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Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0036/87-03 on 870921-25 & Notice of Violation.Progress in Completing Corrections to Weaknesses Noted During 861117-21 Insp Will Continue to Be Monitored
Person / Time
Site: 07000036
Issue date: 10/20/1987
From: Shafer W
To: Mcgill P
Shared Package
ML20236B730 List:
NUDOCS 8710260323
Download: ML20236B727 (2)





OCT 2 01987

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13810C12b A 9 Ss Docket No. 70-36 Combustion Engineering, Inc.


Dr. P. L. McGill Vice Presider.t Manufacturing l

Nuclear Power Systems Windsor, CT 06095 Gentlemen:

This refers to the routine safety inspection conducted by Mr. G. M. France, III, of this office on September 21-25, 1987, of activities at your Hematite facility l

authorized by NRC Special Nuclear Material License No. SNM-33, and to the j

discussion of our findings with Mr. J. A. Rode and others at the conclusion of the inspection.

The enclosed copy of our inspection report identifies areas examined during the inspection.

Within these areas, the inspection consisted of a selective 1

examination of procedures and representative records, observations, and 1

interviews with personnel.

It was noted that while significant progress has been made towards correcting weaknesses which were identified during the special team inspection we conducted on November 17-21, 1986, some improvements have not been completed.

We will continue to monitor your progress in correcting these weaknesses during future inspections.

During this inspection, certain of your activities appeared to be in violation of NRC requirements, as specified in the enclosed Notice.

The inspection showed that action had been taken to correct the identified violation and to 4

prevent recurrence.

Our understanding of your corrective actions are I

described in Paragraph 6a of the enclosed inspection report. Consequently, no reply to the violation is required and we have no further questions regarding this matter at this time.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of j

this letter, and the enclosures, will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room.

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I B710260323 h hhO36 PDR ADOCK PDR C

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Combustion Engineering, Inc.

2 0CT 2 01987 We will gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this inspection.

Sincerely, woriginal signna by W.D. Shnfer

W. D. Shafer, Chief 1

Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Protection Branch a



Notice of Violation 2.

Inspection Report No. 70-036/87003(DRSS) cc w/ enclosures:

J. A. Rode, Plant Manager DCD/DCB (RIDS) l l

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I R -II RI France /ib

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