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| number = ML20155K571
| number = ML20155K571
| issue date = 09/30/1976
| issue date = 09/30/1976
| title = Forwards Draft Security Plan for Ucla Nuclear Energy Lab
| title = Forwards Draft Security Plan for UCLA Nuclear Energy Lab
| author name = Catton I
| author name = Catton I
| author affiliation = CALIFORNIA, UNIV. OF, LOS ANGELES, CA
| author affiliation = CALIFORNIA, UNIV. OF, LOS ANGELES, CA
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Mr. Bernard C. Rusche, Director
(              i Office of Nucient Reactor Regulation United States Suc1 car Regulatory Commission
                                                                                                                                                                                                      .h Washington, D. C. 20555                                                            Docket 50-142
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==Dear Mr. Rusche:==
The attached Draft-Security Plan is                                    The  intended Draft Plan        to replacerelegates        ourmanyexisting,  details approved Plan and Amendments thereto.
of the existing Plan to the status of Written Procedurss                                                                        subject to review Neither current circumstances and approval by a laboratery Security Cormittee.nor current plannin isting Plan,.however we believe that the approach taken here will supply greater ficxibility to meet the increasina activity and changing space allo-cation /utili:ation within the Nucicar Energy Laboratory.
rm rog an transducers (Figures Please note that tne locativn3 of -                                                  Plan, bt.t that adoption or tne 11,12, and 13) remain a portion of the Draft Plan will remove the door-keying information from those figures to a written procedure status.
It is our intent to secure an "Approval in Principle" of the Draft Plan before proceeding with the creation of the Security Co .nittee                                                                                  and the compi-lation of 'ilritten Procedures for approval by that comaittee. DurinC this interim period we shall continue to operate under the existing, approved Security Plan.
The Draf t Plan is believed to be in conformity with the requirements of Due to the sensitive nature of the contents of this letter, 10 CFR Part 73.40.
we request that this document be withheld frora public disclosure pursuant to
                                                                                                                            ,.7 Section 2.790 of 10 CFR Part 2.
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1 h.3v\van Ca  (tton, l'irector Nuclear Energy Laboratory CEA:NCO:vl cc:      Mr. V.N. R1::olo, Chief, Safeguards Branch, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm.,
Region V, Suite 202, Walnut Creek Pla:a,1990 N. California Divd.
Walnut Creck, California, 94596 (in accordance with our letter of August 20, 1976)                                                                                              10.1A3 8806210287 880603 PDR          FOIA AFTERGOBS-196 PDR
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                                                                                                      % / g' SECURITY PLAN                          '
j/9 UCLA Nucl ar Energy Laboratory
: 1.              General Description                                                    e A. Physical Site and Activities The Nuclear Energy Laboratory is located in the UCLA School of Engineering and Applied Science with the principal access via room 2567, Boelter llall. Activities within the laboratory are varied and include (1) the operation of a 100 kw Argonaut nuclear reactor, (2) under raduate laboratory classes, (3) graduate student projects that are often NRC or                                -
ERDA supported by contract arrangements, (4) a major ERDA sponsored fusion research proj ect, and (5) supporting functions performed in machine and electronics shops. The general physical pit..t is shown in Figures 11 and 12 of Appendix A.
t              '
The various activitics engage a staff of approxim-tely 25, a number of faculty members with research and/or educational interssts within the labor-atory,                a number of graduate stcJents conducting research, and the closely supervised and scheduled undergraduate student classes.
B. Security Considerations The Nuclear Energy Laboratory presently has in its possession 9.0 k:: of Special Nuclear !!aterial in the form of 93'. enriched uranium (fuel plates, fuel scraps and uranyl nitrate) and two 32 gm Pu - Be neutron sources.
Of the SN!t in the exempt form, 3.6 kgs~ of U-235 is in the reactor and 0.7 kg is in the radioactive storage pits. The 4.7 kgs of the SMI in the ncn-uempt form are stored in the radioactive storage room. The safegucrding of these                                  ;
naterials is the dominant consideration in providing a security plan.                                      .j C. Essential Equipmer,t The materials described in the preceeding paragraph comprise the essential ~ equipment of the laboratory in a security-related sense. The laboratory possesses no equipment described by "Restricted Data" or "Secret" documents.
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i II. Physical Security A. Security Areas (A-1cyc1 and Restri :?d Entry)
                              . Security areas require A-1cyc1 access or higher. These areas, the reactor room (1000) and the radioactive storage room (within roc.a .540) are identified in figures 11 through 13. Security at as are protected by an in-trusion alarm system, permit linited access, and present well defined physical    ,
            '    boundaries to both i:nocent and overt intrrsion. The security areas are .          t defined in Figure 11 with a detail of *he "radioactive" storage room elabor-ated ir. Figure 13. The altre system is shown with the ultrasonic transmitter and receiver transducers ident.fied by in "X", the magnetic switches for the doors Fy a "Y" and the t'io master control units by a "Z".
The radioactive storage room is located below ground level so that all outside walls are backed by earth fill. The inside walls are two-foot-thick concret.' block, and the two stoel mesh doors provide the only ac;c s to the area. The inner door, #1, is tcKed by a steel plate and has-two locks. One of the locks is keyed to A" IcVel, the Master level, and the other lock is a Sargent and Greenicaf combination padlc ek No. 8077A, which, neets the specifications outlined in AEC Regulatory Guide 5.12. The outer door 82 is keyed to "A" Icvel. (Refer to Figure 11 or 13.) JThe tuel plates and fuel scraps are stored in a Metal File Cabinet Safe, Model T-20, Serial No. 4S727, made by Underwriters Laboratory.        It is secured to the north concre.e wall and floor by 1x1x1/8 ancle iron. A separate key and combi-nation ale required to open it. One f ol bundle with attached thermocouples is stored in an 8 foot long 6 inch dia;:.cter steel schedule 40 pipe wit's a st.el lid hinged and locked with a Sargent ind Greenleaf combination p dlock.      )
Th pipe is welded to the north concrete wall. All the bolts securing the            i safe and the schedule 40 pipe are welded to the angic iron to prevent casy remo'. a l . The two Pu-Bo neutron sources are kept in sisel drums filled with paraffin, chained to the cast wall, and secured with the same type of Sargent        !
and Groenlead Combination padlocks. The uranyl nitrate (250 gms) is stored in        '
padlocked steel lockers at the south end >f the room.
The storage pits in the reactor high L.y contain irradiated fuel ele-ments and a 5 curie, Co-60 r dioisotope source. Other radioac ive materials may be stored within those pits as demanded by special circumstances. The storage pits are composed of cylindrical holes, 6.5 feet deep, set into the concrete floor. The cylinders are secured with a 4 foot long, 10 inch diameter, 380 potind steel lined concrete plug.                                                !
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The remainder of the enriched uranium is kept in the reactor. .Due
* to its power history, the fuel is-too hot to handle without cuelarsone            i shielding. The crane, the handling cask, shiciding and a great deal of time      -
are required in order to remove it from the reactor ind then from the facility.
For the purpose ci radiological control and personnel safety, the suberitical facility of room 1540 requires A-level access. Upon occasior, en-capsulated neutron sources may be left overnight in a suberitical assemb;y        ,
to provide sufficient neutron flucree for class demonstration purpose. That        :
room houses a Kaman 1001-A acutron ,enerator that is tritium contaminated and uses tritiated. targets. Parmissive entry by A-level access'provides e        ;
prudent means of radiological control, bt : the security.inplications are          e regarded as negligible. The fact that the radioactive storage securitv are-        !
is behind the A-level door to this area is a convenient and sir.plifying physical arrangencnt.
t B. Controlled Areas (B-Level)
The bulk of the laboratory area is controlled for' personnel and visitor radiological safety reasons. Security and A-level regions are access-ible only via passage through B-level areas. .Thus the B-1; 'c1 areas, becaupe      ;
of physical and administrative cont' 01s, serve as a' coincidental buffer region    <
on the perimeter of the A-level and accurity regions.                              '
C. Ur :ontrolled areas (C-Level)
Peripheral , ceas of the laboratory encor. passing the reception room and some office space are controlled only for the purpose of preventi 1; petty-theft of office equipment and supplies. These areas, denoted C-levet, are
* not within the scope of the security plan presented here, rigure 12 delin-          l estes these areas as parts of the laboratory without implying that they con-stitute a part of the plan.
l D. Lcek and Key Provisions Th- A, B, and C levels of the facility are defined by walls with penetrating doors. An A-lev.. key will also open B and C locks, the B-level will open B c,d C locks, the C-key opens only C-level doors.
All locks are Carbin hc .vy duty cylindrical six pin locks. The key blanks are off.1 ster (cast coast variety) and in the registrate.! key section of UCLA, meaning that no one raay obtain or uso this type of blank. This was done to reduce the possibility of compromise.
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E. Ultrasonic Intrusion Detection System                                    l The ultrasonic alarm system was ranufactured by Walter kidde and Co.,
and was installed by tl.c Physical Plant-of UCLA. The type..model And port          j; number of each piece of equipment for the system appears en page 14 in              1 i
Appendix A, i                                                                                                !
F. Cer.munications                                                          ;
i I.. the event of a security violation, the following communicatien        i system is used. The alarm system registers a sect.rity violation. A sigt.a1          j is sent along an isolated tamper proof teleph ne line to the 24 hour manne d        ;
lioneyt.all Alarm Receiver W840B,D located at the UCLA Polic, Station. At tae station there is also a recorder which prints out the status on each.and every alarm. The status categoriss are normal, alarm, and trouble. Trouble means
            *ampering with the system and the appropriate action is to assum, that it ip d,          an intri: ion.
l 3                        An officer on duty then calls the patrol units on a two-way' radio, j          If the officers are not in their cars, they still would have direct vo.ce contact since they carry portable radios. The officer on duty then telephones the laboratory pctsonnel listed in order on the Nu.lcar Energy Laboratory Energency Procedures list until one is contacted. The cont ~cted individual l          then proceeds to the laboratory to assist and to advise the police of the 3
III. Adninistrative Controls A. Organi:ation The Director of the Laboratory is responsible for the implementat'on and enforcement of the Security Plan. The Director shall appoint a Security Officer to maintain control.of keys, key distribution records, and the Security log.                                                                        ;
l                      The Security Officer shall maintait updated personnel access lists and l
cor.municate with and provide 1;mited training for campus police. lie performs        !
the aanual review and test of the security system, lie is an A-level keyholder.      >
:                        .                                                                        f i
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i There is a Security Committee cc isisting of the Director, tae Security Officer, the Reactor Supervisor and two other: fanitiar with the laboratory operations. Three cor lttee members shall constitute a quorum.
The Security Officer ~shall act as Secre* cry to the Committee. The Security Committee shall review and approve all ;ecurity-related written procedures.        l B. Supporting and Enforc'1g Agencies
: 1. On a day-to-day basis, all ,-level keyholders are responsibic for observance of the Security Plan and for reporting security violations.
The UCLA Police Department is responsible far detecting 2.
any intrus'en during working and non-working hours, and for taking the appro-priate action in the event of a security violation. The Police Department          I has, at a minimum, 6 units (men) on duty at all times. At night between the hours of 1630 a-d 0130, there is in addition, a one man foot patrol around and    ;
through the Engineering Building, Boc1ter Hall. He checks the doors and 1.oks      !
to see if there is any unusual activity taking place.                              ;
: 3. The UCLA Police Department has as a hek up the tlest Los        l Angeles Police Department. n is is possible because of a mutual aid agreement      i between the two parties.                                                    l    l C. Access Control                                                    .
: 1. 0; gular users of the laboratory (faculty, graduate students,  l staff, and other researchers) must qualify for k?/ access to A and B areas by      I satisfactorily passing a <ualifying examination on the subject of radio-logical safety and general cmergency procedures. A brief course of instruction 4    in these matters is periodically offered by the resident health physicist. A      r written procedure for qualification and key issuance authori:ation is main-tained by the Laboratory Security Officer.
: 2. The distribution of A-level keys is limited to no more than 10 individuals intimately concerned with reactor operations and 'or main-          ;
tenance. / -level ki yholders must fulfill all of t .e requirements imposed        '
upon B-1cyc1 keyholfcrs. The is uance of an A-level key requires approval by      .
the Security Comnittee.
: 3. D e radioactive storage area, the fuel storage safe, .nd other containers within the radioactive storage a.ea require special access.      '
Access to the fuel storage safe rctuires two individuals, each possessing only a portion of the physical requirements (keys and codes) for entry. The            !
detailed control is set forth in a written procedure. , Changes in the c ,ntrol must be approved by the Security Committee.                                        l
4    Floor plans indicating doors and keying are described by a      f written procedure, indy ndent of the floor plans illustrating alarm system transducers. A ch? age in the keying arrangements requires approval of the Security Committee, i
                                            -S-                                        f
l D. Written Procedures                                                                                                                              :
Written procedures shall be maint ained by the Laboratory Sec. city Officer. These procedures shall include:
: 1. Key request and approval procedure
: 2. Procedures for entering special security arcas.
: 3. Security Committee approval of changes in specific door-kuying arrangements.
: 4. Alarm setting and c1'aring procedures.
: 5. Procedure for treating alarm system malfunction and hardware malfunction.
: 6. Proce 'ure for responding to "olice or emergency call-in uring off-hours.
: 7. Procedure for responding to bomb threats.
: 8. Procedures to be used in the event of wide-spread civil disorder.
: 9. Procedires and sanctions related to security violations.
;                                                10. Procedures relating to lost                    i r compromised keys.
1 E.      Survei11 race                                                                                                                                    ,
a                                                  1. Korking !! curs 1
During working hours, the surveillance alarm system of the reactor room is normally deact!vated. Individuals authori:ed to activate and de-                                                                                                  l activate the alarm system arc (1) A-level keyholders with (2) said au*.hority,                                                                                            l by name, on fi'.c with the UCLA Police Department. Details of activation and                                                                                              l deactivation re specified in a written proceduro.
l The surveillance alarm system of the radioactive storage room is normally                                                                                ]
active 24 hours per day. Two individuals, A-level keyholders appointed by the                                                                                            j Director, possess the information for authorized deactivation of the alarm system.                  Details of deactivation and restoration of this alarm system are specified in a written procedure.
: 2. Non-Worki ?g !!ours Durir.g non-working hours, the lock, key system and the alar.a
        .                  system provide the surveillance of the security areas. A special foot patrol also. offers some surveillnnee between the hours of 1630 and 0130. His rounds are such that he can see and check the outer doors of the facility at least once every one and one-half hours. The UCLA Police Department and the Ucst Los Angeles Police Department back up these systems.
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F. Security Prograa Review The security program shall be reviewed and tested every twelve mnths by the Laboratory Security Officer,    lie will also conduct a key inven-tory and identification check upon a semi annual basis.
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: 1.  .9 Omnidirectional transmictors F!odel TR '- 90, Part Number 511252
: 2.      10 Omnidirectional receivers F16 del RC - 91, Part Number. 511253
1 3,      2 liigh Security f tagnetic Switch for Doors                                                                                        l Flodel DR 850, Part Number 630802-I
: 4.      Two flaster Control Units Flodel KD3, Part Number 630162 1
Flanufacturer: Walter Kidde 6 Co. Inc.
Belleville, Ucw Jersey 07109 l
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Latest revision as of 18:52, 9 December 2021

Forwards Draft Security Plan for UCLA Nuclear Energy Lab
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 09/30/1976
From: Catton I
To: Rusche B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20155H438 List:
FOIA-85-196 NUDOCS 8806210287
Download: ML20155K571 (23)



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Mr. Bernard C. Rusche, Director

( i Office of Nucient Reactor Regulation United States Suc1 car Regulatory Commission


.h Washington, D. C. 20555 Docket 50-142

%<.' .e.,2'j7'f(O

Dear Mr. Rusche:

The attached Draft-Security Plan is The intended Draft Plan to replacerelegates ourmanyexisting, details approved Plan and Amendments thereto.

of the existing Plan to the status of Written Procedurss subject to review Neither current circumstances and approval by a laboratery Security Cormittee.nor current plannin isting Plan,.however we believe that the approach taken here will supply greater ficxibility to meet the increasina activity and changing space allo-cation /utili:ation within the Nucicar Energy Laboratory.

rm rog an transducers (Figures Please note that tne locativn3 of - Plan, bt.t that adoption or tne 11,12, and 13) remain a portion of the Draft Plan will remove the door-keying information from those figures to a written procedure status.

It is our intent to secure an "Approval in Principle" of the Draft Plan before proceeding with the creation of the Security Co .nittee and the compi-lation of 'ilritten Procedures for approval by that comaittee. DurinC this interim period we shall continue to operate under the existing, approved Security Plan.

The Draf t Plan is believed to be in conformity with the requirements of Due to the sensitive nature of the contents of this letter, 10 CFR Part 73.40.

we request that this document be withheld frora public disclosure pursuant to

,.7 Section 2.790 of 10 CFR Part 2.

Sipeciey, L

./' '


1 h.3v\van Ca (tton, l'irector Nuclear Energy Laboratory CEA:NCO:vl cc: Mr. V.N. R1::olo, Chief, Safeguards Branch, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm.,

Region V, Suite 202, Walnut Creek Pla:a,1990 N. California Divd.

Walnut Creck, California, 94596 (in accordance with our letter of August 20, 1976) 10.1A3 8806210287 880603 PDR FOIA AFTERGOBS-196 PDR

~ ' ~ ~ ~ ___._ . ._


%k Regulat0Ty Docket file o




j/9 UCLA Nucl ar Energy Laboratory

1. General Description e A. Physical Site and Activities The Nuclear Energy Laboratory is located in the UCLA School of Engineering and Applied Science with the principal access via room 2567, Boelter llall. Activities within the laboratory are varied and include (1) the operation of a 100 kw Argonaut nuclear reactor, (2) under raduate laboratory classes, (3) graduate student projects that are often NRC or -

ERDA supported by contract arrangements, (4) a major ERDA sponsored fusion research proj ect, and (5) supporting functions performed in machine and electronics shops. The general physical pit..t is shown in Figures 11 and 12 of Appendix A.

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The various activitics engage a staff of approxim-tely 25, a number of faculty members with research and/or educational interssts within the labor-atory, a number of graduate stcJents conducting research, and the closely supervised and scheduled undergraduate student classes.

B. Security Considerations The Nuclear Energy Laboratory presently has in its possession 9.0 k:: of Special Nuclear !!aterial in the form of 93'. enriched uranium (fuel plates, fuel scraps and uranyl nitrate) and two 32 gm Pu - Be neutron sources.

Of the SN!t in the exempt form, 3.6 kgs~ of U-235 is in the reactor and 0.7 kg is in the radioactive storage pits. The 4.7 kgs of the SMI in the ncn-uempt form are stored in the radioactive storage room. The safegucrding of these  ;

naterials is the dominant consideration in providing a security plan. .j C. Essential Equipmer,t The materials described in the preceeding paragraph comprise the essential ~ equipment of the laboratory in a security-related sense. The laboratory possesses no equipment described by "Restricted Data" or "Secret" documents.

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i II. Physical Security A. Security Areas (A-1cyc1 and Restri :?d Entry)

. Security areas require A-1cyc1 access or higher. These areas, the reactor room (1000) and the radioactive storage room (within roc.a .540) are identified in figures 11 through 13. Security at as are protected by an in-trusion alarm system, permit linited access, and present well defined physical ,

' boundaries to both i:nocent and overt intrrsion. The security areas are . t defined in Figure 11 with a detail of *he "radioactive" storage room elabor-ated ir. Figure 13. The altre system is shown with the ultrasonic transmitter and receiver transducers ident.fied by in "X", the magnetic switches for the doors Fy a "Y" and the t'io master control units by a "Z".

The radioactive storage room is located below ground level so that all outside walls are backed by earth fill. The inside walls are two-foot-thick concret.' block, and the two stoel mesh doors provide the only ac;c s to the area. The inner door, #1, is tcKed by a steel plate and has-two locks. One of the locks is keyed to A" IcVel, the Master level, and the other lock is a Sargent and Greenicaf combination padlc ek No. 8077A, which, neets the specifications outlined in AEC Regulatory Guide 5.12. The outer door 82 is keyed to "A" Icvel. (Refer to Figure 11 or 13.) JThe tuel plates and fuel scraps are stored in a Metal File Cabinet Safe, Model T-20, Serial No. 4S727, made by Underwriters Laboratory. It is secured to the north concre.e wall and floor by 1x1x1/8 ancle iron. A separate key and combi-nation ale required to open it. One f ol bundle with attached thermocouples is stored in an 8 foot long 6 inch dia;:.cter steel schedule 40 pipe wit's a st.el lid hinged and locked with a Sargent ind Greenleaf combination p dlock. )

Th pipe is welded to the north concrete wall. All the bolts securing the i safe and the schedule 40 pipe are welded to the angic iron to prevent casy remo'. a l . The two Pu-Bo neutron sources are kept in sisel drums filled with paraffin, chained to the cast wall, and secured with the same type of Sargent  !

and Groenlead Combination padlocks. The uranyl nitrate (250 gms) is stored in '

padlocked steel lockers at the south end >f the room.

The storage pits in the reactor high L.y contain irradiated fuel ele-ments and a 5 curie, Co-60 r dioisotope source. Other radioac ive materials may be stored within those pits as demanded by special circumstances. The storage pits are composed of cylindrical holes, 6.5 feet deep, set into the concrete floor. The cylinders are secured with a 4 foot long, 10 inch diameter, 380 potind steel lined concrete plug.  !

4 2-

The remainder of the enriched uranium is kept in the reactor. .Due

  • to its power history, the fuel is-too hot to handle without cuelarsone i shielding. The crane, the handling cask, shiciding and a great deal of time -

are required in order to remove it from the reactor ind then from the facility.

For the purpose ci radiological control and personnel safety, the suberitical facility of room 1540 requires A-level access. Upon occasior, en-capsulated neutron sources may be left overnight in a suberitical assemb;y ,

to provide sufficient neutron flucree for class demonstration purpose. That  :

room houses a Kaman 1001-A acutron ,enerator that is tritium contaminated and uses tritiated. targets. Parmissive entry by A-level access'provides e  ;

prudent means of radiological control, bt : the security.inplications are e regarded as negligible. The fact that the radioactive storage securitv are-  !

is behind the A-level door to this area is a convenient and sir.plifying physical arrangencnt.

t B. Controlled Areas (B-Level)

The bulk of the laboratory area is controlled for' personnel and visitor radiological safety reasons. Security and A-level regions are access-ible only via passage through B-level areas. .Thus the B-1; 'c1 areas, becaupe  ;

of physical and administrative cont' 01s, serve as a' coincidental buffer region <

on the perimeter of the A-level and accurity regions. '

C. Ur :ontrolled areas (C-Level)

Peripheral , ceas of the laboratory encor. passing the reception room and some office space are controlled only for the purpose of preventi 1; petty-theft of office equipment and supplies. These areas, denoted C-levet, are

  • not within the scope of the security plan presented here, rigure 12 delin- l estes these areas as parts of the laboratory without implying that they con-stitute a part of the plan.

l D. Lcek and Key Provisions Th- A, B, and C levels of the facility are defined by walls with penetrating doors. An A-lev.. key will also open B and C locks, the B-level will open B c,d C locks, the C-key opens only C-level doors.

All locks are Carbin hc .vy duty cylindrical six pin locks. The key blanks are off.1 ster (cast coast variety) and in the registrate.! key section of UCLA, meaning that no one raay obtain or uso this type of blank. This was done to reduce the possibility of compromise.

e 3

. .. . . -- . - . _ . -~- . . .

F i

i t

E. Ultrasonic Intrusion Detection System l The ultrasonic alarm system was ranufactured by Walter kidde and Co.,

and was installed by tl.c Physical Plant-of UCLA. The type..model And port j; number of each piece of equipment for the system appears en page 14 in 1 i

Appendix A, i  !

F. Cer.munications  ;

i I.. the event of a security violation, the following communicatien i system is used. The alarm system registers a sect.rity violation. A sigt.a1 j is sent along an isolated tamper proof teleph ne line to the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> manne d  ;

lioneyt.all Alarm Receiver W840B,D located at the UCLA Polic, Station. At tae station there is also a recorder which prints out the status on each.and every alarm. The status categoriss are normal, alarm, and trouble. Trouble means

  • ampering with the system and the appropriate action is to assum, that it ip d, an intri: ion.

l 3 An officer on duty then calls the patrol units on a two-way' radio, j If the officers are not in their cars, they still would have direct vo.ce contact since they carry portable radios. The officer on duty then telephones the laboratory pctsonnel listed in order on the Nu.lcar Energy Laboratory Energency Procedures list until one is contacted. The cont ~cted individual l then proceeds to the laboratory to assist and to advise the police of the 3


III. Adninistrative Controls A. Organi:ation The Director of the Laboratory is responsible for the implementat'on and enforcement of the Security Plan. The Director shall appoint a Security Officer to maintain control.of keys, key distribution records, and the Security log.  ;

l The Security Officer shall maintait updated personnel access lists and l

cor.municate with and provide 1;mited training for campus police. lie performs  !

the aanual review and test of the security system, lie is an A-level keyholder. >

. f i

i t

t t

r 4 s t

l l i f.

i There is a Security Committee cc isisting of the Director, tae Security Officer, the Reactor Supervisor and two other: fanitiar with the laboratory operations. Three cor lttee members shall constitute a quorum.

The Security Officer ~shall act as Secre* cry to the Committee. The Security Committee shall review and approve all ;ecurity-related written procedures. l B. Supporting and Enforc'1g Agencies

1. On a day-to-day basis, all ,-level keyholders are responsibic for observance of the Security Plan and for reporting security violations.

The UCLA Police Department is responsible far detecting 2.

any intrus'en during working and non-working hours, and for taking the appro-priate action in the event of a security violation. The Police Department I has, at a minimum, 6 units (men) on duty at all times. At night between the hours of 1630 a-d 0130, there is in addition, a one man foot patrol around and  ;

through the Engineering Building, Boc1ter Hall. He checks the doors and 1.oks  !

to see if there is any unusual activity taking place.  ;

3. The UCLA Police Department has as a hek up the tlest Los l Angeles Police Department. n is is possible because of a mutual aid agreement i between the two parties. l l C. Access Control .
1. 0; gular users of the laboratory (faculty, graduate students, l staff, and other researchers) must qualify for k?/ access to A and B areas by I satisfactorily passing a <ualifying examination on the subject of radio-logical safety and general cmergency procedures. A brief course of instruction 4 in these matters is periodically offered by the resident health physicist. A r written procedure for qualification and key issuance authori:ation is main-tained by the Laboratory Security Officer.


2. The distribution of A-level keys is limited to no more than 10 individuals intimately concerned with reactor operations and 'or main-  ;

tenance. / -level ki yholders must fulfill all of t .e requirements imposed '

upon B-1cyc1 keyholfcrs. The is uance of an A-level key requires approval by .

the Security Comnittee.

3. D e radioactive storage area, the fuel storage safe, .nd other containers within the radioactive storage a.ea require special access. '

Access to the fuel storage safe rctuires two individuals, each possessing only a portion of the physical requirements (keys and codes) for entry. The  !

detailed control is set forth in a written procedure. , Changes in the c ,ntrol must be approved by the Security Committee. l


4 Floor plans indicating doors and keying are described by a f written procedure, indy ndent of the floor plans illustrating alarm system transducers. A ch? age in the keying arrangements requires approval of the Security Committee, i

-S- f



l D. Written Procedures  :

Written procedures shall be maint ained by the Laboratory Sec. city Officer. These procedures shall include:

1. Key request and approval procedure
2. Procedures for entering special security arcas.
3. Security Committee approval of changes in specific door-kuying arrangements.
4. Alarm setting and c1'aring procedures.
5. Procedure for treating alarm system malfunction and hardware malfunction.
6. Proce 'ure for responding to "olice or emergency call-in uring off-hours.
7. Procedure for responding to bomb threats.


8. Procedures to be used in the event of wide-spread civil disorder.
9. Procedires and sanctions related to security violations.
10. Procedures relating to lost i r compromised keys.

1 E. Survei11 race ,

a 1. Korking !! curs 1

During working hours, the surveillance alarm system of the reactor room is normally deact!vated. Individuals authori:ed to activate and de- l activate the alarm system arc (1) A-level keyholders with (2) said au*.hority, l by name, on fi'.c with the UCLA Police Department. Details of activation and l deactivation re specified in a written proceduro.

l The surveillance alarm system of the radioactive storage room is normally ]

active 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day. Two individuals, A-level keyholders appointed by the j Director, possess the information for authorized deactivation of the alarm system. Details of deactivation and restoration of this alarm system are specified in a written procedure.

2. Non-Worki ?g !!ours Durir.g non-working hours, the lock, key system and the alar.a

. system provide the surveillance of the security areas. A special foot patrol also. offers some surveillnnee between the hours of 1630 and 0130. His rounds are such that he can see and check the outer doors of the facility at least once every one and one-half hours. The UCLA Police Department and the Ucst Los Angeles Police Department back up these systems.

- l 6-

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F. Security Prograa Review The security program shall be reviewed and tested every twelve mnths by the Laboratory Security Officer, lie will also conduct a key inven-tory and identification check upon a semi annual basis.

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1. .9 Omnidirectional transmictors F!odel TR '- 90, Part Number 511252
2. 10 Omnidirectional receivers F16 del RC - 91, Part Number. 511253


1 3, 2 liigh Security f tagnetic Switch for Doors l Flodel DR 850, Part Number 630802-I

4. Two flaster Control Units Flodel KD3, Part Number 630162 1

Flanufacturer: Walter Kidde 6 Co. Inc.

Belleville, Ucw Jersey 07109 l

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9 4

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