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Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04 Re Status of Licensee Implementation of Generic Safety Issues
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/29/1990
From: Morgan W
GL-90-04, GL-90-4, NUDOCS 9007050120
Download: ML20055D192 (4)



C:mmtntrealth Edistn

. . 1400 Opus Place Downers Grove, Ulinois 60$15 1

June 29, 1990 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission A11N
Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555


LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2 Response to Generic Letter 90-04 (Status of Licensee Implementation of Generic Safety Issues l EC Docket Nos. 50-313_AnL50-318


J.G. Partlow letter to All Holders of Operating Licenses dated April 25, 1990. .

(Generic Letter 90-04) l

Dear Sirs:

The above referenced letter requested that all licensee's review and I provide documentation of the current implementation status of all generic l safety issues (GSIs) identified within the letter that apply to their respective facilities.


I The following attachment provides the requested information for Commonwealth Edison's LaSalle County Station.

Please direct any questions you may have regarding this matter to this office.

Very truly yours, 04 10Nl H.EL Horgan h Nuclear Licensing Administrator cc: A.B. Davis, Regional Administrator - Region III R. Pulsifer , Project Manager - NRR

, Senior Resident Inspector - LSCS


75 (B086) Item 2.2.1 U-1 & 2 C 11/5/83 P.L. Barnes letter to H.R.

Denton. 11/24/89 J.O. Bradfute letter to T.J. Kovach.

75 (LOO 3) Item 2.2.2 U-1 & 2 C 5/16/85 G. Alexander letter to H.R. Denton, 75 (0078) Items 3.1.1 U-1 & 2 C 11/5/83 P.L. Barnes letter to H.R.

& 3.1.2 Denton.

75 (B079) Item 3.1.3 U-1 & 2 C 11/5/83 P.L. Barnes letter to H.R.

Denton. 8/22/85 H.R. Butler letter to D.L. Tarrar.

75 (B087) Items 3.2.1 U-1 & 2 C 11/5/83 P.L. Barnes letter to H.R.

L 3.2.2 Denton.

75 (8088) Item 3.2.3 U-1 & 2 C 11/5/83 P.L. Barnes letter to H.R.

Denton. 8/22/85 H.R. Butler i letter to D.L. Farrar. l 75 (B080) Item 4.1 NA LaSalle does not have reactor trip breakers.

75 (B081) Items 4.2.1 NA

& 4.2.2 75 (B082) Item 4.3 NA 75 (8090) Item 4.3 NA 75 (0091) Item 4.4 NA 75 (8092) Item 4.5.1 U-1 & 2 C 11/5/83 P.L. Barnes letter to H.R.


75 (B093) Items 4.5.2 U-1 & 2 C 5/16/85 G.L. Alexander letter to

& 4.5.3 H.R. Denton, 8/6/85 G.L.  :

Alexander letter to H.R. Denton. I (4.5.2) 1/31/89 P.C. Shemanski _

letter to H.E. Bliss, (4.5.3) 11/6/89 J.O. Bradfute letter to T.J. Kovach.

86 (B084) U-1 & 2 C 7/29/88 H.E. Morgan letter to NRC.

6/30/89 H.H. Richter letter to NRC.



' *m

r. .

93 (8098) NA 99 (L817) NA 124 NA A-13 (8017) U-1 C U-1 Tech Spec 3/4.7.9 Amendment U-2 NC 18. U-2 Tech Spec 3/4.7.9.

A-13 (B022) U-1 C U-1 Tech Spec 3/4.7.9 Amendment U-2 NC 18. U-2 Tech Spec 3/4.7.9.

A-16 (D012) NA A-35 (8023) '&2 C U-1 License Condition 2.C.(20),

373/81-00-36 was closed in NRC IR 373/86017. U-2 License Condition 2.C.(11), 374/81-00-21 was closed in NRC IR 374/87018.

Amendment #41 to NPF-11 for Unit 1 and Amendnent #22 to NPF-18 for Unit 2.

B-10 NA LSCS is BNR MARK II B-36 U-1 & 2 NC Included in U-1 & 2 Tech Spec 3/4.7.2.

B-63 (B045) U-1 & 2 NC Included in U-1 & 2. Tech Spec 3/4.4.3.

l 1

i i



FACILITY NAME: LASalle County Station DOCKET NO., 373/374 LICENSEE: C0!nmonweAltiLEdissILCh SIAIUS._Of_ LICENSEE IHPLEMENTATION OF GENERIC SAFETY IS. SUES RESOLYED WITH ltiEQS1110N OF REQUIREtiEHIS OR CORRECTIVE ACli;;15 GSI/(MPA Nod SIAIUS COMMENTS 40 (B065) U-1 C NUREG-0519. Supplement 4, 7/82 U-2 NC IR 373/86017 closed License Condition 81-00-10.

41 (B058) U-1 C NUREG-0519, Supplement 4, 7/82 U-2 NC 1R 373/81-40 closed IE Bulletin 80-14, IR 373/82-13 closed IE Bulletin 80-17, 43 (B107) U-1 & 2 I Final upgrade of specific operating procedures are not completed. Expected completion I date is December 1990. i 51 (L913) U-1 & 2 1 1/P9/90 M.H. Richter letter to NRC. Evaluations completed. )

Hodifications and procedure plementation expected to be completed: U-1, 5/27/91 U-2, 2/24/92 67.3.3 (A017) U-1 & 2 1 3/10/86 C.M. Allen letter to H.R.

Denton, 8/20/87 D. Muller letter to L.D. Buttterfleid, IR 373/88027 and IR 374/88026.

Neutron Monitoring is open issue.

CECO response to be deferred until all significant issues on the subject between the NRC and the BWR Owner's Group are resolved.

75 (B076) Item 1.1 U-1 & 2 C 11/5/83 P.L. Barnes letter to H.R.

Denton. 7/12/85 H.R. Butler letter to D.L. Farrar.

75 (B085) Item 1.2 U-1 & 2 C 11/5/83 P.L. Barnes letter to H.R.

Denton. 5/24/85 H.R. Butler '

letter to D.L. Farrar.

75'(B077) Item 2.1 U-1 & 2 C 11/5/83 P.L. Barnes letter to H.R.

Denton. Part 1 - 6/23/86 E.G.

Adensam letter to D.L. Farrar.

Part 2 - 12/29/88 P.C. Shemanskt letter to H.E. Bliss.

/scl:ID46-2 l