IR 05000155/1988018

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Insp Rept 50-155/88-18 on 880719-0905.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Measuring & Test Equipment Calibr, Surveillance of Diesel Generator,Reactor Depressurization Cabinet Test & Bypass Valves
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1988
From: Jackiw I
Shared Package
ML20155A462 List:
50-155-88-18, NUDOCS 8810050325
Download: ML20155A465 (8)


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Report No. 50-155/88018(ORP) t Docket No. 50-155 License No. DPR-6 f

Licensee: Consumers Power Company f

212 West Michigan Avenue j


Jackson, MI 49201  ;

I Facility Name: Big Rock Point Nuclear Plant Inspection At: Charlevoix, Michigan f

i Inspection Conducted: July 19 through September 5, 1988 i l Inspectors: E. Plettner N. Williamsen i

D. Schrum Approved By: icy; ki,Cie;, f~//'[t Date RgaetorP7jectsSection2B


f Inspection Summary Inspection on July 19 through September 5,1988 (Report No. 50-155/88018(DRP))

Areas Inspected: The inspection was routine, unannounced, and conducted by the Senior Resident Inspector, the Resident inspector, and the Project Inspecto The functional areas inspected consisted of the following: the measuring and test equipment calibrations; surveillances of the diesel generator, the reactor depressurization system cabinet test, the bypass valves, and the reactor protection logic system; maintenance of the control rod drive hydraulic system; operational safety verification; radiological practices; security observations involving day to day plant activities; and NRC Bulletins on circuit breakers, cracks in steam generator tubes, potential loss of pumps, vendor-supplied nonconforming materials, and radiographic exposure devices, psults: The licensee has demonstrated a desire to respond in a timely manner to issues and concerns presented to them by the NR The measuring and test equipment calibrations, surveillance, maintenance, operational safety, radiological, and security programs appeared to be performed in a manner to ensure public health and safety. No significant safety items were identifie gDH ADOCK0500g*5 g

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DETAILS Persons Contacted

  • T. Elward, Plant Manager G. Petitjean, Planning and Administrative Services Superintendent
  • Withrow, Plant Engineering Superintendent R. Alexander, Technical E..gineer
  • L. Monshor, Quality Assurante Superintendent
  • J. Beer, Chemistry / Health Physics Superintendent
  • D. Hughes, Director QA
  • D. LaCroix, Sr. Nuclear Instructor
  • E. Zienert, Director Human Resources
  • H. Hoffman, Maintenance Superintendent
  • G. Boss, Technical Engineer, Acting P. Donnelly, Nuclear Assurance Administrator


The inspectors also contacted other licensee personnel in the Operations, Maintenance, Radiation Protection, and Technical Department * Denotes those present at exit intervie . Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Open Item 155/88009-01: Reactor Depressurization Valves. This item was opened because of two commitments made by the licensee regarding the Reactor Depressurization System (RDS) valves. The commitments were: Submit a letter to Region III describing the corrective actions taken, before restart, to return the valves to service including full-stroke testin The licensee mailed a letter June 3, 1988, which docut.ented the commitment to NRC that Consumers Power Company, prior to restart from the refueling outage, would replace the main vaive disc and disc guide assemblies on all four RDS valves and full-stroke test them following reassembly. future refueling outages, Consumers Power shall inspect the internals of one of the RDS valve . Submit a Technical Specification (T/S) change to NRR to full-stroke test each valve every refueling outage and to inspect the internal components of one valve every refueling outag The licensee mailed the T/5 change application to the NRC office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR); final acceptance of the T/S change is an NRR tas The licensee has fulfilled its two commitments to Region II This Open Item is close . .


(Closed) Open Item 155/88009-02: Steam Drum Relief Valves Out-of-Toleranc This item was opened because steam drum relief valves did not lift within tolerance. The licensee committed to Region III to either test the remaining valves or provide an acceptable analysis of why the possible out-of-tolerance condition was not a problem. The licensee requested input from the State of Michigan Boiler Division inspection staff. The response stated that regarding the testing of safety valves RV-5000 and RV-5001 there was no conflict with the State of Michigan Boiler Code for the licensee to re-establish the set points of the two valve The licensee increased the as-found set point tolerance to plus or minus 45 psig for each set point. This resultant increase was less than the maximum ASME code allowance. The Michigan Boiler Division letter also stated that the Big Rock program of testing the safety relief valves was in accordance with the ASME Code and the Boiler Code for the State of Michiga This response fulfilled the licensee's commitment to show that the lift values for the relief valves were not a proble A summary of safety valve low lift setting was mailed to the NRC on June 17, 198 This Open Item is close . QA Program: Measuring and Test Equipment (35750)

The purpose of the' inspection was to verify that the licensee had an effective program to control measuring and test equipment (M&TE)

calibrations. The program is required to conform with Criterion XII of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50, Industrial Standards, and the Big Rock Plant Operating License and Technical Sper.ifications. The NRC inspectors verified the following:

  • Test equipment was properly stored, identified by a unique number, calibration status was formally maintained, and recalibration was performed within an established schedul * Identification of calibration standards used were traceable to nationally recognized standards.


< * Appropriate actions were taken when PATE were found out of



l l The NRC inspectors performed an insoection of the calibration records for j two PATE calibration cycles for twenty-six treasuring and test instruments.

l This was ten percent of the tota The equipment reviewed included i ammeters a photo-tachometer, torque wrenches, digital volt meters, a DC bridge, micrometers, and various pressure gauges. The review did not identify any problems in the M&TE program.

! No violations or deviations were identified in this area.



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! Monthly Surveillance Observation (61726)

The NRC inspectors observed Technical Specification-required surveillance tests. The reviews and observations were conducted to verify that facility surveillance operations were performed in accordance with the requirements established in the Operating License and Technical Specification The NRC inspectors observed the licensee's performance of the following surveillance tests on the indicated dates:

August 3,1988, T30-30, "RDS Cabinet Test", Rev. 24, January 11, 198 August 4,1988, T7-28, "Emergency Diesel Generator Auto Test Start",

Rev. 7, May 1, 1987.


August 23, 1988, T7-18, "Bypass Valve Test", Rev. 10, May 18, 198 a i

j August 23, 1988 T7-04, "Weekly Reactor Protection Logic System Test",

Rev. 10, September 30, 198 No violations or deviations were identified in this area.
5. Monthly Maintenance Observation (62703)

Station maintenance activities of safety related systems and components listed below were observed / reviewed to ascertain that they were conducted in accordance with approved procedures, regulatory guides and industry codes or standards and in conformance with technical specificatiores.

l The following items were considered during this review: the limiting

{ conditions for operation were met while components or systems were removed


from service; approvals were obtained prior to initiating the work; l activities were accomplished using approved procedures and were inspected as applicable; functional tasting and/or calibrations were perforced prior


to returning components or systems to service; quality control re:crds

, were maintained; activities were acccmplished by qualified personnel;

! parts and materials used were properly certified; radiological controls were it.plemented; and fire prevention controls were implemented.


Work requests were reviewed to determine status of outstanding jobs and to assure that priority was assigned to safety related equipment maintenance which may affect system performance.


During this inspection period, the licensee noted that primary system

leakage was higher than normal operating levels. At no time did leakage


levels reach administrative or Technical Specification (T/S) limits.

This increase in coolant leakage was due to leakage from newly-installed
relief valves on the Control Rod Drive (CRD) hydraulic pumps. The No. 1

) CR0 pump was "caution-tagged" for emergency use only because it leaked

more water from its relief valve than the No. 2 CRD pum The NRC


inspectors followed the licensee action After various tests and '




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analyses, the licensee decided to refurbish and re-install the relief valves which had been removed during the past refuel / maintenance outag The NRC inspectors verified that the storage facilities for the valves were adequat Repairs were made and primary system leakage returned to normal operating levels on September 1,15'8 The Reactor Depressurization System (RDS) Velves have been the subject of significant maintenance activity as documenttd in Report 155/8800 During this inspection period the licensee was corpleting final negotiations with an independent facility to do metallurgical and chemical analyses of radioactive components. Specifically, the contract will be for metallurgical analysis on the stem of the RDS valves and a chemical analysis of the dark-colored deposits that were found on the valve No violations or deviations were identified in this are . Operational Safety Verification (71707)

The inspectors observed control room operations, reviewed applicable logs, and conducted discussions with control room operators during the inspection period. The inspectors verified the operability of selected emergency systems, reviewed tagout records, and verified proper return to service of affected components. Tours of the containment sphere and turbine building were conducted to observe plant equipment conditions, l including potential fire hazards, fluid leaks, and excessive vibrations l and to verify that maintenance requests had been initiated for equipment in need of maintenanc The inspectors observed plant housekeeping /

cleanliness conditions and cuctrol Curing the inspection period, the inspectors walked down the accessible portions of the Core Spray System


and the Alternate Shutdown Syste The NRC inspectors accompanied three different aux'liary operators on their tours to observe the operators in the performance of their dutie All three operators seemed knowledgeable of their duties and motivated towards safe operation of the plan The NRC inspectors ciocely monitored plant operations at Big Rock Point Plant during the recent drought / hot-wr.ather which was experienced

, throughout the nation. Big Rock continued to operate at maximum allowed


power for current fuel loading requirements with no adverse effects during '

this inspection perio No violations or deviations were identified in this are ,


4 Radiological Protection Observations (71709)

The NRC inspectors verified that selected activities of the licensee's j radiological protection program were implemented in compliance with the facility policies, procedures, and regulatory requiiements. The activities observed and/or reviewed during this inspection period were j that health physics (HP) supervisory personnel were conducting plant tours ,

i to check on activities in progres Radiation work permits contained the i i





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I appropriate information to ensure work was performed in a safe and controlled manner. Personnel in radiation controlled areas (RCA) were wearing the required personnel monitoring equipment and protective clothing. Radiation and/or contaminated areas were properly posted and controlled based on the activity levels within the are Personnel properly frisked prior to exiting an RC Three shipments of radioactive spent demineralizer resins were shipped to the Barnwell facility in South Carolina during this inspection perio Chem Nuclear Systems cask type CNS-14-195-H (USA /9094/A) was used for the shipments. The NRC inspectors observed one entire loading / shipping


process and portions of two other shipments. The following list of procedures were utilized by the licensee and/or the shipping vendo RM-53, "Radioactive Material Shipment", Rev. 21, March 3, 198 HP-RWS-12, "Transfer of Spent Resin", Rev. 0, July 29, 198 HP-RWS-13. "Bead Resin / Activated Carbon Dewatering Procedure for CNSI 14-215 or Smaller Liners", Rev. O, July 29, 1988.

1 HP-RWS-4, "Handling Procedure for Transport Cask Number 14-195H

] (Chem Nuclear Systems, Inc.)" Rev. 3, September 8, 198 F0-AD-002, "High Integrity Container", Rev. L, March 15, 198 The NRC inspectors' observations included the preparation for loading, the loading, and the departure processes. An independent verification was performed by the inspectors of the final radiation survey. Inciuded in j

the survey were the cask, trailer, and tracto The inspectors identified no problems during the inspectio No violations or deviations were identified in this are . Security Observations (71881)

The NRC Inspectors verified oy observation or record review that physical security measures were being implemented as prescribed in the licensee's


approved physical security plan. The elements contained in the inspection j were fecurity manning requirements, access control of both personnel and veFicles, and detection / assessment aids. Throughout the inspection perico the inspectors nbserved that personnel within the protected area (PA)

i properly displayed their identification badges. Vehicles were properly

, authorized, searched, and escorted or controlled within the P Persons


and packages were properly checked and cleared before entry into the PA,


When security equipment failure or .npairment occurred, the reouired ( compensatory measures were employed. Security force actions were conducted j in a professional manner.


No violations or deviations were identified in this area.


l 9. Licensee Action on IE Bu,11etins t

Bulletin 88-01 By letter dated March 21, 1988 the licensee responded to NRC Bulletin 88-01,

"Defects in Westinghouse Circuit Breakers." The licensee's response confirmed that Westinghouse DS-series circuit breakers were not used in

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safety-related applications at the Big Rock Point Plant. The NRC Licensing Project Manager for Big Rock, in his letter dated August 10, 1988, to the licensee, stated that the response to Bulletin 88-01 was satisfactory and no.further reply was necessary. This item is close Bulletin 88-02 No response was required by Big Rock Point, because it is a General Electric-designed Nuclear Power Reactor. NRC Bulletin 88-02, "Rapidly Propagating Fatigue Cracks in Steam Generator Tubes," only required action fer all holders of operating licenses or construction permits with Westinghouse (W)-designed Nuclear power reactors using steam generators containing carbon steel support plate This item is close Bulletin 88-04 By letter dated July 7,1988, the licensee responded to NRC Bulletin 88-04,

"Potential Safety-Related Pump Loss." The licensee addressed the two concerns of the Bulletin regarding pump performance during minimum flow conditions by reviewing all safety-related pumps in the ASME pump inspection program and their piping configuration. The licensee in their analysis of the systems stated that no short-term actions were necessar The following long-term actions will be taken to ensure that current vendor recommendations regarding minimum flow conditions will be considered and incorporated into system operations and testing practices as appropriate. The proposed completion date for these items is July 1, 1989: Contact pump vendor and obtain minimum flow recommendations and their basis for both fire pumps in their present application . Evaluate existing fire pump surveillance testing relative to the vendor recommendations and either revise procedures to inco!porate the recommendations or propose system modifications wr,ich will satisfy the vendor recommendation . Evaluate the necessity of a pump impeller inspection for both fire pumps, and schedule if necessar This item will remain open until complete Bulletin 88-05 By letter dated August 3,1988, the licensee responded to NRC Bulletin 88-05, "Nonconforming Materials Supplied by Piping Supplies, Inc., and West Jersey Manufacturing Company." In accordance with the Bulletin, Big Rock Plant reviewed purchasing records and inspected in-stock pipe fittings and flanges. No evidence was found of receiving any material either directly or indirectly from Piping Supplies, Inc., or f rom West Jersey Manuf acturing Corrpan Big Rock Point Plant plans no additional actions in response to the bulleti This item is close .


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Bulletin 88-06 No response was required by Big Rock Point Plant because it has no model No Spec. 2-T Radiographic Device. NRC Bulletin 88-06, "Actions to be Taken for the Transportation of Model No. Spec. 2-T Radiographic Exposure Device" only required actions of NRC licensees authorized to manufacture, distribute, or operate radiographic exposure devices or source changer This item is close . Exit Interview The inspectors met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1)

throughout the month and at the conclusion of the inspection period and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection activities. The licensee acknowledged these findings. The inspectors also discussed the likely informational content of the inspection report with regard to documents or processes reviewed by the inspectors during the inspectio The licensee did not identify any such documents or processes as p roprieta ry.

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