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Submits Conditions Which Are Part of 961202 Approval of Temporary Conditional Use Permit Which Allows Construction of Temporary ISFSI or Dry Cask Storage as Listed
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 12/05/1996
From: Porter W
To: Boulden P
NUDOCS 9701280070
Download: ML20149M813 (3)



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DEC-69-1996 12:07 FROM R M BERRYMAN 804 273-3543 TO 813014158555 P.02 i

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December 5,1996 l

j j

Virginia Poner l

ATTN: FAUL B. DOUtaEN Innstwook TacMad Center i

5000 Dominion Blvd.

i l

Olen Allen, VA 23060 I

l Re:

CUP $46, Virginia Power o, n. nonid.n:

At the regular naasting of the Louins County Board of Supervisors held hm% 2.1996 the Board voted to approve your request for a Temporary Conditional Use Pennit. The Tamporary Canditional Use Pennit alkyws te ocastruction of a L.,-, ? ':; M: Spent Fust Storage tan =1% or dry cask snormer o follower Virginia Power be tassed a Temporary Cameltiemal Use Permit for saves (7) years kom the does et huma=== ef the essepancy persmit for es% pad No. I and all asenmon Asatistas, i

The Temporary Conditices! Use Pennit was authorized with the following condidons which are part of the approval and must be adbased to in development of the dry cask storage fhcllity:


IW monitedng of the ISFSI and SSSCs may be conducted if na SSSC integrity event occurs at North Aana and semiMy by order of the Louisa County Board of Supervisees er the Dimotor of P=4 y Services, at tbc expense of Virginia Power er t.ny of the facilities successor ownes(s). If a 881lC imeagrky evens occurs, Imism County shall be peceptly notifled by Virginia Power a required by the North Anna Enurgsacy Plan.


Virginia Power and say successor owner (s) will not accept arty nuelser waste gemarunod of the NAPS she.


No 888Cs of the type or design that havs w, /M fhilure or probleens shall be used.

)Q F= Ch, C 9701290070 961205' PDR A00CK 05000338 PDR DECHil5-1996 17:et 7839673411 P.Si A

f DEC-09-1996 12:07 FROM R M BERRYMAN 804 273-3543 TO 813014158555 P.03 1

i j

1 4.

'the ISFSI ed SSSCs shall be designed and rn-A*=ed to withstand winds up to 360 mph end 137 mph sustained winds.


ne ISFSI and SSSCs shall be designed and -Ammed to widmand


emnbeuskes of a magnitude of 6.0 as measured on the Ricinar Scale.

i 1


Gseedwater monitoring wells, (a mhdanun of 2), one (1) shall be placed aturve gradiant and oss (1) aball be pinned below gradient of the ISFSI and said wells shall be monitoned ananally.


The Louisa County Board of Sgervisors shall be fwnished with any ISFSI and/or SSSCs moeitering and reports af said monitoring. Virginia Power, or any smoosanor owner (s), in its report to the Boetd of Wi.=s about March I of emah year, as seguired by the April 26,1984 Agresusent, shall include the fbliowing insenstion:


ISFSI activities congdened in de last calender year, b.

a suunsry of IS"SI and/or SSSC monitoring resuks, c.

ISFSI activities pan =

fbr the cunent year, d.

any significant unsamal caoussences rehmed to dry cask nuclear storage at the North Anna ISPSI, and c.

an update on new technologies under n=bution and/or that have been linemmed by abs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory rarami==las for use at nucisar dry statage ineilhima 8.

Virginia Power or any successor owner (s) shall obtain approval of the method of Ara==3=saalmg of the ISPS! upon the opening of a temporary or pennanent nucleu waste searage facility.


Virginia Power and any ' successor owner (s) will ship said spent fbel to the tsunporary or pan====n* nuclear weste storaes fwility as soon as nuclear wasts is accepted Aem NAPS.


Virginia Power and any successor owns (s), will work with Louisa County to expedhe tim prompt nanovel by ibe U.S. Depenment of Energy, or any other designesed U.S. gover-nsenal agency, of all spent fbsl and other nuoleur wastes Aom Imiss Conuny and the amis tunsport to the antica's inessim storage or par=== car nualmar waste repository. A ana==ier=a composed of spresentatives of the p= ties will most, bdksily with the U.S. Department Of Fargy or saacessor agency, tbs U.S. Neolser Ragnissosy N=nlaulaa and the Virginia R---

  • Daisguden on the status of activities and logislation affecting spost fbet interim sensage and disposal. This consenties will pecvide so annual tepost to tbs Lenisa County Bosed c(Supervisoes on the ocannitenfs activities and endians in the last e year, piens for tbs sunut year, and any angni$ cent events which oncased on a national level. Virginia Power and/or i

any secosesive semes(s) wls ibnd the amivities of this consniuse l

l i

DEC-95-1996 17:31 7ED9673411 P.82 I


DE,C-09-1996 12:08 FROM R M BERRYMAN 804 273-3543 TO 813014158555 P.04 l

i l

j CUP 5 9612/446 Pg. 3 11.


An anned guepdatary, (Virginia Power), nuclear scourity offiour shall be f

posted at es carent NANIC security poet ce the entrance road to i

NAPS 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day, 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year; and 1



the construedan and h of an adequase barrier, as agreed to by i

Vi:sinia Power, so fidly control vehicle access to the ISFSt.


Aay rednense m Virginia Power in this Condinonal Use Pennit applies with l

equal ofibet to Virginia 15ectric and Power Cosapeny all the owners of the North Anna Power Station, Dominica Resources, Inc., and any subsequent owner (s) er partial ownes(s), of any of thses ensities.

i 13.

Any violation of the above conditions may neult in the revocadon of said l

Tecqporary ('and&nal Use Penmit by the Louisa County Board of Supervisors.

1 i

i Tids Temporary C=denal Use Pennit is only for the construction of pad number one (1) and all conunca foollities sanociated with the ISFSI.



Should you have any questions on any of the above ocodieians, please call me.



Sincerely, i

j i

i Wilfunn C. Porter, Jr.

Coasty Adminisemaar I


-t-T., Louisa County Bosrd of Q-b.

John P. Ikedshaw, Director of Planning i

l 1

f M C-EE5-1996 17:B2 7839673411 P.83