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Summary of March 17, 2021, Category 1 Public Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc. Regarding LAR to Install Digital Upgrade in Accordance with Digital I&C Interim Staff Guidance No. 06, Rev. 2, Licensing Processes (EPID L-2020-LLA-0164) Non
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/08/2021
From: Perry Buckberg
Plant Licensing Branch IV
Entergy Operations
Buckberg, P.
Shared Package
ML21085A866 List:
EPID L-2020-LLA-0164
Download: ML21085A865 (42)



Entergy Operations, Inc.


Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3




On March 17, 2021, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff held a virtual Category 1 public meeting with representatives from Entergy Operations, Inc. (the licensee) and its contract support staff. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the licensees amendment request dated July 23, 2020, as supplemented by letters dated January 22 and 29, 2021 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Nos. ML20205L588, ML21024A005, and ML21029A156, respectively), for the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, regarding a replacement to an existing digital core protection calculator system (CPCS). The upgrade, if approved, would replace the existing CPCS with a Common Q-based system. The meeting notice and agenda, dated December 22, 2020, are available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML21036A265. A list of attendees is provided in.

During the meeting, the NRC staff discussed its open items list, which is a list of NRC staff questions and informal licensee responses regarding the license amendment request for the NRC staff to track and eventually disposition as requests for additional information, requests for confirmation of information, audits, or as needing no additional action. The proprietary version of the open items list, which is being withheld from public disclosure, is in Enclosure 2.

A redacted copy of the open items list is in Enclosure 3.

During the public portion of the meeting, the NRC staff and licensee discussed Open Item Nos. 33 and 38. The NRC staff also discussed which open items it was closing and information needs for those items that are remaining open. The licensee also discussed its plans to supplement its amendment request.

to this letter contains proprietary information. When separated from, this document is DECONTROLLED.

OFFICIAL USE ONLY - PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OFFICIAL USE ONLY - PROPRIETARY INFORMATION During the closed portion of the meeting, the NRC staff and licensee discussed NRCs planned audit of the licensees vendor oversight plan implementation of the requirements phase.

The NRC staff has determined that the open items list contains proprietary information pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Section 2.390, Public inspections, exemptions, requests for withholding. The proprietary information is indicated by bold text enclosed within ((double brackets)). The proprietary version of the open items list is provided as Enclosure 2. Accordingly, the NRC staff has also prepared a nonproprietary version of the open items list which is provided as Enclosure 3.

The NRC staff did not make any regulatory decisions or commitments at the meeting. No members of the public identified themselves on the teleconference. The NRC staff did not receive any Public Meeting Feedback forms.

Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-1383 or by e-mail to

/RA Audrey Klett for/

Perry H. Buckberg, Senior Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch IV Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-382


1. List of Attendees
2. Open Items List (Proprietary)
3. Open Items List (Non-proprietary) cc w/o Enclosure 2: Listserv

List of Attendees



Samir Darbali, NRR1/DEX2/ELTB3 Jacob Champagne John Dixon, RIV4/DRP5 Phil Couture Greg Galletti, NRR/DRO6/IQVB7 Remy DeVoe Audrey Klett, NRR/DORL8/LPL49 Ron Gaston Shiattin Makor, RIV/DRS10 Loren Miller Richard Stattel, NRR/DEX/EICB11 Dave Moody Summer Sun, NRR/DSS12/SNSB13 Roger Rucker Tarico Sweat, NRR/DSS/STSB14 John Schrage Mike Waters, NRR/DEX/EICB Christopher Talazac Deanna Zhang, NRR/DRO/IQVB William Truss Jack Zhao, NRR/DEX/EICB Jensen Hughes, Inc.

Members of the Public Alan Harris None introduced Sargent and Lundy Pareez Golub Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Warren Odess-Gillett John Wiesemann 1 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 2 Division of Engineering and External Hazards 3 Long Term Operations and Modernization Branch 4 Region IV 5 Division of Reactor Projects 6 Division of Reactor Oversight 7 Quality Assurance and Vendor Inspection Branch 8 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing 9 Plant Licensing Branch IV 10 Division of Reactor Safety 11 Instrumentation and Controls Branch 12 Division of Safety Systems 13 Nuclear Systems Performance Branch 14 Technical Specifications Branch


Open Items List Proprietary information pursuant to Section 2.390 of title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations has been redacted from this document.

Redacted information is identified by blank space enclosed within ((double brackets)).



IMS ID Topic &


LAR/LTR Section LAR/ LTR Page NRC Comment / Open Item Description Licensee Response Status Audit, RAI or RCI No.

Acronyms and abbreviations are defined on the last page of this document.

Certrec IMS Request ID Format (second column of this table)

A-Audit (Generic/Multiple Documents)

CCF-Common Cause Failure/D3 EQ-Equipment Qualification HFE - Human Factors Engineering PSAI-Plant Specific Action Items RC-Regulatory Commitments RT-Response Time SA-System Architecture SDOE-Secure Development and Operational Environment ST-Surveillance Testing/Self-Diagnostics/SR Elimination SDP-System Development Processes, including SPM PSAIs TS-Technical Specifications VOP-Vendor Oversight Plan Updated by Entergy on 10/19/20 Proprietary Documents will be uploaded to the Westinghouse Sharepoint site at the below address



1 ST-01 Self-Tests (Jack Zhao, Richard Stattel, Samir Darbali)

B.2.5 B-5 The BTP 7-17 Evaluation conclusion states that It is not possible to test self-diagnostics as part of surveillance testing because it would require creating destructive faults within the I&C system, such as Random-Access Memory (RAM) errors.

Though this is a quote out of the Vogtle LAR safety evaluation, it is a statement made by the licensee and not the NRC to address this criterion in BTP 7-17, self-test functions should be verified during periodic functional tests. The interpretation being made that the BTP criterion calls for complete functional testing of the self-diagnostic functions is incorrect. Instead, the BTP states that the licensee should confirm the execution of self-diagnostic tests during plant operation and the NRC staff believes that it is possible to do so by implementing the following necessary plant monitoring activities as already included in the Enclosure for this LAR.

The licensee (Waterford) has addressed this in the LAR as follows:

Post installation, CPCS operability will be verified using 1) the automated diagnostics credited in this LAR (i.e., as described in LTR Appendix B), 2)

Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) 3/4.3.1, "Reactor Protective Instrumentation" and associated surveillance procedures; and 3) Waterford TS, "Surveillance Frequency Control Program (SFCP). A failure of credited automated diagnostics to detect a fault will be either detected by other diagnostics in the system or by checker(s) of diagnostics. This condition will be alarmed and displayed on the main control room (MCR) operator modules (OM) and/or the main control room annunciators. Upon receipt of an alarm or abnormal conditions, the station operating procedures will require the operators to perform system checks and verify operability of the CPCS (Entergy 11/3/20 Update)

The LAR Enclosure Section 2.3, Reason for the Proposed Changes, will be revised as follows:

Crediting Self-Diagnostics for TS Surveillance Requirement Elimination The Common Q design also provides additional reliability and operational margin via the self-diagnostics. These self-diagnostics are continually monitoring the health of the hardware and software.

Appendix B to the Licensing Technical Report (LTR) (Attachment 4) and the Waterford System Engineer and Operations Actions Supporting TS SR Reduction (LAR Enclosure Section 3.4) provides the justification to remove selected SRs.

Note: "and the Waterford System Engineer and Operations Actions Supporting TS SR Reduction (LAR Section 3.4) provides the ustification to remove selected SRs is new inserted text.

The LAR Enclosure Section 2.4, Description of the Proposed TS Changes, for TS 3.3.1/Table 4.3-1, will be revised as follows:

For row TS 3.3.1/Table 4.3-1, the sentence "LTR Appendix B provides the detailed justification that demonstrates that the self-diagnostics meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36 for the CPCS..."

with "LTR Appendix B along with the Waterford System Engineer and Closed (V)

This is a proposed change to the LAR enclosure and not to the WCAP.

Therefore I am unable to verify changes as of 2/25/2021.


SDP-04 SW Requirements (Deanna Zhang Samir Darbali)

LTR Section 5.2.5 This section states in part, The allocation of CPCS reference design system requirements (Reference 2) to software have already been accomplished as part of the NRC-approved Palo Verde CPCS replacement. The WF3 delta requirement from the reference design are documented in Reference 21.

These are allocated to software as described in Section 5, item c and documented in the SRS....Similar to the WF3 system requirements specification, the SRS is independently reviewed, approved and baselined as input to the ongoing life cycle activities. In addition, the RTM is updated showing the tracing of software requirements to the WF3 system requirements specification (Reference 21).

(a) Based on this description, it is not clear whether the RTM only include requirements on the differences between the WF3 CPCS replacement system/corresponding software requirements and the system requirements/corresponding software requirements in Westinghouse Rev 14 baseline of the CPC system requirements specification or whether it includes all CPCS system requirements.

(b) Given that (1) the WF3 system requirements specification only includes deltas between the WF3 CPCS project and the referenced System Requirements Specification of the Common Q Core Protection Calculator System (0000-ICE-30158), Revision 14, and (2) the System Requirements Specification of the Common Q Core Protection Calculator System (0000-ICE-30158) version that was reviewed and approved during the referenced Palo Verde CPCS Digital Upgrade LAR is Revision 7, it is unclear what types of regression analysis have been performed between the Revision 7 and Revision 14 of the System Requirements Specification of the Common Q Core Protection Calculator System to use Revision 14 as the new baseline for the WF3 CPCS project?

(c) It is also not clear whether Entergy performed appropriate oversight on the activities related to addressing the differences between Revision 7 and Revision 14 of the System Requirements Specification of the Common Q Core Protection Calculator System.

(a) The RTM only includes requirements on the differences between the WF3 CPCS replacement system/corresponding software requirements and the system requirements/corresponding software requirements in the Westinghouse Rev 14 baseline of the CPCS requirements specification.


(Entergy 11/3/20 Update)

The following summarizes the revisions to 00000-ICE-30158 since Revision 7.

Revision 08 This revision was to change the state of the Operating Bypass Contact annunciator outputs as a result of field installation. Some additional typographical errors and inconsistencies were also corrected.

Change Summary:

Text Main Body Changes

1. Corrected Figure 2.1-1.
2. Section Deleted "or CPP" from the third bullet.
3. Section Revised discussion of Operating Bypass relays so that form A contacts are used on all outputs.
4. Table Deleted CPC Trouble for CEAC processor global memory failure.
5. Section 3.5.3: Revised to define that an availability analysis shall be performed not a reliability analysis.
6. Added requirement for ANSIN45.2.2 Level B storage in new section 3.6.

Appendix Changes:

None Revision 09 This revision only changed page A121 in the Appendix. The change was to clarify the calculation of the row index.

Revision 10 This revision incorporates changes to various display pages based on customer comments.

Change Summary:

Text Main Body Changes

1. Moved table of Contents prior to the Revision Abstract and increase number of entries.
2. Revision 09 was issued with various bookmarks printed as "Error!

Reference source not found". Corrected these or removed the reference (pgs 23, 30, 103, 210).

3. Section 1.4.2: Removed revision level on CEAPD SysRS (Ref. and added footnote.

4. Section 2.1: Reworded last bullet and removed Reference to CEAPD SysRS.
5. Section Clarified and added reference to CEAPD data Closed 9(a) 9(b) 9(c) will be closed either through audit or by RAI 9(c) will be closed either through audit or by RAI


6. Section added CEA positions to items transmitted to CEAPD.
7. Section Removed reference to CEAPD SysRS.
8. Section Added requirement for CEA trip snapshot page with live CEA position data.
9. Section added CRC value to Addressable Constants page.
10. Section added CRC value to Change Addressable constants page.
11. Section added missing colon for "Page 3".
12. Section defined CEA inputs to be displayed as SUBGRPx on this page.
13. Section Corrected spelling of capability.
14. Section clarified trouble alarm occurs for loss of other display.
15. Section Added alarm icon label to sentence.
16. Section and 2, added OM and MTP CRCs do not agree to trouble list.
17. Section changed heading text and changed requirements for AI calibration testing for CPC, CPP1, and CPP2 functional tests.
18. Section Removed requirement to enable the Exit Functional test icons only if the associated AI calibration is complete.

This section was modified to reflect the as implemented software.

19. Section added section to describe functional test interlock requirements.
20. Section 2.3: corrected CEAPD description and removed reference.
21. Section added missing period to end of sentence.
22. Section corrected description since CEAPD does not use trip buffer data.
23. Section added "minimum" to description.
24. Section removed reference to CEAPD and added reference to applicable sections.
25. Section Clarified data being sent to CEAPD.
26. Section defined the CEA position data being sent to CEAPD and usage.
27. Section added CEA positions to CEAPD cross channel comparison information.

Appendix Changes:

1. Corrected Table of contents to remove "symbol" link after Sec.

2. Pg 116: Added IRPC decision statement to reflect text description.
3. Pg 217: Added definition of CEAIW.
4. Pg 217, 219: Moved all variable definitions to end of section
5. Pg 220: Clarified that CPOS(i,1) is the CEA position of the current execution cycle.

Revision 11 Change Summary:


1. Pg 59 clarified the conditions for taking the CEAC snapshot.
2. This revision incorporated changes to the Reactor Power Cutback detection algorithm in Appendix A.

Revision 12 Change Summary:

Appendix Changes

1. Pg A224, added footnote for starting the RPC timer.

Revision 13 Change Summary:

Text Main Body Changes

1. Page 150, incorporated CAPs Commitment 07-285-W006.02 for both CEACs inoperable.

Revision 14 Change Summary:

Text Main Body Changes

1. Re-numbered Sections to match Table of Contents per CAPAL 100074239.

Appendix Changes:

1. Correct QHOT definition in Sections & of Appendix A per CAPS #08-315-W001.

11/16/20 Update:

Entergy did not perform a regression analysis between the 00000-ICE 30158 Revision 7 and 00000-ICE 30158 Revision 14 documents.

Entergy performed a lower level regression analysis audit of the Palo Verde CPCS software changes between the initial release of the software that was approved by the NRC and the current baseline of the Palo Verde CPCS software. This VOP audit included all software change requests for the Palo Verde CPCS software. These software changes in some cases required a revision to the 00000-ICE 30158.

This regression analysis audit is documented in an Entergy regression analysis audit report (AUD-WF3-2019-236-CA058).

There were no hardware design changes to the CPCS since NRC approval.

(c) Reference SA-01a and SA-01b 00000-ICE-30158, Rev 14, System Requirements Specification for the Common Q Core Protection Calculator System, is the basis document for WNA-DS-04517-CWTR3, System Requirements Specification for the Core Protection Calculator System. WNA-DS-04517-CWTR3 is the WF3 delta document for WF3. Requirements traceability is to WNA-DS-04517-CWTR3. When WNA-DS-04517-CWTR3, Rev 0, was reviewed and approved for owners acceptance per procedure EN-DC-149, the applicable sections of 00000-ICE-30158, Rev 14, were reviewed. Based on the regression analysis for


f. Westinghouse organization chart, as referenced in LTR Section 5.2.12, Software V&V Processes
g. Control Panel 7 & 2 Cyber Security Door Lock Plan, ENT-WF3-CPC-115
h. Document that identifies and justifies the values of the CPCS delay times used in the thermal margin estimate for each of the applicable transients and accidents listed in Table 3.2.6-1 of Attachment 4.

N/A Software Safety Plan for the Core Protection Calculator System Upgrade


SPEC-10-00001-MULTI, 73.55 Fleet Strategy Implementation -

Fiber Optic Cable Common-Procurement Specification (Reference 40 of the LTR)

k. AC160 CPU Loading Restrictions, Document Number AN03007Sp (SyRS Reference

Project Management Plan for the Waterford 3 Core Protection Calculator Upgrade, GPEP-PMP-2019-000020, Revision 1

m. WF3 Project Quality Plan
n. Subsequent EQSR (see open item 23)
o. Waterford Unit 3 Common Q Implementation - Non-LOCA Evaluation of Updated CPCS Response Times, LTR-TA-20-4, Revision 0 (LTR Reference 24)
p. PO 10587546 - CPC, CEAC, CEAPDS Single Channel and Four Channel Components
q. PO 10591996 - Input / Output (I/O) Simulator Components
r. SPEC-18-00005-W, Rev 0
s. CPCS Replacement Project Critical Procurement Project (CPP),

CPP-WF3-2019-002 (WTWF3-2019-00236)

t. EN-MP-100, Critical Procurements
u. EN-DC-115, Engineering Change Process
v. EN-IT-104, Software Quality Assurance Program
w. 00000-ICE-36369, Rev. 02, CPC Timing Analysis for the Common Q Core Protection Calculator System
x. EN-DC-149, Acceptance of Vendor Documents
y. Waterford 3 Core Protection Calculator System Safety Function Table, LTR-TA-19-154, Revision 0
z. Entergy Quality Assurance Program Manual aa. Entergy Specification SPEC-18-00005-W, Revision 0, Core Protection Calculator Purchase Specification, April 2, 2019.

bb. Westinghouse Letter CWTR3-19-21, Revision 2, Transmittal of Westinghouse Final Compliance Matrix for SPEC-18-00005-W, June 28, 2019.

cc. Westinghouse Calculation Note CN-EQT-19-6, Revision 0, Determination of In-Equipment Response Spectra for Waterford Unit 3 Core Protection Calculator System, August 12, 2019.

dd. Westinghouse Document WCAP-16166-P Supplement 1-E09, Revision 1, Equipment Qualification Report for AC160 Platform - AI687 plan in Section 3 of the SPM. So, there is no WF3 CPC project-specific Software Safety Plan, Section 3, Software Safety Plan, of the Common Q Software Program Manual is followed for the project.


Located in WEC SharePoint


Provided in the WEC SharePoint


WEC Uploaded to SharePoint (11/3/20 Update)

m. Provided in the WEC SharePoint

Provided in the WEC SharePoint


Entergy Uploaded to IMS (11/3/20 Update)


Entergy Uploaded to IMS (11/3/20 Update)


Entergy Uploaded to IMS (11/3/20 Update)


Entergy Uploaded to IMS (11/3/20 Update)


Entergy Uploaded to IMS (11/3/20 Update)


Entergy Uploaded to IMS (11/3/20 Update)


Entergy Uploaded to IMS (11/3/20 Update)


WEC Uploaded to SharePoint (11/3/20 Update)

w. Located in IMS

Located in WEC SharePoint


Requested and received during the 11/19/20 VOP Audit


Located in IMS aa.

bb. Located in WEC SharePoint cc. Located in WEC SharePoint dd. Located in WEC SharePoint ee. Located in WEC SharePoint ff.

Located in WEC SharePoint gg. Located in WEC SharePoint hh. Located in WEC SharePoint ii.

Located in WEC SharePoint jj.

Located in WEC SharePoint kk. Located in WEC SharePoint ll.

Located in WEC SharePoint mm. Located in WEC SharePoint nn. Located in WEC SharePoint oo. Located in WEC SharePoint pp.

qq. Located in WEC SharePoint rr.

Located in IMS ss. Located in IMS tt.

Located in IMS uu. Located in IMS vv. Located in IMS ww. Located in IMS xx. Located in IMS yy. Located in IMS zz. Located in IMS aaa.


OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROPRIETARY INFORMATION and AI688 Modules and Supporting Components for Use in Common Qualified (Common Q) Post Accident Monitoring System.

ee. Westinghouse Document WCAP-16166-P Supplement 1-E05, Revision 5, Equipment Qualification Report for AC160 Platform - PC Node Box / Flat Panel Display System Components.

ff. Westinghouse Document 00000-ICE-37778, Revision 0, Qualification Summary Report for the PVNGS Common Q Based CPCS.

gg. Westinghouse Document 00000-ICE-37764, Revision 4, Summary Qualification Report of Hardware Testing for Common Q Applications.

hh. Westinghouse Document 00000-ICE-37773, Revision 0, Supplemental Qualification Test Report for Common Q Applications.

ii. Westinghouse Document CN-EQT-20-7, Revision 0, Seismic Evaluation of Waterford Unit 3 Auxiliary Protection Cabinet, May 11, 2020.

jj. Westinghouse Document CN-EQT-20-5, Revision 1, Qualification Evaluation of Core Protection Calculator System Equipment for Waterford Unit 3 Main Control Room, August 27, 2020.

kk. Westinghouse Test Report, EQLR-463, Revision 0, Electromagnetic Compatibility Report for the Waterford 3 Core Protection Calculator Upgrade Equipment, August 2020.

ll. Westinghouse Document EQLR-470, Revision 0, Mild Environment Test Report for the Core Protection Calculator System Equipment, September 2020.

mm. Westinghouse Document EQ-TP-496-CWTR3, Revision 0, Environmental Test Procedure for the Core Protection Calculator System Equipment, June 2020.

nn. Westinghouse Document EQLR-475, Revision 0, Seismic Qualification Test Report for the Core Protection Calculator System Equipment, September 2020.

oo. Westinghouse Document EQ-TP-499-CWTR3, Revision 0, Seismic Test Procedure for the Core Protection Calculator System Equipment, July 2020.

pp. CN-EQT-20-2 (see OI#32) qq. Human Factors Engineering Guideline for the Common Q Display System, WNA-IG-00871-GEN, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC (HFE) rr. NMM Procedure EN-DC-163, Human Factors Evaluation (HFE) ss. NMM Procedure EN-TQ-212, Conduct of Training and Qualification (HFE) tt. NMM Procedure EN-AD-101, NMM Procedure Process (HFE) uu. NMM Procedure EN-TQ-201, Systematic Approach to Training Process (HFE) vv. NMM Procedure EN-DC-115, Engineering Change Process (HFE) ww. LO-HQNLO-2018-00081, CPCS Benchmarking Report (HFE) xx. LO-HQNLO-2019-00086, CPCS Benchmarking Report (HFE) yy. NMM Procedure EN-PL-101, Entergy Nuclear Organization and Functional Structure (HFE) zz. NUREG 0787

OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROPRIETARY INFORMATION (1) Please confirm that the events that credit the CPCS trips in the FSAR analysis are limited to those events listed in LTR-TA-19-154, Table A-1.

(2) Please identify the backup safety-related analog trip for each of the events that credit the CPCS. If a backup analog trip does not exist for a specific event, please identify if an alarm is provided so that manual action can be taken.

(3) Please reference the sources of information for items (1) and (2) above.

(4) LTR-TA-20-4, Waterford Unit 3 Common Q Implementation -Non-LOCA Evaluation of Updated CPCS Response Times (item A-01o on the Certrec portal), Table 1, Waterford-3 Non-LOCA CPCS Trip Signals identifies 13 events that credit the WF3 CPCS. CEA Misoperation - Single Rod Drop/CEA Sub-group Drop and Uncontrolled Boron Dilution are included in LTR-TA-19-154 but not on LTR-TA-20-4 Table 1.

(4.1) Please explain why these events are not included in LTR-TA 4, Table 1.

(4.2) Please explain if the response times for these events are affected by the Common Q CPCS replacement.

2/2/2021 Update:

(5) Please submit LTR-TA-20-4, Waterford Unit 3 Common Q Implementation -Non-LOCA Evaluation of Updated CPCS Response Times on the docket.

2/11/2021 Update:

(6) Please submit LTR-TA-21-17, Waterford 3 CPCS Safety Function Table -

PPS Backup Trips, on the docket.

(7) The third column of LTR-TA-21-17, Table A-1 refers to Table 7.2-4 of Reference 1. Reference 1 (ML19268A136) is for the WF3 FSAR Chapter 15 only, and not the entire FSAR. Chapter 7, which contains Table 7.2-4, is not included as one of the references. It might be clearer to keep Reference 1 for Chapter 15 and add a new Reference 3 for FSAR Chapter 7, and update the reference number in the third column of Table A-1, accordingly.

(8) Please provide a summary of the process used for developing LTR-TA-21-17 to identify the PPS backup trip signals for the Chapter 15 events that credit the CPCS.

(2) The attached document, LTR-TA-21-17 identifies the backup safety-related analog trips for each of the events that credit the CPCS. In all cases a backup safety-related analog trip exists except for the CEA Misoperation - Single Rod Drop / CEA Sub-group Drop event. The single CEA and subgroup drop events do not generate a reactor trip.

(3) For CCF-02a response: The Reference section of LTR-TA 154 is the source of information.

For CCF-02b response: LTR-TA-21-17 is the source of information (4.1) LTR-TA-20-4 states, First, the Chapter 15 non-LOCA transients were screened to identify the impacted events. The impacted events only include those that: a) trip via a CPCS trip and b) have an increased response time. Updated CPCS response times that do not result in an increased response time have no unfavorable impact on the non-LOCA analyses and "are therefore not required to be evaluated herein. These two events were not included in LTR-TA-20-04 for the following reasons:

CEA Misoperation - Single Rod Drop/CEA Sub-group Drop falls under FSAR Section CEA Misoperation. The single CEA and subgroup drop events do not generate a reactor trip, thus the increases in CPCS response times due to the Common Q system implementation would not impact these events.

Uncontrolled Boron Dilution falls under FSAR Section CVCS Malfunction (inadvertent boron dilution). The Boron dilution event is analyzed for all modes of plant operation. The operational Modes 1 and 2 inadvertent boron dilution event is bounded by the FSAR Sections and HFP and HZP CEAW events.

The increases in CPCS response times due to the Common Q system implementation would not change the event characteristics, so the inadvertent boron dilution event remains bounded by existing UFSAR events. For the inadvertent boron dilution event in operational Modes 3, 4, 5 and 6, all CEAs have already been inserted. Thus, the increases in CPCS response times due to the Common Q system implementation would have no impact on the inadvertent boron dilution event.

(4.2) The response times for these events are not affected by the Common Q CPCS replacement as discussed in Open Item 035c (4.1), CCF-02c.

(5) Document (LTR-TA-20-4, Waterford Unit 3 Common Q Implementation -Non-LOCA Evaluation of Updated CPCS Response Times) submitted to NRC on 05-Mar-2021; ADAMS Accession Nos.

ML21064A535 and ML21064A536.

(6) 35.2 Closed 35.3 Closed 35.4.1 Closed 35.4.2 Closed 35.5 Closed 35.6 Open 35.7 Closed 35.8 Closed 35.4.2

OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROPRIETARY INFORMATION (7) LTR-TA-21-17 Revision 1 adds a reference to WF3 FSAR Chapter 7 and updates Column 3 to cite the new reference.

(8) UPDATE: Revision 1 of LTR-TA-21-17 includes a summary of the process used for developing the document to identify the PPS backup trip signals for the Chapter 15 events that credit the CPCS.

LTR-TA-21-17 will be revised to reference Chapter 7 to identify the PPS analog trips that serve as the backup trips for the CPCS. The WF3 UFSAR does not define the PPS analog trips that backup the CPCS trips in the case of a Common Cause Failure (CCF) of all four channels of the CPCS. As described in the response to OI 18, CCF-01; The CPCS was not reviewed in its entirety by the NRC as stated in the NRC Waterford Unit 3 SER, NUREG 0787, Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit No. 3, dated July 1981. Section 7.2.3 states: The CPCs were not reviewed, per se, at Waterford 3. The staff has taken the operating experience of ANO-2, the previous review, and acceptance of the ANO-2 CPCs, and the similarity of the Waterford 3 and ANO-2 CPCs, into account in reaching this decision.

The NRC concluded in the SER that the NRC considers the CPC design acceptable.

In the Palo Verde Common Q CPCS SER, the NRC staff quotes from the ANO-2 NRC SER (NUREG-0308 Supplement 1, Appendix D) summarizing the CCF analysis and PPS backup trips to the CPCS and concludes the following:

- Palo Verde possesses an almost identical backup set of hardware implemented RPS trip functions as ANO-2.

- Palo Verde RPS trips are identical with the exception that Palo Verde also has Low Flow RPS trip based on Steam Generator primary side differential pressure. This trip is used to provide sheared

[RCP] shaft event protection, but would serve as a backup for any loss of flow event, including a seized RCP shaft. (OI Response Note:

this is also true for WF3)

- Replacement of the [existing] four CPC channel hardware with a common qualified platform presents a digital to digital upgrade of the Palo Verde CPC system. Licensing of this system addressed diversity issues by assuming a common cause failure of all four CPC channels. As noted in the Safety Evaluation Report issued to ANO-2 on the CPC channels, the NRC found the backup analog trips, inherent shutdown mechanisms, and provisions for manual operator action acceptable.

In summary the NRC staff accepted the ANO-2 analysis of analog PPS trips that back up the CPCS trips for the Palo Verde Common Q CPCS replacement. The Palo Verde plant is a C-E System 80 plant which is significantly different than the ANO-2 C-E 3410 plant design.

Whereas the WF3 plant design is a C-E 3410 plant evolutionary version of the C-E 3410 plant design at ANO-2. Since the NRC staff accepted the ANO-2 analysis for the Palo Verde plant CPC Common

OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OFFICIAL USE ONLY PROPRIETARY INFORMATION EQSR Equipment Qualification Summary Report SR Surveillance Requirement FAT Factory Acceptance Testing SRS Software Requirements Specification FME Foreign Material Exclusion ST Surveillance Testing/Self-Diagnostics/SR Elimination (only used for identification of open items in IMS)

FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report SVVP Software Verification and Validation Plan GDC General Design Criterion (or Criteria)

SW. Dev. Plan Software Development Plan HFE Human Factors Engineering SyRS or Sys.

Req. Spec.

System Requirements Specifications I&C Instrumentation and Control TR Topical Report ID Identification TRM Technical Requirements Manual IEC International Electrotechnical Commission TS Technical Specifications IEEE Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering V&V Validation and Verification ISG Interim Staff Guidance VOP Vendor Oversight Plan

[CERTREC] IMS Inspection Management System WF3 or W3 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 LAR License Amendment Request WCAP Westinghouse document LHGR Linear Heat Generation Rate WEC Westinghouse Electric Corporation LTR Licensing Technical Report WWDT Window Watchdog Timer

ML21085A866 (Package);

ML21085A864 (Meeting Summary - Proprietary);

ML21085A865 (Meeting Summary - Non-proprietary)

OFFICE NRR/DORL/LPL4/PM NRR/DORL/LPL4/LA NRR/DSS/SNSB/BC NRR/DRO/IQVB/BC NAME PBuckberg (AKlett for) PBlechman SKrepel KKavanagh (JOrtega-Luciano for)

DATE 3/24/2021 4/1/2021 4/5/2021 4/5/2021 OFFICE NRR/DEX/EICB/BC NRR/DORL/LPL4/BC NRR/DORL/LPL4/PM NAME MWaters JDixon-Herrity PBuckberg (AKlett for)

DATE 4/5/2021 4/8/2021 4/8/2021