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Informs of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Licensee Workshop to Be Held on 871027-28 in Atlanta,Ga to Discuss Various NRC Programs & Policies & to Provide Update on Pending Issues & Policy Matters.W/O Stated Encls
Person / Time
Site: 07000036
Issue date: 09/16/1987
From: Stohr J
To: Rode J
NUDOCS 8709240454
Download: ML20235C442 (2)




SEP 10 B87


Orcket No. 70-36 License No. SNM-33 Combustion Engineering, Inc.

C-E Power Systems i

ATTN: Mr. J. Rode, Plant Manager P. O. Box 107 Hematite, Missouri 63047 Gentlemen:


NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE LICENSEE WORKSHOP The Region II Office of the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission is sponsoring a one and one-half day Nuclear Fuel Cycle Licensee Workshop on October 27-28, 1987, at the Richard B. Russell Federal Building in Atlanta, Georgia.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together NRC officials and fuel cycle licensee representatives to discuss various NRC programs and policies.

It is designed to provide information on NRC policy and procedures applicable to fuel cycle licensee, develop an understanding of NRC program objectives and provide an update on certain pending issues and policy matters.

We believe the subjects to be addressed during this workshop will provide useful information to all levels of fuel facility personnel and should be especially beneficial to personnel associated with the implementation and management of Radiological Safety and Safeguards programs at your facility.

The agenda for the workshop is enclosed.

There are no registration or tuition costs associated with this workshop and attendance is encouraged by representatives of your facility.

A listing of invited licensees is enclosed.

The workshop will commence at 8:00 a.m. on October 27, 1987, and should be completed by 12:30 p.m. on October 28, 1987.

The workshop will be conducted in the L. D. Strom Auditorium of the Richard B.

Russell Federal Building. This building is located at 75 Spring Street, at the intersection of Spring Street and Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in Atlanta, Georgia.

The L. D. Strom Auditorium is located off the Lower Plaza (LP) in this building.

For your convenience, an Atlanta City map and a list of hotels are also enclosed.

Mos. of these hotels can provide transportation to and from the Atlanta Airport.

We look forward to seeing you in October and believe the g240454 e70916 ADOCK 07000036 C

PDR I, 0



Combustion Engineering, Inc.

2 i

l seminar will provide an excellent opportunity to exchange information of l

mutual interest.

If you need additional information, please contact William E. Cline (404/331-0346) or Edward J. McAlpine (404/331-5547) of this office.

Sincerely, J. Philip Stohr, Director l

Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards j



Agenda l


List of Attendees 3.

List of Atlanta Area Hotels 4.

Atlanta City Map bec w/encis:

Document Control Desk W. Axelson, RIII L. Rouse, NMSS B. Brock, NMSS State of Missouri 9





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