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Informs That Util Plans No Other Activities Re Tdi Diesel Generator Radiator Missiles & Associated Pra,Per 861219 Submittal of Probabilistic Calculation & Subsequent Actions
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 11/07/1988
From: Croley B
To: Knighton G
RTR-NUREG-1286 AGM-NTS-88-288, NUDOCS 8811160437
Download: ML20206C854 (2)


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J "e suun SACRAMENTO MUNICIPA UTIUTY DISTRICT C P. O. Box 15830, Sacramento CA 95852 183o,8916) 452 3211 AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM SERVING THE HEART OF CALIFORNIA AGH/NTS88-288 NOV o 71888 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Hashington, DC 20555 Docket No. 50-312 Rancho Seco Nuclear Generattog Station License No. DPR-54 TDI DIESEL GENERATOR RADIATOR HISSILES Attention: George A.71ghton In Proposed Amendment No. 147, Revision 1, dated December 19, 1986, the District submitted as Enclosure 9 the probabilistic calculation for the TDI diesel generator radiators.

This calculation was completed on October 22, 1986.

Based on concerns expressed by the NRC reviewer of that document, the District removed the personnel access doors to the radiator yards and replaced them with welded-in-place missile barriers.

In addition, the yard equipment doors were replaced with removable missile barriers.

The final concern expressed by the reviewer was the District's use of the Damage Area Per Path Length (DAPPLE) technique for tornado probability calculations.

The District used the guidance provided in NUREG/CR-3058, (October, 1983) Hethodology for Tornado Hazard Probability Assessment.

The NRC reviewer stated that the use of NUREG/CR-4801 (January 1987),

NUREG/CR-5697 (not yet issued), and NUREG/CR-4492 (October 1997) was considered an acceptable basis for calculations.

The NRC has not stated that NUREG/CR-3058 is no longer acceptable.

In response to the guidance provided on page 4-37 of NUREG-1286, Supplement No. 1, the District reviewed the PRA assu.mptions against guidance available at the tihte of development and guidance currently available. Given the improvements made to the radiator yard doors, the presently acceptible methodology utilized in the calculations, and the extremely low probability (5.6 x 10-s/ year) of tornado damage, the District considers the current PRA and radiator yard design to be acceptable. Given the 1 x 10-2/ demand or greater probability, as allowed by Technical Specifications, that a diesel engine will not start on demand, the additional 5.6 x 10-8/ year probability only marginally increases the probability of engine failure.

8911)oO437 001107 i

PDR ADOCK 05000312 i

P PNU RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION O 1444o TMo Cities Road, Herald, CA 95638-9799;(209) 333 2935


George Knighton AGH/NTS88-288 JiOV071988 The District plans no other activities relative to the TDI diesel generator radiators and their associated PRA. Members of your staff with questions requiring additio'al information or clarification may contact Mr. Dave Swank at (916) 452-3211 extension 4920.

Sincerely, J

Bob G. Croley Assistant General Manager Nuclear Technical Services cc:

A. D'Angelo, NRC, Rancho Seco J. B. Hartin, NRC, Halnut Creek


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