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Responds to IE Bulletin 80-09, Hydramotor Actuator Deficiencies. Lists Dampers Evaluated by American Warming & Ventilating,Copes-Vulcan & Fisher.Adjustments Completed 810225.Response Final
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 03/11/1981
From: Jackie Cook
To: Thornburg H
IEB-80-09, IEB-80-9, NUDOCS 8104020741
Download: ML20003E273 (3)


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. / p' ** g* James W Cook

' Vice PrestJ#nt - Projects, I nyncrnng l and Construction Generet Offices: 1945 West Pasns!I Road, Jackson. MI 49201 * (5171 788-0453 March 11, 1981 (9

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G([ 'q Harold D Thornburg, Director 9- M//g d Reactor Construction Inspection, OIE 4',4, I -

/ggIdh. 'g US Nucicar Regulatory Connission Washington, DC 20555 b g'ag%r #

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4 HIDLAND PROJECT j 4, , 0 g\%

DOCKET NOS 50-329, 50-330 IE BULLETIN 80-09, "HYLRAMOTOR ACTUATOR DEFICIENCIES" REFERENCE (A) CP CO (JWC@K) LETTER SERIAL 9064 DATED 6/17/80 REFERENCE (B) CP CO (JWC00K) LETTER SERIAL 9603 DATED 9/26/80 ENCLOSURE (1) ACTUATORS CONTAINING POTENTIALLY DEFECTIVE ITT GENERAL CONTROLS SPRINGS Consumers Power Company provided interim responses to the subject IE Bulletin via References A and B. This transmittal /

represents the final response.

Enclosure (1) identifies dampers as containing potentially defective springs in accordance with IE Bulletin 80-09:

The following dampers have beer. evaluated by American Warming and Ventilating (AW), Copes-Vulcan, and Fisher and have been found to meet the torque requirements of the damper and/or Bechtel specifications with actuators supplied "as is":

OM0-6504'A, B 2M0-6559 A, B OTV-5755 A, B OFV-6520 A, B l 0FV-6505 A, B 1PV-1975 A, B OMO-6508 A, B 2PV-1975 B IMO-6559 A, B I


Bared on AW certification of ITT General Controls Report 721.80.118 and acceptance of a reduction in the design margin to 144'4, dampers OM0-6529 A, B, OMO-6507 A, B, OMO-6509 A, B, and 0FV-5444 A, B are sufficiently sized so that these dampers meet or surpass design specification requirements with respect to the' sizing nomograph prchlem. Adjustments to these dampers were completed on February 25, 1981.

Dampers OMO-5445, A, B will be returned to ITT General Controls, by AW for retesting.

i. oc0381-0262a100 ~ %33N 8104"Olfl -

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O' Damper 2PV-1975A has been returned to ITT General Cbntrols by Fisher for new spring installation. .

The Midland Project Preoperational Test Program will test the functional

- adequacy of the Hydramotor Actuators. Particular at.tention will be given to the possibility of defective springs taking a permanent set.

Based on the above actions IE Bulletin 80-09 is being fully implemented on the Midland Project.


CC RJCook, Resident Inspector DHood, US NRC JGKeppler, US. NRC (Region III)

.DBMiller, Midland (3) l l

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  • Dicloaure (1)

ACT'JATORS CO:ITAI II r; IUTI'.rIALLY DEFECTIVE ITT GE lERAL CD: TROLS CI'RI ;03 Actuator Vendor Tag Se rvice AWV OM0-6504 A, B Control room makeup air filter unit intake shutoff dampers AWV 0FV-6520 A, B Control room makeup air filter unit intake modula-ting dampers AWV 0FV-6505 A, B Control room recirculating air filter unit supply modulating damper AWV OMO-6529 A, B Control room recirculating air filter unit supply shut-off damper AWV OMO-6507 A, B Control room recirculating air filter unit bypass two position dampers ..

AWV OM0-6508 A, B Control room air-handling snit supply shutoff dampers AWV OMO-6509 A, B Control room air-handling unit return shutoff dampers AWV 1MO-6559 A, B Battery room exhaust shuteff i 2HO-6559 A, B dampers AWV OMO-5445 A, B Puel handling area emergency 0FV-5444 A, b exhaust thutoff dampers Copes-Vulcan GIV-5755 A, B Control room air-handling unit bypass l

Fisher IPV-1975 A, B Auxiliary building chiller 2PV-1975 A, B control valve

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