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Summary of April 9, 2013, Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, to Discuss the Re-evaluation of External Flooding for Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/06/2013
From: Boska J
Plant Licensing Branch II
Duke Energy Carolinas
Boska J
Shared Package
ML13122A430 List:
TAC MF0518, TAC MF0519, TAC MF0520
Download: ML13122A436 (5)






0 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 Iii  :

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" '? ~o" May 6, 2013

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LICENSEE: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC FACILITY: Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3



OF APRIL 9, 2013, MEETING WITH DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, TO DISCUSS THE REEVALUATION OF EXTERNAL FLOODING FOR OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNITS 1,2, AND 3 On April 9, 2013, a Category 1 public meeting was held among staff from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and representatives of Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke or the licensee) at NRC Headquarters, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland. A list of attendees is enclosed. Additional people participated by teleconference. The purpose of the meeting was to allow the licensee to discuss the methods that would be used to respond to the NRC's request for a reevaluation of external flooding at the Oconee Nuclear Station. This reevaluation was requested of all commercial power reactors as part of the NRC's Fukushima lessons-learned process, as stated in an NRC letter dated March 12, 2012, Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML12053A340.

The licensee's presentation is found in the meeting slides (ADAMS Accession No. ML13095A213). The licensee also submitted a flood hazard reevaluation report to the NRC on March 12, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML13079A227). A public meeting between the NRC staff and the licensee to discuss that report was held on March 25, 2013. The preliminary conclusions from the flood hazard reevaluation report indicate that either of two events, local intense precipitation or the failure of an upstream dam (the Jocassee Dam), will require the licensee to also submit the integrated assessment report. The NRC's typical schedule is for licensees to submit the integrated assessment report within two years of the flood hazard evaluation report, but the licensee reported that they will be submitting the integrated assessment report later this year in order to stay on schedule with actions that were previously committed to the NRC for external flooding at Oconee Nuclear Station, including actions in response to the NRC's confirmatory action letter on the flooding hazard at the Oconee Nuclear Station.

In this meeting the licensee discussed their current schedule. Duke is requesting NRC review and approval of the flood hazard reevaluation report by June 2013, as it provides a basis for the future integrated assessment report. The NRC staff stated that they are preparing a contract for an independent review of the dam breach parameters in the report, and that the contractor must also be accepted by FERC, which has regulatory authority over the Jocassee Dam. The NRC staff stated that they would issue a safety assessment of the flood hazard reevaluation report when their review is completed. Duke has a target date of October 2013 for submittal of the integrated assessment report to the NRC, and Duke requested NRC review and approval by

-2 February 2014. The licensee stated that they needed the NRC's approval in order to provide a basis for the design of modifications for the plant site.

The licensee will follow the NRC interim staff guidance on preparing the integrated assessment report, which is found in JLD-ISG-2012-05, "Guidance for Performing the Integrated Assessment for External Flooding," dated November 30,2012, ADAMS Accession No. ML12311A214. Appendix B of that document requires a peer review of the final integrated assessment report. Duke stated that they have already formed a peer review team of three people, and are involving them in the process early so they will have the time to perform a comprehensive review.

The licensee has requested to continue to have periodic meetings with the NRC staff in order to quickly resolve any items that may affect the timeliness of the integrated assessment report.

Staff from FERC also participated in this meeting. FERC is the regulatory authority for water control structures within the FERC project boundaries, which include the Jocassee Dam and the Keowee Dam.

Public Meeting Feedback forms were made available at the meeting. As of the date of this meeting summary, no completed feedback forms have been received.

Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-2901, or by email to

O:;:~ka~Oject Uf:~t ~iCenSing Branch 11-1 Manager Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50-269, 50-270, and 50-287


List of Attendees cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv



Oconee Nuclear Station Flooding Evaluation Discussion Date: April 9, 2013 Location: NRC HQ OWFN Room 0-486 PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ORGANIZATION Nfl-C NRR...




Oconee Nuclear Station Flooding Evaluation Discussion Date: April 9, 2013 Location: NRC HQ OWFN Room 0-486 PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ORGANIZATION B;H A (\ er-b", (I,,,, ;) h..........) F,z,'-L 1> ~-.Jo4t,. {&"-O lA. C;.., flL.. ........\ F,zR.c...


ML12311A214. Appendix B of that document requires a peer review of the final integrated assessment report. Duke stated that they have already formed a peer review team of three people, and are involving them in the process early so they will have the time to perform a comprehensive review.

The licensee has requested to continue to have periodic meetings with the NRC staff in order to quickly resolve any items that may affect the timeliness of the integrated assessment report.

Staff from FERC also participated in this meeting. FERC is the regulatory authority for water control structures within the FERC project boundaries, which include the Jocassee Dam and the Keowee Dam.

Public Meeting Feedback forms were made available at the meeting. As of the date of this meeting summary, no completed feedback forms have been received.

Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-2901, or by email to


John P. Boska, Senior Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch 11-1 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos. 50-269, 50-270, and 50-287


List of Attendees cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv DISTRIBUTION:

PUBLIC RPascarelli JMonninger LPL2-1 rtf RidsNrrDorl GWilson RidsNrrDorlLpl2-1 Resource EMiller CCook MBensi KManoly JUribe RidsNrrPMOconee RidsNrrLASFigueroa RidsRgn2MailCenter DORLlLPL2-1/LA DORLlLPL2-1/BC DORLlLPL2-1/PM SFigueroa RPascarelli JBoska 05/0612013 05/0612013 05/06/2013