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Requests Assessment of Controls Which Prevent or Detect Introduction of Hydrocarbons Into Cylinders & UF6 Sys During Processing & Transporting.Doe Safety Alert DOE/EP-0050/3, Feb 1983 Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07000036
Issue date: 03/02/1987
From: Crow W
To: Eskridge H
NUDOCS 8703060295
Download: ML20212J064 (3)


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gAa 0 21987 FCUP:GHB 70-36 Combustion Engineering, Inc.

ATTN: Mr. H. E. Eskridge, Supervisor Nuclear Licensing Safety and Accountability P. O. Box 107 Hematite, Missouri 63047 Gentlemen:

The presence of hydrocarbons in UF g cylinders and UF, process systems is of serious concern to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory ComiVsion (NRC) since the reaction of UF with hydrocarbons, even in small quantities, may be quito vigorousandc$nresultinseriousexplosions. The Department of Energy (DOE) is also concerned about the presence of hydrocarbons in licensee's cylinders because the cylinders may be emptied or filled at the DOE enrichment plants.

Because of these concerns, you are requested to provide an assessment of your controls which arevent or detect the introduction of hydrocarbons into the cylinders and t1e UFg systems during processing and transport. The assessment should cover procurement, recertification, and maintenance of cylinderst the UF, process systems, including cold traps if used, for filling or emptying cyTinders; and seals on either full or " empty" cylinders during transport and storage.

Unless the above identified controls exist in your license, the assessment should be presented in the form of a license amendment application. The application should be in two parts - proposed controls as license conditions, and a safety demonstration showing the adequacy of the controls. The proposed conditions should be formatted as revised pages for insertion into the referenced section of license conditions in your current license. Your response is requested within 45 days from the date of this letter.

Enclosed is a 1983 DOE Safety Alert which provides some information and ,

guidance on isolating hydrocarbons and UFg process systens. ORO-651, Revision 4, " Uranium Hexafluoride: Handling Procedures and Container ,

Criteria," U.S. ERDA. April 1977, is currently under revision by DOE. '

Revision 5 should be available soon. ,

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0703060295 070302 PDH ADOCK 07000036 l C pyn I



. Combustion Engineering, Inc. 2

. MAR' 0 21981

- If you have questions, I can be contacted at (301) 427-4510.

Sincerely, Original Signed Ry W. T. Crow, Acting Chief Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, NMSS


As stated DISTRTRUTION w/ encl.

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Assistant Secretary. Environmental Protection. Safety & Emergency Preparedness i Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety & Health I

1 DOE /EP-00$c/3 Issue No. 3 February 1983 l J


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PhiOBLEM: Uquid UF6 cas explode if it comes in p- . . ,- ner contact with hydrocarbon oil, even when the quantity of p]-l:--



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' oil is quite small (i.e., a few himdred cc's). If a  %;  !;9;;  ;;; .!in!. ,Jssanin ~' HUl '

' 30 M h;Ghin contaminated standa rd UF6 cynda rsted st 100 150 psi '"ihii  ; p; gs  !;f I did explode, the force probably woaM not be contained. g gjg ;f ,;!jjj.;y:..;y D I A,.,,,, -g{ ]j;;;

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A 30A cytander, beving just been Rand with 44s? lbs. of bquid IJF6 '

3 wee transported to a concrete storses ped. After the ghader was Lowred to the pad, sa esplosion caurted withis the cyhsmier as s evidenced by a loud repost and the outwerd bulging of both concave cada of the cykeder. la tide lastance, the espbeion was contained but  ;

. ennons beena to emerge free e neck la the valve and a cruk appeared 1 in the cytander wea.

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'Ihe presence of small quantities of oil inside a cylinder is  !

( . not obvious, since:

  • The tare weight of the cylinder is essentially

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I- o The vapor psessuso et the et is ==8hl==ney low that totheeyunderisinsedEsisetseheldthedispinsedeu, ' . .'

the cat wit amt inessisse with Ilquid UFg SMag the the oil wiu be fossed less the ayunder.

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o Analysis of liguld UF4 sesspiss from the syllader '

enanot relishly detest smaR quantides of eiL 1. The inside of new UF6 sylindere should be thoroughly eleased if the presones of an3 rehearity, the amary of ou into UF6eseuse as follows: hydrosarbes all is suspected. Edleadve pre #ns for eiensing new eyundere and the-00 used during fabriendes asey sommin eethelseide of lares eyundere ese imeluded in the appendiese of surface of the syliador if k is inadequaesty cleased. ANSI N 84,I - 1932, "Pa Indag of Usenium .

This eaa,be .u-aw if the fabstanser applies -

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. p" approprinse quality assurenes preesdures and the r buyer thoroughly laspects a statistiempy signi8 east 2. Only oildres air should be used to pressarias 7

somber of eyhedere, cylinders. Coseider air operated ejectors for evesustion. They provide the most positive i Ou may be forced into the cylinder during and aAer assuranes that oil wul not enter the cylinder during evacuation through improper operados of as ou - the evacuation operation.

fuled vassum pump. Should the pump stop for any

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3. As ou trap should be lastaued between an on Alled l brealdag operator error. or meshanient faumes), the vacuum pump and any UFg syllader being I atmospheric presswo on the pump dischares eaa eva uated. The oil trap (shown below) should have a l . fores the ou beek.through the pusep to the suedom -

voluane greater than the ou espasity of the vacuum side. If the voluses of the pipe connecting the pump pump.

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