (DB-T99)Tank -Zinc Air with Iniection Mix Structural Stainless borated water None None VIIJ-16 3.3.1-99 C Tank integrity Steel leakage (DB-T99) (External)

Tank -Zinc Air-indoor Iniection Structural Stainless uncontrolled None None VII. J- 15 3.3.1-94 C Tank integrity Steel (External)(DB-T99)

Enclosure A L-12-262 Page 9 of 10 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No.Affected Paragraph and Sentence A.1.10 Page A-12 2 nd Paragraph Based on the installation of the new Containment Auxiliary Crane, the 2 nd paragraph of LRA Section A.1.10, "Cranes and Hoists Inspection Program," previously revised by FENOC letter dated May 24, 2011 (ML1 1 151A090), is revised to read as follows: The Cranes and Hoists Inspection Program is based on guidance contained in ANSI B30.2 [Reference A. 1-5] for overhead and gantry cranes, ANSI B30. 11[Reference A. 1-6] for monorail systems and underhung cranes, ad-ANSI B30.16[Reference A. 1-7] for overhead hoists and ANSI B30.22 for articulating boom cranes [Reference A. 1-221. The program includes a review of the number and magnitude of lifts made by a crane, monorail or hoist.Affected LRA Section LRA Page No.Affected Paragraph and Sentence A.1.44 Page A-27 New reference listing Based on the installation of the new Containment Auxiliary Crane, a new reference listing is added to LRA Section A. 1.44, "References," previously renumbered from A.1.43 to A.1.44 by FENOC letter dated April 5, 2012 (ML12097A520), and the section is revised to read as follows: A.1.44 REFERENCES A. 1-22 ANSI B30.22, "Articulatinq Boom Cranes," 2010 Enclosure A L- 12-262 Page 10 of 10 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paragraph and Sentence B.2.10 Page B-52 Description, 2 nd Paragraph Based on the installation of the new Containment Auxiliary Crane, the 2 nd paragraph of LRA Section B.2.10, "Cranes and Hoists Inspection Program," previously revised by FENOC letter dated May 24, 2011 (ML1 1 151A090), is revised to read as follows: The Cranes and Hoists Inspection Program is a condition monitoring program that is based on guidance contained in American National Standards Institute (ANSI) B30.2 for overhead and gantry cranes, ANSI B30. 11 for monorail systems and underhung cranes, and-ANSI B30.16 for overhead hoists and ANSI B30.22 for articulating boom cranes. The inspections monitor structural members for signs of corrosion and wear and bolted connections for loose bolts and missing or loose nuts. The inspections are performed periodically for installed cranes and hoists. The program includes a review of the number and magnitude of lifts made by a crane, monorail or hoist.

Enclosure B Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (Davis-Besse)

Letter L-12-262 New and Revised Davis-Besse License Renewal Application Boundary Drawings 5 pages follow The following License Renewal Application Boundary Drawing is new and is enclosed: LR Drawing LR-M045 Sheet I Revision 0 The following License Renewal Application Boundary Drawings are revised and are enclosed: LR Drawing LR-MOIOD Sheet I Revision 4 LR Drawing LR-M031A Revision 3 LR Drawing LR-M037D Revision 5 LR Drawing LR-M045 Revision 3 THE FOLLOWING 5 DRAWINGS SPECIFICALLY REFERENCED ENCLOSURE B DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT NO. 1 DOI TO D05X