IR 05000413/1978011: Difference between revisions

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| number = ML20147E395
| number = ML20147E406
| issue date = 11/30/1978
| issue date = 11/24/1978
| title = Forwards IE Inspec Repts#50-413/78-11 & 50-414/78-10 on 781031-1103 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted
| title = IE Inspec Repts#50-413/78-11 & #50-414/78-10 on 781031-1103 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected Incl:Ie Bulletin,Ie Circulars,Contractor Surveillance,Qa Manual Review & Piping Procedures
| author name = Murphy C
| author name = Blake J, Herdt A, Mcfarland C
| addressee name = Dail L
| addressee name =  
| addressee affiliation = DUKE POWER CO.
| addressee affiliation =  
| docket = 05000413, 05000414
| docket = 05000413, 05000414
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| document report number = NUDOCS 7812210061
| document report number = 50-413-78-11, 50-414-78-10, NUDOCS 7812210064
| package number = ML20147E387
| package number = ML20147E387
| page count = 2
| page count = 11

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{{#Wiki_filter:,  . . . _ .. .. '    UNITED STATES en Ric oq(o NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
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.! 3.*ye/ g REGloN 11 101 M ARIETT A sT RE E T. *  ATL ANT A, GEORGI A 30303 p [
Report No /78-11 and 50-414/78-10 Docket Nos.: 50-413 and 50-414 License Nos.: CPPR-116 and CPPR-117
Categories: A2 and A2 Licensee: Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte,' North Carolina 28242 Facility Name: Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 Inspection at: Lake Wylie, South Carolina Charlotte, North erolina, November 3, 1978 Inspection conducted: October 31 through November 3, 1978 Inspectors: C. R. McFarland J. J. Blake L. P. Modenos, Training A. R. Herdt Reviewed by: b^ T u ' L //-  u/Jv/u A. R. Herdt, Chie f'i  Date Projects Section Reactor Construction and Engineering Support ;
Branch Inspection Summary    1 l
Inspection on October 31 - November 3, 1978 (Report No I 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10)
Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspectio'n of licensee action on previous inspection findings, 10 CFR 50.55(e) items, IE Bulletins, 1E Circulars, Contractor Surveillance, QA Manual Review, Piping Procedures, and Safety-Related Structures. This inspection involved 48 inspector-hours on-site by three NRC inspector R_esults: No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie et 312 210 Ob'
  .RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10  -1-DETAILS I Preptced by: / :,
C. R. McFa'rland, Principal Inspector
Projects Section Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch Dates of Inspection- vember 1-3, 1978 Reviewed by:  // d/ 28 A. R. Herdt, Chief . /D(te Projects Section Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch Persons Contacted Duke Power Company (DPC)
D. L. Freeze, Project Engineer S. W. Dressler, Senior Construction Engineer L. R. Barnes, QA Manager, Construction Division R. A. Morgan, Project QA Senior Engineer R. P. Ruth, QA Engineer J. W. Willis, QA Engineer
   *W. H. Bradley, QA Manager, Engineering and Services Division J. M. Curtis, QA Manager, Vendor Division C. A. Robinson, Vendor Inspector, Components R. F. Wardell, Manager, Nuclear Group J. D. Waddill, Licensing Engineer, Mechanical Division J. K. Berry, Staff Mechanical Engineer W. Rice, Staff Electrical Engineer E. Lumpkin, Steel Workers Foreman E. H. Herndon, Welding Foreman, Containment Dome Contractor Organization Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company J. W. Kosko, Authorized Nuclear Inspect.or (ANI)
  * Denotes those attending the Exit Interview.
- _ - - _ _ - _ _  .
  -.. - .  - . - . . .
RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10  -2- Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (0 pen) Licensee Identified Item 413/414/77-13-1 - Units 1 and 2 Valve Operator Natural Frequency Analysis Deficiency The DPC staff informed the inspector that vibration testing of instrumented valves had been performed. The data is being analyzed. A report will be written. No estimated completion date (other than " prior to fuel loading") was available. This
item remains open, (Open) Licensee Identified Item 413/414/78-01-01 - Stem Mounted Limit Switches (SMLS)
The DPC staff informed the inspector that the corrective action work on the valves on-site has not begu . Unresolved Items There were no unresolved items identified during this inspectio . Independent Inspection Missing Documentation for Unit 1 Steam Generators The inspector reviewed a Vendor Surveillance Report dated July 27, 1978, which documented the completion of the work related to the commitments made in the DPC letter to RIl dated January 20, 1978 (see RII report number 50-413/78-1). The inspector discussed the work with the vendor inspector who had responsibility for the surveillance work on the steam generators and the visit to the Westinghouse plant at Tampa, Florida on July 18 and 19, 197 Walk-Through Inspection of Unit 1 The inspector performed a walk-through inspection of the reactor building for Unit 1 and observed the work on the '
welding of the containment dome, the installation of the cont rol room panels, the 4160 Volt scitchgear for the reactor coolant pumps, various motor control centers, and numerous cable trays for safety-related equipmen . - -
  - . - -.- .. - . . .- -. - -- - -. .- .
3 .. *
> /
  *% * * * * * /  NOV 3 01978 In Reply Refer To:
RII:CRM 50-413/78-11 50-414/78-10
I RII Rpt. Nos.. 50-413/78-11 and    ,
50-414/78-10 -3-  l I ANI' Witness of Hold Point The inspector observed the Authorized Nuclear Inspector witness a hold point for weld number 1 N1286-16 on the Safety-Injection System for a class B weld of one inch pipe to valve number 09J501, tag number IN141 Discrepancies in Piping Penetrations of Containment TheinspectordiscussedthesubjectwithrehponsibleDPCstaff and reviewed QA procedure M-8, " Piping System Installation Inspection". The standard design of a penetration assembly is-to use a dished head that may be welded to the restraint in the containment wall and to the piping that is penetrating the containment. This me. hod would eliminate the potential of a discrepancy as detected at the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant where pipe was solidly grouted .hrough the wall penetratio The inspection procedure used by DPC, M-8 requires the inspector to confirm that the restraints and attachments are installed per the drawings. The isometrics locate the hangers and restraints. The final walk-through inspection of each piping system also documents that there are no~ extraneous restraints (no deviations from design).
Duke Power Company ATTN: .Mr. L. C. Dail, Vice President Design Engineering Post Office Box 33189 Charlotte, North Carolina 28242 Gentlemen:
This refers to the inspection conducted by Messrs. C. R. McFarland and J. J. Blake of this office on October 31 through November 3, 1978, of activities authorized by NRC License Numbers CPPR-116 and CPPR-117 for the Catawba Nuclear Station facility, Units 1 and 2 and to the discussions of our findings held with Mr. W. H. Bradley in the Charlotte offices, and Mr. D. L. Freeze at the site, at the conclusion of the inspectio i Areas examined during the inspection and our findings are discussed in I the enclosed inspection report. Within these areas, the inspection ,
consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative l records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspector i l
I Within the scope of this inspection, no items of noncompliance were .]

l In acco'rdance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice",
No items of noncompliance nor deviations were identifie . Review of QA Manual The inspector reviewed the documents listed below and discussed with the responsible DPC staff the associated QA program work as related to Instrumentation (Component and Systems and Cables and Terminations), and Reactor Vessel Installation. 'The review confirmed 4 -  that adequate QA plans, instructions and procedures for specific safety-related activities have been established in the DPC QA manuals related Units 1 and 2, and that these documents conform to the QA program as described in Chapter 17 of the PSAR. The procedures are the same as, or revision of, or similar to the procedures reviewed for other modules of the inspection program and reported in IE reports 413/78-09, 78-07, 78-06, 78-0.5, 78-04 and 7J-0',
Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter and the enclosed inspection report will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room. If this report contains any information that you (or )
and other reports'of earlier inspections. The review conf r.ned that the QA/QC activities related to these documents are controlled and accomplished in accordance with the QA Program requirement .
your contractor) believe to be proprietary, it is necessary that you make a written application within 20 days to this office to withhold l such information f rom public disclosure. Any such application must
include a full statement of the reasons on the basis of which it is claimed that the information is proprietary, and should be prepared so that proprietary information identified in the application is contained in a separate part of the document, If we do not hear from you in this regard within the specified period, the report will be placed in the Public Document Roo M l
RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and  .
50-414/78-10  -4-The following QA procedures (QAP), ASME QA manual sections (QAM),
construction procedures (CP), and QA surveillance checklists (QAS)
were reviewed as typical of the applicable documents and the documents reviewed:
- QAM M-61, Instrument Piping System Inspection
- QAP M-61, Instrumentation Inspection
- QAP A-8, Instrument Control
- OAP 0-1, Control of Measuring and Test Equipment
- *QAP M-41, Electrical Equipment Installation' Inspection
- QAP M-40, Electrical Cable Installation and Inspection
- QAP L-71, Final Flushing and Cleaning Piping Systems and Components
- *CP 147, Electrical Cabinet Fabrication Inspection
- *QAS E-7, Fabrication of Electrical Cabinets
- QAS E-6, Electrical and Instrumentation Storage Inspection
- QAS M-2, Receipt and Storage of Mechanical Equipment
*CP 147, provides a detailed method for controlling the inspection and documentation of the on-site fabrication of electrical cabinet " Supplemental Inspection Instructions" are as stated on form M-41B, a part of QAP M-4 No items of noncompliance nor deviations were identifie . Audit of Licensce's Surveillance of Contractor Activities, On-Site Reactor Vessel Installation The inspector reviewed the QA surveillance report, " Loading, Transporting and Installation of Reactor Vessel, Unit 1", for work performed by DPC and Reliance Trucking Company, June 20 through June 30, 197 Steam Generator Tube Rolling Repair The inspector reviewed the QA surveillance reports for work performed by Westinghouse Electric Corporation October 24 through November 2, 1978 and the reference Westinghouse speci-fication. DPC will consider modifying the surveillance check-list to require a routine review of the Westinghouse Field De ficiency Reports. This open item is identified as 413/78-11-01, Reactor Vessel Lower Radial Core Support Lugs The inspector reviewed the QA surveillence reports for the current work on the machining of the subject support lug .
RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10  -5-The work is being performed per the requirements and procedures in the Westinghouse Nuclear Service Division Service Manua No items of noncompliance nor deviations were identifie . Licensee Identified Item (Open) Item 413/78-11-02 and 414/78-10-01, fontainment Isolation Valve Deficiencies, Units 1 and 2
On August 25, 1978, the licensee reported the subject deficiency under the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55(e). The inspector reviewed the DPC report to Region II dated September 22, 1978, IE 78/02-5PS-413/414, entitled " Safety-Related Containment Isolation Valve Type C Leakage Deficiency". An engineering hold has been placed on the valves that had been purchased without specifying the low air pressure valve seat leakage requirement. Engineering reviews of the associated problems have been initiated. This open item is identified as 413/78-11-02 for Unit 1 and 414/78-10-01 for Unit . IE Circular (IEC) 78-08, Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment at Nuclear Power Plants The inspector reviewed the subject with the corporate task force that has been formed to institute a review program to verify the environmental qualification of the subject equipment to be used at Catawaba Nuclear Station and the other DPC nuclear power plant The task force's initial work is related to McGuire Nuclear Station (reference Region II report No. 50-369/78-32) and the work for
Catawba will be nearly identical. The task force is gathering data
for a computerized study, reviewing vendor programs, and considering the needs of additional testing of some equipment.

Inspection work relative to 1E Bulletin (IEB) 77-05 and 77-05A
! was closed in 413/414/78-01, on IEB 78-02 was closed in 413/414/78-01-02, and on IEB 78-04 remains open as item 413/414/78-01-01. Work on Catawba is not expected to be significant before the third quarter of 1979, but will be completed before fuel loading. This item will be reviewed during a subsequent inspection (78 Cl-08).
No items of noncompliance nor deviations were identifie . IEB's and 1EC's The inspector discussed with the DPC manager of the Nuclear Group and the licensing engineer for the Mechanical Division the adminis-trative procedures for distributing and reviewing and responding to
b RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10  -6-Region II the DPC information relative to IEB's and IEC's. The IEB's and IEC's are circulated to the appropriate staff and project personnel with a specific person assigned to be the " action party" for each item. The Nuclear Group manager and the licensing engineer prepare the reply for the appropriate department vice president to send to Region I No items of noncompliance nor deviations were identifie . (Closed) IEB Number 78-10, Bergen-Patterson Hydra'ulic Shock Suppressors Accumulator Spring Coils The DPC response to RII dated August 22, 1978, was reviewed with the DPC staff. DPC has completed a review of the design of the projec Bergen-Patterson snubbers are not being used at this p roj ec t .
1 Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee representative (denoted in paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection in the Charlotte office on November 3, 197 The inspector summarized the purpose and scope of the inspection and the findings. There were no unanswered questions or dissenting comment .
RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10  11-1 DETAILS Il Prepared b  W #
b J. J. Blake, Metallurgical Engineer
      // /
      <.f Engineering Support Section No. 2 Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch Dates of Inspection: Octot r 31 - November 3, 1978 M /// Y
Reviewed b  / <
T. E. Conlon,' Chief  'Dats Engineering Support Section No. 2 Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch Persons Contacted Duke Power Company
  *R. A. Morgan, Sr. QA Engineer
  *J. W. Willis, QA Engineer
  *R. P. Ruth, QA Engineer
  *S. W. Dressler, Sr. Construction Engineer
  *D. L. Freeze, Project Engineer
  *L. R. Davison, Sr. QC Engineer Contractor Organization Richmond Engineering Company (RECO)
J. S. Antill, QC Engineer The inspector also talke: with and interviewed several other licensee and contractor employees during this inspectio ' Denotes those participating in the exit intervie . Licensee Actions on Previous Inspection Findings (Open) Unresolved Item (413/78-08-01; 414/78-07-01) Certification of Fittings. The licensee stated that this item was still being reviewed at the corporate offices. The licensee is intending tc canvas the industry for an accepted industry practice interpretation of the material certification requirements of the fitting procurement
NOV 3 01978
standard SA-23 ._
I RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10  11-2 Unresolved Items There were no unresolved items identified as a result of this inspectio . Independent Inspection Effort The inspector conducted walk through inspections of the reactor buildings, the auxiliary building, the pipe fabrication building and the mechanical calibration f acility, to observe status of construction and safety-related work activities. Work activities observed included the following: Mechanical Calibration Facility The inspector reviewed the operation of the calibration facility by interviewing the personnel involved with calibration and by observing calibration demonstration Containment Dome Welding (Unit 1)
The inspector observed the fill pass welding of two vertical seams on the Unit I containment dome. These welds were in the final ring of the dom (Prior to the " dollar" plate in the center)
These welds were being made using the automatic flux-core welding process with oscillation so that the weld layer was being deposited in one pas The inspector checked the welding parameters (amperage, voltage, travel speed, oscillation, etc.)
in use on these velds and compared them against procedure requirements. There were no discrepancie There were no items of noncompliance or deviations identified in this area of the inspectio . Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary and Safety-Related Piping Welding - Review of Quality Assurance Implemecting Procedures The licensees welding program was reviewed to dete rmine whether required and adequate procedures are included or referenced in the QA manual to provide idents:y of items where witnessing or inspection is required; assurance that welding procedures and personnel are properly qualified; assurance that NUE procedures and personnel are properly qualified; assurance that welding and NDE equipment are properly controlled; control of documentation of welding and inspection activities; assurance that beat treatment, NDE and repair activities
Duke Power Company -2-   4
RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10  II-3
are properly controlled; ana control / surveillance / inspection of welding material The following sections of the licensees QA manual were reviewed: Section M-4 - Visual Inspection and NDE of Welds Section L - Special Processes Section I - Qualification of Welders and Welding Operators Section K - Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel Section S-1 - Control of Piping System Construction Records '.'ection H-3 - Identification and Control of Welding Materials Section F-4 - Process Control for Fabrication of Piping Subassemblies Section F-9 - Process Control for Pre-Assembly and Installation of Piping Systems There were no items of noncompliance or deviations in this area of inspectio . Safety-Related Structures Welding Observation of Work and Work Activities (Unit 1)
Should you have any questions concerning this letter, we will be glad to discuss them with yo
Richmond Engineering Company (RECO) is in the process of erecting and testing the 400,000 gallon stainless steel refueling water storage tank f or Unit 1. This tank is being erected in accordance with ASME B&PV code Section III, Class 2 (1974 Edition with Summer 1975 Addenda)
requirement The inspector observed the following welding and testing activities for compliance with RECO QA manual and procedure requirements: Installation and welding of bolt brackets around bottom of tan Welding of double plate around manwa Vacuum box testing of floor plate seam Pressure testing of doubler plate and manway to tank weld '
There were no items of noncompliance or deviations in this area of inspectio . Exit Int e rview The inspector met with licensee and contractor representatives (denoted in paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on

. ..
Charles E. Murphy, Chief Reactor Construction and
RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10 II-4 November 3, 1978. The inspector summarized the scope and findings of the inspection. The licensee asked what would be necessary to close the unresolved item concerning material certifications. The inspector stated that the documentation of the licensees canvas of the industry would be reviewed and a decision made at that tim ,
Engineering Support Branch Enclosures:
Inspection Report Numbers 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10 cc w/ enclosures:
Mr. D. G. Beam, Project Manager Catawba Nuclear Station Post Office Box 223 Clover, South Carolina 29710 i
i e
f J

Revision as of 14:21, 1 September 2020

IE Inspec Repts#50-413/78-11 & #50-414/78-10 on 781031-1103 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected Incl:Ie Bulletin,Ie Circulars,Contractor Surveillance,Qa Manual Review & Piping Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/24/1978
From: Blake J, Herdt A, Mcfarland C
Shared Package
ML20147E387 List:
50-413-78-11, 50-414-78-10, NUDOCS 7812210064
Download: ML20147E406 (11)


e D -

g6 3K8Guq'



o g

.! 3.*ye/ g REGloN 11 101 M ARIETT A sT RE E T. * ATL ANT A, GEORGI A 30303 p [


  • ...*


Report No /78-11 and 50-414/78-10 Docket Nos.: 50-413 and 50-414 License Nos.: CPPR-116 and CPPR-117


Categories: A2 and A2 Licensee: Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte,' North Carolina 28242 Facility Name: Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 Inspection at: Lake Wylie, South Carolina Charlotte, North erolina, November 3, 1978 Inspection conducted: October 31 through November 3, 1978 Inspectors: C. R. McFarland J. J. Blake L. P. Modenos, Training A. R. Herdt Reviewed by: b^ T u ' L //- u/Jv/u A. R. Herdt, Chie f'i Date Projects Section Reactor Construction and Engineering Support ;

Branch Inspection Summary 1 l

Inspection on October 31 - November 3, 1978 (Report No I 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspectio'n of licensee action on previous inspection findings, 10 CFR 50.55(e) items, IE Bulletins, 1E Circulars, Contractor Surveillance, QA Manual Review, Piping Procedures, and Safety-Related Structures. This inspection involved 48 inspector-hours on-site by three NRC inspector R_esults: No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie et 312 210 Ob'






.RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10 -1-DETAILS I Preptced by: / :,

C. R. McFa'rland, Principal Inspector


Projects Section Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch Dates of Inspection- vember 1-3, 1978 Reviewed by: // d/ 28 A. R. Herdt, Chief . /D(te Projects Section Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch Persons Contacted Duke Power Company (DPC)

D. L. Freeze, Project Engineer S. W. Dressler, Senior Construction Engineer L. R. Barnes, QA Manager, Construction Division R. A. Morgan, Project QA Senior Engineer R. P. Ruth, QA Engineer J. W. Willis, QA Engineer

  • W. H. Bradley, QA Manager, Engineering and Services Division J. M. Curtis, QA Manager, Vendor Division C. A. Robinson, Vendor Inspector, Components R. F. Wardell, Manager, Nuclear Group J. D. Waddill, Licensing Engineer, Mechanical Division J. K. Berry, Staff Mechanical Engineer W. Rice, Staff Electrical Engineer E. Lumpkin, Steel Workers Foreman E. H. Herndon, Welding Foreman, Containment Dome Contractor Organization Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company J. W. Kosko, Authorized Nuclear Inspect.or (ANI)
  • Denotes those attending the Exit Interview.

- _ - - _ _ - _ _ .

-.. - . - . - . . .




RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10 -2- Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (0 pen) Licensee Identified Item 413/414/77-13-1 - Units 1 and 2 Valve Operator Natural Frequency Analysis Deficiency The DPC staff informed the inspector that vibration testing of instrumented valves had been performed. The data is being analyzed. A report will be written. No estimated completion date (other than " prior to fuel loading") was available. This


item remains open, (Open) Licensee Identified Item 413/414/78-01-01 - Stem Mounted Limit Switches (SMLS)

The DPC staff informed the inspector that the corrective action work on the valves on-site has not begu . Unresolved Items There were no unresolved items identified during this inspectio . Independent Inspection Missing Documentation for Unit 1 Steam Generators The inspector reviewed a Vendor Surveillance Report dated July 27, 1978, which documented the completion of the work related to the commitments made in the DPC letter to RIl dated January 20, 1978 (see RII report number 50-413/78-1). The inspector discussed the work with the vendor inspector who had responsibility for the surveillance work on the steam generators and the visit to the Westinghouse plant at Tampa, Florida on July 18 and 19, 197 Walk-Through Inspection of Unit 1 The inspector performed a walk-through inspection of the reactor building for Unit 1 and observed the work on the '

welding of the containment dome, the installation of the cont rol room panels, the 4160 Volt scitchgear for the reactor coolant pumps, various motor control centers, and numerous cable trays for safety-related equipmen . - -

- . - -.- .. - . . .- -. - -- - -. .- .


> /




I RII Rpt. Nos.. 50-413/78-11 and ,

50-414/78-10 -3- l I ANI' Witness of Hold Point The inspector observed the Authorized Nuclear Inspector witness a hold point for weld number 1 N1286-16 on the Safety-Injection System for a class B weld of one inch pipe to valve number 09J501, tag number IN141 Discrepancies in Piping Penetrations of Containment TheinspectordiscussedthesubjectwithrehponsibleDPCstaff and reviewed QA procedure M-8, " Piping System Installation Inspection". The standard design of a penetration assembly is-to use a dished head that may be welded to the restraint in the containment wall and to the piping that is penetrating the containment. This me. hod would eliminate the potential of a discrepancy as detected at the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant where pipe was solidly grouted .hrough the wall penetratio The inspection procedure used by DPC, M-8 requires the inspector to confirm that the restraints and attachments are installed per the drawings. The isometrics locate the hangers and restraints. The final walk-through inspection of each piping system also documents that there are no~ extraneous restraints (no deviations from design).

No items of noncompliance nor deviations were identifie . Review of QA Manual The inspector reviewed the documents listed below and discussed with the responsible DPC staff the associated QA program work as related to Instrumentation (Component and Systems and Cables and Terminations), and Reactor Vessel Installation. 'The review confirmed 4 - that adequate QA plans, instructions and procedures for specific safety-related activities have been established in the DPC QA manuals related Units 1 and 2, and that these documents conform to the QA program as described in Chapter 17 of the PSAR. The procedures are the same as, or revision of, or similar to the procedures reviewed for other modules of the inspection program and reported in IE reports 413/78-09, 78-07, 78-06, 78-0.5, 78-04 and 7J-0',

and other reports'of earlier inspections. The review conf r.ned that the QA/QC activities related to these documents are controlled and accomplished in accordance with the QA Program requirement .





RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and .

50-414/78-10 -4-The following QA procedures (QAP), ASME QA manual sections (QAM),

construction procedures (CP), and QA surveillance checklists (QAS)

were reviewed as typical of the applicable documents and the documents reviewed:

- QAM M-61, Instrument Piping System Inspection

- QAP M-61, Instrumentation Inspection

- QAP A-8, Instrument Control

- OAP 0-1, Control of Measuring and Test Equipment

- *QAP M-41, Electrical Equipment Installation' Inspection

- QAP M-40, Electrical Cable Installation and Inspection

- QAP L-71, Final Flushing and Cleaning Piping Systems and Components

- *CP 147, Electrical Cabinet Fabrication Inspection

- *QAS E-7, Fabrication of Electrical Cabinets

- QAS E-6, Electrical and Instrumentation Storage Inspection

- QAS M-2, Receipt and Storage of Mechanical Equipment

  • CP 147, provides a detailed method for controlling the inspection and documentation of the on-site fabrication of electrical cabinet " Supplemental Inspection Instructions" are as stated on form M-41B, a part of QAP M-4 No items of noncompliance nor deviations were identifie . Audit of Licensce's Surveillance of Contractor Activities, On-Site Reactor Vessel Installation The inspector reviewed the QA surveillance report, " Loading, Transporting and Installation of Reactor Vessel, Unit 1", for work performed by DPC and Reliance Trucking Company, June 20 through June 30, 197 Steam Generator Tube Rolling Repair The inspector reviewed the QA surveillance reports for work performed by Westinghouse Electric Corporation October 24 through November 2, 1978 and the reference Westinghouse speci-fication. DPC will consider modifying the surveillance check-list to require a routine review of the Westinghouse Field De ficiency Reports. This open item is identified as 413/78-11-01, Reactor Vessel Lower Radial Core Support Lugs The inspector reviewed the QA surveillence reports for the current work on the machining of the subject support lug .


RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10 -5-The work is being performed per the requirements and procedures in the Westinghouse Nuclear Service Division Service Manua No items of noncompliance nor deviations were identifie . Licensee Identified Item (Open) Item 413/78-11-02 and 414/78-10-01, fontainment Isolation Valve Deficiencies, Units 1 and 2


On August 25, 1978, the licensee reported the subject deficiency under the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55(e). The inspector reviewed the DPC report to Region II dated September 22, 1978, IE 78/02-5PS-413/414, entitled " Safety-Related Containment Isolation Valve Type C Leakage Deficiency". An engineering hold has been placed on the valves that had been purchased without specifying the low air pressure valve seat leakage requirement. Engineering reviews of the associated problems have been initiated. This open item is identified as 413/78-11-02 for Unit 1 and 414/78-10-01 for Unit . IE Circular (IEC) 78-08, Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment at Nuclear Power Plants The inspector reviewed the subject with the corporate task force that has been formed to institute a review program to verify the environmental qualification of the subject equipment to be used at Catawaba Nuclear Station and the other DPC nuclear power plant The task force's initial work is related to McGuire Nuclear Station (reference Region II report No. 50-369/78-32) and the work for

Catawba will be nearly identical. The task force is gathering data


for a computerized study, reviewing vendor programs, and considering the needs of additional testing of some equipment.


Inspection work relative to 1E Bulletin (IEB) 77-05 and 77-05A

! was closed in 413/414/78-01, on IEB 78-02 was closed in 413/414/78-01-02, and on IEB 78-04 remains open as item 413/414/78-01-01. Work on Catawba is not expected to be significant before the third quarter of 1979, but will be completed before fuel loading. This item will be reviewed during a subsequent inspection (78 Cl-08).

No items of noncompliance nor deviations were identifie . IEB's and 1EC's The inspector discussed with the DPC manager of the Nuclear Group and the licensing engineer for the Mechanical Division the adminis-trative procedures for distributing and reviewing and responding to


b RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10 -6-Region II the DPC information relative to IEB's and IEC's. The IEB's and IEC's are circulated to the appropriate staff and project personnel with a specific person assigned to be the " action party" for each item. The Nuclear Group manager and the licensing engineer prepare the reply for the appropriate department vice president to send to Region I No items of noncompliance nor deviations were identifie . (Closed) IEB Number 78-10, Bergen-Patterson Hydra'ulic Shock Suppressors Accumulator Spring Coils The DPC response to RII dated August 22, 1978, was reviewed with the DPC staff. DPC has completed a review of the design of the projec Bergen-Patterson snubbers are not being used at this p roj ec t .

1 Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee representative (denoted in paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection in the Charlotte office on November 3, 197 The inspector summarized the purpose and scope of the inspection and the findings. There were no unanswered questions or dissenting comment .




RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10 11-1 DETAILS Il Prepared b W #

b J. J. Blake, Metallurgical Engineer

// /


<.f Engineering Support Section No. 2 Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch Dates of Inspection: Octot r 31 - November 3, 1978 M /// Y


Reviewed b / <

T. E. Conlon,' Chief 'Dats Engineering Support Section No. 2 Reactor Construction and Engineering Support Branch Persons Contacted Duke Power Company

  • R. A. Morgan, Sr. QA Engineer
  • J. W. Willis, QA Engineer
  • R. P. Ruth, QA Engineer
  • S. W. Dressler, Sr. Construction Engineer
  • D. L. Freeze, Project Engineer
  • L. R. Davison, Sr. QC Engineer Contractor Organization Richmond Engineering Company (RECO)

J. S. Antill, QC Engineer The inspector also talke: with and interviewed several other licensee and contractor employees during this inspectio ' Denotes those participating in the exit intervie . Licensee Actions on Previous Inspection Findings (Open) Unresolved Item (413/78-08-01; 414/78-07-01) Certification of Fittings. The licensee stated that this item was still being reviewed at the corporate offices. The licensee is intending tc canvas the industry for an accepted industry practice interpretation of the material certification requirements of the fitting procurement


standard SA-23 ._



I RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10 11-2 Unresolved Items There were no unresolved items identified as a result of this inspectio . Independent Inspection Effort The inspector conducted walk through inspections of the reactor buildings, the auxiliary building, the pipe fabrication building and the mechanical calibration f acility, to observe status of construction and safety-related work activities. Work activities observed included the following: Mechanical Calibration Facility The inspector reviewed the operation of the calibration facility by interviewing the personnel involved with calibration and by observing calibration demonstration Containment Dome Welding (Unit 1)

The inspector observed the fill pass welding of two vertical seams on the Unit I containment dome. These welds were in the final ring of the dom (Prior to the " dollar" plate in the center)

These welds were being made using the automatic flux-core welding process with oscillation so that the weld layer was being deposited in one pas The inspector checked the welding parameters (amperage, voltage, travel speed, oscillation, etc.)

in use on these velds and compared them against procedure requirements. There were no discrepancie There were no items of noncompliance or deviations identified in this area of the inspectio . Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary and Safety-Related Piping Welding - Review of Quality Assurance Implemecting Procedures The licensees welding program was reviewed to dete rmine whether required and adequate procedures are included or referenced in the QA manual to provide idents:y of items where witnessing or inspection is required; assurance that welding procedures and personnel are properly qualified; assurance that NUE procedures and personnel are properly qualified; assurance that welding and NDE equipment are properly controlled; control of documentation of welding and inspection activities; assurance that beat treatment, NDE and repair activities




RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10 II-3


are properly controlled; ana control / surveillance / inspection of welding material The following sections of the licensees QA manual were reviewed: Section M-4 - Visual Inspection and NDE of Welds Section L - Special ProcessesSection I - Qualification of Welders and Welding Operators Section K - Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel Section S-1 - Control of Piping System Construction Records '.'ection H-3 - Identification and Control of Welding Materials Section F-4 - Process Control for Fabrication of Piping Subassemblies Section F-9 - Process Control for Pre-Assembly and Installation of Piping Systems There were no items of noncompliance or deviations in this area of inspectio . Safety-Related Structures Welding Observation of Work and Work Activities (Unit 1)

Richmond Engineering Company (RECO) is in the process of erecting and testing the 400,000 gallon stainless steel refueling water storage tank f or Unit 1. This tank is being erected in accordance with ASME B&PV code Section III, Class 2 (1974 Edition with Summer 1975 Addenda)

requirement The inspector observed the following welding and testing activities for compliance with RECO QA manual and procedure requirements: Installation and welding of bolt brackets around bottom of tan Welding of double plate around manwa Vacuum box testing of floor plate seam Pressure testing of doubler plate and manway to tank weld '

There were no items of noncompliance or deviations in this area of inspectio . Exit Int e rview The inspector met with licensee and contractor representatives (denoted in paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on


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RII Rpt. Nos. 50-413/78-11 and 50-414/78-10 II-4 November 3, 1978. The inspector summarized the scope and findings of the inspection. The licensee asked what would be necessary to close the unresolved item concerning material certifications. The inspector stated that the documentation of the licensees canvas of the industry would be reviewed and a decision made at that tim ,

