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Attachment 2, to 11/16/2004 Meeting Summary Regarding Tornado Mitigation Strategy
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/06/2004
Duke Energy Corp
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Olshan L N, NRR/DLPM, 415-1419
Shared Package
ML043630033 List:
TAC MC4608, TAC MC4609, TAC MC4610
Download: ML043450171 (25)


Duke Oconee Nuclear Site

[ Energysm NRC public meeting to discuss Oconee tornado mitigation strategy November 16, 2004 11/16/2004 1 Attachment 2

Duke Agenda

  • Purpose of Meeting
  • Oconee Tornado PRA Status Report
  • Risk Reduction Team (RRT) - Charter
  • RRT Findings
  • Summary
  • Schedule 11/16/2004 2

Duke Purpose of Meeting

[ Energysm

  • Provide a tornado risk model status update.
  • Present results from Oconee Tornado Risk reduction team whose mission is to evaluate modifications that would improve PRA, defense-in-depth, and equipment reliability/availability.
  • At this point, leave the Staff with a better understanding of the Oconee direction with regard to those modifications being evaluated.

11/16/2004 3

.uke Oconee Tornado PRA Status EnergySM Report Major Tornado Analysis Updates Since 2002 LAR

  • SSF Diesel Generator Reliability Data
  • Human Error Dependency Analysis

,Duke Energysm SSF D/G Reliability

  • Conducted Detailed Review of

- Failure Data

- Start Demands & Loaded Run Hours

  • Resulted in Lower Failure Estimated Rates

- 2 re-classified events

- Undercounted start demands and run hours 0


Oconee SSF Diesel Generator Reliability is very comparable to average industry diesel reliability except for the maintenance unavailability caused by Unit 2 CCW outages.

11/16/2004 5

Duke Human Reliability Energysm Analysis

  • The Oconee PRA Rev. 2 was criticized in its PRA Peer Review for not adequately addressing Human Error Dependencies when multiple human actions occur in the same accident sequence.
  • Duke recently completed implementation of a new human error dependency model to address Oconee human error combinations.

- Results in an increase in the estimated CDF.

- This addresses an important PRA quality issue affecting the tornado analysis results.

11/1.6/2004 6

Duke Tornado Missile Analysis For Tornado Missile Damage:

@Duke seeks to justify U3 CR North Wall design based on low damage probability.

- U3 CR North Wall


- Other Targets of Interest

  • Unit 3 Control Room North Wall Found Acceptable 11/16/2004 7

EDnergy Tornado Missile Analysis BWST Modeling Changes

  • Old TORMIS model used an arbitrary tank thickness (1/8 inch) instead of actual tank thickness.
  • BWST constructed of 7 tiers of welded steel plates
  • New model uses thickness 0.3125 (sides) and 0.25 (dome) e Correction results in significantly lower damage probabilities. (and still very conservative) 11/16/2004 8

Duke Energysm Updated BWST Results F-Scale Basic Event .. Freq Initiator Conditional Con a +;- Ol Value IdVles.' % Chang Change Prob.(

F-2 BF2BWSTDEX 5.37E-05 0.020 0.01i -72%

F-3 BF3BWSTDEX 4.12E-05 0.037 0 166 -78%

F-4 BF4BWSTDEX 3.59E-05 0.051 0 -84%

F-5 BF5BWSTDEX 1.71 E-06 0.073 0439 -83%

Total Frequency 4.56E-06 2s; '3E -80%

I i 11/16/2004 9

Duke Steam Generator Enera Replacement

  • Replacement SG design improvements

- Higher Compressive Tube Stress Capacity

  • Analysis Improvements

- Higher Initial SG Operating Level

- Increased Time Available for Feedwater Recovery

- Improved Human Reliability Estimates for TDEFWP Recovery and SSF ASW Alignment 11/16/2004 10

Dukey Tornado Risk Results

  • Historical Estimates of 5.E-05 Tornado CDF have produced consistent results relative to 4.E-05 the uncertainty associated with tornado data and 3.E-05 modeling techlniques, and general PRA uncertainties Preliminary 2.E-05 -Rev. 3
  • Current Oconee tornado risk remains consistent with historical estimates, but with 1E05 less modeling uncertainty.

O.E+00O NSAC/60 IPE IPEEE Rev. 2 LAR Final OR3

  • Results based on WOG2000 Seal LOCA model. CEOG model is worth approximately 3E-06/yr reduction in overall CDF.

11/16/2004 11

Duke CDF Reduction Benefits

  • "Public" Benefits estimated using methodology similar to SAMA methodology

(-'$40,000 to --$50,000 per 1E-06/yr CDF reduction)

)Major Plant Modifications are not cost justified based on PRA benefit alone.

11/16/2004 12

Duke Risk Reduction Team (RRT) -

ne@gySM Charter

  • Gather subject matter experts from various plant organizations, from the general office, and outside consultants to serve on the RRT.
  • Improve Mitigation Strategies for Risk Significant Design Basis Issues
  • Consider current design basis initiatives and their impact to the overall risk profile.
  • Consider, as appropriate, potential modifications that would significantly reduce risk, without creating additional operator burden.

11/16/2004 13

Duke PRA Insights Review of ONS PRA provided the following insights into current plant vulnerabilities:

  • Reliance on the Standby Shutdown Facility (SSF) or Station Auxiliary Service Water (ASW) for event mitigation.
  • Majority of top postulated equipment failures are related to the SSF.
  • Majority of top postulated operator failures are related to actions associated with the SSF or Station ASW.

11/16/2004 14

Durke Risk Reduction Strategy Energy..

>Improve Availability and Reliability of the SSF

)>Provide a Reliable back-up to the SSF 11/16/2004 15

Duke Tornado Mitigation Risks

  • Issues with Secondary Side Heat Removal (SSHR).

- Potential Loss of Station ASW Pump Flow Control.

- Ability to Operate the Atmospheric Dump Valves (ADVs).

- Steam Generator Compressive Tube Stresses.

- Pressurizer Safety Valve Reseating.

11/16/2004 16

,Duke Tornado Mitigation Risks Energysm (cont.)

  • Issues with Primary Side Volume and Pressure Control.

- Potential missile damage to Borated Water Storage Tank (BWST).

- Ability to Access LP-28 (BWST Outlet Valve).

- Potential Failure of Main Steam Branch lines.

- Potential Loss of Spent Fuel Pool Suction for High Pressure Injection (HPI).

11/16/2004 17

i Duke Tornado Mitigation Risks Energysm (cont.)

  • Structural Protection Issues

- Potential missile damage to BWST.

- Potential Structural Failure of Unit 3 Control Room Wall.

- Potential Structural Failure of West Penetration Room.

11/16/2004 18

,Duke Tornado Mitigation Risks Energysm (cont.)

  • Potential Loss of 4kv Power and Control Power.

- Failure of 4kv Bus

- Loss of Control Power 11/16/2004 19

Duke Potential SSHR

[Energysm Modifications

  • New High Head Station ASW pump with replacement of existing piping and addition of necessary flow control.
  • Use existing Station ASW pump, with addition of motor operated valves (MOVs), flow control instrumentation, and replacement of current ADVs with MOVs.
  • New Emergency Feedwater (EFW) system outside of Turbine Building.
  • Provide alternateSSFASWpu7np suction source (Increase SSF availability).

11/16/2004 20

Duke Potential Primary Side EnEergySm Modifications

  • Protect Sufficient BWST Volume.
  • Ensure Letdown Storage Tank. (LDST) mak-e up from Bleed Holdup Tank and Concentrated Boric Acid Storage Tank
  • Improve Power Supply to HPI Pumps.

11/16/2004 21

Duke Potential Structural 5Energy. AModifications

  • Provide Missile Protection for BWST and Wind Protection for West Penetration Room and Cask Decontamination Room.
  • Provide Wind Protection for West Penetration Room and Cask Decontamination Room (assumes that BWST absorbs missiles)
  • Provide Wind and Missile Protection for Main Feeder Bus and associated switchgear in Turbine Building.
  • Provide Wind (dp) Protectionfor Unit 3 Control Room Wall (This item previously committed).

11/16/2004 22

Duke Potential 4kv and Control n~ergySM Power Modifications

  • Upgrade Protected Power Path from Standby Bus 1 to ASW Switchgear.
  • New Onsite Power Source: Either New Combustion Turbine or Diesel, with all required support systems and protected power path to ASW switchgear.
  • Protect Power Path from Main Feeder Bus (including TC, TD, TE switchgear).
  • Provide Protected power path to battery chargers from ASW Switchgear.
  • Provide Back Up Power to SSFfrom a Protected Power Source (Improve SSF Availability).

11/16/2004 23

DukeS Summary

  • Updated PRA model shows significant tornado risk reduction
  • Initiated Overall Risk Reduction Effort in order to identify modification alternatives that would improve Oconee's mitigation strategies, PRA, defense in depth, equipment reliability and availability
  • Modification Alternative to be selected will effectively address issues discussed 11/16/2004 24

Dukes Energy5. Schedule

  • Risk Reduction Team meeting

- Complete

  • Present findings to plant management

- Mid-December 2004

  • Plant Management approval

- January 2005

  • Feasibility study completed

- July2005

  • Detailed scoping and cost estimate completed

- July2006

- October 2006 11/16/2004 25