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Confirms That Procedure for Tracking low-level Radiologically Contaminated Asbestos Waste Acceptable for Maintaining Compliance W/Natl Emissions Stds for Hazardous Air Pollutants Regulations
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 03/18/1996
From: Hadder A
To: Daley J
NUDOCS 9603210318
Download: ML18153A530 (3)


r. Innsbrook Technical Center 5000 Dominion B0ule1*ard Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 March 18, 1996

u. s. Environmental Protection Agency Region III 841 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107

Dear Mr. Daley:

This letter is being submitted pursuant to 40 CFR 61.150 (d) (4) and in accordance with your letter dated July 1, 1994 confirming that Virginia Power's procedure for tracking low-level radiologically contaminated asbestos waste (RCAW) is acceptable for maintaining compliance with the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations.

on January 23, 1996, Virginia Power issued a letter to your attention informing you that the Surry Power Station had not received a copy of the waste shipment record for" shipment S-95-11 signed by the owner or operator of the designated waste disposal site, within the 45 days since the waste was shipped off-site.

On December 8, 1995, shipment S-95-11 was shipped from Surry Power station to Scientific Ecology Group, Incorporated (SEG), for interim processing. The interim process took longer than expected and the signed waste shipment record was not returned to Surry Power Station within the required 35 days. On January 16, 1996, the 35th day (excluding the three Federal Holidays), Surry Power Station received written notification that shipment S-95-11 had reached SEG and would be processed and buried by the end of February 1996 (after January 26, 1996, the 45-day reporting requirement).

However, on March 4, 1996, the waste shipment record for shipment S-95-11 was signed by Barnwell Waste Management Facility, the waste disposal site owner or operator.

A copy of the signed original waste shipment record for shipments-95-11 was received by the Surry Power Station on March 12, 1996, and a copy is attached for your review. Therefore, Virginia Power considers this matter concerning shipment S-95-11 officially closed.

210(51 9603210318 960318 PDR ADOCK 05000280 P PDR

e e Mr. John Daley (3AT33)

Page No. 2 If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (804) 273-3023.

Very truly yours, c:f. w

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A. w. Hadder Manager Environmental Policy and Compliance cc: U. s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-280 and 50-281 License Nos. DPR-32 and DPR-37

03/14/1996 15:10 80436526e EXPOSURE CONTR~ PAGE 01

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HP* 107:?.0SO SURRl'POWERSTATION ~ Ponn HP*l072.0S0-5

~e 1 of 1 Ml\->\~+* ~41~S9S-J I (d/ {Rev 1)


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,. Work &Ila name and ma~ a,cs,ess

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Owncfsname Owner's telei:,.honc nuni:>er

  • ,:V- *.1*1. , ....... " , ,-:-

Surry ~.r Jtatlon,

  • O. Box Virgin~ Power (804) JeiS-.2.010 Surry, V..._ 23883
2. ()peratol"I nama and miSrBs Oplrators teiept,one number

' Insulation Specialties, Inc. p .o. Box 1629 501 Westover Ave. H°"'well, VA 23860 (S04) 748-9606

3. W&£te Disposal Sia (WDS) nafflet maillng addtass, and physi:::al slle location WOS telephOne number Barnwell Waste MaaaJ,ement Fac:lllty (803) 2S9-J7Sl P. O. Bm: '726, BAmw South CAMllna 29812

-4. Name. and &ddrea o: R:pen:t>lt agency Dc!pamnent or Labor and Jndustr,*, 13 Soulh Thirteenth Street, Richmond, Vil"l?inia 23219

5. Dncrtptlan,.fe:

Rodioact1ve ter 1 *, Lew Specific malfi~' 6. Containers no. ancs type 7. Total quanrhy m3 (Yda)

~~i~ji~~ D,;1a11 Za YHii~i !2l &2i ~exes S.l'l'l m3 Fr1ab1 e P1pe CQver1ng. Containing "BA" (bags)

8. SP1Ci8J handling lnswCIIOns ano additional intormaucn Trailer I 24105 for shiPl!lent to 1ntennediat1 processor: Scientific Ecology Group, 1560 Bear Creek Rd.

Oak Ridge~ TN 37831-2530 Telephone Ng. (615) 481-0~22 Date of s ii,nent: 12/8/95


I hereby deolare th1Uhe QQnten\$ of 1hls consignment are fully and accu,a,ely descril:>eei above by proi::,ar shipping name. art claSstned, packed, marked, labeled, and are in an respects In proper condition tor

    • ._... transport by hlgnway a~.~"" 10 appllCl?)ll lfflernaflonal a.nd povemmen1 rQgUt:itior\!.

Printed or tyC)td name ana tble SigMtUM MC'1>!lh cay Vtar

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10. Tran~s,er 1 11CknOWledrJlllen101 receipt of rnateriats)

Pl'tmed or typed name ana uue Jeffery S. Ward (Criver}

Slrze~~-""/~ h**--*:( Mor1\h 12 I 8 I 95 Cay Year Ao:Jra" Telephone number 1560 Bj!~ r Creek. Rd

  • O~k Rid~e, TN ~s{ (615) 481-0222

,,. l rani;oorwr 2 (a=.,owt1dament c:,t recet::,t ot rnat,rie.lsl Printed or typed name and title Signature Month Day Year Address Tele~t1one number

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12. Dlscr1pancy Indication si,aca
13. Wasto dlspasal 1111 PW1111r or .oPJrator; certification of l'IC8ipt of UbattOS matanalS covared r,y this mantta&t excePt as noted tn Item 12.

Pr1nted or typed namt &net Ulla Signature Month Day Year

C,l\ly L. C-Arver -

~CIQ.. -,

e.c. .3 4 9~

t'M 4 1 96 13l.!4 803 259 7230 .