IR 05000482/1987026

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Insp Rept 50-482/87-26 on 870921-25.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Chemistry/ Radiochemistry Program & Water Chemistry & Radiochemistry Confirmatory Measurements.Previously Identified Item Closed
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 10/19/1987
From: Murray B, Nicholas J, Wise R
Shared Package
ML20236G396 List:
50-482-87-26, NUDOCS 8711020529
Download: ML20236G415 (19)



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NRC Inspection Report: 50-482/87-26 License: NPF-42 Docket: 50-482 Licensee: Wolf' Creek Nuclear Operations Corporation (WCNOC)

P. O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)

Inspection At: WCGS Site, Burlington, Kansas Inspection Conducted: September 21-25, 1987

Inspectors: ,

ah 9' d,/w' /o //r/f 7 yB. Nicholas,SeniorRadiationSpecialist, Date l Facilities Radiological Protection Section i

Gi R. Wise, Radiation Specialist, Facilities afr/rf Date Radiological Protection Section Approved: 8 G M//f(gv/g /C[/9/N B.Murray, Chief, Faci /ltiesRadiological Dath '/

Protection Section Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted September 21-25, 1987 (Report 50-482/87-26)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced insper. tion of the licensee's chemistry / radiochemistry program and water cheiristry and radiochemistry confirmatory measurement Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified. One previously identified deviation, violation, and unresolved item were close SW O

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1 PersonsContact$d WCNOC



BE D.' Withers, President, WCNOC l

  • F. ' T. Rhodes, . Vice President, Nuclear Operations

.*G.'D. Boyer,' Plant Manager

, *T. F.? East,; Chemistry Training Specialist



  • R. Flannigan, Supervisor,. Compliance-


' *S. - A.: Henry, Primary Chemistry Supervisor

  • C. J.LHoch, QA Technician-


  • W.,M. Lindsay,zSupervisor, Quality Systems
  • R.-L.-Logsdon,-Site Chemist
  • A. 5..Mah, Supervisor, General' Training


  • J. McMahon,- Supervisor, Technical Trainin L -'C. M. Medenciy, Health Physics Radwaste Supervisor
  • T. S..Morrill, Site 1 Health Physicist-2*M. M. Nichols, Superintendent, Plant Support-


  • C.,L. Palmer, Radwaste Chemistry Supervisor-

-*C. G. Patrick, Superintendent, Quality Evaluations

  • G UJ.':Pendergrass; Licensing Engineer-
  • K. R.' Peterson, Licensing Lead Engineer L

B. D? Reischman, Senior Engineer (Nuclear Chemist), Nuclear Services  :

  • W. J. Rudolph.II, Manager,.QA


  • S. 'R. Sparks, ' Licensing Engineer R. M. Stambaugh', Supervisor, QA Audits
  • H. L.-Stubby,, Chemistry Training Program Coordinator M. G. Williams,-Superintendent of Regulatory, Quality, and Administration


' *J. H. Ziesenis, Secondary LChemistry Supervisor '


  • B. L. Bartlett, NRCLResident Inspector, Wolf Creek
  • K. H.-Oh,. Observer, Korea Advanced Energy _Research Institute


  • Denotes those individuals present during the exit interview conducted on


September 25, 1987.

  • - The NRC inspectors also interviewed several other licensee employees p -during the inspection.

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2.' Followup on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Deviation (482/8543-01):- - Radiological Environment Monitoring

! Program This deviation was identified in NRC Inspection-

-Report 50-482/85-43 and involved the failure of the gamma isotopic analysis to meet the specified lower limit of detection (LLD) for 132I in broadleaf



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I vegetation sample The NRC inspectors' reviewed the licensee's response i and' corrective actions to the deviation. The licensee and environmental contractor laboratory have resolved the problem of time delay between sample collection and analysis which' a higher LLD for 131 ,The NRC inspectors reviewed the 1985 and 1986 Annual Environmental Monitoring Reports and verified that the environmental contractor 1 laboratory was meeting the specified LLD for istI analysis in broadleaf vegetation samples. This deviation is; considered close (Closed) Violation (482/8708-01): Failure to Properly Control, Store, and i Protect' Quality Assurance Records - This violation was identified in NRC

{ Inspection Report 50-482/87-08 and involved improper control and storage of radwaste shipment QA records. The NRC inspectors reviewed the  ;

licensee's response and; corrective actions to the violation. The licensee '

has implemented a procedure change to Procedure HPH-09-530 which designates the Health Physics Supervisor ~ - Radwaste as the person responsible to store ^and protect radwaste shipment QA records and transmit j these records to the QA records room (QARR) within one month of l completion. The NRC inspectors reviewed the procedure change to 4 Procedure HPH-09-530 and verified that all completed radwaste shipment QA records generated between 1985 and August 1987 had been properly transmitted to the QARR. This violation is considered close (Closed) Unresolved Item (482/8708-02): Lost Nonpermanent QA Records -

-This unresolved item was identified in NRC Inspection Report 50-482/87-08 and involved the failure to locate certain radwaste QA records. The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's actions to resolve this ite The licensee initiated a thorough search for the missing records and determined that they must'have been accidentally thrown away. The licensee had placed a memorandum of warning, OP 87-0046, in the required reading file for operations personnel and had placed two file baskets on the radwaste control room desk for " Procedures in Process" and " Completed  :

' Procedures" in an effort to control the processing of QA records  !

associated with processing' resins and concentrates radwaste. This item is considered close ]

' Inspector Observations


The following are observations the NRC inspectors discussed with the licensee.during the exit interview on September 25, 1987. These observations are not violations, deviations, unresolved items, or open j items. These observations were identified for licensee consideration for program improvement, but the observations have no specific regulatory requirements. The licensee stated that the observations would be ,

reviewe ,  ! Quality Control Ch' arts - The licensee was not using quality control charts to trend and evaluate biases identified in daily or periodic quality control analyses of chemical parameters. The licensee had not included in the quality control program of water chemical


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i parameters criteria necessary to identify and evaluate data biases in calibration data and trends or changes in instrument' performanc b . _- Ion Chromatograph Quality Control - The licensee had not established '

a quality control program to check instrument performance over the entire concentration range of the instrument calibratio The licensee was not routinely performing quality control' checks at or near the same concentration of the measured samples especially at the higher. concentrations where degrading of the chromatograph column influences the analysis results the'mos ' Ammonia Specific Ion Electrode Quality Control - The licensee was not using two independent standards for calibration and quality contro The licensee was unable to verify the integrity of the stock calibration standard. The licensee had not' implemented a two standards program for the ammonia specific ion electrode which includes one standard stock solution dedicated for electrode calibration and another independent standard stock solution dedicated for quality contro , UV-VIS Spectrometer Calibration - The Olcensee had not calibrated the spectrometer _for routine analysis of hydrazine which provides a more-accurate' method than the chemet method reutinely used by the license . Program Areas Insp,ected The following program areas were inspected. These program areas and inspection procedures are identified in NRC Manual Chapter 2500. Unless otherwise noted, the inspection was completed and revealed no violations, deviations, unresolved items, or open items. Notations after a specific inspection item are used to identify the following: I = item not inspected or only partially inspected; V = violation; D = deviation; V = unresolved item; and 0 = open ite ,

Procedure Inspection Requirements I 83722 Organization and Management Controls (Water Chemistry / {


02.01 Organization a I 02.02 j 02.04~ Staffing Identific / tion and Correction of Program Weaknesses 02.05 Audits and Appraisal 1 1


83522 Organization and Management Controls (Water Chemistry / )

Radiochemistry) l l

02.01 Organization, Responsibilities, and Authorities j 02.02 Staffing



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3 02.03- Identification and Correction of Weaknesses 02.04 Audits and Appraisals 02.05 Communication to Employees 02.06 Documentation and Implementation'

8372 Training and Qualifications (Water Chemistry / Radiochemistry)

02.01 Adequecy 'of Training 02.02 . Employee Knowledg .04 Qualification Requirements 02.05. New Employees 02.06 INP0 Accreditation - I 02.07 Audits and Appraisals 02.08 Training not Covered by INP0 83523 ~ Training and Qualifications (Water Chemistry / Radiochemistry)

02.01 Training and Qualification Program - I-02.02 Education and Experience 02.03 Adequacy and Quality of Training - I 84725 Quality Assurance and Confirmatory Measurements For In-Plant Radiochemical Analysis 02.01" Audits and Appraisals 02.02 Changes 02.03 Confirmatory Measurements 02.04 Postaccident Sample Analysis - I 02.05 Implementation of the Quality Assurance Program 02.06 Contractor Activities i

84525 Quality Assurance and Confirmatory Measurements For In-Plant Radiochemical-Analysis- ,

02.01 Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies  !

02.02 Procedures 02.03 Confirmatory Measurements 02.04 Postaccident Sample Analysis - 1 02.05 Quality Assurance Program 02.06 Contractor Activities-79701 LWR Water Chemistry Control and Chemical Analysis 02.01 Audits and Appraisals 02.02 Changes 02.03 Implementation of a Water Chemistry Control Program 02.04 Implementation of a QA Program I

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79501 gitWa_t),r'ReactorWaterChemistryControlandChemical

.&J.i,! pig J t r I 02.01 dtablishment of a Wa' ton ChSirtry Control Program a 02.02 Implementation of the, aftter p'i,Wrshtry Control Program 02.03 Water Sampling ,

i, )- a ('3 v 02.04 Chemistry Measurements: , Facilit#4s and Equipment 02.05 Establishment of a Qd/Mty Assutdnce Program for


l J l4 ,- t Chemical Measurement > #

} '


OLtr5 ' implementation of a fiuality Ass'erance Program for t, Chemical Measurements o (

)f\ g/ f.). 07 Labor 4to'y Safety ,

f ' ,

t 79502 M ant Systems Affecting Plant Water Chemistry

\ ,* , s 5 m t y OdO1 Audits and Appraisals

,;, f 4 3\ * 7 ,' c0 . Primary


32303 hexiliaryand Secondary Water Systemr Water 3 I' Systems P I





02.04 pemineralizers - I '


, Attachments >

The licensee's ct,Aftrsatory measurements results concerdng water chemistry yd radiochqistry samples are documented iWAttachments l', 2, 3, 4, and e.,. v>' },i,.y'

.. ExiiInteevnw ,j k 4 l'


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The itead .ptyinspector scasummarized t d obse bations, and thethe /isocctioq results ' on 'Sp



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l l Analytical Measurements


l Water' Chemistry Confirmatory Measurements During the inspection, standard chemical solutions were provided to the licensee for analysis. The standard solutions were prepared by the Brookhaven National Laboratory.(BNL), Safety and Environmental Protection Division, for the NRC. The standards were analyzed by the licensee using routine methods and equipment. The analysis of chemical standards is used to verify the licensee's capability to monitor chemical parameters in various plant systems with respect to Technical Specification requirements and -other industry standards. In addition, the analyses of standards are used to evaluate the ' licensee's analytical procedures with respect to 1 accuracy and precisio The results of the measurements comparison are listed in Attachment Attachment 3 contains the criteria used to compare results. All standards were analyzed in triplicate. The licensee's original analytical results ,

indicated that 21 of the.31 results were in agreement. The three sulfate results were originally found in disagreement and biased low. The-licensee's sulfate quality control standard results were also biased low indicating a degrading of the ion chromatograph column making the sulfate calibration curve invalid. The licensee established a new sulfate calibration curve and reran the sulfate analyses. The rerun results were '


all in agreemen Two of the original ammonia results were in disagreemen The licensee prepared a fresh stock ammonia standard solution, established a new calibration curve for the ammonia selective ion electrode, and reran the ammonia analyses. The rerun results were all in agreemen The original analysis results for the three silica concentrations were found to be in disagreemen It was noted that all the silica results were biased low indicating a possible calibration problem. The licensee's final analytical results indicated 26 of the 31 results were in agreemen As part of the inspection, actual inplant samples were split between the licensee and the NRC in order to verify the licensee's measurement capabilities on actual plant water samples. The analyses will be performed by the licensee using their normal analytical methods and ,

instrumentation and by BNL. Upon completion of the analyses by both laboratories, the results will be documented in a subsequent NRC inspection repor . Radiological Confirmatory Measurements l Confirmatory measurements were performed on the following samples and l standards in the NRC Region IV mobile laboratory at WCGS during the NRC l inspection: Air Particulate Filter Standard (21478-109)



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2 Scott Charcoal Cartridge Standard (21420-109) Containment Atmosphere Sample - 1.0 Liter Gas Marinelli Beaker Waste Liquid Sample - 1.0 Liter Marinelli Beaker NRC 1.0 Liter Liquid Marinelli Beaker Standard Reactor Coolant Gas Sample - 33cc Gas Bulb Reactor Coolant Degassed Liquid Sample - 20ml Scintillation Vial Reactor Coolant Tritium Sample The radiological confirmatory measurements tests consisted of comparing measurements made by the licensee and the NRC mobile laboratory. The NRC's mobile laboratory measurements are referenced to the National Bureau of Standards by laboratory intercomparisons. Confirmatory measurements are made only for those nuclides identified by the NRC as being present in concentrations greater than 10 percent of the respective isotopic values for liquid and gas concentrations as stated in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II. Attachment 5 contains the criteria used to compare result At the time of the inspection, the licensee utilized four detectors for routine isotopic analysis of radioactive samples and for comparison with the NRC results. The analytical results from all four detectors were compared with the NRC results. The licensee performed the tritium analysis on their liquid scintillation counting syste The individual sample analyses and comparison of analytical results of the radiological confirmatory measurements are tabulated in Attachment The licensee's gamma isotopic results from the listed samples in Attachment 4 showed 97 percent agreement with the NRC analyses based on 170 agreement results out of 175 total results compared. The licensee's tritium result on the reactor coolant sample was in agreement with the NRC analysis resul During the comparison of the isotopic results from the waste liquia sample, the NRC inspectors noted that there was a systematic error in the results from detector 1192. This error indicated a calibration problem l for the 1.0 liter Marinelli beaker on that detector or a sample


positioning problem. The licensee analyzed an NRC 1.0 liter Marinelli breaker standard and the results were all in agreement as reported in Attachment 4, sample 5. This proved that the waste liquid sample had been positioned wrong on the detector during the analysis.


Confirmatory measurements were performed by the licensee and a contractor laboratory on two liquid radiochemistry samples prepared by the Radiological Environmental Sciences Laboratory (RESL) in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The samples were provided to the licensee in July 1987. The analytical results were compared to the known sample activities and the results of the comparisons are presented in Attachment 4, sample 9. The licensee's results were in agreement with the certified activities for 90Sr, 1370s, 60Co, and 54Mn and in disagreement with the certified


activities for 3H and 89Sr. The contractor laboratories 55Fe result was in disagreement. Therefore, the licensee's overall results for the 1987 RESL samples were in 57 percent agreement.


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ATTACHMENT 2 Water Chemistry Confirmatory Measurements Results Wolf Creek Generating Station Chemical Analytical Sample WCGS NRC WCGS/NRC Comparison Parameter Procedure ID Results Results Ratio Decision Results in parts per billion (ppb)

Chloride Ion 86A 5.6712.08 4.81 .1810.46 Agreement Chromato- 86B 19.6711.53 18,71 .0510.09 Agreement graph 86C 39.33 1.15 40.31 .9810.04 Agreement Fluoride Ion 86A 3.3310.58 4.61 .7210.13 Disagreement Chromato- 86B 20.0010.00 21.81 .9210.04 Agreement graph 86C 41.5310.58 41.81 .9910.04 Agreement Sul f ate Ion Chromato- 86A 3.01 .01 .7510.03 Disagreement graph 868 16.01 .51 .7810.05 Disagreement 86C 32.01 .41 .7910.03 Disagreement Rerun 86A 4.6710.58 4.01 .1710.15 Agreement 86B 18.6710.58 20.51 .9110.06 Agreement 86C 37.3310.58 40.41 .9210.04 Agreement Silica Spectro- 865 20.6711.15 27.21 .7610.09 Disagreement photometry 86T 94.3311.15 109.01 .8710.06 Disagreement 860 145.6711.53 160.01 .9110.03 Disagreement Hydrazine Spectro- 86P 21.6710.58 22.31 .9710.07 Agreement photometry 86Q 50.8310.58 56.91 .8910.01 Disagreement-86R 82.5010.87 83.21 .99i0.01 Agreement Sodium Atomic 86J 5.7010.10 4.5810.5 1.2410.14 Agreement Absorption 86K 9.9710.84 9.2310.8 1.0810.13 Agreement Graphite 86L 29.5311.26 28.8011.6 1.0310.07 Agreement Furnace Copper Atomic 86G 9.0010.00 9.3610.48 0.9610.05 Agreement Absorption 86H 18.0010.00 19.3210.98 0.9310.05 Agreement Graphite 86I 27.6710.58 29.0011.20 0.9510.04 Agreement Furnace 861 74.6712.31 72.5013.00 1.0310.05 Agreement Iron Atomic 86G 12.6713.06 9.7810.70 1.3010.08 Agreement Absorption 86H 19.67 1.15 19.1010.68 1.0310.07 Agreement Graphite 86I 26.6711.15 29.4010.84 0.9110.05 Agreement Furnace i

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2 Results in parts per million (ppm)- ,

Ammonia Selective 86M' 1.2910.04 0.8810.05 1.4710.10 Disagreement ;

Ion 86N 2.5410.18 3.1410.26 0.8110.09 Disagreement Electrode 860 5.2310.15 4.6910.43 1.1210.11 Agreement ,

Rerun 86 .8610.02 0.8810.'05 0.9810.06 Agreement 86N 2.7710.06 3.1410.26 0.8810.08 Agreement

'860 4.5310.08 4.6910.43 0.9710.09 Agreement ;

i Boron Manitol 860 50410 50015 1.0110.01 . Agreement l Titration 86E 150710 1512123 0.99 0.02 Agreement 86F 100215 989112 1.0110.01 Agreement l

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Criteria For Comparing Analytical Measurements

This attachment provides criteria for comparing results of capability test In these criteria the judgement limits are based The on the uncertainty following stepsof are the ratio of the licensee's value to the NRC valu performed:

(1) the ratio of the licensee's value to the NRC value is computed


Licensee Value NRC Value );

(ratio =

(2) the uncertainty of the ratio is propagate If the absolute value of one minus the less than 5or2equal (ll-ratiot to twice the uncertainty)

ratio uncertainty, the results are in agreemen Z= X, then Sz2 = Sx2 + Sy2 V F F 72 (From:

Bevington, P.R., Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969)

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ATTACHMENT 4 Radiological Confirmatory Measurements Results Wolf Creek Generatirig Station Air Particulate Filter Standard (21478-109) '

(Standardized 08:00, CDT, September 21, 1987) ' ,')

Nuclide WCGS De WCGS Results (uCi/ sample)

NRC Results (uCi/ sample)

WCGS/NRC Comparison Ratio Decision k

208Cd (1185) 8.4110.08E-01 8.1810.03E-01 1.03 Agreement (1192) 7,9210.06E-01 0.97 Agreement (1232) 8.1610.05E-01 1.00 Agreement (1366) 8.1810.06E-01 1.00 Agreement J 67Co (1185) 1.4610.02E-02 1.4710.01E-02 0.99 Agreement (1192) 1.4310.02E-02 0.97 Agreement (1232) 1.4510.02E-02 0.99 Agreement (1366) 1.4710.02E-02 1.00 Agreement 139Ce (1185) 6.0210.17E-03 5.7710.06E-03 1.04 Agreement (1192) 5.7710.13E-03 1.00 Agreement (1232) 5.8310.11E-03 1.01 Agreement (1366) 5.7810.14E-03 1.00 Agreement ,

20aHg (1185) 6.40il.27E-04 4.5110.46E-04 1.42 Agreement (1192) 2.9910.85E-04 0.66 Agreement (1232) 4.85tl.06E-04 1.08 Agreement

'(1366) 4.80il.01E-04 1.07 Agreement 11aSn (1185) 7.5210.41E-03 7.58io.13E-03 0.99 Agreement (1192) 7.2510.23E-03 0.96 Agreement (1232) 6.9810.23E-03 0.92 Agreement (1366) 7.5710.31E-03 1.00 Agreement 137Cs (1185) 4.5210.09E-02 4.6710.03E-02 0.97 Agreement (1192) 4.5010.05E-02 0.96 Agreement (1232) 4.5210.05E-02 0.97 Agreement (1366) 4.5310.05E-02 0.97 Agreemen Y (1185) 9.3310.65E-03 9.0310.17E-03 1.03 Agreement (1192) 8.7210.29E-03 0.97 Agreement (1232) 8.5710.30E-03 0.95 Agreement (1366) 8.6910.31E-03 0.96 Agreement 60Co (1185) 3.0210.10E-02 2.7910.03E-02 1.08 Agreement (1192) 2.7310.04E-02 0.98 Agreement (1232) 2.8210.05E-02 1.01 Agreement (1366) 2.7810.05E-02 1.00 Agreement


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! Scott' Charcoal Cartridge Standard (21420-109)

(Standardized 08:00, COT, September 21, 1987) i WCGS WCGS Results- NRC Results WCGS/NRC Comparison- ,

'Nuclide- De (uci/ sample) (uCi/ sample) Ratio Decision l


109Cd' . (1185) 8.9810'09E-01 8.2010.03E-01 1.10 Agreement 1 (1192) -8.6910,07E-01 1.06 Agreement l (1232) 9.1010.07E-01 1.11 Agreement j

.(1366) 8.9310.08E-01 1.09- Agreement 5700 (1185) 1.6010.03E-02 '1.4710.01E-02 1.08 Agreement I (1192) 1.5210.02E-02 1.03 Agreement r (1232) 1.5910.02E-02 1.08 -Agreement  ;

(1366) 1.6210.02E-02 -1.10 Agreement 139Ce (1185) 6.4010.21E-03 5.7910.06E-03 1.11 Agreement (1192) 6.2710.14E-03 1.08 Agreement ,

(1232) 6.4310.13E-03 1.11 Agreement (1366) 6.4410.17E-03 1.11 Agreement'

203Hg (1185) 4.5411.90E-04 4.2310.49E-04 1.07 Agreement  ;

(1192) 5.53tl.36E-04 1.31 Agreement 1 (1232) 5.30il.13E-04 1.25 Agreement (1366) 5.62il.24E-04 1.33 Agreement i 113Sn (1185)- 7.7310.46E-03 7.55 0.14E-03 1.02 Agreement l (1192) 8.1910.30E-03 1.08 Agreement l (1232) 8.6610.30E-03 1.15 Agreement  !

(1366) 8.4910.35E-03 1.12- Agreement 137Cs (1185) 4.5710.10E-02 4.6510.03E-02- 0.98 Agreement {

(1192) 4.8410.05E-02 1.04 Agreement $

l '

(1232) 5.0910.06E-02 1.09 Agreement-(1366) 5.0710.06E-02 1.09 Agreement i

88Y (1185) 1.1010.07E-02 8.7010.19E-03 1.26 Agreement l (1192) 8.7110.32E-03 1.00 Agreement j 1.0510.04E-02 1.21 Agreement



(1366) 1.0410.04E-02 1.20 Agreement j 60Co- (1185) 3.3910.11E-02 2.8210.03E-02 1.20 Agreement 1 (1192) 2.9510.05E-02 1.05 Agreement i (1232) 3.0910.06E-02 1.09 Agreement  ;

(1366) 3.0710.06E-02 1.09 Agreement i

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3.- : Containment Atmosphere Sample ~- 1.0 Liter Gas Marinelli Beaker i ,

(Sampled 15:03,-COT, September 22, 1987)



WCGS! LWCGS Results NRC Results 'WCGS/NRC Comparison x

Nuclide De (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) Ratio Decision-tasXe (1185). l1.8210.04E-05 1.7710.02E-05 1.03- . Agreement L ,;(1192)_ :1.7310.02E-05 0.98 Agreement

(1232)q' 1.79 0.02E-05 ,

1.01 Agreement  !

(1366) 1.8810.03E-0 .06 Agreemen ,



m 135Xe (1185) -5.3310.44E-07 5.4510.27E-07-' :0.98 Agreement

  • 4.8110.23E-07 0.88 Agreement

. (1192)_

(1232)' 5.6610.28E-07 1.04 Agreement l: (1366) 4.8710.27E-07 0.89 Agreement Waste ' Liquid Sample 4 -1.0 Liter Marinelli Beaker (Sampled 14:00, CDT,xSeptember 23, 1987)

- WCGS- WCGS Results NRC Results -WCGS/NRC Comparison Nuclide 10e (uCi/ml) _,

(uCi/ml) Ratio -Decision


, . 24Na (1185)~ 1.0710.02E-04'- 9.8610.08E-05 :1.09 ' Agreement p (1192). '7.9410.09E-05' 0.8 . Agreement i


(1232) 1.0410.01E-04- ~

l.05- Agreement-

(1366) 1.0310.01E-04 1.05- Agreemen '54Mn (1185) 3.2110.03E-04 -2.9610.01E-04 1. 0 9 .- Agreement-(1192)- 2.3410.01E-04 0.79 (1)

- (1232) 2.9610.01E-041 -1.00 Agreement


(1366) 2.9910.01E-04' - 1. 01 : Agreement-ssCo (1185) 5.6710.03E-04 5.3210.01E-04 1.07 Agreement

(1192) 4.1910.02E-04 0.79 (1)

(1232) 5.4710.01E-04 1.03 Agreement ~

(1366) 5.4310.01E-04 1.02 Agreement:

6000 (1185) 9.1010.04E-04 7.6010.02E-04 1.20 Disagreement (1192) 6.3610.02E-04 0.84 (1)' i (1232) 7.9810.02E-04 1.05 Agreement  ;

(1366) 7.9910.02E-04 1.05 Agreement I t- 1 l 95Zr (1185) 4.9311.79E-06 4.1110.70E-04 1.20 Agreement L (1192) 3.0810.78E-06 0.75 Agreement L (1232) 4.0410.85E-06 0.98 Agreement- l (1366) 4.8510.95E-06 '1.18-


.-Agreement 1 I



12sSb (1185) 4.6610.15E-05 4.3810.12E-05 1.06 Agreement

~(1192). 3.0210.14E-05 0 .69 (1) i (1232) 4.4610.14E-05 1.02 Agreement- 1 (1366) 4.8210.16E-05 1.10 Agreement i


L___________________________________..____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


. _

. ,

l 67Co (1185)' 1.3710.05E-05 1.2310.03E-05 1.12 Agreement (1192) 8.3510.33E-06 0.68 -(1)

(1232) 1,2010.03E-05 0.97- Agreement (1366) 1.2510.03E-05 1.01 Agreement 95Nb (1185). 1.3310.14E-05 1.1810.05E-05 1.12 Agreement 1 (1192) 8.7710.64E-06 0.74 (1)  ;

(1232) 1.1510.06E-05 0.97 Agreement (1366). 1.1510.06E-05 0.97 Agreement 181I (1185) 9.07i0.13E-05 8.3410.05E-05 1.09 Agreement (1192) 6.5410.08E-05 0.78 (1)

(1232) 8.9010.07E-05 1.07 Agreement (1366) 8.6710.06E-05 1.04 Agreement taal (1185) 4.4510.01E-05 3.8910.04E-05 1.14 Agreement (1192)' 3.0410.07E-05 '

0.78 (1)

(1232) 4.2710.06E-05 1.10 Agreement (1366) 4.3710.06E-05 1.13 Agreement .

134Cs .(1185) 8.72il.51E-06 6.3810.57E-06 1.37 Agreement l

(1192) 4.3110.76E-06 0.68 Agreement i (1232) 5.9510.64E-06 0.93 Agreement  ;

(1366) 5.9210.64E-06 0.93 Agreement j i

13SI- (1185) 2.8210.57E-05 2.5610.16E-05 1.10 Agreement' l


(1192) 1.6510.20E-05 0.64 (1)

(1232) 2.4610.16E-05 0.96 Agreement ,

-(1366) 2.7010.22E-0 .06 Agreement 137Cs (1185) 4.0510.16E-05 4.0010.05E-05 1.01 Agreement '

(1192) 2.8410.08E-05 0.71 (1)

(1232) 4.1610.06E-05 1.04 Agreement (1366) 4.2010.07E-05 1.05 Agreement _


140Ba (1185) 9.8313.61E-06 7.0911.93E-06 1.39 Agreement l (1192) 3.18tl.22E-06 0.45 (1)  !

(1232) 9.98tl.81E-06 1.41 Agreement l


(1366) 1.0610.19E-05 1.50 Agreement l

140La (1185) 4.5610.85E-06 3.7510.31E-06 1.22 Agreement  !

(1192) 4.2910.43E-06 1.14 Agreement (1232) 4.0710.44E-06 1.09 Agreement (1366) 4.7110.40E-06 1.26 Agreement

(1) The licensee's results were in disagreement with the NRC's results di ' to '

i l- sample positioning error as proven by the results of a NRC standard counted in the same geometry and on the same detector and reported as (= sample 5.

t l


- - _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ -


5 NRC 1.0 Liter Liquid Marinelli Beaker Satandard (21417-109)

j (Standardized 12:00, CDT, September 24, 1987)

! WCGS WCGS Results NRC Results WCGS/NRC Comparison l Nuclide De (uCi/ sample) (uCi/ sample) Ratio Decision 100Cd (1192) 9.6210.06E-01 1.0310.01E+00 0.94 Agreement 57Co (1192) 1.7310.02E-02 1.8310.02E-02 0.94 Agreement 130Ce (1192) 6.7810.13E-03 7.1110.11E-03 0.95 Agreement 203Hg (1192) 5.5010.98E-04 4.4510.79E-04 1.24 Agreement 113Sn (1192) 9.0010.21E-03 9.7310.19E-03 0.93 Agreement 1370s (1192) 5.6710.04E-02 5.7410.04E-02 0.99 Agreement 88Y (1192) 1.0710.02E-02 1.1010.02E-02 0.98 Agreement 60Co (1192) 3.3610.03E-02 3.4910.04E-02 0.96 Agreement Reactor Coolant Gas Sample - 33cc Gas Bulb (Sampled 15:45, CDT, September 22, 1987)

WCGS WCGS Results NRC Results WCGS/NRC Comparison Nuclide De (uCi/cc) ___(uCi/cc) Ratio Decision 85*Kr (1192) 1.4210.03E-03 1.5210.03E-03 0.94 Agreement (1366) 1.4310.04E-03 0.94 Agreement 87Kr (1192) 2.1410.07E-03 2.1510.07E-03 0.99 Agreement (1366) 2.3710.08E-03 1.10 Agreement saKr (1192) 2.8810.10E-03 3.4110.08E-03 0.84 Agreement (1366) 3.4610.11E-03 1.01 Agreement 133*Xe (1192) 3.08tl.13E-04 5.74tl.02E-04 0.54 Agreement (1366) 9.90il.96E-04 1.72 Agreement 183Xe (1192) 2.4310.02E-02 2.5510.01E-02 0.95 Agreement (1366) 2.7610.02E-02 1.08 Agreement m

las Xe (1192) 1.9110.48E-03 2.0110.20E-03 0.95 Agreement (1366) 1.8710.10E-03 0.93 Agreement 135Xe (1192) 7.9610.06E-03 8.4910.05E-03 0.94 Agreement (1366) 8.8110.07E-03 1.04 Agreement 188Xe (1192) 3.0510.21E-03 4.8210.88E-03 0.63 Agreement (1366) 3.6610.16E-03 0.76 Agreement

- - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _



6 -


1 Reactor Coolant Degassed Liquid Sample - 20ml. Scintillation Vial (Sampled 09:50, COT, September 22, 1987)

WCGS WCGS Results NRC Results- WCGS/NRC Comparison l Nuclide De (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Ratio Decision


l 24Na (1192) 1.57 0.01E-02 1.7710.01E-02 0.89 Agreement __ _ _

(1366) 1.7210.01E-02 0.97 Agreemen L 97Zr (1192) 8.6110.46E-04 7.0610.32E-04 .1.22 Agreement L

(1366) 9.9210.59E-04 1.41 Disagreement 95Zr (1192) 1.0810.08E-03 8.4410.54E-04 1.28 Agreement (1366) 1.0510.09E-03 1.24 Agreement

- . (i


ssCo (1192) 1.4910.06E-03 1.5610.04E-03 0.95 Agreement ,

(1366) 1.3610.08E-03 0.87 Agreement

- - -

6 Co (1192) 1.3110.32E-04 1.7210.33E-04 0.77 Agreement (1366) 1.4410.35E-04 0.84 Agreement 95Nb (1192) 9.6610.36E-04 1.1810.04E-03 0.82 Agreement (1366) 1.2410.51E-04 1.05 Agreement D7Nb (1192) 3.4510.16E-03 1.6710.08E-03 2.06 Disagreement (1366) 1.5810.21E-03 0.94 Agreement 187W (1192) 4.87tl.22E-04 5.62tl.17E-04 0.87 Agreement (1366) 6.93tl.10E-04 1.23 Agreement 139Ba (1192) 1.0810.40E-03 2.0410.19E-03 0.53 Disagreement (1366) 1.1210.23E-03 0.55 Disagreement 138Cs (1192) 1.4410.04E-02 1.6310.04E-02 0.89 Agreement (1366) 1.5410.03E-02 0.94 Agreement tatI (1192) 6.7010.50E-04 7.8410.40E-04 0.85 Agreement -

(1366) 8.2910.76E-04 1.06 Agreement 1321 (1192) 8.6310.13E-03 9.2310.10E-03 0.93 Agreement (1366) 9.1210.09E-03 0.99 Agreement 133I 5.0010.05E-03 5.6110.04E-03 0.89 Agreement



(1366) 5.5110.07E-03 0.98 Agreement a


234I (1192) 1.2810.05E-02 1.5310.03E-02 0.84 Agreement (1366) 1.4610.03E-02 0.95 Agreement 235I (1192) 9.4310.26E-03 1.0210.02E-02 0.93 Agreement (1366) 9.9110.25E-03 0.98 Agreement

____ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _

_ -_ .__-






' 8. . Reactor' Coolant Tritium Sample


(Sampled-11:30, CDT, September 23, 1987)


WCGS Result NRC Resul >WCGS/NRC Comparison .

Nuclide (uCi/ml)- (uCi/ml) Ratio Decision  ;

3H- 1.5910.01E-02 1.6610.03E-02 0.96 Agreemen .. RESL Unknown Liquid Sample (Standardized 12:00, MST,' January 11, 1987)

WCGS Results NRC Results1! WCGS/NRC Comparison-Nuclide (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Ratio Decision i

3H 1.5410.06E-04 9.7510.19E-05 ~1.58 Disagreement j 89Sr 3.8410.40E-04 1.3310.04E-04- 2.8 Disagreement 90Sr 9.2611.35E-06 1.2110.05E-05 0.76 Agreement 55Fe 6.7510.36E-06 5.9510.12E-05 0.11 Disagreement {

137Cs 2.9710.05E-05 3.1010.09E-05 0.96 Agreement 60Co 2.0910.04E-05 2.1110.04E-05 0.99 Agreement


s4Mn 2.1010.05E-05 2.2010.04E-05 0.95 Agreement 1!- NRC results were taken from.the standard certification supplied to the NRC Region IV office as prepared by RESL and traceable to the National Bureau  !

of Standard I l

l l





[ _ . - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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-l l





Criteria for Comparine Analytical Measurements The following are the criteria used in comparing the results of capabilityTh l

tests and verification measurements. relationship established through prior ex requirement In these criteria, the judgement limits vary in relation to the comparison of


the resolutio NRC VALUE Resolution =



Comparisons are made by first determining the resolution and then readingT across the same line to the corresponding rati ;


<4 0.4 - .5 - .6 - 1.66 ,

0.75 - 1.33 16 - 50 0.80 - 1.25 51 - 200 0.85 - 1.18

>200 The above criteria are applied to the followina shalyses_:

(1) Gama Spectrometr .

(2) Tritium analyses of liquid sample (3) Iodine on adsorber .

(4) 8'Sr and Sr determinations.

J i Gross Beta where samples are counted on the same date using the sa (5)

reference nuclide.



~ ' " ~ ~ - - - - - _ - - ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _