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Forwards Results of Westinghouse Rept Re Boron Injection Tank (Bit) Concentration/Elimination Study,In Support of Request to Reduce Bit Boron Concentration to 0 Ppm.Change Would Eliminate Heat Tracing,Reducing Maint Costs
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/21/1984
From: Cutter A
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NLS-84-322, NUDOCS 8409260110
Download: ML18018B778 (62)


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ACCESSION NBR:8409260110 DOC ~ DATE: 84/09/21 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET FACIL:50-400 Shearon Har ri s Nucl ear Power Pl anti Uni t 1i Carol ina 05000400 AUTH'AME AUTHOR AFFILIATION CUTTERiA ~ BE Carolina Power L Light Co.

REC IP. NAME RECIPIENT AFF ILIATION DFNTONiH ~ RE Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulationi Director


Forwards resul ts of l'westinghouse rept re boron injection tank (BIT) concentration/elimination studyiin support of request to reduce BIT boron concentration to 0 ppm,Change would eliminate. heat tracingireducing maint costs.


TITLE: Licensing Submittal: PSAR/FSAR Amdts 8, Related Corr espondence NOTES:


1 1


1 1 NRR/DE/EHEB 1 2 2 NRR/DE/GB 28 2  ? NRR/DE/MEB 18 1 1 NRR/DE/MTEB 17 1 1 NRR/DE/SAB 24 1 1 NRR/DE/SGEB 25 1 1 NRR/DHFS/HFEB40 1 1 NRR/DHFS/LQB 32 1 1 NRR/DHFS/PSRB 1 1 NRR'/DL/SSPB 1 0 NRR/DS I'/AEB 26 1 1 NRR/DSI/ASB 1 1 NRR/DS I/CPB 10 1 1 NRR/DS I/CSB 09 1 1 NRR/DSI/I CSB 16 1 1 NRR/DS I/METB 12 1 1 NRR/DS I/PSB 19 1 N R R 22 1 1 NRR/DSI/RSB 23 1 1 G F IL 04 1 1 RGN2 3 3



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@ME Carolina Power 8 Light Company SERIAL: NLS-84-322 SEP 31 tS84 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NO ~ 1 DOCKET NO. 50-400 BORON INJECTION TANK CONCENTRATION REDUCTION

Dear Mr. Denton:

Carolina Power & Light Company hereby submits information to justify reducing the boron concentration in the Boron Injection Tank (BIT) to zero ppm (Attachment 1). Reducing the boron concentration in the BIT eliminates the need for heat tracing of the system. This will translate into considerable maintenance savings and a slight decrease in plant electrical load.

Additionally, all technical specifications concerning BIT boron concentrations, temperatures, and associated surveillance/maintenance, exclusive of the Refueling Mater Storage Tank, will be eliminated.

Carolina Power & Light Company is proceeding to implement the subject design modifications. Therefore, your prompt review and approval of this submittal is appreciated. Changes to the Final Safety Analysis Report will be submitted in a future amendment. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. S. R. Zimmerman at (919) 836-6242.

Your ery tr

. B. Cutter Vice resident Nuclear Engineering & Licensing GAS/ccc (356GAS) cct Mr. B. C. Buckley (NRC) Mr. Wells Eddleman Mr. L. B. Marsh (NRC) Mr. John D. Runkle Mr. G. F. Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP) Dr. Richard D. Wilson Mr. J. P. O'Reilly (NRC-RII) Mr. G. O. Bright (ASLB)

Mr. Travis Payne (KUDZU) Dr. J. H. Carpenter (ASLB)

Mr. Daniel F. Read (CHANGE/ELP) Mr. J. L. Kelley (ASLB)

Chapel Hill Public Library Mr. E. C. Marinos (NRC-RSB)

Wake County Public Library SeOml SOiiO 05OOaeOO PDR ADOCK

-A 411 Fayettevilte Street o P. O. Box 1551 o Raleigh, N. C. 27602 Qo l



Introduction Westinghouse has developed improved analytical techniques which allow a reduction in the Boron Inj ection Tank (BIT) concentration or bypassing/elimination of the BIT, which removes it from the Safety Inj ection System. This report provides information to substantiate a reduction in the BIT boron concentration for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP).

Back round on Existi Desi n and Anal sis The BIT is a component of the Safety Injection System whose sole function is to provide concentrated boric acid to the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) to mitigate the consequences of postulated steamline break accidents. Although the BIT acts to mitigate steamline breaks of various sizes occurring from any power level, the cases which serve as the Westinghouse steamline break licensing basis and which define the existing requirements on the minimum BIT boron concentration are as follows:

For the "hypothetical" steamline break; i.e., double-ended rupture of a main steamline, the radiation releases must remain within the requirements of 10 CFR 100. This is the ANSI N18.2 criterion for Condition IV events. The SHNPP conservatively meets this criterion by demonstrating that the DNB design basis, the criterion typically used for Condition II events, is met.

For the "credible" steamline break; i.e., the failure open of a single steam generator relief, safety, or turbine bypass valve, the radiation releases must remain within the requirements of 10 CFR 20. This is the ANSI N18.2 criterion for Condition II events. Westinghouse has conservatively demonstrated compliance with this criterion for the SHNPP by demonstrating that no return to criticality is achieved.

Descri tion of the Anal ses The only accident analyses which are significantly affected by BIT boron concentration reduction are the steamline break transients. These transients are affected with respect to both core integrity and mass and energy release to containment. For the SHNPP, the system was analyzed assuming that the BIT remains installed, without heat tracing, and with the boric acid concentration reduced to zero ppm. This combination provides the most limiting case for the analyses.

This case is considered because it allows elimination of the presently specified heat tracing associated with the BIT. Additionally, all technical specifications concerning BIT concentrations, temperatures, and associated surveillance, exclusive of the Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST), can be eliminated.


Core Inte rit Anal sis The following cases were reanalyzed for the reduction in the BIT boron concentration with respect to the core integrity:

"Hypothetical" steamline break, with and without off-site power available, for the largest double-ended rupture of a steam pipe (1.4 ft2).

"Credible" steamline break, with off-site power available, for the largest single failed open steam generator relief, safety or steam dump valve.

For the hypothetical breaks, the same criteria is applied as that applied in the FSAR. That is, for the most severe Condition IV break, Westinghouse concluded that the radiation releases were within the requirements of 10 CFR 100 by demonstrating that the DNB design basis is met. The steamline break dose calculations performed for the FSAR use a conservative fuel failure level of one (1) percent. The core analyses however show that no consequential fuel failures are anticipated.

The credible steamline break analysis is performed using a new criterion whereby the plant may return to criticality, but no damage may occur to the fuel. This constitutes a relaxation of the conservative internal Westinghouse criterion for Condition II events. This new criterion is in compliance with the criteria used by the NRC and ANS which require that releases during steamline .break accidents remain within the limits set forth in 10 CFR 20. If it is assured that there is no consequential fuel damage, the limits stipulated in 10 CFR 20 are met with a return to criticality.

Anal sis Method In this analysis, the system transient parameters; i.e., Reactor Coolant System (RCS) pressure, temperature, steam flow, core boron concentration and core power were calculated by using the LOFTRAN System Transient Analysis computex code (Reference 1). This computer code includes models of the reactor core, protection systems, and engineered safeguards system. The change in Safety In) ection System initial concentration and temperatures were introduced into the analysis in the LOFTRAN code.

For the "hypothetical" breaks, the plant is initially assumed to be at hot zero power at the minimum required shutdown margin. Following the break, the RCS temperatures and pressures decrease rapidly, and in the presence of a large End of Life (EOL) moderator coefficient of reactivity, the reactor returns critical with the rods inserted, assuming the most reactive RCCA in the fully withdrawn position. The reactor power increases at a decxeasing rate until boron from the Safety In) ection System reaches the coxe and begins to offset the positive reactivity insertion caused by the cool-down.

The core is subsequently brought subcritical with boron inj ection, aided by the abatement and eventual termination of steam flow from the faulted steam generator.


The attached Figures 1 through 6 show the transient behavior for the hypothetical breaks. A comparison of these figures with the current FSAR figures reveals only small changes in RCS parameters, with the single exception of core power, which is understandably higher for the cases without the BIT. The effect of the boron on the total reactivity is both delayed and damped in the attached figures because the Safety Injection System must purge more water before inj ecting boron in the cold leg and the fact that the boron source (RWST) is both colder and of a lower boron concentration. This causes the power to initially rise to a higher peak due to the delay and to subsequent decay at a slower rate after the boron reaches the core.

Additionally, with the BIT assumed to be at zero ppm concentration, the BIT acts as a dilution volume for the borated water being inj ected from the,RWST, thereby further delaying the effectiveness of the RWST.

After verifying that the case assuming full reactor coolant flow will remain limiting relative to the case without off-site power, DNB analyses were performed using the same design verification procedure that is used for the FSAR cases. The DNB analyses show that the DNB design basis is met, and that no consequential fuel failures are anticipated.

The dose evaluation, which is performed assuming one (1) percent failed fuel, continues to demonstrate that the Condition IV accident criteria are satisfied.

Attached Figures 7 and 8 depict system transient parameters for the Condition II steamline break in the FSAR. This Westinghouse criterion assures that the DNB design basis is met in a very conservative manner. In order to substantiate reduction of the boron concentration in the BIT, the Westinghouse criterion was relaxed to allow a subsequent return to power for the Condition II transients, but in order to meet, the 10 CFR 20 dose requirements, the DNB design basis had to be met. Figure 7 shows that criticality is attained for the assumed BIT elimination. DNB analyses for this case show that the DNB design basis is met and no fuel failures are predicted. This conclusion is also consistent with the conclusion drawn on the Condition IV breaks, since no violation of the DNB design basis was calculated for the more extreme Condition IV, double-ended ruptures.

Thus, calculations have been performed for the SHNPP which show that for the present NRC criterion for Condition II events, Carolina Power & Light Company (CP&L) may reduce the boron concentration in the BIT to zero ppm. The same criteria for the Condition IV steamline breaks that was used in the FSAR can be met for this elimination.

Hass and Ener Releases A spectrum of break sizes at various power levels were reanalyzed for the

'eduction in the BIT boron concentration to zero ppm. The breaks analyzed are listed in Table l.


~ I ~

Anal sis Method The mass and energy release was analyzed by Westinghouse using the MARVEL Code (Reference 2). The analysis assumptions are essentially identical to the analysis described in the FSAR with the exception of the temperature and boron concentration of the BXT. The mass and energy releases for the break cases indicated in Table 1 are provided as Appendix A.

Based upon the Westinghouse analysis, a new containment pressure and temperature analysis was completed. The results of this analysis are in Appendix B to this report. The new maximum peak containment temperature is 379'F which is 3'igher than the present FSAR value, but still within the 380'P values used for equipment qualification. Por the pressure, the worst case was found to be the zero power, full double-ended break with a single failure of a feedwater isolation valve. This is different from the present FSAR worst case which is at 30 percent power. The new maximum peak containment pressure is 39.1 psig which is higher than the present FSAR value of 35.4 psig, but well within the containment design limit of 45 psig. CPGL has reviewed and concluded that the new containment peak temperature and pressure, as they related to balance-of-plant design, are acceptable.

Conclusion As a result of these analyses, CPGL proposes to reduce the boron inj ection tank boron concentration to zero ppm. FSAR changes resulting from these analyses will be incorporated in a future amendment to the FSAR.



l. WCAP-7907, T. W. T. Burnett, et. al., "LOFTRAN Code Description," October 197 2.
2. WCAP-9235, R. Krise and S. Miranda, "MARVEL Code Description," August 1978.


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TABLE BREAK DESCRIPTIONS FOR iRASS ANO ENERGY Break Size Power Level 1.4 ft2 Double-Ended Rupture (OER) 1024 Power

.6 ft OER 102% Power

.645 ft Split Break 102$ Power 1.4 ft OER 705 Power

.5 ft OER 705 Power

. 681 ft Sp 1 i t Break 705 Power 1.4 ft OER 30% Power

.4 ft OER 30~ Power

.7065 ft Split Break 305 Power 1.4 ft OFR 05 Power

.1 ft OER 0% Power

.3 ft2 Split Break 05 Power 5013/:10/011984



0. 00 0'liHO-.OO ($ ,9 64m4- IOOS. 81 Tl 0.00 g t'I 9$ .$0-.00 1192. 72

. I . 00 277 1. 26 1195. 89 915. 47 Tl 1.00 5542.52 I 195. 89 2.00 2531.4 I 1198. 14 843.83 Tl 2.00 5062. 81 1198. 14 3.00 2339.49 1199. 80 784.83 TI 3.00 4679.03 1199. 80 4.00 218$ .36 1201. 01 736.50 TI 4.00 43G3. 10 1201. 01 5.00 2090.33 1201. 39 720.30 Tl 4182. 30 1201. 38 6.00 2043.88 $ 201.74 704.72 Tl 6.00 4092. 18 1201. 72 7.00 1998.83 1202.07 689.29 Tl 7.00 4006.59 1202.03 8:00 1953.33 1202.39 673.40 TI 8.00 3922.06 1202.33 9.00 1906.04 $ 202.7$ 656.83 Tl 9.00 3835.42 1202.62

10. 00 1857.08 $ 203. 02 639.80 Tl 10. 00 3745.96 1202.91 11.00 1807.30 1203. 31 622.61 Tl 11.00 0.00 1202.77 12.00 1759.11 1203.56 eoe.45 Tl 12.00 0.00 1202. 21
13. 00 17 11. 87 1203.80 590.05 Tl 13. 00 0.00 1201. 68 14.00 1664.06 1204.01 573.74 Tl 14.00 0.00 1201. 19 15.00 1617. 39 1204.20 557.74 Tl 15.00 0.00 1200.75

$ 7.50 1508.59 1204.53 521. 7

$ Tl 17. 50 0.00 I 199. 85

20. 00 14 18 . 17 1204.71 490.60 Tl 20. 00 0.00 1199. 21 22.50 1338.84 1204.79 463.64 Tl 22.50 0.00 1198.76 25.00 1270.30 1204.78 440.23 Tl 25.00 0.00 1198. 38 27.50 1209.84 1204.71 419.56 Tl 27.50 0.00 1198. 10 30.00 $ 156.72 1204.60 401. 41 Tl 3O.OO 0.00 1197. 92 35.00 1070.77 1204.3 I 372. I I Tl 35.00 0.00 1197.69 40.00 1009.68 1204.01 351. 31 Tl 40.00 0.00 1197. 56 45.00 9G5.24 $ 203.74 336. 10 Tl 45.00 0.00 I 197. 50 50.00 93$ .78 1203.50 324.60 Tl 50.00 0.00 1197. 47 60.00 884.88 1203. 11 308.39 TI 60.00 0.00 1197. 45 70.00 852.72 1202.80 297.20 70. 00 0.00 1197. 47 80.00 828.40 1202.55 288.71 80. 00 0.00 1197. 54 90.00 809.43 1202.33 282.09 Tl + 90. 00 0,00 '1197.65 100. 00 795.53 1202. 17 277.25 Tl + 100. 00 0.00 'I 197 . 78 120. 00 778.28 1201. 95 271. 12 Tl $ 20. 00 0.00 1198.08 140. 00 766.58 1201.79 267.03 Tl + 140. 00 0.00 I 98. 39


I GO. 00 757.56 1201.e7 263.88 160. 00 0.00 1198.66 180. 00 750.20 1201. 57 261. 29 180. 00 0.00 1198. 91

1.4 FT2 OE RUPTURE AT 102 PC POWER - XXX FROM TG240IB FORWARD FLOW REVERSE FLOW T I ME FLOW ENTHALPY PRESSURE 7 IME FLOW ENTIIALPY SEC. LB/SEC BTU/LB PSlA SEC. LB/SEC BTU/LB 200.00 743. 13 1201.47 258.78 T I + 200.00 0.00 1199. 12 220.00 735.76 - 1201.36 256. 17 TI + 220.00 0.00 1199. 31 240.00 670. 58 1200. 21 231.49 T I + 240.00 0.00 1199. 49 260.00 571.99 1198. 15 197. 17 T I + 260.00 0.00 I 199. 67 280.00 506.38 1196.36 173.90 T I + 280.00 0.00 1199.84 300.00 436.97 1194.02 149.41 T I + 300.00 0.00 1199. 99


0.00 1.00

2. 00 F I.OW I.B/SEC ENTIIALPY BTU/Le l253.( e-.00-$ I f2,7Ar48-.44 1227.98 1185. 98

$ 194.04 I 195. 06 PRESSURE I SIA

'I005. 81 969.27 939.96 Tl Tl Tl T IME SEC.


2. 00 FLOW


LB/SEC 0.00 Igf3.$

1238. 7 I 1209.86 ENTIIALPY BIU/LB

$ 192.72 1193.53 1194. 32 3-00 I 15 'I. 12 $ 195. 92 914.6Q Tl 3 00

~ 1181.62 1195.07 4.00 1120. 39 1196. 64 892. 21 Tl 4.00 1154. 15 1195. 76 5.00 1108. 69 1196. 56 894.99 Tl 5. 00 1153. 17 'I 195. 17

6. 00 I I IQ. 80 1196. 54 895.57 Tl 6. 00 I 173. 46 1194.69 7.00 I I 10. 13 1196. 59 893.8$ TI 7.00 1189.54 1194.31 8.00 110G. 13 1196.74 889.25 Tl 8.00 1201. 23 1194.06 9.00 1098.42 1196. 97 881. 85 Tl 9.00 1208. 17 1193. 93
10. 00 1087.35 I'I97.28 872. 11 TI 10. 00 12 $ 0.55 I 'I93. 92

$ 1.00 $ 073.70 I 197. 63 860.66 Tl 11.00 1209.00 'I 194.01

12. 00 1058.27 1198.01 848.08 Tl 'I 2. 00 1204.25 I 194 . 18
13. 00 'l04 $ . 77 1198.40 834.89 TI 13. 00 0.00 1194. $ 0 14.00 1024.78 1198.79 821.48 Tl 14.00 0.00 1193.82
15. 00 1007.77 1199. 16 808. 19 15.00 0.00 1193. 61
17. 50 974.63 1199. 82 783.73 TI + 17.50 0.00 1192. 78
20. 00 943.38 '1200.46 759.09 'll + 20. 00 0.00 1192. 20 22.50 912.91 'I 20$ ,05 735. 12 TI + 22.50 0.00 1191.81 25.00 884. 13 I201. 57 7 $ 2.60 II 25.00 0.00 'I 191.55 27.50 857.76 'I202.01. 692. 00 Tl 27.50 0.00 1191. 37 30.00 833.88 1202.39 673.35 Tl 30.00 0.00 I IS I. 23 35.00 794. 16 '1202.98 642.31 Tl 0.00 1191.06 40.00 761. 21 1203. 41 616. 29 Tl 40. 00 0.00 1190. 97 45.00 733. 10 '1203.74 594.05 TI 45.00 0.00 1190.94 50.00 709. 14 1203.99 575.24 Tl 50. 00 0.00 1190. 92 60.00 67$ . 16 1204.33 544.97 Tl 60. 00 0.00 I $ 90.94 70.00 64 I. 62 1204.53 521.35 Tl 70. 00 0.00 1191.06 80.00 618. 10 1204.65 502.48 Tl 80. 00 0.00 1191. 29 90.00 598,82 1204.73 486.96 TI 90. 00 0,00 1191.60 100. 00 582.41 1204.77 473.74 TI 100. 00 0. 00 1191.96 120. 00 557.94 1204.79 453.57 TI 120. 00 0. 00 1192. 8 I 140, 00 539.63 I204.78 438.8S 140. 00 0.00 $ 193. 7 I I GO. 00 526.40 1204.75 428.25 Tl 160. 00 0.00 1194. 59 180. OQ 516. 14 1204 . 71 419. 99 $ 1 180. 00 0.00 1195. 40

1.4 F I2 DE RUPTURE AT 70 PC POWER - XXX FROM IG340IE FORWARD FLOW REVERSE FLOW I I ME FLOW ENTIIALPY PRESSURE TIME FLOW ENTIIALPY SEC. LB/SEC BIU/LB PSIA SEC. LB/SEC BTU/LB 200.00 7 I I . 26 1200. 92 246. 12 T I + 200.00 0.00 1200.02 220.00 680.99 1200.47 236.65 T I + 220.00 0.00 1200. 13 240.00 660.60 1200.09 229.30 TI + 240.00 0.00 1200.25 260.00 634.66 1199.58 219.96 T I + 260.00 0.00 1200.38 280.00 599.96 1198.83 207.51 I i I 280.00 0.00 1200.5'I 300.00 560.07 1197.90 193. 58 T I + 300.00 0.00 1200.65

.5 FT2 OE RUPTURE AT 70 PC POWER ORY 5 TEA14 FORWARO FLOW REVERSE FLOW T I SIE FI.OW ENTIIALPY PRESSURE T I HE FLOW ENTIIALPY SEC. LB/SEC BTU/I.B PSIA SEC. LB/SEC Bill/LB 0.00 Illa. I o.Oo IISo Assa-.Gr 1073.63 0.00 IIIS. ] 1190. 12 1.00 I 100. 73 1191. 32 1043. 01 1.00 1107. 50 1190. 92 2.00 1070. 10 I 192. 32 1016.7 I TI 2.00 1004. 13 1191.77 3.00 1042.52 1193. 24 991. 52 Tl 3.00 1059. 31 1192. 66 4.00 1015. 40 1194. 12 966.98 TI 4.00 1033. 17 1193.53 5.00 990. 01 1194.90 944.69 Tl 5.00 1008.06 1194. 32 6.00 967.39 1195.57 924.87 Tl 6.00 98S.4O 1195.0'I 7.00 947.37 1196. 16 907.27 Tl 7.00 BG5.23 1195.61 8.00 934.72 1196.37 900.71 Tl 8.00 959.22 1195. 42 9.OO 927.62 1196.59 093.93 TI 9.00 964.45 1195.28

10. 00 920.09 1196. 03 806.47 Tl 10.00 960. 11 1195. 19 11.00 91'l.54 1197. 10 877.78 TI 11.00 969.93 1195. 17 12.00 901. 49 1197 . 42 867.60 Tl 12.00 969.57 1195. 21 13.00 889 06 1197.77 856.01 Tl 13.00 966.92 1195. 33 14.00 076.92 1198. 15 843.36 Tl 14.00 0.00 1195. 10
15. 00 063.07 1190. 54 830.03 TI 15. GO 0.00 1194.95 17 50 040.03 1199.09 8 10. 82 Tl 17.50 0.00 1194. 13
20. 00 817 06 1199. 69 780.84 Tl 20. 00 0.00 1193.63 22;50 793.68 1200.27 766.79 Tl 22.50 0.00 1193. 32 25.00 771.30 1200.79 745.88 Tl 25.00 0.00 1193. 12 27.50 750.69 1201.25 726.47 Tl 27.50 0.00 1192.97 30.00 731.57 1201. 66 708.51 Tl 30.00 0.00 I 192. 88 35.00 697.61 1202.33 676.53 Tl 35.00 0.00 1192.77 40.00 668.91 1202.05 649.54 'T l 40.00 0.00 1192.73 45.00 645. 19 1203.24 627.05 Tl 45.00 0.00 1192. 72 50.00 624.GB 1203.55 607.56 Tl 50.00 0.00 1192.72 60.00 591.09 1203.99 575. 71 Tl 60.00 0.00 1192.75 70.00 565.00 1204.27 550. 71 Tl 70.00 0.00 1192.07 80.00 543.04 1204.4G 530 37 Tl 80.00 0.00 1193.06 90.00 526. 12 1204.59 513. 29 Tl . 90.00 0.00 1193.32 100. 00 511. 50 1204.67 499.20 Tl 100. 00 '0. 00 1193. 62 120. 00 489.73 1204.76 471. 71 TI 120. 00 0. 00 1194. 33 140. 00 473.68 1204.79 462.31 Tl 140. 00 0. 00 1195.09 I GO. 00 461. 95 1204.79 451.01 Tl 160. 00 0. 00 1195. 01 100. 00 453.00 1204.78 442.46 TI 180. 00 0. 00 1196. 48

.5 FT2 OE RUPTURE AT 70 PC POWER - ORY STEAM FORWARD FLOW REVERSE FLOW TIME FLO'W ENTIIALPY PRESSURE TTME FLOW ENTIIALPY SEC. LB/SEC BTU/LB PS1A SEC. LB/SEC BTU/LB 200.00 446.30 1204.77 435. 91 T1 + 200.00 0.00 1197.08 220.00 441. 14 1204.76 430.93 T1 + 220.00 0.00 1197. 60 240.00 437.03 1204.74 426.94 T1 + 240.00 0.00 1198.04 260.00 433.54 1204.73 423.54 T1 i 260.00 0.00 1198. 43 280.00 430.33 1204.72 420.41 T1 i 280.00 0.00 1198.77 300.00 427.25 1204.70 417. 39 T1 i 300.00 0.00 1199.06


T I ME FLOM ENTIIAI.PY PRESSURE $ '$$ $ $ $ $ $ '$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '$$

SEC. IB/SEC eTU/LO PSTA 30 40 50 60 70 80 1.00 503.67 1190. 74 1058.02 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1044. I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 2 00 496.38 1191. 28 11 3.00 489.84 1191. 76 103 I . 52 I . 000 1. 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 4.00 483.9 I 1192. 19 1020.05 1.000 1. 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 5.00 478.51 1192.58 1009.57 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I 000 1.000 6.00 473.57 1192. 93 999,99 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 7.00 469.06 1193.25 991. 19 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1. 000 8.00 464.92 1193.55 983. 12 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 9.00 461. 13 1193. 81 975.72 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000

10. 00 457.65 1194.05 968.93 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000

'I 1.00 154 46 1194.27 962.69 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 I 000 1.000 12,00 451. 55 1194.47 956.99 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1.000 1. 000 1.000

13. 00 448.88 1194.66 951. 79 1. 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 11.00 446.46 1194. 82 947.08 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1.000
15. 00 4 14,27 1194.97 942.82 1.000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1.000 I . 000
16. 00 442.30 1195. 10 939.00 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 17.00 440.54 1195.21 935.60 I . 000 1. 000 '.000 1. 000 1.000 1.000 18 00 438.98 1195. 32 932.57 1. 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
19. 00 437 59 1195. 4 I 929.89 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1. 000 1.000 1.000 20, 00 436.36 1195. 48 927.53 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 21.00 435.29 1195.55 925.47 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 22.00 434 35 1195.61 923.67 1. 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 23.00 433 53 1195. 67 922. 11 1.000 I 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 24.00 432 83 1195.71 920.77 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 25.00 432.22 1195. 75 919. 62 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 26 00 431. 70 1195.78 918.64 1.000 1.000 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 1-000 27.00 431. 27 1195. 81 917.81 I . 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 28.00 430.90 1195. 83 917. I I 1.000 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 430.59 1195.85 916.53 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 29.00 1.000 I . 000 30.00 430.33 1195. 87 916.06 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 31.00 430. '12 I 195. 88 915. 67 .992 1. 000 I . 000' I . 000 1.000 I . 000 32.00 429.95 1195.89 915. 36 .981 1.000 . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 33.00 429.82 1195.90 915. 11 .976 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 34.00 429, 71 1195 91 914.92 .971 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1. 000 1.000 35 00 429.63 1195 91 911 78 .965 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000


TIME F I.OM ENTIIAI.PY PRESSURE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

SEC. LB/SEC 8 IU/LB PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80 36.00 429.57 1195.91 914. 68 .959 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 37.00 429.53 1195.92 914. 62 .950 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 1. 000 38.00 429 51 1195.52 914. 58 .910 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 39 00 429.50 1195.92 914. 57 .926 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 40.00 429,50 I'195.92 914. 58 .912 1-000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 41.00 429.51 1195.92 914. 60 .896 .992 1.000 1.000 1.000 42.00 429.52 1195.91 914.65 .880 .982 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 43.00 429.55 1195. 91 914. 70 .BG4 .977 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 44.00 429.57 1195. 91 914. 76 .849 .972 I. 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 45.00 429.60 1195.91 914. 83 .836 .967 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 46.00 429.64 1195. 91 914. 90 .823 .960 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 47.00 429.68 I 195. 90 914. 98 .811 .952 I . 000 'I . 000 I . 000 'I . 000 48.00 429.7 I 1195. 90 915.0G . 800 .941 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 49.00 429.75 I 195. 90 915. 'l4 .789 .928 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 50.00 429.80 1195. 90 915. 23 .780 . 913 I . 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 51.00 429.84 1195.89 915. 31 . 771 .897 .992 1.000 I . 000 1.000 52.00 429.88 1195.89 915. 40 .763 .881 .982 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 53.00 429.92 1195.89 915. 49 .755 .865 .977 1.000 I . 000 1.000 54 00 429.96 1195.88 9 IS. 57 .747 .850 .972 1. 000 1.000 1.000 55.00 430.00 1195.88 915.66 .7 IO .836 .967 1.000 I . 000 1.000 56 00 430.05 1195.88 915,74 .733 .823 .960 I . 000 1.000 1.000 57.00 430.09 1195.88 915.82 .726 .811 .952 I . 000 1.000 1.000 58.00 430. 13 1195-87 915.90 .720 .800 .941 1.000 1.000 1. 000 59.00 430. 17 1195.87 915. 98 .714 .790 .927 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 60.00 430.20 I 195. 87 916.06 .708 .781 . 912 1. 000 1. 000 '.000 61.00 430.24 1195.87 916. 14 .703 .772 .896 .992 1.000 1.000 62.00 430.28 1195. 86 916 21 .698 .7G3 .880 .982 1.000 1.000 63.00 430.31 1195. 86 916. 28 .693 .755 .864 .976 I . 000 1.000 64.00 430.35 1195.86 916,3G .688 ,748 .849 .971 I . 000 1.000 65 00 430.38 1195.86 916 42 .684 .741 .835 .966 I . 000 I . 000 GG.OO 430.42 1195.85 916. 'I9

~ .679 " . 734 .822 .960 1. 000 1.000 67,00 430.45 I 195. 85 916. 56 675 .727 .810 . 951 1,000 I . 000 68 00 430. 18 1195. 85 916. 62 .671 .721 .799 .940 1.000 I . 000 69 00 430.51 1195.85 916,69 .667 .715 .788 .926 I 000 I . 000 70.00 430,51 1195 85 916,75 .663 .709 .779 .911 1.000 I . 000


TIME FLOW ENT I IAL P Y PRESSURE $ $$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $ $$$$ $ $ $ $$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$

SEC. LB/SEC B IU/LB PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80 71.00 430,57 '1195. 84 916. 81 .659 .704 .770 .895 .991 1.000 72.00 130. 60 1195.84 916. 87 .655 .699 .762 .878 .982 1.000 73.00 430.63 1195.84 916,92 .652 .694 .754 .862 .976 I . 000 74.00 430.66 1195 84 916.98 .648 .689 .747 .847 .971 1.000 75.00 430.68 1195.84 917.03 .645 .685 .739 .833 .966 1. 000 76.00 430. 71 1195. 83 917.09 .642 ,680 .733 .820 .959 1.000 77.00 430.74 1195. 83 917. 14 .638 .676 .726 .808 .950 I . 000 78.00 430.76 1195. 83 917. 20 .635 .672 .720 .797 .939 1.000 79.00 430.79 1195. 83 917. 25 .632 .668 .714 .787 .925 1.000 80.00 430.8 I 1195. 83 917. 30 .629 .GG4 .708 .777 .910 1.000 81.00 430.84 I 195. 83 917.35 .626 .660 .703 .769 .893 . 991 82.00 430.8G 1195.82 917.40 .623 .657 .698 .760 .877 . 981 83.00 430.89 I'195.82 917. 45 .620 .653 .693 .752 . .860 .976 84.00 430.9 I I'195.82 917. 50 . 617 .650 .688 .745 .845 .971 85.00'6.00 430.94 1195 82 917. 55 . 614 .646 .684 .738 .831 .965 430.96 1195.82 917. 60 .612 .680 .731 .818 .959 87.00 430,98 1195.82 917.65 .609 .639 .676 .725 .806 ,950 88.00 431.01 1195.81 917. 70 .606 .636 .671 . 718 . 795 .938 89.00 431.03 1195. 81 917. 75 .604 .633 .667 .713 .785 .924 90.00 431.05 1195. 81 917.79 . 601 .630 .664 .707 .775 .908 91.00 43'1.08 1195. 81 917.84 .599 .627 .660 .702 .767 .892 92.00 431. 10 1195.81 917.88 .596 .624 .656 .697 .759 .875 93.00 431. 12 1195. 81 917.93 .594 . 621 .652 .692 .751 .858 94 00 431. 14 1195,80 917. 97 . 591 . 618 .649 .687 .743 .843 95.00 431. IG 1195. 80 918.02 .589 .615 .646 .683 .736 .829 96.00 431. 19 1195. 80 918.0G .586 .613 .642 .679 .730 .816 97.00 431.21 1195. 80 918. I I .584 . 610 .639 .675 .723 .804 98.00 431. 23 1195. 80 918. 15 .582 .607 .635 .670 .717 .793 99 00 431. 25 1195,80 918. 19 .580 .605 .632 .GGG .711 .783 100. 00 431. 27 I 195 80 918. 23 .577 .602 .629 .663 .706 .774 102 . 00 431. 30 1195. 79 918.31 .574 .598 .625 .657 .698 . 761 104,00 43 I . 34 1195.79 918. 39 .570 .593 . 619 .650 .688 .745 106 00 431. 37 1195. 79 918. 47 .566 .588 .613 .643 .680 . 731 108 00 431.41 1195. 79 918. 54 .562 .584 .608 .63G .67 1 . 719 110.00 431. 45 1195. 78 918. 62 .558 .579 .603 .630 .663 .707

.60 FT2 OE RUPTURE AT 102 PC POWER - ORY STEAM FORWARO FLOW REVERSE FLOW TIME Fl.OW ENTHALPY PRESSURE T IME FLOW ENTHALPY SEC. LB/SEC BTU/LB PSIA SEC. LB/SEC 8 IU/LB 200.00 507.46 1204.68 412.94 Tl + 200.00 0.00 1196. 12 220.00 500.20 1204.64 407.05 Tl + 220.00 0.00 1196.74 240.00 493.91 1204.61 401. 95 Tl + 240.00 0.00 1197.27 260.00 488.33 1204.57 397.40 Tl + 260.00 0.00 1197.72 280.00 482.99 1204.53 393.04 Tl + 280.00 0.00 1198. 12 300.00 477.76 1204.49 388.77 Tl + 300.00 0.00 1198.47


IIME F I.OW ENTIIAI PY PRESSURE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

SEC, LB/SEC B I U/LB PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80 1.00 445.57 1193. 25 991. 37 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 2 00 439.33 1193 70 978.80 I . 000 I 000 1. 000 1.000 I: 000 I . 000 3 00 433,84 1194. 10 967.6G 1. 000 ' I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 4.00 428.96 1194. 45 957.70 1. 000 . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 5.00 433. 11 1193. 50 984.41 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 1.000 6.00 44 1.69 1192.66 1007.55 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 7 00 454.65 1191.93 1027.00 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 8.00 462.77 1191.35 1042. 13 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 'I .

000 1.000 9.00 468.7G 1190. 95 1052.56 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 10 00 472.58 1190.71 1058.60 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 11.00 474.51 I 190. 62 1060.98 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1. 000

12. 00 474.92 I 190. 64 1060.53 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000
13. 00 471, 18 1190. 74 1057.99 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 14 00 472.61 I 190. 89 1054 . 01 1. 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 000 1.000 15 00 470.50 1191.08 1049. I I 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 16,00 468.06 1191. 29 1043,69 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000
17. 00 465,45 1191. 51 1038.00 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1. 000 1. 000 I . 000

'18.00 4G2.75 1191. 73 1032.20 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000

19. 00 460.02 1191.95 1026.35 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 20 00 457.28 1192. 18 1020.47 I . 000 I: 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 21 00 454 53 1192. 40 1014. 54 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 22.00 451. 74 1192.62 1008.54 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1. 000 23.00 448.92 1192.85 1002.45 I . 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000

'I .000 I . 000 I . 000 24 00 446.07 1193.07 996.27 1. 000 1. 000 1.000 25.00 4 13. 17 1193.30 990.02 1.000 'I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 26.00 4 10. 25 1193.52 983.72 1.000 I . 000 'I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 27 00 437. 31 1193. 75 977.39 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 28.00 434.38 1193 98 97 1.07 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 29.00 431. 45 1194,20 9G4.78 I . 000 'I

.000 1.000 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 30,00 428.55 1194,42 958.54 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000

31. 00 125 67 I 194,64 952 37 .971 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 32.00 422.83 1194. 85 9 16. 27 .911 'I. 000 1.000 1.000 I 000 I -000 33.00 420.03 1195.05 940.24 . 913 1.000 1.. 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 31 00 417 2G 1195.26 934.29 .888 1.000 000 I 000 000 1. 000 35 00 411.53 1195. 46 928. 12 .BG5 1.000 1. 000 I . 000 I, 000 I . 000


  • ISOLATION Af (SEC) 7 I ME F LOFTI ENTIIAI P Y PRESSURE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '$

SEC. LB/SEC Ifru/LO PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80 3G.OO 411.83 1195. 65 922.62 843 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 37.00 409. 18 1195 84 F 916. 89 824 1. 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 38.00 406.55 1196.03 911. 22 806 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 1.000 39 00 103. 96 1196. 21 905.62 789 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 1,000 I . 000 40 00 101. 40 1196. 39 900.09 .774 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 4 1.00 ~

398.87 1196. 57 894,63 .760 .973 I . 000 1,000 1.000 1. 000 42 00 396.38 1196. 74 889.24 .717 .944 1.000 1. 000 1.000 1.000 43 00 39392 1196. 91 883.9 I .736 .918 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 00 391. 49 1197.07 878 66 .725 .894 1.000 000 I . 000 I . 000 45.00 389.09 1197 . 24 873.47 . 715 .872 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 46.00 386.73 1197.39 868.35 .706 .852 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 47.00 384.40 1197. 55 863.30 .698 .833 I . 000 I . 000 I. 000 1.000 48 00 382. 11 1197. 70 858. 31 .690 .816 1.000 I . 000 'I.OOO I . 000 49 00 379.84 1197.85 853.39 .683 .800 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 50.00 377,61 I 198. 00 BIIB. 54 .676 .785 I . 000 1.000 1.000 f.000 51 00 375.40 1198. 14 843.75 .669 . 771 .974 1.000 I 000 1. 000 52.00 373.23 1198.28 839.02 .663 .759 .948 1.000 I . 000 1.000 53.00 371.08 1198.42 834.35 .657 .748 .923 I . 000 f .000 1.000 54.00 368.97 1198. 55 829.74 .652 .738 .900 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 55.00 366,88 1198.68 825. 19 .646 .728 .880 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 5G.OO 364.82 1198.81 820. 71 .611 .720 .860 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 57.00 362.79 1198 93 816 27 ,637 .711 .842 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 58 00 360.78 1199.06 811. 86 .632 704 .826 1. 000 I . 000 1. 000 59,00 358.78 1199. 18 807.48 .G28 .696 .810 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 60,00 356.79 1199. 30 803. 13 .624 .689 .796 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 61,00 354.82 1199,42 798,82 . 621 .683 .783 . 976 I . 000 1.000 62,00 352.87 1199,54 791.53 .617 .677 .771 .950 1.000 I . 000 63.00 350.93 1199. 65 790.27 . 613 .671 .760 .927 1.000 I . 000 64.00 349.00 1199. 76 786.02 .610 .665 .750 .906 I . 000 I .000 65.00 347.08 1199.88 781. 80 .607 .660 .74 'I .886 1.000 1.000 6G.OO 345. 17 1199 99 777.62 .604 .655 .732 .BG7 1.000 I . 000 67.00 313. 28 1200.09 773.47 .600 . 651 .724 .850 1.000 I . 000 68.00 341. 41 1200 20 769.36 .597 :e4e .716 .833 I . 000 I . 000 69 00 339.5G 1200.30 7G5,29 .595 .642 .709 .819 1.000 1.000 70,00 337.73 1200 4 I 7G I 28 .592 .638 .702 .805 I 000 1.000


TIME F I.OW ENIIIAIPY PRESSURE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

SEC. LB/SEC BTU/LB PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80 71,00 335.92 1200. 51 757 .32 .589 .634 .696 .792 .973 I . 000 72.00 334. 14 1200.60 753.42 .586 .631 .689 .78 1 .949 I . 000 73.00 332 40 1200.70 749.59 .584 .627 .683 .770 .927 1.000 74.00 330.68 1200.79 745.83 .581 .624 .6IB .760 ,907 1. 000 75 00 329.00 1200.88 742. 14 .579 .620 .673 .75 I 888 76.00 327.35 1200.97 738.53 .576 .6 17 .668 .742 870 I . 000 77.00 325.74 1201. 05 734.99 .574 .614 .663 .734 .854 1.000 78.00 324. 16 1201. 13 731. 54 .572 .6 11 .659 .727 .838 1.000 79.00 322.62 1201. 21 728. 15 .569 .608 .654 .7 19 .824 1.000 80.00 321. I I 1201. 29 724.84 .567 .605 .650 .7 12 .811 I . 000 81.00 319. 63 1201. 36 721.60 .565 .602 .646 .706 . 799 .974 82.00 318. 18 1201. 43 718.41 .562 .599 .643 .700 .788 .952 83.00 316.76 1201. 5 'I 715.27 .560 .596 .639 .694 .778 .932 81 00 315.35 1201 57

~ 712. 17 .558 .594 .636 .689 .7G9 . 913

85. 00 313. 97 1201. 64 709. 12 .556 .591 .632 .684 .760 .895 86.00 312. 60 1201.71 706.09 .551 .589 .629 .679 .752 .878 87.00 311. 25 1201. 77 703. 10 .552 ,586 .626 .675 .744 .863 88.00 309.91 1201. 84 700. 14 .550 .584 .623 .670 .737 .848 89.00 308.58 1201. 90 697.20 .548 .582 .620 .666 .730 .835 90.00 307.27 1201. 96 694.29 .546 .580 .6'17 .662 .723 .822 91 00 305.96 1202.03 691.41 .544 .577 .615 .659 .717 .811 92 .00 304.67 1202.08 688.55 .542 .575 .612 .655 .711 . 800 93.00 303.40 1202. 14 685.73 .540 .573 .6 10 .652 .706 .790 94.00 302. 'l4 1202.20 682.93 .539 .57 1 .607 .648 . 701 . 781 95.00 300.89 1202.26 680. 16 .537 .569 .605 .645 .696 .772 96.00 299,65 1202. 31 677.42 .535 .567 .602 .642 . 691 .764 97.00 298.43 1202.37 674.71 .534 .565 .600 .639 .686 .756 98 00 297.22 1202.42 672,02 .532 .563 .598'6:IG .682 .749

.742 99.00 296.02 '1202.47 669.37 .530 .561 .596 .634 .678

'100. 00 294 84 1202.52 666.75 .529 .560 .594 .63 1 674 .736 102.00 293.09 1202.62 66 1,60 .526 .557 .59 1 .627 .668 .727 104 . 00 290.81 1202.72 656.57 .523 .554 .587 .622 . 661 .716 106.00 288.58 1202.81 651.65 .520 .551 .583 .617 .655 .706 108.00 286.40 1202.90 64G.83 .518 .547 .579 ~ 612 .649 .697 I I O. 00 284.27 1202.98 642. II .515 .544 .576 .608 .643 .688


TIME FLOW ENTIIAI.PY PRESSURE $ $ '$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '$'$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

SEC, LB/SEC 8 III/LB PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80 112.00 282. 18 1203.06 637.49 .5'12 .542 .572 .604 .638 .681 114.00 280. 14 1203. 14 632.97 .509 .539 .569 .600 .633 .674 116.00 278. 14 1203. 21 628 55 507 .536 .566 ..596 .628 .667 118.00 276. 19 1203.28 624.23 .504 .533 .562 .592 . 624 . 661 120,00 274.28 1203.35 '620. 01 .502 .530 .559 .589 .619 .656 122 . 00 272.42 1203.42 615. 88 .500 .528 .556 585 . 615 . 650 124.00 270.60 1203.48 611.86 .497 .525 .553 .582 .611 .645 12G. 00 268.83 1203.54 607.94 .495 .523 .550 .578 .607 .641 128. 00 267. 10 1203.60 604. 11 .493 .520 .548 .575 .G04 .636 130. 00 265.42 1203.65 600.37 .490 .518 .545 .572 .600 .632 132.00 263.78 1203.70 596.74 .488 .5 15 .542 .569 .597 .628 134 .00 262. 18 1203 75 593. 19 .486 .513 .540 .566 .593 .624 136. 00 260.62 1203. 80 589.74 .483 .510 .537 .564 .590 .620 138. 00 259.03 1203.85 586.37 .481 .508 .535 .561 .587 .617 140. 00 257.56 1203.89 583. 10 .479 .506 .532 .558 .584 .613 142.00 256. 12 1203.93 579.91 .476 .504 .530 .556 . 581 . 610 144.00 254.72 1203.97 576.81 .474 .501 .528 .553 .579 .607 146. 00 ,253.36 1204 .01 573.79 .472 .499 .525 .551 .576 .604 In8.00 252.04 1204.04 570.85 .470 .497 .523 .549 .574 .601 150. 00 250.75 1204.08 567.98 .468 .495 .52 1 .547 .57 1 .598 160. 00 244.81 120'4.23 554.79 .457 .486 .511 .537 .56 1 .587 170, 00 239,67 1204.34 5na.a8 .448 .477 .503 .528 552 .577 180 00 235.27 1204.43 533.59 .440 .469 .496 .52 I .544 .5G9 190: 00 231. 49 1204.50 525. 18 .432 .462 .489 .514 .537 .562 20000 228.24 1204.56 517. 93 .425 .455 .484 .508 .532 .556


FI LB/SEC OW ENTIIALPY BTIJ/LB 0.00 3I)l.5' OOI /0.il663-.&V 1.00 2.00 2973.38 27 17.32


1193:65 1196.30


PRESSURE PSIA 1073. 63 980. 31 902.84 Tl Tl Tl TIME SEC 1.00 2.00


FLOW LB/SEC 0.00 )al'3.y 5946.77 5434.66 ENTHALPY BTU/Le 1190. 12 I 193. 65 I 196. 30 3.00 2503.35 1198. 37 835.78 Tl 3.00 5006.70 1198.37 4.00 2318. 11 1199.96 778.52 Tl 4.00 4636.67 1199.96 5.00 2165.08 1200.97 738.54 Tl 5.00 4331.86 1200. 95 6.00 2078.36 1201.61 710. 82 TI 6.00 4 162.03 $ 201. 58 7.00 2002.17 1202. 13 686. 18 71 7.00 4014.49 1202.09 8.00 1933.78 1202.58 663.68 Tl 8.00 3883.71 1202.52 9.00 1870.49 1202.97 642.52 Tl 3764. 17 1202.89

10. 00 18 lo. 43 1203.32 622.24 7 'I 10. 00 3651.73 1203.22 I I .00 1752.70 1203.62 602.66 71 I 1.00 0.00 $ 203. 17

$ 2.00 1703.38 1203.83 587.84 71 12.00 0.00 1202.72

13. 00 1659. 4$ 1204.02 572.61 Tl + 13.00 0.00 1202.30

$ 4.oo 1615. 20 1204.20 557.25 TI + 14.00 0.00 1201. 91

15. 00 1571.06 1204.36 542.01 Tl 15.00 0.00 1201. 56
17. 50 14G4.60 1204.64 505. 51 Tl $ 7. 50 0.00 1200.87 20.00 $ 368.20 1204.77 472.78 7$ 20. 00 0.00 1200. 4 I 22.50 1287. 19 $ 204.79 445.67 Tl 22.50 0.00 1200. 10 25.00 'l 220. 31 $ 204.73 422.88 Tl 25.00 0.00 1199. 87 27.50 1163.36 $ 204.62 403.49 71 27.50 0.00 I 199. 69 30.00 1113.47 1204.47 386.39 Tl 30.00 0.00 1199. 56 35.00 '1030.96 1204. 12 358.09 Tl 35.00 0.00 1199.40 40.00 9G7.79 1203.75 336.42 Tl 40.00 0.00 $ 199.31 45.00 919. 75 $ 203.40 319. 91 Tl 45.00 0.00 I 99. 26


50.00 883.89 1203.09 307.6$ TI 50.00 0.00 1199. 24 60.00 834.55 1202.6$ 290.59 Tl 60.00 0.00 1199. 22 70.00 803.95 1202.26 280. 01 70.00 0.00 1199. 22 80.00 784.24 1202.02 273. 18 Tl 80.00 0.00 1199. 25 90.00 770.99 1201. 85 268.58 Tl .90.00 0,00 1199. 30 100. 00 761. 86 1201.73 265.40 Tl 100. 00 0.00 $ 199. 36 120. 00 749. 16 1201. 55 260.87 Tl 120. 00 0.00 1199. 51 140. 00 7 0.97

$ 120$ .44 258.03 71 140. 00 0.00 1199.65 160. 00 734.48 1201. 34 255.74 Tl I GO.OO 0.00 1199. 79

$ 80. 00 728.21 1201. 25 253.52 Tl 180. 00 0.00 I $ 99.91


T I ME FLOw ENTIIALPY PRESSURE $$$$$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $$$$$$$$$$$

SEC. LB/SEC 8 7 II/LB PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80


112.00 431.48 1195.78 918. 69 .554 .575 .597 .624 .656 .697 114.00 431.52 1195.78 918. 76 .550 .571 .592 .618 .648 .687 I I G. 00 431.55 1195.78 918. 83 .546 .567 .588 .612 .641 .678 118. 00 431. 59 1195.77 918.90 .542 .562 .583 .607 .635 .670 120. 00 431.62 1195.77 918. 97 .538 .558 .579 .601 .628 .662 122.00 431.65 1195. 77 919.03 .534 .554 .574 .596 .622 .654

'124 00 431.68 1195. 77 919. 10 . 531 .550 . 570 . 591 . 616 . 647 126. 00 431.72 1195. 76 919. 16 .528 .546 .566 .587 .611 .640 128,00 431.75 1195 76 919. 23 .524 .542 .562 .582 .605 .633 130. 00 431. 78 1195. 76 919. 29 .52 1 .539 .557 .577 .600 .627 132. 00 431.81 1195 76 919. 35 .518 .535 .553 .573 .595 .621 134.00 431.84 1195.76 919.41 . 515 . 531 . 549 . 569 .590 .615

'I 36,00 431.87 1195.75 919. 47 . 512 . 528 . 545 . 565 .585 .610 138 .00 431.89 1195.75 919. 53 .509 .525 .54 I .560 .58 1 .604 140. 00 431.92 1195.75 919. 58 .506 .522 .538 .556 .576 .599 142 .00 431.95 1195. 75 919.64 .503 .5 18 .534 .552 .572 .594 144.00 431.98 1195. 75 919. 69 . 500 . 515 . 531 . 548 .568 .589 146. 00 432.00 1195. 75 919. 75 . 497 . 512 . 527 .544 .563 .584 148. 00 432.03 1195.74 919. 80 .494 .509 .524 .540 .559 .580 150. 00 432.06 1195.74 919.85 .49 1 .506 .52 1 .536 .555 .575 160. 00 432. 15 1195.74 920.02 .479 .492 .505 .5 19 .535 .554 170. 00 432. 16 1195. 74 920.04 .467 .479 .490 .504 .518 .534 '

180 00 432. 13 1195.74 919. 98 .456 .467 .478 .489 .502 .517 190. 00 432.09 1195.74 919. 89 .440 .452 .464 .476 488 .501 200.00 432.04 1195.74 919.79 .4 13 .424 .436 .450 .464 , .480


0. 00 I .00 3

LB/SEC pig. It'0-AN 3165.97 5~,

BTU/LB 1191.28 PSIA I 136. 48 1043.97 Tl TI

'I l SEC.

0. 00

$ .00 LB/SEC t.c79./~

633$ .94 BTU/LB 1187.55 1191.28 2.00 2908.$ 4 1194.20 964.92 2.00 5816. 30 1194. 20 3.00 2680.93 1196.69 . 890.82 Tl 3.00 5361.92 1196. 69 4.00 2464.55 1198.77 , 822. 10 Tl 4.00 4929.56 I 198 . 76 5.00 2276.46 1200.34 763.88 Tl 5. 00 4554.53 1200.33

'6 00 2 126. 48 1201. 42 719.22 Tl 6.00 4258.42 1201. 38 7.00 2005.64 1202.24 680.91 Tl 7.00 4023.65 1202". 19 8.00 190$ .75 1202.88 647.60 Tl 8.00 3823.25 $ 202.81 9.00 18 10. 89 $ 203. 38 618. 10 Tl 9. 00 3649. 10 1203.30

10. 00 1729. 84 $ 203. 78 591. 47 Tl 10. 00 3494.53 $ 203.68 I I ~ 00 1655. 83 1204.09 56$ .06 TI $ 1.00 3353.66 1203.99

$ 2. 00 1588 ~ 16 1204.29 548.85 Tl 12.00 0.00 1203.79 1549.26 1204 42 535. 14 Tl $ 3.00 0.00 1203.53

$ 4.00 1509.50 1204.53 521. 25 Tl $ 4.00 0.00 $ 203.30

$ 5. 00 1469.59 1204.63 Tl 15.00 0.00 1203.08 17.50 1373. 8 $ 1204.77 Tl 17. 50 0.00 1202. 61 20.00 1285.05 1204.78 Tl 20. 00 0.00 1202.30 22.50 1208,27 1204.70 Tl 22.50 0.00 1202. 11 25.00 I$ 42.70 1204.56 Tl 25.00 0.00 $ 201. 98 27.50 10$ $ 6.5G 1204.37 376.57 TI 27.50 0.00 1201. 88 30.00 1038.40 $ 204. 15 360.20 Tl 30.00 0.00 1201.81 35.00 9G3. 10 1203.71 334.44 Tl 35.00 0.00 1201. 70 40.00 907.01 1203.28 315. 17 Tl 40.00 0.00 1201.64 a5.00 864. $ 2 1202.90 300. 4 I aS.OO 0.00 1201. 59 50.00 831.26 1202.56 289. 10 Tl 50.00 0.00 20$ . 56 60.00 70.00 786.56 759. 78 1202.04

$ 201. 70 273.69 264.45 Il Tl 60.00 70.00 0.00 0.00


1201. 5 I 1201. 49 80.00 744. 19 $ 201. 48 259.08 Ti 80.00 0.00 201. 47 90.00 735. 22 1201. 35 256.00 'll 90.00 0,00


1201. 46 100. 00 730i24 $ 20$ .28 254.28 Tl 100-00 0.00 1201. 44 120. 00 725. 87 1201. 2 I 252.76 Tl 120. 00 0.00 1201. 42 140. 00 724.07 1201. 9 $ 252. 14 Tl 'I 40. 00 0. 00,. 1201. 39 160. 00 720 93 ~ 1201. 14 250.97 TI 160. 00 0. 00 $ 201. 37 180. 00 716. 15 120$ .06 249.27 TI 180. 00 0. 00 1201. 35

1.4 FT2 OE RUPTURE AT 30 PC POWER - XXX FROM IG640GC FORwARO FLOw REVERSE FLOW TIME FLOW ENTIIALPY PRESSURE T IME FLOW ENIIIALPY SEC. LB/SEC BIU/LB PSIA SEC. LB/SEC 8 IU/LB 200.00 7 10. 67 1200. 97 247.32 T'I + 200.00 0.00 1201. 34 220.00 704.38 1200.87 245.08 T I + 220.00 0.00 1201. 34 240.00 697.27 1200.75 242.54 T I + 240.00 0.00 1201. 35 260.00 657.77 1199. 96 226.76 T I + 260.00 0.00 1201. 37 280.00 537.57 1197.22 184.57 T I + 280.00 0.00 1201 41 300.00 477.02 1195.43 163. 54 Tl + 300.00 0.00 1201. 47


0. 00 gq'l. 8 e-.oo IQ~.Sm~ 1136.48 Tl ~
0. 00 /$ 9,g 0-.60 1187.55 1.00 939.66 I 188. 44 1115. '14 Tl 1. 00 942.53 1188. 26 2.00 922.60 1189. 25 1095.46 Tl + 2.00 926.88 >>89.04 3.00 903.88 1190.21 1071. 39 + 3.00 908.49 1189.99 4.00 880.30 1191. 33 1042.75 TI 4.00 885. 31 I 19 I. 10 5.00 854.87 1192. 42 1014.01 5. 00 860.47 1192. 17 6.00 830.80 1193.39 987.40 Tl 6.00 836.83 1193. 12 7.00 808.78 1194.26 963.07 7.00 815.51 1193.97 8.00 788. 7 I 1195.04 940.79 11 8.00 796. 19 1194. 72 9.00 770.33 1195.73 920.21 Tl 9.00 782.61 I 195. 08
10. 00 753.29 1196. 36 900. 95 Tl + 10. 00 773.62 1195. 44 11.00 737.24 1196.95 882.58 + 11.00 764.75 1195. 78 l2.00 721. 79 1197. 51 864.68 Tl 12.00 755.78 1196. 13
13. 00 706.65 I 198. 04 846.98 TI + 13. 00 746.52 1196. 49 14.00 Gs I. G7 1198. 56 829.43 11 14.00 736.86 1196. 86
15. 00 67G.Bb 1189.0b 812.08 Tl 15.00 0.00 1196. 98
17. 50 645.62 1199. 90 780.74 Tl 17. 50 0.00 1197. 04 20.00 631.69 '1200.34 763.70 Tl + 20. 00 0.00 1196. 73 22.50 616.41 1200,80 745.44 Tl + 22. 50 0.00 IIS6.58 25.00 601. IO 1201. 23 727.34 Tl + 25. 00 0.00 1196.53 27.50 58G,GB 1201. 61 710. 43 Tl + 27.50 0.00 1186. 51 30.00 573.47 1201.95 694.91 Tl t 30.00 0.00 1196.51 35.00 550.00 1202.51 667.22 Tl + 35.00 0.00 1196. 52 40.00 529.71 1202.96 643.22 1I + 40.00 0.00 1196.54 45.00 512. 22 1203. 3 I 622.49 Tl 45.00 0.00 1196. 56 50.00 4J7.09 1203.59 604.5 I TI 50.00 0.00 1196.58 60.00 472.05 1204.00 574.79 Tl 60.00 0.00 1196. 63 70.00 452.39 1204.26 551. 24 Tl + 70.00 0.00 1196. 72 80.00 43G.51 1204.44 532. 18 Tl 80.00 0.00 1196. 86 90 00 1204.57 516. 59 Tl 90.00 0.00 1197.04 100. 00 412.89 1204.65 503.76 TI 100. 00 0.00 1197.25 120. OO 3J7.25 1204.74 484.48 Tl + 120. 00 0.00 I 197. 70 140. OO 385.88 1204.78 470.85 11 + 140. 00 0.00 1198. 16 160 00 377.65 1204.79 460.96 TI + 160. 00 0.00 1198. 60 180. 00 371.60 1204.79 453.69 Tl 180. 00 0.00 1198. 99

.4 FT2 OE RUPTURE AT 30 PC POWER - ORY STEAM FORWARD FLOW REVERSE FLOW T I ME FI.OW ENT'IIALPY PRESSURE TIME FLOW ENTllALPY SEC. I 8/SEC 8 IU/LB PSIA SEC. LB/SEC 8 IU/L8 200.00 367.13 1204.79 448.30 T 1 + 200.00 0.00 1199.34 220.00 363.66 1204.'78 444. 10 I 1 + 220.00 0.00 1199.64 240.00 360.7 1 1204.78 440.52 I 1 t 240.00 0.00 1199. 91 260.00 358.03 1204.77 437.25 I 1 + 260.00 0.00 1200. 15 280.00 355.46 1204.76 434. 11 I 4 28000 0.00 1200.37 300.00 352.92 1204.76 431.00 T

'I l i 300.00 0.00 1200.57


T I ME FLOW ENTIIALPY PRESSURE $ $$ $$$ $$$ $ $ $$ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$ $ $ $$$ $$$

SEC. LB/SEC 8TU/LB PSTA 30 40 50 60 70 80 I . 00 554.92 1188. 23 1120. 27 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 2 00 '>46 89 1188.84 I 105 48 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I, 000 3.00 539 53 1189. 39 1091. 82 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 4.00 532.73 1189,90 1079. 12 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 5.00 526. 4 I I'190.37 1067.30 I . 000 1.000 I 000 1.000 I . 000 1. 000 6.00 520.53 1190.80 1056.30 I . 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 7.00 515,07 1191. 20 1046.05 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 'I .000 I . 000 8.00 509 99 1191.57 1036.48 I. 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1. 000 9 00 505 24 1191.91 1027 53 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000

10. 00 500 81 1192. 23 1019. 13 I . 000 1. 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 II 00 49G.G4 1192. 52 IO I I . 22 I . 000 I . 000 'I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 12 00 492. 71 1192.80 1003.74 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1. 000 I . 000 1. 000 13 00 488 99 1193.05 996 .64 1.000 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 14.00 485.46 1193. 30 989.86 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 15 00 482.08 1193. 54 983,39 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 16, 00 478.86 1193. 76 977.20 1.000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 17 00 475 78 1193.97 971. 27 I . 000 1. 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 18.00 472,83 1194. 17 965.58 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000
19. 00 470.00 1194. 36 960.13 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 20,00 4G7.29 1194. 55 954.89 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 21 00 464.69 1.194. 72 949.87 1.000 1.000 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 22.00 462.20 1194.89 945.05 1.000 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 23.00 459 80 1195.05 940.42 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 24.00 457 50 1195.20 935 97 I . 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 25.00 455,30 1195. 34 931. GQ I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 26.00 453. 18 1195.48 927.57 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 27.00 451 14 1195.62 923.62 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1. 000 28.00 449, 18 1195.74 919.81 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1. 000 29.00 44729 I 195. 86 9 IG. 16 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 30.00 445.50 1195.98 912.69 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 31.00 443.79 I 196.09 909.40 .985 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 32 .00 442. 18 119G. 19 90G.33 .962 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 1.000 33.00 440 69 1196. 28 903.47 .941 I 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 34,00 4393 I 1196,37 900.83 .922 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 000 1. 000 35.00 438 03 1196 44 898 42 .905 I 000. 1.000 I . 000 000 I, 000

PERCENt POWER ISOLATION Af (SEC) 7 I ME F I.O'W EN I IIAI P Y PRESSURE $$$$$$ $ $ $ $$ $ $$$ $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $$ $ $ $ $ $$$$ $$$ $$$ $$ $ $$$

SEC. LB/SEC 81U/IB PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80

36. 00 436.87 1196,52 896. 21 .889 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 37.00 435.,81 1196.58 894.20 .873 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 38.00 434 84 1196.64 892.37 .857 1. 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 39 00 433.97 1196.69 890.72 .842 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 40.00 433. IB 1196. 74 889.24 .826 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1. 000 4 1.00 432.48 1196. 78 887 91 .Bl I ,987 I, 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 42.00 431,84 1196.82 886.73 .796 .966 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1. 000 43.00 431.28 1196.85 885.68 .782 .947 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 44.00 430.79 1196.88 884.76 ,769 .930 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 45.00 430.3G 1196.91 883,95 .756 . 914 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 46.00 429 98 1196.93 883.24 .744 .900 1.000 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 47 00 429 65 I 196. 95 882.63 .733 .885 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 48.00 429.36 1196.97 882. 11 .723 .870 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 49.00 429 12 >>96.98 881,6G .713 .855 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 50.00 428.91 I 196. 99 881. 29 .704 .839 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 51.00 428.-74 1197.00 880.97 .696 .824 .988 1.000 1,000 1. 000 52.00 428,59 1197. 01 880. 7 I .688 .809 .968 1.000 1.000 1.000 53.00 428.48 1197.02 880.50 .680 .795 .950 1.000 I . 000 1.000 54.00 428.39 1197.02 880.34 .673 .78'I .933 I . 000 1. 000 1.000 55 00 428.31 1197.02 880.22 .666 ,769 . 918 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 56,00 428.26 1197.03 880. 13 .659 .757 . 904 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 57.00 428,23 1197.03 880.08 .653 .746 .890 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 58.00 428. 21 1197.03 880.05 .647 .735 .875 I . 000 1.000 59 00 428.20 1197.03 880.05 .642 .726 .860 1. 000 1.000 I .000 60.00 428.20 >>97.03 880.07 .636 .717 .844 I . 000 1. 000 1.000 61.00 428.22 1197.03 880. 10 .631 .708 .829 .989 I . 000 1.000 62.00 428 24 1197.03 880 16 .626 .700 .814 .9GB 1.000 1.000 63 00 428.27 1197.02 880.23 .622 693 .800 .950 I . 000 1.000 64.00 428.3 I 1197.02 880.30 .617 .685 .786 .934 1.000 65.00 428.35 1197 02 880.39 .613 G79 .773 .919 1. 000 I . 000 66.00 428.40 1197. 02 880.49 .609 .672 . 761 ,904 I . 000 1.000 67 00 428 45 1197.01 880.59 .604 .66G . 750 .890 I . 000 1.000 68 00 428 50 1197.01 880.7 I . 601 .660 .740 .875 1.000 I . 000 69.00 428,56 1197.01 880.82 .597 .654 .730 .860 I . 000 I . 000 70.00 428.62 1197.00 880.94 .593 .G49 . 721 .844 I . 000 I . 000


T I ME FLOW ENTIIALPY PRESSURE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '$$ $ $ $ $ $ '$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

~ SEC. LB/SEC B IU/LB PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80 71.00 428 68 1197.00 88 1. 06 . 589 .644 . 713 .829 .989 1.000 72.00 428.74 1196.99 881. 18 .586 .639 .705 .814 .9GB 1.000 73.00 428 80 1196.99 881. 31 .582 .634 .697 .800 .949 I . 000 74.00 428,86 1196.99 881. 44 .579 .630 .690 .786 .933 I . 000 75.00 428.93 1196. 98 881. 56 .576 .625 .683 .773 .918 I . 000 76 00 428.99 1196. 98 881.69 . 572 .621 . 677 . 761 .903 I . 000 77.00 429.06 1196.97 881. 81 . 569 . 617 . 670 . 750 .889 I . 000 78.00 429 12 1196.97 881.94 .566 .G13 .664 .740 .874 1. 000 79.00 429. 18 1196. 97 882.06 .563 .609 .659 .730 .858 I . 000 80.00 429,24 1196. 96 882. 19 .560 .605 .653 .72 1 .843 I . 000 81.00 429,3 I 1196. 96 882. 31 .557 .602 .648 .7 13 .827 .988 82.00 429.37 1196.96 882.43 .554 .598 .643 .705 . 812 .967 83,00 429 43 1196. 95 882.55 .55 1 .595 .639 .697 .798 .948 84 00 429.49 1196.95 882.67 .549 .59 1 .634 .690 .784 .932 85.00 429.54 1196.94 882.78 .546 .588 .630 .683 . 771 .916 86 00 429.60 1196. 9 'I 882.89 .544 .585 .626 .677 .759 . 901 87,00 429.66 1196. 94 883.01 .54 1 .58 1 .622 .670 .748 .887 88.00 429. 7 I 1196.93 883 12 .539 .578 .6 18 .6G4 .738 .872 89,00 429.77 1196. 93 883.22 .Sae .S7S .6 14 .GS9 .728 .856 90.00 429 82 1196.93 883 33 .534 .572 .6 IO .654 .719 .840 91 00 429.87 1196. 92 883,43 .532 .5G9 .607 .649 .711 .825 92.00 429.93 1196. 92 883.53 .530 .566 .603 .644 .703 .810

93. 00 429.98 1196.92 883.63 .527 .SG3 .599 .639 .695 .795 94.00 430.03 I 196. 91 883.73 .525 .56 1 .596 .635 .688 .781 95.00 430.08 1196. 91 883.83 .523 .558 .593 .630 . 681 .768 96.00 430. 12 1196. 91 883.92 .52 1 .55G .589 .626 .675, .756 97.00 430. 17 1196.91 884.02 .5 19 .553 .586 .622 .669 .745 98.00 430.22 1196. 90 884. II . 517 . 551 . 583 . 618 .663 .735 99.00 430.26 1196. 90 884, 19 .515 .548 .580 .614 .657 .725 100.00 430 31 1196.90 884.28 ~ 513 .546 .577 .611 .652 .717 102.00 430,37 I 196. 89 884.45 .5 II .543 .572 .605 .645 . 704 104 00 430 45 1196. 89 88 1.62 .507 538 .567 .598 .636 .689 106 00 430 54 1196. 88 884 78 .504 .534 .562 .592 .627 .676 108 . 00 430.62 1196.88 884.91 .500 ,530 .557 .586 .619 .664 110 00 430 70 1196. 87 885 09 .497 526 ,552 579 ,612 .653


TINE FLOW ~ EN TIIAI PY PRESSURE $$ $$$$$ $$ $$$$$ $$$ $ $ $$$$$ $$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $$$$$ $ $$

SEC. LO/SEC BIU/LB PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80 112.00 430.77 1196.87 885.24 .494 .523 .548 .574 .605 .643 114.00 430.84 1196. 86 885.38 . 491 .519 .543 .568 .598 .634 116.00 430. 91 1196.86 885.52 .489 . 515 . 539 .5G3 .591 .625 118.00 430.98 1196. 85 885.66 .486 .512 .535 .558 .585 .618 120. 00 431.05 1196.85 885.79 .483 .509 .531 .553 .579 .610 122. 00 431. 12 119G.84 885.93 .480 .506 .527 .549 .573 .603 124.00 431. 19 'I 196. 84 886.05 .478 .503 .524 .544 .567 .596 126. 00 431. 25 1196. 84 .475 .500 .520 .540 .562 .590 128.00 431.31 I 196. 83 .4)2 .497 .517 .536 .557 .584 130. 00 431. 37 1196. 83 .470 .494 .513 .532 .552 .578 132.00 431.43 I 196. 83 886.54 .467 .491 .510 .528 .548 .572 134.00 431. 49 1196. 82 886.65 .465 .489 .507 .524 ,543 .566 136 . 00 431.55 1196.82 886.76 .462 .486 .504 .520 .539 .SG I 138.00 431.60 I 196.8 I 886.87 .460 . 483 . 501 . 517 .535 .556 140. 00 431.66 1196.81 886.98 .458 .480 .498 514 .531 .551 142.00 431.71 1196.81 887.08 .456 .478 .495 . 510 .527 .546 144.00 431 76 1196.80 887. 18 .453 .475 .492 .507 .523 .542 14G 00 431.81 I 196. 80 887.28 .451 .473 .490 .504 . 519 . 537 148 00 431. 86 119G.BO 887.38 .449 .47 1 .487. . 501 .516 .533 150 00 431.91 1196.80 887.47 .447 .468 .484 .498 .512 .529 I GO. 00 432 13 1196. 78 887.92 .438 .458 .472 .484 .497 .511 170. 00 432.34 1196. 77 888.33 .430 .448 .461 .472 .483 .495 180. 00 432.52 1196. 76 888.64 .423 .440 .452 .461 .470 .481 190 00 432.27 1196. 78 888.07 .416 .433 .443 .451 .459 .469 200. 00 43 I . 73 1196. 8I 886.93 .410 .426 .436 .443 .450 .457



0. 00 I.B/SEC B IU/LB 1188. 81 0.00 3/263 0 OO Bet ~I 6 68-.44 1106.08 C1'FZ S I 00 3087 34 1192.00 1025.03 I I 1.00 6174 . 67 1192.00 2 00 2885 37 1194.24 963.62 I 2.00 5770.48 1194. 16 3 00 27 12. 88 1196. 54 895.54 Tl 3.00 5435. 19 1196. 47 4 00 2457.53 1199.08 810. 97 T I 4928.48 I 199. 02 5 00 22 15. 56 1201. 08 733.66 Tl 5.00 . 4445.GB 120 'I'. 0 I 6 00 2005 14 1202. 51 667.50 6.00 4029.26 1202.43 7 00 1828 22 1203.48 611. 69 rl 7.00 3682.43 1203.40 8.00 1679.09 1204. 12 564.33 Tl 8.00 3392.85 1204.04 9.00 1552.74 1204. 51 523.60 Tl 9.00 3146. 73 1204.45 10.00 1443.54 1204.72 488.01 TI 10,00 2934.87 1204.68 11.00 1347.81 1204.79 456.50 Tl 11.00 0.00 1204.76 12.00 1262.61 1204.78 438. 41 TI 12.00 0.00 1204.74
13. 00 124 I . 39 1204.75 430.46 Tl 13. 00 0.00 1204.68 14 .00 1217 . 46 1204.72 421.72 Tl '14.00 0.00 1204.62 15, 00 1191. 78 1204.67 412.50 rl 15. 00 0.00 0.00 1204.55 1204.44
17. 50 1124.73 1204.50 388.94 17.50
20. 00 1060.97 1204.25 367.01 Tl 20.00 0.00 1204.37 22 50 1005.50 1203.96 348.08 Tl 22.50 0.00 1204.33 25.00 958 25 1203.66 331. 92 Tl 25.00 0.00 1204.29 27.50 917. 49 1203.35 317.92 Tl 27.50 0.00 1204.25 30.00 '82.01 1203.04 305.73 Tl 30.00 0.00 I?04.23 35 00 824 83 1202.47 286. 13 Tl 35.00 0.00 1204. 19 40.00 783.42 1201. 98 271.96 Tl 40.00 0.00 1204. 15 45.00 753.66 1201. 59 261. 76 Tl 45.00 0.00 1204. 10 50.00 732.07 1201. 28 254.36 Tl 50.00 0.00 1204.04 60.00 705.37 1200.88 245.22 'r I 60.00 0.00 ~ 1203.93 70.00 691.63 -1200.66 240.5 I Tl 70.00 0.00 .1203.80 80.00 684,78 1200.54 238. 17 Tl 80.00 0.00 1203.67 90.00 681.66 1200.49 237. II 'r I 90.00 0.00 1203.55 100. 00 680.54 1200.47 236.74 Tl 100. 00 0.00 1203 44 120. 00 680.98 1200.48 236.93 Tl 120. 00 0.00 1203.24 140 00 682.32 1200.50 237.40 Tl 140. 00 0.00 1203.08 I GO. 00 683 35 1200.52 237.76 I GO. 00 0.00 1202.95 180. 00 683 72 1200.53 237.88 Tl 180. 00 0.00 1202,85

I. 4 F T2 OE RUPTURE AT ZERO POWER - XXX FROM IG440I A FORWARD F I.O'w REVERSE FLOW TIME FLOW ENTIIALPY PRESSURE TIME FLOW ENIIIALPY SEC. IB/SEC BTU/LB PSIA SEC. LB/SEC BTU/LB 200. 00 683.27 1200.52 237.70 T I + 200.00 0.00 1202,78 220.00 679.85 1200.46 236.42 T I + 220.00 0.00 1202.74 240 00 674.3 I 1200.36 234.44 T I + 240.00 0.00 1202 72 260.00 667.83 1200.24 232. 13 T I + 260.00 0.00 1202.73 280.00 660.49 1200. IO 229.52 T I + 280.00 0.00 1202.75 300.00 652.35 1199.95 226.62 I I + 300.00 0.00 1202.79

4r' FT2 OE RUPIURE Al CERO POWER DRY STEAM FOR'WARO F I.ON REVERSE FLOW T Ihi Fl OW ENIIIALPY PRESSURE T I ME FLOW ~ EN I IIALP Y SEC. le/SEC 8IU/le PSTA SEC. LB/SEC elu/Le 0 00 380. T ~JIFFY.dl bb~ I 106.08 'I I 0.00 33o.'I 1188. 8I I . 00 2JO.OG I 188 1103. 44 II I . 00 230. 4 I 1188. 79 2.00 231. 31 1188. 90 1104.08 fl Tl

2. 00 3.00 232.34 232.96 I 188.


64 80 3.00 231. 23 1189. 18 1097 17 4.00 225 72 1190. 42 1066.00 Tl 4.00 228.07 1189. 95 5.00 217.77 1191. 95 1026.57 5.00 220.66 1191. 40 6.00 209.00 1193. 41 986.78 Tl 6.00 212,38 1192. 80 7.00 200.63 1194. 74 949.25 Tl 7.00 204.5G 1194.06 8,00 192. 82 1195.93 914. 25 Tl 8.00 197. 30 1195. 18 9.00 185 '59 1196. 98 881.64 Tl 9.00 190. 6 I 1196. 19

10. 00 178. 85 1197. 92 851.00 Tl 10. 00 184. 38 1197.09 11.00 172.52 1198. 77 821.94 Tl 11.00 178. 52 1197.92 12.00 166. 50 1199 55 794, 18 Tl 12.00 172. 92 1198. 67
13. 00 Ilio. 76 1200.25 7G7.56 13. 00 167.54 1199. 37 14.00 155.27 1200.88 741.99 Tl 14. 00 162 ~ 36 1200. 02
15. 00 I 19. 99 1201. 46 717.35 Tl 15. 00 157. 33 1200. 62
17. 50 137. 73 1202.65 659.98 17. 50 145. 39 1201.91 20.00 135 ~ 24 1202.68 658.29 Tl 20. 00 143. 26 1201. 91 22.50 134. 29 1202.78 653. 21 22.50 142. 53 1201. 99 25 00 132.92 1202.90 646.44 25.00 14 1. 34 1202. 12 27.50 131 52 1203.02 6J9.86 Tl 27.50 140. 11 1202.24 30.00 130. 29 1203. 12 634.08 Tl 3O.OO 139.01 1202.34 35.00 128. 13 1203.29 623.83 Tl 35.00 137.09 1202.52 40.00 126.25 1203,43 614. 89 40.00 135. 37 1202.67 45.00 124 . 69 1203.55 607.54 Tl 45.oo 133. 92 1202.80 bo.oo 123. 40 1203,64 601. 41 II 50.00 132. 69 1202. 91 60.00 121. JG 1203.77 591. 71 T I 60.00 130. 73 1203.07 70.00 119.74 1203.88 584. 10 70.00 129. IS 1203.20 80.00 I 18. 39 1203.96 577.65 80.00 127. 88 1203.30 90.00 117.22 1204.03 572.02 Tl + 90.00 126. 72 1203.39 100*00 116. 19 1204.09 567.04 Tl 100. 00 125.67 1203.47 120. 00 114. 48 1204. 19 558. G I T I '+ 120. 00 -123.84 1203.60 140. 00 113 05 1204.26 551. 74 Tl 140. 00 122. 24 1203. 7 I IGO 00 111,87 1204.32 546. 10 Tl Ilio.00 120. 87 1203. 80 180. 00 110.89 1204.36 54 I . 40 Tl 180. 00 119. 73 1203.88

. I FT2 OE RUPTURE AT 2ERO POWER " ORY STEAM FORWARD FLOW REVERSE FLOW T I ME FLOW ENTIIALPY PRESSURE T I ME FLOW EN[IIALPY SEC. LB/SEC BTU/LB PSIA SEC. LB/SEC BTU/LB 200. 00 110.05 '1204.40 537. 31 T I + 200,00 118.73 1203.94 220 00 109.28 1204:43 533.60 T I i 220 00 117.83 1203.99 240.00 108.56 1204.46 530. 12 TI + 240 00 116. 99 1204.04 2f'-)100 107.86 ~ 1204.49 526.74 'll + 260.00 116. 18 1204.09 280.00 107. 17 1204.52 523.39 T I + 280.00 115. 38 1204. 13 300.00 106.48 1204.54 519. 99 Tl t 300 00 114.58 1204. 18


IIME F I.OW . ENiIIALPY PRESSURE $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

SEC. LB/SEC 8 IU/LB PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80 1.00 242.07 1186. 81 1153. 99 1. 000 I . 000 1. 000 'I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 2.00 240,63 1187.08 1147. 60 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 3.00 239.24 1187.35 1141.42 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 4.00 237.89 1187.60 1135. 50 1.000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 5.00 236.62 1187.83 1129. 89 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 'I . 000 1.000

. 6.00 235.42 1188.05 1124. 56 1. 000 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 7.00 234-26 1188. 27 1119. 4 'I I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 8,00 233. 15 1188. 47 1114. 54 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 9.00 232. II 1188. 66 1109. 89 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000

10. 00 231. 10 1188. 84 1105.38 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 'I . 000 'I . 000 11.00 230. 12 1189.02 I 100. 99 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 1. 000 12.00 229. 17 1189. 20 1096 67 1.000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 I . 000 1.000
13. 00 228.22 1189. 37 1092.39 1.000 1. 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000
14. 00 227.29 1189. 54 1088. 13 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000
15. 00 226.35 1189.71 1083.88 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 I G.OO 225.42 1189. 88 1079. 61 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000
17. 00 224.,48 1190.05 1075.33 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 18.00 223 1190. 22 107 I . IG 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000
19. 00 222.64 1190 39 IOGG.97 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 20 00 221. 73 1190.55 1062.76 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 21.00 220,80 1190.72 1058.54 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 22:00 .19.88 1190.88 1054.30 1.000 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 23 00 218 95 1191.05 1050.05 I . 000 1,000 'I . 000 'I . 000 I 000 I . 000 24.00 218. 02 1191. 21 1045.78 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 25.00 217.09 1191.38 1041.51 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 2GOO 216. 16 1191. 54 1037.23 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 27.00 215.23 1191. 70 1032.95 1.000 1.000 I . 000 'I . 000 1.000 I . 000 28 00 214,30 1191,87 1028.G5 I . 000 I 000 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 29.00 213. 36 1192.03 1024.'35 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000

'I .000 I . 000 30,00 212. 42 1192. 19 1020.04 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 31 00 211 49 1192 35 1015. 72 .985 1. 000 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 32,00 210.55 1192. 51 1011. 40 .970 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 33.00 209 61 1192.67 1007.08 .956 1. 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 34.00 208,68 1192. 83 1002.76 ,912 1. 000 I . 000 1.000 I 000 1.000 35 00 207 74 1192 99 998 45 .929 I 000 'I . 000 I . 000 I .000 1.000

ZERO POWER ISOLATION AT (SEC) 1 INE FLOW ENTIIALPY PRESSURE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5$ $ $ $ $ 5$ $ $ $ 5$ $ 55$ $ $ $ 5$ $ $ $ 5$

SEC. LB/SEC BTU/LB PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80 3G 00 206. 81 1193. 15 994. 13 .916 I, 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 1. 000 37,00 205.87 1193.30 989.83 .905 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 I . 000 38.00 204.94 1193. 46 985.53 .893 'I . 000 1.000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 39.00 204 01 I '193. 61 981. 24 .883 I, 000 I . 000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 40.00 203.09 1193.77 976.96 .872 1. 000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 41.00 202, 16 1193.92 972.70 .862 ,984 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000

42. 00 201. 24 1194.07 9G8.44 .853 .969 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 43,00 200.33 1194.22 964.20 .844 .955 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 44.00 199 42 1194.37 959.97 .835 .941 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 45.00 198. 51 1194.52 955.77 .827 .928 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 46.00 197.60 1194.66 951. 57 .819 . 916 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000

~ 47.00 196. 70 1194. 81 947.40 .811 .904 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 48,00 195.81 1194.95 943.25 .804 .893 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 49.00 194.91 1195.09 93S. Il .797 .882 1.000 1.000 1.000 I . 000 I . 000 50.00 194.03 1195. 23 934.99 .790 .872 1. 000 1.000 1.000 51.00 193. 15 1195.37 930.90 .783 .862 .984 I . 000 1.000 1.000 52.00 192. 27 1195. 51 926.83 .776 .853 .969 I . 000 I . 000 1.000 53.00 191. 40 1195.64 922.77 .770 .844 .955 1.000 1.000 I . 000 54 00 190. 53 1195. 78 918.75 .764 .836 .941 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 55.00 189. 67 I '195. 91 914. 74 .758 .828 .929 I . 000 1.000 I . 000 56.00 188. 81 1196.04 910. 75 .752 .820 . 917 I . 000 I . 000 1. 000 57.00 187.96 1196. 17 906.79 .746'741 . 812 . 905 1.000 I . 000 1.000 58 00 187 12 1196. 30 902.85 . 805. .894 I . 000' I . 000 1.000 59.00 186. 28 1196. 43 898.94 .736 .798 .884 . 000 I . 000 I . 000 60 00 185. 44 1196. 55 895.05 .730 . 791 .874 I . 000 I . 000 I . 000 G 1.00 184. 61


1196. 68 891. 18 .725 .784 .864 ,984 I . 000 1.000 62 00 183. 79 1196. 80 887.33 .720 .778 .855 .969 I . 000 1.000 G3 00 182 97 1196.92 883.51 .715 .772 .846 .955 1. 000 I . 000 64.00 182. 16 1197.04 879.7 I ..710 g766 .838 .912 I . 000 1.000 65.00 IBI 35 1197. 16 875.94 .706 .760 .830 .930 1.000 1.000 G6.00 180. 55 1197. 28 872. 19 . 701 .754 .822 .918 1.000 I . 000 67.00 179 ..75 1197. 39 868.46 . 697 .748 .814 .906 1. 000 I . 000 68.00 178.96 1197.51 864.74 . 692 .743 .807 .896 I 000 I . 000 69 00 178 17 1197.62 86 1,02 .688 .737 .800 .885 I . 000 I . 000 70.00 177 38 I 197. 73 857.32 .684 .732 .793 .876 I . 000 1.000


I I NE F LOW EN IIIALP Y PRESSURE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

SEC. LB/SEC 8 IU/LB PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80

~ 71.00 176. 59 1197.84 853.62 .679 .727 .787 .BG6 .984 I . 000 72 00 175.81 1197. 95 849.94 .675 .722 .780 .857 .969 I . 000 73,00 175,02 1198.06 846.26 .671 .717 .774 .848 .955 I . 000 74.00 174. 24 1198. 17 842.57 .667 .712 .768 .840 .942 1.000 75.00 173. 46 1198.28 838.89 .663 .707 .762 .832 .930 1.000 76.00 172.68 1198.39 835.22 .659 ,703 .756; .824 .9 18 I . 000 77.00 171.90 1198.50 831. 56 .655 .698 .75 1 .817 .907 I . 000 78.00 17 1. 12 1198.60 827.91 .652 .694 .745 .809 .896 I . 000 79.00 170. 35 1198.71 824.28 .648 .689 .740 .802 .886 1.000 80.00 69.59 1198. 81 820.68 .644 .G85 .735 .796 .87G I . 000 8 I 00 168 82 1198. 91 817.09 .G41 .GB I .729 .789 .867 .981 82 00 168.07 I 199. 0I 8 la,'54 .G37 .677 .724 .783 .858 .967 83,00 167, 32 1199. 11 810.00 .634 .673 .720 .776 .849 .953 84.00 166 57 1199. 21 806.50 .631 .669 .715 .771 .84'I .940 85 00 IG5.83 1199 30 803.02 .627 .665 .710 .7G5 ,833 .928 86.00 Ie5. 10 1199. 40 799.57 .624 .66 1 .706 .759 .826 .917 87 00 164. 38 1199.49 796. 14 .621 . 658 . 701 . 754 .818 .906

~ . 88.00 Iea, es 1199.58 792.73 .618 . G54 .697 .748 .8 I I .895 89 00 162. 94 1199.68 789.35 .615 ~ .651 .693 .743 .804 .885 90.00 IG2. 22 1199. 77 785.98 .612 .647 .689 .738 .798 .876

91. 00 161. 5 'I 1199.85 782.64 .609 .644 .685 .733 .791 .867 92.00 160. 8 I 1199.94 779.3 I .606 .641 .681 .728 .785 .858 93.00 160. I I 1200.03 776.01 .603 .637 .677 .724 .779 .850 94.00 159. 42 '200. 11 772.74 .601 .634 .673 .7 19 .773 .842 95.00 158. 73 1200.20 769.48 .598 .63 1 .670 .715 .768 .834 9G.OO 158 -05 1200.28 766.25 .595 .628 .666 .710 .762 .826 97.00 157.37 1200.36 763.04 .592 .625 .662 .706 .757 .819 98.00 156. 70 1200.44 759.85 .590 .622 .659 .702 .752 . 812 99,00 156,. 03 1200.52 756.68 .587 .G 19 .655 .698 .74G .806 100. 00 155.36 1200.60 753.53 .585 .616 .652 .694 .741 .799 102 . 00 154. 37 1200.75 747.31 .581 .612 .647 ,688 .734 .790 104 00 153 08 1200.90 741. 19 .576 .G06 .64 1 .680 .725 .778 106.00 151 80 1201. 05 735,. 17 .571 .GO I .635 .673 .717 .767 108 . 00 150. 55 1201. IB 729.27 .567 .596 .629 .667 .708 .757 110.00 149. 33 1201. 32 723.53 . 5G2 . 591 . 624 .6GO .701 .747



ENTIIALPY PRESSURE $ 5$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

SEC. L8/SEC eTU/I.e PSIA 30 40 50 60 70 80 112.00 148. 14 1201. 45 -717. 89 .558 .586 .618 .654 .693 .738 114.00 146.97 1201. 57 712. 37 .554 .58 1 .6 13 .648 .686 .729 116.00 145. 82 1201. 69 706.94 .550 .577 .608 .642 .679 .721 118.00 144 69 120'1.81 701.58 .546 .572 .602 .636 .672 .713 120.00 143. 58 1201. 92 69G.27 .542 .568 .597 .630 .666 .705 122.00 142. 47 1202.03 690.99 .538 .563 .592 .624 .659 .697 124 . 00 141. 37 1202. 14 685.75 .534 .559 .588 .6 19 .653 .690 126. 00 140. 28 1202. 25 680.55 .530 .555 .583 .6 14 .647 .683 128.00 139. 20 1202.35 675.38 .526 .551 .578 .608 .641 .676 130. 00 138. 13 1202.45 670.27 .522 .547 .574 .603 .635 .669 132,00 137. 06 1202.55 II65. 19 .5 18 .543 .569 .598 .630 .663 I J4.00 13G. 01 1202.65 660. IG :5 15 .539 .565 .594 .624 .657 136. 00 I J4,97 1202.74 655. 17 .5 11 ~ 535 .561 .589 . 619 . 651 138.00 133. 93 1202.83 650.22 .508 .53 1 .557 .584 . 614 .645 140. 00 132.91 1202.92 645.32 .505 .528 .553 .580 .609 .640 142. 00 131. 89 1203.01 640.46 .502 .525 .550 .577 .606 .635 144.00 130. 89 1203.09 635.7 I .500 .523 .548 .574 .602 .632 146.00 129.92 1203 ~ 17 631. 26 .498 .52 1 .545 .572 .599 .628 148 00 129. 06 1203. 23 627.38 .496 .519 .543 .569 .597 .625 150. 00 128. 31 1203.29 624.00 .494 .517 .541 .567 .594 .622 160. 00 125. 18 1203.52 609. 19 .487 .508 .532 .557 .582 .608 i70.00 122 50 1203 7 I

~ 59G.46 .480 .502 .524 .548 .573 .598 180. 00 120. I I 1203.86 585. 16 .474 .495 .518 .541 .565 .589 190. 00 117.99 1203.99 575.02 .469 .490 ,511 .534 .558 .469 200.00 116. IO 1204. 10 566.00 .464 .484 .506 .528 .552 .457



Percent Power 102 70 0 MSLB Break Size, Full .6 .645 Full .5 .681 Full .4 .7065 Full .1 ~ 3 ft. DE DE Split DE DF, Split DF. DH Split DE DE Split Peak Pressure, 31.7 26.3 27.3 33.5 27.0 28.3 30.9 27,2 30.5 29.6 17.3 25.3 psig Peak Temperature, 378 330 343 377 313 34'l 376 306 351 367 289 312 F


Time of Peak 154 258 212 178 336 222 207 480 250 240 1810 702 Pressure, sec.

Time of End


of Blowdown, 154 258 212 178 336 222 207 480 250 240 1810 702 scca


OF CALCULATED CONTAINMENT PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE B. MSLB - MAIN FEEINATER ISOLATION VALVF. FAIJ.UR'E Percent Power 102 30 MSLB Break Size, Full .6 645 Full .5 681 Full .4 .7065 Full .1 .3 ft 2 DF. DF. Split DE DE Split DE DE Split DE DE Split Peak Pressure, psig 34.4 28.3 29.5 36.1 28.5 30.6 38.7 29.3 33.2 39.1 13.8 24. 7 Peak Temperature, '78 319 343 377 313 349 378 307 351 366 . 291 311 F

Time of Peak Pressure, sec. 190 3l4 256 217 402 274 249 563 301 289 2114 845 Time of End of Blowdovn, 190 314 256 217 402 274 249 563 301. 289 2114 845 sec.





Percent Power 102 70 30 MSLB Break Size, Full .6 .645 Full .5 .681 Full .4 .7065 Full .1 .3 ft DE DE Split DE DE Split DF. DE Split DE DH Split Peak Pressure, 31.3 26.2 27.4 33.3 27.3 28.5 35.8 27.3 30.9 35.4 13.3 23.1 psig Peek Temperature, F

332 343 379 314 350 379 305 350 '68 291 310 Time of Peek Pressure,sec. 154 258 223 178 336 236 207 480 264 240 1810 737 Time to End of Bio+down,sec. 154 258 221 178 336 236 207 480 264 240 1810 737

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