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Responds to IE Info Notice 84-16, Failure of Automatic Sprinkler Sys Valves to Operate. No Design or Mfg Faults Exist in Model C Deluge Valves.Maint Procedure Revised Requiring Smoother Surfaces on New & Existing Valves
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/04/1984
From: Barnett C
To: Deyoung R
IEIN-84-16, NUDOCS 8406080210
Download: ML20091L791 (5)



Director, Office of Inspection

& Enforcement US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555


Nuclear Regulatory Commission Infomation Notice 84-16,

" Failure of Automatic Sprinkler System Valves to Operate"

Dear Mr. DeYoung:

The following information is provided in response to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 84-16 concerning operational failures of our Model C deluge valve at Grand Gulf Unit No.1 of the Mississippi Power and Light Company.

To obtain an indication of whether this problem existed at other installations, we tested a total of seventeen (17) 2-1/2"' Model C deluge valves at eight (8) different locations and eight (8) 6" Model C deluge valves at three (3) different locations, using a special test procedure (130.002SP), and found no operational failures. Two (2) additional six inch (6") Model C deluge valves were tested at a fourth location without failure using the standard test procedure.

The special test procedure required the weight onIeach valve to be dropped only one-half the normal distance so that only one-half the energy is generated to unlatch the valve under this special test condition. A tabulation of the 2-1/2" and 6" valves tested is given on Table I.

The results of our field tests do not indicatt. a problem with our valve design or manufacture.

We performed a number of tests in our laboratory on a 6" Model C deluge valve and found we could duplicate the type of operational failure experienced at the Grand Gulf facility if the latch and clapper nose mating surfaces were rough (approximately a 500 microinch finish or rougher).

We reviewed our drawings to determine if any changes were made which could have caused the problem observed at the Grand Gulf facility. A drawing change was made in September '

I of 1973 which changed the finish requirement on the clapper and latch mating surfaces from a 63 microinch to a 125 microinch finish.

Valves with serial numbers higher than 4586 for 2-1/2" valves and 6821 for 6" valves were manufactured after the September 1977 drawing change and, since the Grand Gulf Unit No. 1 valve serial numbers were higher than those identifying the 1973 finish change, we I required that the valves tested in the field to our special test procedure have serial I numbers which indicate that they were produced after the surface finish change. As pre- l viously stated, no operational failures were found on the valves tested which were 1 produced after the surface finish change.

Although we did not find the Grand Gulf mode of failure at any other installation, we made two changes to increase the probability of successful valve operation. The surface 8406000210 840604 PDR ADOCK 05000416 men t.caroRAflON OF AMERICA. A FIGGIE INT ( AN ATIONAL COMPANY W G PDR



finish drawing requirement of tto clapper nose and latch mating surfaces was changed from a 125 microinch finish to a 16 microinch finish on November 1983, and our data pages G8a and G22a (copies enclosed) were changed to require refinishing of the clapper nose and latch mating surfaces at each routine, periodic instection.

With respect to the conditions noted in Infonnation Notice No. 84-16 regarding bowing of the guide rod and the undersize I.D. of the upper guide rod collar, the following information is offered.

The guide rod we install in our valves i:: purchased under ASTM B16, material C36000.

The ASTM B16 (Table 15) straightness requirement is 1/32" maximum curvature (depth of arc) in any 2 ft long portion. The bowing observed (0.005 inch) in the 20 inch long guide rod used in our 6" Model C deluge valve easily meets the ASTM requirement.

The upper guide collar was stated to have an I.D. of 0.637 inch and our minimum I.D.

dimension was stated to be 0.647 inch. Our actual drawing minimum dimension for this I.D. is 0.640 so the collar was measured by the Grand Gulf people to be undersize by 0.003 inches. However, the ASTM B16 requirement for the guic's rod is 0.625 *0.002".

The minimum clearance for the guide rod in this undersize hole is 0.637-0.627 or 0.010 inches which is adequate to allow the weight to slide freely on the guide rod even if the guide collar I.D. was undersize as claimed.

It is our conclusion that no design or manufacturing fault exists in our Model C deluge valves; however, we revised the maintenance procedure and require smoother surfaces in manufacturing to increase the probability of successful operation of both new and existing Model C deluge valves.

I We further conclude the operational failures at Grand Gulf Unit #1 are peculiar to that facility.;

Very truly yours, c r S f5. __

w Charles B. Barnett, Manager Research and Development CBB/mn Attachment cc: W. H. Miller, Resident Inspector E. L. Jordan, Director of Engr. & 0.A.

J. P. O'Reilly, Regional Administrator

TABLE I 6" MODEL C DELUGE VALVE Serial No. Trip Test Pressure (psi 9tatic Water ) Satisfactory Location 8429 150 Yes Perth Amboy, NJ 8153 110 Omaha, NE 8106 93 Mankato, MN 8102 90 " "

8077 175 "

Atlanta, GA 8082 " "

8078 " "

8094 " "

8095 " " "

8096 " "

Total 10 valves at four (4) different locations.

2-1/2" MODEL C DELUGE VALVE 8200 130 Yes Carson City CA 8183 132 " " "

8604 130 " " "

4878 125 " " "

8148 "

120 Baytown TX 8149 120 " " "

8293 150 "

Perth Amboy, NJ 8294 150 " "

8291 " " "

150 8277 150 " " "

5113 "

200 Nebraska City, NE

$8204 77 "

Oakland, CA S8199 80 " " "

8276 115 "

McKeesport, PA 8190 100 "

Greensburg, PA 8188 110 " " "

S8215 "

100 Des Moines, IA Total 17 valves at eight (8) different locations, c' ,

N .. Automatic.. Sprinkler '. Corporation ca SUPROTEX-DELUGE of Amen.

o G-8a

" Automatic" Model C Deluge Valves

" Automatic" Model C Suprotex-Deluge Valves MAINTENANCE The " Automatic" Model C Deluge and Supervisory Air Supply. Strainers and reg-Suprotex Deluge Valvr and their related equip- ulators should be checked and cleaned as required.

ment should be exami..ed periodically to ensure Air reservoirs and drum drips should be drained as proper operation and trouble-free service. Several often as required to remove any water that has areas to be routinely inspected are: accumulated.

Clapper / Clapper Latch. The mating surfaces The air dryer should be checked and replaced of the clapper nose and the clapper latch must be when the blue granules become pink or white.

kept clean and smooth. As required, sand each Air Compressor. The air compressor should be surface with No. 220 grit sandpaper until smooth, lubricated as recommended by the manufacturer, then finish the surface with crocus cloth. The motor unit should be kept free of dirt. Filters Clapper Facing. The rubber clapper facing and strainers should be cleaned as required.

should be checked for wear or damage, and to Air Pressure. Air or nitrogen pressure must be determ,ine that it is free of dirt and other fore,ign maintained on the detection system as recom-substances. If found to be worn or damaged (e.g.,

, mended in the operational instructions. Low-air-foreign matter imbedded in the surface), the facing pressure alarms should be tested and switches should be replaced. If it is dirty, it should be should be checked to see that they are properly p' cleaned, but compounds which could damage the rubber facing must never be used.

set to operate at the required pressure level.

5 O Detection System. The detection system and Seat Ring. The seat ring should be cleaned related components are to ba tested and checked thoroughly and checked for possible damage. If as recommended in the opuational instructions.

it is found to be severely damaged, the complete deluge valve assembly should be replaced or returned to " Automatic" for possible recon-ditioning.

Alarm Line Strainer. The strainer in the alarm line should be checked and cleaned thoroughly.

Alarm Test Valve & Main Drain Valve. All con-trolling valves normally closed when the deluge valve is in the set position should be checked to be sure that they are fully closed and not leaking.

System Control Valve, Alarm Control Valve

& Air (or Nitrogen) Supply Control Valve. All controlling valves normally open when the deNge valve is in the set position should be checked to oe sure that they are in the fully open position and sealed, where required.

Deluge Valve & Trim. The overall setup should be checked for visible leaks and possible physical damage to the valve and connections (e.g., broken fres).

(] Valve Enclosure. The temperature in the

() enclosure around the deluge valve should be main-tained at a temperature above 40* F (4 C). r 12/83

N ...... .

sn,,,,,,, e,,,,,,:.. . ..,, SUPROTEX/ PRE-ACTION

,o, G-22a


" Automatic" Model C Pre-Action Valves

" Automatic" Model C Suprotex Valves MAINTENANCE The " Automatic" Model C Pre-Action and Supervisory Air Supplies. Strainers and reg-Suprotex (supervised Pre-Action) Valves and their ulators should be checked and cleaned as required.

related equipment should be examined periodically Air reservoirs and drum drips should be drained as to ensure proper operation and trouble-free service, often as required to remove any water that has Several areas to be routinely inspected are: accumulated.

Clapper / Clapper Latch. The mating surfaces The air dryer should be checked and replaced of the clapper nose and the clapper latch must be when the blue granules become pink or white.

kept clean and smooth. As required, sand each Air Compressors. The air compressors should surface with No. 220 grit sandpaper until cmooth, then finish the surface with crocus cloth, be lubricated as recommended by the manufact-urer. The motor units should be kept free of dirt.

Clapper Facing. The rubber clapper facing Filters and strainers should be cleaned as required.

should be checked for wear or damage, and t Air Pressure. Air or nitrogen pressure must be determ,ne i that it is free of dirt and other foreign maintained on the sprinkler and detection system substances. If found to be worn or damaged (e.g., as recommended in the operational instructions.

fore,ign matter imbedded in the surface), the facing Low-air-pressure alarms should be tested and should be replaced. If it ,si dirty, it should be switches should be checked to see that they are D cleaned, but compounds which could damage the properly set to operate at the required pressure (V rubber facing must never be used.


Seat Ring. The seat ring should be cleaned Detection System. The detection system and thoroughly and checked for possible damage. if related components are to be tested and checked it is found to be severely damaged, the complete as recommended in the operational instructions, pre-act,oni valve assembly should be replaced or returned to " Automatic" for possible recon-ditioning.

Alarm Line Strainer. The strainer in the alarm line should be checked and cleaned thoroughly.

Alarm Test Valve & Main Drain Valve. All con-trolling valves normally closed when the pr?-action valve is in the set position should be checked to be sure that they are fully closed and not l'aking.

System Control Valve, Alarm Control Valve

& Air (or Nitrogen) Supply Control Valve. All controlling valves normally open when the pre-action valve is in the set position should be checked to be sure that they are in the fully open position and sealed, where required.

Pre-Action Valve & Trim. The overall setup should be checked for visible leaks and possible physical damage to the valve and connections (e.g.,

broken gages).

( Valve Enclosure. The temperature iri ine


enclosure around the pre-action valve should be maintained at a temperature above 40 F (4 C).
