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Provides Supplemental Response to Insp Repts 50-373/88-05 & 50-374/88-05 on 890302-10.Scheduled Completion Dates for Sample Panel Mods Changed from Third to Fourth Refueling Outages of Each Unit
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/08/1989
From: Morgan W
To: Davis A
NUDOCS 8911270048
Download: ML19332C246 (3)


w o m. .s' Ey~ c/ '\ C6mmonwealth Edison -

4 fe I _ / 72 West Aduns Street, Chicago, Ilknes -

ATdress RIply to: F5sOffice BoiTW



ks ; Chicago, Ilknois 60690 0767, November 8, 1989 c

. Mr. A. Bert Davis t- Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

. Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137


LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2 Supplemental Response to Inspection Report Nos. 50-373/88005 and 50-374/88005 NRC Dockel Nos. 50-373 and 50-374 References (a): H.D. Shafer letter to Cordell Reed dated April 19,'1988.

(b): C.M. Allen letter to A.B. Davis dated June 13, 1988.


Dear.Mr. Davis:

l.  : Reference (a) transmitted the results of an inspection conducted by ii Messrs. J.E. House and M.C. Schumacher on March 2-10, 1988 of Rad Chem 1 activities at LaSalle County Station. No Violations were identified.

I Reference (b) transmitted'a clarification to the wording of a statement made in the second paragraph on Page'4'of the report so as to

< prevent possible future misunderstandings.

This clarification noted that " Equipment for continuous data recording from the in-line monitors had.been acquired and would be installed as part of the modification to install new sample panels. These modifications-1

-were scheduled to be completed during the third refueling outages of each unit" (Unit ~1 September 1989 - Unit 2 March 1990).

An increased refueling outage work scope and higher priority outage related modifications have caused the sample panel modifications to be re- #

scheduled. The current completion date of the modification is the fourth I refueling outage of each unit (Unit 1 March 1991 and Unit 2 January 1992).

jYN' 0364T:1 l i s a


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=A.B. Davis, November 8, 1989 This letter documents the change of the completion dates of the sample panel modifications.

If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please direct them to this office.

Very truly yours, b% 8 W.E.(Horgan Nuclear Licensing Administrator Im ,

cc: NRC' Resident Inspector - LSCS



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N:n _. ilaboratory is/ generally.well equipped with a Dionex Model 2020i Ion M ," , Chromatograph with a Hewlett Packard 3390 Integrator, a Beckman Spectra 1

? 3 pan VI Direct Coupled Plasma Spectrometer, a Tracor Gas Chromatograph',-

g :an Orion 701 A.lonalyzer,.and an 0.I. Model 700 Total Organic Carbon


&, -Analyzer.  :

An -assigned chemist ' tracks systen, v er'w 'y witn tabulated data f rom the - ~l chemistry laboratory. The same da - o a entered into an offsite computer- 1 system from which trend charts'can be-generated. However, the charts _are .iI 1 e not immediately available onsite and their use appears to be limited.

.'The engineering assistant also prepares trend plots.of selected parameters

-using the data tabulated by the chemist, but again, the plotsLate not.

timely,enough;to be useful except in retrospect. The licensee stated-that eauipment for continuous data recordino from the in-line monitors:

has been acquired and will be installed during the next outage.

g A review of-selected data indicated that-Units 1 and 2-have operated below action Level 1 except for excursions during power changes or du' ring startup/ shutdown conditions, b No violations or deviations were identified.

'5. Nonradiological Confirmatory Measurements The' inspector; submitted chemistry samples to the licensee for analysis as part of a program to evaluate the laboratory's capabilities-to monitor-nonradiological chemistry parameters'in various; plant systems with respect

~ to various Technical Specification and othor; regulatory and administrative requirements. .These samples had been prepared, standardized, and-

periodically reanalyzed (to check for stability) 'for the' NRC by the Safety-and Environmental Protection Division of Bfookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).- The samples were analyzed by the licensee using routine methods and equipment.

The samples were diluted by licensee personnel? as necessary to bring.the


concentrations within the ranges-normally analyzed by the laboratory, and triplicate in a manner similar to that of routine samples. The results are presented in Table 1 and the criteria for agreement in Attachment 1. These criteria for agreement are based on-comparisons of the mean values and estimates of the standard deviations (s.d.) of the '

measurements. Consideration was given to the fact that the uncertainties (s.d.) of,the licensee!s results were not necessarily representative of the laboratory's because they were obtained by one analyst over a short period of time. Consequently, when the licensee s.d. was less than that of BNL, and a disagreement resulted, the BNL value was substituted for that of the licensee in calculating the s.d. of the ratio Z (57 in y

Attachment 2).

The licensee also prepared two samples to be split with BNL. To these were added analytes supplied by the inspector. Reactor water was spiked .

i with the anions, chloride, fluoride, and sulfate, and samples of condensate were spiked with the cations copper, iron, nickel, and chromium. The i

(  !

- l 4

x y ' L. ? A' Commonwrlth Edison

,5 -

. ' One First National Plata. Chicago.11hnois ij d vi  ? ' XUdress Reply to: PosiCiHico Box /67

, ].W 'J.- .m x Chicago,!!Iinois 60690 0707

.a June 13, 1988 h[p;[



j; Mr. A. Bert. Davis,

' =Regiona1 Administrator- .. .

~U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory Commission l ' Region III*

L 1799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137




LaSalle' County Station Units 1 and 2 h Response to Inspection Report Nos.

1 50-373/88005'and 50-374/88005-l

q NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374 Reference (a): Letter dated April 19, 1988 transmitting.

inspection Report Nos. 50-373(374)/88005 4

Dear Mr. Davis:

p, R This letter is in response to the inspection conducted by Messrs.

J.E. House and M.C. Schumacher on March 2-10, 1988, of Rad-Chem activities at-LaSalle County Station. Reference (a) reported the results of that inspection

,in which no violations were identified. Commonwealth Edison would'like to provide a minor clarification to the wording of a statement made in the second

paragraph on page 4 of the report to prevent possible future misunderstanding.

p The existing line in the report' reads, "The licensee stated that q equipment for continuous data recording from the in-line monitors has been p . acquired and will be installed during the next outage." A more accurate U representation of what was meant to be conveyed is, " Equipment for continuous h ' data recording from.the in-line monitors has been acquired and will be (j installed as part of the modification to install new sample _ panels. These O modifications are currently scheduled to be completed during the third

[ refueling outage on each unit."

a If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please direct.them to this office.

1 Very truly yours, C. M. Allen

! Nuclear Licensing Administrator 1m Attachment

.cc: NRC Resident Inspector - LSCS 4775KfD M-16 aj sc

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