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Monthly Operating Rept for Jul 1968 for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1968
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110280094
Download: ML20085G975 (7)




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&,c nt'O.m ".< e t for Ja1." W P

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At the beginnin; of thic report period the reactor uno in a hot chutdo,in condition. On Juh 1, the reactor van utillacd for operator training.

Cn July 2, the re:.ctor u .s ta'm critical ard loaded to 10.5 ! A flux nap uns tahen and analycod aid the peal: linear power of the overpouer test odaccebly ncauured vac 15 br/ft. The renetor power uno incronood in tuo stepa to a never 1cyc1 of 22.5 C:t on July 3. The peak linear pouer nor. cured in the overpe.tcr tect cuba'ne ;bly vac 22 3 lar/ft. Reactor pouct van naintained at D.51.'.t uv il July 11 te cc:d e' n the preconditioning period of the overpower tout cubaccc:.bly. Daring the por.iod Juhv 12 to July I.3 the reactor use naf nttinci in a hot chatdmn. condition for reactor operator training and for an Al/) operator canination for one Rochcoter Gan and 1;1cctric Conpany tra:nce. Ther o were a total of cixty-cix operator training etart-upe during Ju2y. On >'y P,, cocidm n of the nain coolant cycten uno initic.tod in propcraticr. for re ovil of' cubact,cablics for vicuni inspection and ncacuranents.

. Z:r?im:UTAL p%C".A;;

Pnaco A of the overpoucr tect vco initiated and coupleted during tho

...,n " . 7" e, 4 nc?"<W nreconditionin- the overnover tect nnbassembly at 22.3 lai/ft cinulating full pouer cteady stato conditions. 'The. reactor power uao increcced in :.nree ctcps. The first step was to increase pouer to 18.5 IT..t correcpondirc to 15 lat/ft. The ac::t etcp van to 20.6 !!.it corresponding to 10.5 h!/f':. 7:.c final etcp ucc to 22.5 cortcoponding to 22.3 lar/ft which caapleted the precenttitioning of the overpower test subaccombly.

N1ouln3 c.hutdcun and cooldo n eight fuel rodo ucro removed, .

v! r 9 ':, inopu *.cl, and profilameter ncacuramento made.

/ ?e iM fuci Atect'o.' sycteac installed during the laut thutdoun ucre non1tored U ving th2 pcuer increacca. The monitors folloucd the radiation h

icvol An.:.:c: Cth '.ntreated pouer Icyc1 indicating they arc operating pro;>erl", heuever, cinec thero unr no fuel failure the instrument responce was noi. detenned.

A tero pouct pi; cent uns canpleted during the month and the results indicate that there in no rcactivity gain or 1o00 at acro power.

3. Or'.c.?TG'O 7ET3 The radiation nonitoring cycten circuito were testod on July 5,1960.

The nonal tects of the cafety injection ucre completed on July 1 and July 15.

h 3:0 fire and evacuation alams were tested on July 5, '2, 19 & 26.

9110290094 910424 PDR FOIA DEKOK91-17 PDR A. .

S EO Cycratienc :leport for U R

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. . ugy;m T e pr ndpl itens of r.cchanical naintenanco for the ::.onth included repheing the filter cartridgec in the clorage voll filter and the purification cyctan filter; replacar.cnt of a ocction of pipa on the river unter line to the control rod drive room niv handler; cleaning the uncte plant can comproccor coal water coolcrr.; cleaning the chech valvec on the R..*DF can comprescor discharco piping; replacing packing in the charging pump otuffing bo::co; draining the evaporator and mixing cicht drane of bottaan with cc:nent; installing nmi piping fro i the control and au::iliary building cump pwaps to the monitor tanho; inspecting one cunp pump for ucar; ir.ntalling a new check valve and cleaning the other check valve on the cuup pu?.p discharco piping; replacing the pre-filters on the control and auxiliary building inlet air hsndler and the conten.:ent veccel cir handlers; painting the valls in the office arca; cleaning the tulee bundle of the otorage well heat exchanCer; fabricating and installing a grating for an opening in the contairraent vessel operating floor; repairing the valve stc'a on the river unter regulating valvo to the primary compartnent air handler.

The 1:njor itcac of clectrical and instrument maintenance for the month included rcrairing the level probec in the :nonitor tanho; inctalling a new paging phone in the training office; repairing the presouro enuge for number one charci .; pump diccharco pipc; repairing the shicided G-JI scaler; chechdrc the cpecific ,,ravity of the ctation batterico; installing a nmi cabic for ocurce range channel D nuclear detcetor; sampling the 10001;VA trancfomer oil and testing for diclectric strength; repairing the gamna spectrometer scaler; repciring the cite particulate air monitor, R10-8, vacuum pump; installing a 120V outlet in cite particulate air nonitor cabinet, RIC-9, for a portable air cc:aplet: repairing the starter on the fork lift truch; and replacing the intenaediate range channel B nuclear detector.

5. MIISTP.Y 1 ain coolant cyctea enc .istry vao being raaintained for power operation conditions at the Leginninc of the :aonth. On Ju?? 12, lithium uns added to the nain coolant in preparation for the cero power test. High pH was maintained until July 16 uhen the lithium uns renoved by demincralization to 0.015 pFa. Idthium was at;ain added on July 22. to raise the pH and repeat the initial step. Tho hydregen una reaoved during the oper: tor training phase and on July 24 it was icos then 5 ce/kg of unter in plegaration to opening the main coolant systen.

Boron concentrationc varied from a lou of 393 during the operator training  ;

phace to a high of 1703 pga after the main coolant was r.dy.ed with the storace voll unter.- A curary of the analysco perfomed on main coohnt sa:nples during the nonth is contained in the following tablet o

L; E0 Operatient Report for JuN W C _. ._ . ..... 2 1:A n _Cninnt 5: otrn 13 ni q lindratm p:! at 25 C 5.44 7.04 Conductivity, u:.thoo 1.84 21.4 Boron, pp:a 393 1783 Chloridco, pga 0.005 0.005 Qqgen, pga 4 0.005 <,0.005 Hydrogen, cc/hg H 2O 2 34 Crad, ppb 106 ,, 106 Crocs Deta Ga:ra (15 l'dn. Degacood) ue/cc '

7.83x10-1 Tritiun,ue/cc 1.26x10'2 1.04x10- 7.36x10

Groce Iodine, ue/cc (one deterraination) 1.05x10-1 A campanent cooling cyctc:a sci.:ple analy:cd had a pH of 8.64 and a chraanto concentration of 530 p;n. The gross beta-gn:ra activity was 1.46x10-6 ue/cc, Analyocc of ocnples of storage well and refueling water storago tanh unter are no follount Analyn4 s Storace Well RGT pH 5.55 5.46 Conductivity 10.f6 8.65 Chlorideo, ppa 0.03 0.05 Boron, pga 1930 1852 Greco Deta Grean, ue/cc 7 79x10~3 5.88x10~3 Mcept for a brief period on July 8, the steam generator chlorides uero within specificationc. The averago activity of the steara generator blowdown totheriverwas1centhan12.10-8ue/ce.

6.  !%DIGIG; N'D U!STE DISpCGAL Radiation ourveying conointed of routino plant curveys, C.V. during chutdoun and natorialo chipacnto. The following maxhaum radiation readingo ucre tahent location Radiation Readinn f

C_M Buildina Uacto Drr. (baling machine) 0.7 mram/hr bota-garana Charging Pu:ap (contact with chamber) 19 mrem /hrbeta-garxas Sa:aple Room (door of oa:aplo panel) 8 mrcn/hr Cheaical Inb llot Sink (1" from drain) 1.3 mrtn/hr bota-gn:r.a

S;:".C Cteratienc Ikport for J A 1960_, . . . . . 14 Joca t i on Rad tation Ladire TCF Evaporator (underbotttn) 35mran/hrbeta-gota-a Evaporator (contactoutcideupperIcyc1) 10 mran/hr beta-carmna Drum Storage Area (at HRA fenco) 2.3 mraa/hr beta-gamma I


Primar/ Compartment (cencralupper1cyc1) 100 mran/hr beta-cara Primar/ Compartment contact 1;.C.

Prirar/ Cuapartment S.O. bottm) pump volutc)350 190 mran/hr mrm/hr beta-garna beta-gama Prinary Campal tnent Precouricor bottom) 115 mran/hr beta-cama Prir.ary Conpartment (general lower Icyci) 70 mrem /hr beta-ge a Primary Compartment (Regen. HX) 450 mram/hr beta cc:xra Primary Campartnent (Non-Regen.10C) 40 mraa/hr beta-gena Aurdliary Lluip. Canpartment S.C.H.X.) 6 mraa/hr beta-ge=a Au::111ary L;uip. C:cpartment D.T. top) 6 mrun/hr beta-ga:ahn Aur.iliar/ D! uip. Canpartuent D.1. bottom) 12 mren/hr beta-cc:ca Aurdliary D1 uip. Campt. (cencral louer level) 3 mran/hr beta-ca:na Reactor Doch (water level at grating) 10 mrem /hr beta-camma RcactorDeci,(inctrumentporto) 170 mran/hr bota-gamna ReactorDock(vaicticyc1) 75 mran/hr beta-ganma Reactor Deck (ctorage uc11 railing) 10 mrea/hr beta-Ca=a Contcmination curveying conciated of routine plant cite surveyc, curveys of materials allpped, tooln, equi racnt t and C.V. during chutdown. The cican areas were within the " Clean Area" lirito. Tbc controlled area was generally within the " Clean Area" lirito. The controlled area was cicaned froa.uently to keep and/or to return it to the " Clean Arca" lirdto. The c:::1ucion areas were cicaned periodically to ninimice the anount of cmcarable contcicination. The following contuaination icycle were observed location Contamination Rmddne C&A Duildinr.

Charging Pump Cha aber 2160 d cmear beta-gama Charging Pump Chamber < 10 d smear alpha Charging Roca Floor 2220 d /cmear beta-gena Sample Roan Sink 67320 d /cmearbota-gera Saraple Roara Sinh < 10 d /cmearalpha St.nple Room Floor 270 d /cmear beta-ga a Cha-leal lab Hot Sink 162470 d /snear bota-tge a Cheaical Inb Hot Sink <,10 d/m/cmear alpha 5..D F Pur.p Room Etoor 2370d/m Shipping Roam Floor

< 100 d/n/cacar /cmearbeta-gamma beta-gema

L: C Oper:<tionc Jeport for July 19M , . . . . . 15 I

Inention Contrrhnt i on Readin."


Operating Dock 10620d/m/encarbeta-ce=.a Operatin;; Dock < 10 d/m/c:acar alpha ReactorDoch(head) 14030 d /c:acar beta-cena Reactor Dech (head) < 10 d /cmearalpha ReactorDeck(crating) 7810 d a/o:acar beta-ca:r.a Reactor Doch (grati ) < 10 d a/ancar alpha Primar/ Caapartment cratinc 221.0 d /cmcarbeta-ca:nn Prbar;' Ca..partncnt crating}) < 10 d /macar alpha liquid and caseouc effluents fraa the S::D cito for the month of Ja]y 1965 ucre no follouc (Curio) (Curio) (Curic)

Effluent Activity Activity. Activity pmc This 14onth year to Date Inct 'hmive l'onthe liquid 0.001206 0.004390 0.011055 Tritium 1.100597 5.227507 6.683516 Air, To 0.263370 16.057301 26.095632 Air, 1-131 0.000030 0.000351 0.002002 Air, 1:.F.P. 0.002633 0.160573 0.268956 No barrelo of vasto were dru:xacd for temporar/ storaco. 1:o drxac uere shipped fraa the cite.

Radic. tion cypocure for all S :EC personnel as measured by film badcco for the neath of June 1960 vere a rxWaum of 575 mram with an averace of C1.5 mra1 Radiation expocure for all visiting personnel ao meacured by fib badcco for the month of June 1960 ucro a maximum of 90 nrca uith an averace of 2.2 mrea.

The averaco radiation expocure for all personnel as measured by film badcca for the month of June 1968 van 52 5 nrc=.



!!OURS CRITICAL IDlS. 269.52 1,387.00 21,960.08 TIKES SCPJM'ED (mal?UAL) NO. 43 84 4D.

  • Tn n SCRta ED (INADVERTA!!T) N O. 1 7 40 THEn!iAL PodER GENERATION INil 4,779.77 31,236.13 409,206.06 AVFJMOE IUPJ UP )MD/HTU 390.16 2,549.71 16,383 94 CONTROL ROD PCGITIONS AT DiD OF HONTl! AT B1UIIJBRIUM POWER OF 0 )Mt

.lc.IN 00]IA!!T BOR0;; 1607 p}y RODS OUT - INC}D 0

NO. 2 0 0 11 0 . 1 NO. 3 NO. 4 0 No. 5 0 No. 6 0 ,

ELEC*?' CAL UtnT HONTH YfAR TO DATE OROSS GENERATION }MH 006 5,668 68,944 5 STATIO!! SERVICE HMI 261 74 1,937 65 I4,153 55 STATION SERVICE  % 32.47 34.19 2W53 AVO. PIA!!T EFFICIDiCY - }MH(e)/hvIH(t)  % 16.86 18.15 16.85 AVO. GENERATION RUNNING ( 216.95 itRS) DI 3,715.14 4,553.85 3,442 33 PIA!!T LOAD FACTOR -

(AVO. GEN. FOR HONTH/hAX. IDAD)  % 27.64 17 60 19.82 EXILIARY STEAM SUPPLY - NUCIIAR STFAH SUPPIJED BY REACTOR HRS. 217.15 1,286.62 18,437.71 TMDF EVAPORA'IOR OPERATION HRS. 91.5 356.01 6,9u.41 o RDMRT.S : July 23 - Reactor scram due to "Pamp Trip" (27 Hert ) when an operator reduced frequency too rapidly on VM 1


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