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Submits Application for Exclusionary General Permit for Plant
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 01/12/1998
From: Hadder A
To: Darton T
NUDOCS 9801220279
Download: ML20198P879 (9)



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Manuary 12,1998 _ ,,

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~ Mr. Terry Darton .


> Department of Environmental. Quality- ,


Fredericksburg Satellite Office  :

806 Westwood Office Park , >

Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 -

Re: North' Anna Exclusionary General Permit Application - Virginia Registration No. 40726

Dear Mr. Darton:

> Pursuant to the requirements of 9 VAC Chapter 500, Virginia Power is submitting an application for an'. i Lexclusionary general permit for North Anna Power Station. Mr. W. R. Matthews, Station Manager, has ,

signed the application as the responsible official for North Anna Power Station. i s . ,

L Three emission units hrve been listed in the application. The two auxiliary boilers were not operated in L1995 or 1996. The stetion blackout generator (SBO)ir e oermitted emergency generator and was operated to test the reliability of the generator system. The me.xv m emission of any one pollutant during this' time' i period was 1.85 tons / year of NOx which was emitted by the SBO in 1995. Virginia Power expects future emissions to be of a similar magnitude as those experienced in 1995 and 1996. All other emission units at -

the station.are considered to be insignificant emission units as listed in 9 VAC 5-80-720.

Mr. Matthews has signed the enclosed certification with the understanding that such certification is not

': . Intended as a representation thx he was directly responsible for supervising or directing all individuals and -'

entities that may have participated in preparing this submittal. For example, he did not' supervise or ' direct the employees of vendors or contractors who may have contributed irformation. Also, some information - .'

contained in this subm'ttal has been prepared or gathered by Virginia Power employees who do not report

to Mr. Matthews directly or indirectly; hoivever, to the best of his knowledge the information is complete

. and accurate,

- Virginia Power's interpretation of tlic enclosed certification as reflected above is based on' the U. S.-

Environmental Protection Agency's statement at_48 Federal Register 39611,39613, and 39621 clarifying --

/ the intent of the identical certificate required under EPA's consolidated permit program rules.


a- ' lIf you have any questions regarding this application, please contact Mr. Ron Ulmer at 804-273-2980.-

. XV trulyg uf ,

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  • ^V w A. W. Hadder L '

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E- iManageri . .

- I- 1 LEnvironmental Policy & Comnlian-t  ; i

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Innsbnnok kchnical Center

. - ,. StMxt (kuninfort ihmterarel .  ?

Glen Allen, \'irginia Z30(>0 -

f CC:

- U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 11 ^

Atlanta Federal Center +

61 Forsyth St., S_W, Suite 23T85 -

!. Atlanta, GA 30303 RE:' North Anna Units I and 2 .

Docket Nos. 50 338/50-339 License Nos. HPF-4/NPF-7

- t!UTSINissliir RehiE$p CoMsissiori"f Document Control Desk

-. Washington, DC 20555 '

RE: North Anna Units 1 and 2 -

Docket Nos. 50-338/50-339 License Nos. IIPF-4/NPF 7

-.Mr. M. J. Morgan ~

. NRC Senior Resident Inspector North Anna Power Station


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Mr. W. R. Matthews ..M8 M .

Mr. D. A.11cacock 'D AllJ Mr A. C. Cooke rr MI '

Action Plan


No action is required.

Vertfle=*lon of Accuracy ,

The information containes ii. this perrait application was primarily obtained from the Bums &

' McDonnell report submitted to Ms. Diana Mize, dated Octob:r 23,1995, andi nformati on from the NAPS ECC and other NAPS and EP&C records. R.11. Ulmer, EP&C, compiled the permit application and ecmposed the letter.

Commitments Compliance with the permit shall be the responsibility of the Station Manager, with support from EP&C.

N Chages to the UFS AR or OA Toolcal Report

. None. No USFAR or QA Topical Report changes are necessitated by this permit request.





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Exclusionary General Air Permit COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEO DOCUMENT CERTIFICATION FORM i certily under penalty oflaw that this document and al! ettachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a 5ystem designed to assure that quMilledpersonnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering and evaluating the information, the Information submittedis, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am ar'are that there are significant penalths for submitting false information, including the possifdlity of fine andimprisonment for knowing violations.

SIGNATUR : W > DATE: / t-Pr NAME: W. R. Matttlews TITLE: Station Manager - North Anna Power Station __

COMPANY: ._Mitgin[a Electric and Power Comoanv REGISTRATION NUMBER: 40726


Vir0i nia Regulatloat. A VAC 6 Cnet>ter 500 (REQUIRED PAGE)

VIR INIA DEQ - EXCLUSIONARY CENERAL AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION FORM Re'gistratien number (if applicable): 40726 Company name and address:

Virginia Electric and Power Company .

5000 Dominion Boulevard Glenn Allen, Virginia 23060 Plant name and address (if different): Plant slie manager or North Anna Power Station contact: A. 7/. Hadder North End ,f Route ~'^0 Louisa Cou.ity, Virginia Telephone:

804-273-3023 Description of source processes and products, by SIC:

SIC Code 4911 - Electrical Generation i

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Owner signature: Date:

& ,&& /4-TF The applicant above certifies that the entire facility as described in this application will operate in compliance with 9 VAC 5 Chapter 500 and

.in such a manner that results in actual air emissions below the exemption levels in 9 VAC 5-500 90.


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DATE '.!snuary 12.1998 IEGSTRATUIIIUGNEM 40726 Coasraary seAnaE Virginia Electric and Power Company MAinnsnes ACTUAL FEED 3 RUT **



~ fHR -- fDAY h 7 YEiJt 0 0 0 ES-1 Auxibery Boiler 4A rated at 90.7 Mtytu/ hour heat input Constructed 1972 0 0 0 0 0 0 ES-2 AuxiEary Botsr 48 rated at 90.7 Mbtu/ hour tiest input Constructed 1972 0 0 0 M6 878.4 18.300 (Note Il ES-3 Station Blackout Generator 36.6 878.4 18.300 (Note *)

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  • OM If posetle, please indude flow tsegram tirocess .;-4 reisting process steps and a rwratwo descabon including feed metanals. product metenals. recction intermediates  ;

and byproducts; attach complete MSDS for raw materials used or consumed and products manufacnred or han: Sed.

    • floendred: Specify units for each ope; tion in tons, pounds. gesons, etc., as appscable. j s s- -e, m n ~, ,. w .- ~ .. , -~-,aen - . , , - - . - - , , .- - , . , .c..--

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