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ACCESSION NBR:9004300220              DOC.DATE:  90/04/23 'OTARIZED:        NO        DOCKET FACXL:50-315 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1, Indiana 6 05000315 50-316 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2, Indiana 6 05000316 AUTH. NAME          AUTHOR AFFILIATION ALEXICH,M.P.        Indiana Michigan Power Co. (formerly Xndiana & Michigan Ele RECXP.NAME          RECIPIENT AFFILIATION                                                      R MURLEY,T.E.            Document Control Branch (Document Co~ggol Desk) 3 Lb~3                  'I
Forwards "1990 Annual Emergency Prepare~PVess exercise on 900403  for  DC  Cook Nuclear      Plant."                                            0 DISTRIBUTION CODE: A045D          COPIES RECEIVED:LTR      /  ENCL  /    SIZE: O f Z 7g TITLE:  OR  Submittal: Emergency Preparedness            Pla  s,  Implement'g Procedures,  C NOTES:                                                                                          ./
RECXPIENT              COPIES            RECIPIENT            COPIES              A ID  CODE/NAME            LTTR ENCL      ID CODE/NAME      ~
LTTR ENCL PD3-1 PD                                GIITTER,J.                1    1              D INTERNAL AEOD/DOA/IRB                  '1    1    N              PB9D      1    1 NUDOCS-ABSTRACT              1    1      EG    L        01      1    1 EXTERNAL: LPDR                          1    1    NRC PDR                    1' NSIC                          1    1 R
                                                                                                  'D NOTE TO ALL "RIDS" RECIPIENIS:
Power Company P.O. Box 16631
indiana Michigan~
Columbus, OH 43216
                                                  ~ ~
R azawmrz CZSCMESSlH POWER AEP:NRC:0965T 10 CFR 50 App. E Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units        1  and 2 Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316 License Nos. DPR-58 and DPR-74 1990    EMERGENCY PLAN EXERCISE SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES 1990    EMERGENCY PLAN EXERCISE SCENARIO U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn:      Document  Control Desk Washington, D.C.        20555 Attn: T.        E. Murley April 23,      1990
==Dear Dr. Murley:==
The 1990 Emergency Plan Exercise was held at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant on April 3, 1990. Advance submissions of the exercise scope and objectives, and the exercise scenario package, were made to the NRC Region        III  Emergency Preparedness Section on December 21, 1989 and January 31, 1990, respectively.
In accordance with guidance provided by letter from Mr.          A. B.
Davis,      NRC  Region III  to Mr. John E. Dolan, AEPSC, dated March 16, 1987, the exercise information noted above was not transmitted to the      NRC  Document  Control Desk or the  NRC Resident Inspector.
The    exercise has now been completed and in accordance with 10        CFR 50.4, enclosed are the exercise scope and objectives, and the detailed scenario documentation.
                                                      ,g5 9004 00220 900423 PDR  ADOCK 05000315 F                      PDC
Dr. T. E. Murley                                AEP NRC:0965T This document has been prepared following Corporate procedures that incorporate a reasonable set of controls to ensure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.
Sincerely, M.  . Ale  ch Vice President edg Attachment cc:  D. H. Williams, Jr., w/o att.
A. A. Blind - Bridgman, w/o att.
R. C. Callen, w/o att.
NFEM Section Chief, w/o att.
G. Charnoff, w/o att.
NRC Resident Inspector - Bridgman, Attachments A. B. Davis - Region  III, w/o att.
W. G. Snell  - Region III, w/o att.
Lt. J. M. Tyler Lansing, MI, w/o
                      -                  att.
~~ ~ k Enclosure  l AEP:NRC:0965T DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT 1990 ANNUAL GRADED EXERCISE SCOPE This exercise is being conducted to satisfy the NRC requirement for an annual demonstration and is intended to demonstrate to NRC and FEMA evaluators that the health and safety of individuals within the Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone can be protected in the event of a radiological emergency at the Cook Nuclear Plant.
The  exercise is scheduled for the week of April 2, 1990 as an off-hours, unannounced exercise.        The events will be initiated at approximately 0100 on April 3, 1990 and will terminate at approximately 0900. The scenario will progress in order to facilitate activation of State and County emergency organizations prior to 0400.
It is  intended to conduct the exercise using the Unit 2 simulator and the simulated Technical Support Center in the Cook Nuclear Plant Training Center. Controller information and simulation data are also being developed to provide back-up for the exercise in the event of simulator equipment problems.
The event will be initiated by a loose part from a reactor coolant pump which causes a steam generator tube leak in excess of 500 gpm, and both pin damage and nozzle pluggage in the reactor core. The PORV and the upstream manual valve will fail open on the effected steam generator causing  it  to blowdown. The event will progress to a General Emergency based on either the loss of fission product barriers or dose rates at the site boundary. The severity of the event and subsequent off-site releases are intended to drive both the on-site and off-site exercise objectives.
The  meteorology  will be simulated to reflect weather    anticipated in early April    on the shore of Lake Michigan.
The DCCNP emergency    response organization, as well as the I&M Public Affairs  and AEPSC  organizations, will participate in this exercise.
The  following licensee emergency response facilities will be exercised.
o Technical Support Center (TSC) o Operations Staging Area (OSA) o Emergency Operations    Facility  (EOF) o  Joint  Public Information Center (JPIC).
This  will be  a joint  exercise with the State of Michigan and Berrien County, Michigan    participating to demonstrate    plume exposure pathway planning objectives.      The State and County  will activate  the following facilities:
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1990 Annual Graded Exercise Scope Page 2 o State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) - Lansing,    MI o Berrien County Emergency Operations Center (BEOC)
St. Joseph, MI o Joint Public Information Center (JPIC) o Local Reception/Decontamination/Congregate    Care and Emergency Worker Decontamination Centers.
Exercise participants  will not have  prior  knowledge of the event scenario.
Objectives of the  off-site organizations  are being transmitted to FEMA by the State of Michigan. Specific actions to be demonstrated      by the licensee emergency response organization are reflected in the    following objectives.
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DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT 1990 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVE OVERALL LICENSEE OBJECTIVES A-1  Demonstrate the ability of the emergency response organization to implement DCCNP Emergency Plan Procedures, the IMPCo Emergency Response Manual and the AEPSC Emergency Response Manual.
A-2  Demonstrate  the ability to establish emergency management command and  control, and maintain continuity of this function for the duration of the postulated event.
A-3  Demonstrate  the  ability to establish communications and information flow between  DCCNP  emergency response  facilities and  participating offsite agencies.
A-4  Demonstrate the ability to designate subsequent      shifts of the emergency response organization.
A-5  Demonstrate the ability to notify and mobilize off-duty personnel during non-working hours, between 0000 and 0400.
B."  CONTROL ROOM OBJECTIVES B-1  Demonstrate the ability to recognize symptoms and parameters indicative of degrading plant conditions and to classify degraded conditions as emergencies.
B-2  Demonstrate the  ability to  initiate notification of off-site authorities  and plant personnel.
B-3  Demonstrate'ommunications    and information flow to  and from the Technical Support Center.
B-4  Demonstrate  the ability to transfer emergency authorities and responsibilities from the on-shift emergency organization to the  DCCNP emergency response  organization.
B-5  Demonstrate  the  ability to implement site assembly and accountability during off-hours (i.e., 1700-0600).
C. TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER OBJECTIVES C-l  Demonstrate the ability to activate the facility within one hour of declaration of an emergency requiring facility activation.
ERE-90 2-1
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C-2  Demonstrate the ability to provide analytical assistance      and operational guidance to the Control Room.
C-3  Demonstrate the ability to coordinate on-site      activities in response to the emergency.
C-4  Demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain hard copy communications with the EOF and verbal communications with the EOF, OSA, IAG, ENC and/or JPIC.
C-5  Demonstrate the  ability to provide analytical radiological assistance  to the OSA and Control Room.
C-6  Demonstrate the  ability to obtain data from the    OTSC/PSSD system.
C-7  Demonstrate the  ability to request emergency response teams from the OSA.
C-8  Demonstrate the  ability to designate    a second shift for  TSC operation, C-9  Demonstrate  the ability to evaluate the results of TSC/OSA habitability  surveys and assess the need to evacuate these facilities.
C-10  Demonstrate  the ability to recognize degrading plant conditions and  classify plant conditions    as an emergency.
C-11  Demonstrate  the ability to evaluate site evacuation routes and determine an appropriate route based on indicated radiological and  meteorological conditions.
C-12  Demonstrate the actions required to. be taken in the TSC      if the emergency involves a breach of the reactor coolant system.
C-13  Demonstrate the ability to determine the      level of core  damage based on plant parameters provided.
C-14 .Demonstrate  the ability to process personnel dose extension request.
C-15  Demonstrate the ability to assess the need for, and process request for potassium iodide administration.
ERE-90 2-2
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OBJECTIVE OPERATIONS. STAGING AREA OBJECTIVES D-1  Demonstrate the ability to activate the facility within one hour of declaration of an emergency requiring facility activation.
D-2  Demonstrate    the ability  to assemble,    brief  and dispatch the following    emergency response    team(s):
a ~    Damage  Control Team
: b. Post Accident Sampling Team C. On-site Radiation Monitoring      Team
: d. Off-site Radiation Monitoring      Team D-3  Demonstrate the    ability  to designate    a second  shift for  OSA operation.
D-4  Each emergency response      team assembled    and dispatched  shall demonstrate the following actions as applicable to the team type and mission:
a ~  , Assembly  of tools/equipment.
: b. Preoperation checks of equipment and communications devices.
C. Performance of appropriate radiological precautions.
: d. Performance or simulation of team mission.
Post-mission debriefing and radiological controls.
D-5  Demonstrate the    ability  to provide emergency radiological support. As a minimum  the following    activities  should be demonstrated:
: a. Establishment of emergency dosimetry and exposure tracking system.
: b. Establishment of emergency control points.
: c. Performance  of habitability surveys prescribed by procedure.
: d. Analysis of radiological conditions to be encountered by emergency response    teams.
: e. Specification of radiological controls        and precautions for  emergency response  teams.
D-6  Demonstrate    the ability  to perform  offsite radiological monitoring.      As a minimum, two teams    should be dispatched and direct radiation monitoring      as  well  as  airborne radioactivity analysis should be demonstrated.
ERE-90 2-3
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D-7  Demonstrate the ability to implement damage control activities in accordance with applicable Emergency Plan Procedures.
D-8  Demonstrate the ability to perform onsite radiological monitoring in accordance with applicable Emergency Plan Procedures. This monitoring should include direct radiation surveys and analysis of airborne radioactivity samples.
D-9  Demonstrate  the  ability to obtain post accident samples from the  RSC Loop and complete    appropriate chemical and isotopic analysis within three hours of the sample request.
Demonstrate  the ability to obtain radiological base data required to evaluate the release level from the secondary plant during a steam generator tube rupture.
D-ll  Demonstrate  the ability to respond to a contaminated person.
Included in this demonstration, personnel decontamination shall be simulated.
D-12  Demonstrate the actions required for an individual to exceed the exposure limits of 10CFR20. Included in this demonstration should be a discussion of post exposure actions and limitations.
D-13  Demonstrate the actions required to administer potassium iodide. This demonstration should include a discussion      of the follow-up actions associated with KI administration.
D-14  Demonstrate a  shift turnover.
D-15  Demonstrate  the ability to obtain  environmental samples in accordance with applicable Emergency Plan Procedures.      The following  samples  should be obtained:
: a. Vegetation
: b. Soil E. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS    FACILITY OBJECTIVES E-1  Demonstrate the ability to activate the facility within one hour of declaration of an emergency requiring facility activation.
ERE-90 2-4
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E-2    Demonstrate the  ability  to establish overall command and control of the  DCCNP emergency response within one hour of declaration of  a site area emergency or general emergency, as applicable.
E-3    Demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain effective emergency communications with each of the following agencies and facilities:
: a. State of Michigan
: b. Berrien County
: c. NRC
: d. Technical Support Center
: e. Joint Public Information
: f. Initial Assessment  Group E-4  Demonstrate  the ability to establish and maintain hard copy data transmission and reception with each of the following facilities:
: a. Technical Support Center
: b. Joint Public Information Center
: c. State of Michigan EOC E-5  Demonstrate the  ability to direct Offsite Radiation Monitoring Teams  in order to determine the geographical location and radiological magnitude of the postulated plurne.
E-6  Demonstrate  the  ability to designate    a second shift for EOF operation.
E-7  Demonstrate the ability to develop protective action recommendations based on projected dose and/or core and containment status.
E-8  Demonstrate the ability to update the State of Michigan on the status of the emergency at 15 minute intervals.
E-9  Demonstrate the ability to respond to inquiries from the TSC, JPIC, IAG and State of Michigan in a timely manner.
E-10  Demonstrate emergency de-escalation    and  termination.
E-ll  Demonstrate the ability to project the magnitude of offsite dose using the Dose Assessment Program and the IBM Personal Computer.
E-12  Demonstrate corporate augmentation    of the  EOF staff.
ERE-90 2-5
E-13  Demonstrate recovery planning associated  with  emergency termination.
E-14  Demonstrate the  ability to take compensatory action in the event of a  failure of the Meteorological Data Terminal.
PUBLIC AFFAIRS OBJECTIVES F-1  Demonstrate  activation of the Joint Public Information Center.
F-2  Demonstrate  the  ability to conduct media briefings.
F-3  Demonstrate the  ability to respond to actual or simulated inquiries from media representatives.
F-4  Demonstrate  the ability of rumor control personnel to respond to simulated inquires from the general public.
F-5  Demonstrate the ability to monitor media transmissions and respond to inaccurate information being transmitted by the media.
F-6  Demonstrate the  ability to designate subsequent shifts for JPIC operations.
F-7  Demonstrate coordination of news announcement    content with State and County representatives.
ERE-90 2-6}}

Revision as of 06:05, 29 October 2019

Forwards DC Cook Nuclear Plant 1990 Annual Emergency Preparedness Exercise. Exercise Scope & Objectives & Detailed Scenario Documentation Encl
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 04/23/1990
From: Alexich M
To: Murley T
Shared Package
ML17328A678 List:
AEP:NRC:0965T, AEP:NRC:965T, NUDOCS 9004300220
Download: ML17328A677 (19)



ACCESSION NBR:9004300220 DOC.DATE: 90/04/23 'OTARIZED: NO DOCKET FACXL:50-315 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1, Indiana 6 05000315 50-316 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2, Indiana 6 05000316 AUTH. NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION ALEXICH,M.P. Indiana Michigan Power Co. (formerly Xndiana & Michigan Ele RECXP.NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION R MURLEY,T.E. Document Control Branch (Document Co~ggol Desk) 3 Lb~3 'I


Forwards "1990 Annual Emergency Prepare~PVess exercise on 900403 for DC Cook Nuclear Plant." 0 DISTRIBUTION CODE: A045D COPIES RECEIVED:LTR / ENCL / SIZE: O f Z 7g TITLE: OR Submittal: Emergency Preparedness Pla s, Implement'g Procedures, C NOTES: ./






Power Company P.O. Box 16631


indiana Michigan~

Columbus, OH 43216

~ ~

R azawmrz CZSCMESSlH POWER AEP:NRC:0965T 10 CFR 50 App. E Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316 License Nos. DPR-58 and DPR-74 1990 EMERGENCY PLAN EXERCISE SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES 1990 EMERGENCY PLAN EXERCISE SCENARIO U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Attn: T. E. Murley April 23, 1990

Dear Dr. Murley:

The 1990 Emergency Plan Exercise was held at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant on April 3, 1990. Advance submissions of the exercise scope and objectives, and the exercise scenario package, were made to the NRC Region III Emergency Preparedness Section on December 21, 1989 and January 31, 1990, respectively.

In accordance with guidance provided by letter from Mr. A. B.

Davis, NRC Region III to Mr. John E. Dolan, AEPSC, dated March 16, 1987, the exercise information noted above was not transmitted to the NRC Document Control Desk or the NRC Resident Inspector.

The exercise has now been completed and in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4, enclosed are the exercise scope and objectives, and the detailed scenario documentation.

,g5 9004 00220 900423 PDR ADOCK 05000315 F PDC

Dr. T. E. Murley AEP NRC:0965T This document has been prepared following Corporate procedures that incorporate a reasonable set of controls to ensure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.

Sincerely, M. . Ale ch Vice President edg Attachment cc: D. H. Williams, Jr., w/o att.

A. A. Blind - Bridgman, w/o att.

R. C. Callen, w/o att.

NFEM Section Chief, w/o att.

G. Charnoff, w/o att.

NRC Resident Inspector - Bridgman, Attachments A. B. Davis - Region III, w/o att.

W. G. Snell - Region III, w/o att.

Lt. J. M. Tyler Lansing, MI, w/o

- att.

~~ ~ k Enclosure l AEP:NRC:0965T DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT 1990 ANNUAL GRADED EXERCISE SCOPE This exercise is being conducted to satisfy the NRC requirement for an annual demonstration and is intended to demonstrate to NRC and FEMA evaluators that the health and safety of individuals within the Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone can be protected in the event of a radiological emergency at the Cook Nuclear Plant.

The exercise is scheduled for the week of April 2, 1990 as an off-hours, unannounced exercise. The events will be initiated at approximately 0100 on April 3, 1990 and will terminate at approximately 0900. The scenario will progress in order to facilitate activation of State and County emergency organizations prior to 0400.

It is intended to conduct the exercise using the Unit 2 simulator and the simulated Technical Support Center in the Cook Nuclear Plant Training Center. Controller information and simulation data are also being developed to provide back-up for the exercise in the event of simulator equipment problems.

The event will be initiated by a loose part from a reactor coolant pump which causes a steam generator tube leak in excess of 500 gpm, and both pin damage and nozzle pluggage in the reactor core. The PORV and the upstream manual valve will fail open on the effected steam generator causing it to blowdown. The event will progress to a General Emergency based on either the loss of fission product barriers or dose rates at the site boundary. The severity of the event and subsequent off-site releases are intended to drive both the on-site and off-site exercise objectives.

The meteorology will be simulated to reflect weather anticipated in early April on the shore of Lake Michigan.

The DCCNP emergency response organization, as well as the I&M Public Affairs and AEPSC organizations, will participate in this exercise.

The following licensee emergency response facilities will be exercised.

o Technical Support Center (TSC) o Operations Staging Area (OSA) o Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) o Joint Public Information Center (JPIC).

This will be a joint exercise with the State of Michigan and Berrien County, Michigan participating to demonstrate plume exposure pathway planning objectives. The State and County will activate the following facilities:


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1990 Annual Graded Exercise Scope Page 2 o State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) - Lansing, MI o Berrien County Emergency Operations Center (BEOC)

St. Joseph, MI o Joint Public Information Center (JPIC) o Local Reception/Decontamination/Congregate Care and Emergency Worker Decontamination Centers.

Exercise participants will not have prior knowledge of the event scenario.

Objectives of the off-site organizations are being transmitted to FEMA by the State of Michigan. Specific actions to be demonstrated by the licensee emergency response organization are reflected in the following objectives.

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DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT 1990 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXERCISE OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVE OVERALL LICENSEE OBJECTIVES A-1 Demonstrate the ability of the emergency response organization to implement DCCNP Emergency Plan Procedures, the IMPCo Emergency Response Manual and the AEPSC Emergency Response Manual.

A-2 Demonstrate the ability to establish emergency management command and control, and maintain continuity of this function for the duration of the postulated event.

A-3 Demonstrate the ability to establish communications and information flow between DCCNP emergency response facilities and participating offsite agencies.

A-4 Demonstrate the ability to designate subsequent shifts of the emergency response organization.

A-5 Demonstrate the ability to notify and mobilize off-duty personnel during non-working hours, between 0000 and 0400.

B." CONTROL ROOM OBJECTIVES B-1 Demonstrate the ability to recognize symptoms and parameters indicative of degrading plant conditions and to classify degraded conditions as emergencies.

B-2 Demonstrate the ability to initiate notification of off-site authorities and plant personnel.

B-3 Demonstrate'ommunications and information flow to and from the Technical Support Center.

B-4 Demonstrate the ability to transfer emergency authorities and responsibilities from the on-shift emergency organization to the DCCNP emergency response organization.

B-5 Demonstrate the ability to implement site assembly and accountability during off-hours (i.e., 1700-0600).

C. TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER OBJECTIVES C-l Demonstrate the ability to activate the facility within one hour of declaration of an emergency requiring facility activation.

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C-2 Demonstrate the ability to provide analytical assistance and operational guidance to the Control Room.

C-3 Demonstrate the ability to coordinate on-site activities in response to the emergency.

C-4 Demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain hard copy communications with the EOF and verbal communications with the EOF, OSA, IAG, ENC and/or JPIC.

C-5 Demonstrate the ability to provide analytical radiological assistance to the OSA and Control Room.

C-6 Demonstrate the ability to obtain data from the OTSC/PSSD system.

C-7 Demonstrate the ability to request emergency response teams from the OSA.

C-8 Demonstrate the ability to designate a second shift for TSC operation, C-9 Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the results of TSC/OSA habitability surveys and assess the need to evacuate these facilities.

C-10 Demonstrate the ability to recognize degrading plant conditions and classify plant conditions as an emergency.

C-11 Demonstrate the ability to evaluate site evacuation routes and determine an appropriate route based on indicated radiological and meteorological conditions.

C-12 Demonstrate the actions required to. be taken in the TSC if the emergency involves a breach of the reactor coolant system.

C-13 Demonstrate the ability to determine the level of core damage based on plant parameters provided.

C-14 .Demonstrate the ability to process personnel dose extension request.

C-15 Demonstrate the ability to assess the need for, and process request for potassium iodide administration.

ERE-90 2-2

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OBJECTIVE OPERATIONS. STAGING AREA OBJECTIVES D-1 Demonstrate the ability to activate the facility within one hour of declaration of an emergency requiring facility activation.

D-2 Demonstrate the ability to assemble, brief and dispatch the following emergency response team(s):

a ~ Damage Control Team

b. Post Accident Sampling Team C. On-site Radiation Monitoring Team
d. Off-site Radiation Monitoring Team D-3 Demonstrate the ability to designate a second shift for OSA operation.

D-4 Each emergency response team assembled and dispatched shall demonstrate the following actions as applicable to the team type and mission:

a ~ , Assembly of tools/equipment.

b. Preoperation checks of equipment and communications devices.

C. Performance of appropriate radiological precautions.

d. Performance or simulation of team mission.

Post-mission debriefing and radiological controls.

D-5 Demonstrate the ability to provide emergency radiological support. As a minimum the following activities should be demonstrated:

a. Establishment of emergency dosimetry and exposure tracking system.
b. Establishment of emergency control points.
c. Performance of habitability surveys prescribed by procedure.
d. Analysis of radiological conditions to be encountered by emergency response teams.
e. Specification of radiological controls and precautions for emergency response teams.

D-6 Demonstrate the ability to perform offsite radiological monitoring. As a minimum, two teams should be dispatched and direct radiation monitoring as well as airborne radioactivity analysis should be demonstrated.

ERE-90 2-3

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D-7 Demonstrate the ability to implement damage control activities in accordance with applicable Emergency Plan Procedures.

D-8 Demonstrate the ability to perform onsite radiological monitoring in accordance with applicable Emergency Plan Procedures. This monitoring should include direct radiation surveys and analysis of airborne radioactivity samples.

D-9 Demonstrate the ability to obtain post accident samples from the RSC Loop and complete appropriate chemical and isotopic analysis within three hours of the sample request.

Demonstrate the ability to obtain radiological base data required to evaluate the release level from the secondary plant during a steam generator tube rupture.

D-ll Demonstrate the ability to respond to a contaminated person.

Included in this demonstration, personnel decontamination shall be simulated.

D-12 Demonstrate the actions required for an individual to exceed the exposure limits of 10CFR20. Included in this demonstration should be a discussion of post exposure actions and limitations.

D-13 Demonstrate the actions required to administer potassium iodide. This demonstration should include a discussion of the follow-up actions associated with KI administration.

D-14 Demonstrate a shift turnover.

D-15 Demonstrate the ability to obtain environmental samples in accordance with applicable Emergency Plan Procedures. The following samples should be obtained:

a. Vegetation
b. Soil E. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY OBJECTIVES E-1 Demonstrate the ability to activate the facility within one hour of declaration of an emergency requiring facility activation.

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E-2 Demonstrate the ability to establish overall command and control of the DCCNP emergency response within one hour of declaration of a site area emergency or general emergency, as applicable.

E-3 Demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain effective emergency communications with each of the following agencies and facilities:

a. State of Michigan
b. Berrien County
c. NRC
d. Technical Support Center
e. Joint Public Information
f. Initial Assessment Group E-4 Demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain hard copy data transmission and reception with each of the following facilities:
a. Technical Support Center
b. Joint Public Information Center
c. State of Michigan EOC E-5 Demonstrate the ability to direct Offsite Radiation Monitoring Teams in order to determine the geographical location and radiological magnitude of the postulated plurne.

E-6 Demonstrate the ability to designate a second shift for EOF operation.

E-7 Demonstrate the ability to develop protective action recommendations based on projected dose and/or core and containment status.

E-8 Demonstrate the ability to update the State of Michigan on the status of the emergency at 15 minute intervals.

E-9 Demonstrate the ability to respond to inquiries from the TSC, JPIC, IAG and State of Michigan in a timely manner.

E-10 Demonstrate emergency de-escalation and termination.

E-ll Demonstrate the ability to project the magnitude of offsite dose using the Dose Assessment Program and the IBM Personal Computer.

E-12 Demonstrate corporate augmentation of the EOF staff.

ERE-90 2-5


E-13 Demonstrate recovery planning associated with emergency termination.

E-14 Demonstrate the ability to take compensatory action in the event of a failure of the Meteorological Data Terminal.

PUBLIC AFFAIRS OBJECTIVES F-1 Demonstrate activation of the Joint Public Information Center.

F-2 Demonstrate the ability to conduct media briefings.

F-3 Demonstrate the ability to respond to actual or simulated inquiries from media representatives.

F-4 Demonstrate the ability of rumor control personnel to respond to simulated inquires from the general public.

F-5 Demonstrate the ability to monitor media transmissions and respond to inaccurate information being transmitted by the media.

F-6 Demonstrate the ability to designate subsequent shifts for JPIC operations.

F-7 Demonstrate coordination of news announcement content with State and County representatives.

ERE-90 2-6