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Forwards Constituent Mh Schwartz Re Resumption of Concrete Work at Site
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Marble Hill
Issue date: 05/22/1981
From: Snyder G
To: Hendrie J
Shared Package
ML20132B505 List:
FOIA-84-293 NUDOCS 8108170197
Download: ML20132C657 (6)


GcNE SNYDER M Dwnner. Kiwruere D'N N'

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House w m -

m"Mawfutuv 4818 t m m-us-me .


  • saca^a;M^agNe ^aD May 22, 1981 Mr. Joseph M. Hendrie Chairman Nuclear Regulatory Commission .

1717 H Street, N. W.

Washington, D. C. 20555 i

Dear Mr. Chairman:

Enclosed is a letter from my constituent, Max H. Schwartz of Bedford, Kentucky, relating to his concern about the confusion surrounding various reports on the quality of the construction of the Marble Hill Nuclear Power facility being built by Public Service Indiana.

I can assure you Mr. Schwartz is not the only person in the area concerned about this matter and that the app *.ehension reflected in his letter is widespread throughout much of rf District along the Ohio River.

I would appreciate it if you could ha e Mr. Schwartz's letter reviewed and provide me with a response with which to reassure not only him and the others who share his doubts and apprehension, but myself as well -- that safety is not being short-cut at Marble Hill.

Thanking you in advance, I am Sincerely yours,

, A. - ,

U Gene Snyder GS:cmy w cc: Max Schwartz f i 8108170197 810625 CF ADCCK 05000546

%f CF


TELEPHONE' BEDFORD. KENTUCKY 40006 TELEPHONE ss2 iso 2 25Hus ARI A CODE 302 ARE A CODE 502 April 21, 1981 Mr. Gene Snyder Member of Congress

House Office Building i Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Representative Snyder:

This letter is written in memorandum of our conversation of this date (April 21, 1981) regarding my concerns about the recent developments relative to Public Service Indiana's receiv-ing NRC approval to resume safety-related work at the Marble Hill

, Nuclear Power Plant site.

, Enclosed are copies of two articles which appeared in the

" Madison-Courier."

' In the article dated March 28, 1981, wherein it is reported that PSI has been given approval by the NRC to resume safety-related work, it is stated that two independent consultants retained by the NRC to review existing concrete work have made ,

initial determinations that the existing concrete work is structurally sc.und; however, it is stated that the report of these two constaltants has yet to be completed. As far as I know, the NRC has yet to receive the completed reports. Nothing is said within the article regarding the findings of a third inde~ pendent consultant which was selected by Save the Valley, Dr. Michael Cassaro, of the University of Louisville. The en-closed article of March 25, 1981, seems to indicate that Dr.

Cassaro's initial determination on the matter is that existing

concrete work is not structurally sound.

It is my understanding that when the NRC agreed to allow independent engineers to inspect the plant site and make reports 4

concerning the structural soundness of critical concrete work, the NRC agreed to not allow PSI to resume safety-related work until such reports had been reviewed. The enclosed articles seemed to indicate that the NRC allowed safety-related work to be resumed prior to reviewing the final reports of the indepen-dent inspectors. From what I can glean from these articles, it appears that the two California independent inspector's initial determination are that existing concete work is sound. On the other hand, Dr. Cassaro's initial findings are that concrete work is not sound.

e 4Y6 u b



I Mr. Gene Snyder April 21, 1981 Page Two It appears to me that the NRC has not kept its word on these matters in that it has allowed safety-related word to resume prior to reviewing the final reports by the independent inspectors and  :

to add insult to injury, the NRC has allowed safety-related work to be resumed in the face of conflicting reports regarcing the construction of critical areas.

4 I would very much appreciate it if your office would contact the NRC and try to obtain an explanation regarding these matters.

I would very much like to believe that the NRC has the situation at' Marble Hill under control and that I can rest assurred that the NRC is making every effort to insure that the Marble Hill

fac,ility will be safe. However, if the NRC continues to go back l

on its word and displays every appearance that it is trying to

" cover up" the independent inspectors' reports, I cannot help but lose faith with the NRC.

Your attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated and I'm sure that your continued interest in the matte,r is of value to all concerned.

t With warm personal regards, I am Sincerely yours,

. / -s x

?ch Max H. Schwartz MHS:js Enclosures

. - - , - me --g---- a e- -----+~-e- - -- y--

Wednesday Afternoon's l


l MADISON COLRIEE Volume No. 275 Medison,ladiene, Merch 25,1981 Single Cop l t ._-........_............._.,_.,,,.......~,.~,~.~..o -.

student at the junior high. Miss Sheldon and Miss Knowland were alternates for the scholarships presented by Psi loto groups Oscar, Xi and Tri Koppo sororities and the Madison Music Club. (StoH photo by Steve Wfiiter.)

. Rom +

d Marble Hill concrete tests said E

Mass tr inadequate:In epen ent eng.ineer .

Ma _

The independent engmeer selected by concrete and their echoes measured to find construction would be " fairly imminent."

Nye The Valley ta study the concrete tests air pockets.

at Public Service Indiana's nuclear power Save The Valley President Robert Gray Barton Grabow, PSI vice president-plant at Marble Hill claims the tests were said Cassaro told him that 700' concrete public relations, told The Madison Couner madequate. tests would guarantee at least 95 percent today that "the NRC has expressed full Dr. Michael Cassaro nf the University of accuracy. confidence in the reliability of the

.teuisvtlle said the tests need to be ex. Two independent California engmeers evaluation of in-place concrete at Marble wg3p panded to ensure the concrete work meets hired by the NRC to student the concrete Hill, based on findings of two independent George

, federalsaterystandards :est findings are expected to complete ' concrete specialists retained by the NRC.


He said m two reports sent to the their reports soon. The NRC said that their Public Service Indiana shares that con- magle Nuclear Regulatory Commission that too study is expected to support test findings fidence."

Alexanc few uitrasound tests were done to assure at that the concrate is safe. In a March 20 letter to Cassaro, " genera ieast a 95 percent chance of accuracy, as Gaston Fiorelli. NRC branch chief of professor of civil engineenng at the emerge require 8 by the NRC. pro;ect inspection in Chicago, said he had University of Louisville, from James G. Bushu Sixty tests, each mvolymg about a etbac already received a verbal report that the Keppler, director of Region 3 of the NRC, chairmA yard of concrete, were done at the plant. two Califorma engineers have concluded said that based on four separate came se ne safety-related structures have about they have no problems with the quality of evaluation methods used by the con- unusual mm cubic yards of concrete, accordmg the concrete. sultants. "We NRC has concluded that the ' Hill that m Cassaro's reports. PSI is currently waiting for word from quality of in-place concrete at Marble Hill unhappt

'the NRC to begin all safety-related work. has teen adequately assessed this ex- TheN Not even 500 rests, the tests said, would The utility has already received per- tent hRC requirements have been met." phatical.

l guarantee with 95 percent accuracy that missinn ta do some safety-rela ted work. The two California engmeers who -- that

. Fioretti sait thst af e.ths, Califaema examined the concrete studiss fortim NRC gg,m as NRC safety standards. In the tests. engmeers' report suprorts the concrete and Roland-C.

were Alfred L. Parme Asked cra.wund waves were beamed into the tests as expected, the resumption of all Hamm.both of San Diego. , Calif. House p 9id, "Hi Ranch Supermarket owner Haston 97 purchases Red & White Food Store g;;

l j Ernest R. Haston, founder of Ranch Haston who was the recipient of the 1981 now does supermarket consulting in over l tupermarkets. Inc., Greensburg, has pur- Greensburg Area Chamber of Commerce 30 states and Canada and owns a farm in i .hased the Red & White Food Store on Community Service Award this month. Decatur County. If then i

Madison's hilltop at 2106 Lanier Drive. founded Ranch Supermarkets. Inc., in Haston is a member of the board of it's that t

, The store, which was also formerly Pick 1965. The corporation now includes five directors of the Decatur County Bank and neglect t!-

l S Pack IGA No. 2. became the Ranch such stores as weil as Sunnycrest the Bible Baptist church. Dr. Frede s upermarketonMondayof thisweek. Distnbutors. Bo-Ka Shop. Circle Pnnting. He and his wife, the former Betty Jo the secon, Hastnn purchased the grocery from E. Ohio River Realty,and Multi-Rand. Schlabach, a nauve of Anderson, have four the Dict:

Ibernaus & Sons. Inc., Vincennes. That A native of Sparta. Tenn.. Haston was children ' - Susan, 29, principal and English.

ompany had purchased it just about a one of nine children, bemg one of a set of teacher at Indiana Christian Academy in Cassidy yearago twins. His parents. Smith and Ethel Anderson: Marc.27, pnnter at Circle Prin- the Univer Haston. now reside m Anderson. ting in Greensburg: Greg. 26. manager of day and

, He graduated from White County High the Bo Ka Fionst Shop m Greensburg and students, .

e Saturday Afternoon's w 1

MADISON COURIER E Volume 144. No. 278 .

.M Medison. Indiene, March 28,1981 single Copy 25g Js' Q

PSI 9 ets NRC aPProyal to resume P(4N e

Marble Hil safety-related work M i

Public Sernet miiman has receved ap- that all safety-related work could now proval from the Nuclear Regulator 7 Com- has concluded that the existing concrete .?

mission to resume safety-related work at progress except that which would cover workisstructurallysound. -

its nuclear power plant at Marbie Hill. concrete areas not yet adequately evaluated and repaired to the satisfaction Two i%t consultants retained PSI expects to resume verk as safety- by the NRC in July 1900 to review existing of inspectors from the NRC's Chicago related constraction at the Marble Hill site regionaloffice, concrete work have also made an initial  ;

within a week. Work was halted some 18 determination the existing concrete work months ago because of quality assurance Although Shields didn't expect em- is strtraturally souncf. De report of two and construct 2cn management problems- ployment levels to make immediate, .

dramatic jumps, a gradual increase will California consultants - Rolland C.

"De resumption of safety reisted con- Hamm and Alfred L. Parme -is not ex-struction has been a deliberste pain- be noted. De company now employs 550 peeted to be completed for at leest several stakmg prpcess but we're very confident workers at the plant and will see a peak weeks.

levelof 2,000 3.000 workers.

that the nuclear experience we've added De company projects the first unit of over the last year and a half and the he safety-related areas where PSI will the 33.4 billion power plant wdl go lato changes we've made will assure safe con- re-start work are those which apply to the commercial operation in late 1908 and a struction at Marble Hill," said S.W. nuclear part of the plant such as the con- .-

second unit dueiniste1987.

Shields, semor vice prendent-nuclear for tainment building which holds the nuclear .

reactor,saidPSlofficials. Shields also said current cost estimates i PSL "None d the conditions which remain ,

for the project will result in at least a 25-shouldereste unexpecteddelays." PSI was allowed tb continue its con- percent savings over the life of the nuclear THE SKY V struction schedule for non-safety related Yesterday's authortzation for resump. plant when compared to other after- all studen tion of safety-related work at the plant areas such as a turbine generating natives, including natural gas generation, building, cooling towers and a switchyard students c provides for close scrutiny by NRC in. which was suggested in recent Save De Clark, Sric i

spectors to determme the adequacy d the after the im order. And, the NRC had per- Valleylatters to theuclitY-work. mitted some safety-related work sach as Sommes,1

, The cost of extend:ng the proposed Unrestricted authority to continue the pipmg and electrical insulation to begin in l

December 1980.

Alankan natural gas pipeline from Chicago ' Dottilo, Ar work wdl not be granted until the utility to Madison, the cost of buildmg a natural dy Rezner demonstrates its quality assurance and The. latest authorization also includes gas-fired power plant (which is not curren-construction management programs are removal and replacement of all patches tly permitted by federallaw), the potential m gv previously made to repair surface defects y being adequately implemented,'the NRC said. in the concrete.

effect of decontrol of natural gas prices p, $ e ,

p, and the cost of scrapping most the Marble

  • Victor Stello Jr., director of the NRC's An NRC investigation in tm determined Hill equipment all would make the Wes in- . *-

Office of Inspection and Enforcement, said that many patches were made improperiy.

feasible and protubitively expensive, ,

An NRC review of tests and examinations Shields said.

t. .-'

W h?

Herman Yater to retire Tuesday; W -.

has been PSImana9er since 1959 -i By STEVE WHITE n  ; +

Herman Yater will end his many years said. "It was the worst disaster our elec-m the busmess of prending electricity of tric operation ever had in Madison by far " *,

chen he retites Tuesday. He said that businesses and dairies sait E food for the men to est dunrig the tune .,

Yater, manager of the Madison distnet 4 -

j they werein Madison.

1 for Public Service Indiana. bsean hi. .

" - ' ' ' , , , , , , _ , E&

o I

i i



Mr. Joseph M.11endrie ,.

Chairman Nuclear Regulatory Connaission 1717 11 Street, N. W.

Washington, D. C. 20555 I

LM.._. - .