IR 05000155/1989009

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Insp Rept 50-155/89-09 on 890507-0617.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Mgt Meetings,Refueling Activities, Surveillance Activities,Outage Tests on Various Components & Repair of Control Rod Selector Valve
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1989
From: Jackiw I
Shared Package
ML20246C125 List:
50-155-89-09, 50-155-89-9, NUDOCS 8907100252
Download: ML20246C127 (6)


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Report No. 50-155/89009(DRP)

Docket No. 50-155 License No. DPR-6 Licensee: Consumers Power Company 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, MI 49201 Facility Name: Big Rock Point Nuclear Plant Inspection At: Charlevoix, MI Inspection Conducted: May 7 through June 17, 1989 Inspectors: E. Plettner N. Williamsen D. Schrum Approved By n i L

. N. Jack 1w, 'e , '3uN n m Reactor Projects Section 2B Date Inspection Suninary Inspection on May 7 through June 17, 1989(Report No. 50-155/89009(DRP)

Areas Inspected: The inspection was routine, unannounced, and conducted by the senior resident inspector, the resident inspector, and the project inspecto The functional areas inspected consisted of the following: management meetings; refueling activities; surveillance activities including weekly, monthly, and outage tests on various components; maintenance activities on various components including repairing a control rod selector valve, performing a flux wire irradiation, calibrating the in-core neutron detectors, and testing the reactor depressurization system valve "D"; and operational safety verification including the recirculation core spray system and reactor shutdow Results: The licensee has responded in a timely manner to issues and concerns ,

presented to them by the NRC. The management meetings, refueling activities, I


surveillance, maintenance, and operational safety programs appeared to be performed in a manner to ensure public health and safety. No significant .

safety items were identified in this repor '

8907100252 890630 PDR

O ADOCK 05000155 PDC l

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1. Persons Contacted

  • T. Elward, Plant Manager R. Abel, Production and Performance Superintendent
  • R. Schrader, Acting Engineering Superintendent
  • H- Hoffman, Maintenance Superintendent


W. Trubilowicz, Operations Supervisor

  • R. Krchmar, Acting Quality Assurance Superintendent J. Beer, Chemistry / Health Physics Superintendent
  • R. Alexander, Technical Engineer
  • E. Zienert, Director Human Resources
  • M. VanAlst, Property Protection Supervisor R. J. Nicholson, Vice President, Energy Supply Services W. Ritchie, Manager, Field Maintenance Services The inspectors also contacted other licensee personnel in the Operations, Maintenance, Engineering, Radiation Protection, and Technical Department * Denotes those present at the exit intervie . Management (30703)

A management meeting was conducted in the Region III office on June 16, 1989, to discuss licensee actions in response to NRC concerns in the Maintenance / Surveillance section of the Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) Report (155/89001 (DRP)) followed by a discussion on the upcoming refueling outage schedule. The following subjects were covered during the refueling outage discussion; outage plan / schedule, turbine quality assurance plan, field maintenance services and contractor orientation, and field maintenance services management upgrade Licensee attendees were R. J. Nicholson, Vice President, Energy Supply Services; W. Ritchie, Manager, Field Maintenance Services; T. W. Elward, Plant Manager; H. Hoffman, Maintenance Superintendent; and support staff for Big Rock Point. Region III attendees were C. J. Paperiello, Deputy Regional Administrator; W. L. Forney, Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Projects; W. L. Alexson, Chief, Projects Branch 2; R. W. Cooper, Chief, Engineering Branch; I. N. Jackiw, Section Chief, Projects Branch 2; and E. A. Plettner, Senior Resident Inspector. The meeting was informative with many discussion . Refueling Activities (60710)

Preparations for refueling and refueling activities were observed / reviewed to ascertain that the activities were meeting approved procedures and were in conformance with Technical Specifications.



The inspectors made periodic inspections of the fuel unloading conducted l during the period of June 13 through June 15, 1989. The unloading was performed in a proper and professional manner, using the following detailed procedures: No. 0-FFI-1, " Fuel Bundle Removal Procedure",


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..3 Revision 11,' dated March 23, 1990,'and System Operating Procedure (SOP)

44, " Spent Fuel Pool Operations and New Fuel Handling", Revision 126,

. dated 0ctober 8, 1987. Status boards and records of fuel bundle location were verified to be in accordance with procedure 0-FFI-1, Attachment 1, Minor; problems were observed when removing fuel bundles from fuel-channels known to have a slightly. tighter fit than the average. Because of inconsistencies between the techniques used for. the removal of various


fuel-bundles, it was suggested that the licensee. consider providing more detailed instructions in 0-FFI-1, " Fuel Bundle Removal Procedure",.for the removal of fuel bundles from channels that have a tight fi No violations or deviations were identified in this are i i Monthly Surveillance Observation (61726) j l-Station surveillance' activities listed below were observed to verify that


the activities were conducted in accordance with the Technical i Specifications and surveillance procedures.. The applicable procedures were reviewed for adequacy, test and process instrumentation was verified !

to be in their current cycle of calibration, personnel performing the I tests appeared to be qualified, and test data was. reviewed-for accuracy ;

and completeness.. The.NRC. inspectors-ascertained that any deficiencies J identified were reviewed and resolved. The NRC inspectors observed the

. licensee's. performance of the following surveillance tests on the indicated dates:

May 8, 1989 - T30-14,.'QA05 No. 495-89, " Monthly Core Spray Heat Exchanger Leak Test" Rev. 16, October 3, 198 May 8,'1989 - T7-21 " Standby Diesel Generator Start and Run Test", Rev.16, March 16, 1988, with Temporary Change Notice March 15, 198 May 15, 1989'- T7-20, " Diesel Fire Pump Auto Start", Rev. 20, October 4, 198 May 30 1989 - T7-21, " Standby Diesel Generator Start and Run Test". Rev. 16, March 16, 1988, with Temporary Change Notice March 15, 198 June 1.1989 - T365-14, "Fmergency Supplies Verification", Rev. 3, December 14, 198 June 1, 1989 - T7-28, " Emergency Diesel Generator Auto Test Start",

Rev. 8. October 24, 198 June 2,1989 - TR-07, " Fuel Handling Equipment Safety Check", Re ',16 February 2, 198 June-6, 1989 - T7-18, " Bypass Valve Test", Rev. 10, May 18, 198 June 6, 1989 - T7-04, " Weekly Reactor Protection Logic System Test",

Rev. 10, September 30, 198 l

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.c lb June 6 1989.- T30-01, " Monthly l Reactor. Protection System Test at Power".

Rev. 13,. February. 17, 198 June'7,'1989 T15-01, " Semi-Monthly Source Check of Radwaste to Canal

' Process Monitor", Rev. O, October 14, 198 During)theperformanceoftheweeklyReactor.ProtectionSystem(RPS)

(T7-04 and the monthly test (T30-01) the senior resident inspector noted test'

that all of T7-04.was performed in T30-01. The inspector discussed with-the licensee the reasoning for the. duplication of the weekly test on weeks when the monthly test was performed, in light of the fact that no Technical Specification (TS) requirement exists for the weekly check and the nuclear industry recommendation to reduce testing at power. The licensee performed a review of the reasoning behind the weekly test. The licensee concluded that the weekly test had been initiated because of a possible circuit failure in'the RPS system that could go undetected for up to one month under current TS testing requirements. The licensee will therefore' continue to' perform the weekly test except during the week when performing.the monthly. tes No violations or deviations were identified in this are . Monthly Maintenance Observation (62703)


Station maintenance activities of safety related systems and components listed below were observed / reviewed to ascertain that they were conducted in'accordance.with approved procedures, regulatory guides and industry

. codes or standards and in conformance with Technical Specification The following items were considered during this review: the limiting conditions for operation were met while components or systems were removed from service; approvals were obtained prior to initiating the work;. activities were accomplished using approved procedures and were-inspected as applicable; functional testing anofor calibrations were performed prior to returning components or systems to service; quality control records were maintained; activities were accomplished by qualified personnel; parts and materials used were certified; radiological and fire prevention controls were implemented. Work requests were reviewed to determine the status of outstanding jobs and to assure that priority was assigned to safety related equipment maintenance which may affect system performanc The NRC inspectors observed the licensee's performance of the following maintenance work orders on the indicated dates:

May 11, 1989 - No. 89-CRD-0039, dated May 2, 1989, to repair the leaking selector valve on control rod C- May 11, 1989 - No. 89-NMS-0035, dated April 10, 1989, to monitor the power shape in the core by performing a flux wire irradiatio May 11, 1989 - No. 89-NMS-0042, dated May 9, 1989, to calibrate the in-core neutron detector {

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k June 3, 1989'- No. 89-RDS-0067, dated June 3, 1989, Reactor  !

Depressurization System Valve channel "D" steam lea l a

June ~12, 1989 - No. 89-AES-0007, dated March 21, 1989, Service Water


to various pumps i June 16, 1989 - No. 89-RDS-0048, dated May 12, 1989, to test the i Reactor Depressurization System Valve "D" The senior resident inspector conducted several meetings with Hel I Maintenance Service-(FMS) personnel and their supervisors who assist plant personnel during the present outage. The meeting was. held to discuss the importance of following all required procedures when performing maintenance on the various pieces of equipment at the Big Rock Point Plant. The impact of not following procedures and what FMS personnel should do if the procedures were inadequate or incomplete was emphasized during. the meeting. . Maintenance activities conducted by FMS personnel was an NRC concern during the last Systematic Assessment of ;

Licensee Performance report 155/89001. The discussion was well received i and appreciated _ by the FMS personne No violations or deviations were identified in this are . Operational Safety Verification (71707)

The NRC inspectors observed control room operations, reviewed applicable logs, and conducted discussions with control room operators during the inspection period. Instrumentation and recorder traces were examired for I abnormalities and discussed with the control room operators, as were the status of control room annunciators. Reviews were conducted to cor firm that the required leak rate calculations were performed and were within Technical Specification limits. A system walkdown was performed to verify the operability of the~ Recirculation Core Spray system. Tours of the containment sphere and turbine. building were conducted to observe plant equipment conditions; including, potential fire hazards, fluid leaks, and excessive vibrations, and to verify that maintenance requests had been initiated for equipment in need of maintenance. Radiation protection controls were inspected, including radiation work permits, calibration of radiation detectors, and proper posting and ob~ servance of radiation and/or contaminated areas. The inspectors observed site security measures including access control of personnel and vehicles, proper display of identification badges for personnel within the protected area, and compensatory measures when security equipment had a failure or impairmen A potential violation involving the escorting of a visitor was observed by the resident inspectors. The incident was discussed with the licensee and regional management. The follow up will be performed by a regional security inspector in a subsequent inspection repor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-

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On June 19, 1989, at 9:02 PM (EDT) the resident inspectors observed a reactor shutdown which commenced the start of a scheduled 65-day


refueling and maintenance outage. Besides the normal on-shift crew, an -

extra Reactor Operator was present. The shutdown was performed in a proper and professional manner with detailed procedures. Procedures used during'the' shutdown included System Operating Procedure (S0P) 13,

" Turbine Generator System", Revision 121, dated January 18, 1989; General Operating. Procedure (GOP) 6, " Plant Shutdown to Hot Shutdown", Revision 115, dated October 23, 1987; GOP 7, " Plant Shutdown to. Cold Shutdown",

Revision 106, dated October 29, 1987; S0P 16, "Feedwater System",_

Revision 120, dated November 10, 1988; Technical Data Book section 15.5.I.2,-" Control Rod Withdrawal and Insertion Sequence - Cycle 23", and section 15.5.I.3, " Control Rod - Alternate Insertion Sequence - Cycle i 23", both Revision 87, dated May 1, 1989; and 0-TGS-1, " Master Check-Off Sheet", Revision 64, dated October 15, 1987. The shutdown was completed

.with no problems on June 10, 1989, at 12:05 AM. Cooldown was continued and the. reactor reached the cold shutdown condition later in the da Refueling activities are described in Paragraph No. 3 of this repor No violations or deviations were identified in this are . Balance of Plant Inspection (71500)

'The following inspection was performed to verify _the effectiveness of the preventive and corrective maintenance programs for the B0P systems,

~the adequacy of modifications, the adequacy of B0P operating procedures, the effectiveness of management attention to correction of BOP problems, o and to determine the adequacy of the licensee's root cause analysi The BOP inspection will be completed during the next resident inspection report period. The findings during this inspection period will be included in the next resident inspection-repor .- Exit Interview The inspectors met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1)

throughout the month and at the' conclusion of the inspection period and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection activities. The licensee acknowledged these findings. The inspectors also discussed the likely informational content of the inspection report with regard to documents or processes reviewed by the inspectors during the inspectio The licensee did not identify any such documents or processes as proprietar i


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