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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML17241A50021 October 1999Forwards Rev 3 to Emergency Response Data Sys (ERDS) Data Point Library for St Lucie Unit 1.Rev Provides Replacement Pages & Follows Format Recommended by NUREG 1394, ERDS Implementation, Rev 1,App C
ML17309A99819 October 1999Forwards Revised Epips,Including Rev 3 to EPIP-10 & Rev 25 to HP-202.EPIP-10 Added Onsite Monitoring Points,Made Administrative Changes & Incorporated New Attachments & HP-202 Added Red Team Survey Points
ML20217D83611 October 1999Provides NRC with Summary of Activities at TMI-2 During 3rd Quarter of 1999
ML20217F8277 October 1999Forwards Pmpr 99-13, CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 990828- 0924.Diskette Containing Pmpr in Wordperfect 8 Is Encl. All Variances Are Expressed with Regard to Current Plans
ML17241A4811 October 1999Reports Number of Tubes Plugged During Unit 1 Refueling Outage SL1-16,per TS
ML20216J65828 September 1999Provides Info as Requested of Licensees by NRC in Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing ExamsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
ML17241A47025 September 1999Forwards Info Requested by NRC Staff During 990916 Telcon to Complete Staff Review of Request for risk-informed Extension of Action Completion/Aot Specified for Inoperable Train of LPSI Sys at Plant
ML17241A47224 September 1999Forwards Rev 1 to Plant Change/Mod (PCM) 99016 to St Lucie Unit 1,Cycle 16 COLR, IAW TS Overhaul Activities Are Currently in Progress & Reactor Operations for Cycle 16 Are Scheduled to Commence in Oct 1999
ML17241A46822 September 1999Requests Restriction Be Added to Senior Operator License SOP-21093 for TE Bolander.Nrc Forms 369,encl.Encl Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6)
ML17241A46720 September 1999Forwards Completed NRC Form 536, Operator Licensing Exam Data, for St Lucie Units 1 & 2,as Requested in Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams.Generic Fundamentals Examination
ML20212E19716 September 1999Forwards Rev 11 of Gpu Nuclear Operational QAP, Reflecting Organizational Change in Which Functions & Responsibilities of Nuclear Safety & Technical Support Div Were Assigned to Other Divisions
ML20212A21013 September 1999Forwards Rev 3 of Gpu Nuclear Post-Defueling Monitored Storage QAP for Three Mile Island Unit 2, Including Changes Made During 1998.Description of Changes Provided on Page 2
ML17241A45813 September 1999Forwards Info Requested by NRC Staff During 990630 & 0816 Telcons,To Complete Review of Proposed License Amend for Fuel Reload Process Improvement Program
ML20216G4159 September 1999Forwards Pmpr 99-12, CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting Period 990731- 0827.All Variances Expressed with Regard to Current Operations Plans
ML20211M5862 September 1999Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Response to NRC 990708 RAI Re TS Change Request 272,reactor Coolant Sys Coolant Activity.Proprietary Encl WithheldAffidavit
ML20211M6591 September 1999Forwards Errata Page to 990729 Suppl to TS Change Request 274,to Reflect Proposed Changes Requested by . Page Transmitted by Submitted in Error
ML20211L2401 September 1999Submits Response to NRC AL 99-02, Operator Reactor Licensing Action Estimates
ML17241A45231 August 1999Withdraws Relief Request 16 & Suppl Relief Request 15 with Info Requested During 990526 Telephone Conference Re ISI Insp Plan,Third 10-yr Interval
ML17241A45331 August 1999Informs That No Candidates from St Lucie Plant Will Be Participating in PWR Gfes Being Administered on 991006Generic Fundamentals Examination
ML20211H40027 August 1999Responds to NRC 990810 RAI Re TMI-1 LAR 285 & TMI-2 LAR 77 Re Changes to Clarify Authority to Possess Radioactive Matls Without Unit Distinction.Revised License Page mark-up, Incorporating Response EnclScaffolding
ML20211H37327 August 1999Responds to NRC 990810 RAI Re TMI LAR 285 & TMI-2 LAR 77 Re Changes Reflecting Storage of TMI-1 Radioactive Matls in TMI-2 Facility.Revised License Page mark-up,incorporating Response,EnclScaffolding
ML17241A45026 August 1999Informs That FPL Has Reviewed Reactor Vessel Integrity Database,Called RVID2,re Closure of GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1. Requested Corrections & Marked Up Pages from Rvid 2 Database Summary Repts That Correspond to Comments,Attached
ML20211K23923 August 1999Forwards fitness-for-duty Performance Data Repts for TMI, Oyster Creek & Corporate Headquarters Located in Parsippany, NjFitness for Duty
ML20211H50420 August 1999Forwards Proprietary & non-proprietary Rept MPR-1820,rev 1, TMI Nuclear Generating Station OTSG Kinetic Expansion Insp Criteria Analysis. Affidavit Encl.Proprietary Rept Wihheld
05000289/LER-1999-007, Forwards LER 99-007-01 Re Increasing Failure Rate of ESAS Relays.Rept Supplements Preliminary Info Re Determination of Root Cause & Long Term Corrective Actions.Changes Made for Supplement Are Indicated in Bold Typeface20 August 1999Forwards LER 99-007-01 Re Increasing Failure Rate of ESAS Relays.Rept Supplements Preliminary Info Re Determination of Root Cause & Long Term Corrective Actions.Changes Made for Supplement Are Indicated in Bold Typeface
ML20211H35719 August 1999Forwards Itemized Response to NRC 990712 RAI Re TS Change Request 248 Re Remote Shutdown Sys,Submitted on 981019Safe Shutdown
ML17241A43713 August 1999Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for six- Month Period Ending 990630,per 10CFR26.71(d)Fitness for Duty
ML20211A39312 August 1999Requests NRC Concurrence with Ongoing Analytical Approach as Described in Attachment,Which Is Being Utilized by Gpu Nuclear to Support Detailed License Amend Request to Revise Design Basis for TMI-1 Pressurizer SupportsEarthquake
ML20210R46911 August 1999Forwards Update 3 to Post-Defueling Monitored Storage SAR, for TMI-2.Update 3 Revises SAR to Reflect Current Plant Configuration & Includes Minor Editorial Changes & Corrections.Revised Pages on List of Effective Pages
ML17241A44611 August 1999Requests That W Rept Entitled, Evaluation of Turbine Missile Ejection Probability Resulting from Extending Test Interval of Interceptor & Reheat Stop Valves at St Lucie Units 1 & 2, Be Withheld from Public DisclosureTurbine Missile
ML20210K73730 July 1999Forwards Rev 2 to 86-5002073-02, Summary Rept for Bwog 20% Tp LOCA, Which Corrects Evaluation Model for Mk-B9 non- Mixing Vane Grid Previously Reported in Util to Nrc,Per 10CFR50.46
ML20210L38330 July 1999Responds to NRC 990617 RAI Re OTSG Kinetic Expansion Region Insp Acceptance Criteria That Was Used for Dispositioning Indications During Cycle 12 Refueling (12R) OutageStress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
L-99-171, Forwards Rev 56 to Physical Security Plan.Summary of Changes & Marked Up Copy of Revised Pages Also Encl.Encls Withheld from Public Disclosure Per 10CFR2.790(a)(3)29 July 1999Forwards Rev 56 to Physical Security Plan.Summary of Changes & Marked Up Copy of Revised Pages Also Encl.Encls Withheld from Public Disclosure Per 10CFR2.790(a)(3)
ML20210L11528 July 1999Confirms Two Senior Management Changes Made within Amergen Energy Co,Per Proposed License Transfer & Conforming Administrative License Amends for TMI-1
ML17309A99126 July 1999Forwards Revised EPIPs & Revised Procedures That Implement Emergency Plan as Listed.Procedures Provides Instruction for Operational Support Ctr (OSC) Chemistry Supervisor to Establish Remote Labs at Locations Specified
ML17241A41522 July 1999Forwards Revised Relief Request 25 for Second 10-yr ISI Interval for Unit 2Liquid penetrant
ML17241A42222 July 1999Forwards List of Proposed Licensing Actions for St Lucie Units 1 & 2,planned During Fys 2000 & 2001,in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-02, Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates.License Renewal
Power Uprate
ML17241A44722 July 1999Requests That Rev 1 to WCAP-14732 & Rev 1,Add 1 to WCAP-14732 Be Withheld from Public Disclosure
ML20216D40022 July 1999Provides Summary of Activities at TMI-2 During 2nd Quarter of 1999
05000289/LER-1999-009, Forwards LER 99-009-00 Re 990626 Event Involving Partial Loss of Offsite Power & Subsequent Automatic Start of EDG 1A.Commitments Made by Util Are Contained in long-term Corrective Actions Section22 July 1999Forwards LER 99-009-00 Re 990626 Event Involving Partial Loss of Offsite Power & Subsequent Automatic Start of EDG 1A.Commitments Made by Util Are Contained in long-term Corrective Actions Section
ML17241A41016 July 1999Forwards FP&L Supplemental Response to NRC Request for Info Re Y2K Readiness at Nuclear Power Plants
ML20210G94715 July 1999Forwards Pmpr 99-10, CNWRA Program Manager Periodic Rept on Activities of CNWRA, for Fiscal Reporting period,990605- 0702.Diskette Containing Pmpr in Wordperfect 8 Format Is Also Encl
ML20212K17013 July 1999Submits Concerns Re Millstone & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Should Provide Adequate Emergency Planning in Case of Radiological AccidentChernobyl
ML17309A9887 July 1999Forwards Rev 5 to EPIP-03, Emergency Response Organization Notification/Staff Augmentation. Rev 5 to EPIP-03 Was Revised to Transfer EP Responsibilities from Training Manager to Protection Svcs Manager
05000289/LER-1999-008, Forwards LER 99-008-00 Re Discovery of Degraded But Operable Condition of RB Emergency Cooling Sys.Condition Did Not Adversely Affect Health & Safety of Public2 July 1999Forwards LER 99-008-00 Re Discovery of Degraded But Operable Condition of RB Emergency Cooling Sys.Condition Did Not Adversely Affect Health & Safety of PublicBoric Acid
ML20209C1131 July 1999Forwards Signed Agreement as Proposed in NRC Requesting Gpu Nuclear Consent in Incorporate TMI-1 Thermo Lag Fire Barrier Final Corrective Action Completion Schedule Commitment of 000630 Into Co Modifying LicenseFire Barrier
ML20196J3981 July 1999Responds to GL 98-01,Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Y2K Readiness Disclosure for TMI-1 Encl
ML17241A39730 June 1999Forwards Suppl Response to GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Movs, as Requested in 990317 Ltr
ML17241A40130 June 1999Forwards Info Copy of Florida Wastewater Permit (FL0002208) (Formerly NPDES Permit) Mod,Which Was Issued by Florida Dept of Environ Protection on 990604
ML17355A36630 June 1999Forwards Florida Power & Light Topical QA Rept, Dtd June 1999.Encl I Includes Summary of Changes Made to Topical QA Rept Since 1998