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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML17308A48914 March 1990Forwards Final St Lucie Nuclear Power Plant Exercise on 890524. No Deficiencies Identified.Eleven Areas Required Corrective Action & Several Areas Recommended for Improvement
ML20247B88017 March 1989Forwards Radiological Emergency Preparedness Remedial Exercise Evaluation Rept, of 890201 Exercise.Offsite Emergency Preapredness Deemed Adequate to Provide Reasonable Assurance That Public Protected in Event of Emergency
ML20196C4779 November 1988Confirms Proposal to Renew Avisory Panel for the Decontamination of TMI-2 for 2 Yrs
ML20151E00918 July 1988Offers No Comments on Des for Facility
ML20196B47014 June 1988Forwards L Chiles to CA Franklin Transmitting Constituent Jc Filonowicz 880401 Correspondence Re Facility, for Response
ML17308A4495 April 1988Forwards Exercise Rept Re Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Conducted on 870826.No Deficiencies Identified During Exercise.Two Areas Requiring Corrective Actions & Several Recommended for ImprovementPressure Boundary Leakage
ML17308A43629 October 1987Forwards St Lucie Plant Site-Specific Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Alert & Notification Sys QA Verification. Recommends Frequency of full-cycle Tests Be Increased & Addl Test Be Performed
ML20238A64711 August 1987Informs of Status of Dept of Labor Position Re Util Subpoena for Desposition of D Feinberg,Per Enforcement Action EA 84-137.Dept Concerned That Feinberg Not Be Required to Testify Both at Desposition & at Hearing.Served on 870817
ML20234D09115 June 1987Responds to NRC 870514 Request for Production of Documents & Availability of D Feinburg for Deposition Re NRC Civil Penalty Enforcement Action Brought Against Util.Feinburg Requested Not to Disclose Further Info
ML20215M38924 April 1987Forwards Detailed Comments on NRC Programmatic EIS Re Decontamination & Disposal of Radwastes Resulting from 790328 Accident at TMI-2.Recommends That NRC Not Select Alternatives Involving Discharges to Susquehanna River
ML20215M16131 March 1987Responds to Forwarding Draft Suppl 2 to TMI-2 Programmatic EIS for Review & Comments.Environmentally Preferred Alternative Appears to Be Onsite Evaporation. Comments Encl
ML20212K3915 March 1987Requests Denial of Util Requests for Subpoenas Re Dept of Labor Employees & File Matl.Further Accommodation of Util Would Interfere W/Internal Regulation & Business Operation. Served on 870306
ML20215M4223 March 1987Comments on Draft Suppl 2 to Programmatic EIS Re Decontamination & Disposal of Radwastes Resulting from 790328 Accident at TMI-2.Suggests That Analysis Should Also Discuss Plans for Mitigation Measures to Be Undertaken
ML20212D38525 February 1987Comments on Public Health & Safety Impact Associated W/ Proposed Alternatives for Disposal of Water Contaminated as Result of Facility 790328 Accident,Per Suppl 2 to NUREG-0683
ML20210P8486 February 1987Comments on Draft Suppl 2 to Programmatic EIS for Disposal of Radioactively Contaminated Water Stored at Site.No Existing or Proposed Corps of Engineers Projects Would Be Affected by Work Described in Draft Suppl 2
ML20207H9667 January 1987Requests Listed Name & Agency Be Removed from Mailing List Re Facility
ML20214Q88315 September 1986Forwards TMI Site-Specific Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Alert & Notification Sys QA Verification. Alert & Notification Sys Adequate to Protect Public
ML20214M7064 September 1986Forwards St Lucie Nuclear Power Plant Exercise, Conducted on 860424.State of Fl & St Lucie & Martin Counties Demonstrated Capability to Protect Public Health & Safety.No Deficiencies Noted
ML20199G2189 June 1986Forwards FEMA & Regional Assistance Committee Region III Exercise Evaluation Rept, for Exercise on 851120.No Deficiencies Identified.Deficiencies Identified at 831117 Exercise Corrected
ML20153B96610 February 1986Submits Responses to ASLB Suggestions for Improvement Re Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Issues,Per 811214 Partial Initial Decision.Revised Plans Received for 36 Risk Municipalities
ML20126M07024 July 1985Forwards State of PA Emergency Mgt Agency 850621 Request for Exemption from 851120 Annual Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise for Lancaster County & FEMA 850628 Memo Agreeing W/Request,Per 10CFR50,App E
ML20135H51627 February 1985Responds to 850220 Request for Rept Re Dept of Labor Investigation Concerning Rd Parks Complaint Against Bechtel North American Power Corp.Sanitized Rept Encl
ML20090K61218 May 1984Forwards Updated Status Rept on Offsite Emergency Planning Issues Re Restart of Facility,Per 811214 Partial Initial Decision
ML17346A57015 February 1984Approves State & Local Plans & Preparedness for Alerting & Protecting Public in Event of Radiological Emergency. Approval Conditional on Verification of Alert & Notification Sys,Per Criteria of App 3 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1,Rev 1
ML20083G67920 December 1983Seeks Clarification of Commission Plans to Restart,In Light of Staff 831205 Recommendation That Commission Authorize Low Power Operation.Commission 840110 Meeting Should Either Authorize Restart or Establish Restart Conditions
ML20069B2294 March 1983Forwards Status Update of Offsite Plans & Emergency Preparedness in Area of Public Educ & Info
ML17213A6661 November 1982Forwards Interim Findings Rept on Adequacy of Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness for Plant St Lucie,Fl, Based on Draft Plan Submitted by State of Fl & full-scale Exercise Conducted on 820210-12.Plan Acceptable
ML17213A76225 October 1982Advises That Info Submitted for Antitrust Review Provides No Basis to Conclude That Participation by Util Would Create Situation Inconsistent W/Antitrust Laws.No Antitrust Hearing Necessary
ML20063P1786 October 1982Responds to Aslab 811204 Partial Initial Decision Re Alert & Notification Sys.Siren Sys for Offsite Alerting Adequate, Pending Determination of Compliance w/NUREG-0654 & FEMA REP-1
ML20063P3516 October 1982Submits Updated Status Rept on Offsite Emergency Planning Issues at Facility.Emergency Preparedness Brochures Distributed.Siren Sys Testing Satisfactorily Completed. Communications Drill Held on Quarterly Basis
ML20062P0332 August 1982Responds to Approval Request for Info Collection Re Psychological Stress of TMI-1 Restart on Residents of Surrounding Communities.Request Not Approved (Withdrawn at Agency Request)
ML17213A32030 July 1982Transmits FEMA Interim Finding Re Offsite Emergency Preparedness,Based on Draft Plans Submitted by State of Fl & 820210-12 Exercise.Adequacy of Alert & Notification Sys Must Be Verified in Accordance w/NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-1Potassium iodide
ML20054M80618 June 1982Forwards Ja Myers Re Cleanup of Unit 2 & Restart of Unit 1
ML17212B6654 June 1982Approves Fes
ML17212B5885 May 1982Verifies Official Filing of Final EIS Re Startup & Operation.Publication of Fr Notice of Availability Scheduled for 820507
ML17212B4935 April 1982Concurs in NRC Determination That Remaining Const Activities & Operation of Unit Will Have No Effect on Listed Species Under Jurisdiction of Fish & Wildlife Svc
ML17212B47731 March 1982Comments on Suppl to Endangered or Threatened Species Assessment for Facility.Remaining Const & Operation Will Have No Effect on Listed Species Under Jurisdiction of Agency.Nest Survey & Relocation Program Requested
ML17273A04229 January 1982Forwards NPDES Permit Fl 0002208 & Associated Section 316 (B) Findings.Approval of Monitoring Program Does Not Include Portions Re Sea turtles.W/820129 Ltr to Util
ML17212B36829 January 1982Forwards NPDES Permit Fl 0002208 & Related Correspondence for Inclusion in Fes
ML20040C67519 January 1982Responds to ASLB 811204 Partial Initial Decision Re Emergency Preparedness Issues Per 811218 Transmittal.Pa Emergency Mgt Agency Expected County Brochures & Emergency Preparedness Pamphlet to Be Finalized Feb 1982
ML17212B30213 January 1982Responds to 811208 Ltr Re Section 7 Consultation Requirements of Endangered Species Act for Plant Operation & Const.Final Comment on Proposed Third Intake Structure Reserved Until Revised Biological Assessment Available
ML17212B36712 January 1982Offers No Comments Re EIS for Facility
ML17266A53621 December 1981Responds to 811209 Biological Assessment & Requests Addl Info to Complete Review.Requested Info Deals W/Turtle Entrainment,Population & Mortality
ML17266A53721 December 1981Comments on Des.Radiological Monitoring Program Provides Adequate Sampling Frequency for Critical Exposure Pathways, But Could Be Modified to Address Problems of Monitoring Radiohalogens in Presence of Radionoble Gases
ML17266A53416 December 1981Comments on Des Re Facility Operation,Addressing Issues of Groundwater,Fish & Wildlife Resources & Recreation.Statement Should Include Info on Well Depths & Water Bearing Matls Penetrated
ML17266A53314 December 1981Forwards Technical Comments Re Des for Facility.Normal Operation Will Not Have Significant Environ Impact.Two Areas Need Clarification.Technical Comments Encl.W/O Encl
ML17212B2029 December 1981Comments on 811023 Des.No Objections to Project
ML17212A95628 October 1981Advises Re Official Filing of Des for facility,NUREG-0842. Fr Notice of Availability Scheduled for 811030.Public Review Will Terminate on 811214
ML17266A51827 October 1981Ack Receipt of Facility Des.No Comments
ML17266A5085 October 1981Forwards Public Notice of Proposed Reissuance of NPDES Permit,Permit Rationale & 316(b) Rationale for Inclusion in DesGrab sample