MONTHYEARML20212J3731999-06-25025 June 1999 Responds to Re Annual Fee Invoice AM4270-99 & Fee Categories Assigned to License SNM-7.Fee Category 3O on Invoice AM4270-99 Erroneously Issued & Has Been Canceled. Payment Received & Invoice Revised & Considered Paid ML20212J3791999-06-21021 June 1999 Ack & Accepts Majority of Fee Categories Assigned to License SNM-7 in Fy 1999 Annual Matls Fee Invoice AM4270-99,dtd 990601.Forwards Corrected Copy of Annual Fee Invoice.Without Encl ML20207D4741999-05-27027 May 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/99-01 on 990414-15.No Violations Noted.Based on Results of Insp,Nrc Did Not Identify Any Radioactive Matls in Excess of NRC Release Guidelines for Unrestricted Use ML20207D0421999-05-26026 May 1999 Discusses Which Provided Info Re Battelle Memorial Inst Special Nuclear Matl Possession Limits,Per 990121 Request.Sum Quantities of Special Nuclear Matl Would Exclude Transfer of SNM-7 License to State of Oh ML20199J9311999-01-21021 January 1999 Submits RAI Re Bcl Decommissioning Project Request to Change Decommissioning Schedule & Other Listed Subj Matters.Respond to Request within 15 Days from Date of This Ltr ML20199D8461999-01-11011 January 1999 Discusses Insp Rept 70-0008/98-03 on 981215-17.No Violations Were Identified.Insp Consisted of Observations & Evaluations of on-going Decommissioning Activities Including Reviews of Environ Monitoring Sys & Controls & Radiation Protection ML20198D5001998-12-14014 December 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/98-02 on 981116-18 & 1211.No Violation Noted.Purpose of Insp Was to Determine Adequacy of Confirmantory Survey Conducted by Orise in Building 2 ML20206N4301998-12-14014 December 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/98-01 on 981116-18 & 1211.No Violations Noted.Insp Consists of Radiological Surveys,Used by NRC to Evaluate Orise Effectiveness in Conducting Its Confirmatory Survey & Releasing Bldg for Restricted Use ML20195J6221998-11-23023 November 1998 Responds to Indicating That Battelle No Longer Disputes Listed Invoices & That Payment Sent ML20195E2121998-11-17017 November 1998 Responds to Re Receipt of Overdue Notices for Listed Invoices ML20155B5831998-10-0606 October 1998 Forwards Matl Balance Rept (Form DOE/NRC-742 & 742C) for Period Ending 980930.Any Questions Re Rept Should Be Directed to Listed Name & Number ML20237A7281998-08-13013 August 1998 Ack Receipt of Disputing Fee Categories for Invoice AM4515-98.Interest-fee Waiver Period Being Extended Until Issues Raised in Subj Ltr Resolved.Review & Analysis of All Activities Under License SNM-7 Completed ML20236R8581998-07-17017 July 1998 Refers to 980529 & 0717 Ltrs Re Battelle Memorial Institute Characterization & Final Status Surveys for Building KA-7 North ML20247N8071998-05-18018 May 1998 Requests Info Which Demonstrates That Funding for Battelle Decommissioning Project Will Be Maintained,Such That It Will Meet Scheduled Commitment W/Agency ML20217P7131998-05-0404 May 1998 Discusses Insp Rept 70-0008/98-01 on 980408-10.No Violations Noted.Insp Consisted of Observations & Evaluations of on-going Decommissioning Activities.Conduct of Activities Characterized by safety-conscious Decommissioning Operation ML20198N2051997-10-29029 October 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/97-02 on 970825-27.No Violations Noted.Purpose of Insp Was to Determine Adequacy of Decommissioning Activities Conducted in Bmi Bldgs 1,6 & 7 as Authorized by Bmi License ML20217J0871997-10-0707 October 1997 Forwards Copy of Matls Balance Rept (Form DOE/NRC-742 & 742C) Covering License Matl Held at Battelle for Period Ending 970930 ML20149H4511997-06-20020 June 1997 Informs That Leaking 8 Mci Ni-63 Source Housed in Electron Capture Detector Was Found to Be Leaking on 970618.Source Was Bagged,Tagged,Sealed & Transferred to Radiation Safety Svcs Control.Contamination Survey Was Performed ML20137Z2381997-04-0404 April 1997 Forwards Matls Balance Rept,Form DOE/NRC-742 & 742C,covering License Matl Held for Period Ending 970331 for License SNM-7 ML20135D1621997-02-20020 February 1997 Summarizes Factors Pertinent to Radiological Status of Retired Battelle Research Reactor Facility for CY96 as Required by Battelle NRC License SNM-7 ML20134G7181997-02-0505 February 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/97-01 on 970106-10.No Violations Noted ML20029D1941994-04-26026 April 1994 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0008/94-01 on 940131-0325 & Notice of Violation.Licensee Radiation Protection Program Found to Be Adequate to Protect Radiological Safety of Employees & Public ML20058P9051993-12-16016 December 1993 Discusses Radiation Protection self-assessment Conducted in Jul 1992,resulting in Significant Improvement to R&D Portion of Radiation Protection Program,Bringing Program to Performance Levels of Bcldp Program ML20058N0301993-12-15015 December 1993 Discusses Safety Insp of License SNM-0007 on 931108-10.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Activities Conducted Under License Re Radiation Safety & Compliance to Commission Rules & Regulations ML20058G5351993-12-0606 December 1993 Advises of Completion of Review of Decommissioning Plan for Battelle Memorial Inst Columbus Operations. Program Adequate & Acceptable.Clarifying Info Requested Re Section, Soil Remediation ML20057E6201993-10-0505 October 1993 Forwards Amend 4 to License SNM-7,authorizing Lower Possession Limit & Possession & Use of Small Piece of Spent Fuel ML20057B7751993-09-15015 September 1993 Forwards Rept Bcldp 091593, Site Environ Rept for CY92 on Radiological & Nonradiological Parameters ML20056H5421993-09-0202 September 1993 Informs That Licensee Will Implement Provisions of New 10CFR20 Requirements on 931101 for All NRC Regulated Activities ML20056G6431993-08-30030 August 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/93-01 on 930727-29.No Violations Noted ML20046D5911993-08-18018 August 1993 Forwards Decontamination Work Plan for Bldg 7A & Decontamination Rept for Bldg 7A. Issues from Last Months Meeting Which Merit Reiteration Listed ML20045G4371993-06-25025 June 1993 Reiterates Points Discussed at 930622 Meeting,Namely Providing Balance of Financial Assurance Package to D Futoma by Middle of Jul & Submitting Battelle Licensing Renewal Application Shortly Thereafter ML20045D5511993-06-18018 June 1993 Expresses Thanks for Agreeing to 930622 Meeting in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Battelle 900725 Request for Exemption,As Supplemented on 930525 & Submittal of Battelle Amend/Renewal for License SNM-7 ML20045A9821993-06-0101 June 1993 Notifies That Battelle Columbus Lab Decommissioning Project Under Battelle Memorial Inst Will Implement Provisions of New 10CFR20,effective 930601 ML20044G4221993-05-25025 May 1993 Forwards Revised Decommissioning Plan for Battelle Memorial Inst Columbus Operations to Nrc ML20035B8251993-03-26026 March 1993 Notifies That Nrc,Ofc of Nuclear Matl Safety & Safeguards, Responsibility for Licensing of Facility Has Been Transferred from Fuel Cycle Safety Branch to Division of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards ML20035A9151993-03-23023 March 1993 Provides Mods to Page 1.4 of Encl A,BCL-1081 Part 1,sent to Licensee by Ltr Re Revised Bco Organizational Info ML20012G4691993-02-23023 February 1993 Forwards Info Re Organizational Changes Associated W/License SNM-7,consisting of Rev 4 to Renewal Application BCL-1081, Revised Organizational Info & BCL-1081,App a, Charter of Radiological Safety Committee (Rsc) ML20126M6401992-12-28028 December 1992 Submits Amend 1 to Irrevocable Standby Ltr of Credit 99245 to Extend Expiration Date to 930801 & to Disregard Cancellation Notice ML20126F7371992-12-23023 December 1992 Advises That Licensee Elects Not to Renew Standby Ltr of Credit 99245 Issued on 900727 ML20125C9661992-12-10010 December 1992 Suppls Info in 920619 Response Re Certification of Financial Assurance for Decommissioning Facilities at Columbus & West Jefferson,Oh & Acceptance of Current NRC Guidance of Acceptable Cleanup Criteria ML20125C8721992-11-23023 November 1992 Forwards Site Environmental Rept for 1991 on Radiological & Nonradiological Parameters ML20128A7461992-11-23023 November 1992 Forwards Bcldp 10192, Site Environ Rept for CY91 on Radiological & Nonradiological Parameters. Environ Monitoring Program Will Continue Until Conclusion of Activities ML20057A7101992-02-25025 February 1992 Forwards Executed Contract NRC-04-92-047 ML20058G9741990-11-0505 November 1990 Informs That Battelle Filed Certification of Financial Assurance for License SNM-7,in Response to ML20062G8911990-11-0202 November 1990 Requests Response as Described in Encl Demand for Info within 30 Days ML20058Q3121990-08-16016 August 1990 Forwards Finding of No Significant Impact & Environ Assessment, Approved by DOE on 900614 ML20055H7411990-07-27027 July 1990 Provides Irrevocable Standby Ltr of Credit Opened in Favor of NRC for Licensee.Fund Will Be Made Available Upon Presentation of Listed Documents ML20055H7421990-07-25025 July 1990 Forwards Request for Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.25(f)(4) & 10CFR30.35(f)(4) ML20055H7391990-07-25025 July 1990 Forwards Certification of Financial Assurance for Decommissioning for License SNM-7.Full Decommissioning Funding Plan Will Be Submitted W/Application for Renewal of License ML20055C9401990-05-0707 May 1990 Forwards Response to Questions Re Decommissioning of Pu Facilities 1999-06-25
MONTHYEARML20006F2361990-02-12012 February 1990 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0008/90-01 on 900116-18.No Violations Noted ML20247L4801989-09-13013 September 1989 Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-006/89-02 & 70-0008/89-02 on 890627-30.No Violations Noted ML19327B4071989-06-28028 June 1989 Advises That NRC Form 327s Forwarded to NMSS or Region II Ofc to Be Marked as 10CFR2.790(d) or Natl Security Info ML20246P7591989-03-22022 March 1989 Forwards Safety Insp Repts 70-0008/89-01 & 50-006/89-01 on 890214-16.No Violations Noted ML20207K2041988-09-23023 September 1988 Requests Addl Info Re 880805 Application for Amend to License SNM-7,authorizing Controlled Field Studies Using Up to 3 Ci C-14 Labelled Compounds ML20153G6241988-09-0101 September 1988 Ack Receipt of 880314 Application for Renewal of License SNM-7.Existing License Will Not Expire Until NRC Determination Re Renewal Made ML20153F4651988-09-0101 September 1988 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/88-02 on 880719-20.No Violations Noted ML20154L9171988-05-12012 May 1988 Discusses Fees Required for Renewal of License SNM-7 & Confirms 880401 Telcon.Should Company Decide to Discontinue Incineration Authorization,Facility Should Send Written Request to NRC ML20151X0041988-04-27027 April 1988 Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-006/88-01 & 70-0008/88-01 on 880404-07.No Violations Noted ML20236N4571987-11-10010 November 1987 Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-006/87-03 & 70-0008/87-03 on 871019-23.No Violations Identified ML20235E3321987-09-23023 September 1987 Reconfirms NRC Approval of Decommissioning Plan Referred to in Trust Agreement,In Response to Recipient . Commitment to Provide Funds for Decommissioning Plan Made Condition of License SNM-7 w/830429 Renewal of License ML20236W9061987-09-23023 September 1987 Responds to Re Bmi Need for NRC Current Ltr Approving Decommissioning Plan Referred in Trust Agreement. DOE Accepted Responsibility for Cleanup of Contamination at Bmi & DOE Will Provide Majority of Funds ML20235C4691987-09-16016 September 1987 Notifies That Region II Sponsoring One & one-half Day Nuclear Fuel Cycle Licensee Workshop on 871027-28 in Atlanta,Ga.Workshop Will Bring Together NRC Officials & Fuel Cycle Licensee Representatives to Discuss NRC Programs ML20214X3771987-06-0909 June 1987 Forwards Safety Insp Repts 70-0008/87-02 & 50-006/87-02 on 870518-22.No Violations Noted ML20214T6011987-06-0202 June 1987 Forwards Amend 2 to License SNM-7,revising Condition 23 to Include Reactor in Financial Plan for Decommissioning & Adding Condition 27 to Require Radiological Monitoring. Safety Evaluation & Environ Assessment Encl ML20207R8201987-03-16016 March 1987 Forwards SAI81-307-WA, Environ Impact Assessment,Bmi for Ref Used as Background Source of Info & Basis for Description of Site & Surrounding Environ for Vol Reduction Demonstration Facility ML20212L0891987-03-0505 March 1987 Forwards Corrected Annex a, List of Effective Pages to License SNM-7 ML20212L1341987-03-0303 March 1987 Forwards Amend 1 to License SNM-7,authorizing Operation of Vol Reduction Demonstration Facility.Revised Pages 2.1-2.5 of Part II of Application for Renewal Should Be Submitted When Facility Installation Initiated ML20210S2971987-02-10010 February 1987 Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-006/87-01 & 70-0006/87-01 on 870112-16 & Notice of Violation ML20210S7771986-10-0101 October 1986 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0008/86-02 on 860908-11.No Violations Noted ML20206N1591986-06-24024 June 1986 Forwards Environ Assessment of Bmi Vol Reduction Demonstration Facility in West Jefferson,Oh,In Response to 830815 Application to Amend License SNM-7.Finding of No Significant Impact Will Be Forwarded ML20199C7251986-06-12012 June 1986 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0008/86-01 on 860512-16 & Notice of Violation.Rept Includes Review of Findings from State of Sc 851211 Insp.No Response Required Since Corrective Actions Already Implemented ML20137Q2731985-09-17017 September 1985 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0008/85-02 on 850819-23.No Noncompliance Identified ML20027D8201982-10-12012 October 1982 Forwards Outline of safety-related Info Re Design & Operation of Low Level Waste Incinerator,In Response to Re Application for Amend to License SNM-7 ML20053B6411982-05-24024 May 1982 Informs of 10CFR170,Category 13 Fee Requirement for 820324 Request for Approval of Route to Be Used for Shipment of Spent Fuel to Pleasanton,Ca ML20054D5921982-03-23023 March 1982 Forwards Rept Re Risk Analysis of Postulated Pu Releases from Bmcl Bldg JN-1B,West Jefferson Oh as Result of Severe Natural Phenomena ML20041B9281982-02-0404 February 1982 Informs That Commission 811211 Approval of Route for Shipment of Irradiated Reactor Fuel Requires Category 13 Fee.Invoice Will Be Submitted ML20040D7991982-01-26026 January 1982 Confirmation of Action Re 820125 Telcon Concerning Submittal of Radiological Contingency Plan.Failure to Comply W/Order to Modify License Is Violation of Regulation.Contingency Plan Due by 820129 ML20040B0411982-01-0404 January 1982 Transmits Increment of Analysis of Effects of Natural Phenomena Re Pu Operations at West Jefferson,Oh ML20039C1511981-12-11011 December 1981 Forwards IE Insp Rept 70-0008/81-02 on 811117-20.No Noncompliance Noted ML20010C3731981-08-0303 August 1981 Forwards Vol 1 of Effect of Natural Phenomena on Existing Pu Fabrication Facilities ML20005B3761981-06-30030 June 1981 Immediate Action Ltr Confirming 810629 Telcon Re Measures to Be Taken to Assure That External Package Contamination Levels Do Not Exceed DOT Limits During Transport of Model NAC-1D from Facility to Turkey Point ML20005A8711981-06-25025 June 1981 Immediate Action Ltr Re 810624 Telcon Concerning Problem of Removable Contamination on Surface of NAC-1D Cask.Cask Will Not Be Released from Facility Until Measures Have Been Taken to Ensure That Contamination Levels Do Not Exceed DOT Limit ML20009B6621981-06-19019 June 1981 Issues Amend 17 to License SNM-7 Adding Condition 26 to Incorporate Decontamination/Decommissioning Plans Described in 781122,1215,790425 & 801001 & 1215 Submittals.Amend Also Adds Condition 22 to License 34-06854-05 ML19347F5691981-05-14014 May 1981 Advises Refund Is Forthcoming for Overpayment on Amend MPP-1 to License SNM-7,issued on 801222 Per 800522 Application. Amend Added Section 12 Re Physical Protection Requirements ML19345H3051981-05-14014 May 1981 Informs That Fee Will Be Required to Review Request for Approval of Spent Fuel Shipment Route ML19352A7711981-04-28028 April 1981 Responds to 810406 Request.All Present License Conditions Are Deleted,Effective Immediately.License Conditions 2.1 & 2.2 Are Added to Amend MPP-1,as Reflected in Encl ML19350D1741981-04-0606 April 1981 Confirms 810409 Meeting to Discuss Instances of Employee Overexposure to External Radiation & Health Physics Performance in Hot Cell Lab ML20003C5871981-02-20020 February 1981 Forwards Organizational Charts Depicting NRC Region 3 Reorganization,Effective 810216 ML19350B5541981-02-11011 February 1981 Forwards Order Re Mod of Licenses SNM-7 & 34-06854-05, Requiring Preparation & Submission of Radiological Contingency Plan ML19341B4181981-01-19019 January 1981 Advises of Forthcoming Partial Amend Fee Refund Re 801031 Withdrawal of 780817 Application ML20126H3231980-12-22022 December 1980 Advises That Physical Security Plan Submitted 800522 Is Approved.Plan Should Be Implemented within 30 Days of Receipt of Ltr.Encl to Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19350D5361980-12-0808 December 1980 Responds to 801031 Withdrawal of Request for Amend to Licenses SNM-7 & 34-06854-05.Licensee 780817 Request Re Upper Limits of Radioactivity in Hot Cell Storage Pool Is Void.Proposed Nonroutine Pool Conditions Will Be Reviewed ML19341B7301980-12-0808 December 1980 Informs That Due to Withdrawal of 780817 Request for Amend to Licenses SNM-7 & 34-06854-05,temporary Departure from Upper Limits of Radioactivity in Hot Cell Storage Pool Considered Void ML19343A8431980-11-10010 November 1980 Confirms Arrangements for 801112 Meeting to Discuss Item of Noncompliance & Related Issues Involving Shipment of Spent Fuel Cask in Jul 1980 ML20030A3221980-10-0606 October 1980 Approves Proposed Route for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel, in Response to 800812 Request.Encl Arrangements & Approved Route ML19338D5111980-08-21021 August 1980 Forwards IE Circular 80-20, Changes in Safe-Slab Tank Dimensions. No Written Response Required ML19320D0721980-07-0202 July 1980 Notifies of Fee Required for Review of 791218 Request for Route Approval for Shipment of Monticello Spent Fuel ML19320C7141980-06-24024 June 1980 Forwards IE Circular 80-14, Radioactive Contamination of Plant Demineralized Water Sys & Resultant Internal Contamination of Personnel. No Written Response Required ML19323H3721980-06-0202 June 1980 Advises That Major Safeguards Amend Fee Is Required for Review of Physical Protection Plan Submitted on 800522 1990-02-12
MONTHYEARML20212J3731999-06-25025 June 1999 Responds to Re Annual Fee Invoice AM4270-99 & Fee Categories Assigned to License SNM-7.Fee Category 3O on Invoice AM4270-99 Erroneously Issued & Has Been Canceled. Payment Received & Invoice Revised & Considered Paid ML20207D4741999-05-27027 May 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/99-01 on 990414-15.No Violations Noted.Based on Results of Insp,Nrc Did Not Identify Any Radioactive Matls in Excess of NRC Release Guidelines for Unrestricted Use ML20207D0421999-05-26026 May 1999 Discusses Which Provided Info Re Battelle Memorial Inst Special Nuclear Matl Possession Limits,Per 990121 Request.Sum Quantities of Special Nuclear Matl Would Exclude Transfer of SNM-7 License to State of Oh ML20199J9311999-01-21021 January 1999 Submits RAI Re Bcl Decommissioning Project Request to Change Decommissioning Schedule & Other Listed Subj Matters.Respond to Request within 15 Days from Date of This Ltr ML20199D8461999-01-11011 January 1999 Discusses Insp Rept 70-0008/98-03 on 981215-17.No Violations Were Identified.Insp Consisted of Observations & Evaluations of on-going Decommissioning Activities Including Reviews of Environ Monitoring Sys & Controls & Radiation Protection ML20198D5001998-12-14014 December 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/98-02 on 981116-18 & 1211.No Violation Noted.Purpose of Insp Was to Determine Adequacy of Confirmantory Survey Conducted by Orise in Building 2 ML20206N4301998-12-14014 December 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/98-01 on 981116-18 & 1211.No Violations Noted.Insp Consists of Radiological Surveys,Used by NRC to Evaluate Orise Effectiveness in Conducting Its Confirmatory Survey & Releasing Bldg for Restricted Use ML20195J6221998-11-23023 November 1998 Responds to Indicating That Battelle No Longer Disputes Listed Invoices & That Payment Sent ML20195E2121998-11-17017 November 1998 Responds to Re Receipt of Overdue Notices for Listed Invoices ML20237A7281998-08-13013 August 1998 Ack Receipt of Disputing Fee Categories for Invoice AM4515-98.Interest-fee Waiver Period Being Extended Until Issues Raised in Subj Ltr Resolved.Review & Analysis of All Activities Under License SNM-7 Completed ML20236R8581998-07-17017 July 1998 Refers to 980529 & 0717 Ltrs Re Battelle Memorial Institute Characterization & Final Status Surveys for Building KA-7 North ML20247N8071998-05-18018 May 1998 Requests Info Which Demonstrates That Funding for Battelle Decommissioning Project Will Be Maintained,Such That It Will Meet Scheduled Commitment W/Agency ML20217P7131998-05-0404 May 1998 Discusses Insp Rept 70-0008/98-01 on 980408-10.No Violations Noted.Insp Consisted of Observations & Evaluations of on-going Decommissioning Activities.Conduct of Activities Characterized by safety-conscious Decommissioning Operation ML20198N2051997-10-29029 October 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/97-02 on 970825-27.No Violations Noted.Purpose of Insp Was to Determine Adequacy of Decommissioning Activities Conducted in Bmi Bldgs 1,6 & 7 as Authorized by Bmi License ML20134G7181997-02-0505 February 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/97-01 on 970106-10.No Violations Noted ML20029D1941994-04-26026 April 1994 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0008/94-01 on 940131-0325 & Notice of Violation.Licensee Radiation Protection Program Found to Be Adequate to Protect Radiological Safety of Employees & Public ML20058N0301993-12-15015 December 1993 Discusses Safety Insp of License SNM-0007 on 931108-10.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Activities Conducted Under License Re Radiation Safety & Compliance to Commission Rules & Regulations ML20058G5351993-12-0606 December 1993 Advises of Completion of Review of Decommissioning Plan for Battelle Memorial Inst Columbus Operations. Program Adequate & Acceptable.Clarifying Info Requested Re Section, Soil Remediation ML20057E6201993-10-0505 October 1993 Forwards Amend 4 to License SNM-7,authorizing Lower Possession Limit & Possession & Use of Small Piece of Spent Fuel ML20056G6431993-08-30030 August 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/93-01 on 930727-29.No Violations Noted ML20035B8251993-03-26026 March 1993 Notifies That Nrc,Ofc of Nuclear Matl Safety & Safeguards, Responsibility for Licensing of Facility Has Been Transferred from Fuel Cycle Safety Branch to Division of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards ML20057A7101992-02-25025 February 1992 Forwards Executed Contract NRC-04-92-047 ML20062G8911990-11-0202 November 1990 Requests Response as Described in Encl Demand for Info within 30 Days ML20055C9401990-05-0707 May 1990 Forwards Response to Questions Re Decommissioning of Pu Facilities ML20006F2361990-02-12012 February 1990 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0008/90-01 on 900116-18.No Violations Noted ML20247L4801989-09-13013 September 1989 Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-006/89-02 & 70-0008/89-02 on 890627-30.No Violations Noted ML19327B4071989-06-28028 June 1989 Advises That NRC Form 327s Forwarded to NMSS or Region II Ofc to Be Marked as 10CFR2.790(d) or Natl Security Info ML20246P7591989-03-22022 March 1989 Forwards Safety Insp Repts 70-0008/89-01 & 50-006/89-01 on 890214-16.No Violations Noted ML20207K2041988-09-23023 September 1988 Requests Addl Info Re 880805 Application for Amend to License SNM-7,authorizing Controlled Field Studies Using Up to 3 Ci C-14 Labelled Compounds ML20153G6241988-09-0101 September 1988 Ack Receipt of 880314 Application for Renewal of License SNM-7.Existing License Will Not Expire Until NRC Determination Re Renewal Made ML20153F4651988-09-0101 September 1988 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0008/88-02 on 880719-20.No Violations Noted ML20154L9171988-05-12012 May 1988 Discusses Fees Required for Renewal of License SNM-7 & Confirms 880401 Telcon.Should Company Decide to Discontinue Incineration Authorization,Facility Should Send Written Request to NRC ML20151X0041988-04-27027 April 1988 Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-006/88-01 & 70-0008/88-01 on 880404-07.No Violations Noted ML20151V6851988-04-20020 April 1988 Responds to Submitting Ltr of Notification to Cover 21 Shipments of Noncompressible Radwaste.Ltr Should Be Augmented W/Shipment Specific Info Inaccordance w/10CFR71.97 Requirements,Per 880418 Telcon ML20236W8781987-12-0303 December 1987 Responds to Re Fulfillment of DOE & NRC Responsibilities for Decontamination & Decommissioning of Bmi Hot Cell Trust Fund.Nrc Confirmatory Survey Will Depend on Bmi Final Radiological & DOE Confirmatory Survey ML20236N4571987-11-10010 November 1987 Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-006/87-03 & 70-0008/87-03 on 871019-23.No Violations Identified ML20236W9061987-09-23023 September 1987 Responds to Re Bmi Need for NRC Current Ltr Approving Decommissioning Plan Referred in Trust Agreement. DOE Accepted Responsibility for Cleanup of Contamination at Bmi & DOE Will Provide Majority of Funds ML20235E3321987-09-23023 September 1987 Reconfirms NRC Approval of Decommissioning Plan Referred to in Trust Agreement,In Response to Recipient . Commitment to Provide Funds for Decommissioning Plan Made Condition of License SNM-7 w/830429 Renewal of License ML20235C4691987-09-16016 September 1987 Notifies That Region II Sponsoring One & one-half Day Nuclear Fuel Cycle Licensee Workshop on 871027-28 in Atlanta,Ga.Workshop Will Bring Together NRC Officials & Fuel Cycle Licensee Representatives to Discuss NRC Programs ML20237G2291987-08-11011 August 1987 Forwards Branch Technical Position on Disposal or Onsite Storage of Thorium or U Wastes from Past Operations,Per 870623 Meeting.Nrc Prepared to Respond to Battelle Hot Cell Trust Funds Upon Receipt of Request ML20234F5731987-07-0101 July 1987 Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Plutonium Accountability at Listed Facilities.Forwards App a Documents.Documents Also Available in Pdr.App B Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemptions 3 & 4) ML20215J9581987-06-16016 June 1987 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Maxey Flats Area of Fleming County,Ky.Forwards App C & D Documents.App C,D & E Documents Available in PDR ML20214X3771987-06-0909 June 1987 Forwards Safety Insp Repts 70-0008/87-02 & 50-006/87-02 on 870518-22.No Violations Noted ML20214T6011987-06-0202 June 1987 Forwards Amend 2 to License SNM-7,revising Condition 23 to Include Reactor in Financial Plan for Decommissioning & Adding Condition 27 to Require Radiological Monitoring. Safety Evaluation & Environ Assessment Encl ML20207R8201987-03-16016 March 1987 Forwards SAI81-307-WA, Environ Impact Assessment,Bmi for Ref Used as Background Source of Info & Basis for Description of Site & Surrounding Environ for Vol Reduction Demonstration Facility ML20212L0891987-03-0505 March 1987 Forwards Corrected Annex a, List of Effective Pages to License SNM-7 ML20212L1341987-03-0303 March 1987 Forwards Amend 1 to License SNM-7,authorizing Operation of Vol Reduction Demonstration Facility.Revised Pages 2.1-2.5 of Part II of Application for Renewal Should Be Submitted When Facility Installation Initiated ML20210S2971987-02-10010 February 1987 Forwards Safety Insp Repts 50-006/87-01 & 70-0006/87-01 on 870112-16 & Notice of Violation ML20210S7771986-10-0101 October 1986 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0008/86-02 on 860908-11.No Violations Noted ML20206N1591986-06-24024 June 1986 Forwards Environ Assessment of Bmi Vol Reduction Demonstration Facility in West Jefferson,Oh,In Response to 830815 Application to Amend License SNM-7.Finding of No Significant Impact Will Be Forwarded 1999-06-25
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Battelle Columbus Laboratories-ATTN: Mr. Harley L. Toy NRC Licensing Coordinator 505 King Avenue
. Columbus, Ohio 43207 Gentlemen:
We have completed our review of the conceptual decommissioning plan with its cost estimate for the Battelle Hot Laboratory (JN-1) and the related financial plan, as described in your submittals of November 22, 1978, December 15, 1978 and April 25, 1979. These plans were submitted at our request, reflecting our position that such plans are required for major licensed facilities. We agree that your cost estimate for decontamination of the facility to enable its release for unrestricted use is :easonable and the proposed financial plan for assuring the availability of the required-funds is acceptable. Ac cordi ngly, s a s.;Ixdi scu s sed 3 wi th syou n Dr."Kenneth>Brogotheseccommitments wilbbermadesconditionstof4jcense ?{o.
s SNM-7 mand 'LicenserNo.m34-6854-5:through license 4amendmentscasvsoon. as you-i nform u s sthatgyou haves.compl et ed ;.th.e. steps vnecess ary. to :impl eme nti t he s
j renewal- (which would consolidate these two licenses) pplication for license proposed, financial e plan, We have under review your aand at such times that licensing action is taken on this request, these same license conditions will be incorporated into the renewed license.
As license conditions, the, provisions:of the.financialt plan:willsbe-subject to periodievreview by,the-NRG.
In this regard, we note that the description of the financial plan submitted by your letter of November 22, 1978 includes a commitment for annual review by Battelle. Documentationrof<these, reviews #
must. be, mai.ntajned. for. reyjew; by,;NRC-upon 4reques,t. Any audits performed by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) may also be used by the NRC in its reviews to confirm that the provisions of the plan are being carried out as described. Also as published in the Federal Register on March 13, 1978 (42 FR 10370), the NRC has underway extensive studies intended to provide i
a data base for developing decommissioning criteria for nuclear facilities.
The Commission is considering amending its regulations to provide more specific guidance on decommissioning criteria for NRC licensees. mIJ1em conditions-added to your licensesvas: discussed above>, mayrbeesubjecteto modification epending. upon the requirements-that are developed;.
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{DR ADOCK 07000000 PDR m_
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l Battelle Columbus Laboratories JUN 29 1979 With respect to the Plutonium Laboatory (JN-4), we recognize that you are presently deco'ntaminating this facility to a condition that would enable-its release for unrestricted use. As we discussed, we also plan to condition License No. SNM-7 to require submittal of a decommissioning plan and appropriate financial plan for our review and approval before any subsequent use of unsealed radioactive materials may be initiated in the facility.
kn..th;hr,egarde.wegecommend.sthat;ryougi nfonnsou rc0f,fi,cpy of.d nspecti onra nd ~ E nf orceme nt p,Regi on mill,* rat" thes timerdecontami natton 9 of,thewfacil.1tyris complete +tonprovide opportunitymfornangNRCoconf4rmati.on sunvey, as toethe-contamination >statuscof-the'Taci'11ty.
If you have any questions concerning these matters, please let me know.
Sincerely, i,/
L5 e
Leland C. Rouse, Acting Chief Fuel Reprocessing and Recycle Branch
[#,,,,,,m-, --n-
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'**%'" 4 Division of Fuel Cycle and g
Material Safety g
R-cc: Mr. James Buchar k
i Contracts Management Office i
i U.S. Department of Energy
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@Battelle l
Columbus Laboratories ro
501 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 9 go % 7
,.7 Telephone (610 424-6424 gJ,i,,f,,, C Tn 24-sas4 g
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4 December 15, 1980 g g
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'Mr. Leland C. Rouse lb Advanced Fuel and Spent Fuel Licensing
.' /
1.wl SEcTION
Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety 1'F.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission'
.,'cocar cunX Washington, DC 20555
... g -
Dear Mr. Rouse:
Docket 70-8; Financial Decommis ioning Plan for Battelle's Columbus Laboratories S.
This letter is to inform you that in accordance with the understanding Battelle has'with the Departments of Energy and Defense, and in anticipation of the amendment to Batte11e's Special Nuclear Materials License, Battelle has estab-lished the two trusts described in my letter to you dated October 1,1980.
Copies of the two executed trust documents are enclosed. With the exception of several minor wording changes suggested by the trust company, the documents are substantially identical to the drafts previously submitted.
If I can provide any additional information, please contact me.
Very truly yours, p f. h y' Al'V Harley L. Toy Licensing Coordinator HLT:1ba Enc. (2)
Y Y.
y.,g,n g'*aa eg l1H-eH sm;;;g,sy;~
Industrial Trust TRUST AGREEMENT This Trust Agreement is entered into this ist day of December,1980, by Battelle Memorial Institute ("Battelle") as trustor and the Bank One Trust Company, NA as trustee to receive and hold certain payments from sponsors of industrial research and development carried on by Battelle.
Purpose Battelle owns nuclear research facilities h West Jefferson, Ohio, (the " Facilities")
which,in the normal course of operations, are contaminated with radioactive matter. Af ter a certain period of usage, these Facilities will have to be decontaminated and decommissioned. A license to operate the Facilities has been issued by the United States
' Nuclear Regulatory Commission-("NRC"). Battelle is now being required to demonstrate the financial viability to decontaminate and decommission the Facilities as a condition for future operations.
In conjunction with various Government agencies including the Department of Defense ("DOD") and the Department of Energy (" DOE") of the United States, who sponsor a substantial volume of the research and development at the Facilities,
.Battelle created such a plan for identifying the costs of decontamination and for allocating the financial burden of those costs to all users of the Facilities, both Governmental and industrial, and for returning any excess funds to the, users after decontamination and decommissioning is complete. The plan so developed is to be made a specific condition of the license by the NRC.
The plan requires the users to remit an allocable share of decommissioning costs when they remit their other payments for usage of the Facilities. The license will additionally require that funds collected be held in trust. This trust is being created to hold the funds of industrial sponsors separately from those of DOE and DOD, as required by' those agencies, and to provide assurance that: the amounts deposited in trust are invested in high quality instruments or securities; the amounts deposited are not comingled with Battelle's own funds; the earnings on the amounts deposited are fully segregated from Battelle's earnings on its own funds; the amounts deposited are protected from the general creditors of the industrial sponsors and Battelle; and the trust assets are held solely for the benefit of the industrial sponsors of research at the Facilities, i
All amounts received by Battelle from industrial users of the Facilities as their allocable share of decommissioning costs of the Facilities are to be paid over to the trustee i
by Batteile, to be invested until actua!!y needed for decontamination of the Facilities. No funds may be returned to the industrial users until ultimate decommissioning is complete, j
unless the NRC consents to the return of funds, i
i Powers and Duties of the Trustee The' powers and duties of the trustee are strictly limited to receiving, holding, investing, and disbursing trust funds for the purposes described herein. The duty of the trustee to make periodic accounting other than the final accounting, shall be satisfied by the proper rendition of the monthly reports prescribed herein.
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- F Trustee's Compensation The trustee shall receive a fee for acting as trustee as provided herein, to be agreed upon by the trustee and Battelle. This fee may be paid directly out of the trust funds.
Investment of Trust Funds Batteile shall, from time to time, provide specific instructions to the trustee regarding the investment of trust funds, in accordance with the specific instructions, trust funds may be invested in:
demand notes of issuers with a rating of A-i of P-i.
e commercial paper with a rating of A-1 or P-i.
e certificates of dep$50 mililon capital and surplus.osit or banker's acceptances e
which has at least securities issued or guaranteed by the United States, its agencies or e
v municipal bonds rated in the top three categories (AAA AA, A) by e
S Standard & Poor's Corporation.
corporate bonds rated in the top three categories (AAA, AA, A).by e
Standard & Poor's Corporation.
preferred stock with a sinking fund rated as "BBB" or better by e
Standerd & Poor's Corporation, and preferred stock without a sinking fund ruted as "A" or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation.
The. Investments shall be consistent with projected cash flow needs for actual decommissioning as anticipated by Battelle. Trust funds may.not be invested in securities issued by Battelle or any of the industrial sponsors of research at the Facilities or any entity related to Battelle or the sponsors.'
In the absence of instructions from Battelle, the trustee shall invest the funds in those short-term time deposits offered by the trustee which bear the highest rate of interest.
Removal of the Trustee Battelle may remove as trustee the Bank One Trust Company, NA or any successor, with or without cause.
Such removal shall be effective upon receipt by the trustee of written notice of removal, a written appointment of the successor trustee, and such successor's written acceptance of the trust. Any successor must be a national bank with at least $500,000,000 in assets or a trust company with at least $500,000,000 in managed assets.
a L______________.__.______
u Upon removal, the removed trustee shall deliver all trust funds in its possession to the successor trustee and shall render a final accounting. Thereaf ter, the removed trustee shall have no furth:.: powers or duties as trustee.
Termination The trust shall end when all of the trust funds have been disbursed and tnere are no further deposits to be made into the trust.
E t
Periodic Accounting
.The trustee will provide an accounting of receipts, disbursements, and earnings on a monthly basis.
Final Accounting Upon termination of the trust or upon appointment of a successor trustee, the trustee shall render a final accounting to Battelle and, upon reouest, to any sponsors of industrial research at the Facilities.
v 4
Trust Disbursements The trustee is authorized to make disbursement for reasonable expenses of trust administration, including taxes. The trustee may disburse money from the fund to Battelle to pay those costs of trust administration which are not incurred by or assessed against the trust directly, provided that Battelle certifies to the trustee that those costs are directly related to the operation of the trust. Such costs might include taxes relating to trust deposits or income, and expenditures required of Battelle or others because of the existence of the trust.
Battelle will, from time to time, direct the trustee to disburse money from the fund to pay for expenses associated with decommissioning the Facilities.
Disbursements for decommissioning may only be made in accordance with a decommissioning plan approved by NRC. Battelle will provide to the trustee copies of the decommissioning plan and NRC?s approval, and must certify that each such disbursement is in accordance with the plan.
Upon completion of all decontamination and decommissioning, Battelle will direct the trustee to nwke a final disbursement of funds. Such final disbursement may only be made to industrial users of the Facilitie% in proportion to their respective share of trust corpus and a!!ocated earnings. If any entity which contributed to the fund is not in existence at that f
time, then payinent shall be made in accordance with a letter designating a successor in interest.
if rso such Jetter is on fue, then payment will be made to any charitable organization, contributions to which are deductible under the Internal Revenue Code, seleued by Battelle.
l e
3 9 ;...',
4 Nonassignment i
Battelle may not assign its rights under this Agreement, or. direct distributions in any
manner not expressly provided for, unless otherwise agreed to by the Government. To the.
1 fullest extent permissible by law, no legal process may be used to divert trust assets from their appropriate utilization for decommissioning as provided herein.
Indemnity of Trustee
Battelle agrees to hold the trustee harmless. from any expense or liability which the,
trustee may incur in performing its duties as trustee, except for expenses or liabilities due -
,.to its own pegligence, willful misconduct, or unlawful act.
Additiona! Terms The trust has been accepted by the trustee in and will be administered in the State of Ohio, and this A5reement shall be interpreted in accordance with Ohio law.
U any provision of this Agreement shall be invalJd or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue to be fully effective.
w Executed this 1st day of December, Executed this Ist day of December, 1980..
Batte!!e Memorialinstitute Trustee Bank
. Tru Co., NA - Trustee 8
.By M
Maurice 6. Stark G. Ronald Henderson
Vice President-Finance Vice President
and Treasurer Signed in the presence of:
S ned in thegoresence of:
b lW n
$.L r&O Wikk.
TMC/ptw lisy8 a
Government Trust i
This Trust Agreement is Entered into this 1st day of December,19S0, by Battelle f
Memorid Institute ("Battelle") as trustor and Bank One Trust Company, NA as trustee to rece!ve and hold certain payments from the United States Government.
Purpose Banelle owns nuclear research facilities in West Jefferson, Ohio, (the '" Facilities")
which,in the normal course of operations, are contaminated with radioactive matter. After a certain period of usage, these Facilities will have to be decontaminated and
, decommissioned. A license to operate the Facilities has been issued by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC"). Banellels now being recuired to demonstrate the' fina.ncial viability to decontaminate and decommission the Facilities as a condition for future operations.
In conjunction with various Government agencies including the Department of Defense ("DOD") and the Depa.rtment of Energy (" DOE") of the United 1
States, who sponsor a substantial volume of the research and development at the Facilities, Eane!!e created such a plan for identifying the costs of decontamination and for allocating the financial burden of those costs to ajj users of the Facilities, both Governmental and industrial, and for returning any excess funds to the users t'ter decontamination and decommissioning is complete. The plan so developed is to be made a specific condition of the license by the NRC.
The plan requires users to remit an allocable share of decommissioning costs when they remit their other payments for usage of the Facilities. The license will additionally ga 'recuire that funds collected be held in trust. DOE and DOD further require that the paymen s so collected from the Government be held separately, and that after the facilities are completely decommissioned, any excess fundt be returned to the Government.
This trust is.being created for the deposit of such remittances from governmental use s, and to provide assurance that: the amounts deposited in trust are invested in high cua!hy instruments or securities; the amounts deposited are not comingled with Battelle's cwn funds; th: earnings on the. amounts deposited are fully segregated from Battelle's ea nings on its own funds; the amounts deposited are protected from Battelle's general credhors; the trust assets are held solely for the benefit of the governmental users of the facilhies; the assets and earnings of the trust are not subject to state and federal income or ad ValoTum taxes.
Ai! amounts received by Banelle from the Governmental users of the Facilities as thelt allocable share of decommissioning costs of the Facilities are to be paid over to the tristee by Sanelle, to be invested until actueJ1y needed for decontamination of t-Faci!! ties.
.No funds may be returned to the Governmental users until, ultimase.
decommissi >ning is complete, unless the NRC consents to the return of funds.
Powers and Duties of the Trustee The powers and duties of the trustee are strictly Jimited ic receiving, holding, investing, and cisbursing trust funds for the purposes described herein. The duty. of the trustee to make perloc'ic accountings, ether than the final accounting, shall be satisfied by
re p:per rendhion cf the monthly reports prescribed herein.
L T'
~ Trustee's Compensation
'x i
The trustee shall receive a fee for acting as trustee as provided herein, to be agreed upon by the trustee and Battelle. This fee may be paid directly out of the trust funds.-
Investment of Trus't Funds 4
Battelle shd', from time to time, provide specific instructions to the trustee regarding.
the investment of trust funds. In accordance with the spec!!ic instructions, trust funds may be invested ini i
demand noter of issuers with a rating of A-1 or P-1.
e commercia.1 paper with a rating of A-1 or P-1.
e certificates of deposit or banker's acceptances issued by a e
depository which has at least $50 million ctpital and surplus.
e securities issued or guaranteed by the United States, its aEencies or instrumentalities.
municipal bonds rated in the top three categories (AAA, AA,.A)'
e by Standard & Poor's Corporation.
W corporate bonds rated in the top three categories (AAA, AA,- A) e
. by Standard & Poor's Corporation.
preferred stock with a sinking fund rated as "BBB" or better by e
Standard & Poor's Corporation, and prefered stock w,ithout a sinking fund rated as "A" or better by Standard & Poor's Corporation.
The' investraents shall be consistent with projected cash flow needs for actual decommissioning as anticipated by Battelle. Trun funds may not be invested in securities issued by Banelle'or any of the. industrial sponsors of research at the Facilities or any entity related to Battelle or the sponsors.
in the absence of instructions from Banelle, the trustee shall invest the funds in those short-term' time deposits off ered by the irrstee which bear the highest rate of interest.
Removal of the Trustee -
Batte]!c may, remove as trustee the Bank One Trust Company, NA or any successor, with or without cause.
Such removal sha.li be effective upon receipt by the trustee of written notice of removal, a written appointment of the successor trustee, and such successor's written acceptance of t-he trust, Any successor must be a national bank with at least $500,000,000 Jn assets or a trust company with at least $500,000,000 in managed
.r Upon removd, the removed trustee shall del!ver all trust funds in its possession to the
successor trustee and shall render a final accounting. Thereaf ter, the removed trustee shall have no further powers or duties as trustee.
s Termination The trust shall end when all of the trust funds have been disbursed and there are no further deposits to be made into the trust.
Periodic Accounting The Trustee will provide an accounting of ieceipts, disbursements, and earnings on a monthly' basis.
Final Accounting Upon ermination of the trust or upon appointment of a successor trustee, the trustee shall render a final accouriting to Battelle and, upon request, to any Government agency which sponsors research at the Facilities.
Trust Disbursements
(* *.
C The trustee is' authorized to make disbursement for reasonable expenses of trust administration, including taxes. The trustee may disburse money from the fund to Battelle to pay those costs of trust administration which are not incurred by or assessed against the trust directly, provided that Battelle certifies to the trustee that those costs are directly related to the operation of the trust. Such costs might include taxes relating to trust deposits or income, and expenditures required of Battelle or others because of the existence of the trust.
Battelle will, from time to time, direct the trustee to disburse money from the fund to pay for expenses. associated with decommissioning the Facilities.
Disbursements for decomm!ssioning may only be made in accordance with a decommissioning plan approved by.
NRC. Battelje will provide to the trustee copies of the decommissioning plan and NRC's approvd, and must certify that each such disbursement is in accordance with the plan.
Upon completion of dl decontamination and decommissioning, Battelle will direct the
. trustee te make a find disbursement of funds. Such final disbursement may only be made to.
the Federd Governmen'., with the concurrence of the cognizant Government Administrative Contracting Officer.
Nonassignment Er.ite!!e may not assign its rights under this A5reement, or direct distributions in any mar.ner nct express]y provided for, unless otherwise agree:iit by the Government. To the
fu::ch extent perr.jssible by jaw, no legd process may be used to civert trust assets from tr,e.: appropriate uti!!:atien as providec herein.
i s
.p bdemnity of Trustee
Sat:e!!e agrees to hold the trustee harmless from any expense or liability which the trustee may incur in performing its duties as trustee, except for expenses or liabilities due to its own negligence, willful misconduct, or unlawful act.
Additional Terms This' trust has been accepted by the trustee in and wil! be administered in the State of Ohio, and this Ag:eement shall be interprete'd in accordance with Ohio law.
If any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid or unenforceable, the rema.91ng provisions shall continue to be fully eff ective.
Executed this 1st day of December, Executed this 1st' day of December, 1950.
Battelle Memorial Institute - Trustee Bank Trus Co., NA - Trustee
,b. 4 -?2' M-By:
A k,.,
Maurice.G. Stark G. Ronald Henderson
/ Vice President-Finance Vice President and Treasurer Signed in the presence of:
Sipe.d in the es'ence of:
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