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Ack Receipt of Tl Wedgewood 831230 Ltr.Forwards Payment of Assessed Penalty for Discharge of Oil Into Cooling Water Discharge Canal
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 02/02/1984
From: Taylor J
NUDOCS 8402140383
Download: ML18141A495 (3)


I * .t---"'* ' Vepco VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 CERTIFIED MAIL RE1'URNRECEIPT RE~~ESTED Commander Fifth Coast Guard District 431 Crawford Street Portsmouth, Virginia 23705 Attention:

Collection Clerk

Dear Sir:

February 2, 1984 Thts wl 11 acknowledge receipt of Captain T. L. Wedgewood 1 s letter of December 30, 1983. We have decided to pay the specified

$50e00 assessed penalty and have enclosed a check for that amount. The payment of the assessed penalty shoulld fn no way be considered an admission that a discharge of oil from the Surry Power Station interfered with the beneficial uses of navlg.:ible waters or resulted In damage to public or private property or indigenous shellfish, fish or wildlife.

Very truly yours 9 Manager * * \later Qua 11 ty cc: Mr. J. P. 0 1 Rel11y / Mr. H. P.. Denten / (attachment 1 Docket No. 50-2.80/50-281)

Mr. D. J. Burke ( 8402140383 840202 1 PDR ADOCK.05000280 p PDR :\

. ._.,..___

\ . '*~ ;~' ; L"\ "*'-,ii, Mr. fronrl1ti tJ. R.tehw!M Regional Otrc~tor Pte~nt Re~Jcnal Offl*ce State w4ter Control eoard P. u. ;!~ 67bt5 Rlcht<iond.

VI rtinla 23230 ~. -...... f\11]\j \/ 1"'\,-r . , .~ .. _,} ... * ... ) Thi'* 1 s to C'i.mfl rrs th.: recent ol l spl 11 ~t our Surry Pcw1.!r St~t!on th.:it "'H previously reporte,1 by telephone to th~ ,t3ff of the St.ate Wat-*r Control f)oard. ... .-,:. On the rtornlr.g of Octob*~r 31, 1363. station pe;$On"o 1 dh~OVQl'll\d a sr~::d 1 sh~~n of oi 1 tn the st:ntlon',s cool tns wat~r dhchar,ai~

canal. 1h:a mt3jodty of th~ ot l wus entrapp~J

~y tha contahu;;,~nt bo~ h p~~anently toi~plQY~d acro:n the dhchar~e c:::r:a1.

A v~ry s~all qwant I ty of oil e!!cape~j the containment t)oQ~ cue to curr~nt and wav~ action. The 011 was pr0i&pt1y

,~moved with ~bsorbont material.

The sour<.a of the ol 1 h bel fovad to h;ive been thEl 1.inh 1 'rurbhHt &ul1Jlni!

sump. lhh sui;;p, which ha, an oil sklr.:,*

7 hau. Jevolo~d problei'-i.S wlth Its control switches such th~t the 51.;i?!? p~'!)) would not ~utetr,1atlcally when th~ hivel In the sump re.?icmi-1 a cerofn hei!;iht.

To te::..~perarl 1y handle this sl tui\tlon, ao opar1.ttor w~s to ~llonltor ahd ecntrol thG operation of thit pu..;.p. "fhroq;h ov;arsi1;ht~

th';) op,erot-or .allw~d the s~:np to be pumped too low th,:r~by ~~usln~ tho skim of ol I on tM uurfaca to be p~ip~d into the yard 1frain i,Jhlch ent'l!ra the c:an~l i:21 NPtiES Outfa1 I 002 .. * .. / ..... ** To prev~nt this nttuatlon fra;; r~~urrlrn;, Priority Malnt$naace

~eport to repal r 1:~1e f auhy lev-3} swl tch was prct:.i"">t1y h:$~d nnd the Sl#ltch1as went repalrod, lmportant1-,, bec£1"1:S&

of tha pret.1pt i!lctlon by st2tlon par9oonel In r:.:...o*,dnJ th;.: ot l frcr;. the can:tl and the small a;:r.ount of ol 1 hwolved. we did not: ob;;crve nor clo \>lC anticipate lJflY ~dveraa e~vfron:11ental*

Jeyact to fbht "'" hillh, v',}Jut.a;tJon, or public c.r vro~erty ..:i, a rnsult of thh §~Ill.

. *-Ct;: u. Mr. Mr. be: Mr. Mr. Mr. Hr. Mr. Mr. Hr. Mr. Hr. Mr. Mr. e 41 Hr. Oon.a1d B. Rlchwin#l

2. If you h~v~ any questions regarding this lncl<lent, pleese let us knew. s. Coast Guard Janms P. o*aoJlly Haro )d fi.. Denten w. L. Stewart J. L. Wilson w. R. Cartwright

\.I. w. Cameron ) l w. A. Thornton)

E. T. Swtndel 1 , M. F. Kadlubowski)/

R. J. WI 111 ams l R. L. B t rckhead B. c. MacKenzie ) B. \.I. Easley Vary truly yours, O y*i"inal Si~ed By .l. t:> Joh,.'1. A. Tay,lor John A. Taylor, ?h.O. Manager Water Q.uaHty