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{{#Wiki_filter:APPENDIX E REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF STATE AND LOCAL PLANS BY FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C.20472 50 JUL 1882 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM:  

BrianGrimesDirectorDivisionofEmergency Preparedness U.SucarReatoryCommission R'crd.rimAssistatAssociate DirectorOfficeofNaturalandTechnological HazardsInterimFindingonOffsiteEmergency Preparedness atSt.LuciePowerStation,FloridaThepurposeaf.thismemorandum istotransmittheFederalEmergency Management Agency(FEHA)InterimFindingontheSt.LuciePowerStation,Florida.Thisfindingisbasedon"draftplans"submitted bytheStateofFloridaandanexerciseoftheseplansheldduringtheperiodFebruary10-12,1982.Thefollowing materialisattached:
Brian Grimes Director Division of Emergency Preparedness U.S uc ar Re atory Commission R'c rd.ri m Assista t Associate Director Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Interim Finding on Offsite Emergency Preparedness at St.Lucie Power Station, Florida The purpose af.this memorandum is to transmit the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEHA)Interim Finding on the St.Lucie Power Station, Florida.This finding is based on"draft plans" submitted by the State of Florida and an exercise of these plans held during the period February 10-12, 1982.The following material is attached: 1.Memo entitled"Florida (Plant St.Lucie)Interim Finding Report" from Regional Director, FEMA Region IV to the Associate Director for State and Local Programs and Support, dated Duly 6, 1982.2.Letter from RAC IV Chairman to Director, Florida Division of Public Safety Planning and Assistance dated February 25, 1982, listing deficiencies noted at the February 10-12, 1982, exercise.3.Letter from Director, Florida Division of Public Safety Planning and Assistance to the RAC IV Chairman, dated May 25, 1982, responding to the deficiencies identified during the 1982 exercises at St.Lucie, Turkey Point and Crystal River nuclear power plants.The FEMA Interim Finding, as stated by the Regional Director, FEMA Region IV, states that"while plan and plan execution improvements are needed, we consider the State of Florida and the involved counties to be capable of implementing their planned responses to an offsite release of radioactive material at the St.Lucie Power Station." The State of Florida has recently contracted with a firm to revise the State and site specific plans to include SOP's and a draft will be submitted to FEMA Region IV by December 1, 1982.The RAC Review and Comments will be furnished Florida by February 15, 1983.The plan should be officially submitted by the Governor no later than March 31, 1983.Therefore, the schedule in Attachment 3 is void and the anticipated revised plan submittal date to FEMA Region IV is November, 1982, versus Octobery 1982)as stated in~Attachment 1.8208110107 820730 PDR ADOCK 05000335 F PDR E-1 Although the"Alert and Notification" system is in place, the adequacy of the system must be verified in accordance with NUREG 0654/FEMA REP-l.If I can be of any further assistance on this matter, please contact me or Yern Adler at 287-0200.Attachments as stated M Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV 1375 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30309 July 6, 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR: LEE M.THOMAS, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR ST T 0 L PROGRAMS AND SUPPORT Majo.M Regional Director
1.Memoentitled"Florida(PlantSt.Lucie)InterimFindingReport"fromRegionalDirector, FEMARegionIVtotheAssociate DirectorforStateandLocalProgramsandSupport,datedDuly6,1982.2.LetterfromRACIVChairmantoDirector, FloridaDivisionofPublicSafetyPlanningandAssistance datedFebruary25,1982,listingdeficiencies notedattheFebruary10-12,1982,exercise.
3.LetterfromDirector, FloridaDivisionofPublicSafetyPlanningandAssistance totheRACIVChairman, datedMay25,1982,responding tothedeficiencies identified duringthe1982exercises atSt.Lucie,TurkeyPointandCrystalRivernuclearpowerplants.TheFEMAInterimFinding,asstatedbytheRegionalDirector, FEMARegionIV,statesthat"whileplanandplanexecution improvements areneeded,weconsidertheStateofFloridaandtheinvolvedcountiestobecapableofimplementing theirplannedresponses toanoffsitereleaseofradioactive materialattheSt.LuciePowerStation."
TheStateofFloridahasrecentlycontracted withafirmtorevisetheStateandsitespecificplanstoincludeSOP'sandadraftwillbesubmitted toFEMARegionIVbyDecember1,1982.TheRACReviewandCommentswillbefurnished FloridabyFebruary15,1983.Theplanshouldbeofficially submitted bytheGovernornolaterthanMarch31,1983.Therefore, thescheduleinAttachment 3isvoidandtheanticipated revisedplansubmittal datetoFEMARegionIVisNovember, 1982,versusOctobery1982)asstatedin~Attachment 1.8208110107 820730PDRADOCK05000335FPDRE-1 Althoughthe"AlertandNotification" systemisinplace,theadequacyofthesystemmustbeverifiedinaccordance withNUREG0654/FEMA REP-l.IfIcanbeofanyfurtherassistance onthismatter,pleasecontactmeorYernAdlerat287-0200.
Attachments asstated MFederalEmergency Management AgencyRegionIV1375Peachtree Street,NEAtlanta,Georgia30309July6,1982MEMORANDUM FOR:LEEM.THOMAS,ASSOCIATE DIRECTORSTT0LPROGRAMSANDSUPPORTMajo.MRegionalDirector

Florida(PlantSt.Lucie)InterimFindingReportTheenclosedreportissubmitted foryourreviewasrequested.
Florida (Plant St.Lucie)Interim Finding Report The enclosed report is submitted for your review as requested.
Nocorrections havebeenmadetonote'ddeficiencies andnoneisanticipated untilOctober1982.Whileplanandplanexecution improvements areneeded,weconsidertheStateofFloridaandtheinvolvedcountiestobecapableofimplementing theirplannedresponses toanoff-sitereleaseofradioactive materialattheSt.LuciePowerStation.-
No corrections have been made to note'd deficiencies and none is anticipated until October 1982.While plan and plan execution improvements are needed, we consider the State of Florida and the involved counties to be capable of implementing their planned responses to an off-site release of radioactive material at the St.Lucie Power Station.-Enclosure Z.ZNTRODUCTZON The following Plant St.Lucie site-specific preliminary evaluation report is provided for FEMA iVational Office review.The 10-mile EPZ includes St.Lucie and Martin Counties.REP plans from these counties and the State Bureau of Disaster Preparedness were reviewed to produce the findings of'his report.Zn addition, RAC ZV conducted an evaluation of the St..Lucie exercise held during the period February 10-12, 1982.ZZ.EVALUATZON 4 The following evaluation relates to planning standards A through P, NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-1.
Enclosure Z.ZNTRODUCTZON Thefollowing PlantSt.Luciesite-specific preliminary evaluation reportisprovidedforFEMAiVational Officereview.The10-mileEPZincludesSt.LucieandMartinCounties.
A Assi nt of Res nsibilit (Or anizational Control)During the exercise the transition from local control to State control was not clearly defined.Leadership at local and State EOC's hampered by frequent involvement in telephone conference line network.Counties involved did not have school system represented in response organization.
REPplansfromthesecountiesandtheStateBureauofDisasterPreparedness werereviewedtoproducethefindingsof'hisreport.Znaddition, RACZVconducted anevaluation oftheSt..Lucie exerciseheldduringtheperiodFebruary10-12,1982.ZZ.EVALUATZON 4Thefollowing evaluation relatestoplanningstandards AthroughP,NUREG0654/FEMA-REP-1.
Agreements should be negotiated which establish separate and mutual responsibilities of licensee.and local governments regarding response operati ons.B.C.On-Site Emer enc Or animation Applicable only to licensee.Emer en Res nse Su ozt and Resources Assistance available through the Florida Power Corporation contract with the University of Florida is not identified.
AAssintofResnsibilit(Oranizational Control)Duringtheexercisethetransition fromlocalcontroltoStatecontrolwasnotclearlydefined.Leadership atlocalandStateEOC'shamperedbyfrequentinvolvement intelephone conference linenetwork.Countiesinvolveddidnothaveschoolsystemrepresented inresponseorganization.
Also, it is not clear whether the university will work for the utility or the State during response.Facilities have not been completely identifed and agreements are not included in plans.D.Emer enc Classification S stem There are no clear cut provisions for the licensee to provide protective action recommendations to local officials.
Agreements shouldbenegotiated whichestablish separateandmutualresponsibilities oflicensee.
Notification Methods.and Procedures Official evaluation of the prompt notification system has not been accompli shed.Emer enc Communications Alert'ng and notification of response personnel should be addressed more thoroughly.
andlocalgovernments regarding responseoperations.B.C.On-SiteEmerencOranimation Applicable onlytolicensee.
Means for 24-hour notice and particular inzormation related to incident categories should be included in county plans.
EmerenResnseSuoztandResources Assistance available throughtheFloridaPowerCorporation contractwiththeUniversity ofFloridaisnotidentified.
During the exercise it vas evident that point to point communications between the State and other facilities need to be improved.Installation of the planned ring down circuit would alleviate communications problems.G.Public Education and Information There is no evidence that an annual public information dissemination program exists.Information materials and the means for distribution're not included in plans.Physical accommodations at the No procedures vere established respond spontaneously to media time-consuming.
Also,itisnotclearwhethertheuniversity willworkfortheutilityortheStateduringresponse.
Rumor control affected areas.FEOC were inadequate for media permit PIO and/or EOC director to queries;clearance procedures vere centers were not established in H.Emer enc Facilities and E i ment County plans do not establish a central point for receipt.and analysis~of fieLd monitoring data.Plans do not identify or describe emergency ki ts.The plan does not make clear at vhich installation (SEOC,,EOF, or f'ield operations center)the command/control process will take place.1'ccident Assessment Plans indicate a lack of capability to monitor radioactivity in stipulated ranges".Zf DOE is to provide this capability, a vritten agreement with DOE is appropriate.
Facilities havenotbeencompletely identifed andagreements arenotincludedinplans.D.EmerencClassification SstemTherearenoclearcutprovisions forthelicenseetoprovideprotective actionrecommendations tolocalofficials. Resvonse There aze no provisions for the licensee to forward protective action recommendations to State response organizations.
Notification Methods.andProcedures Officialevaluation ofthepromptnotification systemhasnotbeenaccomplished.EmerencCommunications Alert'ngandnotification ofresponsepersonnel shouldbeaddressed morethoroughly.
The plan policy statement should be revised to indicate that KZ is no longer a prescriptive drug.The State Health Officer is not included in the decision-making process relative to the use of radio-protective drugs.County plans should reference the State plan relative to protective action guides.During the exercise it vas observed that county protective actions for special populations were not addressed.
Meansfor24-hournoticeandparticular inzormation relatedtoincidentcategories shouldbeincludedincountyplans.
Zt vas observed during the exercise that the procedures foz administration and distribution of KZ vere not clear at the FEOC.K.Radiolo ical Exposure Control It vas observed that exposure control measures for emergency workers vere inadequate at State and County facilities.
Duringtheexerciseitvasevidentthatpointtopointcommunications betweentheStateandotherfacilities needtobeimproved.
Plan does not address the disposition of contaminated injured persons.
Installation oftheplannedringdowncircuitwouldalleviate communications problems.
Z.Medical and Public Health Su rt, setters of agreement concerned with transportation of injured do not contain language which assures that transportation will be made avai labl e.H.Recove and Reent Plannin and Post-Accident 0 erati ons Decision-making process for reentry and.recovery is not made clear in'lans.Premature termination of exercise precluded the observation of recovery and reentry operations.
G.PublicEducation andInformation Thereisnoevidencethatanannualpublicinformation dissemination programexists.Information materials andthemeansfordistribution're notincludedinplans.Physicalaccommodations attheNoprocedures vereestablished respondspontaneously tomediatime-consuming.
N.Exercise and Drills The February exercise was well conducted and observed, and identified the need for additional training in most areas of emergency response at both State and local levels.O.Radiolo ical Emez en Res nse Trainin Training for medical support personnel not under contract to the licensee is not specifically provided for in the plans.Exercise demonstrated that additional training is needed in the area of decontamination, dosimetry and exposure control methodology.
Rumorcontrolaffectedareas.FEOCwereinadequate formediavisitors.
P.Res nsibili t for the Plannin Effort No significant deficiencies noted.IZZ SCHEDULZ OF CORRECTZ'ONS Florida indicates the plan improvements and corrections will be submitted to FEEL in October l982.
topermitPIOand/orEOCdirectortoqueries;clearance procedures verecenterswerenotestablished inH.EmerencFacilities andEimentCountyplansdonotestablish acentralpointforreceipt.andanalysis~offieLdmonitoring data.Plansdonotidentifyordescribeemergency kits.Theplandoesnotmakeclearatvhichinstallation (SEOC,,EOF, orf'ieldoperations center)thecommand/control processwilltakeplace.1'ccident Assessment Plansindicatealackofcapability tomonitorradioactivity instipulated ranges".ZfDOEistoprovidethiscapability, avrittenagreement withDOEisappropriate.
Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV 1375 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Feb uazy 25, l982 Mr.Robert S.Wilkerson Director, Division of Public Safety Planning and Assistance l720 Gadsden Street Tall ahassee, Florida 32301 ResvonseThereazenoprovisions forthelicenseetoforwardprotective actionrecommendations toStateresponseorganizations.
Theplanpolicystatement shouldberevisedtoindicatethatKZisnolongeraprescriptive drug.TheStateHealthOfficerisnotincludedinthedecision-making processrelativetotheuseofradio-protective drugs.Countyplansshouldreference theStateplanrelativetoprotective actionguides.Duringtheexerciseitvasobservedthatcountyprotective actionsforspecialpopulations werenotaddressed.
Ztvasobservedduringtheexercisethattheprocedures fozadministration anddistribution ofKZverenotclearattheFEOC.K.RadioloicalExposureControlItvasobservedthatexposurecontrolmeasuresforemergency workersvereinadequate atStateandCountyfacilities.
Plandoesnotaddressthedisposition ofcontaminated injuredpersons.
Z.MedicalandPublicHealthSurt,settersofagreement concerned withtransportation ofinjureddonotcontainlanguagewhichassuresthattransportation willbemadeavailable.H.RecoveandReentPlanninandPost-Accident 0erationsDecision-making processforreentryand.recoveryisnotmadeclearin'lans.Premature termination ofexerciseprecluded theobservation ofrecoveryandreentryoperations.
N.ExerciseandDrillsTheFebruaryexercisewaswellconducted andobserved, andidentified theneedforadditional traininginmostareasofemergency responseatbothStateandlocallevels.O.RadioloicalEmezenResnseTraininTrainingformedicalsupportpersonnel notundercontracttothelicenseeisnotspecifically providedforintheplans.Exercisedemonstrated thatadditional trainingisneededintheareaofdecontamination, dosimetry andexposurecontrolmethodology.
P.ResnsibilitforthePlanninEffortNosignificant deficiencies noted.IZZSCHEDULZOFCORRECTZ'ONS Floridaindicates theplanimprovements andcorrections willbesubmitted toFEELinOctoberl982.
FederalEmergency Management AgencyRegionIV1375Peachtree Street,NEAtlanta,Georgia30309Febuazy25,l982Mr.RobertS.Wilkerson
: Director, DivisionofPublicSafetyPlanningandAssistance l720GadsdenStreetTallahassee,Florida32301

==Dear Mr.Wilkerson:==

Enclosedisalistofdeficiencies concerning ChePlantSC.LucieExerciseconducted duringtheperiodFebruaryl0-l2,l982.AlthoughmanyspecificitemsoftheExercisewereobservedtobeproficient, onlydeficiencies areidentified intheattachedlistforreviewing easeandcorrective action.Inparticular, Chemembersof'heRegionalAssistance Committee (RAC)andFEMAregionalstaffgavehighmarkstotheinvolvedemergency responsepersonnel zortheiroverallenthusiasm andseriousness ofpurpose.TheExercisewascertainly asuccessful oneinthatitadequately testedtheStateandlocalRadiological Emergency Pzepazedness Plansandrevealedareasozproficiency anddeficiency.Weareawarethat,asaresultoftheExerciseandcritiqueconducted forSt.Lucie,revisions arepossiblybeingmadeintheStateandSite-Specific Plans'.Therefore, attheearliestconvenience, pleaseprovideCheFEMARegionalDirectorareportonhowandwhenthenoteddeficiencies willbecorrected.
Enclosed is a list of deficiencies concerning Che Plant SC.Lucie Exercise conducted during the period February l0-l2, l982.Although many specific items of the Exercise were observed to be proficient, only deficiencies are identified in the attached list for reviewing ease and corrective action.In particular, Che members of'he Regional Assistance Committee (RAC)and FEMA regional staff gave high marks to the involved emergency response personnel zor their overall enthusiasm and seriousness of purpose.The Exercise was certainly a successful one in that it adequately tested the State and local Radiological Emergency Pzepazedness Plans and revealed areas oz proficiency and defi ci ency.We are aware that, as a result of the Exercise and critique conducted for St.Lucie, revisions are possibly being made in the State and Site-Specific Plans'.Therefore, at the earliest convenience, please provide Che FEMA Regional Director a report on how and when the noted deficiencies will be corrected.
Afterreceiptofthisreport,theprocessofplanreviewandacceptance mayproceed.Wecompliment theStateofFloridaonitsexcellent Radiological Emergency Preparedness ezfoztandassureyouthattheRACandFEMAstaffarecommitted tothefuturesupportoftheseactivities inyourstate.Sincerely yours,c.GlennC.Woodard,Jr.Chairman, RACIVEnclosure RADZOLOGZCAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCZSEPLANTST.LUCIE-FORTPZERCE,FLORZDAFebruaryl0-l2,l982Deficiencies ObservedbFEMA/RACEmerenc0rationFacilities andResources (Workingspace,internalcommunications anddisplays, communications, security)
After receipt of this report, the process of plan review and acceptance may proceed.We compliment the State of Florida on its excellent Radiological Emergency Preparedness ezfozt and assure you that the RAC and FEMA staff are committed to the future support of these activities in your state.Sincerely yours, c.Glenn C.Woodard, Jr.Chairman, RAC IV Enclosure RADZOLOGZCAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCZSE PLANT ST.LUCIE-FORT PZERCE, FLORZDA February l0-l2, l982 Deficiencies Observed b FEMA/RAC Emer enc 0 ration Facilities and Resources (Working space, internal communications and displays, communications, security).State EOC: Point to point communications between State and other facilities need to be improved.Ring down circuit would alleviate inrozmation flow problems.Media center co-located with State EOC created problems..
.StateEOC:Pointtopointcommunications betweenStateandotherfacilities needtobeimproved.
e 2.pycd: internal communications system needs improvement; message circulation inadequate; status hoards, charts and maps were not being kept current.3.St.Lucie Count EOC: Znadequate operating space and poorly designed structure.
Ringdowncircuitwouldalleviate inrozmation flowproblems.
Znternal flow of information was inadequate; message board not posted promptly or accurately; sector map not delineated to show evacuation sectors;no population map.4.Marti n Count EOC: Znternal communi cations inadequate; no oral brierings; secuzi ty inadequate.
Mediacenterco-located withStateEOCcreatedproblems..
IZ.Alertin an'd Notification of Officials and Staff (Staffing, 24-hour capability, alerting timeliness) l.Martin Count EOC: Did not demonstrate provisions for 24-hour capability.
e2.pycd:internalcommunications systemneedsimprovement; messagecirculation inadequate; statushoards,chartsandmapswerenotbeingkeptcurrent.3.St.LucieCountEOC:Znadequate operating spaceandpoorlydesignedstructure.
ZZZ.Emer enc 0 rations Mana ement (Ozgani zation, control, leadership, support by officials, information flow between levels and o'rganizations, decision making, checklists and procedures)
Znternalflowofinformation wasinadequate; messageboardnotpostedpromptlyoraccurately; sectormapnotdelineated toshowevacuation sectors;nopopulation map.4.MartinCountEOC:Znternalcommunicationsinadequate; nooralbrierings; secuzityinadequate.
.EEOC: Transition from local control to State control was not clearly derinec.Leadership was hampered by frequent involve-ment in telephone conrerence line network.2.St.Luci e Count EOC: Leadership hampered by frequent involvement in telepnone conrerence lieve network.School system not epresented in response organization.
IZ.Alertinan'dNotification ofOfficials andStaff(Staffing, 24-hourcapability, alertingtimeliness) l.MartinCountEOC:Didnotdemonstrate provisions for24-hourcapability.
Operations room staf, at times, did not have clear picture of situation; i.e., staff, at l2:05 p.m., did not realize that the EOC had been moved to Hartin County at ll:30 a.m.Only one elected orz'cial present=oz Exercise (for l/2 day).E-8 page 2 3.Martin Countu EOC: Leadersnip hampered bu frequent involvement in telephone conre"ence line network.School system not represented in response organi zation.IV.Public Aleztin and Notification (Means of notificat'on, e.g., si"ens, vehicles, or otner systems, notification timeliness)
ZZZ.Emerenc0rationsManaement(Ozganization,control,leadership, supportbyofficials, information flowbetweenlevelsando'rganizations, decisionmaking,checklists andprocedures)
.l.Local Function: adequate V.Publi c and Media Rel ati ons (Publications, press zacilities,'edia brie"ings, news release coordination)
.EEOC:Transition fromlocalcontroltoStatecontrolwasnotclearlyderinec.Leadership washamperedbyfrequentinvolve-mentintelephone conrerence linenetwork.2.St.LucieCountEOC:Leadership hamperedbyfrequentinvolvement intelepnone conrerence lievenetwork.Schoolsystemnotepresented inresponseorganization.
.l.State EOC: Multi pie sources of news releases created confusion.
Operations roomstaf,attimes,didnothaveclearpictureofsituation; i.e.,staff,atl2:05p.m.,didnotrealizethattheEOChadbeenmovedtoHartinCountyatll:30a.m.Onlyoneelectedorz'cialpresent=ozExercise(forl/2day).E-8 page23.MartinCountuEOC:Leadersnip hamperedbufrequentinvolvement intelephone conre"ence linenetwork.Schoolsystemnotrepresented inresponseorganization.IV.PublicAleztinandNotification (Meansofnotificat'on, e.g.,si"ens,vehicles, orotnersystems,notification timeliness)
2.FEOC: Physi cal accommodations inadequate for media visitors.Only one telephone and one typewri ter available in one small room.No procedures established to permit PIO and/or EOC Director to respond spontaneously to media queries without time-consuming cleazance procedures with Tallahassee and with on-scene representa-tives.Rumor control centers were not established in affected areas.3.St.Luci e Count EOC: Exercise did not demonstrate public information functions at the local level.4.Martin Count EOC: Exercise did not demonstrate public functions information at the local level.VI.Acci dent Assessment (Staff and fi el d o perati ons, moni tori ng, adequacy of equipment, technical calculations, use of PAGs, issuance of timely recommendations).
l.State: MERL, while at Stuart, experienced communications problems with their radio frequency.
adequateV.PublicandMediaRelations(Publications, presszacilities,'edia brie"ings, newsreleasecoordination)
MERL then swi tched to the LGR and seriously interferred with other response organizations'lear reception.
VII.Acti ons to Protect the P ubli c (Shelter'ng, evacuation, zeception and care, transportat'on) l.FEOC: An extended delay was noted'in announcing protective acti ons.2.St.Lucie Count EOC: Protect've actions-or spec'al populations, i.e., scnools, hospitals, nu sing homes, handicapped, were not dd ssed.The one reception c nter, n Indian River County, was dezicient in that: the map'ndi cating center location was inaccurate; no signs were posted on approach ro reception center;one-lane d'"t roads ran through the cente" grounds;no plan page 3 was evident for providing clothing to those, persons decontaminated; procedures for processing evacuees not well organized; no equipment available for vehicle decontamination; no containers available for personal clothing;and initial checkpoint needed a recorder.3.Martin Count EOC: Protecti ve actions for special populations were not addressed.
2.FEOC:Physicalaccommodations inadequate formediavisitors.
VIII.Heal~&, Medical, and Ex sure Control Measures (Access control, adequacy of equi pment and supplies, dosimetry, use of KI, decontamination, medical facilities and treatment).
Onlyonetelephone andonetypewriteravailable inonesmallroom.Noprocedures established topermitPIOand/orEOCDirectortorespondspontaneously tomediaquerieswithouttime-consuming cleazance procedures withTallahassee andwithon-scenerepresenta-tives.Rumorcontrolcenterswerenotestablished inaffectedareas.3.St.LucieCountEOC:Exercisedidnotdemonstrate publicinformation functions atthelocallevel.4.MartinCountEOC:Exercisedidnotdemonstrate publicfunctions information atthelocallevel.VI.AccidentAssessment (Staffandfieldoperations,monitoring,adequacyofequipment, technical calculations, useofPAGs,issuanceoftimelyrecommendations).
l.State EOC: The order to issue, and the administration or, KI was not made clear to State EOC staff.2.FEOC: Administration and distribution of KI procedures were not clear.Exposure control procedures for monitoring team were inadequate.
l.State:MERL,whileatStuart,experienced communications problemswiththeirradiofrequency.
3.St, Lucie Count EOC: Although the Sheriff's Department had a system for determining dosage and had record forms, tneze was no overall system of exposure control meas'uzes for the county's emergency workers.4.Martin Count EOC: Measures for effective exposure control for emergency workers were inadequate.
MERLthenswitchedtotheLGRandseriously interferred withotherresponseorganizations'lear reception.
A log book for recording the dosage of workers was not observed.Appropriate action levels for determining need for decontamination were not specified.
VII.ActionstoProtectthePublic(Shelter'ng, evacuation, zeception andcare,transportat'on) l.FEOC:Anextendeddelaywasnoted'inannouncing protective actions.2.St.LucieCountEOC:Protect've actions-orspec'alpopulations, i.e.,scnools,hospitals, nusinghomes,handicapped, werenotddssed.Theonereception cnter,nIndianRiverCounty,wasdezicient inthat:themap'ndicatingcenterlocationwasinaccurate; nosignswerepostedonapproachroreception center;one-laned'"troadsranthroughthecente"grounds;noplan page3wasevidentforproviding clothingtothose,personsdecontaminated; procedures forprocessing evacueesnotwellorganized; noequipment available forvehicledecontamination; nocontainers available forpersonalclothing; andinitialcheckpoint neededarecorder.
Measuzes for decontamination of'mergency personnel and equipment, and for waste disposal, were inadequate.
3.MartinCountEOC:Protectiveactionsforspecialpopulations werenotaddressed.
Ifi.Recover and Reentr 0 erations l.State: Premature termination of Exercise precluded the observation of recovery and reentry opezations.
VIII.Heal~&,Medical,andExsureControlMeasures(Accesscontrol,adequacyofequipmentandsupplies, dosimetry, useofKI,decontamination, medicalfacilities andtreatment).
2.Local: Same comment as above.X.Relevance of the Exercise Experience (Benefit to participants, adequacy of scenario).
l.StateEOC:Theordertoissue,andtheadministration or,KIwasnotmadecleartoStateEOCstaff.2.FEOC:Administration anddistribution ofKIprocedures werenotclear.Exposurecontrolprocedures formonitoring teamwereinadequate.
The purpose of'he Exercise was accomplished; however, scenar'o did not stress importance of terminating Exercise only after all phases, including recovery and reentry, had been completed.
3.St,LucieCountEOC:AlthoughtheSheriff's Department hadasystemfordetermining dosageandhadrecordforms,tnezewasnooverallsystemofexposurecontrolmeas'uzes forthecounty'semergency workers.4.MartinCountEOC:Measuresforeffective exposurecontrolforemergency workerswereinadequate.
guestionnaires returned bu Zxerc'se participants indicated that the Zxerc'se was very worthwhile and provided a basis for improvement of response capabil'ty.
Alogbookforrecording thedosageofworkerswasnotobserved.
E-10 STATE OF FLORIDA (,.;,'-'-'.q.
Appropriate actionlevelsfordetermining needfordecontamination werenotspecified.
D PARYi.AXN QF VE KRAN::,'.-:-:.-;-,.)-'-=
Measuzesfordecontamination of'mergency personnel andequipment, andforwastedisposal, wereinadequate.
Ifi.RecoverandReentr0erationsl.State:Premature termination ofExerciseprecluded theobservation ofrecoveryandreentryopezations.
's Q.'~LE Q C>>Kii!'iV!LKERSR'J Direeror iMay 25 1982 Hr.Glenn Woodard, Jr.Federal Emergency management Agency, Region IV 1375 Peachtree Street, Northeast Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Oear Glenn: This letter is in response to FENA and RAC deficiencies identified during the recent exercises at the St.Lucie, Turkey Point, and Crystal River nuclear power plants.Attachment I outlines state and local efforts to correct identified deficiencies.
2.Local:Samecommentasabove.X.Relevance oftheExerciseExperience (Benefittoparticipants, adequacyofscenario).
Attachment II is our proposed workplan for the completion of radiological emergency management activities through June 1983.On AprI1 28, Bureau of Oisaster Preparedness staff met with representatives from both utilities and the Oepartment of Health and Rehabilitative Services to discuss revisions to plans and SOP's, ontract status, and annual exercise requirements.
Thepurposeof'heExercisewasaccomplished; however,scenar'odidnotstressimportance ofterminating Exerciseonlyafterallphases,including recoveryandreentry,hadbeencompleted.
Bureau staff requested that the utilities provide additional resources (both short and long-term) to assure the timely completion of!hose acti v'.,ties soecifi ed in the two attachments
guestionnaires returnedbuZxerc'separticipants indicated thattheZxerc'sewasveryworthwhile andprovidedabasisforimprovement ofresponsecapabil'ty.
.If this request is denied or partially granted, Bureau staff wi ll submit a request for an extension and a revised workplan to reflect more realistic completion dates.I will keep you advis d of our progress toward the compl tion of those activities specified in the attachments.
E-10 STATEOFFLORIDA(,.;,'-'-'.q.
If you have any questions or require add'itional information, please contact ilr.Gordon Guthrie.Sincerely, Robert S.Wi lkerson Director RSW/Bi</db Attachments (2)9'Yt Rt" H~gg~3 omcl: oF Tss DIRsc~oa.ROOik!53C CARLTON!'U!LDING
DPARYi.AXN QFVEKRAN::,'.-:-:.-;-,.)-'-=
~TALLAHr'SEE, FLO!<[DA 32301 (Vent)488 6&#xc3;1 ATTACHl1ENT I RESPONSE TO CRITIQUE DEFI CIENCIES~E0 d F d d d d Point to point communications between the state EOC and other facilities will be improved through the ourchase and installation of the hot ring down system, single sideband radio network, and a hard copy system with the capability to transmit technical data to all emergency facilities.
Tne hot ring down sys.em is a dedicated phone line networ k linking the stato FOC, FEOC's, FOF's, power plant control rooms, risk counties, and DHRS Radiological Services.System specifications have been deve',-oped and approved by the Florida Division o.Communica-tions.Southern Bell reports that activities have begun to install the hot ring down system, and expected to be fully operational by the end of (1ay 19S2.The single sideband radio network will serve as a back-up to the hot ring'down system and wi 11'connect the same points.System specifications have been developed and approved by the Florida Division of Communications.
Application for licenses have been developed and submitted to the FCC for their consideration.
'sQ.'~LEQC>>Kii!'iV!LKERSR'JDireeroriMay251982Hr.GlennWoodard,Jr.FederalEmergency management Agency,RegionIV1375Peachtree Street,Northeast Atlanta,Georgia30309OearGlenn:ThisletterisinresponsetoFENAandRACdeficiencies identified duringtherecentexercises attheSt.Lucie,TurkeyPoint,andCrystalRivernuclearpowerplants.Attachment Ioutlinesstateandlocaleffortstocorrectidentified deficiencies.
It is anticipated that the earliest date for license approval will be July or August 1982.To facilitate point to point communications of technical data (i.e., olant parameters, dose assessments, dose projections), a working committee made up of si:ate, risk county, and, utility representatives has been formed to consider the requisite capabilities of a high-speed hard copy transmission system.The working committee is currently considering proposals to assess hard copy transmission needs and to develop specifications for this syst m.In addition to hard copy needs, the working committee is also examining communications needs, emergency news center (ENC)operation, and emergency facility locations.
Attachment IIisourproposedworkplanforthecompletion ofradiological emergency management activities throughJune1983.OnAprI128,BureauofOisasterPreparedness staffmetwithrepresentatives frombothutilities andtheOepartment ofHealthandRehabilitative Servicestodiscussrevisions toplansandSOP's,ontractstatus,andannualexerciserequirements.
lilith regard to emergency facility locations, th committee is examining possible locations for center that r(ill be outside the State EOC.The is also examining possible alternate locations for field emergency operations centers (FEOC's)C.ystal River and St.Lucie plants.One option side".~tion is a wobile FEOC that could be trans berthing stations near each plant.e working he media committee and options for the under con-ported to E-12 Flor ida Power and Light Company (FPL)has agreed to fund a feasibility study for the planning, location, and design of a new EOC for St.Lucie County.Further funding for the construction of a new EOC will be contingent upon the resu'its of this and other facility studies.BDP staff will work with Dade and St.Lucie counties to assure that adequate visual aids for displaying evacuation routes, relocation centers, and population by s ctors are available.
Bureaustaffrequested thattheutilities provideadditional resources (bothshortandlong-term) toassurethetimelycompletion of!hoseactiv'.,tiessoecifiedinthetwoattachments
Funding for the communications improvements required at the t1onroe County EOC will be provided as a result of negotiations with FPL, which are tentatively scheduled for October.The worxing committee will examine working space problems at the Monroe County EOC and make appropriate recommendations for improvements.
.Ifthisrequestisdeniedorpartially granted,Bureaustaffwillsubmitarequestforanextension andarevisedworkplantoreflectmorerealistic completion dates.Iwillkeepyouadvisdofourprogresstowardthecompltionofthoseactivities specified intheattachments.
The working space problems identified at the Citrus County EOC should be resolved upon the identification of a suitable location for the F OC by the working committee.
Ifyouhaveanyquestions orrequireadd'itional information, pleasecontactilr.GordonGuthrie.Sincerely, RobertS.WilkersonDirectorRSW/Bi</db Attachments (2)9'YtRt"H~gg~3omcl:oFTssDIRsc~oa.
The Levy Coun y Commission has agreed to make space available to relocate their EOC, thus improving EOC working space and conditions.
BDP staff have scheduled the development of training standards, revision of SOP's, and training'essions prior to the next exercise.These activities should improve FOC internal communications and information flow, record keeping, and overall operation.
~TALLAHr'SEE, FLO!<[DA32301(Vent)4886&#xc3;1 ATTACHl1ENT IRESPONSETOCRITIQUEDEFICIENCIES~E0dFddddPointtopointcommunications betweenthestateEOCandotherfacilities willbeimprovedthroughtheourchaseandinstallation ofthehotringdownsystem,singlesidebandradionetwork,andahardcopysystemwiththecapability totransmittechnical datatoallemergency facilities.
Alerting and Notification of Officials and Staff Funding has been provided by FPL to<1artin County for tr"ining local emer'gency response personnel and public officials.
Tnehotringdownsys.emisadedicated phonelinenetworklinkingthestatoFOC,FEOC's,FOF's,powerplantcontrolrooms,riskcounties, andDHRSRadiological Heal.thServices.
This training should assure that l1artin County demonstrates a 2<'-hour, capability to manage and respond to a radiological emergency.
Systemspecifications havebeendeve',-opedandapprovedbytheFloridaDivisiono.Communica-tions.SouthernBellreportsthatactivities havebeguntoinstallthehotringdownsystem,andi.isexpectedtobefullyoperational bytheendof(1ay19S2.Thesinglesidebandradionetworkwillserveasaback-uptothehotring'downsystemandwi11'connectthesamepoints.Systemspecifications havebeendeveloped andapprovedbytheFloridaDivisionofCommunications.
Eeerrcnc 0 erations Mana~ament BDP staff is currently invol plan to more clearly define an emergency.
Application forlicenseshavebeendeveloped andsubmitted totheFCCfortheirconsideration.
The revision scheduled for completion in The installation of the hot ate facility managers'nvol fer ence line network.BDP s ion of EOC alert, notificati SOP's for tiartin and St.Luc school system in the respons internal communications and ved in the revision of the direction and control dur ing to this section of the plan is Nay.ring down system wi1 1 el im'.n-vement in the telephone con-taff has scheduled the revis-on, staffing, and operations ie counti s to include the 2 network and to improve information flow.The wor king committee will also examine the function and operation of the emergency news center (EHC}to assure tnat timely and accurate information is disseminated.
Itisanticipated thattheearliestdateforlicenseapprovalwillbeJulyorAugust1982.Tofacilitate pointtopointcommunications oftechnical data(i.e.,olantparameters, doseassessments, doseprojections),
The committee is also examining additional technical (DHRS)E-13 staff requirements at.the EOF.The additional technical staff will improve coordination between OHRS and the Governor's Authorized Representative (GAR).SOP's for the activation, staffing, and operation of.the EOF are sched-uled for revision to assure improved coordination and management of EOF activities.
aworkingcommittee madeupofsi:ate,riskcounty,and,utilityrepresentatives hasbeenformedtoconsidertherequisite capabilities ofahigh-speed hardcopytransmission system.Theworkingcommittee iscurrently considering proposals toassesshardcopytransmission needsandtodevelopspecifications forthissystm.Inadditiontohardcopyneeds,theworkingcommittee isalsoexamining communications needs,emergency newscenter(ENC)operation, andemergency facilitylocations.
Public Alertin and Notification The instal 1 ation of the hot ring down system wi ll assure tnat important information (i.e., changes in plant status/parameters) will be received by all points on the system simultaneously, and should minimize delays in announcing important imformation.
lilithregardtoemergency facilitylocations, thcommittee isexamining possiblelocations forcenterthatr(illbeoutsidetheStateEOC.Theisalsoexamining possiblealternate locations forfieldemergency operations centers(FEOC's)C.ystalRiverandSt.Lucieplants.Oneoptionside".~tionisawobileFEOCthatcouldbetransberthingstationsneareachplant.eworkinghemediacommittee andoptionsfortheundercon-portedtoE-12 FloridaPowerandLightCompany(FPL)hasagreedtofundafeasibility studyfortheplanning,
BOP staff is in the process of revising the notification annexes of the state and site plans.These revisions will result in standardized notification forms and procedures (where possible).
: location, anddesignofanewEOCforSt.LucieCounty.Furtherfundingfortheconstruction ofanewEOCwillbecontingent upontheresu'itsofthisandotherfacilitystudies.BDPstaffwillworkwithDadeandSt.Luciecountiestoassurethatadequatevisualaidsfordisplaying evacuation routes,relocation centers,andpopulation bysctorsareavailable.
Additional cross-training will be sched-uled in Levy County to assure that adequate resources are foe effective dissemination of notification information.
Fundingforthecommunications improvements requiredatthet1onroeCountyEOCwillbeprovidedasaresultofnegotiations withFPL,whicharetentatively scheduled forOctober.Theworxingcommittee willexamineworkingspaceproblemsattheMonroeCountyEOCandmakeappropriate recommendations forimprovements.
Public and b1edia Relations The working committee and BOP staff have scheduled the revision of the EllC concept to identify specific respon-sibilities of state, local, and utility Public Information Officers (P IO's);establish procedures for the accurate and timely dissemination of information; and assure effec-tive management of public information.
Theworkingspaceproblemsidentified attheCitrusCountyEOCshouldberesolvedupontheidentification ofasuitablelocationfortheFOCbytheworkingcommittee.
In addition, all SOP's For P IO's have been scheduled for revision prior to the next exercise.The working committee is also examining the issue of relo-cating the FEOC for the St.Lucie plant.A suitable relo-cation of the FEOC would include adequate physical accom-modations for media visitors.BOP staff is in the process of revising information brochures and posters for distribution to Citrus and Levy counties.These posters and brochu~es will advise resi-dents as well as transients of actions to take in the event of a radiological emergency.
TheLevyCounyCommission hasagreedtomakespaceavailable torelocatetheirEOC,thusimproving EOCworkingspaceandconditions.
BOP staff will propose radiological emergency procedures or inclusion in the Crystal River area phone book.BOP staff wi 11 work with Citrus and Levy counties to develop overlays identifying geographic areas that closely correspond to each popula-tion sector.A slide/tape presentation is being developed for public and media education.
BDPstaffhavescheduled thedevelopment oftrainingstandards, revisionofSOP's,andtraining'essions priortothenextexercise.
Florida Power Corporation (F'PC)has scheduled the construction of a new EOF, which will include adequate physical accommodations for the media.This new facility is to be contructed by October 1982 and fully equipped by March 1983.Accident Assessment OHRS staff is in the process of examining their com-munications needs to assure that the NERL and f ield moni-toring teams are adequately equipped to transmit and r eceive accurate and timely data, and to allow the liERL to effectively monitor communications with field monitoring teams.OHRS is also examining the issue of requisite staffing for the HERL to assur more effective deployment and management of field monitoring teams.The SOP's per-taining to the operation of the MERI will then be revised to address these issues, as well as HERL security, decon-tamination of returning field monitoring teams, periodic briefings of field monitoring teams, policy(ies) for withdrawal from contaminated areas, and standardized checklists for logging data transmissions.
Theseactivities shouldimproveFOCinternalcommunications andinformation flow,recordkeeping,andoveralloperation.
Additional funds for needed communications equipment foi the tlERL and field monitoring teams and updated maps will be negotiated
AlertingandNotification ofOfficials andStaffFundinghasbeenprovidedbyFPLto<1artinCountyfortr"ininglocalemer'gency responsepersonnel andpublicofficials.
'as an addendum to existing contracts or as line items in the new contracts under the provisions of HB 1066.This 1 gislation amended Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, to establish respective roles in the develop-ment, test'ing, implementation, and funding of radiological emergency plans and preparedness.
Thistrainingshouldassurethatl1artinCountydemonstrates a2<'-hour, capability tomanageandrespondtoaradiological emergency.
DHRS will also negotiate additional health physicist positions to assure an ade-quate response capability.
Eeerrcnc0erationsMana~ament BDPstaffiscurrently involplantomoreclearlydefineanemergency.
Inst'allation oF tne hot ring down system and the hard copy system for the transmission of technical data will assure that radiological safety of Ficers in the FEOC's have the capability to receive and transmit data regarding plant status and parameters, and off iste dose assessments and projections.
Therevisionscheduled forcompletion inTheinstallation ofthehotatefacilitymanagers'nvol ferencelinenetwork.BDPsionofEOCalert,notificati SOP'sfortiartinandSt.Lucschoolsystemintheresponsinternalcommunications andvedintherevisionofthedirection andcontrolduringtothissectionoftheplanisNay.ringdownsystemwi11elim'.n-vementinthetelephone con-taffhasscheduled therevis-on,staffing, andoperations iecountistoincludethe2networkandtoimproveinformation flow.Theworkingcommittee willalsoexaminethefunctionandoperation oftheemergency newscenter(EHC}toassuretnattimelyandaccurateinformation isdisseminated.
FPC has scheduled the contruction of a 26,0GO squar feet EOF near the airport, approximately 10.I miles from the plant site.Construction is scheduled for completion in October, and the facility should be fully equipped by'larch 1983.FPC staff has expressed a desire to meet with BOP/DHRS staff regarding the floor plan and layout to assure the co-location and coor dination (i.e., standard forms)of state and utility dose projection personnel.
Thecommittee isalsoexamining additional technical (DHRS)E-13 staffrequirements at.theEOF.Theadditional technical staffwillimprovecoordination betweenOHRSandtheGovernor's Authorized Representative (GAR).SOP'sfortheactivation,
Actions to Protect the Public standards are being scheduled for development for shelter manag"ment staff.HOP staff will work with county directors to develop a training curriculum to assure that shelter managers and staff are adequately trained to open and operate reception centers and shelters.SOP's for the activation and operation of reception centers and shelters will be revised or developed as needed.These activities should correct those shelter deficiencies identified in Citrus, Levy and Indian River counties.In addition, the working committee i s examining the ade-quacy of existing emergency facilities.
: staffing, andoperation of.theEOFaresched-uledforrevisiontoassureimprovedcoordination andmanagement ofEOFactivities.
For those recep-tion centers and shelters that cannot be modified to cor-rect those identified deficincies, new locations for these f ac i 1 i t i es wi 1 1 be r ecommended and equi pped.BDP staff is currently in the process of applying for user numbers to access OHRS and Florida State University com-puters to collect and analyze census data.Of primary interest is updated population figures for schools, hospi-tals, nursing homes, and other special facilities in areas surrounding nuclear power plants.Accurate population data are prerequisites for the development of valid pro-tective actions for special needs populations.
PublicAlertinandNotification Theinstal1ationofthehotringdownsystemwillassuretnatimportant information (i.e.,changesinplantstatus/parameters) willbereceivedbyallpointsonthesystemsimultaneously, andshouldminimizedelaysinannouncing important imformation.
FPL and FPC have provided funds io host counties for the purch'ase of disposable clothing/gowns for contaminated evacuees.Any equipment neces,sary for vehicle decon-tamination, disposal of contaminated clothing, or the effi-cient operation of reception centers and shelters that is not currently available will be negotiated with the utili-ties as an addendum to existing funding contracts or as line items in the new contrcts under.the provisions of HB 1066.BOP staff has scheduled the develoment and adminis-tration of a needs assessment instrument to determine additional unding and resource needs of state and local agencies.Health Hedical and Exposure.Control Measures DIIRS is in the process of develop ing an SOP fo: the pre-positioning of potassium iodide (KI), based on population densities surrounding each power plant, to provide guidance to th counties on storage and distribution of KI.DHRS has also revised the policy for the authoriza-tion to distribute and use KI.This policy wil 1 be included in the revised radiological emergency plan, and will request that each risk county health unit develop detailed plans for the issuance of KI.BOP staff has scheduled the developm dards for radiological.instrumentati control.Once these have been devel wi 11 be scheduled to improv record tion procedures, and overall exposur for emergency personnel.
BOPstaffisintheprocessofrevisingthenotification annexesofthestateandsiteplans.Theserevisions willresultinstandardized notification formsandprocedures (wherepossible).
The Florid Commission has provided funding for ent of training stan-on and exposure oped, training sessions keeping, decontamina-e control procedures a Public Service the BOP to contract
Additional cross-training willbesched-uledinLevyCountytoassurethatadequateresources areavail.ablefoeeffective dissemination ofnotification information.
/with the University of Florida Department of Environmental Engineering for the provision and maintenance of ther-moluminescent dosimeters (TLD')for emergency workers.Under the pr ovisions of this contract (which is currently bein'g reviewed by Department legal staff)the University would al so maintain per emanent dose records for emergency workers.I.n addition, all SOP's regarding decontamination of emergency vehicles, radiological safety officers'esponsibilities, field monitoring, decontamination of evacuees, radiological injuries, and radiological exposure control have been scheduled for revision.Recover and Reentr Operation No response required.Pelevance of the Exercise Ex erience No response required.E-17  
Publicandb1ediaRelations Theworkingcommittee andBOPstaffhavescheduled therevisionoftheEllCconcepttoidentifyspecificrespon-sibilities ofstate,local,andutilityPublicInformation Officers(PIO's);establish procedures fortheaccurateandtimelydissemination ofinformation; andassureeffec-tivemanagement ofpublicinformation.
Inaddition, allSOP'sForPIO'shavebeenscheduled forrevisionpriortothenextexercise.
Theworkingcommittee isalsoexamining theissueofrelo-catingtheFEOCfortheSt.Lucieplant.Asuitablerelo-cationoftheFEOCwouldincludeadequatephysicalaccom-modations formediavisitors.
BOPstaffisintheprocessofrevisinginformation brochures andpostersfordistribution toCitrusandLevycounties.
Thesepostersandbrochu~eswilladviseresi-dentsaswellastransients ofactionstotakeintheeventofaradiological emergency.
BOPstaffwillproposeradiological emergency procedures orinclusion intheCrystalRiverareaphonebook.BOPstaffwi11workwithCitrusandLevycountiestodevelopoverlaysidentifying geographic areasthatcloselycorrespond toeachpopula-tionsector.Aslide/tape presentation isbeingdeveloped forpublicandmediaeducation.
FloridaPowerCorporation (F'PC)hasscheduled theconstruction ofanewEOF,whichwillincludeadequatephysicalaccommodations forthemedia.Thisnewfacilityistobecontructed byOctober1982andfullyequippedbyMarch1983.AccidentAssessment OHRSstaffisintheprocessofexamining theircom-munications needstoassurethattheNERLandfieldmoni-toringteamsareadequately equippedtotransmitandreceiveaccurateandtimelydata,andtoallowtheliERLtoeffectively monitorcommunications withfieldmonitoring teams.OHRSisalsoexamining theissueofrequisite staffingfortheHERLtoassurmoreeffective deployment andmanagement offieldmonitoring teams.TheSOP'sper-tainingtotheoperation oftheMERIwillthenberevisedtoaddresstheseissues,aswellasHERLsecurity, decon-tamination ofreturning fieldmonitoring teams,periodicbriefings offieldmonitoring teams,policy(ies) forwithdrawal fromcontaminated areas,andstandardized checklists forloggingdatatransmissions.
Additional fundsforneededcommunications equipment foithetlERLandfieldmonitoring teamsandupdatedmapswillbenegotiated
'asanaddendumtoexistingcontracts oraslineitemsinthenewcontracts undertheprovisions ofHB1066.This1gislation amendedChapter252,FloridaStatutes, toestablish respective rolesinthedevelop-ment,test'ing, implementation, andfundingofradiological emergency plansandpreparedness.
DHRSwillalsonegotiate additional healthphysicist positions toassureanade-quateresponsecapability.
Inst'allation oFtnehotringdownsystemandthehardcopysystemforthetransmission oftechnical datawillassurethatradiological safetyofFicersintheFEOC'shavethecapability toreceiveandtransmitdataregarding plantstatusandparameters, andoffistedoseassessments andprojections.
FPChasscheduled thecontruction ofa26,0GOsquarfeetEOFneartheairport,approximately 10.Imilesfromtheplantsite.Construction isscheduled forcompletion inOctober,andthefacilityshouldbefullyequippedby'larch1983.FPCstaffhasexpressed adesiretomeetwithBOP/DHRSstaffregarding thefloorplanandlayouttoassuretheco-location andcoordination(i.e.,standardforms)ofstateandutilitydoseprojection personnel. standards arebeingscheduled fordevelopment forsheltermanag"ment staff.HOPstaffwillworkwithcountydirectors todevelopatrainingcurriculum toassurethat sheltermanagersandstaffareadequately trainedtoopenandoperatereception centersandshelters.
SOP'sfortheactivation andoperation ofreception centersandshelterswillberevisedordeveloped asneeded.Theseactivities shouldcorrectthoseshelterdeficiencies identified inCitrus,LevyandIndianRivercounties.
Inaddition, theworkingcommittee isexamining theade-quacyofexistingemergency facilities.
Forthoserecep-tioncentersandsheltersthatcannotbemodifiedtocor-rectthoseidentified deficincies, newlocations forthesefaci1itieswi11berecommended andequipped.BDPstaffiscurrently intheprocessofapplyingforusernumberstoaccessOHRSandFloridaStateUniversity com-puterstocollectandanalyzecensusdata.Ofprimaryinterestisupdatedpopulation figuresforschools,hospi-tals,nursinghomes,andotherspecialfacilities inareassurrounding nuclearpowerplants.Accuratepopulation dataareprerequisites forthedevelopment ofvalidpro-tectiveactionsforspecialneedspopulations.
FPLandFPChaveprovidedfundsiohostcountiesforthepurch'ase ofdisposable clothing/gowns forcontaminated evacuees.
Anyequipment neces,sary forvehicledecon-tamination, disposalofcontaminated
: clothing, ortheeffi-cientoperation ofreception centersandsheltersthatisnotcurrently available willbenegotiated withtheutili-tiesasanaddendumtoexistingfundingcontracts oraslineitemsinthenewcontrctsunder.theprovisions ofHB1066.BOPstaffhasscheduled thedeveloment andadminis-trationofaneedsassessment instrument todetermine additional undingandresourceneedsofstateandlocalagencies.
ControlMeasuresDIIRSisintheprocessofdevelopinganSOPfo:thepre-positioning ofpotassium iodide(KI),basedonpopulation densities surrounding eachpowerplant,toprovideguidancetothcountiesonstorageanddistribution ofKI.DHRShasalsorevisedthepolicyfortheauthoriza-tiontodistribute anduseKI.Thispolicywil1beincludedintherevisedradiological emergency plan,andwillrequestthateachriskcountyhealthunitdevelopdetailedplansfortheissuanceofKI.BOPstaffhasscheduled thedevelopmdardsforradiological
.instrumentati control.Oncethesehavebeendevelwi11bescheduled toimprovrecordtionprocedures, andoverallexposurforemergency personnel.
TheFloridCommission hasprovidedfundingforentoftrainingstan-onandexposureoped,trainingsessionskeeping,decontamina-econtrolprocedures aPublicServicetheBOPtocontract
/withtheUniversity ofFloridaDepartment ofEnvironmental Engineering fortheprovision andmaintenance ofther-moluminescent dosimeters (TLD')foremergency workers.Undertheprovisionsofthiscontract(whichiscurrently bein'greviewedbyDepartment legalstaff)theUniversity wouldalsomaintainperemanentdoserecordsforemergency workers.I.naddition, allSOP'sregarding decontamination ofemergency
: vehicles, radiological safetyofficers'esponsibilities, fieldmonitoring, decontamination ofevacuees, radiological
: injuries, andradiological exposurecontrolhavebeenscheduled forrevision.
RecoverandReentrOperation Noresponserequired.
Pelevance oftheExerciseExerienceNoresponserequired.

APPENDIXFPRINCIPAL CONTRIBUTORS V.NersesJ.LeeA.BraunerJ.Fairobent T.CardoneR.MescottH.PolkJ.RajanT.ChangM.HaughyD.PowersC.LiangR.StevensJ.RidgelyJ.StangS.ElrodD.PerrottiR.SkeltonD.HoffmanJ.GilrayJ.PetersonM.KennedyF.MittProjectManagement ProjectManagement SitinganalysisAccidentevaluation (meteorology)
APPENDIX F PRINCIPAL CONTRIBUTORS V.Nerses J.Lee A.Brauner J.Fairobent T.Cardone R.Mescott H.Polk J.Rajan T.Chang M.Haughy D.Powers C.Liang R.Stevens J.Ridgely J.Stang S.Elrod D.Perrotti R.Skelton D.Hoffman J.Gilray J.Peterson M.Kennedy F.Mitt Project Management Project Management Siting analysis Accident evaluation (meteorology)
GeologyHydrology Structural engineering Mechanical engineering Seismicqualification Operability qualification ofpumpsandvalvesCoreperformance ReactorsystemsInstrumentation andcontrolsAuxiliary systemsFireProtection Management andtechnical supportorganization Emergency planningPhysicalsecurityTechnical specifications equalityassurance Financial qualifications Procedures andtestreviewPostaccident samplingGageBabcockBrookhaven NationalLab.EGLGBattellePacificNorthwest Laboratories St.LucieSSER02F-1 NRCFORM33517771U.S.NUCLEARREGULATORY COMMISSION BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATASHEETI,REPORTNUMBER(Assigned byDDC/NUREG-08/3 Supplement
Geology Hydrology Structural engineering Mechanical engineering Seismic qualification Operability qualification of pumps and valves Core performance Reactor systems Instrumentation and controls Auxiliary systems Fire Protection Management and technical support organization Emergency planning Physical security Technical specifications equality assurance Financial qualifications Procedures and test review Postaccident sampling Gage Babcock Brookhaven National Lab.EGLG Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories St.Lucie SSER 02 F-1 NRC FORM 335 17 771 U.S.NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET I, REPORT NUMBER (Assigned by DDC/NUREG-08/3 Supplement
'No.24.TITLEANOSUBTITLE(AddYolumeNo.,i(appropriasei SafetyEvaluation ReportRelatedtotheOperation ofSt.LucieHantUnitNo.2OocketNo.50-3597.AUTHOR(s) 2,/Leaveblank/3.RECIPIENT'5 ACCESSION No.5.DATEREPORTCOMPLETED 9.PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAMEANDMAILINGADDRESS(IncludeZipCode/U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission 0fficeofNuclearReactorRegulation Washington, DaC.20555MONTHSeptember DATEREPORTISSUEDMONTHSetember6.(Leaveblank/YEAR1982YEAR198212.SPONSORING ORGANIZATION NAMEANDMAILINGADDRESS(includeZipCode)Sameas9.aboveB,/Leaveblank/10.PROJECT/TASK/WORK UNITNo.11.CONTRACTNo.13.TYPEOFREPORTPERloDcQYERED(Inclusive datesi15.SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESDocketNo.50-38916,ABSTRACT/200wordsorless/14.(Leaveblank/Supplement No.2totheSafetyEvaluation Reportfortheapplication filedbyFloridaPower&,LightCompanyforalicensetooperatetheSt.LucieHant,UnitNo.2(DocketNo.50-389),locatedinSt.LucieCounty,FloridahasbeenpreparedbytheOfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation oftheNuclearRegulatory Commission.
'No.2 4.TITLE ANO SUBTITLE (Add Yolume No., i(appropriasei Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of St.Lucie Hant Unit No.2 Oocket No.50-359 7.AUTHOR(s)2,/Leave blank/3.RECIPIENT'5 ACCESSION No.5.DATE REPORT COMPLETED 9.PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS (Include Zip Code/U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 0ffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Washington, DaC.20555 MONTH September DATE REPORT ISSUED MONTH Se tember 6.(Leave blank/YEAR 1982 YEAR 1982 12.SPONSORING ORGANIZATION NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS (include Zip Code)Same as 9.above B,/Leave blank/10.PROJECT/TASK/WORK UNIT No.11.CONTRACT No.13.TYPE OF REPORT PERloD cQYERED (Inclusive datesi 15.SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Docket No.50-389 16, ABSTRACT/200 words or less/14.(Leave blank/Supplement No.2 to the Safety Evaluation Report for the application filed by Florida Power&, Light Company for a license to operate the St.Lucie Hant, Unit No.2 (Docket No.50-389), located in St.Lucie County, Florida has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Theurposeofthissupplement istoupdatetheSafetyEvaluation Reportbyproviding 1)ourevaluation ofadditional information submitted bytheapplicant sinceSupple-mentNo.1wasissuedand(2)ourevaluation ofthemattersthestaffhadunderreviewwhenSupplement No.1wasissued.17.KEYWORDSANDDOCUMENTANALYSIS17a.DESCRIPTORS 17Is,IDENTIFIERS/OPEN ENDEDTERMSIB.AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Unlimited NRCFORM335I777)19.SECURITYCLASS/TnisreportlUnclassified 20,SECURITYCLASS/TPrspape/Unc1ass3.i'red 21.No.OFPAGES22.PRICES}}
The urpose of this supplement is to update the Safety Evaluation Report by providing 1)our evaluation of additional information submitted by the applicant since Supple-ment No.1 was issued and (2)our evaluation of the matters the staff had under review when Supplement No.1 was issued.17.KEY WORDS AND DOCUMENT ANALYSIS 17a.DESCRIPTORS 17Is, IDENTIFIERS/OPEN ENDED TERMS IB.AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Unlimited NRC FORM 335 I7 77)19.SECURITY CLASS/Tnis reportl Unclassified 20, SECURITY CLASS/TPrs pape/Unc1ass3.i'red 21.No.OF PAGES 22.PRICE S}}

Revision as of 18:54, 7 July 2018

Transmits FEMA Interim Finding Re Offsite Emergency Preparedness,Based on Draft Plans Submitted by State of Fl & 820210-12 Exercise.Adequacy of Alert & Notification Sys Must Be Verified in Accordance w/NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-1
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/30/1982
Federal Emergency Management Agency
RTR-NUREG-0654, RTR-NUREG-654 NUDOCS 8208110107
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Brian Grimes Director Division of Emergency Preparedness U.S uc ar Re atory Commission R'c rd.ri m Assista t Associate Director Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Interim Finding on Offsite Emergency Preparedness at St.Lucie Power Station, Florida The purpose af.this memorandum is to transmit the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEHA)Interim Finding on the St.Lucie Power Station, Florida.This finding is based on"draft plans" submitted by the State of Florida and an exercise of these plans held during the period February 10-12, 1982.The following material is attached: 1.Memo entitled"Florida (Plant St.Lucie)Interim Finding Report" from Regional Director, FEMA Region IV to the Associate Director for State and Local Programs and Support, dated Duly 6, 1982.2.Letter from RAC IV Chairman to Director, Florida Division of Public Safety Planning and Assistance dated February 25, 1982, listing deficiencies noted at the February 10-12, 1982, exercise.3.Letter from Director, Florida Division of Public Safety Planning and Assistance to the RAC IV Chairman, dated May 25, 1982, responding to the deficiencies identified during the 1982 exercises at St.Lucie, Turkey Point and Crystal River nuclear power plants.The FEMA Interim Finding, as stated by the Regional Director, FEMA Region IV, states that"while plan and plan execution improvements are needed, we consider the State of Florida and the involved counties to be capable of implementing their planned responses to an offsite release of radioactive material at the St.Lucie Power Station." The State of Florida has recently contracted with a firm to revise the State and site specific plans to include SOP's and a draft will be submitted to FEMA Region IV by December 1, 1982.The RAC Review and Comments will be furnished Florida by February 15, 1983.The plan should be officially submitted by the Governor no later than March 31, 1983.Therefore, the schedule in Attachment 3 is void and the anticipated revised plan submittal date to FEMA Region IV is November, 1982, versus Octobery 1982)as stated in~Attachment 1.8208110107 820730 PDR ADOCK 05000335 F PDR E-1 Although the"Alert and Notification" system is in place, the adequacy of the system must be verified in accordance with NUREG 0654/FEMA REP-l.If I can be of any further assistance on this matter, please contact me or Yern Adler at 287-0200.Attachments as stated M Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV 1375 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30309 July 6, 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR: LEE M.THOMAS, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR ST T 0 L PROGRAMS AND SUPPORT Majo.M Regional Director


Florida (Plant St.Lucie)Interim Finding Report The enclosed report is submitted for your review as requested.

No corrections have been made to note'd deficiencies and none is anticipated until October 1982.While plan and plan execution improvements are needed, we consider the State of Florida and the involved counties to be capable of implementing their planned responses to an off-site release of radioactive material at the St.Lucie Power Station.-Enclosure Z.ZNTRODUCTZON The following Plant St.Lucie site-specific preliminary evaluation report is provided for FEMA iVational Office review.The 10-mile EPZ includes St.Lucie and Martin Counties.REP plans from these counties and the State Bureau of Disaster Preparedness were reviewed to produce the findings of'his report.Zn addition, RAC ZV conducted an evaluation of the St..Lucie exercise held during the period February 10-12, 1982.ZZ.EVALUATZON 4 The following evaluation relates to planning standards A through P, NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-1.

A Assi nt of Res nsibilit (Or anizational Control)During the exercise the transition from local control to State control was not clearly defined.Leadership at local and State EOC's hampered by frequent involvement in telephone conference line network.Counties involved did not have school system represented in response organization.

Agreements should be negotiated which establish separate and mutual responsibilities of licensee.and local governments regarding response operati ons.B.C.On-Site Emer enc Or animation Applicable only to licensee.Emer en Res nse Su ozt and Resources Assistance available through the Florida Power Corporation contract with the University of Florida is not identified.

Also, it is not clear whether the university will work for the utility or the State during response.Facilities have not been completely identifed and agreements are not included in plans.D.Emer enc Classification S stem There are no clear cut provisions for the licensee to provide protective action recommendations to local officials.

Notification Methods.and Procedures Official evaluation of the prompt notification system has not been accompli shed.Emer enc Communications Alert'ng and notification of response personnel should be addressed more thoroughly.

Means for 24-hour notice and particular inzormation related to incident categories should be included in county plans.

During the exercise it vas evident that point to point communications between the State and other facilities need to be improved.Installation of the planned ring down circuit would alleviate communications problems.G.Public Education and Information There is no evidence that an annual public information dissemination program exists.Information materials and the means for distribution're not included in plans.Physical accommodations at the No procedures vere established respond spontaneously to media time-consuming.

Rumor control affected areas.FEOC were inadequate for media permit PIO and/or EOC director to queries;clearance procedures vere centers were not established in H.Emer enc Facilities and E i ment County plans do not establish a central point for receipt.and analysis~of fieLd monitoring data.Plans do not identify or describe emergency ki ts.The plan does not make clear at vhich installation (SEOC,,EOF, or f'ield operations center)the command/control process will take place.1'ccident Assessment Plans indicate a lack of capability to monitor radioactivity in stipulated ranges".Zf DOE is to provide this capability, a vritten agreement with DOE is appropriate. Resvonse There aze no provisions for the licensee to forward protective action recommendations to State response organizations.

The plan policy statement should be revised to indicate that KZ is no longer a prescriptive drug.The State Health Officer is not included in the decision-making process relative to the use of radio-protective drugs.County plans should reference the State plan relative to protective action guides.During the exercise it vas observed that county protective actions for special populations were not addressed.

Zt vas observed during the exercise that the procedures foz administration and distribution of KZ vere not clear at the FEOC.K.Radiolo ical Exposure Control It vas observed that exposure control measures for emergency workers vere inadequate at State and County facilities.

Plan does not address the disposition of contaminated injured persons.

Z.Medical and Public Health Su rt, setters of agreement concerned with transportation of injured do not contain language which assures that transportation will be made avai labl e.H.Recove and Reent Plannin and Post-Accident 0 erati ons Decision-making process for reentry and.recovery is not made clear in'lans.Premature termination of exercise precluded the observation of recovery and reentry operations.

N.Exercise and Drills The February exercise was well conducted and observed, and identified the need for additional training in most areas of emergency response at both State and local levels.O.Radiolo ical Emez en Res nse Trainin Training for medical support personnel not under contract to the licensee is not specifically provided for in the plans.Exercise demonstrated that additional training is needed in the area of decontamination, dosimetry and exposure control methodology.

P.Res nsibili t for the Plannin Effort No significant deficiencies noted.IZZ SCHEDULZ OF CORRECTZ'ONS Florida indicates the plan improvements and corrections will be submitted to FEEL in October l982.

Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV 1375 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Feb uazy 25, l982 Mr.Robert S.Wilkerson Director, Division of Public Safety Planning and Assistance l720 Gadsden Street Tall ahassee, Florida 32301

Dear Mr.Wilkerson:

Enclosed is a list of deficiencies concerning Che Plant SC.Lucie Exercise conducted during the period February l0-l2, l982.Although many specific items of the Exercise were observed to be proficient, only deficiencies are identified in the attached list for reviewing ease and corrective action.In particular, Che members of'he Regional Assistance Committee (RAC)and FEMA regional staff gave high marks to the involved emergency response personnel zor their overall enthusiasm and seriousness of purpose.The Exercise was certainly a successful one in that it adequately tested the State and local Radiological Emergency Pzepazedness Plans and revealed areas oz proficiency and defi ci ency.We are aware that, as a result of the Exercise and critique conducted for St.Lucie, revisions are possibly being made in the State and Site-Specific Plans'.Therefore, at the earliest convenience, please provide Che FEMA Regional Director a report on how and when the noted deficiencies will be corrected.

After receipt of this report, the process of plan review and acceptance may proceed.We compliment the State of Florida on its excellent Radiological Emergency Preparedness ezfozt and assure you that the RAC and FEMA staff are committed to the future support of these activities in your state.Sincerely yours, c.Glenn C.Woodard, Jr.Chairman, RAC IV Enclosure RADZOLOGZCAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCZSE PLANT ST.LUCIE-FORT PZERCE, FLORZDA February l0-l2, l982 Deficiencies Observed b FEMA/RAC Emer enc 0 ration Facilities and Resources (Working space, internal communications and displays, communications, security).State EOC: Point to point communications between State and other facilities need to be improved.Ring down circuit would alleviate inrozmation flow problems.Media center co-located with State EOC created problems..

e 2.pycd: internal communications system needs improvement; message circulation inadequate; status hoards, charts and maps were not being kept current.3.St.Lucie Count EOC: Znadequate operating space and poorly designed structure.

Znternal flow of information was inadequate; message board not posted promptly or accurately; sector map not delineated to show evacuation sectors;no population map.4.Marti n Count EOC: Znternal communi cations inadequate; no oral brierings; secuzi ty inadequate.

IZ.Alertin an'd Notification of Officials and Staff (Staffing, 24-hour capability, alerting timeliness) l.Martin Count EOC: Did not demonstrate provisions for 24-hour capability.

ZZZ.Emer enc 0 rations Mana ement (Ozgani zation, control, leadership, support by officials, information flow between levels and o'rganizations, decision making, checklists and procedures)

.EEOC: Transition from local control to State control was not clearly derinec.Leadership was hampered by frequent involve-ment in telephone conrerence line network.2.St.Luci e Count EOC: Leadership hampered by frequent involvement in telepnone conrerence lieve network.School system not epresented in response organization.

Operations room staf, at times, did not have clear picture of situation; i.e., staff, at l2:05 p.m., did not realize that the EOC had been moved to Hartin County at ll:30 a.m.Only one elected orz'cial present=oz Exercise (for l/2 day).E-8 page 2 3.Martin Countu EOC: Leadersnip hampered bu frequent involvement in telephone conre"ence line network.School system not represented in response organi zation.IV.Public Aleztin and Notification (Means of notificat'on, e.g., si"ens, vehicles, or otner systems, notification timeliness)

.l.Local Function: adequate V.Publi c and Media Rel ati ons (Publications, press zacilities,'edia brie"ings, news release coordination)

.l.State EOC: Multi pie sources of news releases created confusion.

2.FEOC: Physi cal accommodations inadequate for media visitors.Only one telephone and one typewri ter available in one small room.No procedures established to permit PIO and/or EOC Director to respond spontaneously to media queries without time-consuming cleazance procedures with Tallahassee and with on-scene representa-tives.Rumor control centers were not established in affected areas.3.St.Luci e Count EOC: Exercise did not demonstrate public information functions at the local level.4.Martin Count EOC: Exercise did not demonstrate public functions information at the local level.VI.Acci dent Assessment (Staff and fi el d o perati ons, moni tori ng, adequacy of equipment, technical calculations, use of PAGs, issuance of timely recommendations).

l.State: MERL, while at Stuart, experienced communications problems with their radio frequency.

MERL then swi tched to the LGR and seriously interferred with other response organizations'lear reception.

VII.Acti ons to Protect the P ubli c (Shelter'ng, evacuation, zeception and care, transportat'on) l.FEOC: An extended delay was noted'in announcing protective acti ons.2.St.Lucie Count EOC: Protect've actions-or spec'al populations, i.e., scnools, hospitals, nu sing homes, handicapped, were not dd ssed.The one reception c nter, n Indian River County, was dezicient in that: the map'ndi cating center location was inaccurate; no signs were posted on approach ro reception center;one-lane d'"t roads ran through the cente" grounds;no plan page 3 was evident for providing clothing to those, persons decontaminated; procedures for processing evacuees not well organized; no equipment available for vehicle decontamination; no containers available for personal clothing;and initial checkpoint needed a recorder.3.Martin Count EOC: Protecti ve actions for special populations were not addressed.

VIII.Heal~&, Medical, and Ex sure Control Measures (Access control, adequacy of equi pment and supplies, dosimetry, use of KI, decontamination, medical facilities and treatment).

l.State EOC: The order to issue, and the administration or, KI was not made clear to State EOC staff.2.FEOC: Administration and distribution of KI procedures were not clear.Exposure control procedures for monitoring team were inadequate.

3.St, Lucie Count EOC: Although the Sheriff's Department had a system for determining dosage and had record forms, tneze was no overall system of exposure control meas'uzes for the county's emergency workers.4.Martin Count EOC: Measures for effective exposure control for emergency workers were inadequate.

A log book for recording the dosage of workers was not observed.Appropriate action levels for determining need for decontamination were not specified.

Measuzes for decontamination of'mergency personnel and equipment, and for waste disposal, were inadequate.

Ifi.Recover and Reentr 0 erations l.State: Premature termination of Exercise precluded the observation of recovery and reentry opezations.

2.Local: Same comment as above.X.Relevance of the Exercise Experience (Benefit to participants, adequacy of scenario).

The purpose of'he Exercise was accomplished; however, scenar'o did not stress importance of terminating Exercise only after all phases, including recovery and reentry, had been completed.

guestionnaires returned bu Zxerc'se participants indicated that the Zxerc'se was very worthwhile and provided a basis for improvement of response capabil'ty.

E-10 STATE OF FLORIDA (,.;,'-'-'.q.

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's Q.'~LE Q C>>Kii!'iV!LKERSR'J Direeror iMay 25 1982 Hr.Glenn Woodard, Jr.Federal Emergency management Agency, Region IV 1375 Peachtree Street, Northeast Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Oear Glenn: This letter is in response to FENA and RAC deficiencies identified during the recent exercises at the St.Lucie, Turkey Point, and Crystal River nuclear power plants.Attachment I outlines state and local efforts to correct identified deficiencies.

Attachment II is our proposed workplan for the completion of radiological emergency management activities through June 1983.On AprI1 28, Bureau of Oisaster Preparedness staff met with representatives from both utilities and the Oepartment of Health and Rehabilitative Services to discuss revisions to plans and SOP's, ontract status, and annual exercise requirements.

Bureau staff requested that the utilities provide additional resources (both short and long-term) to assure the timely completion of!hose acti v'.,ties soecifi ed in the two attachments

.If this request is denied or partially granted, Bureau staff wi ll submit a request for an extension and a revised workplan to reflect more realistic completion dates.I will keep you advis d of our progress toward the compl tion of those activities specified in the attachments.

If you have any questions or require add'itional information, please contact ilr.Gordon Guthrie.Sincerely, Robert S.Wi lkerson Director RSW/Bi</db Attachments (2)9'Yt Rt" H~gg~3 omcl: oF Tss DIRsc~oa.ROOik!53C CARLTON!'U!LDING

~TALLAHr'SEE, FLO!<[DA 32301 (Vent)488 6Ã1 ATTACHl1ENT I RESPONSE TO CRITIQUE DEFI CIENCIES~E0 d F d d d d Point to point communications between the state EOC and other facilities will be improved through the ourchase and installation of the hot ring down system, single sideband radio network, and a hard copy system with the capability to transmit technical data to all emergency facilities.

Tne hot ring down sys.em is a dedicated phone line networ k linking the stato FOC, FEOC's, FOF's, power plant control rooms, risk counties, and DHRS Radiological Services.System specifications have been deve',-oped and approved by the Florida Division o.Communica-tions.Southern Bell reports that activities have begun to install the hot ring down system, and expected to be fully operational by the end of (1ay 19S2.The single sideband radio network will serve as a back-up to the hot ring'down system and wi 11'connect the same points.System specifications have been developed and approved by the Florida Division of Communications.

Application for licenses have been developed and submitted to the FCC for their consideration.

It is anticipated that the earliest date for license approval will be July or August 1982.To facilitate point to point communications of technical data (i.e., olant parameters, dose assessments, dose projections), a working committee made up of si:ate, risk county, and, utility representatives has been formed to consider the requisite capabilities of a high-speed hard copy transmission system.The working committee is currently considering proposals to assess hard copy transmission needs and to develop specifications for this syst m.In addition to hard copy needs, the working committee is also examining communications needs, emergency news center (ENC)operation, and emergency facility locations.

lilith regard to emergency facility locations, th committee is examining possible locations for center that r(ill be outside the State EOC.The is also examining possible alternate locations for field emergency operations centers (FEOC's)C.ystal River and St.Lucie plants.One option side".~tion is a wobile FEOC that could be trans berthing stations near each plant.e working he media committee and options for the under con-ported to E-12 Flor ida Power and Light Company (FPL)has agreed to fund a feasibility study for the planning, location, and design of a new EOC for St.Lucie County.Further funding for the construction of a new EOC will be contingent upon the resu'its of this and other facility studies.BDP staff will work with Dade and St.Lucie counties to assure that adequate visual aids for displaying evacuation routes, relocation centers, and population by s ctors are available.

Funding for the communications improvements required at the t1onroe County EOC will be provided as a result of negotiations with FPL, which are tentatively scheduled for October.The worxing committee will examine working space problems at the Monroe County EOC and make appropriate recommendations for improvements.

The working space problems identified at the Citrus County EOC should be resolved upon the identification of a suitable location for the F OC by the working committee.

The Levy Coun y Commission has agreed to make space available to relocate their EOC, thus improving EOC working space and conditions.

BDP staff have scheduled the development of training standards, revision of SOP's, and training'essions prior to the next exercise.These activities should improve FOC internal communications and information flow, record keeping, and overall operation.

Alerting and Notification of Officials and Staff Funding has been provided by FPL to<1artin County for tr"ining local emer'gency response personnel and public officials.

This training should assure that l1artin County demonstrates a 2<'-hour, capability to manage and respond to a radiological emergency.

Eeerrcnc 0 erations Mana~ament BDP staff is currently invol plan to more clearly define an emergency.

The revision scheduled for completion in The installation of the hot ate facility managers'nvol fer ence line network.BDP s ion of EOC alert, notificati SOP's for tiartin and St.Luc school system in the respons internal communications and ved in the revision of the direction and control dur ing to this section of the plan is Nay.ring down system wi1 1 el im'.n-vement in the telephone con-taff has scheduled the revis-on, staffing, and operations ie counti s to include the 2 network and to improve information flow.The wor king committee will also examine the function and operation of the emergency news center (EHC}to assure tnat timely and accurate information is disseminated.

The committee is also examining additional technical (DHRS)E-13 staff requirements at.the EOF.The additional technical staff will improve coordination between OHRS and the Governor's Authorized Representative (GAR).SOP's for the activation, staffing, and operation of.the EOF are sched-uled for revision to assure improved coordination and management of EOF activities.

Public Alertin and Notification The instal 1 ation of the hot ring down system wi ll assure tnat important information (i.e., changes in plant status/parameters) will be received by all points on the system simultaneously, and should minimize delays in announcing important imformation.

BOP staff is in the process of revising the notification annexes of the state and site plans.These revisions will result in standardized notification forms and procedures (where possible).

Additional cross-training will be sched-uled in Levy County to assure that adequate resources are foe effective dissemination of notification information.

Public and b1edia Relations The working committee and BOP staff have scheduled the revision of the EllC concept to identify specific respon-sibilities of state, local, and utility Public Information Officers (P IO's);establish procedures for the accurate and timely dissemination of information; and assure effec-tive management of public information.

In addition, all SOP's For P IO's have been scheduled for revision prior to the next exercise.The working committee is also examining the issue of relo-cating the FEOC for the St.Lucie plant.A suitable relo-cation of the FEOC would include adequate physical accom-modations for media visitors.BOP staff is in the process of revising information brochures and posters for distribution to Citrus and Levy counties.These posters and brochu~es will advise resi-dents as well as transients of actions to take in the event of a radiological emergency.

BOP staff will propose radiological emergency procedures or inclusion in the Crystal River area phone book.BOP staff wi 11 work with Citrus and Levy counties to develop overlays identifying geographic areas that closely correspond to each popula-tion sector.A slide/tape presentation is being developed for public and media education.

Florida Power Corporation (F'PC)has scheduled the construction of a new EOF, which will include adequate physical accommodations for the media.This new facility is to be contructed by October 1982 and fully equipped by March 1983.Accident Assessment OHRS staff is in the process of examining their com-munications needs to assure that the NERL and f ield moni-toring teams are adequately equipped to transmit and r eceive accurate and timely data, and to allow the liERL to effectively monitor communications with field monitoring teams.OHRS is also examining the issue of requisite staffing for the HERL to assur more effective deployment and management of field monitoring teams.The SOP's per-taining to the operation of the MERI will then be revised to address these issues, as well as HERL security, decon-tamination of returning field monitoring teams, periodic briefings of field monitoring teams, policy(ies) for withdrawal from contaminated areas, and standardized checklists for logging data transmissions.

Additional funds for needed communications equipment foi the tlERL and field monitoring teams and updated maps will be negotiated

'as an addendum to existing contracts or as line items in the new contracts under the provisions of HB 1066.This 1 gislation amended Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, to establish respective roles in the develop-ment, test'ing, implementation, and funding of radiological emergency plans and preparedness.

DHRS will also negotiate additional health physicist positions to assure an ade-quate response capability.

Inst'allation oF tne hot ring down system and the hard copy system for the transmission of technical data will assure that radiological safety of Ficers in the FEOC's have the capability to receive and transmit data regarding plant status and parameters, and off iste dose assessments and projections.

FPC has scheduled the contruction of a 26,0GO squar feet EOF near the airport, approximately 10.I miles from the plant site.Construction is scheduled for completion in October, and the facility should be fully equipped by'larch 1983.FPC staff has expressed a desire to meet with BOP/DHRS staff regarding the floor plan and layout to assure the co-location and coor dination (i.e., standard forms)of state and utility dose projection personnel.

Actions to Protect the Public standards are being scheduled for development for shelter manag"ment staff.HOP staff will work with county directors to develop a training curriculum to assure that shelter managers and staff are adequately trained to open and operate reception centers and shelters.SOP's for the activation and operation of reception centers and shelters will be revised or developed as needed.These activities should correct those shelter deficiencies identified in Citrus, Levy and Indian River counties.In addition, the working committee i s examining the ade-quacy of existing emergency facilities.

For those recep-tion centers and shelters that cannot be modified to cor-rect those identified deficincies, new locations for these f ac i 1 i t i es wi 1 1 be r ecommended and equi pped.BDP staff is currently in the process of applying for user numbers to access OHRS and Florida State University com-puters to collect and analyze census data.Of primary interest is updated population figures for schools, hospi-tals, nursing homes, and other special facilities in areas surrounding nuclear power plants.Accurate population data are prerequisites for the development of valid pro-tective actions for special needs populations.

FPL and FPC have provided funds io host counties for the purch'ase of disposable clothing/gowns for contaminated evacuees.Any equipment neces,sary for vehicle decon-tamination, disposal of contaminated clothing, or the effi-cient operation of reception centers and shelters that is not currently available will be negotiated with the utili-ties as an addendum to existing funding contracts or as line items in the new contrcts under.the provisions of HB 1066.BOP staff has scheduled the develoment and adminis-tration of a needs assessment instrument to determine additional unding and resource needs of state and local agencies.Health Hedical and Exposure.Control Measures DIIRS is in the process of develop ing an SOP fo: the pre-positioning of potassium iodide (KI), based on population densities surrounding each power plant, to provide guidance to th counties on storage and distribution of KI.DHRS has also revised the policy for the authoriza-tion to distribute and use KI.This policy wil 1 be included in the revised radiological emergency plan, and will request that each risk county health unit develop detailed plans for the issuance of KI.BOP staff has scheduled the developm dards for radiological.instrumentati control.Once these have been devel wi 11 be scheduled to improv record tion procedures, and overall exposur for emergency personnel.

The Florid Commission has provided funding for ent of training stan-on and exposure oped, training sessions keeping, decontamina-e control procedures a Public Service the BOP to contract

/with the University of Florida Department of Environmental Engineering for the provision and maintenance of ther-moluminescent dosimeters (TLD')for emergency workers.Under the pr ovisions of this contract (which is currently bein'g reviewed by Department legal staff)the University would al so maintain per emanent dose records for emergency workers.I.n addition, all SOP's regarding decontamination of emergency vehicles, radiological safety officers'esponsibilities, field monitoring, decontamination of evacuees, radiological injuries, and radiological exposure control have been scheduled for revision.Recover and Reentr Operation No response required.Pelevance of the Exercise Ex erience No response required.E-17

APPENDIX F PRINCIPAL CONTRIBUTORS V.Nerses J.Lee A.Brauner J.Fairobent T.Cardone R.Mescott H.Polk J.Rajan T.Chang M.Haughy D.Powers C.Liang R.Stevens J.Ridgely J.Stang S.Elrod D.Perrotti R.Skelton D.Hoffman J.Gilray J.Peterson M.Kennedy F.Mitt Project Management Project Management Siting analysis Accident evaluation (meteorology)

Geology Hydrology Structural engineering Mechanical engineering Seismic qualification Operability qualification of pumps and valves Core performance Reactor systems Instrumentation and controls Auxiliary systems Fire Protection Management and technical support organization Emergency planning Physical security Technical specifications equality assurance Financial qualifications Procedures and test review Postaccident sampling Gage Babcock Brookhaven National Lab.EGLG Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories St.Lucie SSER 02 F-1 NRC FORM 335 17 771 U.S.NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET I, REPORT NUMBER (Assigned by DDC/NUREG-08/3 Supplement

'No.2 4.TITLE ANO SUBTITLE (Add Yolume No., i(appropriasei Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of St.Lucie Hant Unit No.2 Oocket No.50-359 7.AUTHOR(s)2,/Leave blank/3.RECIPIENT'5 ACCESSION No.5.DATE REPORT COMPLETED 9.PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS (Include Zip Code/U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 0ffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Washington, DaC.20555 MONTH September DATE REPORT ISSUED MONTH Se tember 6.(Leave blank/YEAR 1982 YEAR 1982 12.SPONSORING ORGANIZATION NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS (include Zip Code)Same as 9.above B,/Leave blank/10.PROJECT/TASK/WORK UNIT No.11.CONTRACT No.13.TYPE OF REPORT PERloD cQYERED (Inclusive datesi 15.SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Docket No.50-389 16, ABSTRACT/200 words or less/14.(Leave blank/Supplement No.2 to the Safety Evaluation Report for the application filed by Florida Power&, Light Company for a license to operate the St.Lucie Hant, Unit No.2 (Docket No.50-389), located in St.Lucie County, Florida has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The urpose of this supplement is to update the Safety Evaluation Report by providing 1)our evaluation of additional information submitted by the applicant since Supple-ment No.1 was issued and (2)our evaluation of the matters the staff had under review when Supplement No.1 was issued.17.KEY WORDS AND DOCUMENT ANALYSIS 17a.DESCRIPTORS 17Is, IDENTIFIERS/OPEN ENDED TERMS IB.AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Unlimited NRC FORM 335 I7 77)19.SECURITY CLASS/Tnis reportl Unclassified 20, SECURITY CLASS/TPrs pape/Unc1ass3.i'red 21.No.OF PAGES 22.PRICE S