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NQ, DOCKET 0 FACIL;50-400 Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Planti Unit ii Carolina 05000400 AUTH.NANE AUTHOR AFFILIATION ZINNERNANe B.R.Carolina Power Cc Light Co.RECIP.NANE RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTONi H.R.Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulationi" Director (post 851125  
ACCESS/ON NBR: Sb10090482 FACIL; 50-400 Shearon DQC. DATE:     Sb/10/01 Harris Nuclear Power Planti Unit NOTARIZED:
ii NQ, Carolina DOCKET 0 05000400 AUTH. NANE           AUTHOR AFFILIATION ZINNERNANe B. R.     Carolina Power Cc   Light Co.
RECIP. NANE           RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTONi H. R.         Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulationi" Director (post 851125

Forwards addi inFo re emergency operating procedures in response to audit conducted on Sb0710 Ze 11.Encl responses satisfy util commitments re training program documented in Bb0929 ltr 5 Sb0814 meeting.DISTRIBUTION CODE: AOOSD COPIEB RECEIVED: LTR t ENCL J BIIE: TITLE: QR/Licensing Submittal:
Forwards addi inFo re emergency operating procedures in response to audit conducted on Sb0710           Ze 11. Encl responses satisfy util commitments re training program documented in Bb0929   ltr 5 Sb0814 meeting.
Suppl 1 to NUREG-0737(Generic Ltr 82-33)NOTES: Application for permit renewal filed.05000400 REC IP I ENT ID CODE/NANE PWR-A ADTS PWR-A EICSB PWR-A PD2 LA BUCKLEY, B PWR-A RBB.E INTERNAL: ADN/LFNB NRR BWR ADTS NRR PWR-B ADTS REG FILES EXTERNAL: LPDR NSIC COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 i.'1 0 1'1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NANE PWR-A EB PWR-A FQB PWR-A PD2 PD PWR-A PBB IE/DEPER/EPB NRR PAULSONe,'W NRR/DSRO ENRIT NRR/DSRO/RSIB RGN2 NRC PDR COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 7 7 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL NUNBER OF COPIES REQUIRED'TTR 31 ENCL 30 s''Cf ir, f 0!It"I h ll Ql'1 Itch I t~'I!hf ll I t h II t J C I hJ I h 476 h lf t j h h t i h'h<<h h Pt I tt'k h I b It h'$~h)it,, h, , h~lk kt>>I I,'E),"h$f'h,~h f'" f h'hlh!g 1 I', b t~ll II I" C"~,', I~~I'" h'4h', lhthh h>>h)'I J b)hCl I~I<<p'I h t ph)',, lt~$I 44', ,<<I'hi hh<<h C.l,'lt 4~kl ii)t'It$h h)ht j
DISTRIBUTION CODE: AOOSD       COPIEB RECEIVED: LTR TITLE: QR/Licensing Submittal: Suppl           1 t  ENCL  J BIIE:
@ME, Carolina Power 8 Light Company SENT zm SERIAL: NLS-86-379 Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NO.1-DOCKET NO.50-000 EMERGENCY OPERATING PROCEDURES
to NUREG-0737(Generic Ltr 82-33)
NOTES: Application for permit renewal filed.                                       05000400 I
REC IP ENT       COPIES                RECIPIENT            COPIES ID CODE/NANE      LTTR ENCL            ID CODE/NANE       LTTR ENCL PWR-A ADTS               1    1        PWR-A  EB                      1 PWR-A EICSB               2    2        PWR-A  FQB              1 PWR-A PD2 LA             1    1        PWR-A  PD2 PD            7    7 BUCKLEY, B               1    i.      PWR-A  PBB                    1 PWR-A RBB.               '1 E
INTERNAL: ADN/LFNB                         0        IE/DEPER/EPB            3    3 NRR BWR ADTS             1              NRR PAULSONe,'W          1    1 NRR PWR-B ADTS         '1     1       NRR/DSRO ENRIT                 1 1    1        NRR/DSRO/RSIB           1     1 REG  FILES              1     1       RGN2                    1     1 EXTERNAL: LPDR                        1     1       NRC PDR                  1     1 NSIC                      1     1 TOTAL NUNBER OF COPIES REQUIRED'TTR               31   ENCL     30

==Dear Mr.Denton:==
s''  Cf
Carolina Power R Light Company (CPRL)hereby submits additional information concerning the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP)Emergency Operating Procedures.
                                    !  It  "I ir, h
The attached information (Enclosure 1)is provided in response to NRC" concerns identified during an audit of the SHNPP Emergency Operating Procedures conducted on 3uly 10 and 11, 1986.Resolution of these concerns was discussed in a subsequent meeting with the NRC on August 10, 1986.The attached responses satisfy CPRL's commitments concerning the training program documented in CPdcL letter dated August 29, 1986 and discussed in the August 10, 1986 meeting.Several of the NRC's concerns relate to the Procedures Generation Package (PCP).It should be noted, however, that the PCP is not the governing document for licensed operator training at SHNPP.Plant Training Instructions and the SHNPP FSAR provide the training requirements for operators.
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Emergency Operating Procedure training and evaluation have always been a requirement of these documents.
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The PCP will be revised to cover the NRC's comments, but it should be recognized that the Training Instructions and the FSAR remain the controlling documents.,If you have any questions on this subject or require additional information, please contact me at (919)836-6202 Yours very truly, 3HE/mf (50193DK)Enclosure.R.Zi merman ager Nuclear Licensing Section CC: Mr.B.C.Buckley (NRC)Mr.G.F.Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP)
C  h lf t j    h ti I  hJ  476                                                                                                          h h
Dr.3.Nelson Grace (NRC-RII)Sbi00904S2 Sb100 PDR*DOCK 05000400 F PDR 411 Fayettevilte Street o P.O.Box 155'1 o Raleigh, N, C.27602
h'h<<h                  h        Pt
~>W'I ENCLOSURE 1 Concern IA Certain plant-specific information which is called for in the Westinghouse ERG's has not yet been provided in the Harris EOPs.The applicant should perform a systematic review of training to assure that the information that is missing has been included in the training program.Evidence that current operators have all of the required skills and knowledge necessary to implement the EOPs should be documented for NRC review.~Res oese A systematic review of the SHNPP EOP network and training to support the EOP network has been completed'ttachment 1 is a WOG/SHNPP Step Matrix identifying where, plant, specific information was not provided.Attachment 2,"Emergency Procedures and Task Training Matrix" provides documentation as to where training to support the"deleted plant specific information" was-conducted.
                                                                                                          'k  h
The matrix includes both the Cold License Training Program which has been completed and the Hot License Training Program which will be conducted beginning in mid 1987.The materials to support the Hot License Training Program are presently under development and are scheduled to be completed by mid 1987.In our letter of August 29, 1986, CP&L committed to complete additional training and/or EOP revision to ensure operator skill in using the EOPs prior to fuel load.Attachment 2 shows that training on plant specific information required to execute Emergency Operating Procedures is adequately provided in Cold License System Training, Continuing Training (1985),'and Prelicense Review Training.CP&L considers the current status of EOPs and training to be adequate to ensure operator skill in using the EOPs.The commitments'.in Attachment 1 to revise the procedures are'enhancements tothe training that has already been provided, and are not necessary prior to fuel load.These revisions will be completed by December 12, 1986 along with the human factors update as committed to in our August 29, 1986 letter.Three tasks have been identified for which additional training will be provided.These tasks are considered to be minor items and are listed in Attachment 3.This training will be incorporated in the Licensed Requalification Program and completed by December 31,'1986.Attachment 2 also shows that training on the deleted plant specific information is covered by the various portions of the Hot License Training Program.Specifically the Hot License EOP Training will include step-by-step discussion of each procedure and bases for each step.Additionally, the EOPs will be fully exercised during the simulator portion of the Hot License Training.
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Evidence that current operators have all the required skills and knowledge necessary to implement the EOPs is provided by the following:
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1.The NRC licenses each operator.The licensing process includes a written exam, simulator exam, and a plant oral walk-through.
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Each exam relates in part to the emergency operating procedures.
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Successful completion of the exam provides adequate evidence that the operator is capable of utilizing the Emergency Operating Procedures.
      '4h lhthh h>>
2.Prior to the NRC exam, CP&L administers an NRC-style written, simulator and plant oral walk-through exam to ensure that the operators are well prepared to operate safely and are ready to be licensed by the NRC.3~During, the simulator training program (approximately 9 weeks for Cold License)the students are evaluated on their performance.
The scenarios include normal operations, off"normal operations, and emergency operating procedures.
                                                                                                                                                            )            'I            J b)hCl I<<                          p   
The scenarios have single and multiple failures included.Three examples of simulator scenarios are provided as Attachment 4.4.Written exams are given throughout the classroom training phases.These exams also include emergency operating procedures.
                                                                '                      h t I
;5.NRC Region-II conducted an Operational, Readiness Inspection during June, 1986.The training program'""'for"'Cold License was reviewed and it was determined that the training program was satisfactory with only minor inspector follow-up items.6.As indicated by the matrix, all EOPs were reviewed by Cold License Candidates in either the Continuing Training Program or Pre-license Review.This training included a step-by-step discussion of the EOP's and the bases for the steps.I 7.The training program for Cold License meets or exceeds regulatory requirements.
                                                                                                                                                                            ',, lt I~
Concern 1B: Develop or provide evidence of a training program that systematically assures that information gaps in flowcharts and textual procedures are addressed speci'fically during future training, the program should include development of standards for the evaluation of task-level performance so that the applicant can identify whether all operators possess the appropr'iate enabling skills and knowledge to implement the"EOPs.  
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~Res onse As stated in response in IA above, Attachment 2 is provided showing the task listing for the Hot License Training Program.~Also, as stated in IA response above, the programiis under development and will be completed prior to conducting Hot License Training for future operators.
                                                                                                                                                            <<I'hi hh <<h C.l,'lt        4 ~ kl t'It h) $ h ii) ht j
The program is based on an INPO job task analysis.Attachment 2 will also be used to ensure that items referenced as training required for the usage of the EOPs will be included in the Hot License Program.Evaluation of the operators to ensure they possess the appropriate skills and knowledge to implement the EOPs, will be similar to the Cold License Training Program which is: 1)written exams during classroom training 2)evaluation during simulator exercis'es 3)CPSL (NRC style)written, simulator,.
and.plant oral-,walk~through exams prior to the NRC licensing exams;4)NRC licensed operatorexams which include written, simulator, and plant oral.walk-through.
                                                @ME, Carolina Power 8 Light Company SERIAL: NLS-86-379 SENT      zm Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC      20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NO. 1 - DOCKET NO. 50-000 EMERGENCY OPERATING PROCEDURES
Tasks identified by the INPO task analysis are to be incorporated into the simulator scenarios now in development.
The operators will be evaluated'individually on each task.The simulator exercise guides will reference the tasks and include the criteria for evaluation.
==Dear Mr. Denton:==
Unsatisfactory performance of an evolution requires a repeat of that particular scenario.Training conducted.
during the Cold License Training Program Continuing Training and Pre-license Review Training was based on present emergency operating procedures.
Carolina Power R Light Company (CPRL) hereby submits additional information concerning the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP) Emergency Operating Procedures. The attached information (Enclosure 1) is provided in response to NRC concerns identified during an audit of the SHNPP Emergency Operating Procedures conducted on 3uly 10 and 11, 1986. Resolution of these concerns was discussed in a subsequent meeting with the NRC on August 10, 1986. The attached responses satisfy CPRL's commitments concerning the training program documented in CPdcL letter dated August 29, 1986 and discussed in the August 10, 1986 meeting.
As changes are made to EOPs they are formally factored into the training program (Refer to Response to Comment 2 for discussion of process).","..sEncLosures~4 DetailedComments.(Trainin Pro ram)Comment 1: The extensive use of flowcharts in the EOPs as described in the writer'guide reduces the amount of information that procedures can provide to operators.
Several of the NRC's concerns relate to the Procedures Generation Package (PCP). It should be noted, however, that the PCP is not the governing document for licensed operator training at SHNPP. Plant Training Instructions and the SHNPP FSAR provide the training requirements for operators. Emergency Operating Procedure training and evaluation have always been a requirement of these documents. The PCP will be revised to cover the NRC's comments, but it should be recognized that the Training Instructions and the FSAR remain the controlling documents.
The training program must compensate for this lack of written information, i.e., the operators knowledge of plant.procedures must be greater.A training program description must be provided which specifically describes how the training program will maintain the high level of operator knowledge necessary for-"the use of flowchart EOPs.This program description should address training program for EOPs distinct from training on other plant operating procedures.
  ,If you have any questions    on this subject or require additional information, please contact me at (919) 836-6202 Yours very truly,
~Res onse..Plant Training Instruction 200 (TI-200),"Licensed Operator Requalification Program", maintains operator knowledge of the EOPs through three portions of the program.The"On-The-Job Training" portion"requires that the EOPs be reviewed quarterly by each operator.Additionally, the"Formal Classroom Lectures" portion includes a session ,on.Emergency Operating Procedures.
                                                                  . R. Zi merman ager Nuclear Licensing Section 3HE/mf      (50193DK)
Finally, the simulator portion requires sixty-four (64)hours of simulator training each year for each j~7 f 4~r I n~)4'I~g sQ 1i~,
Enclosure CC:    Mr. B. C. Buckley (NRC)
licensed operator.Exercising the EOPs and ensuring operators can utilize the procedures is a major part of the simulator requalification training program.A review of the EOPs, with emphasis on the plant specific information required is scheduled for the lecture portion of the Requalification Program for 1986.In order to ensure adequate operator knowledge, TI-200 requires that the following be performed as a part of the requalification training program'.1)Operators will be evaluated during simulator training as to their ability to implement EOPs 2)CPSL will administer annual NRC-style written requalification exams, simulator exams, and plant oral walk-throughs.Additionally, the NRC may examine selected operators yearly in conjunction with the requalification program..Comment 2: The PGP"should describe a program of retraining to be used in the event of revision of EOPs, including explicit designation.
Mr. G. F. Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP)
of how the need to retrain is to be determined (e.g., assignment of an individual to monitor revisions and retraining).
Dr. 3. Nelson Grace (NRC-RII)
~Res ense: Plant" Training'Instruction 901A,"Dissemenation of Training Related Information" describes the mechanism for review of revisions to plant procedures and EOPs.The instruction gives guidance for review of revisions and provides a tracking mechanism to ensure that the appropriate changes are included into training materials and training is conducted as appropriate.
Sbi00904S2        Sb100 PDR    *DOCK 05000400 F                        PDR 411 Fayettevilte Street o P. O. Box 155'1 o Raleigh, N, C. 27602
The Harris Training Unit assigns individuals as Subject,Matter Expertseto review the material..
The material is then routed as appropriate and tracked to ensure that the required training is completed.
~ >
As described in the response to Comment 1 of Enclosure 4, Plant Training Instruction TI-200"License Operator Requalification Program" requires that the EOPs be reviewed, and exercised on the simulator as a part of the training program on a continuing cycle with emphasis on any changes.Additionally, On-Site Nuclear Safety (ONS)reviews reports (LERs, SOERS, etc.)concerning operational incidents at.SHNPP and other plants.ONS makes recommendations as to inclusion of the information into training.HTU is a member of the ONS review group.The PGP will be reviewed and submitted to the NRC by April 15, 1987.Comment 3A: Although.the PGP states that a simulator will be used for operator training, the training program description should be expanded to address the following:
W' I
ENCLOSURE 1 Concern IA Certain plant-specific information which is called for in the Westinghouse ERG's has not yet been provided in the Harris EOPs. The applicant should perform a systematic review of training to assure that the information that   is missing has been included in the training program. Evidence that current operators have all of the required       skills and knowledge necessary to implement the EOPs should be documented     for NRC review.
~Res oese A systematic review of the SHNPP EOP network and training to support the EOP network has been completed'ttachment 1 is a WOG/SHNPP Step Matrix identifying where, plant, specific information was not provided. , "Emergency Procedures and Task Training Matrix" provides documentation as to where training to support the "deleted plant specific information" was- conducted. The matrix includes both the Cold License Training Program which has been completed and the Hot License Training Program which will be conducted beginning in mid 1987. The materials to support the Hot License Training Program are presently under development and are scheduled to be completed by mid 1987.
In our   letter of August 29, 1986, CP&L committed to complete additional training and/or EOP revision to ensure operator skill in using the EOPs prior to fuel load. Attachment 2 shows that training on plant specific information required to execute Emergency Operating Procedures is adequately provided in Cold License System Training, Continuing Training (1985), 'and Prelicense Review Training. CP&L considers the current status of EOPs and training to be adequate to ensure operator skill in using the EOPs. The commitments'.in Attachment 1 to revise the procedures are'enhancements to the training that has already been provided, and are not necessary prior to fuel load. These revisions will be completed by December 12, 1986 along with the human factors update as committed to in our August 29, 1986 letter.
Three tasks have been   identified for which additional training will be provided. These tasks are considered   to be minor items and are listed in . This training will be incorporated in the Licensed Requalification Program and completed by December 31, '1986. also shows that training on the deleted plant specific information is covered by the various portions of the Hot License Training Program. Specifically the Hot License EOP Training will include step-by-step discussion of each procedure and bases for each step.
Additionally, the EOPs will be fully exercised during the simulator portion of the Hot License Training.
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Evidence that current operators have       all the required skills and knowledge necessary to implement the       EOPs is provided by the following:
: 1. The NRC licenses each operator. The licensing process   includes a written exam, simulator exam, and a plant oral walk-through.       Each exam relates in part to the emergency operating procedures. Successful completion of the exam provides adequate evidence that the operator is capable of utilizing the Emergency Operating Procedures.
: 2. Prior to the   NRC exam, CP&L administers an NRC-style written, simulator     and plant oral walk-through exam to ensure that the operators are well prepared to operate safely and are ready to be licensed by the NRC.
3~   During, the simulator training program (approximately 9 weeks for Cold License) the students are evaluated on their performance.     The scenarios include normal operations, off"normal operations, and emergency operating procedures. The scenarios have single and multiple failures included. Three examples of simulator scenarios are provided as Attachment 4.
: 4. Written   exams are given throughout the classroom training   phases. These exams also include emergency operating procedures.
    ;5. NRC Region-II conducted an Operational, Readiness Inspection during June, 1986. The training program
    '"" 'for"'Cold   License was reviewed and     it was determined that the training program was satisfactory with only minor inspector follow-up items.
: 6. As indicated   by the matrix, all EOPs were reviewed by Cold License Candidates     in either the Continuing Training Program or Pre-license Review. This training included a step-by-step discussion of the EOP's and the bases     for the steps.
: 7. The training   program for Cold License meets or exceeds regulatory requirements.
Concern 1B:
Develop or provide evidence of a training program that systematically assures that information gaps in flowcharts and textual procedures are addressed speci'fically during future training, the program should include development of standards for the evaluation of task-level performance so that the applicant can identify whether all operators possess the appropr'iate enabling skills and knowledge to implement the"EOPs.
            ~   7 f   )
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      ~Res onse As   stated in response in IA above, Attachment 2 is provided showing the task listing for the Hot License Training Program. Also, as stated in IA
response above, the programiis under development and will be completed prior to conducting Hot License Training for future operators. The program is based on an INPO job task analysis.       Attachment 2 will also be used to ensure that items referenced as training required for the usage of the EOPs will be included in the Hot License Program.
Evaluation of the operators to ensure they possess the appropriate skills and knowledge   to implement the EOPs, will be similar to the Cold License Training Program which is: 1) written exams during classroom training 2) evaluation during simulator exercis'es 3) CPSL (NRC style) written, simulator,. and.plant oral-,walk~through exams prior to the NRC licensing exams; 4) NRC licensed operatorexams which include written, simulator, and plant oral. walk-through. Tasks identified by the INPO task analysis are to be incorporated into the simulator scenarios now in development.
The operators will be evaluated'individually on each task.       The simulator exercise guides will reference the tasks and include the criteria for evaluation. Unsatisfactory performance of an evolution requires a repeat of that particular scenario.
Training conducted. during the Cold License Training Program Continuing Training and Pre-license Review Training was based on present emergency operating procedures. As changes are made to EOPs they are formally factored into the training program (Refer to Response to Comment 2 for discussion of process).
","..sEncLosures~4   DetailedComments. (Trainin Pro ram)
Comment   1:
The   extensive use of flowcharts in the EOPs as described in the writer' guide reduces the amount of information that procedures can provide to operators. The training program must compensate for this lack of written information, i.e., the operators knowledge of plant. procedures must be greater. A training program description must be provided which specifically describes how the training program will maintain the high level of operator knowledge necessary for-"the use of flowchart EOPs.
This program description should address training program for EOPs distinct from training on other plant operating procedures.
      ~Res onse
  .. Plant Training Instruction 200 (TI-200), "Licensed Operator Requalification Program", maintains operator knowledge of the EOPs through three portions of the program. The "On-The-Job Training" portion "requires that the EOPs be reviewed quarterly by each operator.
Additionally, the "Formal Classroom Lectures" portion includes a session
      ,on .Emergency Operating Procedures. Finally, the simulator portion requires sixty-four (64) hours of simulator training each year for each
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licensed operator. Exercising the EOPs and ensuring operators can utilize   the procedures is a major part of the simulator requalification training program. A review of the EOPs, with emphasis on the plant specific information required is scheduled for the lecture portion of the Requalification     Program for 1986.
In order to ensure adequate operator knowledge, TI-200 requires that the following be performed as a part of the requalification training program'. 1) Operators will be evaluated during simulator training as to their ability to implement EOPs 2) CPSL will administer annual NRC-style written requalification exams, simulator exams, and plant oral walk-throughs. Additionally, the NRC may examine selected operators yearly in conjunction with the requalification program.
.Comment 2:
The PGP "should describe a program of retraining to be used in the event of revision of EOPs, including explicit designation. of how the need to retrain is to be determined (e.g., assignment of an individual to monitor revisions and retraining).
~Res ense:
Plant" Training'Instruction 901A, "Dissemenation of Training Related Information" describes the mechanism for review of revisions to plant procedures and EOPs. The instruction gives guidance for review of revisions and provides a tracking mechanism to ensure that the appropriate changes are included into training materials and training is conducted as appropriate.     The Harris Training Unit assigns individuals as Subject,Matter Expertseto review the material.. The material is then routed as appropriate and tracked to ensure that the required training is completed. As described in the response to Comment 1 of Enclosure 4, Plant Training Instruction TI-200 "License Operator Requalification Program" requires that the EOPs be reviewed, and exercised on the simulator as a part of the training program on a continuing cycle with emphasis   on any changes.
Additionally, On-Site Nuclear Safety (ONS) reviews reports (LERs, SOERS, etc.) concerning operational incidents at. SHNPP and other plants. ONS makes recommendations as to inclusion of the information into training.
HTU is a member of the ONS review group.     The PGP will be reviewed and submitted to the NRC by April 15, 1987.
Comment 3A:
Although. the PGP states that a simulator will be used for operator training, the training program description should be expanded to address the following:
Discuss the method to be used to train the operators in areas where, the simulator is not like the control room or does not react like the plant, and in parts of the EOPs that can not be run on the simulator.
Discuss the method to be used to train the operators in areas where, the simulator is not like the control room or does not react like the plant, and in parts of the EOPs that can not be run on the simulator.
1 II r
~Res onse: A lesson plan titled"Simulator Differences" is used in simulator training programs.If parts of the EOPs can not be run on the simulator, they are discussed as"part of the lesson plan or critiqued at the end of the exercise.ANSI/ANS 3.5 Section 3.1 dated 1981 requires that the simulator respond the same as the plant.The requirement goes into effect 18 months after the plant is in commercial operation.
Until that time, if the simulator responds differently (now or once the plant is on line)the-differences will be discussed in the"Simulator Differences" lesson plan.Comment 3B:., Indicate the use of a wide, variety of, scenarios including mutliple (simultaneous and.sequential) failures, to fully.exercise the EOPs on the simulator and thus expose the operators"to a wide variety of EOP uses..~Res onse Attached are three (3)scenarios (including evaluation check sheets)indicating the use of a wide variety of scenarios including multiple (simultaneous and sequential) failures.This is only a sampling of the large number of scenarios that, we utilize in the simulator training program.The scenarios are from the Cold License Training Program that was conducted for the presently licensed operators.
Comment 4:..".,The PGP."should.
include.a-commitment;,to..train every, operator on.every EOP prior to EOP'implementation in the control room.~Res onse The presently licensed operators have been trained on all EOPs in the classroom and have been evaluated on simulator scenarios fully exercising the EOPs.The EOP review to be conducted in the 1986 Requalification Program will include training on changes and the EOP User's Guide.For future licensed operator training programs the operators will also be trained on all EOPs and have simulator training fully implementing the EOP procedures.
The PGP will be revised to include comment 4 prior to startup following the first refueling outage as requested.
Comment 5: The training program should indicate that operators will perform their assigned roles'during training and that operators will be trained as teams.
q)s~I i L V
~Res onse: Plant Training Instructions, TI-201,"Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program", TI-202,"Senior Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program" and TI-200,"License Operator Requalification Program'AI 26R"Simulator Training", emphasize simulator training both in the team concept and in the individual role.Operators are evaluated during simulator exercises as a team as well as individual roles.Comment 6: The PGP should indicate that operators will be evaluated after training and that all operators will be evaluated.
~Res onse: 'As the part of the training program, operators are evaluated by written exams during'classroom training and during the simulator training they are evaluated on the exercises conducted.
Unsatisfactory simulator evaluations require a repeat of the scenario.Prior to being licensed by the NRC, CP&L conducts NRC-style written, simulator, and plant oral walk-through exams to ensure that the operators possess the required knowledge to be licensed operators.
The NRC provides written, simulator and plant oral walk-through exams to the operator prior to issuing individual licenses.Plant Training Instructions TI-200"Licensed Operator Requalification Program, TI-201"Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program", and TI-202"Senior Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program" require that these evaluations be conducted.
The requirement to evaluate operators will be added to the PGP by April 15, 1987.
i I.1 J~t-t*'PP4'1" fll, i, I h t u r V' Attachment 1-NG/SOPP Step Natrix Task CMments E-O,RM)36a E-I,RN 11a Try to restore offsite power to ac emergency busses.IF offsite power can NOT be restored, THEN load the following equipment on ac emergency busses: GI,RNO 47a1)Try to restore offsite power to ac emergency busses.Verify EDGs proper ly loaded 10 13 Procedure will be revised to indicate how to verify proper'oading.
IEnter plant specific list)~E-3.RN 11 Try to restore offsite power.IF necessary, THEN manually load the following equipment on the ac emergency busses:[Enter plant specific list].G2,RNO 19 Verify the following:
1)EDG properly loaded 2)Turbine X lube oil puaps-RUNNI%3)Turbine seal oil backup puap-RUQ41%10 13 Procedure will be revised to indicate how to verify proper loadina.4)Instrument air cm4x essors-'MI%E-1,12a Verify cold leg recirculatim capability:
1)Power to low-head SI pumps-AVAILABLE G1,66a RHR system-CAPABLE CF COLD LEG RECIRCULATION PATH GUIIE will be revised to include list of required items.2)IEnter plant specific Iist3 E-1,12b Check auxiliary building radiation-NORNAL IEnter plant specific list)G1,66b Check auxiliary and waste processing building radiaticn-M)RNL None.Page 1 of 18 N6 Ste Attachment 1-N5/SOAP Step matrix SHNPP St Task Comments E-l,RN 12b G1,RNO 66b 14 22 None.Try to identify and isolate leakage: Try to identify and isolate leakage.[Enter plant specific means'.E-1,12(Obtain samples:[Enter plant specific 1istl G),37 G1,51" Request Periodic Activity Samples,0f All SGs 15 16 24 This step falls at the end of the LKA guideline under the high level step"Evaluate Plan Status.'t this time, this would be directed by the Technical Support Center vice the Cmtrol Room.E-1, 12d Evaluate plant equipment:
[Enter plant specific list)None.This step falls at the end oF the LOCA guideline under the hioh level step"Evaluate Plan Status.'t this time, this would be directed by the Technical Support Center vice the Control Room.E-1,12e Start additional plant equipment to assist in recovery: iEnter plant specific list3 None.24 25 26 This step falls at the end of the LKA guideline under the high level step"Evaluate Plan Status.'t this time, this would be directed by the Technical Support Center vice the Control Room.The operat is continually evaluating this need and doing it.E-1, 15b Check SGs radiation-NORNAL (Enter plant speciFic means)G1,69b Check SG radiation-NRNL None.Page 2 oF 18 lg~ei Vw s,4 1R NS St Attachment 1-NG/SNR'tep Hatrix SHNPP St Task Corments E-l, 17 At ()Hours After Event Initiation Prepare For Hot Leg Recirculation:
Check control room valve switches in the following position:[Enter plant specific list of normally deenergized valves used for transfer to hot leg recirculation with their correct position during cold leg recirculation3 Check circuit breakers so that the following valves are energized:
[Enter plant specific list of valves used for transfer to hot leg rec ir culat ion]G1,70 At 18 Hours After Event Initiation, Align SI System For Hot Leg Recirculation Using EPP-011,"TRANSFER TO NT LEG fKCIRCULATION," Step 1.This is not a tice critical step.There is no explicit need to pr epare for doing EPP-011.E-3,2 Hiah radiation from any SG blowdown line: G1,31 SG blowdown radiation-M3RNL 14 15[Enter plant specific means)E-3,RM)19 1)thnitcr following ccnditions For indicatim of leakage fry PRIR POfN: G2,RNO 28 1)Ihnite PRT conditions 17 The procedure will be revised to list which parameters to monitor.[Enter plant specific list].Paae 3 of 18 T ,~fT",,air g~hJ, V<l NX Ste Attachment 1-NO/SHtFP Step matrix 95PP St Task Comments E-3,31 Ninimize Secondary System Contamination:
G2,45 minimize Secondary System Contamination 23 The additional detail in this step will also appear in the EPPs where appropriate.
[Enter plant specific aeansI a.Isolate thin Steam from Auxiliary Steam System by locally shutting 1%-121.b.Isolate hotwel I spillover to CST by locally shutting ICE-139 ICE-146 c.Establish condensate flow throuoh condensate polishers to maximize removal of secondary radioactivity.
d.Place CVPETS in service.ES-3.1,RN 5c ES-3.2,RM 5b ES-3.3,R%5b ES-3.3,8%14c Nanually or locally dump steam from intact SG(s): EPP-017, RNO 5c EPP-018,RNO 5c EPP-019, RNO 5b EPP-019,RNO 14c Ihip steam with intact SG PORVs.This step will be revised to address the plant OP m PORV local operations.
o Use PORV.o IEnter plant specific means'.Page 4 of 18 4'LI If~4 rC&.~~
1(X Ste Attachment 1-16G/SSFP Step matrix 9(NFP St Task Corments ECA-I.I, RNO 3b manually or locally dusq steam from intact SG(s): EPP-012,RNO 3b I)uaq steam from intact SG(s)using PORV.This step will be revised to address the plant P on PORV local operations.
o Use PORV.o[Enter plant specific means).ECA-,I.I, RNO 17a thnually or locally der@steam at maximum rate from intact SG(s): EPP-012, RNO 17a I)ump steam at maximum rate using intact SG PORVs.This step will be revised to address the plant P cn PORV local operat its.o Use PORV.o (Enter plant specific meansl.ECA-1.1,(50 18a manually or locally dump steam from intact SG(s)as necessary to maintain RVLIS full range indication at (10): EPP-012, Rt(O 18a Duap steam using intact SG PORVs.This step Mill be revised to address the plant P cn PORV local operatims.
o Use PNV.o[Enter plant specific means).Page 5 of 18 C l IV>4~a.1M%~t~~'I'5 lpga yt J'-~'g)~b C MOG Ste Attachment 1-NO/SSPP Step Natrix SHNFP St Task Corments KA-1~1,(M 21b ECA-1.1, RNO 23b Nanually or locally dump steam From intact SG(s): EPP-012, RNO 21b EPP-012, RNO 23b Dump steam using intact SG PORV.This step will be revised to address the plant P on PORV local operaticns.
o Use PORV.-DR--o (Enter plant specific means].ECA-3.1, RNO 10c ECA-3,2, RNO 5c Nanually or locally duxy steam from intact SG(s): EPP-020, RNO 11c EPP-021, RNO 5c Duap steam using intact SG PORVs.This step will be revised to address the plant OP an PORV local operations.
o Use PORV.o[Enter plant speciFic means].ECA-3.3,(M 25b ECA-3.3,RNO 33c Nanually or locally dump steam from intact SG(s): EPP-022, RNO 26b EPP-022,RNO R Duap steam using intact SG(s)P(WV.This step Mill be revised to address the plant 8'PORV local operations.-CR-o (Enter plant specific means).Page 6 of 18 1 O'I k v 1~k III h Attachment 1-)66/SSPP Step matrix NK Ste SHNPP St Task ECA-0.1,8 Establish SG Pressure Control: EPP-002, 10 Establish SG Pressure Control: This step will be revised to address the plant lP cn PORV local operatims.
a.Set each SG PORV controller to maintain existing SG pressure b.Place each SG PORV controller in automatic mode a.Coordinate with local operator and control SG PNVs to maintain existing SG pressure c.Locally return SG PNVs to remote control: (Enter plant specific means)ES-O.I,R)4)4b thnually place in.ser vice:[Enter plant specific means).EPP-004, None.EPP~says to verify chargin and letdown in service.This means iF they are not in service to place them in service.ECA-3.3,4e Try To Establish Auxiliary Spray: EPP-022,5 Try To Establish Auxiliary Spray: 18 None.e.Establish auxiliary spray flow:[Enter plant specific means]a.Check the following:
1)CSIPs rurning 2)Auxiliary spray path lined up 3)Auxiliary spray available W ECA-1.2, 1c Verify Proper Valve Alignment:
EPP-013, lc Verify Proper Valve Alignment:
None.c.Other paths to outside containment
-CLOSEO (Enter plant specific list)c.Check any valves which failed to align in accordance with SI verification as a possible coolant loss flow path.Page 7 of 18 f lg I l 14'Elkl I NOO Ste Attachment 1-N6/SSFP Step Natr ix SHNPP St Task Corments EGA<.0, RNO 16b Locally dump steam using SO PNVs:[Enter plant specific meansl EPP-001,RNO 15b Locally operate SO PORVs.This step will be revised to address the plant (P cn PORV local oper aticns.ECA-1~1,7c Alion spray For recirculaticn: (Enter plant specific means]EPP-012,7c Align CNNT spray fcr recirculation This procedure will be revised to list requirements.-
ECA-0.2, RNO 1a manually align valves to establish cold leg recirculation alignment:
[Enter plant specific list}.EPP-003, RNO 1a1)Align valves to establish cold leg recirculation.
This procedure will be revised to list valve alignment.
ECA<.1,RNO 7a ECA-0.2,Rt8 6a Establish required AFN valve alignment:
[Enter plant specific list)EPP-002, RNO 9a EPP-003, Rt8 6a Establish required AFM valve alignment.
None.KA-3.1,29 ECA-3.2,23 KA-3.3, 17 Ninimize Secondary System Contamination:
EPP-020,29 EPP-021, 22 EPP-022, 19 Ninimize Secondary System Contamination 14 23 This procedure will be revised to provide more detail.See PATH-2 GUlDE, Step 45.[Enter plant specific meansl Page 8 oF 18 4~a.~>lf a~I NK Ste Attachment 1-NOG/SIPP Step Hatrix SHNPP St Task Crxrments ECA-1.2,2 Try To Identify And Isolate Break: Sequentially close and open the Following valves and monitor for an RCS pressure increase: I)Low-head SI purrp cold leg injection valves 2)fEnter plant specific Iistl EPP-013,2 Try To Identify And Isolate Break: a.Dispatch an operator to RAB to investigate.
b.Use Radiation Honitoring System to determine possible source of leakage.14 22 None.ECA-0.0,26 Verify Service Hater System, Operation:
a.Verify valve alignment-PRI'ER ALIGNNEHT EPP-001,24 Check EQI System Operation:
a.Check ESW and ESN booster purrps running.This procedure will be revised to provide more detail and to verify EQ lineup to the E16s.[Enter plant specific list]b.Verify pump-RlMING ECA-3.1, RNO 7a EPP-020,RNO Sa Hone.Try to identify and isolate leakage: PerForm the following:
[Enter plant specific meansl~o Try to identify and isolate leakage.o EAL FLAG: IF RCS leakage exists outside MT, THEN reference EAL, entry points U and V.Page 9 of 18 NX Ste Attachment 1-MK/SOAP Step Hatr ix SHNPP St Task Ceeents ECA-3.1,7 Initiate Evaluation Of Plant Status: a.Check auxiliary buildina radiation-NORNL[Enter plant specific means)b.ibtain samples: Knter plant specific means3 c.Evaluate plant equipment:
[Enter plant specific list3 d.Start additional plant equipment to assist in recovery: (Enter plant specific listl EPP-020,8 Initiate Evaluation OF Plant Status: a.Check auxiliary building radiation-NENL b.Obtain samples of RCS, SGs, and CNNT sump as needed.c.Evaluate plant equipment.
d.Start additional plant equipment to assist in recoverye 14 15 16 24 25 26 None.ECA-0.0, 12;Check If SG Tubes Are Not Ruptured:.
o Condenser air ejecta'adiatim
-RENAL o SG bludwn radiation-MENL o (Enter plant specific means]EPP-001, 11 Identify Any Ruptured SG(s)by using Radiation Nonita ing System.o Condenser vacuum effluent treatment monitcr-NCRtNL o SG blmdtwn radiatim monita-NORNAL o Nain steaml inc radiation Mnitm-NRAL None.Page 10 of 18 N5 Ste Attachment 1-NG/SNAP Step Natrix SHNPP St Task Coaments E-2,6a Request periodic activity samples of all SGs: EPP-014, 7a Request periodic activity samples of all SGs.16 None.(Enter plant specific meansI ES-0.2,3 Verify Cold Baron Shutdown Concentration By Sampling:[Enter plant specific means)EPP-005,3'erify Cold Boron%utdow Concentration By Saryling.16 None.ES-0.2, 17 ES-0,3,8 ES-0.4,7 Naintain Required RCP Seal Injection Flow: (Enter plant specific meansl EPP-005, 17 EPP-006, 18 EPP-007,17 Naintain Required RCP Seal Injection Flv.No specific instructions are necessary to maintain seal injection.
ECA-3.3,24 Naintain Required RCP Seal Injection Flow: IEnter plant specific meansI EPP-022,21 Check RCP Coolina-NRNL o RCP CQ system flow o RCP seal injection flow The 95PP step has the operator check both seal cooling mechanisms, and the RM3 column directs the operator to restore them if not ncrmal.Page 11 of 18 I je.s'0~g4 Attachment 1-NG/SOAP Step Natrix SHNPP St Task Comments ECA<.1,20 Try To Restore Offsite Power To All AC Busses: IEnter plant specific means]EPP-002,21 Try To Restore Offsite Power To All AC Busses.IF necessary, THEN perform the following:
a.Verify EDGs have started.10 13 None.b.Verify EDGs have assumed the praper loads, c.Verify turbine DC emergency bearing oil and air side seal oil backup pumps are runnina.d.Verify adequate EDG capacity and load equipment as necessary to establish stable canditions.
e.Determine the cause aF the loss of offsite power.IF due to a failure of the startup transformer, request assistance fram maintenance crews to restore power from either the main ar spare startup transformer.
If the loss af power is the result of a lass oF grid, obtain assistance Fram the Load Dispatcher.
Page 12 of 18 t J gt r a Attachment 1-NG/SUPP Step Matrix N6 St SHNPP St Task Comments ES-1~1,RM)22 ES-I.2,)M 4 ECA-2.1, RNO 30 ECA-3.1,RNO 4 EPP-008, RNO 21 EPP-009, RNO 4 EPP-015,RN 31 EPP-020, RNO 4 10 13 None.Try to restore ofFsite power.IF necessary,%EN manually load the following equipment on the ac emergency busses:[Enter plant specific lists Try to restore offsite power.IF necessary, THEN perform the following'.
Verify EDGs have started.b.Verify EDGs have assumed the proper loads.c.Verify turbine DC lube oil and air side seal oil backup pumps are running.d.Verify adequate EDG capacity and load the following equipment m the EKs: 1)One instrurent air compressor 2)Battery chargers 3)PRl heaters, as needed.e.Determine the cause of the loss of offsite power.If due to a failure of the startup transformer, request assistance from maintenance crews to restore power from either the main or spare startup transFormer.
If the loss oF power is the result oF a loss of arid, obtain assistance frm the Load Dispatcher.
Page 13 of 18 Attachment 1-NG/SOAP Step matrix NS Ste SHNPP St Task CMments EGA<.0,5a2)
Verify ac emeroency bus automatically energized:
EPP-001,5b Verify AC emergency bus automatically eneregized.
10 This step will be revised to provide more detail.IEnter plant specific meansl ES-0.1.RM) 7 Perform the Following:
a., IF necessary, THEN verify*diesel generators have assumed the following loads: IEnter plant specific list).b.Try to restore offsite power:[Enter plant specific meansl.c.IF necessary, THEN manually load the following equipment m the ac emergency busses: (Enter plant specific list).EPP-004, RNO 8 Perform the, following as necessary:
a.Verify EI6s'have started.b.Verify EDGs have assuaged the proper'oads.
c.Verify turbine DC&urgency bearing oil and air side seal oil backup pumps are running.d.Verify adequate EDG capacity and load the following equipment on the EDGs: 1)One instruaent air'compressor 10 13 None.2)Sattery chargers 3)PRl heaters, as needed.e.Determine the cause of the loss of offsite power.If due to a Failure of the startup transformer, request assistance from maintenance crews to restore power from either the main or spare startup transformer.
If the loss of power is the result of a loss of grid, obtain assistance from the Load Dispatcher.
Page N oF 18

Attachment 1-16G/SNOOP Step Natr ix WOG Ste SHNPP St Task Comments ECA-0.0, RNO 5a1)-2)1)Emergency start diesel generator:
1 II r
EPP-001, RNO 5a1)-2)1)Start EDGs by actuating SI from the NCD 13 None.[Enter plant specific meansl 2)'manually energize ac emergency bus.IF bus can NOT be eneroized, THEN manually trip diesel generator and eneroize ac emergency bus using any available power supply: IF EDGs will not start, THEN go to Step Sb.2)Energize AC emergency bus.IF bus can MT be energized, THEN attempt to locally energize emergency busses at switchgear.
[Enter plant specific meansl ECA-0.
      ~Res  onse:
A  lesson plan    titled "Simulator Differences" is    used in simulator training programs.      If parts of the  EOPs  can not be run on the simulator, they are discussed as"part of      the lesson plan or critiqued at the end of the exercise. ANSI/ANS 3.5 Section 3.1 dated 1981 requires that the simulator respond the same as the plant. The requirement goes into effect 18 months after the plant is in commercial operation. Until that time,  if  the simulator responds differently (now or once the plant is on line) the-differences will be discussed in the "Simulator Differences" lesson plan.
Comment 3B:
  .,  Indicate the use of a wide, variety of, scenarios including mutliple (simultaneous and .sequential) failures, to fully. exercise the EOPs on the simulator and thus expose the operators "to a wide variety of EOP uses.
    .~Res  onse Attached are three (3) scenarios (including evaluation check sheets) indicating the use of a wide variety of scenarios including multiple (simultaneous and sequential) failures. This is only a sampling of the large number of scenarios that, we utilize in the simulator training program. The scenarios are from the Cold License Training Program that was conducted for the presently licensed operators.
Comment    4:
..".,The PGP."should. include. a -commitment;,to..train every, operator on .every EOP prior to    EOP 'implementation in the control room.
      ~Res  onse The  presently licensed operators have been trained on all EOPs in the classroom and have been evaluated on simulator scenarios fully exercising the EOPs. The EOP review to be conducted in the 1986 Requalification Program will include training on changes and the EOP User's Guide. For future licensed operator training programs the operators will also be trained on all EOPs and have simulator training fully implementing the EOP procedures.      The PGP will be revised to include comment 4 prior to startup following the first refueling outage as requested.
Comment    5:
The    training program should indicate that operators will perform their assigned roles 'during training and that operators will be trained as teams.
L I i      V
~Res onse:
Plant Training Instructions, TI-201, "Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program", TI-202, "Senior Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program" and TI-200, "License Operator Requalification Program'        AI 26R "Simulator Training", emphasize simulator training both in the team concept and in the individual role. Operators are evaluated during simulator exercises as a team as well as individual roles.
Comment 6:
The  PGP  should indicate that operators  will be evaluated  after training and  that  all  operators will be evaluated.
~Res onse:
'As the  part of the training program, operators are evaluated by written exams  during'classroom training and during the simulator training they are evaluated on the exercises conducted. Unsatisfactory simulator evaluations require a repeat of the scenario. Prior to being licensed by the NRC, CP&L conducts NRC-style written, simulator, and plant oral walk-through exams to ensure that the operators possess the required knowledge to be licensed operators. The NRC provides written, simulator and plant oral walk-through exams to the operator prior to issuing individual licenses. Plant Training Instructions TI-200 "Licensed Operator Requalification Program, TI-201 "Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program", and TI-202 "Senior Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program" require that these evaluations be conducted.      The requirement to evaluate operators will be added to the PGP by April 15, 1987.
i I
                              .1 J ~ t -t* 'PP4' 1" fll, i, I h
t    u r
Attachment  1
                                                          - NG/SOPP Step Natrix Task                CMments E-O,RM) 36a                            GI,RNO 47a1)                            10    Procedure  will be revised to E-I,RN  11a                                                                    13    indicate  how to verify proper'oading.
Try to restore offsite power to ac      Try to restore  offsite power to  ac emergency busses. IF offsite power  emergency busses. Verify EDGs can NOT be restored, THEN load the      proper ly loaded following equipment on ac emergency busses:
IEnter plant  specific  list) ~
E-3.RN  11                            G2,RNO 19                              10    Procedure    will be revised to 13    indicate  how to verify proper Try to restore    offsite  power. IF    Verify the following:                          loadina.
necessary,    THEN  manually load the following equipment on the ac          1)    EDG properly loaded emergency busses:
: 2)    Turbine  X lube oil puaps-
[Enter plant specific    list].            RUNNI%
: 3)    Turbine seal  oil backup puap-RUQ41%
: 4)    Instrument  air  cm4x essors-
E-1,12a                                G1,66a                                        PATH GUIIE    will be  revised to include  list of required items.
Verify cold leg recirculatim            RHR  system  - CAPABLE CF COLD LEG capability:                            RECIRCULATION
: 1)  Power  to low-

ATTA(ta(ENT l2 ENERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Nunber Task Cold License Training CLC 4-I-IA.44 Connents Reviers SGTR identification and use of RHS.Hot License Training Coeeents CLC-4-4-28 CLC-7-5-2 CLC-8-I-2 CLC-9-1-1 CLC-9-1-2 CLC-9-2-2 CLC-5-5-2 CLC-6-3-2 CLC-7-2-1 CLC-7-2-2 CLC-8-2-2 5lnulator Scenarios Inc ludln9 use of RMS.15 Identify a Ruptured S/G SS7251H SS7232H SS7222H SS7211H SS7321H SS7322H SS7331H SS7332H SS7311H SS7442H SS7421H SGTR: Plant Response Continuing Training-1985 Meek I/Lesson 6 Path-2/EPP-16 Continuing Training-1985 Meek I/Lesson 7 Prlnary and Secondary Response to SGTR.Specific steps and bases for Path 2 Including Identi I Ication of ruptured SG.Task required by procedure.
E. xercfse Crftfque:                 SF  - S/U    BOP - S/U SRO - S/U                    STA  - S/U RO  - S/U                    Overall Group Eval. - S/U F. Student Comnents/Sfaalator Improvement:
EOP LP-3.1 Path-2)EPP 016 (In developnent)
Instructor's Signature NTS/AI-26                               14                            Rev.
AOP-LP-3.3 AORS (In developnent)
Spec I f I c steps and bases for for Path-2 and EPP&16.Task required by procedure Steps and bases for AOP~5, RMS~Includes reponse to RMS alarm.SAI6'-LP-I
~0 Sanpllng Systen CLC System Training.AOP-LP-3.9 AOP&16~023)031 (In deva lopnent)Steps and bases for AOP-016, RCS I.eakage.11 of 22 ATTA(3aIENT l2 EHERGENCy PROCEDURES TASK TRA I NING HATRI X Task Nueber Task Cold License Training CLC-3-4-28
.2 6 3 Cceaents Revlers AOP-016 RCS Leaks e Hot License Training SOP-LP-3.0 Including aethods of identification.
Scapi lng Systen (In developaent)
Coerwnts COC S stees Trainln CLC-4-I-IA Revle<<s SGTR Identification per Path-l.RO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios Exercises<<Ith SGTRs.(In deva 1opaent)CLC 4-4-2 CLC-7-5-2 CLC-8-1-2 CLC-9-1-1 CLC-9-1-2 CLC-9-2-2 SS7251H SS7321H SS7322H SS7331H SS7332H SS7311H SS7442H Exercises<<1th SGTR.SRO Hot License SInulator Scenarios (In developaent) 16 Requesting saaples froa Cheaistry SG activity RCS Contalnoent H RCS Boron Contalnaent Suep SOP LP 1.0 Saepllng Systea CIS-LP-I.O Contalnaent Isolation Systea LWPS LP 1.0 Liquid Waste Processing Systea CLC Systees Training.Includes I lo<<paths.CLC Systees Tra I ning.L I sts valves receiving CIAS.CLC Systeas Training.Includes RCB Equi pnent Drains Subsystea.
SOP-LP 3.0 Saepling Systen (In developuent)
PASS-LP-3.0 Post AccIdent Saepllng Systeu (In developnent)
CIS-LP-3.0 Contalneent Isolation Systen COC Systee Tra i ning.Includes flo<<paths.
COC Systeas Training.COC Systen Training.Lists valves receiving DIAS.GP-LP-1.5, p.22 HCD-LP-2.7 Post Accident Pri nary Radlochealstry Relates that saapling Is done by cheelstry.
SRO Hitigatlng Core Daaage Training.Describes changes In RCS chenlstry and personnel hazards.LWPS-LP-3.0 Liquid Waste Processing Systea (To be developed)
HCD-LP-2.7 Post Accident Prluary Radlocheelstry COC Systees Tralnlng.Includes RCB Equlpuent Drains Subsystea.
SRO Hit lgatlng Core Daaage Training.Describes changes In RCS cheuistry including Personnel hazards.12 of 22 ATTAI3eIENT l2 EHERGENCT PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATRIX Task Number Task Cold License Training Post Accident Sam lln S stem Continuing Training-1985 Week 2/Lesson 8 Comments Cont I nuln Train l n Lesson.Includes operation of PASS.Hot License Training RT LP 3.14 S/D Reactivity Considerations Comments RO Rx Theor Trainln.Includes SDH Calculations.
T6M-LP-).7, Section 2.5 Normal Transient Analysis Inc ludes SDM Ca I cu let lons.RO Hot License Simulator Scenarios ITo be developed)
SRO Hot License Simulator Scenarios (To be developed)
Simulator Exercises Involving use of Sampling System.CLC-7-2-1, pp.9 6 10 SS7411H ExercIses ulth failed fuel.Relates that chemistry does sampling.CLC-4-4-28 CLC-7-5-2 CLC-8-1-2 CLC 9-1 I CLC-9-1-2 CLC-9-2-2 CLC-5-5-2 CLC-6-3-2 CLC-7-2-1 CLC-7-2-2 CLC-8-2-2 SS7251H SS7232H SS7222H SS7211H SS732IH SS7322H SS7311H SS7442H SS7421H Exercises involving uses of sampling systems.17 Non itor ing Conditions Indicative of PZR PORV Leakage PZR-I.P-I.0 Pressurizer RCS-LP-I.O Reactor Coolant System CLC Systems Training.16C included.CLC System Training.PZR and PRT 16C included.PZR-LP-3.0 Pressurizer RCS-LP-3.0 Reactor Coolant System COC System Training.16C Included.COC System Training.PZR and PRT 16C Included.13 of 22 ATTACQIENT l2 EHERGENCV PROCE(XSES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Nuaber Task Cold License Training FF-LP-I.I Sect 2.12.2 F I u1 d F low: F lul d Hechan les In Pueps and Pipes Coaaents Isenthal Ic Process discussed with exaaples using PZR PORVs leakage.Hot License Tralnlng FF-LP-3.2 Section 2.5.2 Fluid Flow: Fluid Hechanlcs In Puup and Pipes Gonne nts Isentha I Ic Process discussed with exaaple using PZR PORVs.CLC-3-3-1A Review of AOP-019, Hal function of AOP-LP-3.10 of RCS Pressure Control.Includes AOP-017, 019 Indication of PORT leakage.(To be developed)
Steps and bases for AOP-019, Halfunctlon of RCS Pressure Control.Includes Indlcatlons of PORV Leakage.CLC-3-4-28 Review of AOP&16, RCS Leakage.AOP-LP-3.9 AOP-016, 023, 031 Steps and bases for AOP-016, RCS Leakage.18 Establish Auxiliary Spray CLC-4-5-2 CLC-5-2-2 CLC-7-2-2 CLC-8-1-2 SS7332H CVCS-LP-I.O Cheul eel Vol uwe Control Systea Exercises Involving leaking or open PZR PORV.CLC Systees Training.Flowpaths Included.RO Hot License Siuulator Scenar los (In developwent)
SRO Hot License Slsulator Scenarios (In developwent)
CVCS-LP-3.0 Cheuical Voluce Control Systeu (In developaent)
Exercises involving leaking or open PZR PORV.COC Systeas Training.F lowpaths I nc I u dad.PZR-LP-1.0 Pressurizer CLC Systees Training.Aux I I I sry Spray Included.PZR-LP-3.0 Pressurizer COC Systeas Training.Aux Spray Included.EPP&22 Continuing Training-1985 Meek 2/Lesson 5 EPPs-005,006 d 007 Continuing Training-1985 Meek 2/Lesson 6 Specific steps and bases for EPP&22.Task required by procedure.
Specific steps and bases for EPPs-005, 006 d 007.Natural circulation cooldown requires auxiliary spray, EOP-LP-3.6 EPP~5, 006, 007 (In developuent)
EOP-LP-3.8 EPPES, 006, 007 (In developuent)
Specific steps and bases for EPPs-22.Task required by procedure.
Specific steps and bases for EPPs-005, 006 4 007.N.C.cooldown requires auxiliary spray, GP-LP-1.7 Noraal Plant Cooldown Steps include use of auxiliary spray.GP-LP-3.7 Norcal Plant Cooldown Steps include use of auxiliary spray.14 of 22 1
ATTACHMENT J2 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING MATR I X Task Nueber Task Cold License Training CLC-2-3 CLC-9-2-1 SS7121H SS7151H Coon>>nts Exercises Involvin use of auxiliary spray.Hot License Training Coca>>nts 19 Local tripping of Rx Trip Bkrs and MG sets CLC-9-1-2 SS7311H RODCS-LP-I.O, Section 2.4.6 Rod Control Systeo Exercises requiring use of EPP-22.CLC Systeas Training.RODCS-LP-3.
0 Rod Control Systea (In developuent)
COC Systeas Training.EOP-Review (Handout)Pre-license Review Steps and bases for FRP-S.I.Task required by procedure EOP-LP-3.15 FRP-S I, S.2 Specific steps and bases for FRP-S.I.Task required by procedure.
CLC-2-4-IA Review of FRP-S.I.RO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios (In develops>>nt)
Exercises using FRP-S.I.CLC-2-5-28 CLC-4-2-18 CLC-4-3 IB/4-3 2 CLC-6-2 CLC-8-1-1 Exercises Involving use of FRP-S.I.SRO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios (In develops>>nt)
Verification of C alT I sol at I on CVS-LP-I.O Contains>>nt Ventilation Systeu CLC Systems Training.Response to DIAS Included.CVS-LP-3.0 Contalnaent Ventilation Systea COC Systeas Training.Response'o DIAS Included.CAPES-LP-I
.0 Contalnuent Atoosphere Purge and Exhaust CLC Systeos Tra I ning.Response to CIAS Included.CIS-LP-3.0 COC Systeas Training.List of valves receiving CIAS included.C IS-I.P-I.0 Contains>>nt Isolation Systea CLC Systeos Training.List of valves receiving DIAS included.EOP-LP-3.12 FRP-I.I, 1.2, 1.3 Specific steps and bases of FRP-I.3.Task required by procedure.
Contalna>>nt Ventilation Systeo Prelicense Review Includes operations and Plant Nods.RO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios (In developaent)
Exercises with Sl actuation.(See Task 4'I).EOP-Rev I ex Prelicense Review Specific steps for FRP-I.3 discussed.
Task required by procedure.
SRO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios (In develops>>nt) 15 of 22 ATTA(3a(ENT l2 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING MATR I X Task Nueber Task Cold License Training CLC-3-5-IA Coeednts Sl Dceonstrntion.
Each trainee walks through each role for Sl actuation.(See Task ll for exercises with Sl actuation).
Hot License Training Coeecnts 21 Establ lshing Blowdown froe S/Gs.SGBS-LP-I.0 8/G B lowdown Systee CLC Systees Training.SGBS-LP-3.0 S/G Blordown Systee COC Systees Training.SG-LP-I.O Stean Generator CLC Systees Training.SG-LP-3.0 Stead Generators COC Systees Training.EPPs-017, 018, 019 Continuing Tra i ning-1985 Mack I/Lesson 8 EOP-Review (Handout)Prelicense Revier Steps and bases of EPP418 reviered.EOP-LP-3.11 BD used to depressurize ruptured FRY.I, H.2, H.3, H.4 4 H.5 S/G.Steps for FRY.5, Reponse to S/G High Level.Task required by procedure.
Specific steps nnd bases for FRP-H.5.Task required by procedure.
22 Try to Identify 8 Isolate lenk CLC-3-4-28, pp.2 d 3 Rcvldw of AOP 16'CS Ldakage, and EOP-LP-3.5 discussion ot edthods of Identifying EPPs-20 4 21 leakage (In developednt)
Specific steps and bases for tor EPP-20.Task required by procedure.
RMS-HO-I.0 CLC Systces Training.RMS-LP-3.0 Radiation Honltorlng Systee (In developeent)
COC Systees Training.RMS used In leak Identltication; RM-23, 11 6 80/Gen Atoelc Rnd Monitors Prelicense Revier Operation ot RMS rdvldred.Haik through Included.AOP-LP-3.9 AOPs&16, 023, 031 (To be developed)
Steps for AOP-16, RCS Leakage.Leak identification strategies included.EPP-20 d 21 Cont inuing Train 1ng-1985 iteck 2/Lesson 4 Specific Steps of EPPs-20.Task required by procedure.
AOP-LP-3.3 AOP-005 (To be developed)
Steps tor AOP~5~RHSr Response tor alares specified.
CLC-7-5-2 CLC-8-1-2 CLC-9-2-2 SS7322H 557331M Sleulator Scenarios in which EPP-20 iep leeentcd.RO Hot License Sleuiator Scenarios Exercises requiring use ot (In developeent) t EPP-20.SRO Hot License Sleulator Scenarios (In developeent) 16 of 22 ATTA(38IENT l2'ENERGENCT PROCE(XSIES TASK TRAINING HATRIX Task Nu88er Task Ninlalze secondhr coatee I n at I on Cold License Training SGTR: Radial Ical Conse uences Continuing Training-1985 Week I/Lesson 3 Hot License Training EOP-LP-3.2 Coaaents Includes nechanl sos of radionucl Id@transport and actions to minlelze.Path-2/EPP-16 (In developuent)
Cccuxants S eclfic ste s and bases for Path-2.Task requIred by procedure.
RM-23, ll 6 80/Gen Atoalcs Rad Monitor Prelicense Revle<<HSSS-LP-I.O Hain Stean Systea SDS-LP-I.O Stean Duup Systen CLC Systees Training.Secondary Systees effected by contaalnatlon.
Kno<<ledge of flo<<paths aids operator In taking action to accoapllsh task.AOP-LP-3.3 AOP~5 HSSS-LP-3.0 Nein Stean Systea SDS-LP-3.0 Stean Duep Systeu Steps revle<<ed for AOP-005.AOP-005 Includes actions that minimize contaalnatlon CLC Systeas Training.Secondary Systees potentially effected by contaulnation.
Kno<<ledge of flo<<paths aids operator In taking action to acccepllsh task.CFW-LP-I.0 (28)and FW Systeas HSR LP-I.O HSR d FW HTRS CFW-LP-3.0 (28)and F'W Systees HSR LP 3.0 NSR and FW HTRS HOES-LP-I.O Main Condenser Evacuation Systea HOES-LP-3.0 Main Condenser Evacuation Systea NTSS-LP-I.D Hain Turbine Sealing Stean and Exhaust HTSS-LP-3.0 Hain Turbine Sealing Stean and Exhaust CPDS LP I.O Condensate Pollshln9 6 Dealneralizlng Systea CPDS-LP-3.0 Condensate Pol l shing 8 Denineral Izing Systea Path-2/EPP-016 Continuing Training-1985 Week I/Lesson 7 Specific steps and bases for RO Hot License Siaulator Scenarios Exercises<<Ith SGTRs.Path-2.Task required by procedure.
(In developoent)
EOP Update Requallficatlon Training-1986 Actions added to procedures discussed.
Included In Week III.SRO Hot License Siaulator Scenarios (In developeent) 17 of 22 ATTAOaIENT l2 EHERGENCT PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Nuuber Task Cold License Training CLC-4-4-2 CLC-7-5-2 CLC-8-1-2 CLC-9-1-1 CLC-9-1-2 CLC-9-2-2 SS7251H SS7321H SS7322H SS7331H SS7332H SS7311H SS7442H Contents Exercises Involvin SGTRs.CLC-9-1-1 Involves a SGTR with the associated HSIV stuck open.Path-2 specifies actions that einlulzes secondary contaulnatlon for that situation.
Soee of the actions are applicable for SGTRs In general.Hot License Training RWO al Cards I)OC 05.84H Perforaance 111.15 2)OC 08.80H Perforfssnce 111.5 AO Oual Card Coeaents Ste s to: I)Isolate Hain Stean to Auxiliary Stean 2)Place ChD Polishing Systea In service Steps to: I)Isolate Hain Stean to Auxiliary Steaa 2)Isolate Hotwell spillover to CST 3)Place CVPETS In service 24 Evaluate Plant Status GP-LP-I.O, Sections 2.24 8 2.25 Conduct of Operations Procedures Training on Conduct of Operations.
Continual evaluation of plant status and use of redundant instruuentation ls enphaslzed.
PP-LP-3.0 0M~I, 009 RO Procedures Training.0 af-), Conduct of Operations, discusses Continual evaluation of plant status and euphaslzes use of redundant Instruaent.
CLC-1-1-2, pp.2-5 Cover sheet for siaulator Exercise Guides Conduct of Operations Reviewed.Evaluates shift Conduct of Operation for each exercise.ADOP-LP-2.0, SRO Duties and Responsibilities SRO Advanced Operating Procedures Training.Conduct of Operations revle<<ed.HCD-LP-I.I Post Accident Cooling Hit lgatlng Cora Dauage Course describes:
I)plant response to accidents 2)strategies for assessing dauage 3)strategies for recovery 4)equlpuent required to lapleeent recovery strategIes CO-LP-2.)Post Accident Cooling Hitlgatlng Core Daaage Course describes:
I)plant response to accidents 2)strategies for assessing de<<age 3)strategies for recovery 4)equip<<ant required to lapleuent recovery strategies HCO-LP-1.2 Snail Bkr LOCA<<1th no IaISI HCD-LP-2.2 Seal l Bkr LOCA<<1th no HISI HCD-LP-1.3 Loss of FW Induced LOCAs HCD-LP 2.3 Loss of FW Induced LOCA HCO-LP-1.4 Vita I Process Instruuentat ion HCO-LP-2.4 Vital Process Instruuentation 18 of 22 ATTACfaIENT l2 EHERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRA I NING HATR I X Task Nuober Task Cold License Training HCO LP-1.5 Accident Response of Incore Instruuentatlon Coceents Hot License Training HCO-LP-2 5 Accident Response of Incore Instrunentatlon Ccneents HCO-LP-I.6 Accident Response of Excore Instrunentatlon HCO-LP-2.6 A<<cldent Response of Excore Instruuentatlon HCO-LP-1.7 Post Accident Priaary Radlocheulstry HCO-LP-2.7 Post Accident Pr leery Radiocheulstry HCO-LP-I.8 Radloioglca I Aspects of Core Dauage HCO LP-2.8 Radiological Aspects of Core Danage HCD-LP-I.9 Loss of AII AC Po>>er HCD-LP 2 9 Loss of All AC Po>>er HCO-LP-I.10 Class 9 Events HCO LP I 11 Instrunent Oualif Ication and Accident Response EOP&20 8 021 Continuing Training-1985 Meek 2/Lesson 4 Steps and bases for EPP-20.Task required by procedure.
EOP-LP-3.5 EPPs&20, 021 Specific steps and bases for EPP-020.Task required by procedure.
CLC-7-5-2 CLC-8 1-2 CLC-9-2-2$$7322H$$7331H 8lnulator Scenarios requiring use of EPP-20.(Note: A lnost a I I sloulator exercises requIre use of task).RO Hot License Sluulator Scenarios (In developnent)
SRO Hot License Slnulator Scenarios (In developnent)
Exercises Involving EPP-020.(Note: Alnost all sieuator exercises require use of task.)25 Evaluate Plant Equi puent CLC Systens Training Continuing Training-1985 Pre I I cense Rev le>>Tra I ning Requa I i f I cation Training-1986 Operations of all systeo covered In CLC Training.Revle>>s and updates covered In Continuing Training, Prelicense Revle>>and Requalif ication Training.COC Systens Training Operations of all systens, Including the Operating Procedures, covered in COC Training.19 of 22 t'1 ,C ATTACISIENT d2 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING MATRIX Task Nuober Task Cold License Training HCO-LP-I.I Post Accident Cooling Coonents Hltl atln Core Dana e Course describesl I)plant response to accidents 2)strategies for assessing daoago 3)strategies for recovery 4)equlpoont required to inpleoont recovery strategies Hot License Training MCO-LP 2.1 Post Accident Cooling Coooents Hlti atln Core Dana e Course descrlbesl I)plant response to accidents 2)strategies fol assessing danago 3)stl'atogios for l'ecovel y 4)equlpeent required to lnpleoent recovery strategies MCO-LP-1.2 Seal I Bkr LOCA with no ISISI HCO-LP-2.2 Seal I Bkr LOCA xlth no HISI HCO-LP-I.3 Loss of FW Induced LOCAs HCO-LP-2.3 Loss of FM Induced LOCA MCO-LP 1.4 Vital Process Instrueentat ion MCO-LP-2.4 Vital Process I nstruoentat ion HCO-LP-I.5 Accident Response of Incore Instruoentatlon MCO-LP-2.5, Accident Response of Incore Instruwentat ion HCO-LP-I.6 Accident Response of Excore Instruoentatlon HCD-LP-2.6 Accident Response of Excore.Instruoentatlon HCO-LP-1.7 Post Accident Prlnary Radlocheslstry HCO-LP-2.7 Post Accident Pr leery Radiocheolstry HCO-LP-1.8 Radiological Aspects of Core Danage HCO-LP-2.8 Radiological Aspects of Core Daoage HCO-LP-1.9 Loss of All AC Power HCO-LP 2.9 Loss of All AC Poxer HCO-LP-1.10 Class 9 Events MCO-LP-1.11 Instrunent Oval lf lcatlon and Accident Response 20 of 22 ATTA(3CIENT l2 EMERGENCY PROCE(WAS TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Nucbcr Task Cold License Training EPP~6 021 Continuing Training-1985'Week 2/Lesson 4 Cocrrents Ste s and bases of EPP-20.Task required by procedure.
Hot License Training Cocracnts SS7114H SS7121H Sirrufator Scenarios Involving sultiple failures of IWR, CCW, etc.Operators are required to evaluate equlprrent status and Initiate recovery<<1th available systecs.EOP-LP-3.5 EPP&20, 021 (ln developccnt)
Specific steps and bases for EPP-20.Task required by procedure.
CLC-7-5-2 CLC-8-1-2 CLC-9-2-2 Slsulstor Scenarios In<<hlch EPP-20 Is required.(Note: Afcost all slsvlstor exercises require task.)SRO Hot License Slrsulator Scenarios (In developcent) 26 Start additional plant equlpcent to assist In recovery CLC Systcsrs Training Each accident requires operation of s unique sct of systccs.Any systcs that aright be required ls taught In systecs training.COC Systcrrrs Training Each accident requires s unique set of systecs be put Into operation.
Any systcrs that eight be required is taught In COC Systecs Training Including associated OPs and AOPs, HCO-LP-1.I Post Accident Cooling Hit i gating Core Oacage Course describes:
I)plant response to accidents 2)strategies for assessing dacage 3)strategies for recovery 4)eqvlpcent required to lsrplcccnt recovery strategies HCO-LP-2.I Post Accident Cooling Mitigating Core Oacage Course descrlbesr I)plant response to accidents 2)strategies fol'ssessing dscage 3)strategies for recovery 4)equlpcent required to Isplecent recovery strategies MCO-LP-I 2 Seal I Bkr LOCA<<Ith no ICISI HCO-LP-2 2 Seel I Bkr LOCA<<1th no ISISI HCO-LP-1.3 loss of FW Induced LOCAs HCO-LP-2.3 loss of FW Induced LOCA MCO-LP-I, 4 Vital Process Instruccntstion HCO-LP-2.4 Vital Process I nstrurrentat ion HCO-LP-I 5 Accident Response of Incore Instrucentation HCO-LP-2.5 Accident Response of Incore Instruoentatlon 21 of 22 ATTACWENT l2 ENERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Nunber Tas'k Cold License Training HCD-LP-1.6 Accident Response of Excore Instrusentatfon Coooents Hot License Training HCO-LP-2.6 Accident Response of Excore Instrunentatlon Conments HCO-LP-1.7 Post Accident Prlnary Radiochenlstry NCO-LP-2.7 Post Accident Prinary Radlochexl stry HCD-LP-1.8 Radiological Aspects of Cote Danage HCD-LP-2.8 Radiological Aspects of Core Danage HCO-LP-I.9 Loss of All AC Power HCO-LP-2.9 Loss of All AC Power HCO-LP-1.10 Class 9 Events HCD-LP-1.I I Instrunent Oval I f I cation and Accident Response EPP-20 Continuing Training Meek 2/Lesson 4 SS7114H SS712'IH t CLC-7-52 Specific steps of EPP-20.Tasks required by procedure.
Six(viator Scenarios Involving aultlple failures of 18R, CCII, etc.Operators are required to evaluate plant status and initiate recovery with available systeas.Sinulator scenarios In which EPP-20 Inple((ented.(Host six(ulator scenarios require task).EOP-LP-3.5 EPP-20 6'21 (In developnent)
RO Hot License Sinulator Scenerios (In developnent)
Specific steps and bases for EPP-20.Tasks required for procedure.
Exercises requiring use of EPP-20.(Host sinulator scenarios require task).CLC-8-1-2 CLC-9-2-2 SS7322H SS7331H SRO Hot LIcense Sinulator Scenarios (In developnent) 22 of 22 ATTACHMENT 3 ADDITIONAL COLD LICENSE TRAINING Task Comments Locally Dumping steam using S/G PORVs Manual operation of S/G PORVs will be described and procedure reviewed.A walkthough of operations will be conducted.
Local operations on the S/G PORV have been incorporated into the applicable nonlicense Qualification Card., Minimize Secondary Contamination
, Actions that are being incorporated in the revised EOPs will be described.
Manual actions that.require local operations have been incorporated into the applicable non-licensed Qualification Cards.Local Operation of Switchgear BKRs Electrical plant response to SI and LOSP will be discussed including requirement to monitor conditions and manipulate switchgear l\V tl"I 8 I~1't: 4~W P I II P II 4 b ATTACHMENT4.
Load Rejection/ATWS/RCS Depressurization 2.CLCL-7-5-2:
3.SS7421H: S/G Tube Leak/Rupture/ATWS/S/G
=PORV Failed Open Inadvertent SI/SW Malfunctions/LOCA without CSIPs
.g't g A t II la P II K\II t iW 11/10/83 SHNPP SIMULATOR EXERCI IDE EXERCISE: Load Rej ecti on/ATWS/RCS FILE NO.CLC-7-2-2 TIME: 4 hours Depressur ization OMECTIVES:.Upon conpletion of this exercise, the student will be able to: 0 I t 12 tl 10 I 2 01 limits.2.Take appropriate actions on load rejection without steam dumps to stabilize plant in a safe condition.
3.Identify an ATWS event and take actions to prevent core damage and radioactive releases to the environment.
4.Identify a failed open PZR PORV and take corrective actions to stop RCS depressurization.
RELATED LER's, UER's, POER's, etc: a em P ,-Breakers failed open (UV part of mechanical latch)INITIAL CONDITIONS:
IC-7 (BOL).Present Previous resent power ours PMR TEE 571 Tav 586 875 BoNn 839 174 D Rod Hgt 208 0 INSTRUCTOR GUIDE: Ilppp..I 20 1002.I'I-122A I ll charging flow to increase.CSIP failure requires placing"C" pump in service.External load breakers opening with no auto dumps should cause reactor first out (Lo-Lo S/G Lvl).ATWS causes RCS pressure to increase.When spray valves open, fail PCY-444B open.(Note: Do not trip R remotely until PORV opened).RCS will become saturated and remain saturated until block valve closed.Allow block valve to close after ISC and maintenance investigates.(Upon completion of exercise, reset for shift turnover per CLC-7-2-1).
SHIFT TURNOVER INFORMATION'crease power to or feed pump maintenance.
Feed pump tested and running.MALFUNCTIONS T-O All Auto Reactor Tr p Functions (Disabled)
T-0 Auto Steam Dump Con-troller (Inhibited)
T-0 Manual Reactor Trips (Disabled)
T-120 External Load Breakers 52-8 5 52-9 (Open)OVERRIDES T-PZR PORV Iso Vl v 8000C (Open)T-50 FI-122 A Charging'eader Flow (Low)T-90 Charging Pump"A" (Stop)T-VAR PCV-444B Pressurizer Relief Valve (Open-Fail when sprays open)REMOTE OPS L A C arg ng F ow-Transmitter failure Char ging Pump"A".-Motor bearing seized External Load Breakers-Phase differential relay PCV-4448-Controller failure/valve jammed on backseat Block Valve-Breaker tripped (overcur rent relay failed)ATWS-Trip breaker binding/improper lubrication EXPECTED RESPONSE: AS PER SERIAL RELATED CHECKOFF REQUIREMENTS:
5B, SD, 17, 18, 19, 8, 10, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24
\lg J~i tb l v (I 0 l~
Course SINJLATOR EXERCISE PERFORNHCE/OBSERVATION RECORD Group Oata Instructors Gradings: S=Satisfactory U Unsatisfactory I.Exercise A.B.Initial Conditions/Scenario
-exercise guide Shift Assignments R S/U p Manipulations Per.Su Per.Su.SF 2.SRO 3.RO BOP 5.STA I I.Evaluation SRO RO BOP STA A.'2.3~4~General Supervisory ability--a.Effective supervision of others b.Effective direction of other Operator communications
-passes along information accurately and promptly Annunciator response-immediately responds-uses alarm procedure Use of procedures
-pulls procedure and utilizes Systematic and logical approach to pr obl ems a.Attentive to instrumentation and controls b.Compares redundant channels c.Compares meter to recorder Alertness-aware of plant status at all times Shift Turnover Oral turnover Hourly logs Review control.board Test annunciator lights I-(fl I l.
FILE NO: CLC-7-2-2 Rev.1 11/10/83 C.Exercise Performance 1.Power Escalation 50%to 100%SF SRO RO BOP a.b.C~d.e.f.go h.a ntains avg ref Turbine Load Limits Generator Loading (MVARs)S/G Level Control MSR Operation Maintains CAOC Anticipates Xenon Transients Uses Curves Secondary Calorimetric at 90%2.Char in Flow Indicator Failure(low)
Imme ate Act ons (1)Identifies Charging Flow Low (2)Identifies Charging Pump Running (3)Verifies PZR Level Increasing (4)Takes Manual Control of FCV-122 Subsequent Actions (1)Stabilizes Plant (2)Maintains RZR Programmed Level (3)Investigates Cause 3.Char in Pum"A'ri mme>a e c ons (1)Acknowledge Annunciators (2)Starts"B" Pump Subsequent Actions (1)Stabilizes Plant With PZR Level In Band (2)Refers to Tech Specs (3)Investigates Cause (4)Initiates Request to Place"C" Pump in Service 4.Generator Breakers 0 n a~b.c~ent cat on (1)Generator Output OCBs Open (2)Rapid Load Decrease to Unit Auxiliary Loads (3)Increased S/G Pressure (4)Inward Rod Motion Immediate Actions (1)Verifies Automatic Actions (2)Observes Failure of Steam Dumps (3)Verifies S/G PORVs Open (4)Refers to AOP-15 (5)Places Steam Dumps in Pressure Control Subsequent Actions (1)Stablilizes Plant (2)Investigates Cause' File No.CLC-7-2-C.Exercise Performance (continued)
(3)Transfers Aux Loads (4)Identifies ATNS 5.ATMS a.Immediate Actions (1)Attempts To manually Trip Rx (2)Drives Rods In (3)Sends Personnel To (a)Trip MG Sets (b)Trip R Trip Breakers.(c)Trip M3 Set Supply Breakers (4)Emergency Borate (5)Refers to FPP-1, FPP-2, or FRP-S.1 b.Subsequent Actions (1)Investigate Cause (2)Initiates PEP (Alert)'I 6.Reactor Tri Rev.1 11/10/83 SRD RD BOP ST a~b.mme ate Actions (1)Verifies R Trip (2)Verifies Turbine Trip (3)Checks Power to AC Emergency Buses (4)Checks SI Actuated (5)Refers to FPP-1 or FPP-2 Subsequent Actions (1)Verifies Plant Parameters Stablilizing at No-load Values (a)T (b)S/PLevel (c)PZR Pressure and Level (2)Conducts"Dead-Bus" Transfer to S/U Transformers (3)Verifies Source Range Energized (4)Secures Unnecessary Equipment (5)Stabilizes Plant at No-load Conditions 7.PZR PORV Failure a~b~(1)PZR Pressure Decreasing (2)Relief Line Temp Increase/Alarm
'3)PORV Indicates Open (4)PRT Parameters Increasing (5)PZR Sprays Indicate Open Immediate Actions (1)Attemps To Close Block PORV (2)Energizes Heaters (3)Refers to AOP-19 (4)Observes SI Initiates I C J File No.CLC-7-2-2 C.Exercise Performance (continued) c.Subsequent Actions (1)Investigates Failure of Block Val ve (2)C1oses after IAC Repair 8.Safet Injection a.e ers to-1 or FPP-2 b.Performs Imaediate Actions c.Stops RCPs (1400 psig)d.Verifies Plant Recovery e.Identifies Cause f.Terminates SI Mhen Criteria Met 9.Natural Circulation a.ent cat on (1)No RCPs Running (2)Heat Sink Available b.Subsequent Actions (1)Refer To EPP-5 (2)S/G Press<1110 psig (3),RCS 40'F (4)RCS h T<60'F 10.Added Malfunctions a.b.c~d.Rev.1 11/10/83 SRD RD BOP STA

FILE NO.CLC-7-5-2 Rev.0 4/12/84 C.Exercise Performance (continued) 5.S/G Tube Leak (1)Increased Charging Flow (2)Leak Rate OST Performed (3)RMS increase R-19 (4)Performs Leak Isolation or Identifies Source (5)Checks all Instrumentation b.Immediate Actions (1)Determines Appropriate S/G (2)Checks Tech Specs (3)Commences Rx S/D (4)Shifts Condenser Exhaust-(5)Refers to AOP-16 (6)Observes Blowdown Isolated 6 ATWS a.Immediate Actions (1)Attempts to Manually Trip Rx (2)Drives Rods In (3)Sends Personnel to Trip Rx Breakers (4)Emergency Borate (5)Refers to FRP-S.1 b.Subsequent Actions (1)Investi gates Cause (2)Initiates PEP (Alert)7.~li a.Immed>ate Actions (1)Verifies Rx Trip (2)Veri f i es Turbine Tri p (3)Checks Power to AC Emergency Buses (4)Checks SI actuated (5)Refers to FPP-1 or FPP-2 b.Subsequent Actions (1)Verifies Plant Parameters Stabilizing at No-load values (a)(b)S/G level (c)PZR Pressure and Level (2)Verifies Transfer to SU Transformers (3)Verifies Source Range Energized (4)Secures.Unnecessary Equipment (5)Stabilizes Plant at No-load Conditions SF SRO RO BOP I I'\'1 1 t>)h' F ILE NO.CLC-7-5-2 Rev.0 4/12/84 C.Exerci se.Performance (continued) c.Initiates PEP (unusual event)8.Safety Injection/S/G PORV Failed en a.Comp etes Immediate Actions o FPP-1 or FPP-2 (1)Identifies RHR Pump A Tripped (2)Restarts RHR Pump A b.Identifies SGTR as Cause c.Identifies Ruptured S/G d.Isolates Ruptured S/G e.Identifies S/G PORV Failed Open f.Begins RCS Depressurization and.Cooldown g.Maintains Ruptured S/G Level Between 10%and 50%h.Implements FPP-17 (1)Resets SI/Phase A (2)Cooldowns to 200'F at<100'F/hour (3)Depressurizes to Minimize RCS Subcooling at 40'F (4)Maintains PZR Level (5)Terminates SI (6)Restores LP and Charging (7)Isolates Accumulator 9.Intermediate Range Undercom ensated a.Ident>ies Undercompensat>on b.Manually Energizes Sources Ranges 10.Added Nalfunctions SF SRO RO BOP a 0 b.
C-     C.R
l I ll II~P}2 44 0.iaalator Exercise Comments: NTS/AI-26 C I f 0 P I'll II'.I<*'hl r k'k, I'4 E..xerc3se Critique: SRO-S/U RO-S/U Eval.-S/U.~SF-S/U BOP-S/U STA-S/U Overall Group F.Student Comnents/Sfaalator Improvement:
~ e.-g}}
Instructor' Signature HTS/AI-26 14 Rev.I C~~V~t l X;~jt~e n I
Upon completion of this exercise, the student will be able to: 1.Perform the immediate actions required of operators following a Rx trip and SI.'.Use the EOP network inclusive of the Flow Paths, End Path Procedures and Foldouts to direct operator actions.3.Complete the appropriate attachments of OMM-004 following an activation of the ESFAS.4.Identify a need to and make notifications required by the PEP.5.Identify a stuck control rod and make required adjustments in shutdown margin.6.Use AOP-001 to correct for a stuck control rod.I 7.Use available MCB indications plus requested information to identify a lealC.from the CCW to ESW system.8.Use OWPs to place the protective cabinets in the correct alignment as required by Tech Specs following an instrument failure.9.Detect and take corrective action for a failure of the steam dumps to control temperature.
10.Use EPP-001 to mitigate the consequences of a loss of both CSIPs in conjunction with a small break LOCA.INITIAL CONDITIONS:
IC 43 ()Present conditions for:)100 Hrs Present~100 588'F, 527ppm"D" at 192 steps PWR Tav Bar30 Rod Hgt.Previous same SHIFT TURNOVER INFORMATION:
Presently on line within one day of exceeding CPELs Nuclear on-line record.No surveillances scheduled.
No testing allowed.Anticipate no changes CSIP under clearance for bearing replacement."C" CSIP will be available in six hours, two hours into action statement.
INSTRUCTOR GUIDE: Reset to IC 43, reboot RMS, ERF IS and conduct shift turnover.With lamp test complete override the Vacuum pump trip alarms to off and the operating vacuum pump red light to"on".Fail the operating vacuum'pump.When requested, report the motor operating but'drastic drop in noise level (coupling sheared).With stability restored insert the inadvertent SI.After restoration have the SF complete an OMM-004.With this report ongoing insert the CCW-ESW leak.With trouble shooting ongoing and temperature restored to 557 fail P-12.Allow both conditions to run their course and be corrected.
With all systems restored to normal fail the operating CSIP.Give time for immediate action and fail the seal stack on any RCP (insert~100 gpm leak to provide the leakage of the seal failure).If EPP-001 not addressed the instructor should prod in that direction before the situation degrades too far.
P~'1 l t 1 r, 4 I.S aM MALFUNCTIONS T-0 CRF3A untripable for P-8 T-0 CRF3A untripable for K-14 T-15 CND4A(B)to active T-30 SIS 1 to activate T-75 CCW 3 to 30 gpm T-90 MSS9 to fail.T-120 CVC 5 for operating unit TVAR RCS14A(B)(C) to 60 gpm TVAR RCS15A(B)(C)TVAR RCS16A(B)(C)OVERRIDES REMOTE OPS.T-O CND 94 (99)to low T-0 CSIP racking T-0 CND 104 to low status T-0 CNE 28 (29)D to"hi" SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION:
Inadvertent SI to ensure completion of OMM-004 prior to Exam.2.Vacuum Pump coupling break occurred at HBR.3.Loss of both CSIPs to use EPP-001 for this condition.
5C, 11, 17, 19, 24
'er I-I t htg Cia~'P S J
~4~.~SIMULATOR EXERCISE PERFORMANCE/OBSERVATION RECORG Cour se Instructors Group Oate Gradfngs: S Satisfactory O'nsatisfactory I.Exercf se A.Initial Condftfons/Scenario
-exercise guide B.Shfft Assignments Per.1.SF 2.SRO 3.RO 4.BOP 5.STA x S U U~Per.S~II.Evaluation A.General 1.Supervisory ability-a.Effective supervision of others b.Effective direction of others 2.Operator coamunfcatfons
-passes along information accurately and promptly 3.Annunciator response-fmmedfately responds-uses alarm procedure 4.Use of procedures
-pulls procedure and utilizes 5.Sytematfc and logical approach to problems 6.a.Attentive to fnstrumentatfon and controls b.Compares'redundant channels c.Compares meter to recorder 7.Alertness-aware of plant status at all times B.Shift Turnover 1.Oral turnover 2.Hour ly logs 3.Review control board 4.Test annunciator lights SF SRQ RO BOP ST I~~g I-l)gal'lP*T
~\~~+Rev.0 LESSON COOE: SS7421H C.Exercise Performance SF SRO RO BOP 2.3.Loss of Condenser Vacuum a.Notes change in efficiency,'reports same and'nvestigates b.Notes change in condenser vacuum and performs immediate actions-of AOP-012 c.Refers to AOP-012 for auto and immediate action verification d.Performs follow-up action of AOP-012 e.Request sufficient information of diagnose problem f.Initiates corrective maintenance g.Makes notifications required Inadvertent SI a.Recognizes condition and takes appropriate immediate actions b.Uses EOP path 1 for action verification c.Recognizes SI termination criteria d.Address foldout A and B of EOP network e.Terminates SI IAW EPP-004 f.Initiates investigation g.Performs required administrative duties h.Address PEP and make notifications i.Performs required portions of OMM-004 Stuck Rods a.Recognizes mispositioned control rods b.Recognizes SI flow sufficient to meet emergency boration requirements c.Following SI realignment verifies sufficient SOM'.Address AOP-001 for corrective action following SI termination e Initiates corrective action 4, 5.Steam Ou Failure a.Notes SG-PORVs operating with condenser available b.Investigates and finds steam dump mal function c.Investigates cause and corrects d.Initiates corrective action, CCW Leak a.Interprets indications and recognizes a loss of CCW b.Perform immediate action of AOP-014 c.Refers to AOP-014 for auto and immediate action verification d.Performs follow-up action of AOP-014
~I~Rev.0 LESSON CODE: SS7421H C.Exercise Performance (continued) e.Trouble shoots and isolates leak to source f.Performs system realignment to isolate leak g.Address potential environmental concerns SF SRO RO BOP 6.Loss of second CSIP a.Recognizes severity of failure b.Immediately takes action to reduce RCS inventory loss c.Takes action to recover any CSIP d.Addresses EPP-001 as the only procedure that remotely covers the situation P 7.RCP seal failure LOCA a.Perform immediate action of AOP-016 b.Addresses AOP-016 for verification c.Recognizes impact of excessive leakage W/0 CSIPs d.Initiates rapid cooldowns to allow depressurization to reduce leakage e.Classifies event and makes notifi-cations as required by the PEP f.Properly injects accumulators g.Request assistance from plant staff h.Places RHR in service when allowable 8.Added Mal functions'a~b.c~
~e h~~@Ca h'~~'1~:h
.t'p'I 0.Siaolator Exercise Coaments: NTS/AI-26 e e,~a)(~I ah y g t~4~~/'
E~Exercise Critique: SRO-S/U RO-S/U SF-S/U STA-S/U W Overall Group Evan-S/U BOP-S/U F~Student Cosiients/SiauI ator I aproveaent:
's Signatur e S IMP E RFORM Page 3 of 3 Rev.1 P 4~~C.I~~a I k t 4" tif e P4 SHNPP SIMULATOR EXERCIS IDE Rev.0 4/12/84 EXERCISE: S/G Tube Leak/Rupture/ATNS/
Upon completion of this exercise, the student will be able to: P/P k k, k/i/<<P/open to stabi1 ize the pl ant, and minimize radioactive rel eases to the environment per FPP-17.2.Take proper actions to put the reactor in a safe shutdown condition following an ATWS event.RELATED LER's, UER's, POER's, etc: Ginna-January 25, 1982--S/G tube rupture;tu e ea;-LER-81-026 tube leak;HBR-LER-81-022 tube leak.IC-11 (MOL)Present Previous 5%PWR 75%5579'F Tav 578'F 380 ppm Boron 450 ppm 103 on"D" Rod Hgt.194 on"D" INSTRUCTOR GUIDE:~p.P P//P<<.p/PP.k e ower, fail CCW pump.Fail N-42 after 90%calorimetric, and insert S/G tube eak during subsequent pwr increase.Increase tube leak severity to cause SI actuation.
sve p ant condst1ons.
ant at 5%power following trip of"B" condensate pump..(BKR malfunction).
Repairs are completed.
Synchronize to grid and increase power to 100%.MALFUNCTIONS OVERRIDES REMOTE OPS T-0 T-0 T-0 T-90 T-130 T-130 T-VAR All Auto R Trip Functions (Disabled)
Manual R Trips (Disable5)
IR Channel 35 (Undercompensated)
PR Channel 42 (Instr.Power Fuses Blown)Rather Than C-Loop, Leak in (A-Loop)Generator Tube Leak (24 GPM Increase to 600 GPM)Power Oper.Rel.Valve (Failed Open)T-0 PZR heaters Gr-A off T-0"A" RHR pump (stop)T-30"A" CCW pump (stop)SUPPLEMEN AL IN ORMATION: pump-se>ze motor bearing PZR heaters Gr-A breaker tripped at control cabinet-due to overcurrent (heater grounds)ATWS-BKR failure TR-412 bT pen-stuck pen"A" RHR pump-electrical circuit breaker closing mechanism failure N-42-Instrument power fuses blown EXPECTED RESPONSE: AS PER SERIAL RELATED CHECKOFF RE(}UIREMENTS:
2, 3, 5A, 7, 8, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31 I~I' Course Instructors SINLATOR EXERCISE PERFORMANCE/OBSERVATION RECORD Group Date Gradings: S=Satisfactory U=Unsatisfactory I.Exercise A.B.Initial Conditions/Scenario
-exercise guide Shift Assignments Per.R S/U Su Per.p Manipulations Su SF 2.SRO 3.RO 4~BOP 5.STA I I.Evaluation SRO RO BOP STA A., 5.6.7.B., General Supervisory ability--a.Effective supervision of others b.Effective direction of other Operator communications
-passes along information accurately and promptly Annunciator response--immediately responds-uses alarm procedure Use of procedures
-pulls procedure and utilizes Systematic and logical approach to problems a.Attentive to instrumentation and controls b.Compares redundant channels c.Compares meter to recorder Alertness-aware of plant status at all times Shift Turnover Oral turnover Hourly logs Review control board Test annunciat'or lights Rev.0 0~s e c p C lp FILE NO.CLC-7-5-2 Rev.0 4/12/84 C.Exercise Performance SF SRO RO BOP 1.Reactor Critical with Reactor Power<3'X a~b.c~eri ies, nitia on itions Maintains Primary and Secondary (1)S/G Level.(2)RPower<3'3)T ve/T ef Generator Start-up (1)Voltage Control (2)Synchronizing 2.Power Escalation Cl 0 b.c~d.e.f.go h.1~J~,/Tp Turbine Load Limits Generator Loading (MVARs)S/G Level Control MSR Operation Maintains CAOC Anticipates Xenon Transients Secondary Calorimetric at 90'X Uses Curves Identifies bT pen failure 3.Com onent Coolin Water Pum Failure a~b.'~dent>>cation (1)Acknowledges Annuciators (2)Checks Flow Indicators Immediate Actions (1)Starts Backup Pump (2)Verifies flow (3)Refers to AOP-14 Subsequent Actions (1)Investigates Cause (2)Checks Tech Specs (3)Informs ISC (4)Fills Out Work Request (5)Aligns C Pump as Backup 4.Power Range NI Failure a e b.Immediate Actions (1)Stabilizes Plant (2)Refers to Tech Specs Subsequent Actions (1)Rod Stop Bypassed (2)Comparator Channels Oefeated (3)Fuses Removed (4)OP-OT aT Bistables Tripped (5)Mrites Clearance (6)Refers to AOP 8 OWP 0\l~j I 5 1 ra~4, h NTS(Al-Z6 13 Rev.
0~''~+Jk Jg' E.xercfse Crftfque:*SRO-S/U RO-S/U Eval.-S/U SF-S/U BOP-S/U STA-S/U Overall Group F.Student Comnents/Sfaalator Improvement:
Instructor's Signature NTS/AI-26 14 Rev.

Latest revision as of 19:00, 3 February 2020

Forwards Addl Info Re Emergency Operating Procedures in Response to Audit Conducted on 860710 & 11.Encl Responses Satisfy Util Commitments Re Training Program Documented in 860929 Ltr & 860814 Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/01/1986
From: Zimmerman S
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NLS-86-379, NUDOCS 8610090482
Download: ML18022A438 (118)




ACCESS/ON NBR: Sb10090482 FACIL; 50-400 Shearon DQC. DATE: Sb/10/01 Harris Nuclear Power Planti Unit NOTARIZED:

ii NQ, Carolina DOCKET 0 05000400 AUTH. NANE AUTHOR AFFILIATION ZINNERNANe B. R. Carolina Power Cc Light Co.

RECIP. NANE RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTONi H. R. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulationi" Director (post 851125


Forwards addi inFo re emergency operating procedures in response to audit conducted on Sb0710 Ze 11. Encl responses satisfy util commitments re training program documented in Bb0929 ltr 5 Sb0814 meeting.


to NUREG-0737(Generic Ltr 82-33)

NOTES: Application for permit renewal filed. 05000400 I



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@ME, Carolina Power 8 Light Company SERIAL: NLS-86-379 SENT zm Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NO. 1 - DOCKET NO.50-000 EMERGENCY OPERATING PROCEDURES

Dear Mr. Denton:

Carolina Power R Light Company (CPRL) hereby submits additional information concerning the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP) Emergency Operating Procedures. The attached information (Enclosure 1) is provided in response to NRC concerns identified during an audit of the SHNPP Emergency Operating Procedures conducted on 3uly 10 and 11, 1986. Resolution of these concerns was discussed in a subsequent meeting with the NRC on August 10, 1986. The attached responses satisfy CPRL's commitments concerning the training program documented in CPdcL letter dated August 29, 1986 and discussed in the August 10, 1986 meeting.

Several of the NRC's concerns relate to the Procedures Generation Package (PCP). It should be noted, however, that the PCP is not the governing document for licensed operator training at SHNPP. Plant Training Instructions and the SHNPP FSAR provide the training requirements for operators. Emergency Operating Procedure training and evaluation have always been a requirement of these documents. The PCP will be revised to cover the NRC's comments, but it should be recognized that the Training Instructions and the FSAR remain the controlling documents.

,If you have any questions on this subject or require additional information, please contact me at (919) 836-6202 Yours very truly,

. R. Zi merman ager Nuclear Licensing Section 3HE/mf (50193DK)

Enclosure CC: Mr. B. C. Buckley (NRC)

Mr. G. F. Maxwell (NRC-SHNPP)

Dr. 3. Nelson Grace (NRC-RII)

Sbi00904S2 Sb100 PDR *DOCK 05000400 F PDR 411 Fayettevilte Street o P. O. Box 155'1 o Raleigh, N, C. 27602

~ >

W' I

ENCLOSURE 1 Concern IA Certain plant-specific information which is called for in the Westinghouse ERG's has not yet been provided in the Harris EOPs. The applicant should perform a systematic review of training to assure that the information that is missing has been included in the training program. Evidence that current operators have all of the required skills and knowledge necessary to implement the EOPs should be documented for NRC review.

~Res oese A systematic review of the SHNPP EOP network and training to support the EOP network has been completed'ttachment 1 is a WOG/SHNPP Step Matrix identifying where, plant, specific information was not provided. , "Emergency Procedures and Task Training Matrix" provides documentation as to where training to support the "deleted plant specific information" was- conducted. The matrix includes both the Cold License Training Program which has been completed and the Hot License Training Program which will be conducted beginning in mid 1987. The materials to support the Hot License Training Program are presently under development and are scheduled to be completed by mid 1987.

In our letter of August 29, 1986, CP&L committed to complete additional training and/or EOP revision to ensure operator skill in using the EOPs prior to fuel load. Attachment 2 shows that training on plant specific information required to execute Emergency Operating Procedures is adequately provided in Cold License System Training, Continuing Training (1985), 'and Prelicense Review Training. CP&L considers the current status of EOPs and training to be adequate to ensure operator skill in using the EOPs. The commitments'.in Attachment 1 to revise the procedures are'enhancements to the training that has already been provided, and are not necessary prior to fuel load. These revisions will be completed by December 12, 1986 along with the human factors update as committed to in our August 29, 1986 letter.

Three tasks have been identified for which additional training will be provided. These tasks are considered to be minor items and are listed in . This training will be incorporated in the Licensed Requalification Program and completed by December 31, '1986. also shows that training on the deleted plant specific information is covered by the various portions of the Hot License Training Program. Specifically the Hot License EOP Training will include step-by-step discussion of each procedure and bases for each step.

Additionally, the EOPs will be fully exercised during the simulator portion of the Hot License Training.

r it l<t I


A t+

Evidence that current operators have all the required skills and knowledge necessary to implement the EOPs is provided by the following:

1. The NRC licenses each operator. The licensing process includes a written exam, simulator exam, and a plant oral walk-through. Each exam relates in part to the emergency operating procedures. Successful completion of the exam provides adequate evidence that the operator is capable of utilizing the Emergency Operating Procedures.
2. Prior to the NRC exam, CP&L administers an NRC-style written, simulator and plant oral walk-through exam to ensure that the operators are well prepared to operate safely and are ready to be licensed by the NRC.

3~ During, the simulator training program (approximately 9 weeks for Cold License) the students are evaluated on their performance. The scenarios include normal operations, off"normal operations, and emergency operating procedures. The scenarios have single and multiple failures included. Three examples of simulator scenarios are provided as Attachment 4.

4. Written exams are given throughout the classroom training phases. These exams also include emergency operating procedures.
5. NRC Region-II conducted an Operational, Readiness Inspection during June, 1986. The training program

'"" 'for"'Cold License was reviewed and it was determined that the training program was satisfactory with only minor inspector follow-up items.

6. As indicated by the matrix, all EOPs were reviewed by Cold License Candidates in either the Continuing Training Program or Pre-license Review. This training included a step-by-step discussion of the EOP's and the bases for the steps.


7. The training program for Cold License meets or exceeds regulatory requirements.

Concern 1B:

Develop or provide evidence of a training program that systematically assures that information gaps in flowcharts and textual procedures are addressed speci'fically during future training, the program should include development of standards for the evaluation of task-level performance so that the applicant can identify whether all operators possess the appropr'iate enabling skills and knowledge to implement the"EOPs.

~ 7 f )

1%C g sp gA'

~Res onse As stated in response in IA above, Attachment 2 is provided showing the task listing for the Hot License Training Program. Also, as stated in IA


response above, the programiis under development and will be completed prior to conducting Hot License Training for future operators. The program is based on an INPO job task analysis. Attachment 2 will also be used to ensure that items referenced as training required for the usage of the EOPs will be included in the Hot License Program.

Evaluation of the operators to ensure they possess the appropriate skills and knowledge to implement the EOPs, will be similar to the Cold License Training Program which is: 1) written exams during classroom training 2) evaluation during simulator exercis'es 3) CPSL (NRC style) written, simulator,. and.plant oral-,walk~through exams prior to the NRC licensing exams; 4) NRC licensed operatorexams which include written, simulator, and plant oral. walk-through. Tasks identified by the INPO task analysis are to be incorporated into the simulator scenarios now in development.

The operators will be evaluated'individually on each task. The simulator exercise guides will reference the tasks and include the criteria for evaluation. Unsatisfactory performance of an evolution requires a repeat of that particular scenario.

Training conducted. during the Cold License Training Program Continuing Training and Pre-license Review Training was based on present emergency operating procedures. As changes are made to EOPs they are formally factored into the training program (Refer to Response to Comment 2 for discussion of process).

","..sEncLosures~4 DetailedComments. (Trainin Pro ram)

Comment 1:

The extensive use of flowcharts in the EOPs as described in the writer' guide reduces the amount of information that procedures can provide to operators. The training program must compensate for this lack of written information, i.e., the operators knowledge of plant. procedures must be greater. A training program description must be provided which specifically describes how the training program will maintain the high level of operator knowledge necessary for-"the use of flowchart EOPs.

This program description should address training program for EOPs distinct from training on other plant operating procedures.

~Res onse

.. Plant Training Instruction 200 (TI-200), "Licensed Operator Requalification Program", maintains operator knowledge of the EOPs through three portions of the program. The "On-The-Job Training" portion "requires that the EOPs be reviewed quarterly by each operator.

Additionally, the "Formal Classroom Lectures" portion includes a session

,on .Emergency Operating Procedures. Finally, the simulator portion requires sixty-four (64) hours of simulator training each year for each

j ~ 7 f



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licensed operator. Exercising the EOPs and ensuring operators can utilize the procedures is a major part of the simulator requalification training program. A review of the EOPs, with emphasis on the plant specific information required is scheduled for the lecture portion of the Requalification Program for 1986.

In order to ensure adequate operator knowledge, TI-200 requires that the following be performed as a part of the requalification training program'. 1) Operators will be evaluated during simulator training as to their ability to implement EOPs 2) CPSL will administer annual NRC-style written requalification exams, simulator exams, and plant oral walk-throughs. Additionally, the NRC may examine selected operators yearly in conjunction with the requalification program.

.Comment 2:

The PGP "should describe a program of retraining to be used in the event of revision of EOPs, including explicit designation. of how the need to retrain is to be determined (e.g., assignment of an individual to monitor revisions and retraining).

~Res ense:

Plant" Training'Instruction 901A, "Dissemenation of Training Related Information" describes the mechanism for review of revisions to plant procedures and EOPs. The instruction gives guidance for review of revisions and provides a tracking mechanism to ensure that the appropriate changes are included into training materials and training is conducted as appropriate. The Harris Training Unit assigns individuals as Subject,Matter Expertseto review the material.. The material is then routed as appropriate and tracked to ensure that the required training is completed. As described in the response to Comment 1 of Enclosure 4, Plant Training Instruction TI-200 "License Operator Requalification Program" requires that the EOPs be reviewed, and exercised on the simulator as a part of the training program on a continuing cycle with emphasis on any changes.

Additionally, On-Site Nuclear Safety (ONS) reviews reports (LERs, SOERS, etc.) concerning operational incidents at. SHNPP and other plants. ONS makes recommendations as to inclusion of the information into training.

HTU is a member of the ONS review group. The PGP will be reviewed and submitted to the NRC by April 15, 1987.

Comment 3A:

Although. the PGP states that a simulator will be used for operator training, the training program description should be expanded to address the following:

Discuss the method to be used to train the operators in areas where, the simulator is not like the control room or does not react like the plant, and in parts of the EOPs that can not be run on the simulator.

1 II r

~Res onse:

A lesson plan titled "Simulator Differences" is used in simulator training programs. If parts of the EOPs can not be run on the simulator, they are discussed as"part of the lesson plan or critiqued at the end of the exercise. ANSI/ANS 3.5 Section 3.1 dated 1981 requires that the simulator respond the same as the plant. The requirement goes into effect 18 months after the plant is in commercial operation. Until that time, if the simulator responds differently (now or once the plant is on line) the-differences will be discussed in the "Simulator Differences" lesson plan.

Comment 3B:

., Indicate the use of a wide, variety of, scenarios including mutliple (simultaneous and .sequential) failures, to fully. exercise the EOPs on the simulator and thus expose the operators "to a wide variety of EOP uses.

.~Res onse Attached are three (3) scenarios (including evaluation check sheets) indicating the use of a wide variety of scenarios including multiple (simultaneous and sequential) failures. This is only a sampling of the large number of scenarios that, we utilize in the simulator training program. The scenarios are from the Cold License Training Program that was conducted for the presently licensed operators.

Comment 4:

..".,The PGP."should. include. a -commitment;,to..train every, operator on .every EOP prior to EOP 'implementation in the control room.

~Res onse The presently licensed operators have been trained on all EOPs in the classroom and have been evaluated on simulator scenarios fully exercising the EOPs. The EOP review to be conducted in the 1986 Requalification Program will include training on changes and the EOP User's Guide. For future licensed operator training programs the operators will also be trained on all EOPs and have simulator training fully implementing the EOP procedures. The PGP will be revised to include comment 4 prior to startup following the first refueling outage as requested.

Comment 5:

The training program should indicate that operators will perform their assigned roles 'during training and that operators will be trained as teams.


L I i V

~Res onse:

Plant Training Instructions, TI-201, "Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program", TI-202, "Senior Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program" and TI-200, "License Operator Requalification Program' AI 26R "Simulator Training", emphasize simulator training both in the team concept and in the individual role. Operators are evaluated during simulator exercises as a team as well as individual roles.

Comment 6:

The PGP should indicate that operators will be evaluated after training and that all operators will be evaluated.

~Res onse:

'As the part of the training program, operators are evaluated by written exams during'classroom training and during the simulator training they are evaluated on the exercises conducted. Unsatisfactory simulator evaluations require a repeat of the scenario. Prior to being licensed by the NRC, CP&L conducts NRC-style written, simulator, and plant oral walk-through exams to ensure that the operators possess the required knowledge to be licensed operators. The NRC provides written, simulator and plant oral walk-through exams to the operator prior to issuing individual licenses. Plant Training Instructions TI-200 "Licensed Operator Requalification Program, TI-201 "Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program", and TI-202 "Senior Reactor Operator Replacement Training Program" require that these evaluations be conducted. The requirement to evaluate operators will be added to the PGP by April 15, 1987.

i I

.1 J ~ t -t* 'PP4' 1" fll, i, I h

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Attachment 1

- NG/SOPP Step Natrix Task CMments E-O,RM) 36a GI,RNO 47a1) 10 Procedure will be revised to E-I,RN 11a 13 indicate how to verify proper'oading.

Try to restore offsite power to ac Try to restore offsite power to ac emergency busses. IF offsite power emergency busses. Verify EDGs can NOT be restored, THEN load the proper ly loaded following equipment on ac emergency busses:

IEnter plant specific list) ~

E-3.RN 11 G2,RNO 19 10 Procedure will be revised to 13 indicate how to verify proper Try to restore offsite power. IF Verify the following: loadina.

necessary, THEN manually load the following equipment on the ac 1) EDG properly loaded emergency busses:

2) Turbine X lube oil puaps-

[Enter plant specific list]. RUNNI%

3) Turbine seal oil backup puap-RUQ41%
4) Instrument air cm4x essors-


E-1,12a G1,66a PATH GUIIE will be revised to include list of required items.

Verify cold leg recirculatim RHR system - CAPABLE CF COLD LEG capability: RECIRCULATION

1) Power to low-head SI pumps-AVAILABLE
2) IEnter plant specific Iist3 E-1,12b G1,66b None.

Check auxiliary building radiation- Check auxiliary and waste processing NORNAL building radiaticn - M)RNL IEnter plant specific list)

Page 1 of 18

Attachment 1

- N5/SOAP Step matrix N6 Ste SHNPP St Task Comments E-l,RN 12b G1,RNO 66b 14 None.

22 Try to identify and isolate leakage: Try to identify and isolate leakage.

[Enter plant specific means'.

E-1,12( G),37 15 This step falls at the end of G1,51 16 the LKA guideline under the 24 high level step "Evaluate Plan Obtain samples: "

Request Periodic Activity Samples,0f Status.'t this time, this All SGs would be directed by the

[Enter plant specific 1istl Technical Support Center vice the Cmtrol Room.

E-1, 12d None. This step falls at the end oF the LOCA guideline under the Evaluate plant equipment: hioh level step "Evaluate Plan Status.'t this time, this

[Enter plant specific list) would be directed by the Technical Support Center vice the Control Room.

E-1,12e None. 24 This step falls at the end of 25 the LKA guideline under the Start additional plant equipment to 26 high level step "Evaluate Plan assist in recovery: Status.'t this time, this would be directed by the iEnter plant specific list3 Technical Support Center vice the Control Room. The operat is continually evaluating this need and doing it.

E-1, 15b G1,69b None.

Check SGs radiation - NORNAL Check SG radiation - NRNL (Enter plant speciFic means)

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Attachment 1

- NG/SNR'tep Hatrix NS St SHNPP St Task Corments E-l, 17 G1,70 This is not a tice critical step. There is no explicit At ( ) Hours After Event Initiation At 18 Hours After Event Initiation, need to pr epare for doing Prepare For Hot Leg Recirculation: Align SI System For Hot Leg EPP-011.

Recirculation Using EPP-011, Check control room valve switches in "TRANSFER TO NT LEG fKCIRCULATION,"

the following position: Step 1.

[Enter plant specific list of normally deenergized valves used for transfer to hot leg recirculation with their correct position during cold leg recirculation3 Check circuit breakers so that the following valves are energized:

[Enter plant specific list of valves used for transfer to hot leg rec ir culat ion]

E-3,2 G1,31 14 15 Hiah radiation from any SG blowdown SG blowdown radiation - M3RNL line:

[Enter plant specific means)

E-3,RM) 19 1) G2,RNO 28 1) 17 The procedure will be revised to list which parameters to thnitcr following ccnditions For Ihnite PRT conditions monitor.

indicatim of leakage fry PRIR POfN:

[Enter plant specific list].

Paae 3 of 18


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Attachment 1

- NO/SHtFP Step matrix NX Ste 95PP St Task Comments E-3,31 G2,45 23 The additional detail in this step will also appear in the Ninimize Secondary System minimize Secondary System EPPs where appropriate.

Contamination: Contamination

[Enter plant specific aeansI a. Isolate thin Steam from Auxiliary Steam System by locally shutting 1%-121.

b. Isolate hotwel I spillover to CST by locally shutting ICE-139 ICE-146
c. Establish condensate flow throuoh condensate polishers to maximize removal of secondary radioactivity.
d. Place CVPETS in service.

ES-3.1,RN 5c EPP-017, RNO 5c This step will be revised to ES-3.2,RM 5b EPP-018,RNO 5c address the plant OP m PORV ES-3.3,R% 5b EPP-019, RNO 5b local operations.

ES-3.3,8% 14c EPP-019,RNO 14c Nanually or locally dump steam from Ihip steam with intact SG PORVs.

intact SG(s):

o Use PORV.

o IEnter plant specific means'.

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Attachment 1

- 16G/SSFP Step matrix 1(X Ste 9(NFP St Task Corments ECA-I. I, RNO 3b EPP-012,RNO 3b This step will be revised to address the plant P on PORV manually or locally dusq steam from I)uaq steam from intact SG(s) using local operations.

intact SG(s): PORV.

o Use PORV.

o [Enter plant specific means).

ECA-,I. I, RNO 17a EPP-012, RNO 17a This step will be revised to address the plant P cn PORV thnually or locally der@ steam at I)ump steam at maximum rate using local operat its.

maximum rate from intact SG(s): intact SG PORVs.

o Use PORV.

o (Enter plant specific meansl.

ECA-1.1,(50 18a EPP-012, Rt(O 18a This step Mill be revised to address the plant P cn PORV manually or locally dump steam from Duap steam using intact SG PORVs. local operatims.

intact SG(s) as necessary to maintain RVLIS full range indication at (10):

o Use PNV.

o [Enter plant specific means).

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Attachment 1

- NO/SSPP Step Natrix MOG Ste SHNFP St Task Corments KA-1 1,(M 21b

~ EPP-012, RNO 21b This step will be revised to ECA-1.1, RNO 23b EPP-012, RNO 23b address the plant P on PORV local operaticns.

Nanually or locally dump steam From Dump steam using intact SG PORV.

intact SG(s):

o Use PORV.


o (Enter plant specific means].

ECA-3.1, RNO 10c EPP-020, RNO 11c This step will be revised to ECA-3,2, RNO 5c EPP-021, RNO 5c address the plant OP an PORV local operations.

Nanually or locally duxy steam from Duap steam using intact SG PORVs.

intact SG(s):

o Use PORV.

o [Enter plant speciFic means].

ECA-3.3,(M 25b EPP-022, RNO 26b This step Mill be revised to ECA-3.3,RNO 33c EPP-022,RNO R address the plant 8' PORV local operations.

Nanually or locally dump steam from Duap steam using intact SG(s) P(WV.

intact SG(s):

-CR o (Enter plant specific means).

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Attachment 1

- )66/SSPP Step matrix NK Ste SHNPP St Task ECA-0.1,8 EPP-002, 10 This step will be revised to address the plant lP cn PORV Establish SG Pressure Control: Establish SG Pressure Control: local operatims.

a. Set each SG PORV controller to a. Coordinate with local operator maintain existing SG pressure and control SG PNVs to maintain existing SG pressure
b. Place each SG PORV controller in automatic mode
c. Locally return SG PNVs to remote control:

(Enter plant specific means)

ES-O. I,R)4) 4b EPP-004, None. EPP~ says to verify chargin and letdown in service. This thnually place in.ser vice: means iF they are not in service to place them in

[Enter plant specific means). service.

ECA-3.3,4e EPP-022,5 18 None.

Try To Establish Auxiliary Spray: Try To Establish Auxiliary Spray:

e. Establish auxiliary spray flow: a. Check the following:

[Enter plant specific means] 1) CSIPs rurning

2) Auxiliary spray path lined up
3) Auxiliary spray available W

ECA-1.2, 1c EPP-013, lc None.

Verify Proper Valve Alignment: Verify Proper Valve Alignment:

c. Other paths to outside c. Check any valves which failed containment - CLOSEO to align in accordance with SI verification as a possible (Enter plant specific list) coolant loss flow path.

Page 7 of 18

f lg I l 14' Elkl I

Attachment 1

- N6/SSFP Step Natr ix NOO Ste SHNPP St Task Corments EGA<.0, RNO 16b EPP-001,RNO 15b This step will be revised to address the plant (P cn PORV Locally dump steam using SO PNVs: Locally operate SO PORVs. local oper aticns.

[Enter plant specific meansl ECA-1 ~ 1,7c EPP-012,7c This procedure will be revised to list requirements.-

Alion spray For recirculaticn: Align CNNT spray fcr recirculation (Enter plant specific means]

ECA-0.2, RNO 1a EPP-003, RNO 1a1) This procedure will be revised to list valve alignment.

manually align valves to establish Align valves to establish cold leg cold leg recirculation alignment: recirculation.

[Enter plant specific list}.

ECA<.1,RNO 7a EPP-002, RNO 9a None.

ECA-0.2,Rt8 6a EPP-003, Rt8 6a Establish required AFN valve Establish required AFM valve alignment: alignment.

[Enter plant specific list)

KA-3.1,29 EPP-020,29 14 This procedure will be revised ECA-3.2,23 EPP-021, 22 23 to provide more detail. See KA-3.3, 17 EPP-022, 19 PATH-2 GUlDE, Step 45.

Ninimize Secondary System Ninimize Secondary System Contamination: Contamination

[Enter plant specific meansl Page 8 oF 18



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Attachment 1

- NOG/SIPP Step Hatrix NK Ste SHNPP St Task Crxrments ECA-1.2,2 EPP-013,2 14 None.

22 Try To Identify And Isolate Break: Try To Identify And Isolate Break:

Sequentially close and open the a. Dispatch an operator to RAB to Following valves and monitor for an investigate.

RCS pressure increase:

b. Use Radiation Honitoring System I) Low-head SI purrp cold leg to determine possible source of injection valves leakage.
2) fEnter plant specific Iistl ECA-0.0,26 EPP-001,24 This procedure will be revised to provide more detail and to Verify Service Hater System, Check EQI System Operation: verify EQ lineup to the E16s.


a. Check ESW and ESN booster purrps
a. Verify valve alignment - PRI'ER running.


[Enter plant specific list]

b. Verify pump - RlMING ECA-3.1, RNO 7a EPP-020,RNO Sa Hone.

Try to identify and isolate leakage: PerForm the following:

[Enter plant specific meansl ~ o Try to identify and isolate leakage.

o EAL FLAG: IF RCS leakage exists outside MT, THEN reference EAL, entry points U and V.

Page 9 of 18

Attachment 1

- MK/SOAP Step Hatr ix NX Ste SHNPP St Task Ceeents ECA-3.1,7 EPP-020,8 14 None.

15 Initiate Evaluation Of Plant Status: Initiate Evaluation OF Plant Status: 16 24

a. Check auxiliary buildina a. Check auxiliary building 25 radiation - NORNL radiation - NENL 26

[Enter plant specific means) b. Obtain samples of RCS, SGs, and CNNT sump as needed.

b. ibtain samples:
c. Evaluate plant equipment.

Knter plant specific means3

d. Start additional plant
c. Evaluate plant equipment: equipment to assist in recoverye

[Enter plant specific list3

d. Start additional plant equipment to assist in recovery:

(Enter plant specific listl ECA-0.0, 12 EPP-001, 11 None.

Check If SG Tubes Are Not Ruptured
. Identify Any Ruptured SG(s) by using Radiation Nonita ing System.

o Condenser air ejecta'adiatim

- RENAL o Condenser vacuum effluent treatment monitcr - NCRtNL o SG bludwn radiation - MENL o SG blmdtwn radiatim monita-o (Enter plant specific means] NORNAL o Nain steaml inc radiation Mnitm - NRAL Page 10 of 18

Attachment 1

- NG/SNAP Step Natrix N5 Ste SHNPP St Task Coaments E-2,6a EPP-014, 7a 16 None.

Request periodic activity samples of Request periodic activity samples of all SGs: all SGs.

(Enter plant specific meansI ES-0.2,3 EPP-005,3 16 None.

Verify Cold Baron Shutdown 'erify Cold Boron %utdow Concentration By Sampling: Concentration By Saryling.

[Enter plant specific means)

ES-0.2, 17 EPP-005, 17 No specific instructions are ES-0,3,8 EPP-006, 18 necessary to maintain seal ES-0.4,7 EPP-007,17 injection.

Naintain Required RCP Seal Injection Naintain Required RCP Seal Injection Flow: Flv .

(Enter plant specific meansl ECA-3.3,24 EPP-022,21 The 95PP step has the operator check both seal cooling Naintain Required RCP Seal Injection Check RCP Coolina - NRNL mechanisms, and the RM3 column Flow: directs the operator to restore o RCP CQ system flow them if not ncrmal.

IEnter plant specific meansI o RCP seal injection flow Page 11 of 18

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Attachment 1

- NG/SOAP Step Natrix SHNPP St Task Comments ECA<.1,20 EPP-002,21 10 None.

13 Try To Restore Offsite Power To All Try To Restore Offsite Power To All AC Busses: AC Busses. IF necessary, THEN perform the following:

IEnter plant specific means]

a. Verify EDGs have started.
b. Verify EDGs have assumed the praper loads,
c. Verify turbine DC emergency bearing oil and air side seal oil backup pumps are runnina.
d. Verify adequate EDG capacity and load equipment as necessary to establish stable canditions.
e. Determine the cause aF the loss of offsite power. IF due to a failure of the startup transformer, request assistance fram maintenance crews to restore power from either the main ar spare startup transformer. If the loss af power is the result of a lass oF grid, obtain assistance Fram the Load Dispatcher.

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Attachment 1

- NG/SUPP Step Matrix N6 St SHNPP St Task Comments ES-1 ~ 1,RM) 22 EPP-008, RNO 21 10 None.

ES-I.2,)M 4 EPP-009, RNO 4 13 ECA-2.1, RNO 30 EPP-015,RN 31 ECA-3.1,RNO 4 EPP-020, RNO 4 Try to restore ofFsite power. IF Try to restore offsite power. IF necessary, %EN manually load the necessary, THEN perform the following equipment on the ac following'.

emergency busses:

Verify EDGs have started.

[Enter plant specific lists

b. Verify EDGs have assumed the proper loads.
c. Verify turbine DC lube oil and air side seal oil backup pumps are running.
d. Verify adequate EDG capacity and load the following equipment m the EKs:
1) One instrurent air compressor
2) Battery chargers
3) PRl heaters, as needed.
e. Determine the cause of the loss of offsite power. If due to a failure of the startup transformer, request assistance from maintenance crews to restore power from either the main or spare startup transFormer. If the loss oF power is the result oF a loss of arid, obtain assistance frm the Load Dispatcher.

Page 13 of 18

Attachment 1

- NG/SOAP Step matrix NS Ste SHNPP St Task CMments EGA<.0,5a2) EPP-001,5b 10 This step will be revised to provide more detail.

Verify ac emeroency bus Verify AC emergency bus automatically energized: automatically eneregized.

IEnter plant specific meansl ES-0.1.RM) 7 EPP-004, RNO 8 10 None.

13 Perform the Following: Perform the, following as necessary:

a., IF necessary, THEN verify a. Verify EI6s'have started.

diesel generators have assumed the following loads: b. Verify EDGs have assuaged the proper'oads.

IEnter plant specific list).

c. Verify turbine DC &urgency
b. Try to restore offsite power: bearing oil and air side seal oil backup pumps are running.

[Enter plant specific meansl.

d. Verify adequate EDG capacity
c. IF necessary, THEN manually and load the following load the following equipment m equipment on the EDGs:

the ac emergency busses:

1) One instruaent air (Enter plant specific list). 'compressor
2) Sattery chargers
3) PRl heaters, as needed.
e. Determine the cause of the loss of offsite power. If due to a Failure of the startup transformer, request assistance from maintenance crews to restore power from either the main or spare startup transformer. If the loss of power is the result of a loss of grid, obtain assistance from the Load Dispatcher.

Page N oF 18

Attachment 1

- 16G/SNOOP Step Natr ix WOG Ste SHNPP St Task Comments ECA-0.0, RNO 5a1 ) -2) EPP-001, RNO 5a1 ) -2) 13 None.

1) Emergency start diesel 1) Start EDGs by actuating SI from generator: the NCD

[Enter plant specific meansl IF EDGs will not start, THEN go to Step Sb.

2) 'manually energize ac emergency bus. IF bus can NOT be 2) Energize AC emergency bus. IF eneroized, THEN manually trip bus can MT be energized, THEN diesel generator and eneroize attempt to locally energize ac emergency bus using any emergency busses at switchgear.

available power supply:

[Enter plant specific meansl ECA-0.1,3b1) EPP-002, None. The CCW pump is started in a following step. It will be p

~ Check valve alignment and start CCW here to be consistent with the pumps ERGs and to provide additional guidance on valve alignment.

1) Check valve alignment:

[Enter plant specific list)

FRP-S.I,RNO 5a FRP-S.1, RNO 5a 19 None.

Dispatch operator to locally trip Dispatch an operata'o locally trip reactor: reactor trip breakers or rod drive sotor generate sets.

(Enter plant specific means).

FRP-S. I,RNO 5b FRP-S.1, RNO Sb 12 None.

Dispatch operator to locally trip Dispatch an operator to locally trip turbine: turbine.

(Enter plant specific means].

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Attachment 1

- NG/SSPP Step Natrix NS Ste SHNFP St Task Comments FRP-C.1,RNO 2 FRP-C.1, RNO 2 4 Start pumps and align valves as Start pumps necessary. Try to establish any other high pressure injection: Verify SI valve alignment - PROPER ENERGENCT ALIMENT Knter plant specific listl Try to establish charging flow to RCS.

6o to Step 3.

Verify RHR 'valve alignment - PRB'ER ENERGENCT ALIMENT FRP-C.2,RNO 2a-b FRP-C.2, RNO 2a-b None.

a. Start pumps and align valves as Start puris necessary. Try to estab lish any other high pressure VeriFy Sl valve alignment - PROPER injection: EMERGENCT ALIGQENT IEnter plant specific Iist3 Try to establish charging flow to RCS.
b. Start pumps and align valves as necessary. Try to establish any other high pressure injection:

vf eqJ IEnter plant specific list) k FRP-C.1,RNO 15 FRP-C.1, RNO 15 None.

FRP-C.1,RNO 22 FRP-C.1, RNO 22 FRP-C.2,RNO 15 FRP-C.2,RNO 15 Continue efforts to establish SI Continue efforts to establish SI flow. Try to establish any other f1~. Try to establish charging high pressure injection: flow to RCS.

lEnter plant specific Iistl.

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Attachment 1

- I)6/SOAP Step Hatrix N6 Ste SHNPP St Task Coreents FRP-C.1, 19 FRP-C.1, 19 This step will be revised to include steam drains upstream Try To Locally Depressurize All Try To Locally Depressurize All oF HSIVs, and will address the Intact SGs To Atmospheric Pressure: Intact SGs Ta Atmospheric Pressure. (P an local operation of SG FORVs.

o Use PORV o (Enter plant specific means)

FRP-'C.2,RNO 10b FRP-C.2,RNO 10b This step will be revised to FRP,-C.2,RNO 14b FRP-C.2, RNO 14b reference the plant OP on local SG PORV oper atians.

thnually or lacally dump steam from Duap steam using SG PNVs.


o Use PNV.

o [Enter plant specific meansl.

FRP-H.1,5c FRP-H.1,4c None.

Establish Hain FM Flow: Establish i@in FM flow.

(Enter plant specific means)

FRP-H.3,8 FRP-H.3,8 21 This step will be revised to address the plant (P m SG Establish Blowdow Fram AFfected Establish Blowdme Fram Affected blawdawn.

SG(s): SG(s) to Lower SG Level.

(Enter plant specific means]

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Attachment 1

- N6/SRFP Step Natrix N6 Ste SNNPP St Task FRP-l.1,3c FRP-J. 1,3c This step vill be revised to list requirements.

Verify spray system valve alignment Verify MT spray system valves-

- PROPER ENERGENCY ALIGhKNT FRPER EtERGEXT ALIMENT (Enter plant specific list for injection and recirculation phases]

FRP-I.3, 16a FRP-I.3, 16a 20 This step vill be revised to 1 refer to the checklist in order Isolate containment: Verify CNT ventilation isolation to verify components.

IEnter plant specific list)

Page 18 of 18


ATTA(3DIENT l2 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRA IN ING MATRI X Task Task Cold L I cense Tralnlng Coen)eats Hot License Training Ccn)sents Nunber Check If SI Is Actuated CLC-1-1-8, pp. 3 d 4 Light panels d Per)sisslve Status EOP-LP-3.1 Steps and bases for Path-1. Task Slnulator Control Roon Di f ferences Panel reviewed. Sl status Indicated Path-l, EPP~4) EPP~8 required by procedure.

on panel. (In developnent)

CLC-2-4-1A, p. 3 Discusses klckout to EPP-4 If Sl SIS-LP-3.0 COC Systens Training. Indications Review: Rx Trip Procedure not required Safety Infection Systen for Sl (Pere)isslve Status Panel).

CLC-3-4-28) p. 6. Dlscusslon on Sl verification. PLR-LP-3.2 RO Procedures Review.

Review: AOP-16, EPP-7, 8, 9 and 10 Energency Operating Procedures (To be developed)

CLC-3-5-)A, PD. 2-4 Deno on SI Indications and RO Hot License Sis)viator Scenarios Exercises Involving use of Path-I Sl Denonstratlon veri f Ication. Also, each trainee (In developnent) walks through each role.

CLC-3-5-18/3-5-2, p. 7 CLC Exercises with Sl actuation CLC-4-1-18/4-I-2A) pD 7-9

~ exercises. SRO Hot License Siaulator Scenarios CLC-4-3-18/4-2 DDT 9 d 10 (In developxent)

CLC-4-4-2, pp. 6 d 7 CLC-5-1-1 ~ pp. 5 d 6 CLC-5-3-2, p. 5 CLC-5-4-2, pp. 6 d 7 CLC-5-5-1, pp. 10 d 11 CLC-5-1-2, pp. 7 d 8 CLC-6-1-1, pp. 6 d 7 CLC-6-)-28, p. 5 CLC-6-3-2, pp. 5 d 6 CLC 7 2-1, pp. 7 d 8 CLC-7-2-2, p. 8 CLC-7-4-2, pp. 8 d 9 CLC-7-5-1 ~ pp. 8 d 9 CLC-7-5-2, pp. 8 d 9 CLC-8-1-1, pp. 13 d 14 CLC 8 I 2) pp 9 d 10


CLC-8-2-2) pD. 5 d 6 CLC-8-3-2, PD. 5 d 6 CLC-9-1-1) p. 7 CLC-9-1-2, pp. 14 d 15 CLC-9-2-2, p. 4 CLC-9-3-2, pp. 8 d 9 I of 22

ATTACWENT l2 EHERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Task Cold License Training Couuents Hot License Training Couuents Nunber SS7221H PLR Exercises with Sl actuation SS7222H SS7232H SS7241H SS7242H SS7251H SS7311H 557312H SS7322H SS7341H SS7342H SS742'IH SS7422H SS7431H SS7441H SS7442H SS7451H EOP Review, Section I Discussion on use ol Paths 6 EPPs.

Prelicense Review Haik through of HCB for Sl actuation Included.

Placing charing and letdown CYCS-LP-I.O CLC Systeus Training. CVCS-LP-3.0 COC Systeus Tra I ning. Inc I udes in service Cheuical Yolune Control Systea Cheolca I Voluue Control Systeu f lowpath and Interlocks.

( In developnent)

CLC-3-4-28 EPP~ (EPP~7 In old nuuberlng EOP I.P 3 I Specific steps and bases for systeu) rev I awed. Requires Path-l, EPP~4> 008 EPP~. Requires annual operator to uanual ly align aligneent of charging and charging and letdown. letdown.

CLC-3-5-IA SI DEHO. Each operator required to lupleeent SI actuation 6 teralnation procedures. Requires RO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios Exercises Involving:

placing L/D 6 Charging In service. (In developuent) I) EPP-004, Rx Trip Response CLC-5-1-1 Sisulator Scenarios Involving Sl SRO Hot License Sieulator 2) EPP-008, Sl Terelnation CLC 5 5 I) p. 12 terulnat ion procedur e. Requires Scenarios ( In dave lopuent) (Hanual alignuent of letdown CLOD-1-28 placing L/D 6 Charging in service. letdown and charging)

CLC-7-2-2 CLC-9-3-2 SS7242H 2 of 22

ATTA(78IENT l2 EMERGENCV PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING MATRI X Task Task Cold License Training Cceeents Hot License Training Coeutcn to Mvebcr SS734IH Placing excess letdown In CVCS-LP-I.O CLC Systess Training. F lorpath CVCS-LP-3.0 COC Systcu Tra I ning. F 1orpath service Cheslcol Voluve Control Systeo and interlocks Included. Cheslcol Voluvc Control Systcu and interlocks Included

( In developoent)

CLC-3-3-18 Exerc I ses requl r I ng excess RO Hot License Sivvlator Exercises requiring excess CLC-5 3-1 letdorn be placed In service. Scenarios ( In developeent) letdown be placed In service.

CLC-7-4-'I SS7322H SRO Hot Licenses Siuulator SS7222H Scenarios (In developvent)

Alignment of SI for Injection SIS-LP-I.O, Sections 2.6.2 ond CLC Systess Tra I ning. Includes R%-LP-3.0, Section 2.6.2 8 2.6.3 COC Systcvs Training. Includes ond recirculation 2.6.3 flowpath and bases for switchover. Residual Heat Reuovol Systen florpoths and bases for swltchove Sl Systeo RW-LP-I.O, Sections 2.7.2 ond CLC Systeas Training. Inc I vdes SIS-LP-3.0, Section 2.7.2 d 2.7.2 COC Systeas Training. Includes 2.3.3 f lorpaths and bases for switchover. Safety InJectlon Systex florpoth and bases for switchover.

18R Systes PFR-LP-I.O, Sections 2.5.2 and Phase Four Training reviers MCO-LP>>2.1, Section 2.3.3 SRO Nltl gating Core Dauage 2.5.3 f lowpoths ond bases for switchover. Post Accident Cooling Training. Includes bases for sritchover.

MCO-LP-I.I, Section 2.3.3 Bases for Switchover. EOP-LP-3.3 Specific steps ond bases for Post Accident Cooling EPP~~ 010 01 1 g 012~ 013 EPPs-010 ond Oil. Task required (In development) by procedures.

EOP-009 Specific Steps of EPPs 9, 10 6 11.

Continuing Training - 1985 Tosk required by procedures.

Meek I/Lesson 3 18R Systee Review of I8R Systeo. RO Hot License Siaulotor Scenarios Exercises Involving switchover to Prelicense Revler (In developnent) Hot Leg Recirculation.

I8R 8 Sl Systens (RQ86203) Florpaths ond interlocks Requallf Ication Training - 1986 cephasizcd.

CLC 6-1-1 Siaulator Scenarios Involving SRO Hot License Siavlotor Scenarios SS7221H sritchover to H. L. Reclrc. (In developacnt)

(See Task II for all exercise Involving Sl actuation).

3 of 22

ATTA(5afENT l2 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING MATRIX Task Task Cold License Training Cocoa nts Hot License Training Ccxunents Nugber Ali noent of (yaIT S ra for CSS-LP-I.O CLC S stea Tralnln . Flow aths CSS-LP-3.0 COC S stea Tralnn . Includes InJection and recirculation Contalnaent Spray Systea actuation signals and Interlocks Containnent Spray Systea ( In I lo'wp&thS actuation signals ~

included. developaent) and Interlocks.

Contalnaent Spray Systeo Euphasis on operation and EOP-LP-3.13 Specific steps and bases for Prelicense Review response to accidents. FRP J.l, J.2 FRP-J.I. Task required by procedure.

Conte l neent Spray (R086204) Eaphasis on systea oods, operation Requa I I f Ication Training-1986 and Interlocks. RO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios Exercises requiring Spray (In developnent) Actuation.

EOP Review FRP-J.I reviewed.

Prelicense Review EPPs~, 010, 011 Review of steps and bases for SRO Hot License Slnulator Scenarios Cont I nuing Training EPPs 9, 10 d ll (EPP-10 address (In developaent) 1985 Meek I/lesson 3 alignment for recirculation).

CLC-5-3 I Siaulator Scenarios requIring use CLC-5-5-1) p. 11 FRP-J.I or CV Spray.

CLC 6 I I CLC-8-2-2 CLC-8-3-1 SS7221H SS7341H SS7342H Verify AFM Valves properly AFS LP-I.O CLC Systeas Training. Includes AFS-LP 3.0 COC Systeus Training. Includes aligned. Auxiliary FM Systeu flowpaths, interlocks 4 puap Auxiliary FW Systen fiowpaths, interlocks 8 puap operations. (ln developaent) operations.

ESMS-LP-I.O CLC Systeas Training. Eaergency ESM-LP-3.0 CLC Systeus Training Norsal 8 Eoergency Service Mater water source for AFW. Noroal and Energency Service Mater Eaergency source for AFW.

(In developaent)

Auxiliary FW Systea Review of AFW operations. EOP-L.P-3.1 Speclf Ic steps and Bases Prelicense Review Path-l, EPP-004, 008 for Path-1. Task required by (In developaent) procedure.

Aux l I I cry FM Systen (R086205) Interlocks and puap operations RO Hot License Siaulator Scenarios Exercises Involving AFW Requal If ication Training - 1986 exphaslzed. ( In developoent) failures.

4 of 22

ATTACIaIENT F2 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Task Cold License Training Coooents Hot L I cense Training ~nts Nuuber CLC 3-5-1A . 2-4 Deno on Sl Indications d SRO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios verification. Each trainee ~elks (In developuent.)

through each role. (For scenario with Sl actuation see Task II)

CLC-6-3-1 5 lou l ator Exercises Involving CLC-8-1-1 AFM failures.

SS7342H SS7242H Aligncent of ESW on Safety ESWS-LP-I.O CLC Systeus Training. AI lgnuent ESMS-LP-3.0 COC Systeos Tra I ning. A I I gnnent Injection Norual and Eoergency Service Mater for Sl Included. Norual and Euergency Service Water for SI Included.

(In developnent)

Homal and Energency Service Water Review of SW operation. SEO-LP-3.0 COC Systens Training. List Prelicense Review Safeguards Sequencer couponents started In each Load Block.

Noraal and Euergency Service Mater Flowpaths, puap operations and EOP-LP-3.1 Specific steps and bases for (RQ86213) Inter locks eephas Ized. Path-l, EPP-004, 008 Path-1. Task required by Requallf lcatlon Training-1986 (In developuent) by procedure.

CLC-3-5-1A, pp. 2-4 Deuo on SI Indications and RO Hot License Siuulator Scenarios Exercises with ESW Failures.

Sl Deoonstratlon verification. Each trainee walks (In developoent) through each role. (For scenarios with Sl actuated see Task il). SRO Hot License Siuulator Scenarios (In developnent)

SS7221H Sinulator Exercises with ESM SS7341H failures, SS7421H Halntainlng RCP Seal Injection CVCS-LP-I.O CLC Systens Training. CVCS-LP-3. 0 COC Systens Training. Seal Cheuical Voluue Control Systeu Injection and return f lowpath Cheulcal Volune Control Systeu Injection and return path Included.

Included. (In developnent)

RCP-LP-I.O CLC Systen Training. RCP Seals 6 Reactor Coolant Puups Seal Injection discussed.

5 of 22

ATTACIaIENT l2 EHERGENCV PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Task Col d L I cense Training Cacaents Hot License Training Coeaents Nuuber HCD-LP-I .0 . 3-6 Seal De radatlon and ste s RCS-LP-3.0 COC S stens Tralnln . RCP seal Loss of all AC of EPPs-l, 2 8 3 dIscussed. Reactor Coolant Systea construction and operations ~

Task required by EPP-2. 'ncluded.

EOP Revlev Speci f c Steps of EPPs 1,2 6 3 AOP-LP-3.11 Steps for AOP&18, Abnoraal Pre-license Revler discussed. Task required by AOP&18, 030 RCR Operations. Loss of seal EPP-2. (To be developed) InJectlon discussed.

CLC-4-2-1 A Revler of AOP-018, RCP Abnoreal EOP-LP-3.7 Steps and bases for EPPs-001, Ops. Loss of Seal Injection EPP~I, 002, 003 002, 003. Task required by discussed. ( In dave lopaent) EPP-002.

CLOD-5-1 A Revier of AOP-014, Loss ol CCM.

CLC-4-2-18 Sinululator Scenarios Involving RCP HCO-LP 2.9 SRO Hit lgat lng Core Dauage CLC-5 4-18 cooling nalfunctlons. Loss of AI I AC Loss of RCP Seal Cooling CLC-7-2-1 included.

SS7113H SS7142H Siaulator Scenarios ulth Loss RO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios Exercises Involving:

SS742IH Sea I InJect ion. (In developeent) I) RCP seal cooling smalfunctlons

2) Loss of seal injection SS7312H Slaulator Scenario ulth loss of 3) Loss of all AC all AC.

SRO Hot LIcense Sieulator Scenarios (In developoent)

Local ly duuplng stean using HSSS-LP-1.0, Section 2.2.3 CLC Systea Training. HSSS-LP-3.0 COC Systens Training.

S/G PORVs Hain Steaa Supply Systen (Does not address senual ops. Hain Stean Systee of S/G PORV). (In developeent)

HCD-LP-1.3, Section 2.4 FRP-H.1 rev I cued. Copy of EOP-LP-3.10 Specific steps and bases for Loss of Feedvater Induced IOCAs Gener I c MOG Procedure Included. FRP&.1, C.2 and C.3 for FRPs&.I and C.2. Task Task required by procedure. In developuent) required by procedures.

EOP-Review (Handout) Steps and bases revleved for EOP-LP-3.11 Specific steps and bases for Pre-license Reviev FRP-C.I, C.2 d H.l. FRY lg H 2p H 3>> H 4 6 H 5 FRP-H.I. Task required by (In developnent) procedures.

EOP Update Hanual operation of S/G PORVs to HCD-LP-2.1 ICC Indications and stradegles.

Requallflcation Training-1986 be included In Meek III. Smal I Break LOCA ulth NO )ffSI 6 of 22

ATTACWENT l2 ENERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Task Cold L I cense Training Co>anent s Hot License Training Coeaents Nuaber CLC-8-1-1 8 I au I ator Scenarios I nvolv In use NCO LP 2.3 Reviews Indications and strade ies SS7242H of FPR&.I. Task required by Loss of Feedwater Induced LOCAs for loss of FW by procedure.

85572'IIH Slaulator Scenario Involving use RO Hot License Siaulator Scenarios Exercises Involving:

of FRP-C.2. ( In deva lopaent) I) Use of FRP-C.1

2) Use of FRP-C.2 SRO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios 3) Use of FRP-H.I (In developnent) 4) Local control of S/G PORVs 10 Verify proper operation of SEO-LP-1. 0 CLC Systea Training. SEO-LP-3.0 COC Syste>s Training t

the Sequencer Safeguards Sequencer Safeguards Sequencer Sequences Operations, Review of operations. EOP-LP-3.1 Specific steps and bases for Prelicense Review Path-1, EPP-004, 008 Path-1. Task required by procedure.

EOP Review Steps and bases for EPPs-001, EOP-LP 3.7 Specific steps and bases for Prelicense Review 002 8 003. Task required by EPP~I > 002, 003 EPPs~i, 002 8 003. Task required by procedures. by procedures.

RO Hot License Sluulator Scenarios Exercises Involving (In developuent) I) Loss of off-site power

2) Sl actuation CLC-3-5-1A, pp. 2-4 S I Oea>onstrat ion. Each trainee SRO Hot License Sla>viator Scenarios practices each role. (In developaent)

CLC-3-4-1/3-4-2A Exercises Involving:

CLC-5-5-1 I) Station Blackout w/EOG functioning

2) Loss of AII AC Establ ishlng Hain FW Flow CFW-LP-I.O CLC Systeas Training: CFW-LP-3.0 COC Systeas Training Sections 2.2.6 through 2.2.10, Includes f lowpath, coaponents and Condensate and Feedwater Includes, flowpath, coaponents 2.4.6 through 2.4.10, d 2.4.13 14C. ( In developaent) pars>isslves 6 interlocks.

Condensate and Feedwater FW Systea Flowpath, Interlocks d peralssives EOP-LP-3 11 Specific steps and bases for Continuing Training - 1985 eaphaslzed. FRP H I> H 2> H 3 H 4~ H 5 FRP-H.I. Task required by Week I/Lesson 9 (In developaent) procedure.

7ol 22

ATTA(38(ENT l2 ENERGENCY PROCEDORES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Task Cold License Training Comments Hot License Training Comments Number CM) d FW S stem ERA-0IH E10 d Flf Review. Emphasis on valve Prelicense Review Interlocks and permissives.

FW System (RO86201) Emphasis on Interlocks 4 HCO-LP 2.3 Reviews indications and Requa I lfI cat ion Training-1986 perml ss I ves. Loss of FW Induced LOCAs stradegies for loss of FW.

EOP Review (Handout) Bases 8 steps of FRP-H.I reviewed. RO Hot License Simulator Scenarios ExercIses Involving use of Prelicense Review Task required by procedure. ( In development) FRP-H. 1.

CLC-8-1-1 Simulator Scenarios involving use SRO Hot License Simulator ScenarIos SS1242H of FRP-H.I. (In development) 12 Locally tripping turbine EHC-LP-1.0, Section 2.5.1 CLC Systems Training. EHC-LP-3.0 COC Systems Training.

E lectrohydraul ic Control. Includes Hechanlcal Overspeed Eiectrohydraulic Control Includes Mechanical Overspeed Trip Hechanism and local trip. (In development) Trip Nechanism and local trip.

TSAA-LP-1.20, Section 2.7 Bases for FRP-S.I Included. EOP-LP-3.15 Specific steps and bases for Anticipated Transient without Trip. FRP-S I ~ S.2 FRP-S.I (In development)

EOP Review (Handout) Steps for FRP-S.I reviewed. Task Prelicense Review required by procedure.

CLC-2-4-1A, p.4 FRP-S.I reviewed. TdAA-LP-2.14 ATWS analysis Included for Antlclpated Transient without Trip failure of turbine to trip.

(In development)

CLC-8-1-1 Simulator Scenario In which RO Hot License Simulator Scenarios Exercises involving ATWS with turbine falls to trip. (In development) failure of turbine to trip.

SRO Hot License Simulator Scenarios (In development) 13 Local Operation of Swltchgear 6.9 KV-LP-I.O CLC Systems Training and OJT. 6.9KV-LP-3.0 COC Systems Training.

BKRs 6.9 KV Auxiliary 6.9KV Auxiliary 480V-LP-I.O> CLC Systems Training and OJT. 480V-LP-3.0 COC Systems Training.

480V Auxiliary 480V Auxiliary 120VAC-LP-I.O CLC Systems Training and OJT.

208/120 VAC Bof 22

ATTAOaIENT j2 EHERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Task Cold License Training Comments Hot L I cense Training Comments Number 120V LPS-LP 1.0 CLC S stems Trainln and OJT 120V Un interrupt lb le Power DCP-LP-I.O CLC Systems Training and OJT.

DC Power SACP-LP-I 0 CLC System Training and OJT. 120V LP 3.0 COC Systems Training.

Standby AC Porer Emergency Diesel Generator. 208/120VAC (In development)

SEO-LP-I.O CLC Systems Training. IPS-LP-3. 0 COC Systems Training.

Safeguards Sequencer 120V UPS AOP&evler AOP-025, Loss of one 6.9 KV DCP-LP-3.0 COC Systems Training.

Requal I I lection Training-1986 Emergency Bus or one DC Emergency DC Power Bus. To be covered in Heck III. (In development)

Sequencer Opcratlons, Includes Load shedding PLIS"LP-3.0 COC Systems Training.

Prelicense Revler and reenergizing busses. Plant Light System PZR Heater Operations Prelicense Effects of scquencer Operations SEO-LP-3.0 COC Systems Tra lnlng.

Revlcr on PZR Heater. Safeguards Sequencer Includes Load Shedding and and reenerglzlng busses.

HCD-LP-I 10 EPPs-l, 2 6 3 Reviewed. EOP-LP-3.7 Specific steps and bases Loss ol All AC EPP~I, 002, 003 of EPPs-001, 002 6 003. Task (In development) required by procedure.

AOP-004: Control Room Revler of AOP~4. Malkthrough of AOP-LP-3,12 Steps of AOP-25, Inaccessible ACP 6 Power Supplies. Requires AOP-024x 025 '28, 029 Loss of One 6.9 KV Emergency Prelicense Review operation of swltchgear (To be developed) Bus or One DC Emergency Bus.

AOP~4, (R086210) Review of AOP~4. Requires local RO Hot License Simulator Scenarios Exercises Involving Loss of all AC.

i Requal flection Training - 1986 operation of srltchgear. (In development)

EOP-Revler Includes specific steps of SRO Hot License Simulator Scenarios Prelicense Revler speclf ic steps of EPPs-l, 2 6 3. (In development)

Task required by procedures.

CLC-3-3-2A, pp. 4-8 Simulator Review of EPP-I, 2 6 3. AOP-LP-3.0 Steps and bases of AOP~4.

AOP-004 Requires manual operations of sritchgear.

9 of 22

ATTACHMENT j2 EMERGENCT PROCEDURES TASK TRA I NING MATRI X Task Task Cold License Training Comments Hot License Training Comments Number SS7312H Simulator Scenario with:

SS7121H I) Loss of all AC, or SS7442H 2) Use of AOP-25 SS7342H-14 Check radiation NORMAL for RMS~I.O CLC Systems Training. RMS-LP-3.0 COC Systems Training. Operations RAB, SGs, Secondary and (yaIT Radiation Monitor Ing System Radiation Monitoring System and response to alarmS.

(To be developed)

RM-23, ll 8 80/Gen Atomics Rad Reviews operation and response AOP-LP-3.3 Steps for AOP~5. Response Monitor to alarms. AOP-005 (To be developed) for alarms specified.

Prelicense Review SA)q'P-I.O, pp. 1-19 CLC System Training. I ac I udes SAIS-LP-3.0 COC Systems Tra I ning. Includes Sampling System f Iowpath. Sampling System (In developrent) flowpaths.

CIS-LP-I.O CLC Systems Training. CIS-LP-3.0 COC Systems Training.

Containment Isolation System Lists valves receiving CIAS. Containment Isolation System List valves receiving CIAS.

LWPS-LP-I .0 CLC Systems Training. PASS LP-3 0 COC System Training. Operation of Liquid Waste Processing System, RCB Equipment Drain Subsystem Post Accident Sampling System PASS.

included. ( In development)

Post Accident Sampling System Continuing Training Lesson. LWPS-LP-3.0 COC System Training.

Continuing Training - 1985 Operation of PASS. Llquld Waste Processing System Week 2/Lesson 8 (To be developed)

AOP-LP-3.9 Steps for AOP&16, RCS APP&16, 023, 031 Leakage, including leak (To be 'developed) Identification stradegles.

CLC-1-1-18, p. 6 CLC Simulator/Site Differences RO Hot License Simulator Scenarios Exercises involving use of RMS.

including RMS. (To be developed)

SS7112H, p. 3 PLR Simulator/Std% Differences SRO Hot License Simulator Scenarios, Including RMS. (To be developed)

CLC-3-4-28, pp. 2-5 Review AOP-16, RCS Leakage, including Leak Identification stradegles.

10 of 22

ATTA(ta(ENT l2 ENERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Task Cold License Training Connents Hot License Training Coeeents Nunber CLC 4-I-IA . 44 Reviers SGTR identification and use of RHS.

CLC-4-4-28 5lnulator Scenarios Inc ludln9 use CLC-7-5-2 of RMS.

CLC-8-I-2 CLC-9-1-1 CLC-9-1-2 CLC-9-2-2 CLC-5-5-2 CLC-6-3-2 CLC-7-2-1 CLC-7-2-2 CLC-8-2-2 SS7251H SS7232H SS7222H SS7211H SS7321H SS7322H SS7331H SS7332H SS7311H SS7442H SS7421H SGTR: Plant Response 15 Identify a Ruptured S/G Continuing Training - 1985 Prlnary and Secondary Response EOP LP-3.1 Spec I f I c steps and bases for Meek I/Lesson 6 to SGTR. Path-2) EPP 016 for Path-2 and EPP&16.

(In developnent) Task required by procedure Path-2/EPP-16 Specific steps and bases for AOP-LP-3.3 Steps and bases for AOP~5, RMS ~

Continuing Training - 1985 Path 2 Including Identi I Ication AORS Includes reponse to RMS alarm.

Meek I/Lesson 7 of ruptured SG. Task required (In developnent) by procedure.

SAI6'-LP-I ~ 0 CLC System Training. AOP-LP-3.9 Steps and bases for AOP-016, Sanpllng Systen AOP&16 ~ 023) 031 RCS I.eakage.

( In deva lopnent) 11 of 22

ATTA(3aIENT l2 EHERGENCy PROCEDURES TASK TRA I NING HATRIX Task Task Cold License Training Cceaents Hot License Training Coerwnts Nueber CLC-3-4-28 . 2 6 3 Revlers AOP-016 RCS Leaks e SOP-LP-3.0 COC S stees Trainln Including aethods of identification. Scapi lng Systen (In developaent)

CLC-4-I-IA Revle<<s SGTR Identification per RO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios Exercises <<Ith SGTRs.

Path-l. ( In deva 1opaent)

CLC 4-4-2 Exercises <<1th SGTR. SRO Hot License SInulator Scenarios CLC-7-5-2 (In developaent)

CLC-8-1-2 CLC-9-1-1 CLC-9-1-2 CLC-9-2-2 SS7251H SS7321H SS7322H SS7331H SS7332H SS7311H SS7442H 16 Requesting saaples froa SOP LP 1.0 CLC Systees Training. Includes SOP-LP 3.0 COC Systee Tra i ning. Includes Cheaistry Saepllng Systea I lo<<paths. Saepling Systen (In developuent) flo<<paths.

SG activity RCS CIS-LP-I.O CLC Systees Tra I ning. L I sts PASS-LP-3.0 COC Systeas Training.

Contalnoent H Contalnaent Isolation Systea valves receiving CIAS. Post AccIdent Saepllng Systeu RCS Boron (In developnent)

Contalnaent Suep LWPS LP 1.0 CLC Systeas Training. CIS-LP-3.0 COC Systen Training.

Liquid Waste Processing Systea Includes RCB Equi pnent Drains Contalneent Isolation Systen Lists valves receiving DIAS.


GP-LP-1.5, p. 22 Relates that saapling Is done by LWPS-LP-3.0 COC Systees Tralnlng.

cheelstry. Liquid Waste Processing Systea Includes RCB Equlpuent Drains (To be developed) Subsystea.

HCD-LP-2. 7 SRO Hitigatlng Core Daaage HCD-LP-2. 7 SRO Hit lgatlng Core Daaage Post Accident Pri nary Training. Describes changes In Post Accident Prluary Training. Describes changes Radlochealstry RCS chenlstry and personnel Radlocheelstry In RCS cheuistry including hazards. Personnel hazards.

12 of 22

ATTAI3eIENT l2 EHERGENCT PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATRIX Task Task Cold License Training Comments Hot License Training Comments Number Post Accident Sam lln S stem Cont I nuln l Train n Lesson. RT LP 3.14 RO Rx Theor Trainln . Includes Continuing Training - 1985 Includes operation of PASS. S/D Reactivity Considerations SDH Calculations.

Week 2/Lesson 8 RO Hot License Simulator Scenarios Simulator Exercises Involving ITo be developed) use of Sampling System.

T6M-LP-).7, Section 2.5 Inc ludes SDM Ca I cu let lons. SRO Hot License Simulator Scenarios Normal Transient Analysis (To be developed)

CLC-7-2-1, pp. 9 6 10 ExercIses ulth failed fuel.

SS7411H Relates that chemistry does sampling.

CLC-4-4-28 Exercises involving uses of CLC-7-5-2 sampling systems.

CLC-8-1-2 CLC 9-1 I CLC-9-1-2 CLC-9-2-2 CLC-5-5-2 CLC-6-3-2 CLC-7-2-1 CLC-7-2-2 CLC-8-2-2 SS7251H SS7232H SS7222H SS7211H SS732IH SS7322H SS7311H SS7442H SS7421H 17 Non itor ing Conditions PZR-I.P-I .0 CLC Systems Training. 16C PZR-LP-3.0 COC System Training. 16C Indicative of PZR PORV Pressurizer included. Pressurizer Included.

Leakage RCS-LP-I.O CLC System Training. PZR and PRT RCS-LP-3.0 COC System Training. PZR Reactor Coolant System 16C included. Reactor Coolant System and PRT 16C Included.

13 of 22

ATTACQIENT l2 EHERGENCV PROCE(XSES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Task Cold License Training Coaaents Hot License Tralnlng Gonne nts Nuaber FF-LP-I.I Sect 2.12.2 Isenthal Ic Process discussed FF-LP-3.2 Section 2.5.2 Isentha I Ic Process discussed F I u1 d F low: F lul d Hechan les with exaaples using PZR PORVs Fluid Flow: Fluid Hechanlcs with exaaple using PZR PORVs.

In Pueps and Pipes leakage. In Puup and Pipes CLC-3-3-1A Review of AOP-019, Hal function of AOP-LP-3.10 Steps and bases for AOP-019, of RCS Pressure Control. Includes AOP-017, 019 Halfunctlon of RCS Pressure Indication of PORT leakage. (To be developed) Control. Includes Indlcatlons of PORV Leakage.

CLC-3-4-28 Review of AOP&16, RCS Leakage. AOP-LP-3.9 Steps and bases for AOP-016, AOP-016, 023, 031 RCS Leakage.

CLC-4-5-2 Exercises Involving leaking or RO Hot License Siuulator Scenar los Exercises involving leaking or CLC-5-2-2 open PZR PORV. (In developwent) open PZR PORV.

CLC-7-2-2 CLC-8-1-2 SRO Hot License Slsulator Scenarios SS7332H (In developwent) 18 Establish Auxiliary Spray CVCS-LP-I.O CLC Systees Training. Flowpaths CVCS-LP-3.0 COC Systeas Training. F lowpaths Cheul eel Vol uwe Control Systea Included. Cheuical Voluce Control Systeu I nc I u dad.

(In developaent)

PZR-LP-1. 0 CLC Systees Training. Aux I I I sry PZR-LP-3.0 COC Systeas Training. Aux Spray Pressurizer Spray Included. Pressurizer Included.

EPP&22 Specific steps and bases for Continuing Training - 1985 EPP&22. Task required by EOP-LP-3. 6 Specific steps and bases for Meek 2/Lesson 5 procedure. EPP~5, 006, 007 EPPs-22. Task required (In developuent) by procedure.

EPPs-005,006 d 007 Specific steps and bases for Continuing Training - 1985 EPPs-005, 006 d 007. Natural EOP-LP-3.8 Specific steps and bases for Meek 2/Lesson 6 circulation cooldown requires EPPES, 006, 007 EPPs-005, 006 4 007. N.C.

auxiliary spray, (In developuent) cooldown requires auxiliary spray, GP-LP-1.7 Steps include use of auxiliary GP-LP-3.7 Steps include use of auxiliary Noraal Plant Cooldown spray. Norcal Plant Cooldown spray.

14 of 22

1 ATTACHMENT J2 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING MATRI X Task Task Cold License Training Coon>>nts Hot License Training Coca>>nts Nueber CLC-2-3 Exercises Involvin use of CLC-9-2-1 auxiliary spray.

SS7121H SS7151H CLC-9-1-2 Exercises requiring use of SS7311H EPP-22.

19 Local tripping of Rx Trip RODCS-LP-I.O, Section 2.4.6 CLC Systeas Training. RODCS-LP-3. 0 COC Systeas Training.

Bkrs and MG sets Rod Control Systeo Rod Control Systea (In developuent)

EOP-Review (Handout) Steps and bases for FRP-S.I. EOP-LP-3. 15 Specific steps and bases Pre-license Review Task required by procedure FRP-S I, S.2 for FRP-S.I. Task required by procedure.

CLC-2-4-IA Review of FRP-S.I. RO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios Exercises using FRP-S.I.

(In develops>>nt)

CLC-2-5-28 Exercises Involving use of SRO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios CLC-4-2-18 FRP-S.I. (In develops>>nt)

CLC-4-3 IB/4-3 2 CLC-6-2 CLC-8-1-1 Verification of C alT CVS-LP-I.O CLC Systems Training. Response CVS-LP-3.0 COC Systeas Training. Response I sol at I on

'o Contains>>nt Ventilation Systeu to DIAS Included. Contalnaent Ventilation Systea DIAS Included.

CAPES-LP-I .0 CLC Systeos Tra I ning. Response CIS-LP-3.0 COC Systeas Training. List of Contalnuent Atoosphere Purge and to CIAS Included. valves receiving CIAS included.

Exhaust C IS-I.P-I .0 CLC Systeos Training. List of EOP-LP-3. 12 Specific steps and bases of Contains>>nt Isolation Systea valves receiving DIAS included. FRP-I.I, 1.2, 1.3 FRP-I.3. Task required by procedure.

Contalna>>nt Ventilation Systeo Includes operations and Plant Nods. RO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios Exercises with Sl actuation.

Prelicense Review (In developaent) (See Task 4'I).

EOP-Rev I ex Specific steps for FRP-I.3 SRO Hot License Slaulator Scenarios Prelicense Review discussed. Task required by (In develops>>nt) procedure.

15 of 22

ATTA(3a(ENT l2 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING MATRI X Task Task Cold License Training Coeednts Hot License Training Coeecnts Nueber CLC-3-5-IA Sl Dceonstrntion. Each trainee walks through each role for Sl actuation. (See Task ll for exercises with Sl actuation).

21 Establ lshing Blowdown froe SGBS-LP-I .0 CLC Systees Training. SGBS-LP-3.0 COC Systees Training.

S/Gs. 8/G B lowdown Systee S/G Blordown Systee SG-LP-I.O CLC Systees Training. SG-LP-3.0 COC Systees Training.

Stean Generator Stead Generators EPPs-017, 018, 019 Steps and bases of EPP418 reviered. EOP-LP-3.11 Specific steps nnd bases for i

Continuing Tra ning-1985 BD used to depressurize ruptured FRY.I, H.2, H.3, H.4 4 H.5 FRP-H.5. Task required by Mack I/Lesson 8 S/G. procedure.

EOP-Review (Handout) Steps for FRY.5, Reponse to S/G Prelicense Revier High Level. Task required by procedure.

22 Try to Identify 8 Isolate lenk CLC-3-4-28, pp. 2 d 3 Rcvldw of AOP 16'CS Ldakage, and EOP-LP-3.5 Specific steps and bases for discussion ot edthods of Identifying EPPs-20 4 21 tor EPP-20. Task required leakage (In developednt) by procedure.

RMS-HO- I . 0 CLC Systces Training. RMS-LP-3.0 COC Systees Training.

Radiation Honltorlng Systee RMS used In leak Identltication; (In developeent)

RM-23, 11 6 80/Gen Atoelc Rnd Operation ot RMS rdvldred. Haik AOP-LP-3.9 Steps for AOP-16, RCS Leakage.

Monitors through Included. AOPs&16, 023, 031 Leak identification strategies Prelicense Revier (To be developed) included.

EPP-20 d 21 Specific Steps of EPPs-20. AOP-LP-3.3 Steps tor AOP~5 ~ RHSr Cont inuing Train 1ng-1985 Task required by procedure. AOP-005 (To be developed) Response tor alares specified.

t iteck 2/Lesson 4 CLC-7-5-2 Sleulator Scenarios in which RO Hot License Sleuiator Scenarios Exercises requiring use ot CLC-8-1-2 EPP-20 iep leeentcd. (In developeent) EPP-20.

CLC-9-2-2 SS7322H SRO Hot License Sleulator Scenarios 557331M (In developeent) 16 of 22

ATTA(38IENT l2 'ENERGENCT PROCE(XSIES TASK TRAINING HATRIX Task Task Cold License Training Coaaents Hot License Training Cccuxants Nu88er Ninlalze secondhr SGTR: Radial Ical Conse uences Includes nechanl sos of radionucl Id@ EOP-LP-3.2 S eclfic ste s and bases for coatee I n at I on Continuing Training - 1985 transport and actions to minlelze. Path-2/EPP-16 (In developuent) Path-2. Task requIred by Week I/Lesson 3 procedure.

RM-23, ll 6 80/Gen Atoalcs Rad AOP-LP-3.3 Steps revle<<ed for AOP-005.

Monitor AOP~5 AOP-005 Includes actions that Prelicense Revle<< minimize contaalnatlon HSSS-LP-I.O CLC Systees Training. HSSS-LP-3.0 CLC Systeas Training.

Hain Stean Systea Secondary Systees effected by Nein Stean Systea Secondary Systees potentially contaalnatlon. Kno<<ledge of effected by contaulnation.

flo<<paths aids operator In taking Kno<<ledge of flo<<paths aids action to accoapllsh task. operator In taking action to acccepllsh task.

SDS-LP-I.O SDS-LP-3.0 Stean Duup Systen Stean Duep Systeu CFW-LP-I .0 CFW-LP-3.0 (28) and FW Systeas (28) and F'W Systees HSR LP-I.O HSR LP 3.0 HSR d FW HTRS NSR and FW HTRS HOES-LP-I.O HOES-LP-3.0 Main Condenser Evacuation Systea Main Condenser Evacuation Systea NTSS-LP-I.D HTSS-LP-3.0 Hain Turbine Sealing Stean and Hain Turbine Sealing Stean and Exhaust Exhaust CPDS LP I.O CPDS-LP-3.0 Condensate Pollshln9 6 Condensate Pol l shing 8 Denineral Izing Dealneralizlng Systea Systea Path-2/EPP-016 Continuing Training - 1985 Specific steps and bases for RO Hot License Siaulator Scenarios Exercises <<Ith SGTRs.

Week I/Lesson 7 Path-2. Task required by procedure. ( In developoent)

EOP Update Actions added to procedures SRO Hot License Siaulator Scenarios Requallficatlon Training-1986 discussed. Included In Week III. ( In developeent) 17 of 22

ATTAOaIENT l2 EHERGENCT PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Task Cold License Training Contents Hot License Training Coeaents Nuuber CLC-4-4-2 Exercises Involvin SGTRs. RWO al Cards Ste s to:

CLC-7-5-2 CLC-9-1-1 Involves a SGTR with the I) OC 05.84H Perforaance 111.15 I) Isolate Hain Stean to Auxiliary CLC-8-1-2 associated HSIV stuck open. Path-2 2) OC 08.80H Perforfssnce 111.5 Stean CLC-9-1-1 specifies actions that einlulzes 2) Place ChD Polishing Systea In CLC-9-1-2 secondary contaulnatlon for that service CLC-9-2-2 situation. Soee of the actions are SS7251H applicable for SGTRs In general.

SS7321H AO Oual Card Steps to:

SS7322H I) Isolate Hain Stean to Auxiliary SS7331H Steaa SS7332H 2) Isolate Hotwell spillover to SS7311H CST SS7442H 3) Place CVPETS In service 24 Evaluate Plant Status GP-LP-I.O, Sections 2.24 8 2.25 Procedures Training on Conduct of PP-LP-3.0 RO Procedures Training. 0 af-),

Conduct of Operations Operations. Continual evaluation of 0M~I, 009 Conduct of Operations, discusses plant status and use of redundant Continual evaluation of plant instruuentation ls enphaslzed. status and euphaslzes use of redundant Instruaent.

CLC-1-1-2, pp. 2-5 Conduct of Operations Reviewed. ADOP-LP-2.0, SRO Advanced Operating Procedures SRO Duties and Responsibilities Training. Conduct of Operations Cover sheet for siaulator Exercise Evaluates shift Conduct of revle<<ed.

Guides Operation for each exercise.

HCD-LP-I. I Hit lgatlng Cora Dauage Course CO-LP-2.) Hitlgatlng Core Daaage Course Post Accident Cooling describes: Post Accident Cooling describes:

I) plant response to accidents I) plant response to accidents

2) strategies for assessing dauage 2) strategies for assessing de<<age
3) strategies for recovery 3) strategies for recovery
4) equlpuent required to lapleeent 4) equip<<ant required to lapleuent recovery strategIes recovery strategies HCO-LP-1.2 HCD-LP-2.2 Snail Bkr LOCA <<1th no IaISI Seal l Bkr LOCA <<1th no HISI HCD-LP-1. 3 HCD-LP 2.3 Loss of FW Induced LOCAs Loss of FW Induced LOCA HCO-LP-1. 4 HCO-LP-2. 4 Vita I Process Instruuentat ion Vital Process Instruuentation 18 of 22

ATTACfaIENT l2 EHERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRA I NING HATRI X Task Task Cold License Training Coceents Hot License Training Ccneents Nuober HCO LP-1.5 HCO-LP-2 5 Accident Response of Incore Accident Response of Incore Instruuentatlon Instrunentatlon HCO-LP-I.6 HCO-LP-2.6 Accident Response of Excore A<<cldent Response of Excore Instrunentatlon Instruuentatlon HCO-LP-1.7 HCO-LP-2.7 Post Accident Priaary Radlocheulstry Post Accident Pr leery Radiocheulstry HCO-LP- I . 8 HCO LP-2.8 Radloioglca I Aspects of Core Dauage Radiological Aspects of Core Danage HCD-LP- I . 9 HCD-LP 2 9 Loss of AII AC Po>>er Loss of All AC Po>>er HCO-LP-I . 10 Class 9 Events HCO LP I 11 Instrunent Oualif Ication and Accident Response EOP&20 8 021 Continuing Training - 1985 Steps and bases for EPP-20. EOP-LP-3.5 Specific steps and bases for Meek 2/Lesson 4 Task required by procedure. EPPs&20, 021 EPP-020. Task required by procedure.

CLC-7-5-2 8lnulator Scenarios requiring use RO Hot License Sluulator Scenarios Exercises Involving EPP-020.

CLC-8 1-2 of EPP-20. (Note: A lnost a I I (In developnent) (Note: Alnost all sieuator CLC-9-2-2 sloulator exercises requIre use exercises require use of task.)

$ $ 7322H of task). SRO Hot License Slnulator Scenarios

$ $ 7331H ( In developnent) 25 Evaluate Plant Equi puent CLC Systens Training Operations of all systeo covered In COC Systens Training Operations of all systens, Continuing Training - 1985 CLC Training. Revle>>s and updates Including the Operating Pre I I cense Rev le>> Tra I ning covered In Continuing Training, Procedures, covered in COC Requa I i f I cation Training-1986 Prelicense Revle>> and Requalif ication Training.


19 of 22




ATTACISIENT d2 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING MATRIX Task Task Cold License Training Coonents Hot License Training Coooents Nuober HCO-LP-I.I Hltl atln Core Dana e Course MCO-LP 2.1 Hlti atln Core Dana e Course Post Accident Cooling describesl Post Accident Cooling descrlbesl I) plant response to accidents I) plant response to accidents

2) strategies for assessing daoago 2) strategies fol assessing danago
3) strategies for recovery 3) stl'atogios for l'ecovel y
4) equlpoont required to inpleoont 4) equlpeent required to lnpleoent recovery strategies recovery strategies MCO-LP-1. 2 HCO-LP-2. 2 Seal I Bkr LOCA with no ISISI Seal I Bkr LOCA xlth no HISI HCO-LP-I . 3 HCO-LP-2. 3 Loss of FW Induced LOCAs Loss of FM Induced LOCA MCO-LP 1.4 MCO-LP-2. 4 Vital Process Instrueentat ion Vital Process I nstruoentat ion HCO-LP- I . 5 MCO-LP-2.5, Accident Response of Incore Accident Response of Incore Instruoentatlon Instruwentat ion HCO-LP-I . 6 HCD-LP-2. 6 Accident Response of Excore Accident Response of Excore Instruoentatlon .Instruoentatlon HCO-LP-1.7 HCO-LP-2. 7 Post Accident Prlnary Radlocheslstry Post Accident Pr leery Radiocheolstry HCO-LP-1.8 HCO-LP-2. 8 Radiological Aspects of Core Danage Radiological Aspects of Core Daoage HCO-LP-1.9 HCO-LP 2.9 Loss of All AC Power Loss of All AC Poxer HCO-LP-1. 10 Class 9 Events MCO-LP-1. 11 Instrunent Oval lf lcatlon and Accident Response 20 of 22

ATTA(3CIENT l2 EMERGENCY PROCE(WAS TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Task Cold License Training Cocrrents Hot License Training Cocracnts Nucbcr EPP~ 6 021 Ste s and bases of EPP-20.

Continuing Training - 1985 Task required by procedure.

'Week 2/Lesson 4 SS7114H Sirrufator Scenarios Involving EOP-LP-3.5 Specific steps and bases for SS7121H sultiple failures of IWR, CCW, etc. EPP&20, 021 EPP-20. Task required by procedure.

Operators are required to evaluate (ln developccnt) equlprrent status and Initiate recovery <<1th available systecs.

CLC-7-5-2 Slsulstor Scenarios In <<hlch SRO Hot License Slrsulator Scenarios CLC-8-1-2 EPP-20 Is required. (Note: Afcost (In developcent)

CLC-9-2-2 all slsvlstor exercises require task.)

26 Start additional plant CLC Systcsrs Training Each accident requires operation COC Systcrrrs Training Each accident requires s unique equlpcent to assist In of s unique sct of systccs. Any set of systecs be put Into recovery systcs that aright be required ls operation. Any systcrs that eight taught In systecs training. be required is taught In COC Systecs Training Including associated OPs and AOPs, HCO-LP-1. I Hit i gating Core Oacage Course HCO-LP-2. I Mitigating Core Oacage Course Post Accident Cooling describes: Post Accident Cooling descrlbesr I) plant response to accidents I) plant response to accidents

2) strategies for assessing dacage 2) strategies fol'ssessing dscage
3) strategies for recovery 3) strategies for recovery
4) eqvlpcent required to lsrplcccnt 4) equlpcent required to Isplecent recovery strategies recovery strategies MCO-LP-I 2 HCO-LP-2 2 Seal I Bkr LOCA <<Ith no ICISI Seel I Bkr LOCA <<1th no ISISI HCO-LP-1. 3 HCO-LP-2. 3 loss of FW Induced LOCAs loss of FW Induced LOCA MCO-LP- I, 4 HCO-LP-2. 4 Vital Process Instruccntstion Vital Process I nstrurrentat ion HCO-LP-I 5 HCO-LP-2. 5 Accident Response of Incore Accident Response of Incore Instrucentation Instruoentatlon 21 of 22

ATTACWENT l2 ENERGENCY PROCEDURES TASK TRAINING HATR I X Task Tas'k Cold License Training Coooents Hot License Training Conments Nunber HCD-LP-1.6 HCO-LP-2.6 Accident Response of Excore Accident Response of Excore Instrusentatfon Instrunentatlon HCO-LP-1. 7 NCO-LP-2. 7 Post Accident Prlnary Radiochenlstry Post Accident Prinary Radlochexl stry HCD-LP-1. 8 HCD-LP-2. 8 Radiological Aspects of Cote Danage Radiological Aspects of Core Danage HCO-LP-I.9 HCO-LP-2.9 Loss of All AC Power Loss of All AC Power HCO-LP-1.10 Class 9 Events HCD-LP-1. I I Instrunent Oval I f I cation and Accident Response EPP-20 Specific steps of EPP-20.

Continuing Training Tasks required by procedure.

Meek 2/Lesson 4 SS7114H Six(viator Scenarios Involving EOP-LP-3.5 Specific steps and bases for SS712'IH aultlple failures of 18R, CCII, EPP-20 6 '21 EPP-20. Tasks required for t etc. Operators are required to ( In developnent) procedure.

evaluate plant status and initiate recovery with available systeas. RO Hot License Sinulator Scenerios Exercises requiring use of (In developnent) EPP-20. (Host sinulator scenarios CLC-7-52 Sinulator scenarios In which require task).

EPP-20 Inple((ented. (Host six(ulator scenarios require task).

CLC-8-1-2 SRO Hot LIcense Sinulator Scenarios CLC-9-2-2 (In developnent)

SS7322H SS7331H 22 of 22

ATTACHMENT 3 ADDITIONAL COLD LICENSE TRAINING Task Comments Locally Dumping steam Manual operation of S/G PORVs will be using S/G PORVs described and procedure reviewed. A walkthough of operations will be conducted.

Local operations on the S/G PORV have been incorporated into the applicable nonlicense Qualification Card.

, Minimize Secondary , Actions that are being incorporated in the Contamination revised EOPs will be described. Manual actions that .require local operations have been incorporated into the applicable non-licensed Qualification Cards.

Local Operation of Electrical plant response to SI and LOSP Switchgear BKRs will be discussed including requirement to monitor conditions and manipulate switchgear



V tl "I 8 I






II 4





1. CLCL-7-2-2: Load Rejection/ATWS/RCS Depressurization
2. CLCL-7-5-2: S/G Tube Leak/Rupture/ATWS/S/G =PORV Failed Open
3. SS7421H: Inadvertent SI/SW Malfunctions/LOCA without CSIPs

.g 't A

g t

II la P



II t


11/10/83 SHNPP SIMULATOR EXERCI IDE EXERCISE: Load Rej ecti on/ATWS/RCS FILE NO. CLC-7-2-2 TIME: 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> Depressur ization conpletion of this exercise, the student will be able to:

OMECTIVES: .Upon limits.

0 I t 12 tl 10 I 2 01

2. Take appropriate actions on load rejection without steam dumps to stabilize plant in a safe condition.
3. Identify an ATWS event and take actions to prevent core damage and radioactive releases to the environment.
4. Identify a failed open PZR PORV and take corrective actions to stop RCS depressurization.

RELATED LER's, UER's, POER's, etc:

a em P , - Breakers failed open (UV part of mechanical latch)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: IC-7 (BOL) . Present Previous resent power ours PMR TEE 571 Tav 586 875 BoNn 839 174 D Rod Hgt 208 0 Ilppp..


charging flow to increase.

I 20 1002. I'I-122A I ll CSIP failure requires placing "C" pump in service.

External load breakers opening with no auto dumps should cause reactor first out (Lo-Lo S/G Lvl). ATWS causes RCS pressure to increase. When spray valves open, fail PCY-444B open. (Note: Do not trip R remotely until PORV opened). RCS will become saturated and remain saturated until block valve closed. Allow block valve to close after ISC and maintenance investigates. (Upon completion of exercise, reset for shift turnover per CLC-7-2-1).

SHIFT TURNOVER to or feed INFORMATION'crease power pump maintenance. Feed pump tested and running.

MALFUNCTIONS OVERRIDES REMOTE OPS T-O All Auto Reactor Tr p T- PZR PORV Iso Vl v Functions (Disabled) 8000C (Open)

T-0 Auto Steam Dump Con- T-50 FI-122 A Charging troller ( Inhibited) 'eader Flow (Low)

T-0 Manual Reactor Trips T-90 Charging Pump "A" (Disabled) (Stop)

T-120 External Load Breakers T-VAR PCV-444B Pressurizer 52-8 5 52-9 (Open) Relief Valve (Open Fail when sprays open)

L A C arg ng F ow - Transmitter failure Char ging Pump "A" .- Motor bearing seized External Load Breakers - Phase differential relay PCV-4448 - Controller failure/valve jammed on backseat Block Valve - Breaker tripped (overcur rent relay failed)

ATWS - Trip breaker binding/improper lubrication EXPECTED RESPONSE: AS PER SERIAL RELATED CHECKOFF REQUIREMENTS: 5B, SD, 17, 18, 19, 8, 10, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24


lg J~i tb l

v (I0 l~

SINJLATOR EXERCISE PERFORNHCE/OBSERVATION RECORD Course Group Oata Instructors Gradings: S = Satisfactory U Unsatisfactory I. Exercise A. Initial Conditions/Scenario - exercise guide B. Shift Assignments R S/U p Manipulations Per. Su Per. Su .


2. SRO
5. STA I I. Evaluation SRO RO BOP STA A. General
1. Supervisory ability--
a. Effective supervision of others
b. Effective direction of other
2. Operator communications passes along information accurately and promptly
3. Annunciator response immediately responds uses alarm procedure
4. Use of procedures pulls procedure and utilizes
5. Systematic and logical approach to pr obl ems
6. a. Attentive to instrumentation and controls
b. Compares redundant channels
c. Compares meter to recorder

Alertness aware of plant status at all times B. Shift Turnover

1. Oral turnover

'2. Hourly logs 3~ Review control. board 4~ Test annunciator lights


-(fl I


Rev. 1 11/10/83 FILE NO: CLC-7-2-2 C. Exercise Performance SF SRO RO BOP

1. Power Escalation 50% to 100%
a. a ntains avg ref
b. Turbine Load Limits C ~ Generator Loading (MVARs)
d. S/G Level Control
e. MSR Operation
f. Maintains CAOC go Anticipates Xenon Transients
h. Uses Curves Secondary Calorimetric at 90%
2. Char in Flow Indicator Failure(low)

Imme ate Act ons (1) Identifies Charging Flow Low (2) Identifies Charging Pump Running (3) Verifies PZR Level Increasing (4) Takes Manual Control of FCV-122 Subsequent Actions (1) Stabilizes Plant (2) Maintains RZR Programmed Level (3) Investigates Cause

3. Char in Pum "A'ri mme >a e c ons (1) Acknowledge Annunciators (2) Starts "B" Pump Subsequent Actions (1) Stabilizes Plant With PZR Level In Band (2) Refers to Tech Specs (3 ) Investigates Cause (4) Initiates Request to Place "C" Pump in Service
4. Generator Breakers 0 n a ~ ent cat on (1) Generator Output OCBs Open (2) Rapid Load Decrease to Unit Auxiliary Loads (3) Increased S/G Pressure (4) Inward Rod Motion
b. Immediate Actions (1) Verifies Automatic Actions (2) Observes Failure of Steam Dumps (3) Verifies S/G PORVs Open (4) Refers to AOP-15 (5) Places Steam Dumps in Pressure Control c~ Subsequent Actions (1) Stablilizes Plant '

(2) Investigates Cause

Rev. 1 11/10/83 File No. CLC-7 C. Exercise Performance (continued) SRD RD BOP ST (3) Transfers Aux Loads (4) Identifies ATNS

a. Immediate Actions (1) Attempts To manually Trip Rx (2) Drives Rods In (3) Sends Personnel To (a) Trip MG Sets (b) Trip R Trip Breakers

.(c) Trip M3 Set Supply Breakers (4) Emergency Borate (5) Refers to FPP-1, FPP-2, or FRP-S.1

b. Subsequent Actions (1) Investigate Cause (2) Initiates

'I PEP (Alert)

6. Reactor Tri a ~ mme ate Actions (1) Verifies R Trip (2) Verifies Turbine Trip (3) Checks Power to AC Emergency Buses (4) Checks SI Actuated (5) Refers to FPP-1 or FPP-2
b. Subsequent Actions (1) Verifies Plant Parameters Stablilizing at No-load Values (a) T (b) S/PLevel (c) PZR Pressure and Level (2) Conducts "Dead-Bus" Transfer to S/U Transformers (3) Verifies Source Range Energized (4) Secures Unnecessary Equipment (5) Stabilizes Plant at No-load Conditions
7. PZR PORV Failure a ~

(1) PZR Pressure Decreasing (2) Relief Line Temp Increase/Alarm PORV Indicates


Open (4) PRT Parameters Increasing (5) PZR Sprays Indicate Open b ~ Immediate Actions (1) Attemps To Close Block PORV (2) Energizes Heaters (3) Refers to AOP-19 (4) Observes SI Initiates



Rev. 1 11/10/83 File No. CLC-7-2-2 C. Exercise Performance (continued) SRD RD BOP STA

c. Subsequent Actions (1) Investigates Failure of Block Val ve (2) C1oses after IAC Repair
8. Safet Injection
a. e ers to -1 or FPP-2
b. Performs Imaediate Actions
c. Stops RCPs (1400 psig)
d. Verifies Plant Recovery
e. Identifies Cause
f. Terminates SI Mhen Criteria Met
9. Natural Circulation
a. ent cat on (1) No RCPs Running (2) Heat Sink Available
b. Subsequent Actions (1) Refer To EPP-5 (2) S/G Press < 1110 psig (3) ,RCS 40'F (4) RCS h T < 60'F
10. Added Malfunctions a.




Rev. 0 4/12/84 FILE NO. CLC-7-5-2 C. Exercise Performance (continued) SF SRO RO BOP

5. S/G Tube Leak

( 1) Increased Charging Flow (2) Leak Rate OST Performed (3) RMS increase R-19 (4) Performs Leak Isolation or Identifies Source (5) Checks all Instrumentation

b. Immediate Actions

( 1) Determines Appropriate S/G (2) Checks Tech Specs (3) Commences Rx S/D (4) Shifts Condenser Exhaust

-(5) Refers to AOP-16 (6) Observes Blowdown Isolated 6 ATWS

a. Immediate Actions (1) Attempts to Manually Trip Rx (2) Drives Rods In (3) Sends Personnel to Trip Rx Breakers (4) Emergency Borate (5) Refers to FRP-S.1
b. Subsequent Actions (1) Investi gates

~li Cause (2) Initiates PEP (Alert) 7.

a. Immed>ate Actions (1) Verifies Rx Trip (2) Veri fi es Turbine Tri p (3) Checks Power to AC Emergency Buses (4) Checks SI actuated (5) Refers to FPP-1 or FPP-2
b. Subsequent Actions

( 1) Verifies Plant Parameters Stabilizing at No-load values (a)

(b) S/G level (c) PZR Pressure and Level (2) Verifies Transfer to SU Transformers (3) Verifies Source Range Energized (4) Secures. Unnecessary Equipment (5) Stabilizes Plant at No-load Conditions



'1 1



Rev. 0 4/12/84 F ILE NO. CLC-7-5-2 C. Exerci se. Performance (continued) SF SRO RO BOP

c. Initiates PEP (unusual event)
8. Safety Injection/S/G PORV Failed en
a. Comp etes Immediate Actions o FPP-1 or FPP-2 (1) Identifies RHR Pump A Tripped (2) Restarts RHR Pump A
b. Identifies SGTR as Cause
c. Identifies Ruptured S/G
d. Isolates Ruptured S/G
e. Identifies S/G PORV Failed Open
f. Begins RCS Depressurization and .


g. Maintains Ruptured S/G Level Between 10% and 50%
h. Implements FPP-17 (1) Resets SI/Phase A (2) Cooldowns to 200'F at

< 100'F/hour (3) Depressurizes to Minimize RCS Subcooling at 40'F (4) Maintains PZR Level (5) Terminates SI (6) Restores LP and Charging (7) Isolates Accumulator

9. Intermediate Range Undercom ensated
a. Ident> ies Undercompensat>on
b. Manually Energizes Sources Ranges
10. Added Nalfunctions a 0 b.

l I llII

~ P

}2 44

0. iaalator Exercise Comments:



f 0

P I' ll II

.I <* 'hl r k


'k, I

E. . xerc3se Critique:

. ~ SF - S/U BOP - S/U SRO - S/U STA - S/U RO - S/U Overall Group Eval. - S/U F. Student Comnents/Sfaalator Improvement:

Instructor' Signature HTS/AI-26 14 Rev. I


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t V~

l X;~

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e n I


g SHNPP SIMULATOR EXERCIS UIDE EXERCISE: Inadvertent SI/SW Malfunctions LESSON CODE: SS7421H LOCA W/0 CSIPs OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this exercise, the student will be able to:

1. Perform the immediate actions required of operators following a Rx trip and SI.

Use the EOP network inclusive of the Flow Paths, End Path Procedures and Foldouts to direct operator actions.

3. Complete the appropriate attachments of OMM-004 following an activation of the ESFAS.
4. Identify a need to and make notifications required by the PEP.
5. Identify a stuck control rod and make required adjustments in shutdown margin.
6. Use AOP-001 to correct for a stuck control rod.


7. Use available MCB indications plus requested information to identify a lealC.

from the CCW to ESW system.

8. Use OWPs to place the protective cabinets in the correct alignment as required by Tech Specs following an instrument failure.
9. Detect and take corrective action for a failure of the steam dumps to control temperature.
10. Use EPP-001 to mitigate the consequences of a loss of both CSIPs in conjunction with a small break LOCA.

INITIAL CONDITIONS: IC 43 ( ) Present Previous Present conditions for: )100 Hrs ~100 PWR 588'F, Tav same 527ppm Bar30 "D" at 192 steps Rod Hgt.

SHIFT TURNOVER INFORMATION: Presently on line within one day of exceeding CPELs Nuclear on-line record. No surveillances scheduled. No testing allowed. Anticipate no changes CSIP under clearance for bearing replacement.

"C" CSIP will be available in six hours, two hours into action statement.

INSTRUCTOR GUIDE: Reset to IC 43, reboot RMS, ERF IS and conduct shift turnover. With lamp test complete override the Vacuum pump trip alarms to off and the operating vacuum pump red light to "on". Fail the operating vacuum

'pump. When requested, report the motor operating but' drastic drop in noise level (coupling sheared). With stability restored insert the inadvertent SI.

After restoration have the SF complete an OMM-004. With this report ongoing insert the CCW-ESW leak. With trouble shooting ongoing and temperature restored to 557 fail P-12. Allow both conditions to run their course and be corrected. With all systems restored to normal fail the operating CSIP. Give time for immediate action and fail the seal stack on any RCP (insert ~ 100 gpm leak to provide the leakage of the seal failure). If EPP-001 not addressed the instructor should prod in that direction before the situation degrades too far.


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T-0 CRF3A untripable for P-8 T-0 CRF3A untripable for K-14 T-15 CND4A(B) to active T-O CND 94 (99) to low T-0 CSIP racking T-30 SIS 1 to activate T-0 CND 104 to low status T-75 CCW 3 to 30 gpm T-0 CNE 28 (29) D to "hi" T-90 MSS9 to fail .

T-120 CVC 5 for operating unit TVAR RCS14A(B)(C) to 60 gpm TVAR RCS15A(B) (C)



Inadvertent SI to ensure completion of OMM-004 prior to Exam.

2. Vacuum Pump coupling break occurred at HBR.
3. Loss of both CSIPs to use EPP-001 for this condition.


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SIMULATOR EXERCISE PERFORMANCE/OBSERVATION RECORG Cour se Group Oate Instructors Gradfngs: S Satisfactory O'nsatisfactory I. Exercf se A. Initial Condftfons/Scenario - exercise guide B. Shfft Assignments x S U Per. U ~ Per. S~

1. SF
2. SRO
3. RO
4. BOP
5. STA II. Evaluation SF SRQ RO BOP ST A. General
1. Supervisory ability-
a. Effective supervision of others
b. Effective direction of others
2. Operator coamunfcatfons passes along information accurately and promptly
3. Annunciator response-fmmedfately responds uses alarm procedure
4. Use of procedures pulls procedure and utilizes
5. Sytematfc and logical approach to problems
6. a. Attentive to fnstrumentatfon and controls
b. Compares'redundant channels
c. Compares meter to recorder
7. Alertness aware of plant status at all times B. Shift Turnover
1. Oral turnover
2. Hour ly logs
3. Review control board
4. Test annunciator lights

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Rev. 0 LESSON COOE: SS7421H C. Exercise Performance SF SRO RO BOP Loss of Condenser Vacuum

a. Notes change in efficiency,'reports same and'nvestigates
b. Notes change in condenser vacuum and performs immediate actions-of AOP-012
c. Refers to AOP-012 for auto and immediate action verification
d. Performs follow-up action of AOP-012
e. Request sufficient information of A.O. to diagnose problem
f. Initiates corrective maintenance
g. Makes notifications required
2. Inadvertent SI
a. Recognizes condition and takes appropriate immediate actions
b. Uses EOP path 1 for action verification
c. Recognizes SI termination criteria
d. Address foldout A and B of EOP network
e. Terminates SI IAW EPP-004
f. Initiates investigation
g. Performs required administrative duties
h. Address PEP and make notifications
i. Performs required portions of OMM-004
3. Stuck Rods
a. Recognizes mispositioned control rods
b. Recognizes SI flow sufficient to meet emergency boration requirements
c. Following SI realignment verifies sufficient SOM Address AOP-001 for corrective action following SI termination e Initiates corrective action 4, Steam Ou Failure
a. Notes SG-PORVs operating with condenser available
b. Investigates and finds steam dump mal function
c. Investigates cause and corrects
d. Initiates corrective action,
5. CCW Leak
a. Interprets indications and recognizes a loss of CCW
b. Perform immediate action of AOP-014
c. Refers to AOP-014 for auto and immediate action verification
d. Performs follow-up action of AOP-014



~ I~

Rev. 0 LESSON CODE: SS7421H C. Exercise Performance (continued) SF SRO RO BOP

e. Trouble shoots and isolates leak to source
f. Performs system realignment to isolate leak
g. Address potential environmental concerns
6. Loss of second CSIP
a. Recognizes severity of failure
b. Immediately takes action to reduce RCS inventory loss
c. Takes action to recover any CSIP
d. Addresses EPP-001 as the only procedure that remotely covers the situation P
7. RCP seal failure LOCA
a. Perform immediate action of AOP-016
b. Addresses AOP-016 for verification
c. Recognizes impact of excessive leakage W/0 CSIPs
d. Initiates rapid cooldowns to allow depressurization to reduce leakage
e. Classifies event and makes notifi-cations as required by the PEP
f. Properly injects accumulators
g. Request assistance from plant staff
h. Places RHR in service when allowable
8. Added Mal functions

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E~ Exercise Critique: SF-S/U BOP-S/U SRO - S/U STA-S/U W

RO - S/U Overall Group Evan -S/U F~ Student Cosiients/SiauI ator I aproveaent:

Instructor 's Signatur e S IMP E RFORM Page 3 of 3 Rev. 1

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open P

Upon completion of this

/P k to stabi1 ize the pl ant, k, k / i /<<P/

exercise, the student will be able to:

and minimize radioactive rel eases to the environment per FPP-17.

2. Take proper actions to put the reactor in a safe shutdown condition following an ATWS event.

RELATED LER's, UER's, POER's, etc: Ginna - January 25, 1982--S/G tube rupture; tu e ea ; - LER-81-026 tube leak; HBR - LER-81-022 tube leak.

INITIAL CONDITIONS IC-11 (MOL) Present Previous Present Power 3 1/2 hrs. 5% PWR 75%

5579'F Tav 578'F 380 ppm Boron 450 ppm



ower, fail CCW e eak during subsequent P


P actuation. An ATWS event will occur.


pwr increase.

103 on "D" Rod

. p Hgt. 194 on "D"

/PP Fail N-42 after 90% calorimetric, and insert S/G tube Increase tube leak severity to cause SI


sve p ant condst1ons. ant at 5% power following trip of "B" condensate pump ..

(BKR malfunction). Repairs are completed. Synchronize to grid and increase power to 100%.


heaters Gr-A off Functions (Disabled) T-0 RHR pump (stop)

T-0 Manual R Trips T-30 "A" CCW pump (stop)


T-0 IR Channel 35 (Undercompensated)

T-90 PR Channel 42 (Instr.

Power Fuses Blown)

T-130 Rather Than C-Loop, Leak in (A-Loop)

T-130 Generator Tube Leak (24 GPM Increase to 600 GPM)

T-VAR Power Oper. Rel. Valve (Failed Open)


pump - se>ze motor bearing PZR heaters Gr-A breaker tripped at control cabinet - due to overcurrent (heater grounds)

ATWS - BKR failure TR-412 bT pen - stuck pen "A" RHR pump - electrical circuit breaker closing mechanism failure N Instrument power fuses blown EXPECTED RESPONSE: AS PER SERIAL RELATED CHECKOFF RE(}UIREMENTS: 2, 3, 5A, 7, 8, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31

I ~ I

SINLATOR EXERCISE PERFORMANCE/OBSERVATION RECORD Course Group Date Instructors Gradings: S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory I. Exercise A. Initial Conditions/Scenario - exercise guide B. Shift Assignments R S/U p Manipulations Per. Su Per. Su SF

2. SRO
3. RO 4~ BOP
5. STA I I. Evaluation SRO RO BOP STA A. General
1. Supervisory ability--
a. Effective supervision of others
b. Effective direction of other
2. Operator communications passes along information accurately and promptly
3. Annunciator response--immediately responds uses alarm procedure 4, Use of procedures pulls procedure and utilizes
5. Systematic and logical approach to problems
6. a. Attentive to instrumentation and controls
b. Compares redundant channels
c. Compares meter to recorder
7. Alertness aware of plant status at all times B. Shift Turnover
1. Oral turnover
2. Hourly logs
3. Review control board 4, Test annunciat'or lights Rev. 0

0 ~s e c p

C lp

Rev. 0 4/12/84 FILE NO. CLC-7-5-2 C. Exercise Performance SF SRO RO BOP

1. Reactor Critical with Reactor Power < 3'X a ~ eri ies, nitia on itions
b. Maintains Primary and Secondary (1) S/G Level.

(2) R Power < 3'3)

T ve/T ef c~ Generator Start-up (1) Voltage Control (2) Synchronizing

2. Power Escalation Cl 0


b. Turbine Load Limits c ~ Generator Loading (MVARs)
d. S/G Level Control
e. MSR Operation
f. Maintains CAOC go Anticipates Xenon Transients
h. Secondary Calorimetric at 90'X 1 ~ Uses Curves J ~ Identifies bT pen failure
3. Com onent Coolin Water Pum Failure a ~ dent>>cation (1) Acknowledges Annuciators (2) Checks Flow Indicators b.' Immediate Actions (1) Starts Backup Pump (2) Verifies flow (3) Refers to AOP-14

~ Subsequent Actions (1) Investigates Cause (2) Checks Tech Specs (3) Informs ISC (4) Fills Out Work Request (5) Aligns C Pump as Backup

4. Power Range NI Failure a e Immediate Actions (1) Stabilizes Plant (2) Refers to Tech Specs
b. Subsequent Actions (1) Rod Stop Bypassed (2) Comparator Channels Oefeated (3) Fuses Removed (4) OP-OT aT Bistables Tripped (5) Mrites Clearance (6) Refers to AOP 8 OWP

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NTS(Al-Z6 13 Rev.

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E. xercfse Crftfque: SF - S/U BOP - S/U SRO - S/U STA - S/U RO - S/U Overall Group Eval. - S/U F. Student Comnents/Sfaalator Improvement:

Instructor's Signature NTS/AI-26 14 Rev.

C- C.R

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