IR 05000445/1986008: Difference between revisions

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| number = ML20148H426
| number = ML20244E622
| issue date = 03/18/1987
| issue date = 01/21/1987
| title = Forwards Comments & Questions on Paragraph 4.d Inclusion in Insp Repts 50-445/86-08 & 50-446/86-06,JP Johnson 780517 Ltr & Exhibit 23
| title = Confirms Completion of Review of Insp Repts 50-445/86-08 & 50-446/86-06 in Accordance W/Jm Taylor 860626 Memo. Concurrence Provided on 870121
| author name = Phillips H
| author name = Spessard R
| addressee name = Gower G
| addressee name = Johnson E
| addressee affiliation = NRC
| docket = 05000445, 05000446
| docket = 05000445, 05000446
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| case reference number = FOIA-87-865
| document report number = NUDOCS 8701280436
| document report number = NUDOCS 8803290422
| package number = ML20237K807
| package number = ML20148H406
| page count = 8
| page count = 8
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.I  wasweesotow.c.cJsoses cooc*  JAN 211987 MEMORANDUM FOR: Eric Johnson. Director Division of Reactor Safety and Projects    '
  ' Region IV FRON:
R. Lee.Spessard, Deputy Director Divisfo'nof.!aspection Programs-  '.  -
i ..  ,
  . Off1, Inspection and Enforcement
},,  .....
      , . .
This will. confirm thescompletion of.our review of Inspection.Raport    !
60-445/8648; 50-446/864Ni in accordance with J. M. Taylor's memortadun to R. D.' Martin dated OUne 26, 198 .
l During the course of our review we met on several occassions with members of your staff and reached mutually acceptable resolution on matters of content and l
presentation. We also arovided copies of the report to NRR (Trasun11) and OGC p(Mizuno)forcomment. @th NRR and CGC had several comments. These have been coordinated and resiolved through further discussions with I. Barnes 21,  and1987, S. Phillipsv Our concurrer.ce in the report was provided on January as noted on the a closed repor ,
dDeputf; Director R. Lee Spessj;,
Division of . n sp,ection PrcSrams Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Inspection Report Pages cc w/o enclosure J. M. Taylor. IE R. D. Martin, RIY J. C. Partlow, IE
    ( 3 0)
March 18, 1987 Memorancum Fort George Gower Senior St a f f Mernber NRC Headquarters F-om:  Harry Shannon Fhillips Senior Resident Inspector Comanche Peak Construction Subject: Inspection Report 445/06-08; 446/86-06
8' 7 0 / 2 To y3 gg ,
umamem  , ,
Reference: (1) Memor andum, Spessard to Martin, 2/27/87 (2) Merno r andurn , Martin to Phi 11ips, 3/3/87 (3) Memorandum, Phi 11ips to Martin, 3/6/87 I transtaitted a report that I would sign and concur with as requested by references 1 and You responded to this revised report transruitted by reference I have reviewed two suggested paragraphs that you propose for the letter of transtaittal and paragraph 4.d of the subject repor Your suggested paragraphs again omat two violations that vere in my ortginal and latest version of report 86-08/0 or facts are also not included and I believe this Supporting gives a false findings impression to the public about these matter I .would like to better understand your reasoning for your suggested paragraph In attachment No. 1,I arn 1isting items omitted, mabing statements, and asking questions. P1 ease provide answ+r s
    <4-, w
Harry 1annon Phi 11ips Enclosures Attachment 1 - Comment s /Ouest i on's MAC Letter 5/17/78 Exhibit 23 pg h.f.-

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SC*d 20:91 48/C2/20  ISNOD-DEN S3Sd3 WOBd
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064 Cr & f  fi ckk V IN5PE_CTION REPORT ROUTE SHEET  sdzo control N LICENSEE / VENDOR: / kdho  __
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      : Branch Chief REPORT DE DATE
delete / archives REVIEW BY SECTION CHIEF .
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    ,  m sed. M .#t J 1# 6fNdh DRAFT REVIEW BY BRANCH CHIEF  -
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t he' i nspec t i on (84-32/11). As a result, the NRC inspector reviewed the MAC report during the current inspection and found that MAC had f ound TUGCo's audi t progr am de fic i ent . "
Coenmen t : This is similar1y an understatemen TU rnanagernent were aware that I asked for alI consultant reports, audits, reviews, etc.,
[% .
to show that they had regularly reviewed the status and adequacy of the QA progra I received a copy of the MAC Peport JPJ-471 dated May 1978 in 1 ate 1995 or about a year a f ter tnspection 84-32/11. In September 1986 I learned that TU managernent made a rnat er i al false st atement as document ed in Board Noti fication No. 86-20. I r eal i :: ed that they had also rnade a mat erial false st at ernent to toe when they said they had no other consultant reports other then Lobbin which they provided to m ..
The withholding of the MAC report dignt ficantly altered the direction the repor of inspection 84-32/11 and the en forc ernent recommended in It al so al t er ed ray concl usi ons r el at i ve to fuel loading which was proceeding in September 1984; i.e., it would have n egat i vel y impacted the expedited hearing for fuel Icading. If I had knowledge of this report I would have per f orrned a rnore comprehensive and focused inspectio Question 2: Why do you propose to drop this statement? "The Comanche Peak response Team (CPRT) evaluation of audits, Pesults Report for Issue Speci fic Ac tion Plan (ISAP) VII a.4 dated June 28, 1985, did not d1scuss the MAC report as TUGCo did not commit to followup an thi's' audit in ISAP VII The results report ISAP VII a.4, dated April 18, 1986, did not address the speci fic B&R audit pr ogram de fic i enc i es, ident i fi ed by the NRC inspector during the current inspectio In addition, TUGCo had issued no response to Inspection Report 50-445/84-32; 50-446/84-11 to out1ine corrective actio Ccwnmen t : Considering 1 and 2 above this too is an understatement in paragraph 4 It simply supports the fact that they did not take cc4npr ehensi ve and e f f ec t i ve cor r ec t i ve ac t i on conc erning the audi t program f r orn 1978 until the presen .
: ;  . nemen tv 811 RYAM PLAZA OMfYE. SurrE 1000
Question: Why do you propose to drop this statement?
\, ,   AnumaTom.TsxAs testi
4 "B&R management also f ail ed to take corrective action on MAC atdit MAC-77-66, dated June 3, 1977 and as a r esul t their site audit pr ogr am has r ernained de fic i ent since 1977 based on a review of B&R audi t s CP-12 t hrough CP-16 (1978 - 1979). Finding nuraber 15 in the sanagement surnma r y s t a t ed , 'The site audit prograro is ineffective.'"
Cuestion: Considering the fact that the B&R audit program has been in continuous noncompliance f r orn 1977 until now, how can you justify dr opping this violation?
        . u In Reply Refer To:
Dockets: 50-445/86-08      .
      .'. . y .,
Texas UtilitiesJanerating Company ATTN: Mr. W.' 61!Couns11 Executive.Vice' President i 400 North Olive, L.B. 81        )
Dallas,.TX 75201        s
't Gentlemen:    .
      . .
        . s... -
  . . .
  . .  ..    ,
This refers to .tho' construction inspection conducted by Mr. H. S. Phillips and other members af 4ho Region IV Cocanche Peak Group during the period April 1    ';
through Mcy 31, 1986, of activities authorized by NRC Construction Persiits CPPR-126 and CPPR-227 for the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2, and to the discussion of our findings with you and. ether members of your staff at the conclusion of the, inspectio Areas of ' construction examined duNng tt# inspection included plant status and
general. construction inspections; Brown & Root (fGR) audits.of site activities; Unit 2 electrical cable, tray, and instrumentation insta11atien; and Unit 2    <
pipe supports / restraints. Within these-areas,"tha inspection consisted of selective exccination of pro:edures and representative 2 records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspectors. The inspection findings are documented in the enclosed inspection repor ll During this inspection, it was found that certain of your activities were in violation of NRC requirements. Consequently, you are required to respond to
    , in accordance with the provisions of tMse Sectionviolatione, 2.201 of the in NRC's writingRules
    . of Prectica," Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal RegJ1stione. Your response should be based on the specifics contained in the Notice of Violation enclosed with this lette Also during this inspection, it was found that certain of your activities    i
a;6.rtd to deviate from coeniitsants's.sde to the NRC. Thsse:itacis.and references to the cocaitamnts are identified in the enclosedIctica of ' ....
Deviation. You are requestsd to r4spond to these devictiNis in writing." Ycur responce should be based on the spt ,1fics contain,d in the Estuc of D-Niation
enclored with this letta '  '
s .
        . . ,-,-
  . . . .. .
    . 3 ,
      .  ... .
We here also exacined actions you Mve taken with regard to previou:1    ;
id:ntified inspection findings. Thi status of th::c itc s is id:ctif ed in paregrcph 3 of the en:losed report, f 2 2d
      . . ._ _ ,. -
__  _

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, . _ _ _ _ _ -_
>    BC*d CO*91 48/C2/20 i).SNOD-38N 53SdD.WOM3 ,
.  .      I i
Texas Utilities Generating Company  b The responses directed by this letter and the accompanying Notices are not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Manager.ent and Budget'as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-51 '
Should you have any questions concerning this inspectioc, we will t,e pleased to discuss them with yo '
    . Sinctfd y,
  .  <
E. H. Johnson, Director s Division of Reactor Safety and
l    Projects Enclosures:
1. Appendix A - Notice of. Violation 2. Appendix B - Notice of Deviation  ,
3. Appendix C - NRC Inspection Report  2 50-445/86-08 50-446/86-06-4. Appendix 0 - B&R Matrix of Annual Audits  -
cc w/ enclosure:    t -
      ' l'  '
Texas Utilities Electric Company ATTH: G. S. Keeley, Manager,  '
Licensing Skyway Tower      '
400 North Olive Street Lock Box 81 Dallas, Texas 75201  ,    ,
i Juanita Ellis      ~
President - CASE 1426 South Polk Street Dallas, Texas 75224    '
Renea Hicks Assistant Attorney General Environmental Protection Division P. O. Box 22548 Austin, Texas 78711-2548 Administrative Judge Peter Bloch U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. f 3 3)
_   _
SC*d PO:St 48/C2/20 1SNO3-DEN S3Sd3 WOM3 f i1
. .. t
j APPEN01X A NOTICE OF VIOLATION  1 Texas Utilttias Electric Company  Dockets: 50-445/86-08 50-446/86-06 Consanche Peak Steam Electric  Permits: CPPA-126 CPPR-127  j Station,- Units 1 and 2 During an NRC inspection conducted on /pril 1 through May 31,-1986, two violations of NRC requirements were identified. The violations involved:
failure of. Brown & Root Ix:. , (EA) to fully perform annual audita of their ASME~
4A Program during 1980, 1982, and 1904, and ta provide adequate documentation of audits of , field design chcaces and special processes; and failure of TUGCo to adoquately follow up on the corrective action coss:itments for an audit
  ; deficienc In accordance with the 5G'neral Statement of Policy and Procedure
\,  for NRC Enfoxesent' Actions," 10 CFR Nrt 2, Appendix C (1966), the violations are listed tmlow:
' Criterion XVIII of Appendix 3 to 10 CFR Part 50, as impiamented by TUGeo
Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Sectiog 18.0, Revision 2 dated July 31,
* 4  2984, and FSAR, Section 17.0, reaaires that a comprehensive, system o1 planned
  ' and periodic audits shall be carried out to verify compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance iregram to determine the effectiveness of
  'the program, and that. they be per.~oroad in accordance with procedures or checklists, and that results be f etenented, and followup action, including
  .raaudit of deficient areas, shall be take . Failure ti Fully Audit the i R asp /QA Procram g i
i FSAR, Section 17.1.18, "Au"'.s," requires that planned and periodic audits be performed to ver' e cocpliance with all aspcets of the quality assurance program 1 to detaraine the effectivenes B&R ASME/QA Manuals in eff; _ t since November 19, 1976, to the present
require the B&R QA manager '.a Msure that their ASME QA program is audited at least annuall CentrerJ' to the above, B&R '1ed to annually audit tte entire
<  ASI'.E/CA program as evidenc . the failure to audit 12 of 20
,  sections of the QA Manual G0, 6 sections in 1582, and 8 sections
l in 1984 (445/8608-V-01; 44 's-Y-01). Failure to Provide Aoeouat etr station to Seexet Irplemntation of Bah Audit Progry    i B/Jt QA Manus 1, Section 1 Iswed Septerber 17, 1981, requires that i
  . ocasuns. be sstablithed fc n audit pregrzc the.t will provide objective evidar.ce of coct et with th: QA unuc1; coepitance with pertinent specifications,, a >d procedercs; and t m2thod of  ,
I ke4 ping managem:nt informed of QA progrc.n effectivenes a (3y)    4
      . . . . .
g..-.        l CP'd 90:91 49/C2/20 J.SM00. DEN $3Sd3 WON 3 l l
  . .

l Contrary to the above:   !
1 B&R failed to provide adequate documentation in audit reports and/or checklists to show that the implementation of field design change procedures.and controls were audited (445/8608-V-02; 446/8606-V-02). B&R^ failed to provide adequate documentation in audit reports and/or checklists to show that the implementation of special process procedures and controls ware audited (445/8608-V-03i
NOTE:  The BLR QA manager said they did not perform all audits b+cause TU would not pay them    to per form the audi t s needed. This was stated in front of witnesse .
  "TUGCo management, according to MAC (MAC-JPJ-471), were aware of that identi MAC fied had audited program deBLR ficienci Houston es. and Comanche Peak site and had As a result of ineffective corrective action concerning the MAC findings, the BLR audit program was 4. b , de ficient from 1980 through 1985 as described above in paragraphs and 4.e."

Ccenment :
This is a Severity Level IV violation. (Supplement II) Criterion XVI of Appendix B to 10'CFR Part 50, as implemer.ted by FSAR, )
Bot.rd Not i f i c a t i on No. 86-20 Cont ains st atements that are at best unclear  and at worst are falsel Page 21 of Exhibit 23 states that the President of Texas Utilities > Generating Company did not inow that MAC audi parageaph  1, 1ast ted sentenee Brown & Rocc  but the let ter to htm (Exhibit 1)
  'Section 17.0, and TUGCo QAP, Section 16.0, Revision 0, dated July 1, 1978, J requires that conditions adverse to quality be promptly identified,- 1
talks about  t' hat audit. I discussed this letter with MAC and they con firmed that TUGCo knew about the repor i n vesI tbelieve i ga t i on this is adoes report  material false stthi not address  at ernent but the This is my finding until someonw can show otherwis The statement is necessary to support a viofation; i e. , TUGCo failure p r og y at:. .
  . reported, and correcte Failure to Verify Correction of An Audit Deficiency
to followup and review the status and adequacy of thts QA Question:
  :FSAR, Section 17.1.16, states that'TUGCo require measure be established to assure that conditions adverse to quality are promptly identified,
Why do you propose to drop the understated finding? "At. the titue NRC Inspection R+rport 50-445/84-32; 50-446/84-11 was issued, the option was offered and accepted by your letter TX X -4453 dated March 11, 1985, whereby you elected to respond to vi olations centained in this report as part of the Comanche Peak Pesponse Tearn P1 an. "
  . reported, and correcte .
Comment:  It never was an option concerning corrective action to be taken only the option to respond; i.e., 84-32/11 NOV page 3 requires cor r ec t i ve action taken and corrective steps to avoid further violatio Page 6 of the final report (86-08/06) that RIV and Hg. proposed to i ssue states that the B&R audit p r og r ane, a part of the licensee's audit program, was in viofat1on as a'udtt report CP-27 (1985) was a part of the noncoroplianc This proves that they cont inued in noncernpliance a f t er the 1984 violations in 84-22/1 TU did not respond until February 2, 1987 and it does not addr ess the de fic1 ent BbP audi t progra Cuestion a:  How does this justtfy continued nonc orop l i anc e for 21/2 years after the 84-32 violations were identi fi ed?
  'TUGCo Procedure CQI-CS-4.6, Revision 3,* dated August 8, 1982, states in
-n-, - .- - . - - - - - - - r-------n - , - - - - - - _ - ~ -- - - - . . - , - - - - _- . - - , - -
i part, " Verification of implementat. ion of corrective actions shall be {
          -, ,
accomplished by appropriate means."   j
Contrary to the above, Audit Deficiency No.1 of TUGCo QA Audit TCP-51 l (September 1982) was ireproperly closed out. That is, the auditor did not j verify the implementation of commitments to correct the dcficiency prior l to closing the audit firding. Records show that in this case TUGCo had Initiated plans for resolving the audit deficiency over an extended period of time, and eventually resolved the audit deficiency through review of the operation travelers (445/8608-V-06; 446/8606-V-08).

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This is a Severity Level V violation. (Supplement II)
  .    . 4
l i
i l
Question b:  How can anyone .just i f y a response to serious violations taking 1'1/2 years while the audit program for Unit 2 construction was neccompliance?
indeterminate and finally identi fied by NRC to be in "It was our understanding the expectation that these violations, together wi th r el at ed per t inent external source issue (e.g., TRT, MAC) would be specifically included in the assessments per formed by Issue Speci fic Ac tion Plans (ISAPs) VII.a.4 and VI.a.5, given the sc op e of eac As a result of NRC review of the results reports for these ISAPs, it is apparent that the r esul ts repor ts, in t h e rns e l ve s ,
do not explicitly ident i f y and describe the disposition of these external source issue This i s a roa t.t e r of concern when viewed in the light of the findings noted i n t h i.'s, r ep or t regarding the BtR audit prograrn and will be the subject o f separate corr espondence from the NRC."    /
    [3 d
Comment:  This basically states they failed to tak e corrective a: tio This is an under st at ement as ISAP VI!. states that they never intended t o t ake c ornpr ehensi ve c or r ec t i ve ac t io They only looked to see if TU went through the rnotions not to assess audit e f f ec t iveness which was the real issu Apparently they did not even see if B&R went through the rnotion In Sept ernber 1985 I spect fically asked C. Hal e, PIV Comanche Peak Task Group, to look at B&R audit prograrn because I had seen i ndi c at i ons o f pr obl eru He ignored the *eques He had no int ent ion of pursuing the issues in the MAC report and was well aware that TU made no comm1 t roent in the ISAP to addr ess the issue Questio'n  How does this . justify not issuing violations whether in 86-08/06 or frorn the RIV CPTG r epor t ? "Criterion XVI of appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50, as irnplernent ed by FSAR, Section 17.O, and TUGCo OAP, Section 16.O, Revi sion 0,        dated July 1,  1978, requires that conditions adverse to quality be promptly identi fi  ed, reported, and cor rec t e Ee Liutt_t9_V itt x_G9ttestL90_91_ou_eudti_Deitsttuix f
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ -
FSAR, Section 17.1.16, states that TUGCo r equi res rueasure be established to assure that conditions adver se t o quali ty are prornpt 1y 1denti fied, reported, and corrected.'
!       TUGCo pr oc edur e COI-C S-4. 6, Pevision 3, dat ed August 8, 1982, states in part, 'Ver i fic at ion o f t rupl ernent a t i on o f cor r ec t i ve actions shall be accornpli shed by appropr 1 at + means. '
Cont rary to the above, Audit De fic t ency No. 1 of TUGCo OA Audit TC o-51 ( sep t ernb er 199"D was i rnpr oper l y c l osed out .        That is, the audttor did not veri fy the t rnp l ernen t a t i on of c ornr .1 t roen t s t o c or r ec t the deficiency prior to closing the audit f i ndi n Pecords show that in thi s case TUGCo had inttiated plans for r esol vi ng the audit

    . . - -- --- - -- - . - - - - . - - -
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  . .

Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, Texas Utilities Electric Company is
. deficiency 446/8606-V-08). through review of the oper at ion t ravelers (445/8608-V-06;
hereby required to submit to this office, within 30 days of the date of the letter transmitting this Notice, a written statement or explanation in reply, including for each violation: (1) the reasons for the violations if indmitted, (2) the corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved, (3) the corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further violations, and (4) the date when full compliance will be achieved. Where good cause is shown, consideration will be given to extending your response tim Dated at Arlington, Texas, this . day of : 1987
This is a Severity Level V violation. (Supplement II)"
Cornmen t : This violation was identi fied by a junior inspector who submitted the viol ation to me without proper proc edural references and being in the correct forma at in the proper format as he hadI left obtained site. the re f erences and wrote The point is that this finding sailed through and was never qwestioned but ray violations which identify fatture to take corrective vi ol at i onaction and per forrn in compartson to theaudits h' ave been taken to tas This CA prograne breakdowns is  f ailure to tak e corrective action on vi ol at ion and raine were dropped.insigni fi c ant ,, yet , this is an acceptable p r e judic e is eviden This is not only incredible but the C estion: How can you propose  that this c-opping two serious violations?  violation be issued whtle Appendis C of 10CFR Part 2 states that the purpose of the NFC e f orc ernent program is to promote and protect the health and safety of the public obtaining by ensuring prornpt cornpliance correction of with NRC r egulations and by violations and adverse quality conditions which ar n af f ect safety and deterring future violation Cc rntnent :
This seetion of Tit 1e 10 says that +ach en f orc ement action ts dependent on th'e' circumstances but no wher+ does it say that NRC rn a n a g e r s , supervisors, and inspectors can arbitraryily decide not to write up noncompliancec and notices of violattans. The only justi fic at s on is if all the following are sattsifled the licensee 1 d errt i f i ed the problem, it is severity Ievel IV and V, it was r+ ported tf required, at was or vi11 be corrected...within a r+asonable ttrne, and it was not a violation that could reasonably be espected to have for a previous violatio been prevented by the l i c ensee's cor.r ec t i ve ac t i on I cannot 3.e e t any of these conditions rouch less see al how the violations ! proposed Question:
How can you justify not issuing the violations I proposed as they do not meet any of the cri'eria for not writing a vi ol a t i on?
10. Appendix C of Part O Suppl ernent !! i s spec t fic about the failure tc audit and corr ect deficienci es or t o t ak e p r ornp t corrective a:t1.s C : *,r n ent :
It believe I can rnal e a c ase for a e t ,tl penalty and a OA ptrspectio r :.g r arn brealdown c ortnec t ed to hardware but it will require rnore I really prefer to have the licensee identify the
;: :.b l eras as a result of a Level IV viofatio Question:
Why not 1ssue the proposed viof at1ons and Iet TU respond?

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    ,  -
Managemen..t Ann!} sis Catopnny  hhh 11100 Roemde St Sea O!sgo. CA 92121 T14145213*1 -
l: L)2} T :E f,y * 5 .,, ' . f ' 'Y , ,# .
      ~  f
    <*/ a 1. .
J g FMay TT,197E
    'h  MAC-JPJ-471

Mr. Perry Brittain Prtsfdent    y Texas Utilities Generating Ccepany  .~
_ __ __ __
200T Br Callas.yan Tower
_ _ _ _ _ - ,
  . TX 75201    >
Cear Mr. Brittain:.
Enciosed is the for Texas Utflities report Ceepan Generating of the Managecent Quality  Assurance Audit c en ucted The audit disclosed that, in general, the Quality Assurance    activiti effeettve, that there is good the Architect / Engineer and the Constructo te spirit between TUGCO/iljSt es were F
perso T
CffcationMome Quality Assurance Planfaflures or cliiii75TR.t2 comely with requiatsrf recutrementsThe x the Wfa au an Audit Report as Accendix improved practic These cef1clenctes are fcentified~fn  C' '
and t.e Comanchendix E ts thisTheseletter. are fdentified as Cbser<ations and Recom ak.sile E Wyou knew, MAC particTMeMart audit of IM
s gnf ficant improvement is noted since that auditP personnel con- // b cecp I
Management Analysis C=pany received  .
full f"
general openness of persennel  andaudit, their but frank discussion annot only c:
Thet i of any deffcfencies,the conduct of the  exemplifie n anced ucive to correctiert  DA $
attitude Company  and Texas Ut111 ties fervices If there are any c:nnents or questions re Inc. and hop rating so frr the futur .
Mr. J. R. Norris or me at (714) 452-139T.garding thrts work, please centact l
Sfnee S y,
;      7J
      - .
John ?. Jackscn JPJ:bew    Principal Partner Enclosurts: Appendix A Appendix 3

  .       --
  .   <
APPENDIX 8 HOTIcE OF DEVIATION Texas utilities Electric Company  Dockets: 50-445/86-08 50-446/86-06 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Permits: CPPR-126 Units 1,and 2    CPPR-127
  ' Based on the results of an NRC inspection conducted during April 1 through
May 31 1986 one deviation from your commitments was identified. The deviation con,sisted of failure to establish proper criteria for supplemental audits of site activities. In accordance with the " General Statement of Polic and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions," 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C (1986), y the deviation is listed below:
FSAR, Section.17.1.2 commits to the establishment of an audit p  ran in accordance with AmerIcan National Standard Institute (ANSI)
Draft 3.0, Revision 0. Paragraph 3.4.3 of this standard describes criteria N4 as to when supplemental audits are performe '
In deviation from the above: ,   , TUGCo audit Procedure DQP-QA-35, Revision 0, left out the following supplemental audit criteria of paragraph 3.4.3 of the ANSI N45.2.1 Paragraph requires assessment of contractor's QA progran prior to contract award, and . Paragraph requires assessment of item quflity or program effectiveness, when required (445/8608-D-04; 446/8605-D-04).
^ B&R audit Procedure CP-QAP-19.1, dated October 10, 1984, does not agree with TUGCo Procedure DQP-QA-15 or ANSI N45.2.12 because C'A changed the  l coenitment for supplacental audit criteria from "are performed" to "may be  l performed" (445/8608-D-05, 445/8006-0-05). l Texas utilities Electric Company is hereby requested to subeit to this office, within 30 days of the letter transmitting this Notice, a written statement or explanation in reply, including for each deviation: (1) the reason for the deviation if adattted, (2) the corrective steps which have been taken and the resuits achieved, (3) the corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further  i
daviations, and (4 the date when full compliance will be achieved. M are cause is show, con) sideration will be given to extending the response tico. g!
Dated at Arlin;; ton, Texas, this day of  1987 l
_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
l  . . .
a ' ''
  * I may nave
CP*d 40891 LB/C2/20 ISNO3-DMN S3Sd3 WOdd
already asked
  *t  e11 RYAN PLAZA DFtlVt. SUfTE 1000
  %, ,  ' aRuMOTON.TEXa8 79011 october 31, 1986    *
2     -
MEMORANDUM: Jan Barnes,: Chief      I Comanche Peak Task Group
you this, but jus in case 2 naven't:
'FROM: H. S. Phillips, j
Senior' Resident Inspector Comanche Peak construction SUBJECTS . Review Of Inspection Rep' orts Price to the March.4, 1986 exit with TUGCO I found one cri sp violation concerning . Brown & Root's f ailure to audit their QA program in 1980 and 1982. I advised Tom Westerman that I considered it a violation and, I ocked if he agreed. He replied that it was not and wanted it written
'co an unresolved item. Subsequently, you took his place and I asked y u what to do and you said that you considered it a violation. Further, you asked me to additionally review the other "
cudit years and I understood this to mean a comprehensive review and write a detailed report. I was unable * 4o complete the review in March Beccuse, as I reported to you, the complete files were in 'the B&R Houston of fice. The review.was finally completed in April and I wrote o Gotailed Notice of Violation which I intended to present at the oxit. I gave it to you for your review and subsequently presented it
0 -i    Are you aware of brown & Root having hired MAC 4  their to pertorm any re, views or audit of implementation of
,ct the exit. I submitted the typed draft report dated June 30, 198 v,On Ccptember 2, 1986 George Gower came to site and went,o.ver the
'trcpert and. asked me to drop two failure to.take correct:ive action violations, as Clif Hale would take care of these areas. He then gave no directions to write one big violation against Criterion XVIII-Audi t s. I revised the report per directions and was very surprised when I received extensive comments on it in an October 22, 1986 Goeting with George Gowe Frca late May to October 22, I was unaware' of any comments that you mado. Until October 15, 1986 when you discussed this report in general torGo, I thought you approved of the comprehensive review and draf t ropert. In fact, I performed and documented Inspection 86-20/17 in cin11ar fashion. After learning of the comments, George arid I revised Repert 86-08/06. I called you Octcoor 24 and requested you to hold Reptet 86-20/17, as 2 intend to r evi ew i t in light of the comments recoi.ved and revise it.

the QA Program at Comanche
  ,  ( 55)
(    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - -
i      .
6 '
l ,  No, I am no .

f Or any r e p o r t.,a generated by them?
      - - - - . - - - - _ _ _ _
6 ..
. . .
, , , _ ., _ , ,_ _
  ##'d 10101 pp'd 40:91 LB/C2/20 1SN03-38N S3Sd3 WO8d  .
, ,        I
If I had been permitted to write the crisp violation in the February,    l ;
1 bolieve that would have taken care of the violation, as' TUGCQ would    I
'h0Vo looked at the other years and given their response. It was not my  -
criginal intent to make such a comprehensive inspection but thought you had some purpose in asking me to look at' other audit year .Ragcrdless, I go for conciseness in the future unless ethcrwise dArecte ;39' ,
H. S. Phillips, Sr. Resident Inspector  ,
N N 9 Oxa let me ask you an all
10 , questio encompassing
11-Otner tnan what I nave already asxed  yo2,
can you thinx 'ot  --
Do you have 12      any xnowledge,
interoation from
{g  I    con ersations, meetings, dbcuments Ig  that
:L'L.}    you ,have been privy to; anything that sheds any
  , 14
15 +'
light on the origins of the f1AC report'of why it was
     ' withheld from sne Intervenor's request or how it was 4 16
17 produced in 1960 or why it was not produced earlier that we have not discussed? '
    .      1
  . 18 .
No, I have no Q.
_ _ _ _ . .
_ _ - - _ --
    -- - - - -
  ( 3 9)

t You were interviewed by Mr.*Wooldridge her were:you  not?
41 ' '
I wa .
22 .
Was tnw information you gave M wooldridge tne same information
-  2,      you nave given me here tocay?
. Ye .J '

I mean ne may not nave asxed exactly
t t
p W
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOCDOS3998 909999999999999900990096999
  ,w men.__ ..
tne same questions,
   = - . -
   . -- i
_ _ . -
cut ene substance of it was
. , . . .,:-- -. L      *
    . . . . . -
.e.. % .w.4.v+ w . H-   _ ~ . . ~ . ~ . - ,;.- -
$            l
' *
    ,    CEGION IV
*.  /          {
''*4            !
  , , .,  ARLINGTON. TEX AS 76011 l
l l
DATE: 3-19-87        ..
SPECIAL INSTTICTIONS:  MExo Ano onsTIcNs cN REpon: 86 08/06 Fo% A-91- M Ll1
- - - - - .----_._._,__,y _ - -
    . ,, , _ _ . _ . _ , - - - . _ . . _ _ . , - - _ _ , - . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . - - _ , - ~ , _ - , ,.
            - - _ --

Latest revision as of 17:55, 16 December 2021

Confirms Completion of Review of Insp Repts 50-445/86-08 & 50-446/86-06 in Accordance W/Jm Taylor 860626 Memo. Concurrence Provided on 870121
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 01/21/1987
From: Spessard R
To: Johnson E
Shared Package
ML20237K807 List: ... further results
NUDOCS 8701280436
Download: ML20244E622 (8)


~ -- - - -- -- -- _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___







' '

"g* . ! . . . . . . .



.I wasweesotow.c.cJsoses cooc* JAN 211987 MEMORANDUM FOR: Eric Johnson. Director Division of Reactor Safety and Projects '

' Region IV FRON:

R. Lee.Spessard, Deputy Director Divisfo'nof.!aspection Programs- '. -

i .. ,

. Off1, Inspection and Enforcement

},, .....




, . .



This will. confirm thescompletion of.our review of Inspection.Raport  !


60-445/8648; 50-446/864Ni in accordance with J. M. Taylor's memortadun to R. D.' Martin dated OUne 26, 198 .

l During the course of our review we met on several occassions with members of your staff and reached mutually acceptable resolution on matters of content and l

presentation. We also arovided copies of the report to NRR (Trasun11) and OGC p(Mizuno)forcomment. @th NRR and CGC had several comments. These have been coordinated and resiolved through further discussions with I. Barnes 21, and1987, S. Phillipsv Our concurrer.ce in the report was provided on January as noted on the a closed repor ,




dDeputf; Director R. Lee Spessj;,

Division of . n sp,ection PrcSrams Office of Inspection and Enforcement



Inspection Report Pages cc w/o enclosure J. M. Taylor. IE R. D. Martin, RIY J. C. Partlow, IE





( 3 0)


8' 7 0 / 2 To y3 gg ,

umamem , ,


m- ,

SC*d 20:91 48/C2/20 ISNOD-DEN S3Sd3 WOBd

. -

, - o ..

064 Cr & f fi ckk V IN5PE_CTION REPORT ROUTE SHEET sdzo control N LICENSEE / VENDOR: / kdho __




- -






delete / archives REVIEW BY SECTION CHIEF .


RETURN FOR REWORK (inspector) -







, m sed. M .#t J 1# 6fNdh DRAFT REVIEW BY BRANCH CHIEF -

M/) I /2 d / w _


r RETURN FOR REWORK (inspector)




,}glg] ff



hli 8



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_ / --




- -



_(31) . . . . . .



. (Mcg . .

_- __ _ _ _ _ _.._ __ ____







[% .


; . nemen tv 811 RYAM PLAZA OMfYE. SurrE 1000

\, , AnumaTom.TsxAs testi


. u In Reply Refer To:

Dockets: 50-445/86-08 .




.'. . y .,


Texas UtilitiesJanerating Company ATTN: Mr. W.' 61!Couns11 Executive.Vice' President i 400 North Olive, L.B. 81 )

Dallas,.TX 75201 s

't Gentlemen: .

. .

. s... -


. . .

. . .. ,

This refers to .tho' construction inspection conducted by Mr. H. S. Phillips and other members af 4ho Region IV Cocanche Peak Group during the period April 1 ';

through Mcy 31, 1986, of activities authorized by NRC Construction Persiits CPPR-126 and CPPR-227 for the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2, and to the discussion of our findings with you and. ether members of your staff at the conclusion of the, inspectio Areas of ' construction examined duNng tt# inspection included plant status and


general. construction inspections; Brown & Root (fGR) audits.of site activities; Unit 2 electrical cable, tray, and instrumentation insta11atien; and Unit 2 <

pipe supports / restraints. Within these-areas,"tha inspection consisted of selective exccination of pro:edures and representative 2 records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspectors. The inspection findings are documented in the enclosed inspection repor ll During this inspection, it was found that certain of your activities were in violation of NRC requirements. Consequently, you are required to respond to

, in accordance with the provisions of tMse Sectionviolatione, 2.201 of the in NRC's writingRules

. of Prectica," Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal RegJ1stione. Your response should be based on the specifics contained in the Notice of Violation enclosed with this lette Also during this inspection, it was found that certain of your activities i


a;6.rtd to deviate from coeniitsants's.sde to the NRC. Thsse:itacis.and references to the cocaitamnts are identified in the enclosedIctica of ' ....

Deviation. You are requestsd to r4spond to these devictiNis in writing." Ycur responce should be based on the spt ,1fics contain,d in the Estuc of D-Niation


enclored with this letta ' '

s .

. . ,-,-


. . . .. .

. 3 ,

. ... .


We here also exacined actions you Mve taken with regard to previou:1  ;

id:ntified inspection findings. Thi status of th::c itc s is id:ctif ed in paregrcph 3 of the en:losed report, f 2 2d

. . ._ _ ,. -

__ _

, . _ _ _ _ _ -_


> BC*d CO*91 48/C2/20 i).SNOD-38N 53SdD.WOM3 ,

. . I i


Texas Utilities Generating Company b The responses directed by this letter and the accompanying Notices are not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Manager.ent and Budget'as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-51 '

Should you have any questions concerning this inspectioc, we will t,e pleased to discuss them with yo '

. Sinctfd y,

. <


E. H. Johnson, Director s Division of Reactor Safety and


l Projects Enclosures:

1. Appendix A - Notice of. Violation 2. Appendix B - Notice of Deviation ,

3. Appendix C - NRC Inspection Report 2 50-445/86-08 50-446/86-06-4. Appendix 0 - B&R Matrix of Annual Audits -


cc w/ enclosure: t -

' l' '

Texas Utilities Electric Company ATTH: G. S. Keeley, Manager, '

Licensing Skyway Tower '

400 North Olive Street Lock Box 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 , ,

i Juanita Ellis ~

President - CASE 1426 South Polk Street Dallas, Texas 75224 '

Renea Hicks Assistant Attorney General Environmental Protection Division P. O. Box 22548 Austin, Texas 78711-2548 Administrative Judge Peter Bloch U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. f 3 3)

_ _





SC*d PO:St 48/C2/20 1SNO3-DEN S3Sd3 WOM3 f i1

. .. t


j APPEN01X A NOTICE OF VIOLATION 1 Texas Utilttias Electric Company Dockets: 50-445/86-08 50-446/86-06 Consanche Peak Steam Electric Permits: CPPA-126 CPPR-127 j Station,- Units 1 and 2 During an NRC inspection conducted on /pril 1 through May 31,-1986, two violations of NRC requirements were identified. The violations involved:

failure of. Brown & Root Ix:. , (EA) to fully perform annual audita of their ASME~

4A Program during 1980, 1982, and 1904, and ta provide adequate documentation of audits of , field design chcaces and special processes; and failure of TUGCo to adoquately follow up on the corrective action coss:itments for an audit

deficienc In accordance with the 5G'neral Statement of Policy and Procedure

\, for NRC Enfoxesent' Actions," 10 CFR Nrt 2, Appendix C (1966), the violations are listed tmlow:

' Criterion XVIII of Appendix 3 to 10 CFR Part 50, as impiamented by TUGeo


Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Sectiog 18.0, Revision 2 dated July 31,

' and periodic audits shall be carried out to verify compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance iregram to determine the effectiveness of

'the program, and that. they be per.~oroad in accordance with procedures or checklists, and that results be f etenented, and followup action, including

.raaudit of deficient areas, shall be take . Failure ti Fully Audit the i R asp /QA Procram g i

i FSAR, Section 17.1.18, "Au"'.s," requires that planned and periodic audits be performed to ver' e cocpliance with all aspcets of the quality assurance program 1 to detaraine the effectivenes B&R ASME/QA Manuals in eff; _ t since November 19, 1976, to the present


require the B&R QA manager '.a Msure that their ASME QA program is audited at least annuall CentrerJ' to the above, B&R '1ed to annually audit tte entire

< ASI'.E/CA program as evidenc . the failure to audit 12 of 20


, sections of the QA Manual G0, 6 sections in 1582, and 8 sections


l in 1984 (445/8608-V-01; 44 's-Y-01). Failure to Provide Aoeouat etr station to Seexet Irplemntation of Bah Audit Progry i B/Jt QA Manus 1, Section 1 Iswed Septerber 17, 1981, requires that i

. ocasuns. be sstablithed fc n audit pregrzc the.t will provide objective evidar.ce of coct et with th: QA unuc1; coepitance with pertinent specifications,, a >d procedercs; and t m2thod of ,

I ke4 ping managem:nt informed of QA progrc.n effectivenes a (3y) 4

. . . . .

g..-. l CP'd 90:91 49/C2/20 J.SM00. DEN $3Sd3 WON 3 l l

. .

l Contrary to the above:  !

1 B&R failed to provide adequate documentation in audit reports and/or checklists to show that the implementation of field design change procedures.and controls were audited (445/8608-V-02; 446/8606-V-02). B&R^ failed to provide adequate documentation in audit reports and/or checklists to show that the implementation of special process procedures and controls ware audited (445/8608-V-03i



This is a Severity Level IV violation. (Supplement II) Criterion XVI of Appendix B to 10'CFR Part 50, as implemer.ted by FSAR, )

'Section 17.0, and TUGCo QAP, Section 16.0, Revision 0, dated July 1, 1978, J requires that conditions adverse to quality be promptly identified,- 1

. reported, and correcte Failure to Verify Correction of An Audit Deficiency

FSAR, Section 17.1.16, states that'TUGCo require measure be established to assure that conditions adverse to quality are promptly identified,

. reported, and correcte .

'TUGCo Procedure CQI-CS-4.6, Revision 3,* dated August 8, 1982, states in


i part, " Verification of implementat. ion of corrective actions shall be {

accomplished by appropriate means." j


Contrary to the above, Audit Deficiency No.1 of TUGCo QA Audit TCP-51 l (September 1982) was ireproperly closed out. That is, the auditor did not j verify the implementation of commitments to correct the dcficiency prior l to closing the audit firding. Records show that in this case TUGCo had Initiated plans for resolving the audit deficiency over an extended period of time, and eventually resolved the audit deficiency through review of the operation travelers (445/8608-V-06; 446/8606-V-08).

This is a Severity Level V violation. (Supplement II)


l i

i l




[3 d

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. . - -- --- - -- - . - - - - . - - -

. .


Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, Texas Utilities Electric Company is


hereby required to submit to this office, within 30 days of the date of the letter transmitting this Notice, a written statement or explanation in reply, including for each violation: (1) the reasons for the violations if indmitted, (2) the corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved, (3) the corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further violations, and (4) the date when full compliance will be achieved. Where good cause is shown, consideration will be given to extending your response tim Dated at Arlington, Texas, this . day of : 1987




l l

l ( 3 c)

_ - - - - - - - - -

_ __ __ __

_ _ _ _ _ - ,

. <

APPENDIX 8 HOTIcE OF DEVIATION Texas utilities Electric Company Dockets: 50-445/86-08 50-446/86-06 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Permits: CPPR-126 Units 1,and 2 CPPR-127

' Based on the results of an NRC inspection conducted during April 1 through


May 31 1986 one deviation from your commitments was identified. The deviation con,sisted of failure to establish proper criteria for supplemental audits of site activities. In accordance with the " General Statement of Polic and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions," 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C (1986), y the deviation is listed below:

FSAR, Section.17.1.2 commits to the establishment of an audit p ran in accordance with AmerIcan National Standard Institute (ANSI)

Draft 3.0, Revision 0. Paragraph 3.4.3 of this standard describes criteria N4 as to when supplemental audits are performe '



In deviation from the above: , , TUGCo audit Procedure DQP-QA-35, Revision 0, left out the following supplemental audit criteria of paragraph 3.4.3 of the ANSI N45.2.1 Paragraph requires assessment of contractor's QA progran prior to contract award, and . Paragraph requires assessment of item quflity or program effectiveness, when required (445/8608-D-04; 446/8605-D-04).

^ B&R audit Procedure CP-QAP-19.1, dated October 10, 1984, does not agree with TUGCo Procedure DQP-QA-15 or ANSI N45.2.12 because C'A changed the l coenitment for supplacental audit criteria from "are performed" to "may be l performed" (445/8608-D-05, 445/8006-0-05). l Texas utilities Electric Company is hereby requested to subeit to this office, within 30 days of the letter transmitting this Notice, a written statement or explanation in reply, including for each deviation: (1) the reason for the deviation if adattted, (2) the corrective steps which have been taken and the resuits achieved, (3) the corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further i


daviations, and (4 the date when full compliance will be achieved. M are cause is show, con) sideration will be given to extending the response tico. g!

Dated at Arlin;; ton, Texas, this day of 1987 l




_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _

a '

CP*d 40891 LB/C2/20 ISNO3-DMN S3Sd3 WOdd

  • ! [% UNfTE) STATES NUCt. EAR REGUULTORY COMMIS$10N E 4 naciow ev
  • t e11 RYAN PLAZA DFtlVt. SUfTE 1000

%, , ' aRuMOTON.TEXa8 79011 october 31, 1986 *


MEMORANDUM: Jan Barnes,: Chief I Comanche Peak Task Group

'FROM: H. S. Phillips, j

Senior' Resident Inspector Comanche Peak construction SUBJECTS . Review Of Inspection Rep' orts Price to the March.4, 1986 exit with TUGCO I found one cri sp violation concerning . Brown & Root's f ailure to audit their QA program in 1980 and 1982. I advised Tom Westerman that I considered it a violation and, I ocked if he agreed. He replied that it was not and wanted it written

'co an unresolved item. Subsequently, you took his place and I asked y u what to do and you said that you considered it a violation. Further, you asked me to additionally review the other "

cudit years and I understood this to mean a comprehensive review and write a detailed report. I was unable * 4o complete the review in March Beccuse, as I reported to you, the complete files were in 'the B&R Houston of fice. The review.was finally completed in April and I wrote o Gotailed Notice of Violation which I intended to present at the oxit. I gave it to you for your review and subsequently presented it

,ct the exit. I submitted the typed draft report dated June 30, 198 v,On Ccptember 2, 1986 George Gower came to site and went,o.ver the

'trcpert and. asked me to drop two failure to.take correct:ive action violations, as Clif Hale would take care of these areas. He then gave no directions to write one big violation against Criterion XVIII-Audi t s. I revised the report per directions and was very surprised when I received extensive comments on it in an October 22, 1986 Goeting with George Gowe Frca late May to October 22, I was unaware' of any comments that you mado. Until October 15, 1986 when you discussed this report in general torGo, I thought you approved of the comprehensive review and draf t ropert. In fact, I performed and documented Inspection 86-20/17 in cin11ar fashion. After learning of the comments, George arid I revised Repert 86-08/06. I called you Octcoor 24 and requested you to hold Reptet 86-20/17, as 2 intend to r evi ew i t in light of the comments recoi.ved and revise it.



, ( 55)

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. . .

, , , _ ., _ , ,_ _

    1. 'd 10101 pp'd 40:91 LB/C2/20 1SN03-38N S3Sd3 WO8d .

, , I






If I had been permitted to write the crisp violation in the February, l ;

1 bolieve that would have taken care of the violation, as' TUGCQ would I

'h0Vo looked at the other years and given their response. It was not my -

criginal intent to make such a comprehensive inspection but thought you had some purpose in asking me to look at' other audit year .Ragcrdless, I go for conciseness in the future unless ethcrwise dArecte ;39' ,

H. S. Phillips, Sr. Resident Inspector ,






. 1









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( 3 9)










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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOCDOS3998 909999999999999900990096999

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