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04/07/2015 Public Meeting Summary - Regulatory Conference with Entergy Operations, Inc., for Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/09/2015
From: Thomas Farnholtz
NRC Region 4
To: Chisum M
Entergy Operations
Download: ML15099A563 (57)



April 9, 2015 EA-14-228 Mr. Michael R. Chisum Site Vice President Entergy Operations, Inc.

17265 River Road Killona, LA 70057-0751





Dear Mr. Chisum:

This refers to the Category 1 meeting conducted on April 7, 2015, in Arlington, Texas. The purpose of this meeting was to allow representatives of Entergy Operations, Inc., the licensee for Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, to meet with U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) personnel to discuss their position with regard to the preliminary Greater-than-Green finding and associated apparent violation. The apparent violation of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, "Corrective Action," was associated with through-wall corrosion of vent piping for the emergency diesel generator fuel oil day tanks. The holes En these vent pipes could allow water to enter the day tanks and contaminate the diesel fuel oil, challenging the operability and functionality of both safety-related emergency diesel generators. The apparent violation is discussed in NRC Inspection Report 05000382/2014007, dated January 22, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15022A637).

During the meeting, Entergy Operations, Inc., representatives provided an assessment of the significance of the finding, their root cause evaluation and corrective actions, and the results of tests they conducted on the effects of water contamination of the diesel fuel oil. A member of the public asked questions about why it took the NRC so long to identify the issue, the effect a clogged roof drain would have, and the probability of a loss of offsite power event. The Region IV Regional Administrator responded to these questions.

A list of attendees and a copy of the presentation handouts are enclosed.

In accordance with Title 10 of the Coofe of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 2.390, "Public Inspections, Exemptions, Requests for Withholding," a copy of this letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC's Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible

M. Chisum from the NRC Web site at httD://www.nrc.aov/readina-rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

Sincerely, IRfiJ Thomas R. Farnholtz, Chief Engineering Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38


1. List of Attendees
2. Entergy Presentation Handouts ec w/encl:

Electronic Distribution

ML15099A563 13 SUNSI Review i B Non-Sensitive 13 Publicly Available Keyword:

By: JLD D Sensitive D Non-Publicly Available RGN-002 OFFICE SRI:DRS/EB1 SPAO C:DRS/EB1 NAME  ! JDixon VDricks TFarnholtz SIGNATURE l /RA/ /RA/ /RA/

DATE 4/8/2015 4/8/2015 4/8/2015

Letter to Michael R. Chisum from Thomas R. Farnholtz, dated April 9,2015





Regionai Administrator (

Deputy Regional Administrator (

DRP Director (

Acting DRP Deputy Director (Thomas.

DRS Director (

DRS Deputy Director (

Senior Resident inspector (

Resident Inspector (

WAT Administrative Assistant (

Branch Chief, DRP/D (

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Project Engineer, DRP/D (

Project Engineer, DRP/D (

Public Affairs Officer (

Public Affairs Officer (

Project Manager (

Branch Chief, DRS/TSB (

RITS Coordinator (


Regional Counsel (

Congressional Affairs Officer (

Technical Support Assistant (

RIV Congressional Affairs Officer (






      • ^ APRIL 7, 2015 Name Organization

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'"^Entefgy WATERFORD 3 REGULATORY CONFERENCE Through-Wall Corrosion on Emergency Diesel Generator A and B Day Tank Vents Apri 7,2015

Entei^gy OP EN NG REMARKS Michael Chisum Site Vice President Waterford 3

Waterford 3 Representatives Ran Gilmore Manager, Systems and Components Engineering Brian Lanka Director, Engineering Jessica Walker PRA Consultant, Jensen Hughes Marvin Chase Director, Regulatory & Performance Improvement


. Overview of Performance Deficiency

. Causes and Corrective Actions n

Inputs to the Risk Calculation Q

Safety Significance Calculation

© Conclusion

f:s:'Entergy OVERVIEW OF PERFORMANCE DEFICIENCY Ran Gilmore Manager, Systems and Components Engineering Waterford 3

Performance Deficiency Failure to identify and correct through-wall corrosion on the A and B Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Day Tank Vent I'nes.

As-Found nter'm repair Hole Located at Roof on Missile Shield Side i^

Impact on Plant Not to Scale

I s



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~'sfEnte^gy CAUSES AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Ran Gilmore Manager, Systems and Components Engi eering Waterford 3

Day Tank Vent Line Evaluation Resu ts Direct Cause

. Failure of the pipe coating al owed accelerated, local, general corrosion to occur.

Key Cause 0 Failure mechanism ofthrough-wall corrosion combined with postulated precipitation events at the site could challenge EDG safety functions.

a Corrective Actions Replace Temporary Repair with a Permanent Design Change

. Immediate Walkdown of Roofs for Similar Configuration

- Reassess impact of Non-Safety Components on EDG(s)

. Emergency Diesel Generator Comprehensive hlealth Assessment

General Corrosion Evaluation Results

. Direct Cause

. Normalization of external corrosion on plant equipment by station personnel.

3 Key Cause Inadequate programmatic guidance to ensure consistent identification and correction of coating degradation and external corrosion 0 Corrective Actions 0 Create an External Corrosion standard and program capable of identifying, prioritizing, monitoring, applying resources and repairing degradation of plant equipment related to external corrosion.

6 Utilizing an External Corrosion Team

m ^ M Entergy INPUTS TO THE R SK CALCULATION Ran Gi more Manager, Systems and Components Eng Waterford 3

Key Inputs 0

Water Intrusion Rate

. Hole Size and Location 0 Analytic Estimate 0 Roof Test

© Water Tolerance of EDG

. Test Approach e Test Results

Determination of hlole Size Fuel Oil Day Tank B (East Vent)

Not to Scale

Determination of Hole Size Fuel Oi Day Tank A (West Vent)

Not to Scale

Water Intrusion Analysis Vent B Required Ponding Depth: A Vent Not to Scale

Water Intrusion Analysis Day Tank Accumulations 45 40 35 30 5 25 20 5

15 10 T T -r t 567 9 10 11 12 Rain Rate (In/hr)

- -West ("A") Tank .East ("B") Tank

Roof Test Purpose 9 Validate Analytical Model of Roof Drainage 0 Assess Ponding Depth and Boundaries 0 Assess Debris Behavior

Roof Test Water Line Near "A" Vent Results

° Water Did Not Reach Fuel Oil Day Tank A Vent Line in 20 GPM (5 in/hr)

Test y^s


0 Drain Resistance is Less Than Calculated


Roof Test As-found Debris Location Results

- Found debris did not transport when placed n as-found location.

e Manually placed next to drain to evaluate effects Debris Next to Drain Debris in As-found Location


Roof Ponding Test Results Day Tank Accumulations 45 40 35 30 Roof Ponding .r-^

Result s25 20


I 15 10 ^

5 u^

0 -r z T T T T T T 1 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Rain Rate (in/hr)

-J-West ("A") Tank

Water Tolerance Testing G Waterford EDG Characteristics to Maintain in Test System

- Delivery of water to engine 0 Engine combustion conditions

° Engine loading during a LOOP e Approach 0 Full Scale Testing at Sumner Municipal Light Plant (SMLP) in Sumner. IA 0 12 cylinder Cooper-Bessemer KSV Engine similar to the 16 cylinder Cooper-Bessemer KSV engines at Waterford 9 Duplicate Waterford fuel delivery skid at Sumner

Water Tolerance Testing

1. Delivery of Water Duplicate Waterford Fuel Supply System.

to the Engine Maintain fuel (and water) flow rates through system the same as at Waterford by: (1) scaling the load profile, and (2) providing takeoff from header to simulate "missing" four cylinders.

2. Engine Use similar Cooper-Bessemer KSV Engine with same bore, stroke, Combustion cylinder liners, pistons, and similar cylinder heads.

Conditions Load SMLP engine at a conservatively greater power per cylinder per cycle (to maintain consistent fuel flow rate).

Fuel Injection System with similar characteristics.

(Waterford: Bendix FDX-22, SMLP: Bendix FDX-22G)

3. Engine Loading Use Load Bank to simulate Waterford LOOP load profile (scaled to 12 cylinders).

SMLP governor is slower than the Waterford governor, which results in a conservative measure of the impact on EDG frequency.

Water Tolerance Testing Tower with Day Tank New Fuel Header 4 Cylinder Take-Off



^.-r^f w ind Straii lers


Water Tolerance Testing Conduct of Test

. "Trickle" Test (Loss of Offsite Power with Rain Event)

. Diesel Started and Loaded to Maximum Peak LOOP Load Scaled to the SMLP Engine 9 Water Introduced into Day Tank at Specified Flow Rate

° "Slug" Test (Loss of Offsite Power after Rain Event)

" Diesel in Standby Specified Water Volume Added to Day Tank and Settled into Low Point of Piping

- Diesel Started and Loaded with LOOP Load Profile Scaled to SMLP Engine

>s:'Entergy TEST RESULTS Brian Lanka Director, Engineering Waterford 3

Water Tolerance Testing Cases Base Line 0 No water test Sug

. 1 Gallon

. 5 Gallon with 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> endurance run

- 7 Gallon (5.4 in/hr)


. 2.7 GPH Trickle 0 21 GPH Trickle with 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> endurance run

. 40 GPH Trickle (11 in/hr)


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FigUrtl. Test System Schemafic ig

Water Tolerance Test Video

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Water Tolerance Testing Water VoIume/Flow Engine Fuel Rack Test Type Generator Output Frequency Position Trickle 2.7 GPH for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> No detectable effect No detectable effect Trickle2 21 GPH for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> Up to 2 mm increase1 No detectable effect Trickle 40 GPH for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> Up to 3 mm increase1 No detectable effect Slug 1 Gallon No detectable effect No detectable effect Slug2 5 Gallon Up to 3 mm increase1 <1 Hz decrease1 1 Hz decrease during a minor load step1 Slug 7 Gallon Up to 10 mm increase1 2 Hz decrease during a major load step1

1. Compared with the response in the baseline test.
2. A 24-hour endurance test was performed immediately afterthis test.

Water Intrusion Rate Determination Day Tank Accumulations 45 40 I 40 GPH Trickle 35 Roof Ponding 30 Result

^25 I.20 IS 10 5

0 -T 1 1 567 12 Rain Rate (In/hr)


( _ _ I Entergy SAFETY SIGNIFICANCE CALCULATION Jessica Walker, PRA Consultant Jensen hlughes

Risk Analysis Risk = Frequency of the Event* Consequences Initiating Event Frequency Consequences Rainfall Rate Probability Conditional Core Damage LOOP Frequency Probabilities

. Coincident Likelihood of High Rainfall

. Non-Coincident Coincident with LOOP

Rainfall Rate National Weather Service Data for Waterford 3 Plant 0 Provides average recurrence interval in years to achieve hour ong rainfall in inches Used to determine probability of specific rainfa I rates Average Recurrence Interval 10 25 50 100 200 500 1,000 (years)

Inches of Rainfall in 1.89 2.21 2.77 3.27 3.98 4.57 5.18 5.83 6.72 7.43 One Hour Example: 2 percent (1/50) of the time the highest rainfall rate during the year is approximately 4.6 in/hr

nitiating Event Frequency Rainfall Rate Took the average recurrence interval and assumed a direct probabi ity of rain 0 Conservatively used the annual recurrence as the probability

° Probability of having a rainfall rate of 4.57 in/hr is 0.02 (1/50)

Fina Probability Values interpolated from available data to provide rainfall rates that correspond with testing

>> 5.4in/hr=7.1E-03

. 11 in/hr = 9.5E-04*

  • Note: Data past 8 in/hr has greater uncertainty 9.5E-04 (8 in/hr value) utilized

Initiating Event Frequency LOOP Frequency Coincident - Severe Weather Related LOOP

. 12 separate severe weather induced LOOP events at U.S.

nuclear plants from 1986 through 2012

. Dividing by total critical reactor years during this period (2,332.6 rcry)

. Weather induced at power LOOP Frequency of 5.1 E-03/yr Non-Coincident - LOOP not caused by weather

. Utilized the WFSAt-Power model 0 Removed the Severe Weather events

" LOOP Frequency of 2.1 E-02/yr

Initiating Event Frequency Rainfall and LOOP

. Historical weather induced LOOP events

. Lightning strikes 8 High winds (e.g. tornado and hurricane) e No mention of significant rainfall

' Review of rainfall data for these events

. Rainfall not a direct cause of Loss of Offsite Power Severe Weather assumed to cause both the LOOP and the extreme ra'nfall Initiating Frequency

. Severe Weather LOOP

  • Rainfall Probabi ity

CoinddentACDF Calculatio Initiating Event Frequency Consequences

° Severe Weather LOOP Successful 40 GPH trickle Frequency test 9 Utilized Severe Weather . Assumed reduced reliability of Offsite Recovery Factors diesels 0 Coincident Rainfall Rate - Utilized WF3 Internal Event Probability PRA Model

. CCDPpo = 2.92E-03

- CCDP^eline = 5.28E-04 ACDF = LOOP

  • RR * (CCDPpo-CCDP^iine) 5.1 E-03/yr
  • 9.5E-04 * (2.92E 5.28E-04) = 1.16E-08/yr

Non-CoincidentACDF Calculation Initiating Event Frequency Consequences 0 LOOP Frequency without Successful 7 gallon slug Severe Weather test

- Rainfall Rate Probability . Assumed failed diesels at >

5.4 in/hr rainfall

. Exposure time of 0.019 year Utilized WF3 Internal Event PRA Model 8 Based on EDG surveillance testing frequency . CCDFpD=1.19E-03/yr

. CCDF^eiine = 4.39E-06/yr ACDF = (RR) * (exp) * (CCDFpo-CCDF^eiine)

ACDF = (7 1E-03) * (0.019) * (1.19E-03/yr - 4.39E-06/yr)

ACDF = 1.62E-07/yr

Combined ACDF Results

° Coincident LOOPACDF = 1.16E-08/vr

. Non-Coincident LOOPACDF = 1.62E-07/vr

" Total ACDF = 1.73E-07/vr Q LERF calculations performed in similar manner as CDF calculations Total ALERF = 1.77E-09/vr

Coincident LOOP CDF Sensitivity Frequency 0 Lower Bound Case R 5th percentile for severe weather LOOP frequency 0 5th percentile for probability of rainfall rate

- Total ACDF = 2.41 E-08/vr 0 Nominal Case 0 Nominal severe weather LOOP frequency 0 Nominal probability of rainfal rate

- Total ACDF = 1 .73E-07/vr 0 Upper Bound Case 0 95th percentile for severe weather LOOP frequency 0 95th percentile for probability of rainfall rate

< Total ACDF = 5.81 E-07/vr

Non - Coincident LOOP CDF Sensitivity Rainfall Rate Lower Bound Case

. Rainfall rate of 6.4 in/hr ffl Total ACDF = 7.96E-08/vr Nominal Case 0 Rainfall rate of 5.4 in/hr

. Total ACDF == 1.73E-07/vr Upper Bound Case 8 Rainfall rate of 4.4 in/hr Total ACDF = 4.72E-07/vr

PRA Specific Conservatisms

. Coincident Case

. Diesels showed successful operation during 40 GPH trickle test

. Analysis assumes run failure ofdiesels increased by a factor of 10 above 8 in/hr rainfall

. Analysis utilizes 8 in/hr rainfall although 40 GPH is closer to 11 in/hr

. Assumed that a LOOP at Waterford occurs coincident with the highest rainfall event of the year

. Non-Coincident Case

. Diesel showed successfu operation during 7 gallon slug test

. Analysis failed both diesels for rainfall rates above 5.4 in/hr

- No credit assumed in PRAfor restart ofdiesels

Ente^y CONCLUSION Marvin Chase Director, Regu atory and Performance mprovement Waterford 3

Sum nary Completed Extensive Water Tolerance Testing of Diesel Generator

° Trickle Tests B S ug Tests In ALL Cases Diesel Demonstrated Continued Capability to Perform its Safety Function


. Established Station Rainfall Rate 0 Determined Roof Ponding Depths

. Determined Water Intrusion Rates via Day Tank Vent Determined LOOP Coincident with Rainfall Frequency from NRC Data

" PRA Results Organizational Learnings


. The station conclusion is that the PRA results support a determination that the failure to identify and correct through-wa I corrosion on the A and B EDG Fuel Oil Day Tank Vent lines is of a very low safety significance

Entergy CLOSING COMMEN S Michael Chisum Site Vice President Waterford 3

Letter to Michael R. Chisum from Thomas R. Farnholtz, dated April 9,2015





Regional Administrator (

Deputy Regional Administrator (

DRP Director (

Acting DRP Deputy Director (

DRS Director (

DRS Deputy Director (

Senior Resident Inspector (

Resident Inspector (

WAT Administrative Assistant (

Branch Chief, DRP/D (

Senior Project Engineer, DRP/E (

Project Engineer, DRP/D (

Project Engineer, DRP/D (

Public Affairs Officer (

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Project Manager (

Branch Chief, DRS/TSB (

RITS Coordinator (


Regional Counsel (

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RiV Congressional Affairs Officer (

