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'V            Advisory                                                                                  M Council On Historic Preservation 1522 K Street. NW Washington. DC 20005 July 2, 1982 Mr. Louis L. Wheeler Project Manager Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
==Dear Mr. Wheeler:==
The Council has reviewed your draft environmental impact statement for issuance of operating licenses for the Seabrook Station in Seabrook, New Hampshire, circulated for comment pursuant to Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act. We note that page 4-29 of the draft environmental impact statement states that two historic districts potentially eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places
            ". . . are along the path of the approved transmission corridor." We have been informed that, specifically, the Hilltop and Jewelltown Historic Districts, each of which have both archeological and historical significance, will be physically and visually affected by the undertaking.
Circulation of a draf t environmental impact statement does not fulfill your responsibilities under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. Sec. 470(f)) .
Prior to the approval of the expenditure of any Federal funds or prior to the granting of any license, permit, or other approval for an undertaking, Federal agencies must afford the Council an opportunity to comment on the ef fect of the undertaking on properties included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places in accordance with the Council's regulations, " Protection of Historic and Cultural Properties" (36 CFR Part 800) (enclosed). Until these requirements are met, the Council considers the draft environmental statement incomplete in its treatment of historical, archeological, architectural, and cultural resources. You should obtain the Council's substantive comments through the process outlined in 36 CFR Sec. 800.9.                      These comments should then 8207070132 820702                                                                                      {
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2 be incorporated into any subsequent documents prepared to meet requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act.                    Kate M. Perry may be
;                      contacted at 254-3495 for further assistance.
Si erely, 4
Jo    n E. Tannenbaum l                      Chi- , Eastern Division of Project Review Enclosure t
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PROPERTIES Final Amendments
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RULES AND REGULATIONS.                                          .
9310-Io.4)                                                  ' the Counen, and interested orga da.
rescense to the directives crutained in Titis 36- Perks. Forests, and Pubh,c                          tions and individuals participate. The the President's Me=orangu.=. The crocess is designed to assure that al.                      Task Force was charged wh rener.
Prop uty                              ternauves to ave!d er =Jtigate an ad-
:. .g the draf t regulations antinformal.
vene effect on a National Renster or 17 offer =g cc==ents to the Council CHAPTER Vill-ADV15 CRY CCUNCll                                elagible prcperty are adequately con. on whether the regulatices ce=;ly ON HISTCRIC PRESERVATION                                sidered in the planning processes. The with the :.rective.
regulations are btncar on all Federal                              Pursuant to the Preside ='s Me=o.
* PART SOO-PROTECTICH OF HISTOR. agencies and specify the =anner in randu=. agenetes with cess:!tatic: re.
* IC AND CULTURAL PROPERTIES                                  which the Councu van resder rponsibilities under the Ac: =us; de.
                                                                =ests to Federal agencies when their velop regulations to be as;teved by Amsndments to Existing Regulations                            undertakings affect preperties includ. the Chat ~. an of the Cou::cu in re.                                    i ed is or clic1ble for belusion in the spense to these regulations. Such AG DICY: Adnsory Cou=ca en Eister. Nancta.1 Renster of Historic Places, agencies =ust publish regulations no ic Preservauen.                    .
To facilitate processing. of the large later than three =onths after the ef.
AC"2ON: F'=al a= enc =ents to regu. volc=e of cases sumed for Councu he date of these regulattens.
          "                                                    co==ent each year, the regulations Other agencies =ay choose to adopt
: These regIlations !=ple-                              provide for age 3Cy consultation with counterpart ret"dations @ecifically msnt Secton 106 c! the National Ei>                            the Council sta.!f and State Eistorte tauored to their particular program                                                          ,
toric P eservation Act 1966, as a=end-                        Preservation Officers tc6 reduce the needs as stipulated in these regula.                                                        f-number of undertakists that tions.
ed (16 U.S.C. 470), and two Presiden. consideration by the full CouncS.                                                          These regulations issued pursuant to A-#
ud direcuves issued pursuant to Sec-                              '."he purpose of the present a=end.                        16 U.S.C. 470s were adopted by utant.                          "y    .
tien 106-T.xecuuve Order 11553. May =ests is to reduce procedural delay, =ous vote of the full Ccunca Ln coen
: 13. 1971. " Protection and D.ha.nce- encoursge agencies to develop internal session on January 17.1979. As direct.
=ent ci the Cdtural by:ro =ent**                              regulatices to comply with the re.                            ed by the Preside =t. the a= ended reg.
(36 FR 89 1.16 U.S.C. 470), and the quire =ents of the Act and these regu. ulations will be effective March 1.
Presids :'s Me=crandu= cn hviron. latices to clarify the process since the 1979
=en d Quality 2. d Water Resources last pub!.icatics of the CouncD's regu.
Management. Ju.!y 10,19iE. The regu. laticns i 1974, and to i= lement the                                                                S notAa7 or MucR CEAucts Inions have been x=enced to reflect direc*.fres in the Pres 3 dent's Me= cran.                                                  The flew of the cc==entt:g process changes and addit: ens to the Cou=cD's autiontjes. as weD as expenesee Water                          cu=    cs bnrr:.=Manage Rescurces    ental Quauty      =ent- a.nd established                  by the 1914 ren:Intens re.
csi.:ed in wcr41=g the process                                                                                          =atis basicaDy uncha=ged i: the pres-la late 1977. the CoureD s*aff bega.t cut a= enc.=ts:1. However, the resda.
s:.nce the lan puclie tien cf terda. a eassessment of the existing reguia- tiens have been renumbered s.=d rear.                                                                            .
tiens i: 1574. nese a=end=ents are ticas codified 1: 1974 in 36 CTR Part n. ged irc= the 1974 put'icatic tor                                                                                        .~
intended te ex ecte a:d clarify the                            800, 1: as effen to determine what                                                              .
g eater cianty The gene &_.g =sjer                                  ..
tio: 106 ef the Nauens.: Eisterir Pres. tae s were necessary. In July of 1972 tiertn have bees =ade 1: the regula-ec=.=ent        .c  ;rocen    recu:    red  by    See  chasges,      cla**I:catens.      or        .    =odifica. changes                                                                    '
.e- atic: Act.                                        i the P~.sident !: ud the Me=cnsdum
              ,                                                                                                                  1. See:lt: 300.4(a) has been subs:r.n.
    . . s. . . . .. 3.2. . .c u.-2                              c biremestal hgeQur.11:7 sent e sad                      Water tidly revised to provide fu .her guld.
                                            , c;g.
g,                                          direc*                                                                        ' I-TCR : s.Tm                        .N7CRM.A~;CN                                ~                                              m e Nw as e m mg                                            %
CCh~ AC'.                                                      ed the Chai. as cf the Counc2 to Ucaden of Nau,. s.1 ster z.nd engi.                                                h renew z.ed ;rc=ulgate regadaticus i=.' ble prependet Jch: M. Pewler. A General ple=esting the Ac: and the Me=cras-Cm=sel. A:ir.scry CcuneD c: E: ster- cu= by Ma ch 1.1979. Acccrdir. gly. defi=e                                              2. A new I 800.5 has been adced to the responsi5111 ties of Stue Eis.
1: ? ese.muen.110 K Street. NW. the t=s =g ren:1stiens were amended tenc Preservaten officers = i3e c==.
to  reflect charges  i: statutcry                author.
: 3. g *
                        . D.C. 20005. 200 054- hy, expenence galced i: !=ple=e::1.c =e t=g ; ocess.                                                                                    ,
: 3. Secuen 500.6(d) auther. es the .
the procedu es s=ce 1974 a:d to meet Cha:r na: to appoint a psmel of five ST??: C.:L TART      -
INFORM.CION: the cc--ds c the President's Me=o- =e=ters of the Council :: eensider 3A cT.c R C =y"'                                O-                                                            e kings 10 e C ne CouneQ published prepesed by the 42 Counen.                                              c s=ieraden
  ~he Adr.scry Counc0 c: Eistene a=r:d=ests to the ex. sting reguia.
P eserranc: is putiishing these fica.! tic =s in the F=otA: Rrc:3 n en Oc. ing                                                  4. A new { 800.7 has been added ceal. -
a=ent.=e :s :o 1:s e=sti:s regula: cas tcber 30.1978. and isnted public ce=. ec=st-.acuen.                                            r. h resources discovered du .ar to !=:le=est Secue: 106 cf the Na- =e=t for a 30 day penod. A nu=ber of                                                                              .
: 5. A new I 800.8 has been added deal.
icaa! Eistenc Preservation Act, as Federal agencies and others requested bg w.*.h Pres a amatic Me=oranda of 2.=e=dec        (16 U.S.C. 470f L The pu ;cse extensto of the ec==ent penod. On Ag tement anow;ng an asesey to cf Secuen 106 is to ;rotect prepenies November OE.1978, the Counc0 pub-cbtain the CouncC's co==ent.s for a t=cluded the National    is cr.tlinble Reg: ster for ofbelusien Eistone    b enending 11shed touce  the in the F=catA:.
ec==ent          periodRec          Ier sm a parucular          prog a= or class cf under.
Places' through rener asd ec==ent                                                                                          u r- rt that would require                            .
by the Ceuse:.! c: Federal undenal. 29,197E,                  additicca.! thiny days untC Dece=ber numerous individual reques:s for ce=.
providing for a 60 day co=. =ents.
ings that affect such prepenfes. P ep- =es: penod i= tota! A public bnefint                                                                              .
: 6. Se. ton 800.9 revises the cririnal enies are listed c= the Natica J Reg.s. . for bterested agencies, crranications, secuc= dealing the National En.
ter er cedated elig: Die for listing by and bdividuais os the preposed c.ron= ental Potcy Act to rtCect tew the Secreta y cf the Interior: As =.
p.e= entec threugh these regulatic=s.                          a=e=d=ents 11.1978. Coused  was  held staff  alsoen              Dece=
actively  co-der Council en Dr.rc== ental Qua!Jty the See:2cn 106 process is a public in- cperated 6th the Srcreta.ry of the In- rerdaticns.
: 7. A new i 800.11 has bet added to teres:    ;rocess is w .:ch the Fede-al tener's Water Poljer l=ple=entation author =e ecunte.part ren:!acens per.
agency ;repes:ng an undertahing, the Task Tcree en Env.ron=tntal Stat- =J agencies to develc; regula.
5:ste Ei.stenc Presenatics O!!icer, utes. The Task Forte was cc vened in tions which. If a;; roved by the Chaar.
FtstLAt itGisTit. VOL. M. NC. 21-TVt3 DAY, JANUARY 20. ter*
                                                                                        , --- - - - - - , , , ,              , - - -              mr  s  -                          , - , -
            .' r.n. =ay be used to meet certain re.                                                                                                                                  .
h.:re=ents of these regulations.                                            prior Section 106 cec:p!!ance, during 6069
: 8. A new deah g                    i  200.15      ha.s      been        added            the                                    agency's    formulation        of a budget        the  Council    on  Environmental    Quality with pubhc parucipadon in request to be submitted to the Office for purposes of the Sauenal Enttren-the Secuc: 106 review process,                                              of bla:Agement and Budget. In either :esta! Policy Act. The new language
: 9. A    cer    i 800.14        has Supplementary Gu: dance- The Sup. Secuon    been      added          on    eve                                        =t agencies should complete their of this section is now tied closely to 106 responsibilities pnor tc the Nauenal Reguter Critena. One
          -le= entry ocidennes included in the mdung submissions to the O!!!ce c: ccm= enter suggested that only signifi.
breposec arnenements have been ML=
de. age =ent a.nd Budget. Actnc:u                                                              cant efferts be
                                                                                                                                                                                              ;attens. ,. :.s cc= covered by these rer.2-Suppie=entr.ty Guidelines II                                                                                                                                                      ment anc ."/ have been included in i 800.13. budget                              Ob!B Circular A-10. which concernswill                                                        regture= ~nts.
ce=was plyonot Ethadopt-the require statutory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    =ents con!!:entiality.
tions,10. Thicuchout the amended ren:la. Author:ations for progra,ms                                                                                                -
ti=e h=jts have be.s estab.                                                                                                                      that hshed to expedite the process wbile wiu have unifor= ahene eMects on                                                                                                                    onBW M              Am encourage.g pation.                      =1ximum          puglic        partici.      Nulond                                            Reguter    or engbie        proper
* RESPoNsDrm-ties a:d where the legulative terms cf                                                            This section describes the means by author =& tion. =ay sever.ely limit the which a Federal agency should identi-Comrcers AND Txt CovNen.'s                                        opportunity                                            to avoid      or  mitigue  ad-        fy National Resister or rugible proper-Resrowse                                        verse effecu on a case by case basis un the                    alsorecent              beluded.
ues    and determine whether an under.                    L The Counca received 128 co==entsbe S An enmole would takms affects such properties and pro-p
        " enoc 'en Dect=nero tr,e e.ose of the co==ent                              ment Progrs=.pecial Bridge Replace- vides for coorhian with the State
        "                                        29,1978. A acci.                                                                              which. In its original Eistone Preservation O!!!cers. A large cad      16    ce=    stats      were    received            be-    Ior=. proh!bited the use of funds for tween December 30, 1978, and the a=ything but replacement of unsafe number of comments were receteed on CcuncD =ceths en J1:uary 17 and 18. bndres. The result was that alterna-                                                                                                    the etire secion. N Fedeal arm.                            -
1919. An ec=me                                                                                                                                                              cies felt thu further clutfication of the Councu me=nts                  bers werefor reviewsubt prior itted closedto uveswhen                                        such as rehabilitation were fore-a particular National Reg- sponse        the entire section was needed. In re-to these comments. the secion to the =eeti .g.
Co=ments were re. ister or eligible bndre was proposed has been re. structured. The Counc3 cetved from 3: Federd agencies. :- for replacement. When seeiting Coun- has                                                                                                          adopted a reasonsble effort s*.and.
State 33 Stue        Eistoric e,r loedPrest.vation gover                O!!icers, cu ce==ests on such a progtam agen- srd for Federal agencies to meet in ents and 5: caes should foDow the pronsions of identifyng Natio=al Register and eli-pr;vate crgan= sue:s =o=r bdncuMs. I of                                      800.8.
Agreement."                                  " Prog z==auc Memorssdum gible properties. Federal agency re-and one U.S. SenaJor.                                                                                                                                                      spc:sibihues for deter-Mnnlon of Sc= tex 800.1 Petros                                                The definition of elief51e property effen are also set forth in this secien.
aN*>                  contained b i 800 (f) ha; bee: rewrit-                                                        The ulumate resocesibility for ce=pu-At nfor Os and was cht.nged inten                                                              ancetonth  me thee regulations  rests W.h closely reflect    statutcry the Federal by it. age cy and cannot be del.
      -.e The sectien se erdwas            cc:tly rewerced su ggesuc=s              to                                                          b te a Nera! =e=y                  age egned Several        cy. response "se ac 7e '15.r.dg-                          ge c cser to that                ec==cten cf                                                wm c.    ,-e eph tha.
the CouncS shcu!d review or.17 thoseSecnen.800Na)                                                                          has coments been altered  in.
7'                    ec                    -
nsponse w ne=erous                      b-eIt N. t-d~ ,e s- "%"ve                    .gg          Orce*f.
w est              A see, c dertahings affect 1=g                                                                    propertes          ac-ciudhg several from Federsi agencies.
                      !e=[cr.ncu= cn Ennrodsen. tually listed es the Nuienal Reg: ster.
10 Cud.:ty and Wner Resourcee hias, Such a li=1tauen is cor.truy to the forth a                                                                                              The      secuen      has bee: re drafted to set Iorical sequence needed to
    ^#***",        '
r= ndate of the Nauena.1 Historic Pres-                                                        Idenufy properties. Turcughout the                            :t 5:=:ex 800.". Dtr:.s::tess '@                                      errnic Ac* a. d was not ade:ted.                                                              process of identification. there shculd                      {
Se:                                                                          A defhstics ci the. area of the un- be ec sultat!cn betwee the Agency c enat:ng's                                                                                                                                                p, potenue envirc = ental Offic:al and the St
: f. Men3300.2tc)
    ?$ ( IO
                                ""*                was clarfied
* in t= pac                                Je.
                                                          '.(' ,((' eral cct==ents expressed concer: clen that as agencyhecan
* is ccataine:i in ! $000(o). Sev- vnics O*ficer. ~ue E1 steric Preser.
senien makes request, the about the difficulty in defi =g this CouncS's ce==es ts s:=ultanecusly
    ~        ~'"""."                ##
[,gE .usto/''.'=.#I''"*Z""".[-/~'..-73eu'n                                                                                                  c, for eligtbility frc= the
    -Y .."'.?.'          .
O          ter=. The deft itics no Ic ger b- nth a request t
e                                                                                                                                                                                        ;
O E e .5. gci' IC 1 cludes                                                                    reference to secc dur effects
              '                                            f
    ^I. E.D-. D"'. i."c
                        .                                                        I[Io=                                            gene;.s                                      Secreury of the Interior. ~he Ccuncil                      g; and        ts cons:                                      stent with the defi=10ccbelieves that the recrga =ed secucc is 7.1..'.".*          ' ''
or ah                                                                                                                                                                      1 T" #.C'".c?p '"Q 7~'~e .;I.ica adopted                                                                                              by me CouncU cn Mon- clener and that it wil! 1How agencies
  'h                .
e . .C..                                    is notOuz.11ty.
mentu                                                to      This ew secucn has to k=cw in =cM p.* rem .c=s whu i..
b e .~iTl.1 ".....;vT'Iy,'s
            ~-                                      .e <. 2 generdap. bee:        pro,modified sbu the draft amcd- required                                                                  to idently Natic:21 Reg: ster              !
      'e'~ ' 5ese~CeM e's~ts to Ee *ren=ewed =ents by the addiuen of the require- er eMcble pnpe-des.                                                                                                                                      ?
7to 'e$sure                  re'dlauens.
ro The purposearea            mest thu the boundaries of such an are to be deter = bed by the 7<fect,                                              Secuen        800Nb). Deter =ination of c'e      d                                                                                                                                                                also received numerous com-
                . 4    .e    r    er
                                  ''-    and    timely      consid.          Agency                                  O!!!c:4 and the State E:stenc =ents trem Feders! agencies and e$"c[a c -%acunnes    ge 3 c-that  ganenalMU Preservnfon Officer.                                                                                          ethem. The teYcYe1.g";tlIhropentes and that                                  .isSecuen a new8000 secuc (.p). Cons'.r.lthg Parties, (800.ubX                  has beens))    sectien clanfied con.on No Effect o'Nue 'imated cpportunity after Con-                                                                                                    M2ny commenters ex* how an                      objection cza be = ace hesstend acuen to consider alterna,                                            pressed confusion as to who the pa                                                                                                                        i uves to avoid er mitigate these i=- ties to the consultnion process were.r* tive                                                                                                andDirector the manner        in which the Execu-willtespond.                          '
c      -
-.sier          Such teunties  construcnen      are usuzuy projects'rc;'on 800.3 Anvrast                                                  Cx=smA or Er7:c: ANs naSecuen 800.4(c)e conee: ing Deter =i-
:ha:        are ;tepesed !ct Cc gressiond                                                                                                        Errrc.,*                      cla.
d b uspen.m            a has h 1;;reval ** a spenfic                                                            Sectie                                              800.3 was the subject of                                          se 2 smM cc=-
nne des;gn fenures,1:te er uth spe.                                            .                                                                                                =ents. No Adverse Effect Deter. 2::                    ,
such as a dam. ~acy comments. The entire secic: tic s =ust be ~ade in =nsdtauon 5e:nen ne ;nct to author106      review        wouJd      be  appropri.            has    bee:                                          rewerted  for greater        clanty,      Eth    the ap;te:nate Sute c steric                      , cf pro;ecu au: canon cr. in the A deft:unen of direct and indirect ef.                                                                                                    P eservat:en O!!!cer and evidence of thciced nthout lects has been added and the definj- ccatact nth a State Eistenc Preserva-tion deliberately track.s that used by ucn Officer =ust be included = the documentatic: forwarded to the FEDEeAL elotsti.R. YCL. ed. NO. 21-tVEs0AY, .JANUAeY                                                                    W79 3*
E070                                                                                                                                                            .
: on Cf!.cer  !! hecoes State..ct Es:crie res;:nd  P to eserva.
a re. the Director to censult the S:ste His. rnus: again be requestef. Seve al com.
  ;uest under the rov:ssens of I 800.5.                        ter:c Prese:
interested      tation O!!1cer and other menters sugges:ed tha: in such in.
Scenen ECG.4.d> has been shch;!y al.                                                                      s:ances agene:es shou:d be actnon.
tered = res; to seve al ec==ents.                          Section 800.6(b) parallels the exist. ished that no further ac :cn on the The ::a.nsenta) cf a Prelitn: nary Case ing  regulattons. Herever, several unde-t. king should proceed untu the
  ?.eper:                                                      cha..ges have been made. including Coun00 has cor.mentei The Counc:.!
cc=.: .en:s:nc!be    ;hethe  request !ct the previsions for spee:fic time 11=:ts agrees and th:s se:uen has been re.
Councd.                                                                                                                                  '
A new i 500. Men has been added pro- Ahhough              throughout the consu!!ati:n process, vued actorcingly.
a number cf ec== enters              In    response                        .
v:c ng that good faith censultation felt that Emies in interest to an un. I 800.6(c)(4) has beentoe .anged                                  e=== en ts.
  *edd prevent an agency from pro-
    .                                                                                                                                      .      to pro.    ,
de-:ahng should have the s zius of a vide that any signatcr7 to the agree.
reed Cecne:1  =g M:h      an undertaki has ;;ovided                .g t=ul the censulting ;ar:y. these cc==ents ment can request a change in the its cc==ents.                                                                                                        .
The secticn WS.ile appearing in sub. rete not adopted because the Council ter=1. At the request of several co=.
does not believe that it can impose stanuany the sa =e Ict n in severs! such a uniform requirement due to the menters                                      a new secdon bas also been added which requires the Agency Offl.
ste : ens in the draft amendments. is wide variety of agency progn=s. At cial to provide a report on actions new one section. It is included as one the request of several Federal agen. taken to carry out the te ns of the secton        at the request of a Federal cies. a 1**d agency provision is also tn. agreement.
tgency =e=ber of the Council.
cluded in this section.                          Section 800.6(d) dealing Coun.
Src tox 800.5 S7m Eis oarc Pas:s.                                In      response      to    co=m ents, eu meetings has been revised in re.
tree:oM Orr:czm RnsPonsa=ms                                } 800.6(bv3) has been changed to pro. sponse to comments. Wheu the Chair.
vice that the public informaticin meet. =an decides against consideration by Section      800.5. State  Histenc
' vaden O!!icer Responsibnities. is a undertaking. Preser. ing  should be held near the site of the the CouncQ of a preposed undertak.
new see:icn. The section establishes                                                                          ing. It can be scheduled if three mem.
A ner j 800.6(bX6) cn acceptanee ct bers .of the Council object. The pro-cestlines for respense on the pm of adverse effect has been included. Pre. posed amend =tnis would have re.
th:s c!!1c:al. Efter which the process vicusly, the Councf] equated accept. quired that a majority of the me=bers
  =ay continue if no response has been ance of Adverse Eifect r1th =fugat:en object. Nu=erous c:=senters felt received. Pursuant to a substantial measu.res such as reecrding of a strue. that such a large number was unrealis.
nu==er cf c ==ents. however. lact cf ture that was be:nr de=clished. The tic. A =alor change !rc= the 1974 rer.
response ty the S; ate Eistenc Preser. Couscu realizes that there are e:::u.m. ulatons is the provision for a ;anel of vauen C!heer v.n no lenger be stances in which adverse effects en me=bers to censider an under:aking c ee==ay revier      ed cc::eur      ence. Seve 5:13 prc'ceed.      Otheurn  2) e==. the National Register or eligible ; roper. on behalf of the fun Councu. Such a                        ,
ties =ust be necepted in the public in.          panel would be composed of 5 mem.              -
Centers used != suggestec              that the shoulcs- te est. In such instances, the adverse bers, three non Tederd =e=be s and                                    '
h:2 se ten be changed to e!!ect edl be accepted, generany v.*h s n a'.1r.' The suggestien ra: reie:ted a :: rov:so that a ree:rding effer; be                              :To Feceral me=bers. neither cf                    -
Thc=, represents the agency propos. e the CouncU lacks r. nee..:7 to                    pa'"    of the  spee=ent.
ing the undert&.i".g. ""be Coun:S be.
:= pes e ma .da: ry re:u!. e=ents en these Sta:e c!!idds.                                            Sectica  800.6(bx7)  has  been  clarified 11eres  that this prov'.sien e.n se ve to in respense to cc==ents. Any cne of both the su=ber of re-Sn ::ox 200.5 Co n:= Ccx:.= rs                          the censulting prrties may ce:lare a ferred for Counc0 censide anen s.nd m                                                        !aSure in the consd:atien process to expedite those cases.Several.Coun.
                  " ' ~
                          'I  q^  , =7,  . . g3c      ~
U~    up:n    cri: ten nouce to the Execuuve en =e=bers fen that c:ssideraten of y'.,~'.'....
      .",- * .'4CI'. e..~
                                      - d, ,
e- -''-  ,3  ~3-I#i#'C C# "h 13 "421#'d '* "** I7 Ih' *" '"d*#1*ki"' DY
* C hai.--- m cf the Idlu e nti:n 15 he re;tesen Auve of the fun range of
                                                                                                                                          **"*1 **'Id " t      .
o.'..h3 37'"7 days,
: -- -.e'['e          .e gC(3 c.
    .            .                  e.1, 3 .7                                                                    news provided by the emire Coun:S              ;
  - *.          /,3, Ees s73,
Secuen 800.6te) eence ning the =embership. After discur.sien at the ez                                                                                                                              l
  ",..e ''. 'T a log "5 *dE[E;ea[$:p Me=credu=
* e C'I. -
cf Acce=en has been fuD Ccunci! =etting cn J=uary 1.
res-.::en in res; to ec==ents. An                                                          t
      . ~ ~ ~ '/. .                                                                                              1979. It was agreed tha; panel censid.
# [h ...        " 7.i ,73 ' ..'"exp,EcS's !=?ct. ant change frem the ex:s:=g eratien of an under ah=g =ay be ad.
            .~.'~~ S30h e          ,                  g ce .sig;... , ~ e res. Canons :s an expedited =ethoc fer vantageous in seme s::uanens. How.
_ : c m . .. 3i~ .u.e -.c
$3N35 r~e,'s[c).d to dn agehE[;DeIe
. . . . .                                                    =ent. A Federal ;;i.. pre agencya =g v.H ee    Me=orueu=
                                                                                                    ;re;&re  a sten sheddcf  beAree.      ever.:n:he re-ext =ined      ene Ccunen :
                    "se . g.;,73, m e ,. *-
pre;csal. thlch ctether the year to dete.~ine the eficctiveness cf ecrr en:3. as$eb!h!cMbe ve.::en eencut ence cf the Sate E.:.s. pane! renew of undertat=gs.
    ~-1 3.~[E:5"cr.s ben ;; aced en the Execuuve*s                    ten:acbe::anee Preservatica      Cfficerdoc.
of ade;;2:e  can be          a nu=ber of ce==ents were re.
tnns=itted to tne Executave 0 rec ct ceived en the sectien dealing r.:h the umen:auen and the t:=e pened fer and inecrpcrated into the Me=oran. Tenew of a pa.ncl decisten. Many co=.
reeer of such De:e .r.mations of No du= of Ageement.                                                          = ente s pointed ou; that an a;;eal of Adve se IIIe : h:.s been reduced fic=                            Many  ec==    enters  arreed  r:th  the  a ;&nel  ce::sion by any ne of the par.
the 45 days sti; dated in the 19~4 reg. Ccunc0 that this would speed up the ties involved                                    as proposed in the craft dadons to M cars.                                            process, but en!y if there were ti=e a=end=ents could actu2Uy delay the A ner i E00.6(1xlD provides that the li=::s placed en the process fcr rat:.fl. Process rather than speeding it up.
Ixecuuve          0:recter may specify eend. canon of an spec =ent. The Councu The Council agrees e.:h this assess.
t: ens to re=ove an obje::icn to a .N'o acted and a 11=!: of 10 days has bee: : cent and the appea! pronsion has I!!ect Determinaden. Severt.1 != pose d !ct tnnsmittal of such been deleted. However. if an agene/
ec== ente s suggested that the Sate Me=oranda                                to the Chai. . an.
Histen ? eservaten O!neer shculd                                                                              dete =ines not to fcilow the ce=.
be :ne;;:ed :n this process.1::s the m.                          A nev  { 800.6(cx3)    dealing w::t the =ents cf a panel after c:nsider=g the effe:: of a Merneredurn          cf Agee. cc==ents. it must ncMet to
:enten of tne C:u. .c0 to in:!ude the =ent has been added. ' *.:s subse: ten the Cha:rman in orner o ;rev::e ep.                                                -
l Sa:e      E;.stenc P esertaden O!!!cer prev; des that if an agency fals to ;ortu .::y to have the mat er cer.std.
tr.tcugh the addi:;en of a Orens:cn in                                                                                                                          I car'"i out the terms of the apeement cred by the ful: Coun::1. Seesuse of
!;cOS2:m rn::h aners the Ixe:u. that the ec==ents cf the Counc 1 the nature of ; nel c:nside anen of Ft:!t At e! Cts *11. VCL. M. Nd.11-TVtsDM. JANuAtY 30. 1979
  . an 'uncertak ng. the comments sete                                                                                                              6071 not accgted 2n:ch sugge.sted tha: no                          Scmox 800.8 Pxoem.Atu.tAne cens:cerauen c! an                                            MDicF.u:r.! or Acar.cccf:                StenoN 800.10 Coon:rNAncM w2:n
                                        = der adnt                                                              Txt PRIst:crs f.ItxoRAnt:st on beyond a ;anel was necessary.                            This seet:en wa.s deve!cped a.s a                h*:PommerAt Q:Attrr ann Weta means of allcwmg the Counc:1 to com.              Rrsomts MAreAmm
      'o          t e e Co                e' cs                tSt      a 31 UCul1T ??CF 1      C* CI153 statebe- ts  * ' 'o    e Ce-cd          ve oeen          acu = inat Todd c; re-                This section recapitulates the man.
extenced                                                cu:re multme =caviduM reques*.s fcr dates              conta.ined in the .Memorancum
      'v fer l u bl.Ito - mice a--le C-                        = est        de the ngulanons. h. .o agencies s n.%. ..ater resources re-c aruc ation -ec*      o"$'o1                                                                                                        t E00.6(d)f 3) has been c .a .ged to ;ro"- v.11 exped:te the renew process and ::ensibalties            '~ ~al to develcp regulations to
* hat the cC==ents et the Counc21 eh= :ste individus2 renews ofesder- "[.f gg"th'3.                                .C **'**"*"5" d'* S i#"            -
T1u be :ssued w:thtn 15 days after a taxings that are repetiuve in nature.
i    meeting 1.nd that such co==ents w1D For example the Councu has esecut. * ' .                            .
                                                                                                                                          ** *00 #*Q"1" ed a progrmmtic agreement with be = ace ava:lable to interested par *                                                                "~
ues, tneluding the State Eistenc Pres- the Nanonal Park Service concerning C                                      . E          and 2 deMop erva:lo: Officer.                                      the Part plansmg system. Uncer the e.nput standards for the ngula.
ter=s of the agree =est. Individua.! ac. u ns. h Counct. s2 issue guidance Stenos 800.,          RIsoracts tions taken to implement & =& ster 2 age.cies to deMop such ngda.
Dcmc Co., sin cnoM                        plan for a partinuar part that has cons.
previously been reviewed by the Cous.
This section was proposed as a addf- cil will normany not be subjected to                                StenoM 800.11 CoberERrART tion to the 1974 regulat3ons. As ongi. further Cot =cil review.                                                        Rzer:.AnoNs nMly proposed, the section was intend.                    A number of commenters suggested ed to estabi:sh a limited t:=e penod that the process include the State Eis.                                This section has be*.a revised to for the Council to provide its com. tone Preservatien O!!!cers in States aHow Federd agencies greater DezibD.
ments to an agency when a resource affected by such an agreement or the ity in implementmr the procedura.! re.
eligible for the National Renster uas National Ccalerence of State Eistoric quirements of these,regulatices. Sec.
d:seovered dun c the ac:ual cons: rue. Preservation Officers when the ag ee- tion 800.11 as proposed in the draft Lion cf a project after a.= agency had                                                                amene.ments dealt brieSy Mth the de.
me=t is nationwide to scope. The regu. velopment of a4e:Cy procedures under prenously rescensitCities. completed      its Secton Wh.5e there            106 11tions have been revised to specifica.b Section 1(3) of Executive Order 11593.
were sev-eral un;us':fied, endersements. the changes            ly aDowhan  for such  parucipatton.
bee: =ad              Other The revised section was ceveloped i= the section majonty cf the ec==e=ters felt that 2 clar-3 a=bigtues pointed out by a frcm suggesuons received.from several the sect:ct as prconsed would cause numberof ec=menters-                                              Federal agencies Under th:s section.
undue ; ojec: ceisys resu.!!ing in scdl-                                                              an agency may choose to develep tienM cests. The secuce was                  Sge=ey . 800.9 Cocr.:: nan oM WIT lE            Counter art regu.lauCDs that C2.n be tim]y rev .tten in light cf these ecm-                    :Er      NAnoNAr.        ElWIRON%=:%l.      1. oMd 2 mMt the spec:fic require.                      ~<
    =enu. The =r.nca: cry hMt of con.                          Pc .:c'r Ac                                  ments of its planning and dec:sion .
s:n:ctice h:.s been e " - ted,                  aj.      This section sets for h the =anner          *:ating processes. Secucn 800.11 though :he Coucuj besieves : tat good in which the renew concucted unde-                                would per=it agenejes to devejop                      -
counterpart regulations !ct meeting fa.;;n agency ectsultaten
                  =ne reasonablerecut.res eff cr that.s to anwith Section    106 should that required    by the be    coord=atec Nauomal  En-      their respctsimilities tincer Section
  .arcid Icteciosing opue s while the                    nro== ental Policy Act. This secuon 800.4.
* his section requires that the CouncC's ce=mer:s 1*e being wucht. elaborates on )800.2 cf the 1074 regu- regulatic=s be joi=:ly drafted with the                                            ."
As e-dted. I E00.7 a:;1:es only :o latic=s and has been developed in col
* Executive Directcr and approved by these resour es c:. secreted du .:g cen- suhation the s* ff cf the Council the Chairman and provides an oppor.                                        ;
s:rucuct : hat =*e: the Naue:a! Reg. C E "T *** ''3 QU2*7 h 18 E' #~ tunity !cr public pa.rtic:pa:Ics.                                                      '
: ster C ..ena. Age:c:es tha: ciscover teru s of the two an=c:es *o                                    Scenos 800.1.,            L a cA::oM or c e nste-                              jet:t supple =en.ary gu:cance c issup                              .
  '.'*-~~I N~""- f      ' _Cr_mefe    e!!g-ble gye * .T-  ope  "'es                                              tes hA:s to NaneNA: Rre: sin Ann e ~- *- -              e "".-.,j, to subject in the ser. future. The pur.                    E:.:c:2:. ?3crn Is c"e=:ly nth ite ;m" sions o""f the Ar- pose cf the secuc is to co=bise to checlogjcal and E:stenc P ese- stien                            m'*-      ene- ' poWe 6 >                Th.s
  ..c cf .r .4. .he C:ure is adept =g. the                !ct:- $' uen cYtesou$'c'es ess:ta:ic:
                                                                                        .                          cfsecuo:
yheredeals        n h situations the CouncD        has  reasoni to be-as :he standard fer Secuen 106 ccm-                    ,gy,;.s.
and  andys:s  cf thernaures    re. Jeve
* hat a r ederal undertakmg a.f.
liance. :utigation acceptable to the quired by the separate statutes. Per fecting a Nauenal Recster er eligible Secretar/ of the Intenor under the most projects, the CouncC's ec==ents ;repeny has not bus rene in ac-
  ;rontons of the Ar-heclog: cal and should be requested dunng the ; epa- cordance w:th these rer.dations. Sev.
E.s:cric P eservat:en Act.. ' herefore, rat:cn of the draft e nro==entsJ cal chficauc=s, were made to this an agency r.U be deemed to have =et impac* state =ent. Some commenters secuo: in respctse to specific ec=.
1:s responsibCitfes to r.iford the Ceus- noteg 3e, erg eum of 7 ,ee73; ;73 = en ts. Som Peceral agencies ex.
cd an c;;ortun:ty to ec==:ent if :t jec*.s which                          c2.=nct be cocid.inated m ;ressed a destre that the Council use ec=; lies w:th (he ;rmstens of the Ar- this e r. The                  e      rer.daticas have disc euen :n , investigating such                              '
cheoicg: cal and Eir cne Prese vatica been rensed :o specifically provide for threat.s. The CouncD intends to do so.
Act. unle:s the Secretary determines this situatic=. It is the CcuncD's cojec. Previously. these prov'is:ces were in.                                        ',
that eer:atn z.spects of the t= der.ab tite to prende its ec==ents on as cluded in i 800.13(b).1: the d. aft of mg Ta-- nt Couneu censiderance. If agency undertaking that requires as the proposed a=e d=ents j 800.13(a)
Coune2 censice aticn is deter =ined Q. ennte== ental i= pact state =en: in included a ::ronsfe for ce==ent er be necessary, a 30. day time !!=it has time to be included in the !! al state. repor; c: nc Federal t= der e gs.
been ;! aced en the tra.~.s= ::M cf com. ment. This should result in less ptper. This secuen has been deleted because werit and reduce delays m gulfinin me::s. The Ccunc:J be!! eves :ta: : u.s agency e n:c= mental renew respcas:g 1: :s based en the CouncD's general ad.
  ;mn:en cc:ays ~_.c    r.Ueffec:ively se- e to reduce            e bdities by a.Ucnng a single docu=est- nscr/ authenties uncer Secuan 002 of tim re-
                                  ;rctect :he scurce.                                                te be used to meet the infer =auen re- the Ac* and tot on Secuen 100 The ct:re=ents of both s;atutes.                    Courc3 nD cent =ue to exere:se its                          l generd acnscry authen:y under See-stot*.At ttGisitt. voL u. No. 2h iutsD A'r. JAwuAay 30.1979
6072                                                                            RULES AND REGULATIONS,
::cn 00: and 2-/.1 cc 2:cer =atters in amendments have been celeted. Sup.                                                          Rrnrw er !Nazetace. D:ntarses the ;uthe =terest.                                                    Ole =entary Guidelines II and N have                    800.4 yecers: Acency Respons.b0ttles.
Sre :cs E00.13 .trer.;s    c.              :o tur          been codt!!ed r.s ;&n c! ! 200.13. Sup-                500.5 E: ate Histerte Preservaaen 0::!:er Cc o c:*.                                piementary Gu:dehne 1. :he Cntent                            ResDens:temes.
of the Natacnal Reg: ster of Eistcric 200 6 Cou..c:2 comments.
Th:s secucn sets s:1::ards fer infer. P!sces, is contained = 36 CTR 60.6.                                                          esources cucoveree d:.tnne cen.
    .at;cn that sncu!c e ;reviced ic the Su;;iementi.ry Guideline III. Deter- 800A                                                s ._ 2.cta Ccunci! to enat:e .: c =ake =fc =ed =inatiens of No Effect and No Ad.                                                                  rz:cu:. Pnecaue CooumAnex            .
cc=rnents on Tecer11 verse Effect for Archeolog:ca.! Re* 800.8 P crra: .=ade Sect:ons 800.13(o 1.c (t) we e ;teri- sou. ces, r.11 tot be published as the                                                                          Me:mo andu=      cf Ac eeme .t.
cus:y included in the Eup;le: entary present ti= e.                                          The Council's 200.9 Coore: nation wth the Nauenai r. net.
Ouicelines see !on. A lirse nu=ber of Terce en Archeology v.l! be consider,                                                        rer. antal Pohey Act (4: C.S.C. 43:1 et  .
c e== e nt e rs requested that these isg this guideline and :t r.11 be rensed                                                      'SJ standards fer adecus'e dccumentation based upcn recet==:endations of the                                                      too.'10 Coore:nauen with '~$e Presidental be codified. The Counc0 agrees with Tast Force. This Guide!!ne received                                                            Memora.nau.m on ennronmental cuauty thest ec r..=e nt.s and beMeves th2t numerous co==ents and they have                                                              and water resources canasement.
800.11 Counterpar: recultuocs.
ccdify:ng these sections vill =ake the been provided to the Task Force for requirements clear to all the consult- its considerauc=.                                                                                      m Pamsms ing parties and the pubUc. Section 800.12 Investacadon of threats to bistoric S00.13(c) dealing r:th Reports for                                                        Cowc:.cston                              properties.
Counc0 Meet =gs includes a ser sec-
!!Cn prescribing the Secrttary of the                                    The Council made a conscientious effort to incorporate all valid cc=-
I.N S c to                m 800.15 Puouc participauon.
c is              eS              y      Te r*              11.                                                              Amm M !. NES% 40 Stat. 915
'***                                                                  noted, rettsions have been =ade to the (16 U.S.C. 470), as amenced. 84 S:.a:. 204
'-'c*"s*:ation tural gn.a.icance        on the  of historical a Na !cnalorRegis-    cul- reg.;11tions which We bel.leve Till serve (1970). 87 Stat. t2s (1973). 90 S:At. 1320 ter er el!gible prcperty and reflec:.5 to =ake the Sectics 106 co==enting (1sist 9: Stat. 3467 (1siar r.o.115ss. 3 the current pracuce of the Council. A prm a p ud pubHe pres CTR 1971 Co=c. c.154 Presteent's Memo-rancum on hnmenta: Qututy and number of ec=rnenters it!t that the d.incual                          that can agenc2es.
be 110ere..d.he to theCouse0 needs be.,of in-Water Resources Ma.. nee =ent. Ju! 12.
secticn ra.s net entirely clear concern-                                                        .                  ieves    g g;g,'
:ng how repc- a !cr Ccunca. =cet:ngs th t the rer.tlations set a clear stan. d-should be coc-tinated. The sectics has trd Icr agencies to fouer !=                                                :. t i 500.1 Purpoce and
been re-draf ted to respond to these                                their Section 106 respons!                    .ies, Thue being sufficiently . exible to re*                    gg) n, yggeng33 7;g p7,3,77g, g , , .
tion Act of 1966. as a= ended. estab-Sg:::CN 800.14 S ~rit= c N V.T                              spend to the ve:de vane:y of agency lished the Acacry Ccunc0 c: Eistor.
prog ams and needs.
O r:cs. set                                                                                        le p eser. ration as an independent
                                                                          ~'he Council has dete . .ined that trency of the United States to acnse
* h:s is a m se-ic-                                            these *=eDd=enu 2.~t : I signi i:2n* the P esides and the Congress en his-
. ..      .w. ryg.. 3., M.*w*: cr          hic" rendes y issue regulatens v. thin the =etams of Ex- tenc preservation =1tters, recc= mend
  %.T                                                                e e notererder        N and ecmquenW :)essures to coordinate Federal hister.
c e~"~"~
*."*7.]*h e eg  kicn*',-b}'e-"'p*'".l  '
                                                    . Z'.E. --* do                  uire a regula*.ory L:11ys'.L 10 preservtuon actinties. and co=-
The purpose of these t=end=en:.1 is                    =ent on Tederti actions s!!e ing                    r Esc :cx $00.15 Pet:.:c PAa :c:ri :cN to s1=>1ify e%; sting Terilations and to properties included in or eligible for                                                            e-
      . his is a new se::,c r 2c:      .        ..
                                                        ,s d e-clanfy language in ec:fer=ance r2th in:!usics in the Nadctal Regis:er of signed to encourage ;uthe par, c:;a. the goals enunciated by Executive Eistenc P! aces. Its =e=bers are the
  ..g. .. w
  ..          . .. g. .u..m.      **e ,-*oc*.ss es ab- O.rder 12044.
Secretary of the Istener. the Secre-hshed by the rer.:.,.anens. A :n=ber c,.                                      he Ccuse0 has deter mined that an tiry cf Ecus:ng and Urba Develop.
::=.=en;s urged                  .st ;he Ter.: .: ens E nren= ental !=;act 5:stement ment. the Secre:Ary of Cc==er:e. the een:a:n =cre ex;.:c:,.                                              under the Nadena E:viren= ental Ad=:nistrater cf Gene a.1 Se: rices, the ce n=g the =es.ns c., c                          re:::en cen-
                                            .=velv=g            the Pchey Ac: is ::c: re;u red.                              Secretary of the Treasury, the A:ter.
  ;utdc. Severzl suggested t At such                                                  Py,:3c:ya; A - MCRs                    ney Gener21. the Secretir/ cf Ag-icul-refere :ee te ;utac ;r. .::::auen be :n*                                -
ture, the Sec eti y cf "Ts. .s:cr:auen.
e.... . e . v ... e
                    .. u3 3: e -+..,..3. e,m..e.m_
                                          .                . .g e        .%-..,e..-  C. . . ...m , egislative and :he Secreta.ry cf Stt:e the C:uncil believes :hst a s;e::he section                            - -          CC 'r58'-
* d "- -
cf Def ense, the Secretary of net. th.
cea =g with puch: ;tru:1;auen vill                                  A c,.j-                    Counse.f"..      re jer.
Pe:e. c Educaten. inc Welf are. the Cht:.=tn best se-ve to fu. fill the intenced pur.                            .~.m.
                                                                            . .(t Gescral Ac. g Directo.. O!!!ce c. in-              cf the Council on Environmental pese cf !=rcin=g .the puti!c. The tergevern= ental Prog a=s and . .an-                                                      Quill:y. the cf the Federa!
Council nc:es :ht: 1:.s 5 ocess is advi                            ninE~- and Enherme c.aub Ridley. Council on the Ar.s 2.nd Humar.: ties scry and does not censt:ute fer=22 Legal a,ssistast Cffice e,f Intergovern- the Arch!!ee: cf the C:;itol. the Sec$
at.r :nis:rsur,e hesn:gs.                          herefere. = ental Progrs=s and Planni .g.                              retary of tne Smithsonian insutu:icri              '
th:s sect:en :s' i=: ended !ct guidance                                                                                    the Cht: =1n ci the Nz lonal Trus:
and is not to be censt.:ed as setting &                                              Roeza: R. GAnvrT. .P                  'er Historic Prese:vaucn. the Prest.
ex1=ple, the                                  I:ccuhre Director.            dent of the Nadonal Conference cf s:ne:
use oflegal    the werds;iscs-c.
nctice Pe{ in su section                  Part 800 is rensed to read as set State Histon: Preservt:ica Offleers.-
(b) is nc;1.. ended to be a for=1! legal                                C-'*** d C#*
                                                                          *-                                                  and 12 cit::en =e=bers from outside re utrement but rsther a =et .s cf in'                                                                                      the Pede 21 Government a;pcinted
:::- .=g :he ;uti!: cf an c;;criuni:7 PART 800-PROTECTION OF HISTOR. for five year ter=s by the P esident on ic ;tr :::* ate = the ;rDeess.                                            p*.
PROPETIB              the t:.t:s ci the:r interes; and ex;eri-            .
enge in :he ::a*;ers to be cor.sigered by the Ccuncil.                                    '
                                                                            .'1 P.:rpese u:d uttenues.                          (b) The Cou .c0 prcte:.s ;re;erties The Su;;iementary Guide =es een- s:c.: Dc :..mer.s.                                                                      cf h:stencal.1rchitecn:r11. at:heologi.
:amec :n :he ;uch:an:n cf the craft                                800.3 C .ter:a cf          *c: 1.c aev: .:e e!!e::. ca!. and cu!! ural 3:gn!!!cance at :he na.
f t:It AL RIGistit. VCL. 44. W. 21-rut 1D AY. JANU ARY 30. 1979
RULES AND REGULATIONS ucna!. b ste. and Icealle tal by rene r-                                                                                                              6073
:ng anc rc:-.r .enu..g on Federal ac-                  (b) "becutive Order" = cans riecu.
ner.s affec:=g W::enal Reg: ster and tive Orcer 115S3. May 13,1971. " Pro- Sectnuy of the Interi:r ta evaluata ef:g:tle ;te e ::es :n acecrcance teetten and Enhancement of the Cul- prc:enies to cetermine whether they
:he ici:cr=g authendes:                              tural hr.renment" C6 FR 8921,16 are clicble for inch:sion in the Nation.
U.S.C. 470).    '.                              al Recster. (See 36 CTR 60.6.)
          <!! Secuen M6 ci the Naticnal Els-                  (c) "Undenaking"    means  any  Feder*
      =r:e Preserca:;cn Act. See::en 100 re-                                                                      (h2 "Dec:sion" = cans the exere:se of
:u;tts that r ede al a gencies rlth at, federauy assisted or federacy l1 cr the c;;crtu .ity to exere:se discre.
      =r ee: ct =d:ren ;ur sc:c :cn over a censec action. acttnty, or prograrn or gjeng:/ authen:y by a Federal agency
: ece 2.. ., eden ly ar                              the a: proval, sanc:lcn, mntance. cr at any stage of an undenating where
      ; een.sec uncer:acng.s:s.ed or federaur su;;cn of any non Federa. acuen, ac- alteranens =ignt be made in the un.                                                          '
a..cid the Coun- tiv :), or prog arn. Cncenating3. in. denak=g to modify its t= pact upon ed a reasenacle c;;cnt .:ty fer ecm-
      =ent en sucn unde-.ak:.ngs that affect c!ude new and contbuing ::roject.s-and                        Na.m.nal..
* and eUg.ble proper-
      ;rc;er.ies celuced in er e!!cble for prograrn acunties (cr e:ernents of                                  **'
(1) Agency Offic: d
      =clunon in the Na !cnal Reg: ster cf such acunt:es not prenously consid-                                                                  mens the head E;s:cric Places ;nor to the agency's cred under Seenon 106 or Decutive o! the Federal agency hanng responsf.
        ;;reval cf any such undenaking.                    Order 11593) that are: (1) Directly un- bility for the undertaking or a desig.
(2) Secticn H3) of Txecutive Order der:aten by Federa.1 age'ncies: (2) sup- nn a 11593. May 13.1971. Protection and poned in whole or in part through Ofue:uthor:                                al.            zed ,to act for the Agency T .nancement of the Cultural I:nnron- Federal contracu. grants. subsidies.                                d) Council' means the Advisory
      =ent." See:Icn 1(3) requires that Fed- loans, loa.n guarantees, or other forms eral agencica, in consu.ltation with the of direct and indirect fundingtablished                          assist. by      Council    onthe Title II of    Histenc Act,    Preservation as Council, institute procedures to tasure ance; (3) carried out pursuant to a                                (k) that their plans and progra:ns contrib- Federal lease. permit. IJcense. certift. =an of" the                        Chairman" means the Chair.
Adr.scry Council on Els-ute to the preservation and enhance- cate, approval, or other for= cf enti-
      =ent cf ncn fecerally owned histone 11e=ent or permission: or. (O proposed toric Preservation or a :ne=ber desig-                                                        i anc cul:t al prcperues.                              by a Federal agency for Congressfend nated to act for tlie                    .
(3) See: ion 2(b) of I'xecutive Order authon ation or a;;ropnaton. Site-                              (11 Execu:1ve Director" means the 11593. May 13.1971. "P utecuon and specific undertakings affect areas and Executive Direc:cr of the Adviscry Enhince=ent cf the CulturalI:nnron- propenies that are capable of being Counen on Histone Preservation as es.
      =ent." Fede-a! agencies tre recu! red identified at the ::.rne of approval by tablished by Secnon 205 cf the Act or ty Secuen :(a) cf the I:xecu::ve Order the Tederd agency. Ncn site specific a designee author:2ed to act for the
:o ;ocafe. inven c:7 and nc= bate under. dangs have effects that can be 7xecutive Directer.
pic;e-;tes under their unsdic:fon er el:cble and          (=) .. State Eistonc Preservation Of.
control to the Sauena. e[.er.ste ant                        [cipated  onbutNational    Recster,  den-prope les      ec. . net be a        ggee;,. = cans the offic:al who is re.                            l I
such Orccesses t e ec=;iete.rederd        .n Unt!! tified b ter=s of speci!!c geogra;hical sponsitie for acministenng the Act I
gent:es =ust ;ronde :he Counc:,. an areas or ;toperties at the time of Ted. .atitm the .e. tate c Jur15c2ction. cr a cepenu u:y to ec==en: en prepcznis eral a;;ro-d. Ncn site spec:.f:c under- cesignated re"resen:    .                                                        -
:or the :ransfer. tale, ce=olinen. cr tathgs bciude Federal a;;ron2 of                                      "'I  IC#4h*          8.I*I'    O.auve N EI'5'P#**  author::ed State ;1ans pursuant to Tederal iegu- .'lon Omcer. .hese em"ce s are ap.
su:s:s.nnal alte auen of fede al:7 !aMcn.                      deve!c;=ent cf ec= teh c .- et prcpenies ei!gible !ct belus:en or area aide ;;ans. agency r;ecc=ensive            =en- ;cbted            pursuant to 36 CFR Par: 61.2
    = :he Stucnal*er.                                                                              by the Ocverners cf the 50 States.                                  '
dations !ct lenslation and :he estab- Gua.=. Arnencan Samoa, the Cc=.
* he.P            es:cen:'s ental Qualit7  and Memorandum Water Re-                on list =ent or modification cfmen          ter..ter.Ith
                                                                                                                      !a. of Pue ;o Rico. the Virna teer es ~he Me= cran- tiens ed ;! ann:ng gddelines.                                    Islands. the Trust Te.ntory of the Pa-(d) ";iaticnal Rer.ner" means the                                                                                L-
    -~- - s the Ccune:) to issue ibal Na: Icnd Register of Elsteric Places. It cific Islands, the Cc=:nenwer.lth of reralanens unct: the Nauenai Eister-                                                                the Mar;=a Islands, anc the Mayor c!
:: P tre vr. den Ac: cy !.ia en 1.1979 is a tens:er of tiistnets. s:tes. bui;c. the 0:s:nct of Colu=hia
:nd funher *-- "ede 11 r.gennes ings. s:n;ctures. and objects of nauen.                                (n) " Secretary ** = cans the Secre: 1. 7 al. S; ate, or Iced sign:fic2.nce :n
:h    ra:er retource    ret;cnsttdiues Ed ; reg".**s :c ;ubl.ifn procecures Arnencan        h:s: cry,    r. chnecture,  ar-  cf the '.r.:erier or a des:gnee auther.
      .;1e=ennng :ne An no: it er than                  cheo} cry. and culture that is ex;& aced i:ed to car-/ cu: the histenc preser/a-l      ree .:r:hs af:er rc=ulg.nen of and =aintamed by the Secretary of tien res;COsibil. lues Cf the Secretn.7 F .d regulancns cy :ne Ccunc:1. Te:1-                the interict uncer authen:7 ci se::icn u . der the Act. T.xecuuve Order 1 3f .
: 4.        atene:es ;tecedures are :c 'ce re-          2f t) cf :he E:s:cne Sites Ae: cf 1935 and rela:ed authen;ies.
to) ne" cec ar.c. :I they a t cens sten:          u3 Stat. 666.16 U.S.C. 461) and Set-                          ees of the ::ncertaker s co.
    ..e C:urrys rer.: at: ens. ::;reved by              tien 101(ax1) of the Natenal, E:s:ene that    tentid env ren=en:d !=;&c: = cans
:ne C unt.; -- th:n 60 d ys and ;;o-                Preserntion          Act      :=me=en:ed                - gect anh cal area T:th:n which
  ..s .ec = !=a: f er=.                                througn 36 CTR Par: 60. ' he Nanens.! g;7eeg gne ;ng;.,g; ef;,e;3 gene.3geg Regis the :jer is published in its entirety in by the uncer: axing could reasonably j    @L2 D6 mom.                                                cae. Rze:s:n eten year .n be expected to cccur and thus cause a i    As used = these reg.:!ancns:                      February. Addenca are usually pub- * *m b, ~. , , * ",., 33 . ~,o
                                                                                                                          ~ ' *
* tect,. ,,
i ra)                                              lisned on the firs. 4 uesday c., each aren"eolecer . or cu.,:ura.l qu-itles pos-( Ac - "Nz:!cnaf        Els:ene  P eser      anen    =onth.
:: cans Pub.1,  Es.465,    approved                                                      sessed by a National Reguter er eligi.
Ce:ober 15. 1966. an "Ae; to establish                  (e) -National Register preperty,. ble property. The bouncaries of such
  . ;rog a= for the presernt:On cf ad.                me*ns a district, site. building. n uc. .rea should be deterni:ned by the ruenal h:nenc pre;e--tes :hroughout alture.                  cr otject included in the Nation. Agency Off1ci:2 in censultaticn w:th Recster.
J.e Nat:en a .d fer cther ;ur;cses"                                                              the State E:, ster:c Preser~atien Offleer j
(!) "Cicble propeny" c:e=s any- as early as pessible in the ;!anning cf 20 S st. 915.16 U.S.C. 4 0. as amend- dis;nct, s:te. building, strue:ure, er the under*ahng.                                                                          i.
  -'mc: 34 Sta: m #1970). Ei Sta:. 1:3 ct)ect that =eets the Nauenal Reg:5-                              'p) "Censulting ;:nies** = cans the 50 5:a: :nc t: sis). S': Stan :er Cn:ena.
J~    ' MEr.
nert:nt::er refe.-  ed to  as        tg>                                        Agency O!!!cial. the S:ste Historic l    ne An                                                      -Nanonal Recster Cntens" Preserva:!cn Officer, and the Execu.                                            l
                                                      = cans :he entena estabushed cy :he tive Direc:ct.                                                                :
I r[Dft At If Gtfirt. VOL. 44. NC. 21--rut 10 A Y, JANUAay la.      1979 l
6 e
60M                                                          .
!' effect No.3 Crue ria of effect a[d ads ene of the NationM E;stene Prese vntion obtained pursuant to I;CC*axit d.
Act and Sect.on 'nb1 cf Exe:utive terr ne wna further acucns are new The !cucwu.g'entena shdl be used Orcer 11593. It is the on=ary respon. essary to c;scharge the wency's af.
. o . e t e._... e s. h. . w. ...e. n .. d e a sa., g sibility cf esch Agenc> Offac:al re.
. .                  .                      . .                                                                            I:n .a: ve ressens;bilities te !ocate and has an c'!c:: ci a :c.e se effe*: :n                                          cues;ing Coune'  J cer.=ents to conduct ident;!y eLgible proper tes that are at::rdan:e w::n these regulat:cr.s.                                            the apprconate'stacles and to pror:de within the area of the urtertaking's 22 C. .:c :c of I4'e :. The effec: cf a the infermat:en ne:essary !cr an ade. potenud ennten= ental = pac: and Tece-nl. fe= era"y a.3:s:e: or fecera!!y cuate review of the effect a ;roposed that may be affected cy the undertak.
_re*.sec C3 a Nationaj under:11ing :*.ay have Cn a Nauonal                                                    Inc. SUCh actions may inth:de a pro.
Eeg:s:er er ent: tie ;repe-ty is eveu.                                      Reg. ster or eligible ;roperty, a.s wen as fessicnal cultural resource seney of              -
ate: :n the :catext c! the h;stortral. the in!cr=atica necessary fcr ade.                                                    the ennten= ental impa:: area. or                          -
uthueeturaj. a :heolcccal, or cu!*ur. quite consideration of. =odificgicns parts of the ues. !! the area hs.s not al s:g .f tcance ;ossessed by the proper, or alterations to the proposed under. previously been adequately surveyed.
2 t uncenabr.g snal: te considered taking that could avold =.:Ugate. cr The recoc:.=endations of the St. ate                                                      ,
[oy'. Eve an e!!cct s henever any condi. = int =1:e any adverse e!!ects. It is the Histon: Pruervation Officer should Mon of the under:anns causes or may responsibility of each Agency Offictaj be followed in this matter, cause a.ny change. beneficial or ad,                                        requesting consultation mth a State                (3) The Agency Offle:al. in censulta.
verte, in the cuality of 13e historical. Histone Preservation O!!icer under tion sith the State Histenc Preserva.
at:h2:ectural. archeolog: cal. or cultur. this section to provide the information tien O!!!cer, shall apply t.he National a
d characteristics that qualify the that is necessary to make an inictmed Register entena to all properties that S'anoSalrcpe- yReg:  to meet    ster.the    Anenteria          of the a and effect oc:urs reasonable evaluation of whether tnay possess any histencal architec.
proper:y meets National Register tural, archeological, or cul:ur:2 value when an undertaking changes the in, tecnty of location, cesign. setting. =a-                                    entena a        and undertaking proposed    to determineen  the  e!!ect of taking's a National  located with:n the area of the under. -
potential      ene: enmental tenais, work-mh:p. feeling, or asso. Rettster or clipble property. Al.                                                      impact. If either the Are acy O!!!cial cianon of the prepeny that contrib- though a Federd agency =2y recuire or the State Eistone Preservation Of.
  ~                                                      atterdance non.Pederal parties to under.ake cer. ficer finds that a property =eets the
  .ath to "tes        the!!*ati  s"'cd'n--ae
                              - . Eel *.s:'N cntent. An tain steps required by these regula. National Register Criteria or a ques.
effe : may be direct or indirect. Direc: tions as a prerequisite to tion exists as to whether a property effec.s        are caused by the uncenttng action and may author:1e non. Federal meets the Critena. the A:esey O*!!cis.1
..            ......w.                                                      part!cipat!on uncer this se: !cn and in sha.11 reques; a deter =1natan of clici.
e7e*Y ec    $$' +g.e ~~e a.nd 'aceE cbhose                                cbed the consulta:1cn process under Section bili:y fic= the Secreary ci the In
  .5 3Nue    c. Ec'e-
: e.  -    w g
ad~.'lhat              ue    later    in800.6 pursuas: to a:: proved counter. or in acecreance rtth 36 C7R Par: 63.
par: regulattens, the ulti= ate respen. The epinion of the Se:re:ars respect.                            l
  '.'~ , g'.'. Me. rmored                    -M in *ereseeable distance sibility                                                                                                            I U.'.        h '3
                  ., '.7
* e.'.ad'~ 7.y                    w..
for co=pbance    rath  these  reg. ing  the  ehtibility of a  propeny    shM1                I
''.","'...'.*Z [. . i., C *$e, 'cdggs                                t$  ulations      rem ains with the Federal be conclusive !cr the pur; ses of these                            '
aucn agency and cannot be delegated by it.                regulancns.11 the Agency C ficial and
[ ens [:        rho-k[rEe :rIt may affect                                      (a) Identf/fe::icn c/ Neuc    .cl Rerts. the    State Eis:cric Present:icn Officer s, en      p*.-~.-ne.s cf hu:or:c:.1. cen;:ec,,                              ter end fli; Ole P c;e-:ies. It is the re. agree tha: no ident'.fied prcpeny
.. . . *a.,  Tarc h tc.c gic              , . C.. ....-.
                                        . . .                  s.<a
: e. sponsibill;y of each rece.-al agency to meets the Criteria. the Agency Official Identify or cause to be identified any- shall document this fi .d:st and.
C .te .c c' Acrerse E'/ect. Ad. National Reg:. ster cr e.lictle ;rcpeny unless the Secretary has otherr:se re se e!!e::s en' Nauena! Regs:et or that is located rt:hin the area of the made a determinadon of eligibility                                                          ,,
re                                          under undertaking's potent:11 envi n= ental under 36 CTR Pan 63 =ay proceed
  !..c.bie  .o J . . . . . may  g'w" ,occur I. *l -'g."*. ".". .'.".g
                                      ~                ''"    ge '.3og      !=pa:t and that =ay be affecud by rith *ha u 2denating.                                                      _
the undenak.:ng.                                  (O The Agency O!!!:id shall ec=.
  ] ''" .                            . . . . .            -
(1)- he Agency O!!icial shan censult piete the ;teceding steps ;ncr to re.
. l.. .i,g' 'l .~ ~.",7.~.!' ~,.a uc** ei all or the
" . Q . V.!!.' 7.;. c. ;;ge.3 pen og cer.State                                            Eisione Prese rat:cs Cf!!. Quest .g the Counc0's cc==en:.s ;ur.
the published lists of Natic=M suant to Se:Ocn 800.4(bM d). ~he e " N vs'$E.b E.c=g ennten. Recster and eligible pre:erties public Agency Offi:ial : .sy, herever. :.:ut:tte                                                                  lt re:ctds. and c:her incin:uals or Orga.                                                                  ;
s ,  ' ....o.......
              ....    . . . . . . . c.,. .;a..1.....
a re Vest !ct the C:uncD's ec-.ments
* ni a:!c .s rath hisMncal anc cul:tra.! simu!*anect :ly 7 h a request for a ce.
......t............. ... eit .......  ...I ..... *...e C...
                                                                  .. Cf    e.ipe    -ise as a;;re;nate. o  deter  =Ine    ter r.= auen cf e igi
. . . . . . ..~ . . .                          ..        , . . . . .        That his:cnc and culturd ; reta.ry when the .s.bC2:y          gen:7fic=  the Sec.
Cffic:M  tne 3.the area cf :he :he State Riston: P eservaten O!C:et 5'e[en cf a recer:y resulung :n undenaung's pctennd envir:n= ental ag ee : hat.a proceny =ee.s the Na.                                                                  i n! ce:enera::en er :es: uenon.                                              i= act. The State cis:ene P esena. tiend Reg: ster Cn:eria. sefore the (5) Transfer er sale of a ;reperty uen O!!!cer should provide the wahout acetua:e c:nd:n:ns c restne. A ency O*fle:al v.ith any =fsrma:icn , Couned.                                          1800.6.ecmsletes      ac;:en the Secretary      ;ursuant mus:        to find the tens regarr:ng presereaten. :na:nte. avaSatle on Enow. histenc 1.nd cul-                                                    prope.-:7
" ~ ~ "                                                                      tural properties identified in the area Nattenal ,el:.giblen etister. !ct ine:us::n in the (whether on the National Reg: ster or Rn:nv or Int.rDcA: i*.NDcRTAKINc3                                                                                          (o) Sefer .tnction of 23e:L Tor not). Infor=1tien CM any pre' nous sur. each Naticnal Reg: ster cf eligible
! SOM Federal Arency resportsibinties.                                      veys performed and an evaluation of prcpeny that is located t". thin the their cual'ty a recc==endat!cn as to area of the undertat=g's potential en.
As early as ;ct.sible belcre an agency the need for a suner of histene and vironmenta.1 i= pact, the Agency O!!!.
makes a final decis::0 concerning an cultural properties and recc=:nenda.
clal. in ec .sultation r:th the State uncensk=g 2.nd in a.r.y event ;r:or to :Lons as to the type of survey and/or. Ristenc Preserva:icn Officer shall takng any acue . :ha x:t:d !cre: lose survey methods should a survey be a;;1y the Critena c! 7.!!eet.                                                                              ;
1;;er .a: res er the Cou.nciys ability to recer. mended, and recc:::.:nendauens (i 800.3(a)). ;c deter: .:ne r ether the
: r ..en:              he Agency C !::al shall en bcundanes cf such surteys.                                              undent.tng T:3 hate a.n t'!ec. upon uke :ne f ey.crms s:e:S to ec=;17 C) The Agency Offia:al shall. af ter the ha:cn:21. are:utectura!. archeo.                          ,
9n :he rt:u:rements cf Setten 106 due conside atten of :he in!crmat:cn leg: cal, or cultural charar:enstics cf Ff 0! eat itGl1 Tie. VCt. M. NC. 21-Yu!10at. JANUAe7 *:.1979                                                        I i
I l
                                                                                                                                                            ,                                                            6075 The Na::ena: ;repe-ty Reg:s:erthstCntena.Gua.hfied it to ineet or making any tr tversible or irretrier. cy's respons:bilit;es under Srction 106
: 1) .".'c I//c:!. !! the Agency Official, an able            acverse      corr.=t  e!!ect=ent      on athat      Na:!cnal  couldRer.s.        result in of the Act. See:Jon 2(b) cf the Execu.
  . . censulttucn r::h :he S: ate E:stanc ter er eur.ble Dro;erty or that rouid tive Or:ter and these regulations, and C::!cer. finds that the !crec!cse the cons:deration cf modif1 may                                                                                                              preceed nth the unceracng.
(M If the Dec; !ve Direner cbjects a .cer:24.=c EJ not a!!ec* these enar. cr.uens or alternatives to the pre;csed w.cns:.cs. the unde-tak=g =sy ;to.                                uncenak=g that could avoid. =1:1 to a Deter =intuon of No Adve se
:eed. -'he Agency O!! cial snCl decu. cate,er rnirw e such adverse effects. Effect. :he Executive Di enor sha!!                                                                                                                      ;
    .ent each Dete =: nation of No                                                                                                                                            spee:fy the basis fer the ocjec* ion and                '
Histone Preservation Ofncer =ay specify conditicns rhich will I: fen. vn:en shall be avails:le !ct ) $00.3 State                                                                                                                                                                                      ,
uthe :ns;e:::en.11 the State Histenc                                    responsibilities.                                                              "'                e3g.eng.e the objection. As ap;re d.
P eserca::en O!!!cer cbjects er etner                                                                                                                                        ate. the Execudve D:rener may c;on.
(a: The State Elsteric Preservadon sult- the Agency Offic:al. the Sate                                                                                        :
urnely uve D:ree:cr  et:ection to an    :s Agency made toO!!)ciars the Exect. rener  O!!!:erprocess      should    established paruct:ste              by :n  these  the Histenc Preservation Officer. and other interested partjes in specify:ng Dete ecu;:ve    =:D.' nation eetor of      Norener may    E!!ect, the the        Ex.undertaking Deter. regulations                          whenever located              withinitthe          concerns State an c:nditions. U the Agency Official ac.
ce:ts the condtions in wnting. the e:af. nation the Sta:eand Eistone adnse the          Agency O!!!.
Preservatica            detion.Historic Preservation Officer's juns. condtions will be incorocrated into C::. er and any objecting party of the                                                                                                                                      the agency's Deter rdnation and the find =gs within 15 days,                                          by(b)  theUnless Agency          a Official, longer time          the failureis agreed        of ato Executive Director's objec: ion wil: t:
(M I//ect determtned. If the Agenc*/ State Histone Preservation Officer to v:thdrawn. ~he A4 ney C:!.c:a1 then O!fic;al or the Execudve Director respcnd to an Aseny O!!!cial's request wf.: be censidered to have suisfied the
  !=ds that the undertaking will have !cr consultation under Secuon 600.4 agency's respons;bilities uncer Section an e!!ect upco these characteristics, r. thin 30 days after receipt shan tot 106 of the Act. Section ::b) of the Ex.
the Agency Offic:al in eensultation prohibit the Asency Official from pro- ecutive Order and these reguladons.                                                                                                                    I with theshan    State    Els:or:c      Preservation                                                                                                                          and may proceed with the undertak.
of Ad. creding                  with the review process under ing.                                                                                                              -
O!!!ctr.              apply      the Criteria                    these reguladons.                                                                                                                                                !
serse E!!e=. 3et !cnh in section                                                                                                                                                (3) U the Agency O!!icial does not                '
100.3(b ).                                                          (c) The State Historic P eservation acce; the Executive Director's cond.                                                                                      I e!!ect of the    to determine      whether may bethe        ad. Offleer. v.*.h the Agency Official and tiens or if the Decutive Directer o'o.                                                                                  ~
ven e.                                                            the      Exectuve Director, should paruci. jects to a Determination of No Ad.
Date in any consultatics under                                                                                                                                  !
tc) Se:c- .i .ction: of no cdce se ir800.6(b) and sign any Memorandu= verse Effen r.thcut specity:ng cend.                                                                                                                      '
c"ce* If the Agency Offie:11. in con. cf Agreement developed                                                                                                                tions that would remove the objenien.                  !
su!:nien with :ne Sute Eistoric Pres. { 800.6(c) of these regulaticas.                                                                                under  PzDu      thee Executrethe censulta:!csDirec:ctprocess stan initiate pursuant to !
: e. ea :cn 0 heer, finds the e!!ee: en cf a Sate Eiston: Preserva:len Offi. i 800.6(b).
the a:.nene11.1 ch:tectural. archeo- cer to ;&rucipate in a censu.!!atica                                                                                                        (b) Ccneulic:ica P ocess. The 1:gical.
the      ;r: er  er:ycuhural ac; t cha        at:erutics be adverse          theof under { 600.6(b) or to sign a Me= cran. A;eney O!!!cial. the Sa e Els:cr:c du= cf Agreement as provided in Prese tanc= O!!icer. and :he Decu.
Agen:y          O!he:d' sh:.D qua:e dec.:=en*atien                    fc:! ra*d (See    300.13(a))  ' ade.Othout
{ E00.6(cK1)    actifying the            r; thin    Execut've30 danDirec.            of receipt . uve Direner shad be the censulung
:! the Dete nmanen. includL.; sr:t. ter and the Agency O!!ic;2.1 tha: the partier tc censider feasible and y u.
:en endence cf the news cf the State S ate Histenc Preservauen Officer cent :.2:e na:!ves to the undertaking Eis::nc P eservaten O!!!cer to the disagrees r;th the ter s of the Arree- that cede arcid. mitigate. or :=ini=ize        .
Decutive Di e::or !ct renew in ac. me.:t M nc: prohiba the Executive adverse e!!ects on a Na:icnd P.egister
: rdance r. n Sen;en 200.6. If the Direct:r and the Agency O!!ic;11 rom er eligible proceny. When an under.
S:ne E::: rie P eserinfon O!!!:er con:!uding the Agreement s.nd ha..'ng tak.=g                                                                                                                =vches =cre than ene Federal agency. these agenc:es =ay, upon noti-i Ic.s :e res;end reques:        as ;r:ncec :o an  in Agency Section 800.5Officars it rat!!)ed by the Chair =an in ac:ctd. fican:n tc the De::::ve Directer co.
:he Agency C :1::C sha 2 incluce en. ance ! B00.6(cX ).                                                                                                                crdina e the:r eensultati:n respensf.                  I'' '
:ence c r.aving centaned the Sta:e ! !c0.6 Council comments.                                                                                                                b!!! des thrcuch a single. lead agency.
E.s:en: P ere. canc= Cificer.                                                                                                                                                                                                      '
Orantees. Der =!: tees. licensees. c The subsenicas s ecify c her parties = interest. and repre.
O Mve se c//e t cc:c- .i .cticn. If hece the Counc0 rid respcnd to Feder. sen:1::ves of nadenal. State. or local                                                                                                              i he ng::n:7.1.
:ne    Aieney O!!!!:e:*ind.s  ural. the    eff en :n 11 agency requests for the Councirs units cf gevern:nen: and ;utli: and archeo-                                                                                                                                                                              .'
.:g:er.l. cr ::::n-d charactenstes cf cc==ents required to satisfy an agen. ;nvate crgani:sdcas. =1r be inv::ed cy's res:ctsibilities under Secticn 106 by the ec=sulung pa :!cs to
:ne ;r:pe ;y :c te acterse, er if the of the Decuuve D: e::ct coes n:t accept z.n Ac; and Secuen Ott) cf the Ex. ;ne in the censuhauen process;st:ici.
ecutive Order.                                                                                                                                      .
!.gency O!!: cars Deter =: .suon of No (a) Respc se to deter ninction: c/ ne (1) Prehrntncry Ccse Report. The Adverse I!!en ;urcuant to review cdve-se effee:. (1) Upon receipt c! a Agency,                                                                                              the repor:  Official    shan tc the  provide ;arues consulung  ce;ies aof
=cer nu sh: 1:  Se:nen      200.6.        :he Agency            O!!!-  Deter          ==aden                  cf    No        Adve            se      I!!ec the inidadon of the censu:atten and (1)  P    e:are    q.nd      sdb=!C  a'  Preli=1-          frc=Direc tive        an Agency  ct    sein        Otheial, renew              the theDete:  Execu.        ni.    =ake it readny avaDable !ct public in.
ns.y Crse P.epon reques:=g the ce=. natten and su; porting documenta:len.                                                                                                  spenien. the Connec (See i 800.13(b)).                                                                                                                                          c) On rite inspection. At the re.
(D Nctify the S:ste Histenc Preser-                            Nor=a.Hy. the Executive D; rector will quest of any of the consulting parties.
vanen Cf!!cer cf :h:s request. and                                concur v.:hout delay. If the docu=en. the Agency official sha.D cenduct an tauen is not adequate, the Decutre en. site inspection.
(3) P oceed 7:th the censulatten Director will so infor= the Agency Of.                                                                                                      (3) P2fic I ./ctmetion Mee:fng. At
::: cess se: !cnh = i 500.6.                                      !!:tal with= 15 Cays; On!ess the D. the e S:spe se e/ cc:i:                                                                                                                                                              request of any cf the censulting 0:=ed :ssues 1:s cc==ents                    Un:D under    the ecuure Directer cbiec.: ic the Deter. parties, the Decuuve Direner shul
                                                                  ==2nen T.thm 30.c ys f ter rete:;; eendue 1 : netting cpen to the public.
ese re -dat.cns, g:cd fa::t censula. of an adecuttely docu.nented Deter. There re;resentat!ves cf nauenti, n:n than ;teclude a ye:ers steney miraden the Agency Official rl.1 be State, or 1cca2 un::s of gover:...en:
. ;= a4.;ng Cr sann:CO:. .g 1:"y 1CUCn Considered to have sa::sfied the agtn* *t;rtsenta .'vts ei publ!C c ;nvate cr.                                                                                                                '
f t:taat 11C17T11. VCt. 4, NC. 21-rut!:AY. JANUARY 30.1ere e
                            . _ _                  _____            . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ . . . _ . _ _
6076                                                                                                                                              .
* gar.::a:. css, and !=tarested c:ti: ens                                                                                            , rectn e *..fcr=auen and ex;tess cuirsd under thase rer ; aliens: C le*.s
::e: v;ews en the =cen.n: r. Its ef- otherwise requested by the uure pic;ert:es covertd by the Agree =ett fects c: the Na::o M Rests;er or eligt. Director the Agency O!!jc:d sha" or : hat would foreclose the Counci!'s t'e ;rc;eny,10d a.lter ne courses of ;re;are a proposM for =clusics in the cc nceration of modincations er al-art:o that ecWe arc:d. =;t!gste. or Agree =ent that cetails ite acuens ter:stives to the proposed =denak-
        . - - :.e 1:y ac*cerse ef.fects on such agreed                  upcn by the consult =g part:es ing to be takes to arctd. sal:.sf actorily              adve : hat could avoid or m.!tigate tDe se effect.
gre;er.;e: The Ateney O!!ical shall prov:ce are une far.iSt:es !or the en                r turate, cr accept :::e adverse effects                H)4 nc.cment of c Nemorcaddm cf meet =g rest the s::e cf the under:2                      the property. The State Eistene Ar*er .cr.:. !! a sigancry de: ermines
        ; .g anc 1 :'* 2.!!cid 1;;rc;r:ste notice Preservanen O!Ucers rntten coccur. that                              the terms ci the Me=crandum cf to the ;;bhc. generally at less: 15 a.!              rence shall be included = propes- Agree =est cannot be =e: cr believes a cays := a. vance c! the =ceung,                            by me Asemey Offic2al. If The h. cht:ge is necessary, the sis =1 tory                                i (4) Co .c2 c::cn of Al:cenctires. ecuuve Director deter ==es thu the shc1.==ediately request the ~censult-Cpen rener cf the ;roposed under- proposa.1 represent.s the agree =est cf ing ; antes to ec= sider ss a.=end=est                                      .
tM=g a:d after any co s:te inspection the ccusultbg parues, he sha3 T: thin of the Agree =ent. A= tad =ents wiD cr public infor Laden toeeting, the 10 days !crward 1 as a Me=crandu= be cric=M                            executed    is the Agree      same ca. ner as the
ec sul:ir.g parues shall deter =ine                  of Agree =ent to the Chair an for r:tification pursuant to i 500.6(c)C).                  (5) Report on Memercadum cf Arree.
whether there are feasible and pru.                                                                        rne-d. Within 90 days a!*.et carryts dent Cterunives to avoid the adverse If the E.xecutive Director deter =bes e!!ec*.s en Nauo:M P.egister er eligible that the proposal does not adecuately out the te.~s of the Agree =ent. the prcpeny. If the co=sulung partes the                represent the agreement reached by Agency Official shan report to an sig.
consulting parties, it =ay be red natones              on the actic=s take=
cascot scee en as alternanve to turned                            to the Agency Offic:al, or a                (d) Council  Meetings. The Council avoid, they sha3 censult further to de-te. ine !! there are alternsures tha*                Memorandum of Agree =est revis=g does not hold forr a1 eetrattre cculd satisite:crily =:tigate the ad.                the proposal Z:Ay be submitted to the beanags to develop its cc==e=ts versa e!!ects.                                        Agency Offic:a1 and the State Histonc under these regulado:s. Reports and c) or Scris/cetery Xiti.              Prese vation Ofneer. As appropnate stne=e=ts wul be presented to the sc: en of Adve se Iffect.1                            other par les in interest may be inv;t- Cou=c!! in ope: session in accordasce sulting pan:es acee,upon!nthe              ccn.      ed by the co=su1*ing par                              with a prearranged agenda. Regular feasible    cate their cencurrence :b            r: des          =ecungs of the Cousc3 generaDy to indi.occur arc prace : a2:ernauwe to avoid or                                                            the pro-              cua .erly.
* stusfactori2y =:trate the adverse ef.                posal or to be a als: story to the As ee-ft:ts cf th : =cer:.u.=g c the Na.                  =es:.                                                    C) P.e ponse to Rec'o mmends:icn for Coat de crion et CounciI yecting.
tacnal Reg:::er or elir.ble property.!.            c) P.crie : c/ %cmorendum c/ Arree-                                                                  !
Upon receipt of an executed Upon receipt ei a actice and recom-                              i the:et=es A:      shan execute
                        = acecr    a Memorascu=
d :ce of Me=crasdu= of Agrec=es;. the =endado fro = the hecutive Dire:-
( ECC.f tc) r ecif: . .g hcw the undertab    wi;h C hai.~ 1: shan issu:ute a 30-day                        ter ec cerni=g censiderat:on of a pro-
    =g ut ;r::eed to avoid er =:uga:e ter:ew pened. C !ess the Chai."                                          posed undentk.=c at a Counci! meet-tte a:T e se t!!e::.                                  notifies the Agency O!I!cial thn the 10s. the Chai.._a shs3 de:er=ine (6) Ae er:cnce of Adte se Iffret. If =a:ter has bee ;! aced on the agenda e. thin 15 days xhether er act the :.
the eerr.0:5g ;r.nies ceter=ine tha: Ic: cc sidera::o a: a Csunen =te ing, certaking                                r.3 be notify the      ec=sidered F.xecudve        and sha3 Directer,  the trere are Oc fe .r.:ble and ;rucer 11- the As ec=ent scan become fi:12 Agency                                        0f3:111. and  the  State  Eistone when
:er:1:nes :nn eculd accid cr satirfa:- upc= the expiratic        raufled    by  the  Chai.-    a.:  cr
::-2y = :irne the a ve se effects and                                                cf the 30-day The    Preservaucs OiScer of his dec' sac =.
Aterey Officid sha3 a:d the ag ee thav.*h
    ;*00eed          :: is;iein3r
                                    ;t:b:Je  in
                                          =cenab        to review Centes              pened rin be          n:t notoacco: :ake:. S:a:e Eis:cric Preserva:lon Cincer
::rovided          !--" cries should prende suca re:c-ts and infor.                        -!
    =g. they shG esecute a Me=cras-                      and :C: ice CI e%ecuted Me=cr :1 ef =200 du= :! Ar ee=en: = acecrdance n:t AC ee=est shan be pubM.shed = the                                                    as ::ay be rt;u: red to s.s3is:
i KO. Sic; act..cwletc=g th:s dete: 1- F=caA.:. Rrc sm. The Me=crand"~ the                                        Chai.e 1: this deter =.inat:cs.
                                                                                                                  " *he Chat decides cen-nanct a:d 1:et:!ying any recerc'ng. cf Ar ee=ent shodd be incluced in s:de                                          : den of the tsder.aking at a IC.vage. Or c:her =e:.sres c -V-
* the    !!=22    ennrc  =es:A2    i=pa.::    state-
                                                          =c::    ;repared      pursuant    to  the  Sa-    Counc:.1 =eeting, a Tr t;en su==Ary
::e a:vene effe:ts that s .C be                  :!ccalInnren::e::M Policy Act.                        cf the =:enaki=g. a=y reco==erda.
:efere the          ~ensk:rg ::rsceeds.
9 7:C::. e :c A; ce. C;c: :he f acre                G)  Iffect  c/ .*.Ie  .cr r.dum    cf  Arree-  tiens  for act:0 by the Fecerd agency.
CI '.ht ::rEJJ::. ,g ; artes LO as*ee u;ct me ::. As re=ents cu!y executed = ae- and the decisics shall be sent to each the :e =s ::: a Mercr:. cum ci                        c rda:Ce m;h these rtrdaticns shaU me=cer of the Ccuncil. The Char =s.:
Ag e* =e:: cr :en ::::ce of sue ects:::ute the ec==ests cf the Cour- 1h12 a.'.so Octify the Age:cy O!!!c:M far.ure :y any Of the ects4 :: par- the              c:2 and sh:11 endence sansfac                    cf a:d the Stue Histenc P eservnio:
::es ;c the Tsecutre D:re::cr. the Tx-                      Federal agency's respcas:tc          tcities O!! iter and ether ;arties i= interest of ect ve D re::or shaO sotify the Sectic                fer the proposed undena. king uncer the ce:: sics. If three =e=ders cf the C'haL~ r.:        .h= fiftees cars 2:a                            106 of the Act. Secucs 2tb) of Coure!] object v.this 10 days of the shan reec=::end the:her .cr =ct the the T.zeeutre Orcer. and these regula- Chair =2. 's dec:stcc. the undertat=g tic s. Failure to carry out the terms of shan be seneduled fet censiderat:o at
  =a::et sneuJd be scheduled Ier cor.sid-erauc at s' Council meet:ss. The a Me= ora du= cf Agree =ent requires a Cc=ci! =ceting. Unless three =e=-
Agency O!Se:a2 and the State Eistoric that the Federal agency agam.recues: bers cf the Counell object. the chair-                                              f,
                                                                                                              =as shaU notify the Agency O!!!cial,!c: Ofacer shan be to:ified the Counc3's cc==ents !s a :ctdance                                                                                        ,
  = r.T:nnt of the Execuuve Direc cr's with these regulations. Is such in. the Stue Eis*cric Preservation Offi-re :==endanc=.                                        stances, untD the Council issues its cer. : d cther pantes 1: interest 1.=
co==ents u: der these reraladers the Tr. ting thu the undenaking may pro-te)  Nc  . -c .c u  . cf A  greement-(1)
  ? e:c :::c-: cf Mc-:crendum of Agree-            Agency      Cfac:11 shan =ot :1ke er eeed. Such notice shall be endence of
    .e ' ** o                                          tic: acy accen er =ske any ir eters- sat:sfactics of the Federal agency's re-                              -
:he Txt:Utve      "'e Mrec:ct the res;ctsibil:ty to pre;are cf itle er :rretrievab;e ec--':.=en: that s;c =bdides f : the prcpcsed under.
ca:n 1*.e=c- . cum c! Af ee=ect re- could resu.It = an adverse effe:t W.h taking under Sectic: 106 cf the Act.
respect to Nauccal Rer.3:et cr eligible Secucs (b) of the Execudre Order.
and these regulatons.
f tota.At t!Gisitt, VCt. A NC. 21-rt't.50 AY JANUA2Y 30. le79
                                                                                          ,                                            6077 D Dei:te . to Cens:de- the L*nder-
  .v:: g Then :ne Couned c.11 cer.sid.                ing. Cc=rnents shall be =ade to the ecutive Order and these rec:2ations.
sr :n uncer: acing at a :neet:ng the                  head of the Federal agency reques::nr The Couned =sy issue a IL.a! report co==ent or hanns resco sibdity for to the Pres: dent and Congress under Chr:. an na;l e.ther cesignate five the unde n at=g. I=rned.ately after author:ty cf Secticn 200:b1 of the Act e=:e s as a ;anel :o hea. the =a::er the cc==enu are mace to the Tece al desent:ng the actions taken by the
:n J.etenau    cf *he fer
        ,ne matter    idl Ccuned, censideradonci sched-by agency, the ec=rser.ts of the Counc3 Hency in res;cnse to the CounciTs ne f u.' Ceu .cd.                                    *J be forwarded to the P esident and cc:ntnents inclue:g recc=mendations
    <!) A ;anel shaU cens:st of three thenty          Ccngress    is a special of Seedon        re;cr:
002(b)  ofuncer  au; fer c..anges in Federal ;clicy and pro-the Act      grs=s. as ap;te;-. ate.                    ;
ncn.Teceral me=rers, cne as Chair. and a notice of ava?. ability WCl te pub-                        (B) Connnung Rerie:r .Tur.sdiction.
=a .: :.nd :re Tecera] members. nei.
ner c: rnc= sht2 re: resent the Ted. lithed in the P=o.A:. Rtc:s :x. The nen the Councu has met and com.
N :renev --                                        cc==ents cf the CouncQ shall'be mented upon an uncertaling that riu
  .ng. he pt:.e. sr,all  - . .n :he undertak. avacable to the State Eistenc Preser.
                              =ce: to consider vadon Officer, other ;&rties in inter. require subsequent site spec:.!!c u der.
the uncertacng with.:n 20 days of the                                                            takings by a Federal agency, the est. And the public upon receipt of the CouncQ's co=.=ent extends only to the Cht:r=an's Off;c:al ag ees  cec:slon    unless to a Icnger  time.the Agency comments by the head of the Federa.1 undertalcng as reviewed. The Agency                  .
Agency. The co=ments of the Councu Official shall ensure that subsee.uest (U) Th2 full Councu will consider an should be included in the 11:11 env1 actions related to the under-er undenskang at the next regularly ron=estal i= pact statement prepared that have not been considered by the schedu;ed cars fic= the    meeting date ofandtheno  less=an's Chair    tha.s 60tal pursuant  to the Nauomal Enttrommen- Coused til be sub=ltted to the Coun-Polley Ac:.
cec: sics. In exceptional cases the                    (6) Rerie.c of Pene! Decutors. Upon cQ for review in accordance with these res.112 tic =s.
Cha:r=an =ay schedule the matter receipt of the panel's cc::=ents after for censide ation at a speela! meeting a mecung the head of the Federal { s00.y Resources discovered during con-c! the !;11 C:unen to be held less than agency shall take these ec==ents into                          struction.
GO days frc= the date of the decision, accoun: in reaching a decision in                                                                      l (in? Pnct to any panel er full Cous- regard to the proposed undentt:ng,. If                      (a) redercl Apeney Responsibilities. ~  t cil cer sideration of a ma:ter. the the agency dete.- ines set to fouer II a Feceral agency has prenously met                                I C h::r :2.= r.D nc:ify the Agency Offl. the samel's ec==ects, the Agency Of- its respcnsibuities for identified Na-c:2.1 the S Ate Elstone Pres' erva- ficial 5:111 -ediately proV:de Writ- donal Renster and eUgible propenies ac: C:!icer. ::c c:her panies is inter- ten nouce of this dec: sics to the Cons- under Secuo: 106 cf the Act. Secuen es: cf the ca:e en whic the undenak- cS. The Chai.- =ay centene a                                  tb> cf the Pxecutive Orcer. these reg-
=g r." be censicered. The Executive. =cet=g of the fuD CouncS to censider uladens. and the National E ec:ct. the Ageney Oi!!ci:.l. and the the =aner r: thin 30 days of rece:p of =er:11 Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 43:1 et S:ste Eis:cne Prese vr. don Officer such netice. Is the inter = per:od the sec.). a d an Agency Official finds or snan ;re;are reper .s in accc*ca:ce Age:ey Cfficial shall not take or sine- is =ctified af ter contruetten has s*. art.
tics a 7 acuca or = ate iny irrevers- ed ths; asnundenating win have ss c:: 1 EDC.13. Repons recuired fic=
:he A ency Offic.:.2 and the State Eis- ible or ;rretnevable cc--"=ent that effect en a ;revicu3]y                        unidentified Na.
: enc P ese vado O!!!cer =ust be re- could result in an adverse effect on t:csal Recster or eligibie propeny.
rerce: cy :he Dec.:tive D;recter at the Nat.cnal Register er cunble prop- the Federd agency may ful!C its re-
.ess: 0; czys defere zny =ee:=g. Pau- eny or : hat recid forec!cse the Con.n' s;en3ignities under secuan Ics of he tre cy :he.Tede-d trency to sub=:t c0's conside stics cf modificatic:s or Act. Secdon 2(b) cf the Execudre its re;cn may res;:lt 1: postpone =ent              a.lterna:ives to the picposed undenal* Order. and these reguladens, by co=.
Cf cons;ceriLC cf the tadenati:C.                    isc thi; could avofd er 1.J:!Cate :he the recuire=ents cf the m Nern.g .Ve nce. Crenerally. 21 acverse e!.fect. I! the Charman de- A cheologica.) and Eistone Prese!Ya-cars :ence cf 12 =ee:ings invele. c c:ces art:.ns; ccus:de ;. des cf the pro- tien Ac: (16 U.S.C. 469(an as i= pie-ren :c: re':er cf undena. tings in ar-              'pesed c:dentting, the consulting par- =ented by the Secrett.y. c= Jess the reret:ce rut these res tlatic s sha3 des shall be i==:ediately notified and Secteu. y deter .mes that the signifi-ce g:ve . by ;ctUca:icn in the P:=rn:,              the u= der ting =ay proceed.                cance ci :ne prcperty. the effect and        !
-.te:s n'.. ; except;enal, no less              (i) Apeney Aen:m :. Respo to any. proposed =1dgaden acdons war.                  I
: .i.n * ::ays nouce sntu be cien by Ccuned Comment.:. Upc: feceipt of tant Counc3 cc sideradoc. If the Sec-the Councirs ec==ents after a =eet- retary            cete. ines the Couned's cc=-
;;;c ic:::en :: :he P=cui Rec:st:2
:C J:::r senu :: the Council A                                                                =enu    are ing. the nead of the Fede 11 agency c:a! shtu request.the rearristed, the Agency O!!!-
;;enca sht3 prov:de for cral state- sazil take :hese ec==er:s into ac-                                                      ec::=ents of the
- .en:.5 fic: :he Denzt:ye Direc:cr; c:ust is reaching a final dec:sion 1:                        Council.
-he Agency Cffic:2.1; other panies in regard to the proposed u:derta.t=g.                            tt) Cctr.ei! C:mments. Within 30
  .:erest: :he Secteu / cf the Inte-icr; When a fint! dec:stc= regarding the days of rect:;t of a recues: fer co=-
:ne S:ste P:s:ene P eservation Offi- picpesed uncenaking is reached by =e :s frc= an Agency Of*!c:aj under
:e re;tesen:tures of nat:ocal. State, the Fecer I agen 7. the Agency Of'i' this seeden, the Executive D: rector.
:s ioes un.:ts of gover==:ent, and in-              c:a1 shall a wr:tte repen to the concu rence of the Chair.
eres:ec ;uclic : d pr:vate organiza- the Couned desenb=g the ac:1 cts =an. sha.U trans=lt co .nents en                        .
nons and tudmduals. Pa- les v.shing taken by the Federal Agency 1: re- behalf ci the Council to the Agenc7
:o =1ke cral re= arts should natify sponse to the CouncC's cc==ents: the Offic:21 cr the Chair =.a.n sha!! con-
:he Executive D:ree:Cr at les.s two acdons taken by other pa.-ties pursu- vene a meeting of the Counc2 pursu-cars in adva.nce cf the meeting. Pa.r-                                                          att to { 500.S.
an: to the acdons of the Feceral ues te have their state:nents Agener. and the effect tha: such a.c.                            P ::M.Paocux Coor.:: n :cx
  .:.s nbuted to Council ::e=bers pner t: ens nu have en the affected Nation-
:: :he =ee:ing should send ce;:es of al Recster or eligible property. Re-                        1 F00.5 Pror ammatic        Memoranda of ne s;a:e=ents to .he Executive Direc- ceipt of this Report by the Cht: =an                            I* "" 8-                              (
  ~ a: 'e:s i csys = idvance.                      shall be er:dence that the agency ha.s          (a) A;; hectic At the request of in
: 5) C m .c-u c' O.c Ccuncil he sausfied its responsibilities Ier the Agency Cffic:a.l. the Ccurci2 r.3 con-men
:e .isuedec::.%*.e:h:n u c'15the caysCouned    wiu preposed under:at=g under Secuen 3: der execudo: cf a Programunst:c after a meet. 106 ci :he Act. Secuen 2(b) of the T.x.      .'de=crancum of Agree =ent to I;d. fin FlctaAt ttcisrit. YCt. 4. No. 21-TutscAY, JANUARY *,c.1979
3078                                                        RULES AND REGULADONS
                                                                                              ~                                                  .
L. ace :er's ---;onubi" ties under Sec.
eeived and cer:;!ction cf 1.ny teees. agene:ts should coordbate NIPA
: .106 cf the Ac: and Sect:cn D:) cf stry ref:saons. the Execuute DLiec:r. c:=; hance the separate
: .e Deeu::ve C-der for a pa.r :cular the Agency Official, r.nd other ;arnes, biUues cf the Nauonal Eistone heser.
:-:g 2: . cr class cf u.nce-tat.;ngs that if a;;ro:r ste. shan sign the Ag--e-c e d c h e rv.s e m: .u e nu.=crous :s. =ent and at sent to the C51:r. to            rauen Ac: and hecut:Te Order 11593
:md.;al re:ves:.s I:r cor J ents u . der t:an              fer ra: f: anen.                          ensure that h; stone anf. cultura.1
    ?ese regn.; n:ss. W! h:.n 30 days after                                                        prope-ties are C: Ten picper cenridera.
(e) Chettmen'J Re se-3. Upon rece:;t Ocn .*n the ;rt;arauen of enrJenmen.
he :he I.xecut:ve Dir*cter cf a s:gned Ag:Te=ent. the Cht:r=an tM assessments and entrcnmental 1 ;.;
hog non  7 the agency a.==at:e            cf!!c:a2 Me::cranca    of whether Ac'rea. shan renese the Agreement and Tch:n . :: pac statements. Agency oclicst: ens                *
  -.en may be trs e d. Generaur. Mo- actions            30 days~than take one of the pursuant to the Nanonal Eistene
r 2.=matic M emerand t=2 of Ag ee.                                                                heservation Act and Execuure Orcer (1)
  =ent may be used t the ! tune it WU.! take effect. Ratify  the  Ac eement, at which  11193 are independent frcm NEPA re-                  [
: u. ,es cf s;;tuadocs:                                                                            quirements and =cs: be comphed Mth          *
(1) Non.s::e-specific undertalonrs. Council        (2) Sub=    !t the Agreement to the fuH even.Then an ennronmen:a! 1mpact for approval.
2ctudi g Federal a;;roval of State                      (3) Disapprove the Agreement.            state =ent is not required. Agencies
  ;; pursut=t to Federal legts!ation.                (D f#ect of fAe Acreement An ap-          should also be aware that the thresh.
old for compilance with Seedon 106 ceeelopmrnt atta mde plans.        of agency comprehensive reco==2enda.or proved Pre grs-~ tic Memorandum and the hecutive Order is less than of Agreement shall constitute the that for preparatics of an environ.
uc=s irr legislation and the establish. co=ments of the Council on an indl. mental impact statement. The former ment and ph-*g er modificaden guidelines. of reguladons vidual undertair.ings carried out pursu. applies to any Federa2. federaDy assist.
(2) Undenat:ngs that are repett:1re &=t                to the terms of the Agreement ed or federally Uce= sed undertaldng and. unless otherese provided by the having an effect on a National Regis.
is ca:u*e and have essen:1any the Agreement, shall satisfy the agency's ter or eligible proper:7. while the ' engfele effect        on Nado 21 Registe or responsibH!tles tmder Section 106 of la::er enends only to =1jor Fede a!
the Ac:, Secie :(b) of the hecutive actions sicalilcantly affect:ng the d) P:og a=s that are de=gned to Order, and these regulations fer AD human ennron=ent. Where both it:rther the            preserra; National    Re : ion sterand  echtsce-or elig:ble areeundertakings      carned out in accord. NEPA and the Act er hecut:ve Order with the Agreement.
  ;repernes.                                                                                        are applicable. the CouncU on byt.
(g) Notice. Notice of an approved rc=.menta.1 Quauty, in 2:s Na:ional D.
(4) Prog ..=s mth statutory t:=e u=2:s for project appliccion and ap-Progrs- ane Agreement C':ll be tresmestal Policy Act-Reralauc=s pubushed by the CouncD != the F :tx. (40 CTR 1500 25), d! tree.s that erzat
  ;r:va! : hat would not per=:t co=pli-                at Rz:Is x. Cepves shan be distr:but. e r:ronmental i= pac: sate: ents pre.
a.::ee v.:t      these regulations in the ed throngn a;;ropnate A-95 cleanng- pued under See:lon 102(2XC) of
  ~ ~[tNc. .:U.:2[wn p.mce: . Upo: c e-                houses a.nd the consulting par:!es NEPA shall, to the in11est extent pos.
sha ] =ake*eopies tradUy available to ribie, be prepared and ::te:; rated te  :.::nao: by the he:uttre Dire.rter the public. The Progrs==nic Memo. Ett other cunren= ental 1: ;a:: anal.
t r.n a P eg--- ane Me=c :;.=du= cf rascu= cf Agre-=>en should be in.
o yses rela:ed surveys and s:udies Ar- e=e:: :s a:;re:nne. the Age:ycy cluded in the !'.011 entron=2estal required by other au:hcrities-such as C me.a! e.nd :te herudee D..?::ce i= pac:.. statement prepared pursuant the Nano::al Elstenc Preservaden Act
::c.1 ecc:rd; to develcp a P og .m.
:.aue Me c ancu= of Agree =ent. Act.                to the Natic:11 br.-on= ental Peucy 2:d hecut:ve C~ der 115S3. Pre;ua.              ,
:;-ce::ne A; rement r21 affec a par.                  (h) Te ten cf a draf: e=vironme :a! i=;tet Unless c:herwise prended sine =ent ::ay !ciful the requ:re.
u:ular Str.te er E:nes. the appro;n. by the Agreement, duly exe:
* ed Pro- =ests !ct repc;.s zsd documentation
  .v Sute Eisten: P ese Ta acn C*.ficer gr'" tie Me=crand:.:=2 cf Ar re. t=de- these author:Ocs.
  =27 be a . puty to the cen::u2~ .                    =ent sha.D re--* != effem u :D re-
  ~F e: :he AC ee=ent :Toives i:: sues voked by any ene of the sig:steries. cc==                      Circulanon of the s;neme:: for                  ,
l ent    pursua:t          Secton nn: ens 2 is secpe the .% dent cf the                ~he Age =ey O!!!cial sha2 sub. !: a 102(:XC) of .STPA shall ccesutute a to                      i Ntuend Confere:ee of S a:e Els:ene report annu2.117 to the hecuttre Di. reques* for Council ce==ents under l
7 sse:- n:ct C.$cers er a des:g=a:ed recter and cther s:gnatones en all ac. Seenen 800A of these regulations if t;tesentante may be a ::.r:y to : e                tiet.s *ake pursuant to the Agree. Federal agencies so request L cover
:::rdanc:. The hecut ve Di--::cr                    =e::. i=clucing r.ny reec=mendauens letters c::culated T :h draf: e:nire:.
:.17 :. .. te cther par :es, i :!;r.=g              for modifica: ion or ter=.:.nat:ca of tr.e =estal i= pact sate =e::1. To cocidi.
::ner    7eceremay
:.;tes wh.;ch        agen::es    r.:h respons:.
de sifected  by the' Ag      te=ent. ~he Execunve Director nate the incependent responsibdities j      et=e :. to ::. nc:;t.:e = the con-and c;ter s:gnatenes shan renew the cf the Act and NEPA. Federal agen.
report and cete: ::ne whether =ocifi.      cies should :nde-take ec=;11a=ce mth
' s.
  =ance ancsMeeti=g and may  (seehold  a Putu Irier.
{ 800.6(bx3))    cncnics mest or    ter=i=auc=
is app:  :;nate. of the Agree- these regula ! cts whenever Nanc a1
  .,.e ; reposed As et=es:-                                                                        Reg: ster or elig:ble proper-des may be affected by an under:At=g. The fol.
      .c) P rperenen c/ :he Arce nent lg }N Cwniina,non Eth Agexy b-                                lonng subsecuens i=dicate the 1; pro.
htil be t e resporatil!:y of the EI.                    omrements 1.nder the Ational En6      ;nate = cans of coordica.:: t the sub.
ecu*,:ve Dire .or to prepare cach                          rumental Poky ht W U.S.C. W, et                                                        ,
AcrTt=ect. At le'as 20 C.ays befcre e:.                    88 0                                  stance and t'+g CI agency co=pu.
, ceu:ing a: Ag eement, the Conseil                                                                asce with hTPA. Section 106. and Sec.
Sec:!cn 10ltbX4) of the Na:1ctal 6
' shan publis neuce of the proposed nren= ental Policy Act (NIPA) ce- tion                                :(b). The -Council wC1 renew agency enri en=enta.1 i= pact sta:e-Ar    rementec==:ents
  ;. : . ting in the ydr tat. Rr:;:s :n cla es that one cbjecure of natienal ::ents in accordance uth this sectic=.
fro = Federal, ennren=: ental polf;y is to preserve Adherence to these provisic=s will pro.
5:. ate, and loc:1 agencies and the impor.ast histone, cultural. 2=d natu. v:de Federal agencies nth r: ade.                                      l i
:::h:. ' he Couned nu =ake ec;tes raj aspects cf our =atic 2.1 hentage cuate record cf the censide:stion of                                        '
a.a::stle to :..te.Msted par tes and to an d = a = 11:. Thertver poss:ble. z.: Nauena.! Reg: ster and eligible ;rc;er-1::re:nate A C5 cle .nghouses,
      .:) neeanon c/ De Mrce- .cnt ennten=ent                            which s perts cite s:;7 ties dunng the ;1anning process and and ranety of ind T1:n:al choice." in M11 facd tate the production of a A.**er of cor =ents              e. ortar to meet th:s objec !Te, Tederal s=gle document to :neet the require.                    ;
FF;faAt e FC!sitt. VCt. M. NO. 21-TutsDaY. JANUseT 1:.1f77                                              I I.
t I
RULES AND REGULADONS .                                                        6079  -
ments cf NEPA. Section 106. Deet. draft env :c=entd !=;act sistement. the Co=:i! and made readHy avanatle ute
;; ens.
Creer 11*93. and these regula. Acenetes should include at avadable to the pub!!:. Agencies are also en.
relevant b!crmatics en National Reg. couraged to pu:hsh explanater./ rJ!d-it) It is ncrma!)y intended that the ister and ellr.ble ;rcperties. the ef. ance for the procedures.
Ser::en 106.Ixecuute Order e m. fects of the undentting and alterna.
ment; .c :er:oc fun concurrently w:th tive ecurses of action so that the draf t ! $00.11 Counterpart reguladons.
:..e NIPA rev:er process. In:Matten of ene.rermental i=pa:: statement ran                              Individual Federal agene:es =ay, in
:ne eer.s;ceratten of h:stor:c and cul. be sub=l::ed as the ;te!!=inary case ac:ctdece rth See:fon 1(3) of the                                  '
tural resources should comeide with re;cri under 1800.13tb) ci these regu. Executive Order. the President's                                      b
:ne reners. c::;ation To the of ::1x:=um other ent:ron=
exten*ental pos-lations. In sc=e instances. the Seca:cn Me=crandum en ental Qual.
106/ Executive      Order cc==enting ity an: Water Resources Manage =ent, sible,      agencies      should reflect
::1:us c: corn;11ance with Section 106 the  process  r13  be  ec=pleted  prior to issu. a.nd tnese rerdadons. choose to adept anee of a draft ennten=estal !=;act counterpart regulations related to the Execuuve Order and these rerda. statement. 1: that event. the co=. their specific programs and authorities tiens in 13 docu=ents prepared under =ents of the Council sM;:Jd be includ.                        to assast in meeting their responsibD.
N' EPA ( ental assessments, ed in the draf t.
: d. aft e:wiron=en d i= pact state.                    (e) Completion of the CouncD co=.            ities under Secuon 106 cf the Act and
=ents. and final environ = ental i= pact            me= ting process b accordance with              Section 2(b) of the Executive Order.
sta:e=ents) to prende the pubuc                these rerdauons should precede issu*              (a) Responsibiudes of bdir. dud Federal agencies pursuant to 1:00.1 the fd.lest and most co=clete infor. ance of the final ene.ronmental
=atten available on effects on historic impact state =ent. Coc:=ents of the may be =et by counterpart resta.
and cu.!tural resources and siternatives CouneD obta.tned pursuant to i 800.6 tions jobtly dra.fted by that agency
:o reduce those effects. If the ec=. or ! 800:8 of these regulations should proved                  and the Executive Director and ap-
* menting ;rocess under Section 106 and be incorporated into the final sta e*                                  by the Chat = nan. The Federal the Executive Order is not ce=pleted =ent.                                                          agency shan provide a=ple opportunI.
(f) The Cou=cH. in its reder of envi- ty for pubbe partici;aden in the devel.
before the find environ = ental i=;act s:a:e=e:: is issued. a.s undenal. rc== ental i=;act stateme=:s for t=. op=ent of such counterpart rerda.
* ings where subsequent design stage re. dertakings that affe:: National Reg:s. Mons, beluding puhucation 6 the Frp.
* iers occur, agencies should include ter or eUgible prcperties rin look for zu:. Rrc:sm as proposed and final '.
:he e==:D s ce==ents 6 any su;;1e. evidence of ; roper cc=;Uance with rule making with prortsion for a mini.
mestal state =ent. that is prepared Sectta *06 of the Act. Section 2(b) of mu:n 60 day pened for public co=.                                      t pursur          to NIPA.                            the Executive Order. and these rerala* ment. Once b effect such counterpart                  !
st) Federa! agencies should initiate tfens. The Counec's news c: the age 3* regulations =ay, as apprognate su.                              i c:=;;iance rath Section 106 cf the cy's co=pif ance these authenties percede                              the recuire=ents of { 800.0        '
/.c and the Execu:ive Order b ac. rin be-incluced i: its ce==e::s c= en. ."he                        .      Federal agency shan fue ap.
c:rdu.ce          T.n      these rerala ! cts v'.ren=en d i= pan statements.                        preved counterpar: regulauens r:th                    c cunn; b: id enn en= ental assers-                                                                  the CouncD and shad =1ke the= read.
rnents that are undenaken to meet { M1g Coordination wnh the Preu. den.
ny avaSable to the public, the rect:re=ents cf iTIPA ed agency                    tia. Memo 3ndm on Enuronmmal                  (b) Counterpar: terda:!ons may in-enntenment:.! ;reeecures. In                1.y          Quauty and Water Resources Manan. clude-                            -
event this should c,ccur no later :han                  " " ' '                                      WA W hd dmW uh applies to tha agency's panicu.iar ac.
dun .c the preparauc= cf the draft en.                Federal Agenefes      ud.*.h      rater re. urtues ne p;egms, vu en=en d !=pae: state =e: . Identi. sources responsibnities shall nc later                          (2) Methods to identify Naticta!
ficati:n cf Natic::.! Rer. ster and eifri. the three months a. iter publication tie ;te;e- les should be car-ied cut in of these rerdadens a.s !'- "y adepted Register and euritle prcperties for                                .
ac:ct:: .te C h ! 500.4 of these rera. = the F=In:. RIO:sm. pu:lish pro.                            each class cf u .denakings, (3) Methe:3 to evaluate effe::s en          '
;1 dens. P: ten !a! effe :s should thes cedures to i=plement these rerala- .N'atiend Rer. ster er ells:ble preper.
:e evuua:ed 2 a:ecrcrnce the tiens as required by the President:11 ties,                                                                      ;
Cr;;ena :! I!!en and Adverse Effee: Me=crancu= c:Invi ::=es:0 Qud.                                                                                ;
: . l 200.3 cf these teralstiens. The en. ::7 and Water Rescurces Manage =ent.                        (4) Authen:1:ica for nen. Federal nt:n=en:d 2.ssess=en; sad te draft Iach agency sha2 consuit the ;a.nicipation                  ess. ang 1: the consultation ; roc.
e n . .r:n=enta!        =;&n      state =e : Conned rh.!:e deve!c;=g !:s proce*
sh: ult luur desente 2.ny Natiend dures a.nd shafl provide 2.n opper: uni.                            Standards, raidelines and other Ref.3:er er elir.ble propenies v.thm              ty for pubbe revier a.nd ec=:nent en =casures              to ensure avoicance or =1:1 gatien of adverse effects en National the ennt:n= 1 ezental cf the!=;act cde-tat:,ng's  potential and the nature        their propcsed precedures      shan berer.: ladens.
effe:Uve            Agency Then  the Reg: ster and e!!gible prcperties I r ci :he =cenaking s eff eet en the=.                Chai.~ an 1;; roves the= a.s confer =* each class of undert-kings.    .
f e) *f ecr.!uaden ei the effen result. ing to the Presidendd Memorsecum                        (c) To the =Ari num extent possible.
ed :n a Dete. :naden of No E!!ect or and these reralatiens. Agency proce* counter;a:                pursuant  to
                                                                                                                    . regn;1tions ceveleped this seedon shculd be in.
N: A:ve se I!!e:: uncer ! 800.4. that dures =us*. at a "-"u= include ac. tergrated r. h agency                                teraladens for
  !===g. along. rtth supponi=g docu. ce; table measures to ;revent or =10
=ents: ten, should be included or ref. gate losses of historic or cultural re- Act,                the National Invironmental Poucy erenced in the ennronmental assess. sources and provisions to insure that                                                                ,
ment and the draft enn en=enta.! 1.D ;r:Jects =ct yet ec=structed win
* 0:Trn Paoy:s::::s
  =;at statement.                                    co=;ly with these teralations. Addl.
(c) !! erduatien of the effect resuit. ticnany, such procedures shaU ;te.
* M 1., Innstintion o threats to Na.
ed in a De:er: .maticn of Adve se scribe a clear way to identify funding                                tional Reps:er and th{roie properdes.
E!!ee:. :ha: finding and a ce;y cf the fer ental =1:!gation 1: an                            (1) The Counc3 is frecuently advised          -
agent rs re:ues: Ier the C:=c0's agency's 1;;r:;r:14cn reques.s. The by Sta:e E:stenc Preservatica Officers
::ar nen:.s        in    aceerdance    v.* h ;rceecures'shan be a;; roved by the and othe s of unde tairants that
  ! 100 O cx1) cf these teraladens Chat =an rathin 60 days if : hey are threaten Natient.1 Regis:er er eur.ble sneu : te included in or referenced in censisten Mth these rera!a i:ns. prepenies and that s;; ear to hvolve ne en..r:ntnental assess =ent and the Once in e!!e : they shan be IUed r.rh a Federal agency. In creer to ;r:te:t FE f aAt 18G15:14 VCL. M. NC. 21-TVttDaY. JANUARY 33. 1979
    . 6080                                        ,                        RULES AND REGUI.ATIONS                                                                      '
                                                                                                                                                                                .      r t
these ;reperties. the Exscutive Direc.                          (3) A Ust of National Reg: ster an$f i
:ct brest: gates these =atters. general. ellg:tle prope-ties that s.2 be affected include a verificatica of the !egal and l    *y ty vnt=g *o the Federal agency by the undertating. beluding a de. histencal
        .                                                                                                                                  status of the propeny and l
that se; ears to oe involved in the un. sen;tien of the prcperty's phyncal ap. an certas:ng. Feceral agencies shouJd re.
assess =ent of the histoncal, archi.
tectural. archeological or cultural sig.
pear 1Dee and significance;                              nificance of the property.
s;cnc to these incu:rles ethan 30                              (4) A bnet state =ent explaining Thy                    (2) M ency Offie:ars Jteport The cays. !! there is Feceral mvolve=ent each ci the Cntens of Adverse I'!ect report Ire:n the Agency Offical re-
: the:uundertak=g.
ful'il:        res;cns:::btiesthe agency under these sha!! (See cable:Sectie: 300.3) was found ina;;U. Questing cc==en:s shad include a reg d atic ns.
(5) Tntten views of the State Eis. genera 2 discussion and chronoicry of tt) The Coune:) will exere:se its au.                                                                            the yrc;csed undenat:ng; an account            '
toric Preservation O*ficer concerning of the steps taken to co= sty the
:henty c:es          to ec==ent under                to Federal nese regulations              agen.E!!ect.
in ceria:n        the Dete.~=ation if avt:1stle: and. of No AAerse Nattend Enviren= ental Policy Act                                        !
l spec:12 s:: cat: ens even though rn ten                                                                              (NEPAh any relevant supperung docu.            ,
(6) An esth= ate of the cost ei the un. =entatics in studies that the agency not:ce that an undenak:ng wC1 have Identifying FedetaJ and has ce=cleted: an evaluation of the an ceived.
adverse e!!ect has not been re- non.Tedersl ahares.                                                        effect of the undertaking upon the (b) Preliminnfy Case Reports. Pre. property, with partjeular reference to I 6o0.13 Reporu to the Counell.                            11=inary Case Reporu should be sub. the i= pact on the historical, architec.                                        ';
In creer to =cet responsib!11 ties pursuant          =1      ted to with  a request Section    800.4for andco==ents should tural,            archeologica2. and cultural                      ;
under these regulations, the Council include the foHowing infor=auen:                                              values:      steps taken or proposed by the prescribes that certain reports and                            (1) A desertption of the agency's in. agency to avoid or =1tigate adverse ef.
documents be r:sde available to it. volve=ent with the proposed under. fects of the undertaking; a thorough The content cf such reports is set tahng with citations of the agency's action:                                      discussion        of alternate and an analysis          foursesthe compart=g    of            ,
fcrth suffic:ent  be!or. The purpose infor=ation          is to for the      provide progra= authonty.and applicable i=. advantages resulting fro = the under.
CouncQ                                                                                                                            i 4
to evaluate the significance of affected and              ple=e=        ting regulations, procedures. taking with the disadvantages result.
guidelines:                                                                                                  ;
Naticnal Reguter and eligible propdr.                                                                              las fro = the adverse e!!ects on Na.
ties. undere:2nd the objectives *and re- agency's            (2) Theapproval status of  this project in the tional' Reg: ster or eugible properties.
process:                                                                                  -
i cutre=ents of the undehaking. assess                                                                                The Agency O!!icial than arrange for (1) The status of this project in the the sub=ission and presentation of                                          i the effee: in ter s of the entena spec. agency's                            Nattend F. nron= ental any repen by a gra: tee. per=i::ee 11 i'ied      := these    rer.:latiens.
:ne feasicil!:7 and prudence of af ter..nd  andy:e    PoUey      Act    cc=pifance    process and the censee, or other pany Feder.                                <
natives. ~?.e Council further recog. ren=entd              ta get cate        for cc=pletion of ED envi. M assistance ci a;;rova! to carry out responsibilities:                          the unden.aking.
        =ces that the Act reccires that Na.                            (4) A desen;; ion of the proposed un.
        .tenal Reg: ster =d eiirible ; operties de tat =g includag, as a;;rc;na e.                                            (3) 0:her Ieders! heney Reporis. A heujd := ;tese. zed 23
* Imng par                          nctcc a;hs. =aps.                                    repen irc= any cther Tederal agency c! our cc== unity his r.nd develop. specifjestions:                                        drawings, and invclved in the undenak=g or a relat.                                e
        =en:? and censide s these ele =ents                            (5)                                                  ed actic that affecu the property in 5 an =denai:=r tha: have releva.nce Reg: ster                        A desc    :stien of the National .cuestic:. including a general descrip.
er ensible pre;erdes affened t:cs and ch enology of tha; agency's                                  [
beycnd h:s:enes! and cultur 1 cen. by the undenating, including a de.                                              involve =en; and its relation to the un.
::uanc        To ass:s    2eitCouncil in weighing seeks the  in- sen;;ic appeartace  cf theandOrc;enies' significance:physical certaking                being consicered, by the
* icr=atica ne: only beanng upon phys.                                                                                Council.
(6) A brief s:&temen: ex;Iaining why leal,                                                                                                                  (4) 5::te Historie Preserection O//I.
::: also infon=atien ec=cerning eco. (Ses !cf!00.3) estnetic. cr  environmentd        effects  1:y        the Cntena a;;17: cf Adverse I.ffect cer's Reper:. A report fro = the State ne=ic. see:.I. anc ether bene!!u cr de.                                                                            E1 steric Presemtic: 01ficer should                        !
:.. menu that C result frc= the un. teric                      (-) Wn: ten views cf the State Eis. include a: assessment af the signifi.
!      cenak: .g.                                                          Prese: ca*aen Officer cence.ning cance ci the propeny withis the State
)      :nese re;ct.s      Agene:es      should of b me contex:      consider the: the effect c the property. if avaCable: preservaden prog n=:a= evduation cf (E) The news cf other Federal ager. the effen cf the undenaking upon the ec=;Uance Tith c      the Natiend Inviron. cies. Sta:e and !cca! gcVer=::esu. and propeny a d its specifje ec=;.cnents:
!                      De y Act and incorporate the cther g oups cr i=dMduals, when 10 evaluaten cf knov. Uternate
        .he:r cen:ent = ennrer_~.. ental assess- k:c . :
          .cnts. ::af: env::c:=e ntal !=;ae:                        (9) A desc ::do: and analysis cf d. courses                        of actic : a discussics of pres.
ett or ;te;csed par.ic:panon cf State i
:=:ac; sta:emen:s      and !=a! as ennron::
specified ental      te effec in verte    sa::ves  s; that tculd avoid the ad- and loc 2.1 agencies cr otra.=!zatiens in                                i
!      ! S00.9.                                                      CD) A cesen; tic and analysis cf a.i. the            ;rtsern:t ci assisting 1: preserving proper:7. as indicatics cf the sup.
h eta) r. Occume          .:enott Jer ter At:ves that would =: Orate the ad. pct cr c;pesition of u. nits of govern.
cf No Adre se f/7ect. Adequate verse effects; and.
coeu: .enta;ic: of a Determination of                                                                                =ent and public 2:d ;nvate agencies (11) An es:1=ste of the ecs cf the No Mve se I!!ee: pursuant to I B00.4 under:ating. identifying Federal a .d a:d crgameauens cithin the State:
4 shecid =c!uve the !cuernt.infor=a. =c=.Tederaj shares:                                                              and the reec==endation cf the State t:en:                                                          (c) Reperts /cr Council Stee:ing. Eistenc                          ?resemtion Officer.                      -
(1) A descr:ction ci the agency's is.                                                                              (5) I:ceuu:e Director's Report A                    !  !
Consideration of an undertaking by repen frc= the I.xecutive Director                                            I  ;
vc!ve=ent W:th the proposed under. e:ther the fuD Ccuncil or a panel pur. sha.U include a descr::: ton of the ac.
      ;rcg        a= T  th citstjens auther::y      a:d cf  the agency's applicable      t=. suzst to } 800.6 is based en reports tio:s taken pursuant to these regula.                                            t frem the T.xecutive D!recter. the tic:s. an evaluation of the e!!ect of
      ;;e=enting and r.:1dehnes:      ter.:stions. precedures. Agency Official, the Secreta.y of the the undenaking on the picperty, a                                                          i it A desc .;;ien of the preposed un.                  laterier, the State Eistoric Preserva. review cf any k cT: diernate courses                                          f dtnat .g including. as apprognate, cens:s*                tion Officer, cf the and    others. The re;cris ci actien. as analysis ce=panng the folloring
! ;ne:cc a:ns. =0;s. draw =gs. 2d                                                                                          advantages retulting ! t= the under.
(1) Steretary c/ de Jr.:crict's Report. ta. king r::h the disadvantages result.
{ s;tedca :cas;                                                  The te;crt fro = the Secretary sha.!l =g .frC= the adverse effec:s en Na.                                            ;
!                                                                                                                                                                                      I FIDER At stetnts. VCt. M. NC. 21-Tuts:AY. JANUAeY 20. IM                                            .
e h
i I
RULES AND REGULATIONS                                              ~~
* 6081 ucnal and    recc F.egater
                    . .encat: erense!!r.bla  preperties for Couned        anc elfr.ble cevelop:ngprcperties. detertonining ahernr.tnes      avo:d ore'!!ect. full cr panzl CouncQ meetings seusn.                                                                                                  (1800.6(d)). and the availatesty cf
: 6) 0:hcr Reports. The Council M11 has                  mitsgate    an adverse considerable          effect.
:nfer=ation    The public ether infermancn related to the avadable j
::ns:cer cther penment recc ts. state.                    that could aas:st Federal agtnc:es, the review process ander these ter.dations                    l
such as a Dete m: nation of No Effect.
    -. mutes,ectrescencenec, anc documents rece:ted transenpts. fromState and themstenc' Councu Presereation    O!!!cer in =eetmg their    re-a Deter    mnauen : No Adve se E!!ect, a Memcrancum of Agreerr.ent (See sny panc F.e      e rtsa;2sucmatted parues. put!)e      or prtrate.
pursuant    to this Thespons:bil!ues    uncer these Couned espec:Mly        rer.:lations.
urges  that Fed. 1 E00.6(c)) er a Programmate Memo.
sect:en s nct.;d ce recesved by the eral agencies make every effort to in. The                            rancurn of Ar te=ent (See i 300.8),
Couned at least            -
pur;;ose of such nctice is to Couned sett:ng.                days pr:or to a volve gnntees, pemttees. licensees, inform persons. agencies, and orga.%                              .
and other parties in interest'lE i 500.14 Sutplementary Guidame.                            consultation procer.s. To this en[the cations that may be interested or af.                .
the fected by the proposed undertalung of Counc!1. the Agency O:fictal and the the oppcrtunity to partict; ate in the The Decut:ye further      r.:: dance  DLrecter    =ay these to interpret      issue State should:  Histone Presertation O!!1cer review process under these regula.
regulations to usist Federal agencies                          (a) Make readily avillable. to the uons. This include:
and State Eistenc Preservation O!!!-                                                                        (1) Macing notice to those who have cers :n meetmg their responsibilities.                    extent possible, documents. =atertals, requested it on an individual smder.
Tha rancelmas are for informational anci other information and data con. taking or Progn=matic Memorandum purposts only and will be published in cerning the and effects of Agreement.
on National Reguter and eligible prop.          (2) Use of notice in local newspaper, the Ftata.A:. Ractsna and win be read-Dy avanable to the pubuc.                                  ertie.s that may be of innrest to the local media. and newsletters that may public. Such information sheJd be be expected to reach potentially inter.
I 600.15 Publie karticipau. ors.
erade avanable Mihin the 11=its of the ested persons.
Preedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.            (3) Posting of notice on. and off site The pa public    Council      encourages tic:pation              muimum in the review      proc- 552)      and need not necessarily include in the area where the undertaking is in. formation on budget financial, per.      proposed to be located.                      -
ess    under these regulations. The sonnel, and other propnetary matters Councu. Fecers.! agencies, and State                                                                        (c) Solicit relevant information frcm Histo' ne P eservauon Officers, should or the specific location of archeolog). the pubbe curtng the identification of ca! sites. Matertal to be made avanable National Register a.nd engtble prcper.
seek assistance frem the pubuc includ- to the pubuc by the agency and th,
:..s other Tederal agencies, units of State Elstenc Preservauon Officer censideration                    !cs. the evaluaticn  of effects. and the cf alternatives.              :
    ;ccal ann State sovernment, public should be prodded to the pubuc at the                                    (d) Hold or sponsor public meetings and pnvate crg2.n:.:.st2ons, ind:viduals                          - um ecs per--i"ible.
and federa!!y recer iced Indian tribes                                                                  on proposed uncer aktngs and make (b) Make the public aware of Public dH! rent efforts to include the puchc.
In evuusti..g Nr.nenal Reg: ster and Infor=ation Meettngs (j 600.6(b)(3)).
ITE Doc. m: 48 rued 109-Te: 2:45 a=1
        ~                                              .                                                                                                ;
8 I
I l
e I,
Fittt.At itGist!R. VCt. u. NC. 21-TUESDAY. JANUARY 30. ter9 I
R                                            wou.idyczi                                                    '
                                                                                            "ike!cknow                                        j I                                s                                                      if any Changes have been mada in certain titles of the COCE OF                          ,
U N                                  -                          FEDERAL REGULATIONS withcut
(      s.                                        .
reading.the Federal Register every day? If may wish to subscribe                                -
                                        '                                                        to the " Cumulative Ust cf CFR Sections Aff ected," the " Federal
                                  %,        N,                *                        -
Register Index." or both.              ;
g                    y                      ,
Cumulative List of CFR Se:tions Affected
                                                                                  .                                            310.00 A            .                              .
per year
                                                                          ,,          The " Cumulative List of CFR Sections Affected" is desigr'ed to lead users cf
                      -                                                'N' 9*                    the Code of Federal Regulations to
                                                                                      %, amendatory actions puciished in the
                            *g ,    \
N        '        Federal Register, and is issued        -
rnenthly in cumulative ferr 1. Entries
(                                          indicate the nature cf the changes.
Federal Register Inder 58.00 g                                                                        per year                  -
i tr; dexes c:vering the
          *                                                            \            contents of the caily Fede-a!Cegister are issued monthly, quarterly, and annually.
      .                                                                                  Entries are ca*'ied primanly ur certhe names ef.the issuing agenc:es. Significant subjects are carried as cress refere:es,                                        '
g                                                -                                                                            i
                                                              %            A findint aid is incluced in e ach pue'icatiori we.ich lists
* Feceral Register page numbers with the one of puotication in the Federal Registe*.
Note to FR Sutscribers: FR meeses and the
                                                                  =    "Cumulatrve List cf CFR sections AMectec" will c=ntmue
                                            =                                to te maileC free of charge to regular 'R swesenters, s                s* ,N*
b' .h a . I 41    tht      ITTIIIt LJ.LD hI112XI.1111HTTTTTT111Lnital t 1it r11121JTIIlluUUliIst il Wail arter form tc;                                                                                        e                      E supent :enceeit of Occuments, U.s. Cowsmment Nnting CMee. Washington. 0.C.                      20de:
3  There is ectosed e              'for                subsenstJon(s) to the publications c.hecked belew:                              3
      ~                                                                                                                                        "
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Z Name
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Latest revision as of 06:01, 15 March 2020

Comments on Draft EIS for Facilities Re Issuance of Ols. Council Considers Statement Incomplete Re Treatment of Historical,Archeological,Architectural & Cultural Resources. Addl Issues Should Be Addressed.Fr Encl
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/02/1982
From: Tannenbaum J
To: Larry Wheeler
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8207070132
Download: ML20054L078 (18)


.. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ .

,~ 0-Y0

'V Advisory M Council On Historic Preservation 1522 K Street. NW Washington. DC 20005 July 2, 1982 Mr. Louis L. Wheeler Project Manager Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Wheeler:

The Council has reviewed your draft environmental impact statement for issuance of operating licenses for the Seabrook Station in Seabrook, New Hampshire, circulated for comment pursuant to Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act. We note that page 4-29 of the draft environmental impact statement states that two historic districts potentially eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places

". . . are along the path of the approved transmission corridor." We have been informed that, specifically, the Hilltop and Jewelltown Historic Districts, each of which have both archeological and historical significance, will be physically and visually affected by the undertaking.

Circulation of a draf t environmental impact statement does not fulfill your responsibilities under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. Sec. 470(f)) .

Prior to the approval of the expenditure of any Federal funds or prior to the granting of any license, permit, or other approval for an undertaking, Federal agencies must afford the Council an opportunity to comment on the ef fect of the undertaking on properties included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places in accordance with the Council's regulations, " Protection of Historic and Cultural Properties" (36 CFR Part 800) (enclosed). Until these requirements are met, the Council considers the draft environmental statement incomplete in its treatment of historical, archeological, architectural, and cultural resources. You should obtain the Council's substantive comments through the process outlined in 36 CFR Sec. 800.9. These comments should then 8207070132 820702 {

PDR ADOCK 05000443 D PDR

.. . . - - .- . . - =_ .


2 be incorporated into any subsequent documents prepared to meet requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act. Kate M. Perry may be

contacted at 254-3495 for further assistance.

Si erely, 4

Jo n E. Tannenbaum l Chi- , Eastern Division of Project Review Enclosure t



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PROPERTIES Final Amendments

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6068 .. .


9310-Io.4) ' the Counen, and interested orga da.

rescense to the directives crutained in Titis 36- Perks. Forests, and Pubh,c tions and individuals participate. The the President's Me=orangu.=. The crocess is designed to assure that al. Task Force was charged wh rener.

Prop uty ternauves to ave!d er =Jtigate an ad-

. .g the draf t regulations antinformal.

vene effect on a National Renster or 17 offer =g cc==ents to the Council CHAPTER Vill-ADV15 CRY CCUNCll elagible prcperty are adequately con. on whether the regulatices ce=;ly ON HISTCRIC PRESERVATION sidered in the planning processes. The with the :.rective.

regulations are btncar on all Federal Pursuant to the Preside ='s Me=o.

  • PART SOO-PROTECTICH OF HISTOR. agencies and specify the =anner in randu=. agenetes with cess:!tatic: re.
  • IC AND CULTURAL PROPERTIES which the Councu van resder rponsibilities under the Ac: =us; de.

=ests to Federal agencies when their velop regulations to be as;teved by Amsndments to Existing Regulations undertakings affect preperties includ. the Chat ~. an of the Cou::cu in re. i ed is or clic1ble for belusion in the spense to these regulations. Such AG DICY: Adnsory Cou=ca en Eister. Nancta.1 Renster of Historic Places, agencies =ust publish regulations no ic Preservauen. .

To facilitate processing. of the large later than three =onths after the ef.

AC"2ON: F'=al a= enc =ents to regu. volc=e of cases sumed for Councu he date of these regulattens.

" co==ent each year, the regulations Other agencies =ay choose to adopt


These regIlations !=ple- provide for age 3Cy consultation with counterpart ret"dations @ecifically msnt Secton 106 c! the National Ei> the Council sta.!f and State Eistorte tauored to their particular program ,

toric P eservation Act 1966, as a=end- Preservation Officers tc6 reduce the needs as stipulated in these regula. f-number of undertakists that tions.

ed (16 U.S.C. 470), and two Presiden. consideration by the full CouncS. These regulations issued pursuant to A-#

ud direcuves issued pursuant to Sec- '."he purpose of the present a=end. 16 U.S.C. 470s were adopted by utant. "y .

tien 106-T.xecuuve Order 11553. May =ests is to reduce procedural delay, =ous vote of the full Ccunca Ln coen

13. 1971. " Protection and D.ha.nce- encoursge agencies to develop internal session on January 17.1979. As direct.

=ent ci the Cdtural by:ro =ent** regulatices to comply with the re. ed by the Preside =t. the a= ended reg.

(36 FR 89 1.16 U.S.C. 470), and the quire =ents of the Act and these regu. ulations will be effective March 1.

Presids :'s Me=crandu= cn hviron. latices to clarify the process since the 1979

=en d Quality 2. d Water Resources last pub!.icatics of the CouncD's regu.

Management. Ju.!y 10,19iE. The regu. laticns i 1974, and to i= lement the S notAa7 or MucR CEAucts Inions have been x=enced to reflect direc*.fres in the Pres 3 dent's Me= cran. The flew of the cc==entt:g process changes and addit: ens to the Cou=cD's autiontjes. as weD as expenesee Water cu= cs bnrr:.=Manage Rescurces ental Quauty =ent- a.nd established by the 1914 ren:Intens re.

csi.:ed in wcr41=g the process =atis basicaDy uncha=ged i: the pres-la late 1977. the CoureD s*aff bega.t cut a= enc.=ts:1. However, the resda.

s:.nce the lan puclie tien cf terda. a eassessment of the existing reguia- tiens have been renumbered s.=d rear. .

tiens i: 1574. nese a=end=ents are ticas codified 1: 1974 in 36 CTR Part n. ged irc= the 1974 put'icatic tor .~

intended te ex ecte a:d clarify the 800, 1: as effen to determine what .

g eater cianty The gene &_.g =sjer ..

tio: 106 ef the Nauens.: Eisterir Pres. tae s were necessary. In July of 1972 tiertn have bees =ade 1: the regula-ec=.=ent .c ;rocen recu: red by See chasges, cla**I:catens. or . =odifica. changes '

.e- atic: Act. i the P~.sident !: ud the Me=cnsdum

, 1. See:lt: 300.4(a) has been subs:r.n.

. . s. . . . .. 3.2. . .c u.-2 c biremestal hgeQur.11:7 sent e sad Water tidly revised to provide fu .her guld.

, c;g.

g, direc* ' I-TCR : s.Tm .N7CRM.A~;CN ~ m e Nw as e m mg  %

CCh~ AC'. ed the Chai. as cf the Counc2 to Ucaden of Nau,. s.1 ster z.nd engi. h renew z.ed ;rc=ulgate regadaticus i=.' ble prependet Jch: M. Pewler. A General ple=esting the Ac: and the Me=cras-Cm=sel. A:ir.scry CcuneD c: E: ster- cu= by Ma ch 1.1979. Acccrdir. gly. defi=e 2. A new I 800.5 has been adced to the responsi5111 ties of Stue Eis.

1: ? ese.muen.110 K Street. NW. the t=s =g ren:1stiens were amended tenc Preservaten officers = i3e c==.

to reflect charges i: statutcry author.

3. g *

. D.C. 20005. 200 054- hy, expenence galced i: !=ple=e::1.c =e t=g ; ocess. ,

3. Secuen 500.6(d) auther. es the .

the procedu es s=ce 1974 a:d to meet Cha:r na: to appoint a psmel of five ST??: C.:L TART -

INFORM.CION: the cc--ds c the President's Me=o- =e=ters of the Council :: eensider 3A cT.c R C =y"' O- e kings 10 e C ne CouneQ published prepesed by the 42 Counen. c s=ieraden

~he Adr.scry Counc0 c: Eistene a=r:d=ests to the ex. sting reguia.

P eserranc: is putiishing these fica.! tic =s in the F=otA: Rrc:3 n en Oc. ing 4. A new { 800.7 has been added ceal. -

a=ent.=e :s :o 1:s e=sti:s regula: cas tcber 30.1978. and isnted public ce=. ec=st-.acuen. r. h resources discovered du .ar to !=:le=est Secue: 106 cf the Na- =e=t for a 30 day penod. A nu=ber of .

5. A new I 800.8 has been added deal.

icaa! Eistenc Preservation Act, as Federal agencies and others requested bg w.*.h Pres a amatic Me=oranda of 2.=e=dec (16 U.S.C. 470f L The pu ;cse extensto of the ec==ent penod. On Ag tement anow;ng an asesey to cf Secuen 106 is to ;rotect prepenies November OE.1978, the Counc0 pub-cbtain the CouncC's co==ent.s for a t=cluded the National is cr.tlinble Reg: ster for ofbelusien Eistone b enending 11shed touce the in the F=catA:.

ec==ent periodRec Ier sm a parucular prog a= or class cf under.

Places' through rener asd ec==ent u r- rt that would require .

by the Ceuse:.! c: Federal undenal. 29,197E, additicca.! thiny days untC Dece=ber numerous individual reques:s for ce=.

providing for a 60 day co=. =ents.

ings that affect such prepenfes. P ep- =es: penod i= tota! A public bnefint .

6. Se. ton 800.9 revises the cririnal enies are listed c= the Natica J Reg.s. . for bterested agencies, crranications, secuc= dealing the National En.

ter er cedated elig: Die for listing by and bdividuais os the preposed c.ron= ental Potcy Act to rtCect tew the Secreta y cf the Interior: As =.

p.e= entec threugh these regulatic=s. a=e=d=ents 11.1978. Coused was held staff alsoen Dece=

actively co-der Council en Dr.rc== ental Qua!Jty the See:2cn 106 process is a public in- cperated 6th the Srcreta.ry of the In- rerdaticns.

7. A new i 800.11 has bet added to teres: ;rocess is w .:ch the Fede-al tener's Water Poljer l=ple=entation author =e ecunte.part ren:!acens per.

agency ;repes:ng an undertahing, the Task Tcree en Env.ron=tntal Stat- =J agencies to develc; regula.

5:ste Ei.stenc Presenatics O!!icer, utes. The Task Forte was cc vened in tions which. If a;; roved by the Chaar.

FtstLAt itGisTit. VOL. M. NC. 21-TVt3 DAY, JANUARY 20. ter*


, --- - - - - - , , , , , - - - mr s - , - , -


.' r.n. =ay be used to meet certain re. .

h.:re=ents of these regulations. prior Section 106 cec:p!!ance, during 6069

8. A new deah g i 200.15 ha.s been added the agency's formulation of a budget the Council on Environmental Quality with pubhc parucipadon in request to be submitted to the Office for purposes of the Sauenal Enttren-the Secuc: 106 review process, of bla:Agement and Budget. In either :esta! Policy Act. The new language
9. A cer i 800.14 has Supplementary Gu: dance- The Sup. Secuon been added on eve =t agencies should complete their of this section is now tied closely to 106 responsibilities pnor tc the Nauenal Reguter Critena. One

-le= entry ocidennes included in the mdung submissions to the O!!!ce c: ccm= enter suggested that only signifi.

breposec arnenements have been ML=


de. age =ent a.nd Budget. Actnc:u cant efferts be

attens. ,.
.s cc= covered by these rer.2-Suppie=entr.ty Guidelines II ment anc ."/ have been included in i 800.13. budget Ob!B Circular A-10. which concernswill regture= ~nts.

ce=was plyonot Ethadopt-the require statutory

=ents con!!:entiality.

tions,10. Thicuchout the amended ren:la. Author:ations for progra,ms -

ti=e h=jts have be.s estab. that hshed to expedite the process wbile wiu have unifor= ahene eMects on onBW M Am encourage.g pation. =1ximum puglic partici. Nulond Reguter or engbie proper

  • RESPoNsDrm-ties a:d where the legulative terms cf This section describes the means by author =& tion. =ay sever.ely limit the which a Federal agency should identi-Comrcers AND Txt CovNen.'s opportunity to avoid or mitigue ad- fy National Resister or rugible proper-Resrowse verse effecu on a case by case basis un the alsorecent beluded.

ues and determine whether an under. L The Counca received 128 co==entsbe S An enmole would takms affects such properties and pro-p

" enoc 'en Dect=nero tr,e e.ose of the co==ent ment Progrs=.pecial Bridge Replace- vides for coorhian with the State

" 29,1978. A acci. which. In its original Eistone Preservation O!!!cers. A large cad 16 ce= stats were received be- Ior=. proh!bited the use of funds for tween December 30, 1978, and the a=ything but replacement of unsafe number of comments were receteed on CcuncD =ceths en J1:uary 17 and 18. bndres. The result was that alterna- the etire secion. N Fedeal arm. -

1919. An ec=me cies felt thu further clutfication of the Councu me=nts bers werefor reviewsubt prior itted closedto uveswhen such as rehabilitation were fore-a particular National Reg- sponse the entire section was needed. In re-to these comments. the secion to the =eeti .g.

Co=ments were re. ister or eligible bndre was proposed has been re. structured. The Counc3 cetved from 3: Federd agencies. :- for replacement. When seeiting Coun- has adopted a reasonsble effort s*.and.

State 33 Stue Eistoric e,r loedPrest.vation gover O!!icers, cu ce==ests on such a progtam agen- srd for Federal agencies to meet in ents and 5: caes should foDow the pronsions of identifyng Natio=al Register and eli-pr;vate crgan= sue:s =o=r bdncuMs. I of 800.8.

Agreement." " Prog z==auc Memorssdum gible properties. Federal agency re-and one U.S. SenaJor. spc:sibihues for deter-Mnnlon of Sc= tex 800.1 Petros The definition of elief51e property effen are also set forth in this secien.

aN*> contained b i 800 (f) ha; bee: rewrit- The ulumate resocesibility for ce=pu-At nfor Os and was cht.nged inten ancetonth me thee regulations rests W.h closely reflect statutcry the Federal by it. age cy and cannot be del.

-.e The sectien se erdwas cc:tly rewerced su ggesuc=s to b te a Nera! =e=y age egned Several cy. response "se ac 7e '15.r.dg- ge c cser to that ec==cten cf wm c. ,-e eph tha.

the CouncS shcu!d review or.17 thoseSecnen.800Na) has coments been altered in.

7' ec -

nsponse w ne=erous b-eIt N. t-d~ ,e s- "%"ve .gg Orce*f.

w est A see, c dertahings affect 1=g propertes ac-ciudhg several from Federsi agencies.


!e=[cr.ncu= cn Ennrodsen. tually listed es the Nuienal Reg: ster.

10 Cud.:ty and Wner Resourcee hias, Such a li=1tauen is cor.truy to the forth a The secuen has bee: re drafted to set Iorical sequence needed to

^#***", '

r= ndate of the Nauena.1 Historic Pres- Idenufy properties. Turcughout the :t 5:=:ex 800.". Dtr:.s::tess '@ errnic Ac* a. d was not ade:ted. process of identification. there shculd {

Se: A defhstics ci the. area of the un- be ec sultat!cn betwee the Agency c enat:ng's p, potenue envirc = ental Offic:al and the St

f. Men3300.2tc)

?$ ( IO

""* was clarfied

  • in t= pac Je.

'.(' ,((' eral cct==ents expressed concer: clen that as agencyhecan

  • is ccataine:i in ! $000(o). Sev- vnics O*ficer. ~ue E1 steric Preser.

senien makes request, the about the difficulty in defi =g this CouncS's ce==es ts s:=ultanecusly

~ ~'"""." ##


[,gE .usto/.'=.#I"*Z""".[-/~'..-73eu'n c, for eligtbility frc= the

-Y .."'.?.' .

O ter=. The deft itics no Ic ger b- nth a request t

e  ;

O E e .5. gci' IC 1 cludes reference to secc dur effects

' f

^I. E.D-. D"'. i."c

. I[Io= gene;.s Secreury of the Interior. ~he Ccuncil g; and ts cons: stent with the defi=10ccbelieves that the recrga =ed secucc is 7.1..'.".* '

or ah 1 T" #.C'".c?p '"Q 7~'~e .;I.ica adopted by me CouncU cn Mon- clener and that it wil! 1How agencies

'h .

e . .C.. is notOuz.11ty.

mentu to This ew secucn has to k=cw in =cM p.* rem .c=s whu i..

b e .~iTl.1 ".....;vT'Iy,'s

~- .e <. 2 generdap. bee: pro,modified sbu the draft amcd- required to idently Natic:21 Reg: ster  !

'e'~ ' 5ese~CeM e's~ts to Ee *ren=ewed =ents by the addiuen of the require- er eMcble pnpe-des.  ?

7to 'e$sure re'dlauens.

ro The purposearea mest thu the boundaries of such an are to be deter = bed by the 7<fect, Secuen 800Nb). Deter =ination of c'e d also received numerous com-

. 4 .e r er

- and timely consid. Agency O!!!c:4 and the State E:stenc =ents trem Feders! agencies and e$"c[a c -%acunnes ge 3 c-that ganenalMU Preservnfon Officer. ethem. The teYcYe1.g";tlIhropentes and that .isSecuen a new8000 secuc (.p). Cons'.r.lthg Parties, (800.ubX has beens)) sectien clanfied con.on No Effect o'Nue 'imated cpportunity after Con- M2ny commenters ex* how an objection cza be = ace hesstend acuen to consider alterna, pressed confusion as to who the pa i uves to avoid er mitigate these i=- ties to the consultnion process were.r* tive andDirector the manner in which the Execu-willtespond. '

c -


-.sier Such teunties construcnen are usuzuy projects'rc;'on 800.3 Anvrast Cx=smA or Er7:c: ANs naSecuen 800.4(c)e conee: ing Deter =i-

ha: are ;tepesed !ct Cc gressiond Errrc.,* cla.

d b uspen.m a has h 1;;reval ** a spenfic Sectie 800.3 was the subject of se 2 smM cc=-

nne des;gn fenures,1:te er uth spe. . =ents. No Adverse Effect Deter. 2:: ,

such as a dam. ~acy comments. The entire secic: tic s =ust be ~ade in =nsdtauon 5e:nen ne ;nct to author106 review wouJd be appropri. has bee: rewerted for greater clanty, Eth the ap;te:nate Sute c steric , cf pro;ecu au: canon cr. in the A deft:unen of direct and indirect ef. P eservat:en O!!!cer and evidence of thciced nthout lects has been added and the definj- ccatact nth a State Eistenc Preserva-tion deliberately track.s that used by ucn Officer =ust be included = the documentatic: forwarded to the FEDEeAL elotsti.R. YCL. ed. NO. 21-tVEs0AY, .JANUAeY W79 3*


E070 .


on Cf!.cer  !! hecoes State..ct Es:crie res;:nd P to eserva.

a re. the Director to censult the S:ste His. rnus: again be requestef. Seve al com.

uest under the rov
ssens of I 800.5. ter:c Prese:

interested tation O!!1cer and other menters sugges:ed tha: in such in.


Scenen ECG.4.d> has been shch;!y al. s:ances agene:es shou:d be actnon.

tered = res; to seve al ec==ents. Section 800.6(b) parallels the exist. ished that no further ac :cn on the The ::a.nsenta) cf a Prelitn: nary Case ing regulattons. Herever, several unde-t. king should proceed untu the

?.eper: cha..ges have been made. including Coun00 has cor.mentei The Counc:.!

cc=.: .en:s:nc!be ;hethe request !ct the previsions for spee:fic time 11=:ts agrees and th:s se:uen has been re.

Councd. '

A new i 500. Men has been added pro- Ahhough throughout the consu!!ati:n process, vued actorcingly.

a number cf ec== enters In response .

v:c ng that good faith censultation felt that Emies in interest to an un. I 800.6(c)(4) has beentoe .anged e=== en ts.

  • edd prevent an agency from pro-

. . to pro. ,

de-:ahng should have the s zius of a vide that any signatcr7 to the agree.

reed Cecne:1 =g M:h an undertaki has ;;ovided .g t=ul the censulting ;ar:y. these cc==ents ment can request a change in the its cc==ents. .

The secticn WS.ile appearing in sub. rete not adopted because the Council ter=1. At the request of several co=.

does not believe that it can impose stanuany the sa =e Ict n in severs! such a uniform requirement due to the menters a new secdon bas also been added which requires the Agency Offl.

ste : ens in the draft amendments. is wide variety of agency progn=s. At cial to provide a report on actions new one section. It is included as one the request of several Federal agen. taken to carry out the te ns of the secton at the request of a Federal cies. a 1**d agency provision is also tn. agreement.

tgency =e=ber of the Council.

cluded in this section. Section 800.6(d) dealing Coun.

Src tox 800.5 S7m Eis oarc Pas:s. In response to co=m ents, eu meetings has been revised in re.

tree:oM Orr:czm RnsPonsa=ms } 800.6(bv3) has been changed to pro. sponse to comments. Wheu the Chair.

vice that the public informaticin meet. =an decides against consideration by Section 800.5. State Histenc

' vaden O!!icer Responsibnities. is a undertaking. Preser. ing should be held near the site of the the CouncQ of a preposed undertak.

new see:icn. The section establishes ing. It can be scheduled if three mem.

A ner j 800.6(bX6) cn acceptanee ct bers .of the Council object. The pro-cestlines for respense on the pm of adverse effect has been included. Pre. posed amend =tnis would have re.

th:s c!!1c:al. Efter which the process vicusly, the Councf] equated accept. quired that a majority of the me=bers

=ay continue if no response has been ance of Adverse Eifect r1th =fugat:en object. Nu=erous c:=senters felt received. Pursuant to a substantial measu.res such as reecrding of a strue. that such a large number was unrealis.

nu==er cf c ==ents. however. lact cf ture that was be:nr de=clished. The tic. A =alor change !rc= the 1974 rer.

response ty the S; ate Eistenc Preser. Couscu realizes that there are e:::u.m. ulatons is the provision for a ;anel of vauen C!heer v.n no lenger be stances in which adverse effects en me=bers to censider an under:aking c ee==ay revier ed cc::eur ence. Seve 5:13 prc'ceed. Otheurn 2) e==. the National Register or eligible ; roper. on behalf of the fun Councu. Such a ,

ties =ust be necepted in the public in. panel would be composed of 5 mem. -

Centers used != suggestec that the shoulcs- te est. In such instances, the adverse bers, three non Tederd =e=be s and '

h:2 se ten be changed to e!!ect edl be accepted, generany v.*h s n a'.1r.' The suggestien ra: reie:ted a :: rov:so that a ree:rding effer; be :To Feceral me=bers. neither cf -

Thc=, represents the agency propos. e the CouncU lacks r. nee..:7 to pa'" of the spee=ent.

ing the undert&.i".g. ""be Coun:S be.

= pes e ma .da: ry re:u!. e=ents en these Sta:e c!!idds. Sectica 800.6(bx7) has been clarified 11eres that this prov'.sien e.n se ve to in respense to cc==ents. Any cne of both the su=ber of re-Sn ::ox 200.5 Co n:= Ccx:.= rs the censulting prrties may ce:lare a ferred for Counc0 censide anen s.nd m !aSure in the consd:atien process to expedite those cases.Several.Coun.

" ' ~


'I q^ , =7, . . g3c ~

U~ up:n cri: ten nouce to the Execuuve en =e=bers fen that c:ssideraten of y'.,~'.'....


.",- * .'4CI'. e..~

- d, ,

e- -- ,3 ~3-I#i#'C C# "h 13 "421#'d '* "** I7 Ih' *" '"d*#1*ki"' DY

  • C hai.--- m cf the Idlu e nti:n 15 he re;tesen Auve of the fun range of
    • "*1 **'Id " t .

o.'..h3 37'"7 days,

-- -.e'['e .e gC(3 c.

. . e.1, 3 .7 news provided by the emire Coun:S  ;


- *. /,3, Ees s73,


Secuen 800.6te) eence ning the =embership. After discur.sien at the ez l

",..e . 'T a log "5 *dE[E;ea[$:p Me=credu=


  • e C'I. -

cf Acce=en has been fuD Ccunci! =etting cn J=uary 1.

res-.::en in res; to ec==ents. An t

. ~ ~ ~ '/. . 1979. It was agreed tha; panel censid.

  1. [h ... " 7.i ,73 ' ..'"exp,EcS's !=?ct. ant change frem the ex:s:=g eratien of an under ah=g =ay be ad.

.~.'~~ S30h e , g ce .sig;... , ~ e res. Canons :s an expedited =ethoc fer vantageous in seme s::uanens. How.

_ : c m . .. 3i~ .u.e -.c

$3N35 r~e,'s[c).d to dn agehE[;DeIe

. . . . . =ent. A Federal ;;i.. pre agencya =g v.H ee Me=orueu=

re;&re a sten sheddcf beAree. ever.
n:he re-ext =ined ene Ccunen :

"se . g.;,73, m e ,. *-



pre;csal. thlch ctether the year to dete.~ine the eficctiveness cf ecrr en:3. as$eb!h!cMbe ve.::en eencut ence cf the Sate E.:.s. pane! renew of undertat=gs.

~-1 3.~[E:5"cr.s ben ;; aced en the Execuuve*s ten:acbe::anee Preservatica Cfficerdoc.

of ade;;2:e can be a nu=ber of ce==ents were re.

tnns=itted to tne Executave 0 rec ct ceived en the sectien dealing r.:h the umen:auen and the t:=e pened fer and inecrpcrated into the Me=oran. Tenew of a pa.ncl decisten. Many co=.

reeer of such De:e .r.mations of No du= of Ageement. = ente s pointed ou; that an a;;eal of Adve se IIIe : h:.s been reduced fic= Many ec== enters arreed r:th the a ;&nel ce::sion by any ne of the par.

the 45 days sti; dated in the 19~4 reg. Ccunc0 that this would speed up the ties involved as proposed in the craft dadons to M cars. process, but en!y if there were ti=e a=end=ents could actu2Uy delay the A ner i E00.6(1xlD provides that the li=::s placed en the process fcr rat:.fl. Process rather than speeding it up.

Ixecuuve 0:recter may specify eend. canon of an spec =ent. The Councu The Council agrees e.:h this assess.

t: ens to re=ove an obje::icn to a .N'o acted and a 11=!: of 10 days has bee: : cent and the appea! pronsion has I!!ect Determinaden. Severt.1 != pose d !ct tnnsmittal of such been deleted. However. if an agene/

ec== ente s suggested that the Sate Me=oranda to the Chai. . an.

Histen ? eservaten O!neer shculd dete =ines not to fcilow the ce=.

be :ne;;:ed :n this process.1::s the m. A nev { 800.6(cx3) dealing w::t the =ents cf a panel after c:nsider=g the effe:: of a Merneredurn cf Agee. cc==ents. it must ncMet to

enten of tne C:u. .c0 to in:!ude the =ent has been added. ' *.:s subse: ten the Cha:rman in orner o ;rev::e ep. -

l Sa:e E;.stenc P esertaden O!!!cer prev; des that if an agency fals to ;ortu .::y to have the mat er cer.std.

tr.tcugh the addi:;en of a Orens:cn in I car'"i out the terms of the apeement cred by the ful: Coun::1. Seesuse of

!;cOS2:m rn::h aners the Ixe:u. that the ec==ents cf the Counc 1 the nature of ; nel c:nside anen of Ft:!t At e! Cts *11. VCL. M. Nd.11-TVtsDM. JANuAtY 30. 1979


. an 'uncertak ng. the comments sete 6071 not accgted 2n:ch sugge.sted tha: no Scmox 800.8 Pxoem.Atu.tAne cens:cerauen c! an MDicF.u:r.! or Acar.cccf: StenoN 800.10 Coon:rNAncM w2:n

= der adnt Txt PRIst:crs f.ItxoRAnt:st on beyond a ;anel was necessary. This seet:en wa.s deve!cped a.s a h*:PommerAt Q:Attrr ann Weta means of allcwmg the Counc:1 to com. Rrsomts MAreAmm

'o t e e Co e' cs tSt a 31 UCul1T ??CF 1 C* CI153 statebe- ts * ' 'o e Ce-cd ve oeen acu = inat Todd c; re- This section recapitulates the man.

extenced cu:re multme =caviduM reques*.s fcr dates conta.ined in the .Memorancum

'v fer l u bl.Ito - mice a--le C- = est de the ngulanons. h. .o agencies s n.%. ..ater resources re-c aruc ation -ec* o"$'o1 t E00.6(d)f 3) has been c .a .ged to ;ro"- v.11 exped:te the renew process and ::ensibalties '~ ~al to develcp regulations to



  • hat the cC==ents et the Counc21 eh= :ste individus2 renews ofesder- "[.f gg"th'3. .C **'**"*"5" d'* S i#" -

T1u be :ssued w:thtn 15 days after a taxings that are repetiuve in nature.

i meeting 1.nd that such co==ents w1D For example the Councu has esecut. * ' . .

    • *00 #*Q"1" ed a progrmmtic agreement with be = ace ava:lable to interested par * "~

ues, tneluding the State Eistenc Pres- the Nanonal Park Service concerning C . E and 2 deMop erva:lo: Officer. the Part plansmg system. Uncer the e.nput standards for the ngula.

ter=s of the agree =est. Individua.! ac. u ns. h Counct. s2 issue guidance Stenos 800., RIsoracts tions taken to implement & =& ster 2 age.cies to deMop such ngda.

Dcmc Co., sin cnoM plan for a partinuar part that has cons.

previously been reviewed by the Cous.

This section was proposed as a addf- cil will normany not be subjected to StenoM 800.11 CoberERrART tion to the 1974 regulat3ons. As ongi. further Cot =cil review. Rzer:.AnoNs nMly proposed, the section was intend. A number of commenters suggested ed to estabi:sh a limited t:=e penod that the process include the State Eis. This section has be*.a revised to for the Council to provide its com. tone Preservatien O!!!cers in States aHow Federd agencies greater DezibD.

ments to an agency when a resource affected by such an agreement or the ity in implementmr the procedura.! re.

eligible for the National Renster uas National Ccalerence of State Eistoric quirements of these,regulatices. Sec.

d:seovered dun c the ac:ual cons: rue. Preservation Officers when the ag ee- tion 800.11 as proposed in the draft Lion cf a project after a.= agency had amene.ments dealt brieSy Mth the de.

me=t is nationwide to scope. The regu. velopment of a4e:Cy procedures under prenously rescensitCities. completed its Secton Wh.5e there 106 11tions have been revised to specifica.b Section 1(3) of Executive Order 11593.

were sev-eral un;us':fied, endersements. the changes ly aDowhan for such parucipatton.

bee: =ad Other The revised section was ceveloped i= the section majonty cf the ec==e=ters felt that 2 clar-3 a=bigtues pointed out by a frcm suggesuons received.from several the sect:ct as prconsed would cause numberof ec=menters- Federal agencies Under th:s section.

undue ; ojec: ceisys resu.!!ing in scdl- an agency may choose to develep tienM cests. The secuce was Sge=ey . 800.9 Cocr.:: nan oM WIT lE Counter art regu.lauCDs that C2.n be tim]y rev .tten in light cf these ecm- :Er NAnoNAr. ElWIRON%=:%l. 1. oMd 2 mMt the spec:fic require. ~<

=enu. The =r.nca: cry hMt of con. Pc .:c'r Ac ments of its planning and dec:sion .

s:n:ctice h:.s been e " - ted, aj. This section sets for h the =anner *:ating processes. Secucn 800.11 though :he Coucuj besieves : tat good in which the renew concucted unde- would per=it agenejes to devejop -

counterpart regulations !ct meeting fa.;;n agency ectsultaten

=ne reasonablerecut.res eff cr that.s to anwith Section 106 should that required by the be coord=atec Nauomal En- their respctsimilities tincer Section

.arcid Icteciosing opue s while the nro== ental Policy Act. This secuon 800.4.

  • his section requires that the CouncC's ce=mer:s 1*e being wucht. elaborates on )800.2 cf the 1074 regu- regulatic=s be joi=:ly drafted with the ."

As e-dted. I E00.7 a:;1:es only :o latic=s and has been developed in col

  • Executive Directcr and approved by these resour es c:. secreted du .:g cen- suhation the s* ff cf the Council the Chairman and provides an oppor.  ;

s:rucuct : hat =*e: the Naue:a! Reg. C E "T *** 3 QU2*7 h 18 E' #~ tunity !cr public pa.rtic:pa:Ics. '

ster C ..ena. Age:c:es tha: ciscover teru s of the two an=c:es *o Scenos 800.1., L a cA::oM or c e nste- jet:t supple =en.ary gu:cance c issup .

'.'*-~~I N~""- f ' _Cr_mefe e!!g-ble gye * .T- ope "'es tes hA:s to NaneNA: Rre: sin Ann e ~- *- - e "".-.,j, to subject in the ser. future. The pur. E:.:c:2:. ?3crn Is c"e=:ly nth ite ;m" sions o""f the Ar- pose cf the secuc is to co=bise to checlogjcal and E:stenc P ese- stien m'*- ene- ' poWe 6 > Th.s

..c cf .r .4. .he C:ure is adept =g. the !ct:- $' uen cYtesou$'c'es ess:ta:ic:

. cfsecuo:

yheredeals n h situations the CouncD has reasoni to be-as :he standard fer Secuen 106 ccm- ,gy,;.s.

and andys:s cf thernaures re. Jeve

  • hat a r ederal undertakmg a.f.

liance. :utigation acceptable to the quired by the separate statutes. Per fecting a Nauenal Recster er eligible Secretar/ of the Intenor under the most projects, the CouncC's ec==ents ;repeny has not bus rene in ac-

rontons of the Ar-heclog
cal and should be requested dunng the ; epa- cordance w:th these rer.dations. Sev.

E.s:cric P eservat:en Act.. ' herefore, rat:cn of the draft e nro==entsJ cal chficauc=s, were made to this an agency r.U be deemed to have =et impac* state =ent. Some commenters secuo: in respctse to specific ec=.

1:s responsibCitfes to r.iford the Ceus- noteg 3e, erg eum of 7 ,ee73; ;73 = en ts. Som Peceral agencies ex.

cd an c;;ortun:ty to ec==:ent if :t jec*.s which c2.=nct be cocid.inated m ;ressed a destre that the Council use ec=; lies w:th (he ;rmstens of the Ar- this e r. The e rer.daticas have disc euen :n , investigating such '

cheoicg: cal and Eir cne Prese vatica been rensed :o specifically provide for threat.s. The CouncD intends to do so.

Act. unle:s the Secretary determines this situatic=. It is the CcuncD's cojec. Previously. these prov'is:ces were in. ',

that eer:atn z.spects of the t= der.ab tite to prende its ec==ents on as cluded in i 800.13(b).1: the d. aft of mg Ta-- nt Couneu censiderance. If agency undertaking that requires as the proposed a=e d=ents j 800.13(a)

Coune2 censice aticn is deter =ined Q. ennte== ental i= pact state =en: in included a ::ronsfe for ce==ent er be necessary, a 30. day time !!=it has time to be included in the !! al state. repor; c: nc Federal t= der e gs.

been ;! aced en the tra.~.s= ::M cf com. ment. This should result in less ptper. This secuen has been deleted because werit and reduce delays m gulfinin me::s. The Ccunc:J be!! eves :ta: : u.s agency e n:c= mental renew respcas:g 1: :s based en the CouncD's general ad.

en cc:ays ~_.c r.Ueffec:ively se- e to reduce e bdities by a.Ucnng a single docu=est- nscr/ authenties uncer Secuan 002 of tim re-
he scurce. te be used to meet the infer =auen re- the Ac* and tot on Secuen 100 The ct:re=ents of both s;atutes. Courc3 nD cent =ue to exere:se its l generd acnscry authen:y under See-stot*.At ttGisitt. voL u. No. 2h iutsD A'r. JAwuAay 30.1979


cn 00: and 2-/.1 cc 2:cer =atters in amendments have been celeted. Sup. Rrnrw er !Nazetace. D:ntarses the ;uthe =terest. Ole =entary Guidelines II and N have 800.4 yecers: Acency Respons.b0ttles.

Sre :cs E00.13 .trer.;s c. :o tur been codt!!ed r.s ;&n c! ! 200.13. Sup- 500.5 E: ate Histerte Preservaaen 0::!:er Cc o c:*. piementary Gu:dehne 1. :he Cntent ResDens:temes.

of the Natacnal Reg: ster of Eistcric 200 6 Cou..c:2 comments.

Th:s secucn sets s:1::ards fer infer. P!sces, is contained = 36 CTR 60.6. esources cucoveree d:.tnne cen.

.at;cn that sncu!c e ;reviced ic the Su;;iementi.ry Guideline III. Deter- 800A s ._ 2.cta Ccunci! to enat:e .: c =ake =fc =ed =inatiens of No Effect and No Ad. rz:cu:. Pnecaue CooumAnex .

cc=rnents on Tecer11 verse Effect for Archeolog:ca.! Re* 800.8 P crra: .=ade Sect:ons 800.13(o 1.c (t) we e ;teri- sou. ces, r.11 tot be published as the Me:mo andu= cf Ac eeme .t.

cus:y included in the Eup;le: entary present ti= e. The Council's 200.9 Coore: nation wth the Nauenai r. net.

Ouicelines see !on. A lirse nu=ber of Terce en Archeology v.l! be consider, rer. antal Pohey Act (4: C.S.C. 43:1 et .

c e== e nt e rs requested that these isg this guideline and :t r.11 be rensed 'SJ standards fer adecus'e dccumentation based upcn recet==:endations of the too.'10 Coore:nauen with '~$e Presidental be codified. The Counc0 agrees with Tast Force. This Guide!!ne received Memora.nau.m on ennronmental cuauty thest ec r..=e nt.s and beMeves th2t numerous co==ents and they have and water resources canasement.

800.11 Counterpar: recultuocs.

ccdify:ng these sections vill =ake the been provided to the Task Force for requirements clear to all the consult- its considerauc=. m Pamsms ing parties and the pubUc. Section 800.12 Investacadon of threats to bistoric S00.13(c) dealing r:th Reports for Cowc:.cston properties.

Counc0 Meet =gs includes a ser sec-

!!Cn prescribing the Secrttary of the The Council made a conscientious effort to incorporate all valid cc=-

I.N S c to m 800.15 Puouc participauon.

c is eS y Te r* 11. Amm M !. NES% 40 Stat. 915

'*** noted, rettsions have been =ade to the (16 U.S.C. 470), as amenced. 84 S:.a:. 204

'-'c*"s*:ation tural gn.a.icance on the of historical a Na !cnalorRegis- cul- reg.;11tions which We bel.leve Till serve (1970). 87 Stat. t2s (1973). 90 S:At. 1320 ter er el!gible prcperty and reflec:.5 to =ake the Sectics 106 co==enting (1sist 9: Stat. 3467 (1siar r.o.115ss. 3 the current pracuce of the Council. A prm a p ud pubHe pres CTR 1971 Co=c. c.154 Presteent's Memo-rancum on hnmenta: Qututy and number of ec=rnenters it!t that the d.incual that can agenc2es.

be 110ere..d.he to theCouse0 needs be.,of in-Water Resources Ma.. nee =ent. Ju! 12.

secticn ra.s net entirely clear concern- . ieves g g;g,'

ng how repc- a !cr Ccunca. =cet:ngs th t the rer.tlations set a clear stan. d-should be coc-tinated. The sectics has trd Icr agencies to fouer !=  :. t i 500.1 Purpoce and

been re-draf ted to respond to these their Section 106 respons! .ies, Thue being sufficiently . exible to re* gg) n, yggeng33 7;g p7,3,77g, g , , .

tion Act of 1966. as a= ended. estab-Sg:::CN 800.14 S ~rit= c N V.T spend to the ve:de vane:y of agency lished the Acacry Ccunc0 c: Eistor.

prog ams and needs.

O r:cs. set le p eser. ration as an independent

~'he Council has dete . .ined that trency of the United States to acnse

  • h:s is a m se-ic- these *=eDd=enu 2.~t : I signi i:2n* the P esides and the Congress en his-

. .. .w. ryg.. 3., M.*w*: cr hic" rendes y issue regulatens v. thin the =etams of Ex- tenc preservation =1tters, recc= mend

%.T e e notererder N and ecmquenW :)essures to coordinate Federal hister.

c e~"~"~

  • ."*7.]*h e eg kicn*',-b}'e-"'p*'".l '

. Z'.E. --* do uire a regula*.ory L:11ys'.L 10 preservtuon actinties. and co=-

The purpose of these t=end=en:.1 is =ent on Tederti actions s!!e ing r Esc :cx $00.15 Pet:.:c PAa :c:ri :cN to s1=>1ify e%; sting Terilations and to properties included in or eligible for e-

. his is a new se::,c r 2c: . ..

,s d e-clanfy language in ec:fer=ance r2th in:!usics in the Nadctal Regis:er of signed to encourage ;uthe par, c:;a. the goals enunciated by Executive Eistenc P! aces. Its =e=bers are the

..g. .. w

.. . .. g. .u..m. **e ,-*oc*.ss es ab- O.rder 12044.

Secretary of the Istener. the Secre-hshed by the rer.:.,.anens. A :n=ber c,. he Ccuse0 has deter mined that an tiry cf Ecus:ng and Urba Develop.

=.=en;s urged .st ;he Ter.: .: ens E nren= ental !=;act 5:stement ment. the Secre:Ary of Cc==er:e. the een:a:n =cre ex;.:c:,. under the Nadena E:viren= ental Ad=:nistrater cf Gene a.1 Se: rices, the ce n=g the =es.ns c., c re:::en cen-

.=velv=g the Pchey Ac: is ::c: re;u red. Secretary of the Treasury, the A:ter.

utdc. Severzl suggested t At such Py,
3c:ya; A - MCRs ney Gener21. the Secretir/ cf Ag-icul-refere :ee te ;utac ;r. .::::auen be :n* -

ture, the Sec eti y cf "Ts. .s:cr:auen.

e.... . e . v ... e

.. u3 3: e -+..,..3. e,m..e.m_

. . .g e .%-..,e..- C. . . ...m , egislative and :he Secreta.ry cf Stt:e the C:uncil believes :hst a s;e::he section - - CC 'r58'-

  • d "- -

cf Def ense, the Secretary of net. th.

cea =g with puch: ;tru:1;auen vill A c,.j- Counse.f".. re jer.

Pe:e. c Educaten. inc Welf are. the Cht:.=tn best se-ve to fu. fill the intenced pur. .~.m.

. .(t Gescral Ac. g Directo.. O!!!ce c. in- cf the Council on Environmental pese cf !=rcin=g .the puti!c. The tergevern= ental Prog a=s and . .an- Quill:y. the cf the Federa!

Council nc:es :ht: 1:.s 5 ocess is advi ninE~- and Enherme c.aub Ridley. Council on the Ar.s 2.nd Humar.: ties scry and does not censt:ute fer=22 Legal a,ssistast Cffice e,f Intergovern- the Arch!!ee: cf the C:;itol. the Sec$

at.r :nis:rsur,e hesn:gs. herefere. = ental Progrs=s and Planni .g. retary of tne Smithsonian insutu:icri '

th:s sect:en :s' i=: ended !ct guidance the Cht: =1n ci the Nz lonal Trus:

and is not to be censt.:ed as setting & Roeza: R. GAnvrT. .P 'er Historic Prese:vaucn. the Prest.

ex1=ple, the I:ccuhre Director. dent of the Nadonal Conference cf s:ne:

use oflegal the werds;iscs-c.

nctice Pe{ in su section Part 800 is rensed to read as set State Histon: Preservt:ica Offleers.-

(b) is nc;1.. ended to be a for=1! legal C-'*** d C#*

  • - and 12 cit::en =e=bers from outside re utrement but rsther a =et .s cf in' the Pede 21 Government a;pcinted
- .=g :he ;uti!: cf an c;;criuni:7 PART 800-PROTECTION OF HISTOR. for five year ter=s by the P esident on ic ;tr :::* ate = the ;rDeess. p*.

PROPETIB the t:.t:s ci the:r interes; and ex;eri- .

enge in :he ::a*;ers to be cor.sigered by the Ccuncil. '

.'1 P.:rpese u:d uttenues. (b) The Cou .c0 prcte:.s ;re;erties The Su;;iementary Guide =es een- s:c.: Dc :..mer.s. cf h:stencal.1rchitecn:r11. at:heologi.

amec :n :he ;uch:an:n cf the craft 800.3 C .ter:a cf *c: 1.c aev: .:e e!!e::. ca!. and cu!! ural 3:gn!!!cance at :he na.

f t:It AL RIGistit. VCL. 44. W. 21-rut 1D AY. JANU ARY 30. 1979

RULES AND REGULATIONS ucna!. b ste. and Icealle tal by rene r- 6073

ng anc rc:-.r .enu..g on Federal ac- (b) "becutive Order" = cans riecu.

ner.s affec:=g W::enal Reg: ster and tive Orcer 115S3. May 13,1971. " Pro- Sectnuy of the Interi:r ta evaluata ef:g:tle ;te e ::es :n acecrcance teetten and Enhancement of the Cul- prc:enies to cetermine whether they

he ici:cr=g authendes: tural hr.renment" C6 FR 8921,16 are clicble for inch:sion in the Nation.

U.S.C. 470). '. al Recster. (See 36 CTR 60.6.)

<!! Secuen M6 ci the Naticnal Els- (c) "Undenaking" means any Feder*

=r:e Preserca:;cn Act. See::en 100 re- (h2 "Dec:sion" = cans the exere:se of

u;tts that r ede al a gencies rlth at, federauy assisted or federacy l1 cr the c;;crtu .ity to exere:se discre.

=r ee: ct =d:ren ;ur sc:c :cn over a censec action. acttnty, or prograrn or gjeng:/ authen:y by a Federal agency

ece 2.. ., eden ly ar the a: proval, sanc:lcn, mntance. cr at any stage of an undenating where
een.sec uncer
acng.s:s.ed or federaur su;;cn of any non Federa. acuen, ac- alteranens =ignt be made in the un. '

a..cid the Coun- tiv :), or prog arn. Cncenating3. in. denak=g to modify its t= pact upon ed a reasenacle c;;cnt .:ty fer ecm-

=ent en sucn unde-.ak:.ngs that affect c!ude new and contbuing ::roject.s-and Na.m.nal..


  • and eUg.ble proper-
rc;er.ies celuced in er e!!cble for prograrn acunties (cr e
ernents of **'

(1) Agency Offic: d

=clunon in the Na !cnal Reg: ster cf such acunt:es not prenously consid- mens the head E;s:cric Places ;nor to the agency's cred under Seenon 106 or Decutive o! the Federal agency hanng responsf.

reval cf any such undenaking. Order 11593) that are
(1) Directly un- bility for the undertaking or a desig.

(2) Secticn H3) of Txecutive Order der:aten by Federa.1 age'ncies: (2) sup- nn a 11593. May 13.1971. Protection and poned in whole or in part through Ofue:uthor: al. zed ,to act for the Agency T .nancement of the Cultural I:nnron- Federal contracu. grants. subsidies. d) Council' means the Advisory

=ent." See:Icn 1(3) requires that Fed- loans, loa.n guarantees, or other forms eral agencica, in consu.ltation with the of direct and indirect fundingtablished assist. by Council onthe Title II of Histenc Act, Preservation as Council, institute procedures to tasure ance; (3) carried out pursuant to a (k) that their plans and progra:ns contrib- Federal lease. permit. IJcense. certift. =an of" the Chairman" means the Chair.

Adr.scry Council on Els-ute to the preservation and enhance- cate, approval, or other for= cf enti-

=ent cf ncn fecerally owned histone 11e=ent or permission: or. (O proposed toric Preservation or a :ne=ber desig- i anc cul:t al prcperues. by a Federal agency for Congressfend nated to act for tlie .

(3) See: ion 2(b) of I'xecutive Order authon ation or a;;ropnaton. Site- (11 Execu:1ve Director" means the 11593. May 13.1971. "P utecuon and specific undertakings affect areas and Executive Direc:cr of the Adviscry Enhince=ent cf the CulturalI:nnron- propenies that are capable of being Counen on Histone Preservation as es.

=ent." Fede-a! agencies tre recu! red identified at the ::.rne of approval by tablished by Secnon 205 cf the Act or ty Secuen :(a) cf the I:xecu::ve Order the Tederd agency. Ncn site specific a designee author:2ed to act for the

o ;ocafe. inven c:7 and nc= bate under. dangs have effects that can be 7xecutive Directer.

pic;e-;tes under their unsdic:fon er el:cble and (=) .. State Eistonc Preservation Of.

control to the Sauena. e[.er.ste ant [cipated onbutNational Recster, den-prope les ec. . net be a ggee;,. = cans the offic:al who is re. l I

such Orccesses t e ec=;iete.rederd .n Unt!! tified b ter=s of speci!!c geogra;hical sponsitie for acministenng the Act I

gent:es =ust ;ronde :he Counc:,. an areas or ;toperties at the time of Ted. .atitm the .e. tate c Jur15c2ction. cr a cepenu u:y to ec==en: en prepcznis eral a;;ro-d. Ncn site spec:.f:c under- cesignated re"resen: . -

or the :ransfer. tale, ce=olinen. cr tathgs bciude Federal a;;ron2 of "'I IC#4h* 8.I*I' O.auve N EI'5'P#** author::ed State ;1ans pursuant to Tederal iegu- .'lon Omcer. .hese em"ce s are ap.

su:s:s.nnal alte auen of fede al:7 !aMcn. deve!c;=ent cf ec= teh c .- et prcpenies ei!gible !ct belus:en or area aide ;;ans. agency r;ecc=ensive =en- ;cbted pursuant to 36 CFR Par: 61.2

= :he Stucnal*er. by the Ocverners cf the 50 States. '

dations !ct lenslation and :he estab- Gua.=. Arnencan Samoa, the Cc=.


  • he.P es:cen:'s ental Qualit7 and Memorandum Water Re- on list =ent or modification cfmen ter..ter.Ith

!a. of Pue ;o Rico. the Virna teer es ~he Me= cran- tiens ed ;! ann:ng gddelines. Islands. the Trust Te.ntory of the Pa-(d) ";iaticnal Rer.ner" means the L-

-~- - s the Ccune:) to issue ibal Na: Icnd Register of Elsteric Places. It cific Islands, the Cc=:nenwer.lth of reralanens unct: the Nauenai Eister- the Mar;=a Islands, anc the Mayor c!

P tre vr. den Ac: cy !.ia en 1.1979 is a tens:er of tiistnets. s:tes. bui;c. the 0:s:nct of Colu=hia
nd funher *-- "ede 11 r.gennes ings. s:n;ctures. and objects of nauen. (n) " Secretary ** = cans the Secre: 1. 7 al. S; ate, or Iced sign:fic2.nce :n
h ra:er retource ret;cnsttdiues Ed ; reg".**s :c ;ubl.ifn procecures Arnencan h:s: cry, r. chnecture, ar- cf the '.r.:erier or a des:gnee auther.


.;1e=ennng :ne An no: it er than cheo} cry. and culture that is ex;& aced i:ed to car-/ cu: the histenc preser/a-l ree .:r:hs af:er rc=ulg.nen of and =aintamed by the Secretary of tien res;COsibil. lues Cf the Secretn.7 F .d regulancns cy :ne Ccunc:1. Te:1- the interict uncer authen:7 ci se::icn u . der the Act. T.xecuuve Order 1 3f .

4. atene:es ;tecedures are :c 'ce re- 2f t) cf :he E:s:cne Sites Ae: cf 1935 and rela:ed authen;ies.

to) ne" cec ar.c. :I they a t cens sten: u3 Stat. 666.16 U.S.C. 461) and Set- ees of the ::ncertaker s co.

..e C:urrys rer.: at: ens. ::;reved by tien 101(ax1) of the Natenal, E:s:ene that tentid env ren=en:d !=;&c: = cans

ne C unt.; -- th:n 60 d ys and ;;o- Preserntion Act  :=me=en:ed - gect anh cal area T:th:n which

..s .ec = !=a: f er=. througn 36 CTR Par: 60. ' he Nanens.! g;7eeg gne ;ng;.,g; ef;,e;3 gene.3geg Regis the :jer is published in its entirety in by the uncer: axing could reasonably j @L2 D6 mom. cae. Rze:s:n eten year .n be expected to cccur and thus cause a i As used = these reg.:!ancns: February. Addenca are usually pub- * *m b, ~. , , * ",., 33 . ~,o

~ ' *

  • tect,. ,,

i ra) lisned on the firs. 4 uesday c., each aren"eolecer . or cu.,:ura.l qu-itles pos-( Ac - "Nz:!cnaf Els:ene P eser anen =onth.

cans Pub.1, Es.465, approved sessed by a National Reguter er eligi.

Ce:ober 15. 1966. an "Ae; to establish (e) -National Register preperty,. ble property. The bouncaries of such

. ;rog a= for the presernt:On cf ad. me*ns a district, site. building. n uc. .rea should be deterni:ned by the ruenal h:nenc pre;e--tes :hroughout alture. cr otject included in the Nation. Agency Off1ci:2 in censultaticn w:th Recster.

J.e Nat:en a .d fer cther ;ur;cses" the State E:, ster:c Preser~atien Offleer j


(!) "Cicble propeny" c:e=s any- as early as pessible in the ;!anning cf 20 S st. 915.16 U.S.C. 4 0. as amend- dis;nct, s:te. building, strue:ure, er the under*ahng. i.

-'mc: 34 Sta: m #1970). Ei Sta:. 1:3 ct)ect that =eets the Nauenal Reg:5- 'p) "Censulting ;:nies** = cans the 50 5:a: :nc t: sis). S': Stan :er Cn:ena.

J~ ' MEr.

nert:nt::er refe.- ed to as tg> Agency O!!!cial. the S:ste Historic l ne An -Nanonal Recster Cntens" Preserva:!cn Officer, and the Execu. l

= cans :he entena estabushed cy :he tive Direc:ct.  :

I r[Dft At If Gtfirt. VOL. 44. NC. 21--rut 10 A Y, JANUAay la. 1979 l

6 e

60M .


!' effect No.3 Crue ria of effect a[d ads ene of the NationM E;stene Prese vntion obtained pursuant to I;CC*axit d.

Act and Sect.on 'nb1 cf Exe:utive terr ne wna further acucns are new The !cucwu.g'entena shdl be used Orcer 11593. It is the on=ary respon. essary to c;scharge the wency's af.

. o . e t e._... e s. h. . w. ...e. n .. d e a sa., g sibility cf esch Agenc> Offac:al re.

. . . . . I:n .a: ve ressens;bilities te !ocate and has an c'!c:: ci a :c.e se effe*: :n cues;ing Coune' J cer.=ents to conduct ident;!y eLgible proper tes that are at::rdan:e w::n these regulat:cr.s. the apprconate'stacles and to pror:de within the area of the urtertaking's 22 C. .:c :c of I4'e :. The effec: cf a the infermat:en ne:essary !cr an ade. potenud ennten= ental = pac: and Tece-nl. fe= era"y a.3:s:e: or fecera!!y cuate review of the effect a ;roposed that may be affected cy the undertak.

_re*.sec C3 a Nationaj under:11ing :*.ay have Cn a Nauonal Inc. SUCh actions may inth:de a pro.

Eeg:s:er er ent: tie ;repe-ty is eveu. Reg. ster or eligible ;roperty, a.s wen as fessicnal cultural resource seney of -

ate: :n the :catext c! the h;stortral. the in!cr=atica necessary fcr ade. the ennten= ental impa:: area. or -

uthueeturaj. a :heolcccal, or cu!*ur. quite consideration of. =odificgicns parts of the ues. !! the area hs.s not al s:g .f tcance ;ossessed by the proper, or alterations to the proposed under. previously been adequately surveyed.

2 t uncenabr.g snal: te considered taking that could avold =.:Ugate. cr The recoc:.=endations of the St. ate ,

[oy'. Eve an e!!cct s henever any condi. = int =1:e any adverse e!!ects. It is the Histon: Pruervation Officer should Mon of the under:anns causes or may responsibility of each Agency Offictaj be followed in this matter, cause a.ny change. beneficial or ad, requesting consultation mth a State (3) The Agency Offle:al. in censulta.

verte, in the cuality of 13e historical. Histone Preservation O!!icer under tion sith the State Histenc Preserva.

at:h2:ectural. archeolog: cal. or cultur. this section to provide the information tien O!!!cer, shall apply t.he National a

d characteristics that qualify the that is necessary to make an inictmed Register entena to all properties that S'anoSalrcpe- yReg: to meet ster.the Anenteria of the a and effect oc:urs reasonable evaluation of whether tnay possess any histencal architec.

proper:y meets National Register tural, archeological, or cul:ur:2 value when an undertaking changes the in, tecnty of location, cesign. setting. =a- entena a and undertaking proposed to determineen the e!!ect of taking's a National located with:n the area of the under. -

potential ene: enmental tenais, work-mh:p. feeling, or asso. Rettster or clipble property. Al. impact. If either the Are acy O!!!cial cianon of the prepeny that contrib- though a Federd agency =2y recuire or the State Eistone Preservation Of.

~ atterdance non.Pederal parties to under.ake cer. ficer finds that a property =eets the

.ath to "tes the!!*ati s"'cd'n--ae

- . Eel *.s:'N cntent. An tain steps required by these regula. National Register Criteria or a ques.

effe : may be direct or indirect. Direc: tions as a prerequisite to tion exists as to whether a property effec.s are caused by the uncenttng action and may author:1e non. Federal meets the Critena. the A:esey O*!!cis.1

.. ......w. part!cipat!on uncer this se: !cn and in sha.11 reques; a deter =1natan of clici.

e7e*Y ec $$' +g.e ~~e a.nd 'aceE cbhose cbed the consulta:1cn process under Section bili:y fic= the Secreary ci the In

.5 3Nue c. Ec'e-

e. - w g

ad~.'lhat ue later in800.6 pursuas: to a:: proved counter. or in acecreance rtth 36 C7R Par: 63.

par: regulattens, the ulti= ate respen. The epinion of the Se:re:ars respect. l

'.'~ , g'.'. Me. rmored -M in *ereseeable distance sibility I U.'. h '3

., '.7

  • e.'.ad'~ 7.y w..

for co=pbance rath these reg. ing the ehtibility of a propeny shM1 I

.","'...'.*Z [. . i., C *$e, 'cdggs t$ ulations rem ains with the Federal be conclusive !cr the pur; ses of these '

aucn agency and cannot be delegated by it. regulancns.11 the Agency C ficial and

[ ens [: rho-k[rEe :rIt may affect (a) Identf/fe::icn c/ Neuc .cl Rerts. the State Eis:cric Present:icn Officer s, en p*.-~.-ne.s cf hu:or:c:.1. cen;:ec,, ter end fli; Ole P c;e-:ies. It is the re. agree tha: no ident'.fied prcpeny

.. . . *a., Tarc h tc.c gic , . C.. ....-.

. . . s.<a

e. sponsibill;y of each rece.-al agency to meets the Criteria. the Agency Official Identify or cause to be identified any- shall document this fi .d:st and.

C .te .c c' Acrerse E'/ect. Ad. National Reg:. ster cr e.lictle ;rcpeny unless the Secretary has otherr:se re se e!!e::s en' Nauena! Regs:et or that is located rt:hin the area of the made a determinadon of eligibility ,,

re under undertaking's potent:11 envi n= ental under 36 CTR Pan 63 =ay proceed

  • h

!..c.bie .o J . . . . . may g'w" ,occur I. *l -'g."*. ".". .'.".g

~ " ge '.3og  !=pa:t and that =ay be affecud by rith *ha u 2denating. _

the undenak.:ng. (O The Agency O!!!:id shall ec=.

] " . . . . . . -

(1)- he Agency O!!icial shan censult piete the ;teceding steps ;ncr to re.

. l.. .i,g' 'l .~ ~.",7.~.!' ~,.a uc** ei all or the

" . Q . V.!!.' 7.;. c. ;;ge.3 pen og cer.State Eisione Prese rat:cs Cf!!. Quest .g the Counc0's cc==en:.s ;ur.

the published lists of Natic=M suant to Se:Ocn 800.4(bM d). ~he e " N vs'$E.b E.c=g ennten. Recster and eligible pre:erties public Agency Offi:ial : .sy, herever. :.:ut:tte lt re:ctds. and c:her incin:uals or Orga.  ;


s , ' ....o.......

.... . . . . . . . c.,. .;a..1.....

a re Vest !ct the C:uncD's ec-.ments

  • ni a:!c .s rath hisMncal anc cul:tra.! simu!*anect :ly 7 h a request for a ce.

......t............. ... eit ....... ...I ..... *...e C...

.. Cf e.ipe -ise as a;;re;nate. o deter =Ine ter r.= auen cf e igi


. . . . . . ..~ . . . .. , . . . . . That his:cnc and culturd ; reta.ry when the .s.bC2:y gen:7fic= the Sec.

Cffic:M tne 3.the area cf :he :he State Riston: P eservaten O!C:et 5'e[en cf a recer:y resulung :n undenaung's pctennd envir:n= ental ag ee : hat.a proceny =ee.s the Na. i n! ce:enera::en er :es: uenon. i= act. The State cis:ene P esena. tiend Reg: ster Cn:eria. sefore the (5) Transfer er sale of a ;reperty uen O!!!cer should provide the wahout acetua:e c:nd:n:ns c restne. A ency O*fle:al v.ith any =fsrma:icn , Couned. 1800.6.ecmsletes ac;:en the Secretary ;ursuant mus: to find the tens regarr:ng presereaten. :na:nte. avaSatle on Enow. histenc 1.nd cul- prope.-:7


" ~ ~ " tural properties identified in the area Nattenal ,el:.giblen etister. !ct ine:us::n in the (whether on the National Reg: ster or Rn:nv or Int.rDcA: i*.NDcRTAKINc3 (o) Sefer .tnction of 23e:L Tor not). Infor=1tien CM any pre' nous sur. each Naticnal Reg: ster cf eligible

! SOM Federal Arency resportsibinties. veys performed and an evaluation of prcpeny that is located t". thin the their cual'ty a recc==endat!cn as to area of the undertat=g's potential en.

As early as ;ct.sible belcre an agency the need for a suner of histene and vironmenta.1 i= pact, the Agency O!!!.

makes a final decis::0 concerning an cultural properties and recc=:nenda.

clal. in ec .sultation r:th the State uncensk=g 2.nd in a.r.y event ;r:or to :Lons as to the type of survey and/or. Ristenc Preserva:icn Officer shall takng any acue . :ha x:t:d !cre: lose survey methods should a survey be a;;1y the Critena c! 7.!!eet.  ;

1;;er .a: res er the Cou.nciys ability to recer. mended, and recc:::.:nendauens (i 800.3(a)). ;c deter: .:ne r ether the

r ..en: he Agency C !::al shall en bcundanes cf such surteys. undent.tng T:3 hate a.n t'!ec. upon uke :ne f ey.crms s:e:S to ec=;17 C) The Agency Offia:al shall. af ter the ha:cn:21. are:utectura!. archeo. ,

9n :he rt:u:rements cf Setten 106 due conside atten of :he in!crmat:cn leg: cal, or cultural charar:enstics cf Ff 0! eat itGl1 Tie. VCt. M. NC. 21-Yu!10at. JANUAe7 *:.1979 I i

I l



, 6075 The Na::ena: ;repe-ty Reg:s:erthstCntena.Gua.hfied it to ineet or making any tr tversible or irretrier. cy's respons:bilit;es under Srction 106

1) .".'c I//c:!. !! the Agency Official, an able acverse corr.=t e!!ect=ent on athat Na:!cnal couldRer.s. result in of the Act. See:Jon 2(b) cf the Execu.

. . censulttucn r::h :he S: ate E:stanc ter er eur.ble Dro;erty or that rouid tive Or:ter and these regulations, and C::!cer. finds that the !crec!cse the cons:deration cf modif1 may preceed nth the unceracng.

(M If the Dec; !ve Direner cbjects a .cer:24.=c EJ not a!!ec* these enar. cr.uens or alternatives to the pre;csed w.cns:.cs. the unde-tak=g =sy ;to. uncenak=g that could avoid. =1:1 to a Deter =intuon of No Adve se

eed. -'he Agency O!! cial snCl decu. cate,er rnirw e such adverse effects. Effect. :he Executive Di enor sha!!  ;

.ent each Dete =: nation of No spee:fy the basis fer the ocjec* ion and '

Histone Preservation Ofncer =ay specify conditicns rhich will I: fen. vn:en shall be avails:le !ct ) $00.3 State ,

uthe :ns;e:::en.11 the State Histenc responsibilities. "' e3g.eng.e the objection. As ap;re d.

P eserca::en O!!!cer cbjects er etner ate. the Execudve D:rener may c;on.

(a: The State Elsteric Preservadon sult- the Agency Offic:al. the Sate  :

urnely uve D:ree:cr et:ection to an :s Agency made toO!!)ciars the Exect. rener O!!!:erprocess should established paruct:ste by :n these the Histenc Preservation Officer. and other interested partjes in specify:ng Dete ecu;:ve =:D.' nation eetor of Norener may E!!ect, the the Ex.undertaking Deter. regulations whenever located withinitthe concerns State an c:nditions. U the Agency Official ac.

ce:ts the condtions in wnting. the e:af. nation the Sta:eand Eistone adnse the Agency O!!!.

Preservatica detion.Historic Preservation Officer's juns. condtions will be incorocrated into C::. er and any objecting party of the the agency's Deter rdnation and the find =gs within 15 days, by(b) theUnless Agency a Official, longer time the failureis agreed of ato Executive Director's objec: ion wil: t:

(M I//ect determtned. If the Agenc*/ State Histone Preservation Officer to v:thdrawn. ~he A4 ney C:!.c:a1 then O!fic;al or the Execudve Director respcnd to an Aseny O!!!cial's request wf.: be censidered to have suisfied the

!=ds that the undertaking will have !cr consultation under Secuon 600.4 agency's respons;bilities uncer Section an e!!ect upco these characteristics, r. thin 30 days after receipt shan tot 106 of the Act. Section ::b) of the Ex.

the Agency Offic:al in eensultation prohibit the Asency Official from pro- ecutive Order and these reguladons. I with theshan State Els:or:c Preservation and may proceed with the undertak.

of Ad. creding with the review process under ing. -

O!!!ctr. apply the Criteria these reguladons.  !

serse E!!e=. 3et !cnh in section (3) U the Agency O!!icial does not '

100.3(b ). (c) The State Historic P eservation acce; the Executive Director's cond. I e!!ect of the to determine whether may bethe ad. Offleer. v.*.h the Agency Official and tiens or if the Decutive Directer o'o. ~

ven e. the Exectuve Director, should paruci. jects to a Determination of No Ad.

Date in any consultatics under  !

tc) Se:c- .i .ction: of no cdce se ir800.6(b) and sign any Memorandu= verse Effen r.thcut specity:ng cend. '

c"ce* If the Agency Offie:11. in con. cf Agreement developed tions that would remove the objenien.  !

su!:nien with :ne Sute Eistoric Pres. { 800.6(c) of these regulaticas. under PzDu thee Executrethe censulta:!csDirec:ctprocess stan initiate pursuant to !

e. ea :cn 0 heer, finds the e!!ee: en cf a Sate Eiston: Preserva:len Offi. i 800.6(b).

the a:.nene11.1 ch:tectural. archeo- cer to ;&rucipate in a censu.!!atica (b) Ccneulic:ica P ocess. The 1:gical.

the ;r: er er:ycuhural ac; t cha at:erutics be adverse theof under { 600.6(b) or to sign a Me= cran. A;eney O!!!cial. the Sa e Els:cr:c du= cf Agreement as provided in Prese tanc= O!!icer. and :he Decu.

Agen:y O!he:d' sh:.D qua:e dec.:=en*atien fc:! ra*d (See 300.13(a)) ' ade.Othout

{ E00.6(cK1) actifying the r; thin Execut've30 danDirec. of receipt . uve Direner shad be the censulung

! the Dete nmanen. includL.; sr:t. ter and the Agency O!!ic;2.1 tha: the partier tc censider feasible and y u.
en endence cf the news cf the State S ate Histenc Preservauen Officer cent :.2:e na:!ves to the undertaking Eis::nc P eservaten O!!!cer to the disagrees r;th the ter s of the Arree- that cede arcid. mitigate. or :=ini=ize .

Decutive Di e::or !ct renew in ac. me.:t M nc: prohiba the Executive adverse e!!ects on a Na:icnd P.egister

rdance r. n Sen;en 200.6. If the Direct:r and the Agency O!!ic;11 rom er eligible proceny. When an under.

S:ne E::: rie P eserinfon O!!!:er con:!uding the Agreement s.nd ha..'ng tak.=g =vches =cre than ene Federal agency. these agenc:es =ay, upon noti-i Ic.s :e res;end reques: as ;r:ncec :o an in Agency Section 800.5Officars it rat!!)ed by the Chair =an in ac:ctd. fican:n tc the De::::ve Directer co.

he Agency C :1::C sha 2 incluce en. ance ! B00.6(cX ). crdina e the:r eensultati:n respensf. I '
ence c r.aving centaned the Sta:e ! !c0.6 Council comments. b!!! des thrcuch a single. lead agency.

E.s:en: P ere. canc= Cificer. '

Orantees. Der =!: tees. licensees. c The subsenicas s ecify c her parties = interest. and repre.

O Mve se c//e t cc:c- .i .cticn. If hece the Counc0 rid respcnd to Feder. sen:1::ves of nadenal. State. or local i he ng::n:7.1.

ne Aieney O!!!!:e:*ind.s ural. the eff en :n 11 agency requests for the Councirs units cf gevern:nen: and ;utli: and archeo- .'

.:g:er.l. cr ::::n-d charactenstes cf cc==ents required to satisfy an agen. ;nvate crgani:sdcas. =1r be inv::ed cy's res:ctsibilities under Secticn 106 by the ec=sulung pa :!cs to

ne ;r:pe ;y :c te acterse, er if the of the Decuuve D: e::ct coes n:t accept z.n Ac; and Secuen Ott) cf the Ex. ;ne in the censuhauen process;st:ici.

ecutive Order. .

!.gency O!!: cars Deter =: .suon of No (a) Respc se to deter ninction: c/ ne (1) Prehrntncry Ccse Report. The Adverse I!!en ;urcuant to review cdve-se effee:. (1) Upon receipt c! a Agency, the repor: Official shan tc the provide ;arues consulung ce;ies aof

=cer nu sh: 1: Se:nen 200.6. :he Agency O!!!- Deter ==aden cf No Adve se I!!ec the inidadon of the censu:atten and (1) P e:are q.nd sdb=!C a' Preli=1- frc=Direc tive an Agency ct sein Otheial, renew the theDete: Execu. ni. =ake it readny avaDable !ct public in.

ns.y Crse P.epon reques:=g the ce=. natten and su; porting documenta:len. spenien. the Connec (See i 800.13(b)). c) On rite inspection. At the re.

(D Nctify the S:ste Histenc Preser- Nor=a.Hy. the Executive D; rector will quest of any of the consulting parties.

vanen Cf!!cer cf :h:s request. and concur v.:hout delay. If the docu=en. the Agency official sha.D cenduct an tauen is not adequate, the Decutre en. site inspection.

(3) P oceed 7:th the censulatten Director will so infor= the Agency Of. (3) P2fic I ./ctmetion Mee:fng. At

cess se: !cnh = i 500.6.  !!:tal with= 15 Cays; On!ess the D. the e S:spe se e/ cc:i: request of any cf the censulting 0:=ed :ssues 1:s cc==ents Un:D under the ecuure Directer cbiec.: ic the Deter. parties, the Decuuve Direner shul

==2nen T.thm 30.c ys f ter rete:;; eendue 1 : netting cpen to the public.

ese re -dat.cns, g:cd fa::t censula. of an adecuttely docu.nented Deter. There re;resentat!ves cf nauenti, n:n than ;teclude a ye:ers steney miraden the Agency Official rl.1 be State, or 1cca2 un::s of gover:...en:

. ;= a4.;ng Cr sann:CO:. .g 1:"y 1CUCn Considered to have sa::sfied the agtn* *t;rtsenta .'vts ei publ!C c ;nvate cr. '

f t:taat 11C17T11. VCt. 4, NC. 21-rut!:AY. JANUARY 30.1ere e

. _ _ _____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ . . . _ . _ _

6076 .


  • gar.::a:. css, and !=tarested c:ti: ens , rectn e *..fcr=auen and ex;tess cuirsd under thase rer ; aliens: C le*.s

e: v;ews en the =cen.n: r. Its ef- otherwise requested by the uure pic;ert:es covertd by the Agree =ett fects c: the Na::o M Rests;er or eligt. Director the Agency O!!jc:d sha" or : hat would foreclose the Counci!'s t'e ;rc;eny,10d a.lter ne courses of ;re;are a proposM for =clusics in the cc nceration of modincations er al-art:o that ecWe arc:d. =;t!gste. or Agree =ent that cetails ite acuens ter:stives to the proposed =denak-

. - - :.e 1:y ac*cerse ef.fects on such agreed upcn by the consult =g part:es ing to be takes to arctd. sal:.sf actorily adve : hat could avoid or m.!tigate tDe se effect.

gre;er.;e: The Ateney O!!ical shall prov:ce are une far.iSt:es !or the en r turate, cr accept :::e adverse effects H)4 nc.cment of c Nemorcaddm cf meet =g rest the s::e cf the under:2 the property. The State Eistene Ar*er .cr.:. !! a sigancry de: ermines

.g anc 1
'* 2.!!cid 1;;rc;r:ste notice Preservanen O!Ucers rntten coccur. that the terms ci the Me=crandum cf to the ;;bhc. generally at less: 15 a.! rence shall be included = propes- Agree =est cannot be =e: cr believes a cays := a. vance c! the =ceung, by me Asemey Offic2al. If The h. cht:ge is necessary, the sis =1 tory i (4) Co .c2 c::cn of Al:cenctires. ecuuve Director deter ==es thu the shc1.==ediately request the ~censult-Cpen rener cf the ;roposed under- proposa.1 represent.s the agree =est cf ing ; antes to ec= sider ss a.=end=est .

tM=g a:d after any co s:te inspection the ccusultbg parues, he sha3 T: thin of the Agree =ent. A= tad =ents wiD cr public infor Laden toeeting, the 10 days !crward 1 as a Me=crandu= be cric=M executed is the Agree same ca. ner as the


ec sul:ir.g parues shall deter =ine of Agree =ent to the Chair an for r:tification pursuant to i 500.6(c)C). (5) Report on Memercadum cf Arree.

whether there are feasible and pru. rne-d. Within 90 days a!*.et carryts dent Cterunives to avoid the adverse If the E.xecutive Director deter =bes e!!ec*.s en Nauo:M P.egister er eligible that the proposal does not adecuately out the te.~s of the Agree =ent. the prcpeny. If the co=sulung partes the represent the agreement reached by Agency Official shan report to an sig.

consulting parties, it =ay be red natones on the actic=s take=

cascot scee en as alternanve to turned to the Agency Offic:al, or a (d) Council Meetings. The Council avoid, they sha3 censult further to de-te. ine !! there are alternsures tha* Memorandum of Agree =est revis=g does not hold forr a1 eetrattre cculd satisite:crily =:tigate the ad. the proposal Z:Ay be submitted to the beanags to develop its cc==e=ts versa e!!ects. Agency Offic:a1 and the State Histonc under these regulado:s. Reports and c) or Scris/cetery Xiti. Prese vation Ofneer. As appropnate stne=e=ts wul be presented to the sc: en of Adve se Iffect.1 other par les in interest may be inv;t- Cou=c!! in ope: session in accordasce sulting pan:es acee,upon!nthe ccn. ed by the co=su1*ing par with a prearranged agenda. Regular feasible cate their cencurrence :b r: des =ecungs of the Cousc3 generaDy to indi.occur arc prace : a2:ernauwe to avoid or the pro- cua .erly.

  • stusfactori2y =:trate the adverse ef. posal or to be a als: story to the As ee-ft:ts cf th : =cer:.u.=g c the Na. =es:. C) P.e ponse to Rec'o mmends:icn for Coat de crion et CounciI yecting.

tacnal Reg:::er or elir.ble property.!. c) P.crie : c/ %cmorendum c/ Arree-  !

Upon receipt of an executed Upon receipt ei a actice and recom- i the:et=es A: shan execute

acecr a Memorascu

d :ce of Me=crasdu= of Agrec=es;. the =endado fro = the hecutive Dire:-

( ECC.f tc) r ecif: . .g hcw the undertab wi;h C hai.~ 1: shan issu:ute a 30-day ter ec cerni=g censiderat:on of a pro-

=g ut ;r::eed to avoid er =:uga:e ter:ew pened. C !ess the Chai." posed undentk.=c at a Counci! meet-tte a:T e se t!!e::. notifies the Agency O!I!cial thn the 10s. the Chai.._a shs3 de:er=ine (6) Ae er:cnce of Adte se Iffret. If =a:ter has bee ;! aced on the agenda e. thin 15 days xhether er act the :.

the eerr.0:5g ;r.nies ceter=ine tha: Ic: cc sidera::o a: a Csunen =te ing, certaking r.3 be notify the ec=sidered F.xecudve and sha3 Directer, the trere are Oc fe .r.:ble and ;rucer 11- the As ec=ent scan become fi:12 Agency 0f3:111. and the State Eistone when

er:1:nes :nn eculd accid cr satirfa:- upc= the expiratic raufled by the Chai.- a.: cr
-2y = :irne the a ve se effects and cf the 30-day The Preservaucs OiScer of his dec' sac =.

Aterey Officid sha3 a:d the ag ee thav.*h

  • : is;iein3r
b:Je in

=cenab to review Centes pened rin be n:t notoacco: :ake:. S:a:e Eis:cric Preserva:lon Cincer

rovided  !--" cries should prende suca re:c-ts and infor. -!

=g. they shG esecute a Me=cras- and :C: ice CI e%ecuted Me=cr :1 ef =200 du= :! Ar ee=en: = acecrdance n:t AC ee=est shan be pubM.shed = the as ::ay be rt;u: red to s.s3is:

i KO. Sic; act..cwletc=g th:s dete: 1- F=caA.:. Rrc sm. The Me=crand"~ the Chai.e 1: this deter =.inat:cs.

" *he Chat decides cen-nanct a:d 1:et:!ying any recerc'ng. cf Ar ee=ent shodd be incluced in s:de  : den of the tsder.aking at a IC.vage. Or c:her =e:.sres c -V-

  • the  !!=22 ennrc =es:A2 i=pa.:: state-

=c:: ;repared pursuant to the Sa- Counc:.1 =eeting, a Tr t;en su==Ary

e a:vene effe:ts that s .C be  :!ccalInnren::e::M Policy Act. cf the =:enaki=g. a=y reco==erda.
efere the ~ensk:rg ::rsceeds.

9 7:C::. e :c A; ce. C;c: :he f acre G) Iffect c/ .*.Ie .cr r.dum cf Arree- tiens for act:0 by the Fecerd agency.

CI '.ht ::rEJJ::. ,g ; artes LO as*ee u;ct me ::. As re=ents cu!y executed = ae- and the decisics shall be sent to each the :e =s ::: a Mercr:. cum ci c rda:Ce m;h these rtrdaticns shaU me=cer of the Ccuncil. The Char =s.:

Ag e* =e:: cr :en ::::ce of sue ects:::ute the ec==ests cf the Cour- 1h12 a.'.so Octify the Age:cy O!!!c:M far.ure :y any Of the ects4 :: par- the c:2 and sh:11 endence sansfac cf a:d the Stue Histenc P eservnio:

es ;c the Tsecutre D:re::cr. the Tx- Federal agency's respcas:tc tcities O!! iter and ether ;arties i= interest of ect ve D re::or shaO sotify the Sectic fer the proposed undena. king uncer the ce:: sics. If three =e=ders cf the C'haL~ r.: .h= fiftees cars 2:a 106 of the Act. Secucs 2tb) of Coure!] object v.this 10 days of the shan reec=::end the:her .cr =ct the the T.zeeutre Orcer. and these regula- Chair =2. 's dec:stcc. the undertat=g tic s. Failure to carry out the terms of shan be seneduled fet censiderat:o at

=a::et sneuJd be scheduled Ier cor.sid-erauc at s' Council meet:ss. The a Me= ora du= cf Agree =ent requires a Cc=ci! =ceting. Unless three =e=-

Agency O!Se:a2 and the State Eistoric that the Federal agency agam.recues: bers cf the Counell object. the chair- f,

=as shaU notify the Agency O!!!cial,!c: Ofacer shan be to:ified the Counc3's cc==ents !s a :ctdance ,

r.T:nnt of the Execuuve Direc cr's with these regulations. Is such in. the Stue Eis*cric Preservation Offi-re :==endanc=. stances, untD the Council issues its cer. : d cther pantes 1: interest 1.

co==ents u: der these reraladers the Tr. ting thu the undenaking may pro-te) Nc . -c .c u . cf A greement-(1)

? e:c :::c-: cf Mc-:crendum of Agree- Agency Cfac:11 shan =ot :1ke er eeed. Such notice shall be endence of

.e ' ** o tic: acy accen er =ske any ir eters- sat:sfactics of the Federal agency's re- -

he Txt:Utve "'e Mrec:ct the res;ctsibil:ty to pre;are cf itle er :rretrievab;e ec--':.=en: that s;c =bdides f : the prcpcsed under.

ca:n 1*.e=c- . cum c! Af ee=ect re- could resu.It = an adverse effe:t W.h taking under Sectic: 106 cf the Act.

respect to Nauccal Rer.3:et cr eligible Secucs (b) of the Execudre Order.

and these regulatons.

f tota.At t!Gisitt, VCt. A NC. 21-rt't.50 AY JANUA2Y 30. le79


, 6077 D Dei:te . to Cens:de- the L*nder-

.v:: g Then :ne Couned c.11 cer.sid. ing. Cc=rnents shall be =ade to the ecutive Order and these rec:2ations.

sr :n uncer: acing at a :neet:ng the head of the Federal agency reques::nr The Couned =sy issue a IL.a! report co==ent or hanns resco sibdity for to the Pres: dent and Congress under Chr:. an na;l e.ther cesignate five the unde n at=g. I=rned.ately after author:ty cf Secticn 200:b1 of the Act e=:e s as a ;anel :o hea. the =a::er the cc==enu are mace to the Tece al desent:ng the actions taken by the

n J.etenau cf *he fer

,ne matter idl Ccuned, censideradonci sched-by agency, the ec=rser.ts of the Counc3 Hency in res;cnse to the CounciTs ne f u.' Ceu .cd. *J be forwarded to the P esident and cc:ntnents inclue:g recc=mendations

<!) A ;anel shaU cens:st of three thenty Ccngress is a special of Seedon re;cr:

002(b) ofuncer au; fer c..anges in Federal ;clicy and pro-the Act grs=s. as ap;te;-. ate.  ;

ncn.Teceral me=rers, cne as Chair. and a notice of ava?. ability WCl te pub- (B) Connnung Rerie:r .Tur.sdiction.

=a .: :.nd :re Tecera] members. nei.

ner c: rnc= sht2 re: resent the Ted. lithed in the P=o.A:. Rtc:s :x. The nen the Councu has met and com.

N :renev -- cc==ents cf the CouncQ shall'be mented upon an uncertaling that riu

.ng. he pt:.e. sr,all - . .n :he undertak. avacable to the State Eistenc Preser.

=ce: to consider vadon Officer, other ;&rties in inter. require subsequent site spec:.!!c u der.

the uncertacng with.:n 20 days of the takings by a Federal agency, the est. And the public upon receipt of the CouncQ's co=.=ent extends only to the Cht:r=an's Off;c:al ag ees cec:slon unless to a Icnger time.the Agency comments by the head of the Federa.1 undertalcng as reviewed. The Agency .

Agency. The co=ments of the Councu Official shall ensure that subsee.uest (U) Th2 full Councu will consider an should be included in the 11:11 env1 actions related to the under-er undenskang at the next regularly ron=estal i= pact statement prepared that have not been considered by the schedu;ed cars fic= the meeting date ofandtheno less=an's Chair tha.s 60tal pursuant to the Nauomal Enttrommen- Coused til be sub=ltted to the Coun-Polley Ac:.

cec: sics. In exceptional cases the (6) Rerie.c of Pene! Decutors. Upon cQ for review in accordance with these res.112 tic =s.

Cha:r=an =ay schedule the matter receipt of the panel's cc::=ents after for censide ation at a speela! meeting a mecung the head of the Federal { s00.y Resources discovered during con-c! the !;11 C:unen to be held less than agency shall take these ec==ents into struction.

GO days frc= the date of the decision, accoun: in reaching a decision in l (in? Pnct to any panel er full Cous- regard to the proposed undentt:ng,. If (a) redercl Apeney Responsibilities. ~ t cil cer sideration of a ma:ter. the the agency dete.- ines set to fouer II a Feceral agency has prenously met I C h::r :2.= r.D nc:ify the Agency Offl. the samel's ec==ects, the Agency Of- its respcnsibuities for identified Na-c:2.1 the S Ate Elstone Pres' erva- ficial 5:111 -ediately proV:de Writ- donal Renster and eUgible propenies ac: C:!icer. ::c c:her panies is inter- ten nouce of this dec: sics to the Cons- under Secuo: 106 cf the Act. Secuen es: cf the ca:e en whic the undenak- cS. The Chai.- =ay centene a tb> cf the Pxecutive Orcer. these reg-

=g r." be censicered. The Executive. =cet=g of the fuD CouncS to censider uladens. and the National E ec:ct. the Ageney Oi!!ci:.l. and the the =aner r: thin 30 days of rece:p of =er:11 Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 43:1 et S:ste Eis:cne Prese vr. don Officer such netice. Is the inter = per:od the sec.). a d an Agency Official finds or snan ;re;are reper .s in accc*ca:ce Age:ey Cfficial shall not take or sine- is =ctified af ter contruetten has s*. art.

tics a 7 acuca or = ate iny irrevers- ed ths; asnundenating win have ss c:: 1 EDC.13. Repons recuired fic=

he A ency Offic.:.2 and the State Eis- ible or ;rretnevable cc--"=ent that effect en a ;revicu3]y unidentified Na.
enc P ese vado O!!!cer =ust be re- could result in an adverse effect on t:csal Recster or eligibie propeny.

rerce: cy :he Dec.:tive D;recter at the Nat.cnal Register er cunble prop- the Federd agency may ful!C its re-

.ess: 0; czys defere zny =ee:=g. Pau- eny or : hat recid forec!cse the Con.n' s;en3ignities under secuan Ics of he tre cy :he.Tede-d trency to sub=:t c0's conside stics cf modificatic:s or Act. Secdon 2(b) cf the Execudre its re;cn may res;:lt 1: postpone =ent a.lterna:ives to the picposed undenal* Order. and these reguladens, by co=.

Cf cons;ceriLC cf the tadenati:C. isc thi; could avofd er 1.J:!Cate :he the recuire=ents cf the m Nern.g .Ve nce. Crenerally. 21 acverse e!.fect. I! the Charman de- A cheologica.) and Eistone Prese!Ya-cars :ence cf 12 =ee:ings invele. c c:ces art:.ns; ccus:de ;. des cf the pro- tien Ac: (16 U.S.C. 469(an as i= pie-ren :c: re':er cf undena. tings in ar- 'pesed c:dentting, the consulting par- =ented by the Secrett.y. c= Jess the reret:ce rut these res tlatic s sha3 des shall be i==:ediately notified and Secteu. y deter .mes that the signifi-ce g:ve . by ;ctUca:icn in the P:=rn:, the u= der ting =ay proceed. cance ci :ne prcperty. the effect and  !

-.te:s n'.. ; except;enal, no less (i) Apeney Aen:m :. Respo to any. proposed =1dgaden acdons war. I

.i.n * ::ays nouce sntu be cien by Ccuned Comment.:. Upc: feceipt of tant Counc3 cc sideradoc. If the Sec-the Councirs ec==ents after a =eet- retary cete. ines the Couned's cc=-
c ic
en :: :he P=cui Rec:st:2
C J:::r senu :: the Council A =enu are ing. the nead of the Fede 11 agency c:a! shtu request.the rearristed, the Agency O!!!-
enca sht3 prov
de for cral state- sazil take
hese ec==er:s into ac- ec::=ents of the

- .en:.5 fic: :he Denzt:ye Direc:cr; c:ust is reaching a final dec:sion 1: Council.

-he Agency Cffic:2.1; other panies in regard to the proposed u:derta.t=g. tt) Cctr.ei! C:mments. Within 30

.:erest: :he Secteu / cf the Inte-icr; When a fint! dec:stc= regarding the days of rect:;t of a recues: fer co=-

ne S:ste P:s:ene P eservation Offi- picpesed uncenaking is reached by =e :s frc= an Agency Of*!c:aj under
e re;tesen:tures of nat:ocal. State, the Fecer I agen 7. the Agency Of'i' this seeden, the Executive D: rector.
s ioes un.:ts of gover==:ent, and in- c:a1 shall a wr:tte repen to the concu rence of the Chair.

eres:ec ;uclic : d pr:vate organiza- the Couned desenb=g the ac:1 cts =an. sha.U trans=lt co .nents en .

nons and tudmduals. Pa- les v.shing taken by the Federal Agency 1: re- behalf ci the Council to the Agenc7

o =1ke cral re= arts should natify sponse to the CouncC's cc==ents: the Offic:21 cr the Chair =.a.n sha!! con-
he Executive D:ree:Cr at les.s two acdons taken by other pa.-ties pursu- vene a meeting of the Counc2 pursu-cars in adva.nce cf the meeting. Pa.r- att to { 500.S.

an: to the acdons of the Feceral ues te have their state:nents Agener. and the effect tha: such a.c. P ::M.Paocux Coor.:: n :cx

.:.s nbuted to Council ::e=bers pner t: ens nu have en the affected Nation-

:he =ee:ing should send ce;:es of al Recster or eligible property. Re- 1 F00.5 Pror ammatic Memoranda of ne s;a:e=ents to .he Executive Direc- ceipt of this Report by the Cht: =an I* "" 8- (

~ a: 'e:s i csys = idvance. shall be er:dence that the agency ha.s (a) A;; hectic At the request of in

5) C m .c-u c' O.c Ccuncil he sausfied its responsibilities Ier the Agency Cffic:a.l. the Ccurci2 r.3 con-men
e .isuedec::.%*.e:h:n u c'15the caysCouned wiu preposed under:at=g under Secuen 3: der execudo: cf a Programunst:c after a meet. 106 ci :he Act. Secuen 2(b) of the T.x. .'de=crancum of Agree =ent to I;d. fin FlctaAt ttcisrit. YCt. 4. No. 21-TutscAY, JANUARY *,c.1979


~ .

L. ace :er's ---;onubi" ties under Sec.

eeived and cer:;!ction cf 1.ny teees. agene:ts should coordbate NIPA

.106 cf the Ac: and Sect:cn D:) cf stry ref:saons. the Execuute DLiec:r. c:=; hance the separate
.e Deeu::ve C-der for a pa.r :cular the Agency Official, r.nd other ;arnes, biUues cf the Nauonal Eistone heser.
-:g 2: . cr class cf u.nce-tat.;ngs that if a;;ro:r ste. shan sign the Ag--e-c e d c h e rv.s e m: .u e nu.=crous :s. =ent and at sent to the C51:r. to rauen Ac: and hecut:Te Order 11593
md.;al re:ves:.s I:r cor J ents u . der t:an fer ra: f: anen. ensure that h; stone anf. cultura.1

?ese regn.; n:ss. W! h:.n 30 days after prope-ties are C: Ten picper cenridera.

(e) Chettmen'J Re se-3. Upon rece:;t Ocn .*n the ;rt;arauen of enrJenmen.

he :he I.xecut:ve Dir*cter cf a s:gned Ag:Te=ent. the Cht:r=an tM assessments and entrcnmental 1 ;.;

hog non 7 the agency a.==at:e cf!!c:a2 Me::cranca of whether Ac'rea. shan renese the Agreement and Tch:n . :: pac statements. Agency oclicst: ens *

-.en may be trs e d. Generaur. Mo- actions 30 days~than take one of the pursuant to the Nanonal Eistene


r 2.=matic M emerand t=2 of Ag ee. heservation Act and Execuure Orcer (1)

=ent may be used t the ! tune it WU.! take effect. Ratify the Ac eement, at which 11193 are independent frcm NEPA re- [

u. ,es cf s;;tuadocs: quirements and =cs: be comphed Mth *

(1) Non.s::e-specific undertalonrs. Council (2) Sub= !t the Agreement to the fuH even.Then an ennronmen:a! 1mpact for approval.

2ctudi g Federal a;;roval of State (3) Disapprove the Agreement. state =ent is not required. Agencies

.as pursut=t to Federal legts!ation. (D f#ect of fAe Acreement An ap- should also be aware that the thresh.

old for compilance with Seedon 106 ceeelopmrnt atta mde plans. of agency comprehensive reco==2enda.or proved Pre grs-~ tic Memorandum and the hecutive Order is less than of Agreement shall constitute the that for preparatics of an environ.

uc=s irr legislation and the establish. co=ments of the Council on an indl. mental impact statement. The former ment and ph-*g er modificaden guidelines. of reguladons vidual undertair.ings carried out pursu. applies to any Federa2. federaDy assist.

(2) Undenat:ngs that are repett:1re &=t to the terms of the Agreement ed or federally Uce= sed undertaldng and. unless otherese provided by the having an effect on a National Regis.

is ca:u*e and have essen:1any the Agreement, shall satisfy the agency's ter or eligible proper:7. while the ' engfele effect on Nado 21 Registe or responsibH!tles tmder Section 106 of la::er enends only to =1jor Fede a!


the Ac:, Secie :(b) of the hecutive actions sicalilcantly affect:ng the d) P:og a=s that are de=gned to Order, and these regulations fer AD human ennron=ent. Where both it:rther the preserra; National Re : ion sterand echtsce-or elig:ble areeundertakings carned out in accord. NEPA and the Act er hecut:ve Order with the Agreement.

repernes. are applicable. the CouncU on byt.

(g) Notice. Notice of an approved rc=.menta.1 Quauty, in 2:s Na:ional D.

(4) Prog ..=s mth statutory t:=e u=2:s for project appliccion and ap-Progrs- ane Agreement C':ll be tresmestal Policy Act-Reralauc=s pubushed by the CouncD != the F :tx. (40 CTR 1500 25), d! tree.s that erzat

va! : hat would not per=:t co=pli- at Rz:Is x. Cepves shan be distr:but. e r:ronmental i= pac: sate: ents pre.

a.::ee v.:t these regulations in the ed throngn a;;ropnate A-95 cleanng- pued under See:lon 102(2XC) of

~ ~[tNc. .:U.:2[wn p.mce: . Upo: c e- houses a.nd the consulting par:!es NEPA shall, to the in11est extent pos.

sha ] =ake*eopies tradUy available to ribie, be prepared and ::te:; rated te  :.::nao: by the he:uttre Dire.rter the public. The Progrs==nic Memo. Ett other cunren= ental 1: ;a:: anal.

t r.n a P eg--- ane Me=c :;.=du= cf rascu= cf Agre-=>en should be in.

o yses rela:ed surveys and s:udies Ar- e=e:: :s a:;re:nne. the Age:ycy cluded in the !'.011 entron=2estal required by other au:hcrities-such as C me.a! e.nd :te herudee D..?::ce i= pac:.. statement prepared pursuant the Nano::al Elstenc Preservaden Act

c.1 ecc:rd; to develcp a P og .m.
.aue Me c ancu= of Agree =ent. Act. to the Natic:11 br.-on= ental Peucy 2:d hecut:ve C~ der 115S3. Pre;ua. ,
:ne A; rement r21 affec a par. (h) Te ten cf a draf: e=vironme :a! i=;tet Unless c:herwise prended sine =ent ::ay !ciful the requ:re.

u:ular Str.te er E:nes. the appro;n. by the Agreement, duly exe:

  • ed Pro- =ests !ct repc;.s zsd documentation

.v Sute Eisten: P ese Ta acn C*.ficer gr'" tie Me=crand:.:=2 cf Ar re. t=de- these author:Ocs.

=27 be a . puty to the cen::u2~ . =ent sha.D re--* != effem u :D re-

~F e: :he AC ee=ent :Toives i:: sues voked by any ene of the sig:steries. cc== Circulanon of the s;neme:: for ,

l ent pursua:t Secton nn: ens 2 is secpe the .% dent cf the ~he Age =ey O!!!cial sha2 sub. !: a 102(:XC) of .STPA shall ccesutute a to i Ntuend Confere:ee of S a:e Els:ene report annu2.117 to the hecuttre Di. reques* for Council ce==ents under l

7 sse:- n:ct C.$cers er a des:g=a:ed recter and cther s:gnatones en all ac. Seenen 800A of these regulations if t;tesentante may be a ::.r:y to : e tiet.s *ake pursuant to the Agree. Federal agencies so request L cover

rdanc:. The hecut ve Di--::cr =e::. i=clucing r.ny reec=mendauens letters c::culated T :h draf: e:nire:.
.17 :. .. te cther par :es, i :!;r.=g for modifica: ion or ter=.:.nat:ca of tr.e =estal i= pact sate =e::1. To cocidi.
ner 7eceremay
.;tes wh.;ch agen::es r.:h respons:.

de sifected by the' Ag te=ent. ~he Execunve Director nate the incependent responsibdities j et=e :. to ::. nc:;t.:e = the con-and c;ter s:gnatenes shan renew the cf the Act and NEPA. Federal agen.

report and cete: ::ne whether =ocifi. cies should :nde-take ec=;11a=ce mth

' s.

=ance ancsMeeti=g and may (seehold a Putu Irier.

{ 800.6(bx3)) cncnics mest or ter=i=auc=

is app:  :;nate. of the Agree- these regula ! cts whenever Nanc a1

.,.e ; reposed As et=es:- Reg: ster or elig:ble proper-des may be affected by an under:At=g. The fol.

.c) P rperenen c/ :he Arce nent lg }N Cwniina,non Eth Agexy b- lonng subsecuens i=dicate the 1; pro.

htil be t e resporatil!:y of the EI. omrements 1.nder the Ational En6 ;nate = cans of coordica.:: t the sub.

ecu*,:ve Dire .or to prepare cach rumental Poky ht W U.S.C. W, et ,

AcrTt=ect. At le'as 20 C.ays befcre e:. 88 0 stance and t'+g CI agency co=pu.

, ceu:ing a: Ag eement, the Conseil asce with hTPA. Section 106. and Sec.

Sec:!cn 10ltbX4) of the Na:1ctal 6

' shan publis neuce of the proposed nren= ental Policy Act (NIPA) ce- tion  :(b). The -Council wC1 renew agency enri en=enta.1 i= pact sta:e-Ar rementec==:ents

. ting in the ydr tat. Rr:;:s :n cla es that one cbjecure of natienal ::ents in accordance uth this sectic=.

fro = Federal, ennren=: ental polf;y is to preserve Adherence to these provisic=s will pro.

5:. ate, and loc:1 agencies and the impor.ast histone, cultural. 2=d natu. v:de Federal agencies nth r: ade. l i

h:. ' he Couned nu =ake ec;tes raj aspects cf our =atic 2.1 hentage cuate record cf the censide:stion of '

a.a::stle to :..te.Msted par tes and to an d = a = 11:. Thertver poss:ble. z.: Nauena.! Reg: ster and eligible ;rc;er-1::re:nate A C5 cle .nghouses,

.:) neeanon c/ De Mrce- .cnt ennten=ent which s perts cite s:;7 ties dunng the ;1anning process and and ranety of ind T1:n:al choice." in M11 facd tate the production of a A.**er of cor =ents e. ortar to meet th:s objec !Te, Tederal s=gle document to :neet the require.  ;

FF;faAt e FC!sitt. VCt. M. NO. 21-TutsDaY. JANUseT 1:.1f77 I I.

t I


ments cf NEPA. Section 106. Deet. draft env :c=entd !=;act sistement. the Co=:i! and made readHy avanatle ute


Creer 11*93. and these regula. Acenetes should include at avadable to the pub!!:. Agencies are also en.

relevant b!crmatics en National Reg. couraged to pu:hsh explanater./ rJ!d-it) It is ncrma!)y intended that the ister and ellr.ble ;rcperties. the ef. ance for the procedures.

Ser::en 106.Ixecuute Order e m. fects of the undentting and alterna.

ment; .c :er:oc fun concurrently w:th tive ecurses of action so that the draf t ! $00.11 Counterpart reguladons.

..e NIPA rev:er process. In:Matten of ene.rermental i=pa:: statement ran Individual Federal agene:es =ay, in
ne eer.s;ceratten of h:stor:c and cul. be sub=l::ed as the ;te!!=inary case ac:ctdece rth See:fon 1(3) of the '

tural resources should comeide with re;cri under 1800.13tb) ci these regu. Executive Order. the President's b

ne reners. c::;ation To the of ::1x:=um other ent:ron=

exten*ental pos-lations. In sc=e instances. the Seca:cn Me=crandum en ental Qual.

106/ Executive Order cc==enting ity an: Water Resources Manage =ent, sible, agencies should reflect

1:us c: corn;11ance with Section 106 the process r13 be ec=pleted prior to issu. a.nd tnese rerdadons. choose to adept anee of a draft ennten=estal !=;act counterpart regulations related to the Execuuve Order and these rerda. statement. 1: that event. the co=. their specific programs and authorities tiens in 13 docu=ents prepared under =ents of the Council sM;:Jd be includ. to assast in meeting their responsibD.

N' EPA ( ental assessments, ed in the draf t.

d. aft e:wiron=en d i= pact state. (e) Completion of the CouncD co=. ities under Secuon 106 cf the Act and

=ents. and final environ = ental i= pact me= ting process b accordance with Section 2(b) of the Executive Order.

sta:e=ents) to prende the pubuc these rerdauons should precede issu* (a) Responsibiudes of bdir. dud Federal agencies pursuant to 1:00.1 the fd.lest and most co=clete infor. ance of the final ene.ronmental

=atten available on effects on historic impact state =ent. Coc:=ents of the may be =et by counterpart resta.

and cu.!tural resources and siternatives CouneD obta.tned pursuant to i 800.6 tions jobtly dra.fted by that agency

o reduce those effects. If the ec=. or ! 800:8 of these regulations should proved and the Executive Director and ap-
  • menting ;rocess under Section 106 and be incorporated into the final sta e* by the Chat = nan. The Federal the Executive Order is not ce=pleted =ent. agency shan provide a=ple opportunI.

(f) The Cou=cH. in its reder of envi- ty for pubbe partici;aden in the devel.

before the find environ = ental i=;act s:a:e=e:: is issued. a.s undenal. rc== ental i=;act stateme=:s for t=. op=ent of such counterpart rerda.

  • ings where subsequent design stage re. dertakings that affe:: National Reg:s. Mons, beluding puhucation 6 the Frp.
  • iers occur, agencies should include ter or eUgible prcperties rin look for zu:. Rrc:sm as proposed and final '.
he e==:D s ce==ents 6 any su;;1e. evidence of ; roper cc=;Uance with rule making with prortsion for a mini.

mestal state =ent. that is prepared Sectta *06 of the Act. Section 2(b) of mu:n 60 day pened for public co=. t pursur to NIPA. the Executive Order. and these rerala* ment. Once b effect such counterpart  !

st) Federa! agencies should initiate tfens. The Counec's news c: the age 3* regulations =ay, as apprognate su. i c:=;;iance rath Section 106 cf the cy's co=pif ance these authenties percede the recuire=ents of { 800.0 '

/.c and the Execu:ive Order b ac. rin be-incluced i: its ce==e::s c= en. ."he . Federal agency shan fue ap.

c:rdu.ce T.n these rerala ! cts v'.ren=en d i= pan statements. preved counterpar: regulauens r:th c cunn; b: id enn en= ental assers- the CouncD and shad =1ke the= read.

rnents that are undenaken to meet { M1g Coordination wnh the Preu. den.

ny avaSable to the public, the rect:re=ents cf iTIPA ed agency tia. Memo 3ndm on Enuronmmal (b) Counterpar: terda:!ons may in-enntenment:.! ;reeecures. In 1.y Quauty and Water Resources Manan. clude- -

event this should c,ccur no later :han " " ' ' WA W hd dmW uh applies to tha agency's panicu.iar ac.

dun .c the preparauc= cf the draft en. Federal Agenefes ud.*.h rater re. urtues ne p;egms, vu en=en d !=pae: state =e: . Identi. sources responsibnities shall nc later (2) Methods to identify Naticta!


ficati:n cf Natic::.! Rer. ster and eifri. the three months a. iter publication tie ;te;e- les should be car-ied cut in of these rerdadens a.s !'- "y adepted Register and euritle prcperties for .

ac:ct:: .te C h ! 500.4 of these rera. = the F=In:. RIO:sm. pu:lish pro. each class cf u .denakings, (3) Methe:3 to evaluate effe::s en '

1 dens. P
ten !a! effe :s should thes cedures to i=plement these rerala- .N'atiend Rer. ster er ells:ble preper.
e evuua:ed 2 a:ecrcrnce the tiens as required by the President:11 ties,  ;

Cr;;ena :! I!!en and Adverse Effee: Me=crancu= c:Invi ::=es:0 Qud.  ;

. l 200.3 cf these teralstiens. The en. ::7 and Water Rescurces Manage =ent. (4) Authen:1:ica for nen. Federal nt:n=en:d 2.ssess=en; sad te draft Iach agency sha2 consuit the ;a.nicipation ess. ang 1: the consultation ; roc.

e n . .r:n=enta! =;&n state =e : Conned rh.!:e deve!c;=g !:s proce*

sh: ult luur desente 2.ny Natiend dures a.nd shafl provide 2.n opper: uni. Standards, raidelines and other Ref.3:er er elir.ble propenies v.thm ty for pubbe revier a.nd ec=:nent en =casures to ensure avoicance or =1:1 gatien of adverse effects en National the ennt:n= 1 ezental cf the!=;act cde-tat:,ng's potential and the nature their propcsed precedures shan berer.: ladens.

effe:Uve Agency Then the Reg: ster and e!!gible prcperties I r ci :he =cenaking s eff eet en the=. Chai.~ an 1;; roves the= a.s confer =* each class of undert-kings. .

f e) *f ecr.!uaden ei the effen result. ing to the Presidendd Memorsecum (c) To the =Ari num extent possible.

ed :n a Dete. :naden of No E!!ect or and these reralatiens. Agency proce* counter;a: pursuant to

. regn;1tions ceveleped this seedon shculd be in.

N: A:ve se I!!e:: uncer ! 800.4. that dures =us*. at a "-"u= include ac. tergrated r. h agency teraladens for

!===g. along. rtth supponi=g docu. ce; table measures to ;revent or =10

=ents: ten, should be included or ref. gate losses of historic or cultural re- Act, the National Invironmental Poucy erenced in the ennronmental assess. sources and provisions to insure that ,

ment and the draft enn en=enta.! 1.D ;r:Jects =ct yet ec=structed win

  • 0:Trn Paoy:s::::s

=;at statement. co=;ly with these teralations. Addl.

(c) !! erduatien of the effect resuit. ticnany, such procedures shaU ;te.

  • M 1., Innstintion o threats to Na.

ed in a De:er: .maticn of Adve se scribe a clear way to identify funding tional Reps:er and th{roie properdes.

E!!ee:. :ha: finding and a ce;y cf the fer ental =1:!gation 1: an (1) The Counc3 is frecuently advised -

agent rs re:ues: Ier the C:=c0's agency's 1;;r:;r:14cn reques.s. The by Sta:e E:stenc Preservatica Officers

ar nen:.s in aceerdance v.* h ;rceecures'shan be a;; roved by the and othe s of unde tairants that

! 100 O cx1) cf these teraladens Chat =an rathin 60 days if : hey are threaten Natient.1 Regis:er er eur.ble sneu : te included in or referenced in censisten Mth these rera!a i:ns. prepenies and that s;; ear to hvolve ne en..r:ntnental assess =ent and the Once in e!!e : they shan be IUed r.rh a Federal agency. In creer to ;r:te:t FE f aAt 18G15:14 VCL. M. NC. 21-TVttDaY. JANUARY 33. 1979



. r t

these ;reperties. the Exscutive Direc. (3) A Ust of National Reg: ster an$f i

ct brest: gates these =atters. general. ellg:tle prope-ties that s.2 be affected include a verificatica of the !egal and l *y ty vnt=g *o the Federal agency by the undertating. beluding a de. histencal

. status of the propeny and l

that se; ears to oe involved in the un. sen;tien of the prcperty's phyncal ap. an certas:ng. Feceral agencies shouJd re.

assess =ent of the histoncal, archi.

tectural. archeological or cultural sig.

pear 1Dee and significance; nificance of the property.

s;cnc to these incu:rles ethan 30 (4) A bnet state =ent explaining Thy (2) M ency Offie:ars Jteport The cays. !! there is Feceral mvolve=ent each ci the Cntens of Adverse I'!ect report Ire:n the Agency Offical re-


ful'il: res;cns:::btiesthe agency under these sha!! (See cable:Sectie: 300.3) was found ina;;U. Questing cc==en:s shad include a reg d atic ns.

(5) Tntten views of the State Eis. genera 2 discussion and chronoicry of tt) The Coune:) will exere:se its au. the yrc;csed undenat:ng; an account '

toric Preservation O*ficer concerning of the steps taken to co= sty the

henty c:es to ec==ent under to Federal nese regulations agen.E!!ect.

in ceria:n the Dete.~=ation if avt:1stle: and. of No AAerse Nattend Enviren= ental Policy Act  !

l spec:12 s:: cat: ens even though rn ten (NEPAh any relevant supperung docu. ,

(6) An esth= ate of the cost ei the un. =entatics in studies that the agency not:ce that an undenak:ng wC1 have Identifying FedetaJ and has ce=cleted: an evaluation of the an ceived.

adverse e!!ect has not been re- non.Tedersl ahares. effect of the undertaking upon the (b) Preliminnfy Case Reports. Pre. property, with partjeular reference to I 6o0.13 Reporu to the Counell. 11=inary Case Reporu should be sub. the i= pact on the historical, architec. ';

In creer to =cet responsib!11 ties pursuant =1 ted to with a request Section 800.4for andco==ents should tural, archeologica2. and cultural  ;

under these regulations, the Council include the foHowing infor=auen: values: steps taken or proposed by the prescribes that certain reports and (1) A desertption of the agency's in. agency to avoid or =1tigate adverse ef.

documents be r:sde available to it. volve=ent with the proposed under. fects of the undertaking; a thorough The content cf such reports is set tahng with citations of the agency's action: discussion of alternate and an analysis foursesthe compart=g of ,

fcrth suffic:ent be!or. The purpose infor=ation is to for the provide progra= authonty.and applicable i=. advantages resulting fro = the under.

CouncQ i 4

to evaluate the significance of affected and ple=e= ting regulations, procedures. taking with the disadvantages result.

guidelines:  ;

Naticnal Reguter and eligible propdr. las fro = the adverse e!!ects on Na.

ties. undere:2nd the objectives *and re- agency's (2) Theapproval status of this project in the tional' Reg: ster or eugible properties.

process: -

i cutre=ents of the undehaking. assess The Agency O!!icial than arrange for (1) The status of this project in the the sub=ission and presentation of i the effee: in ter s of the entena spec. agency's Nattend F. nron= ental any repen by a gra: tee. per=i::ee 11 i'ied  := these rer.:latiens.

ne feasicil!:7 and prudence of af ter..nd andy:e PoUey Act cc=pifance process and the censee, or other pany Feder. <

natives. ~?.e Council further recog. ren=entd ta get cate for cc=pletion of ED envi. M assistance ci a;;rova! to carry out responsibilities: the unden.aking.

=ces that the Act reccires that Na. (4) A desen;; ion of the proposed un.

.tenal Reg: ster =d eiirible ; operties de tat =g includag, as a;;rc;na e. (3) 0:her Ieders! heney Reporis. A heujd := ;tese. zed 23

  • Imng par nctcc a;hs. =aps. repen irc= any cther Tederal agency c! our cc== unity his r.nd develop. specifjestions: drawings, and invclved in the undenak=g or a relat. e

=en:? and censide s these ele =ents (5) ed actic that affecu the property in 5 an =denai:=r tha: have releva.nce Reg: ster A desc :stien of the National .cuestic:. including a general descrip.

er ensible pre;erdes affened t:cs and ch enology of tha; agency's [

beycnd h:s:enes! and cultur 1 cen. by the undenating, including a de. involve =en; and its relation to the un.


uanc To ass:s 2eitCouncil in weighing seeks the in- sen;;ic appeartace cf theandOrc;enies' significance:physical certaking being consicered, by the
  • icr=atica ne: only beanng upon phys. Council.

(6) A brief s:&temen: ex;Iaining why leal, (4) 5::te Historie Preserection O//I.

also infon=atien ec=cerning eco. (Ses !cf!00.3) estnetic. cr environmentd effects 1:y the Cntena a;;17: cf Adverse I.ffect cer's Reper:. A report fro = the State ne=ic. see:.I. anc ether bene!!u cr de. E1 steric Presemtic: 01ficer should  !
.. menu that C result frc= the un. teric (-) Wn: ten views cf the State Eis. include a: assessment af the signifi.

! cenak: .g. Prese: ca*aen Officer cence.ning cance ci the propeny withis the State

) :nese re;ct.s Agene:es should of b me contex: consider the: the effect c the property. if avaCable: preservaden prog n=:a= evduation cf (E) The news cf other Federal ager. the effen cf the undenaking upon the ec=;Uance Tith c the Natiend Inviron. cies. Sta:e and !cca! gcVer=::esu. and propeny a d its specifje ec=;.cnents:

! De y Act and incorporate the cther g oups cr i=dMduals, when 10 evaluaten cf knov. Uternate

.he:r cen:ent = ennrer_~.. ental assess- k:c . :

.cnts. ::af: env::c:=e ntal !=;ae: (9) A desc ::do: and analysis cf d. courses of actic : a discussics of pres.

ett or ;te;csed par.ic:panon cf State i

=:ac; sta:emen:s and !=a! as ennron::

specified ental te effec in verte sa::ves s; that tculd avoid the ad- and loc 2.1 agencies cr otra.=!zatiens in i

!  ! S00.9. CD) A cesen; tic and analysis cf a.i. the ;rtsern:t ci assisting 1: preserving proper:7. as indicatics cf the sup.

h eta) r. Occume .:enott Jer ter At:ves that would =: Orate the ad. pct cr c;pesition of u. nits of govern.

cf No Adre se f/7ect. Adequate verse effects; and.

coeu: .enta;ic: of a Determination of =ent and public 2:d ;nvate agencies (11) An es:1=ste of the ecs cf the No Mve se I!!ee: pursuant to I B00.4 under:ating. identifying Federal a .d a:d crgameauens cithin the State:

4 shecid =c!uve the !cuernt.infor=a. =c=.Tederaj shares: and the reec==endation cf the State t:en: (c) Reperts /cr Council Stee:ing. Eistenc ?resemtion Officer. -

(1) A descr:ction ci the agency's is. (5) I:ceuu:e Director's Report A  !  !

Consideration of an undertaking by repen frc= the I.xecutive Director I  ;

vc!ve=ent W:th the proposed under. e:ther the fuD Ccuncil or a panel pur. sha.U include a descr::: ton of the ac.


rcg a= T th citstjens auther
:y a:d cf the agency's applicable t=. suzst to } 800.6 is based en reports tio:s taken pursuant to these regula. t frem the T.xecutive D!recter. the tic:s. an evaluation of the e!!ect of
e=enting and r.
ter.:stions. precedures. Agency Official, the Secreta.y of the the undenaking on the picperty, a i it A desc .;;ien of the preposed un. laterier, the State Eistoric Preserva. review cf any k cT: diernate courses f dtnat .g including. as apprognate, cens:s* tion Officer, cf the and others. The re;cris ci actien. as analysis ce=panng the folloring


! ;ne:cc a:ns. =0;s. draw =gs. 2d advantages retulting ! t= the under.

(1) Steretary c/ de Jr.:crict's Report. ta. king r::h the disadvantages result.

{ s;tedca :cas; The te;crt fro = the Secretary sha.!l =g .frC= the adverse effec:s en Na.  ;

! I FIDER At stetnts. VCt. M. NC. 21-Tuts:AY. JANUAeY 20. IM .

e h

i I



  • 6081 ucnal and recc F.egater

. .encat: erense!!r.bla preperties for Couned anc elfr.ble cevelop:ngprcperties. detertonining ahernr.tnes avo:d ore'!!ect. full cr panzl CouncQ meetings seusn. (1800.6(d)). and the availatesty cf

6) 0:hcr Reports. The Council M11 has mitsgate an adverse considerable effect.
nfer=ation The public ether infermancn related to the avadable j


ns:cer cther penment recc ts. state. that could aas:st Federal agtnc:es, the review process ander these ter.dations l


such as a Dete m: nation of No Effect.

-. mutes,ectrescencenec, anc documents rece:ted transenpts. fromState and themstenc' Councu Presereation O!!!cer in =eetmg their re-a Deter mnauen : No Adve se E!!ect, a Memcrancum of Agreerr.ent (See sny panc F.e e rtsa;2sucmatted parues. put!)e or prtrate.

pursuant to this Thespons:bil!ues uncer these Couned espec:Mly rer.:lations.

urges that Fed. 1 E00.6(c)) er a Programmate Memo.

sect:en s nct.;d ce recesved by the eral agencies make every effort to in. The rancurn of Ar te=ent (See i 300.8),

Couned at least -

pur;;ose of such nctice is to Couned sett:ng. days pr:or to a volve gnntees, pemttees. licensees, inform persons. agencies, and orga.% .

and other parties in interest'lE i 500.14 Sutplementary Guidame. consultation procer.s. To this en[the cations that may be interested or af. .

the fected by the proposed undertalung of Counc!1. the Agency O:fictal and the the oppcrtunity to partict; ate in the The Decut:ye further r.:: dance DLrecter =ay these to interpret issue State should: Histone Presertation O!!1cer review process under these regula.

regulations to usist Federal agencies (a) Make readily avillable. to the uons. This include:

and State Eistenc Preservation O!!!- (1) Macing notice to those who have cers :n meetmg their responsibilities. extent possible, documents. =atertals, requested it on an individual smder.

Tha rancelmas are for informational anci other information and data con. taking or Progn=matic Memorandum purposts only and will be published in cerning the and effects of Agreement.

on National Reguter and eligible prop. (2) Use of notice in local newspaper, the Ftata.A:. Ractsna and win be read-Dy avanable to the pubuc. ertie.s that may be of innrest to the local media. and newsletters that may public. Such information sheJd be be expected to reach potentially inter.

I 600.15 Publie karticipau. ors.

erade avanable Mihin the 11=its of the ested persons.

Preedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. (3) Posting of notice on. and off site The pa public Council encourages tic:pation muimum in the review proc- 552) and need not necessarily include in the area where the undertaking is in. formation on budget financial, per. proposed to be located. -

ess under these regulations. The sonnel, and other propnetary matters Councu. Fecers.! agencies, and State (c) Solicit relevant information frcm Histo' ne P eservauon Officers, should or the specific location of archeolog). the pubbe curtng the identification of ca! sites. Matertal to be made avanable National Register a.nd engtble prcper.

seek assistance frem the pubuc includ- to the pubuc by the agency and th,

..s other Tederal agencies, units of State Elstenc Preservauon Officer censideration !cs. the evaluaticn of effects. and the cf alternatives.  :
ccal ann State sovernment, public should be prodded to the pubuc at the (d) Hold or sponsor public meetings and pnvate crg2.n
.:.st2ons, ind:viduals - um ecs per--i"ible.

and federa!!y recer iced Indian tribes on proposed uncer aktngs and make (b) Make the public aware of Public dH! rent efforts to include the puchc.

In evuusti..g Nr.nenal Reg: ster and Infor=ation Meettngs (j 600.6(b)(3)).

ITE Doc. m: 48 rued 109-Te: 2:45 a=1

~ .  ;

8 I

I l

e I,

Fittt.At itGist!R. VCt. u. NC. 21-TUESDAY. JANUARY 30. ter9 I


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