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Submits Listed Items as Detailed Descriptions of Amend 69 to FSAR & Forwards Page by Page Description of Changes
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 03/18/1988
From: Counsil W
TXX-88248, NUDOCS 8803230034
Download: ML20150D001 (18)


_ - - _ . . _


l i mem -seusemen ,

l F-9 Log # TXX-88248 l 1 .-" File # 10010 l

r C Ref. # 10CFR50.34(b) nlELECTRIC \

l wmim c.coomii March 18, 1988 benavn he Presdens l

l U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555




l Gentlemen:

Amendment 69 of the CPSES FSAR was transmitted to you under a separate cover letter, TXX-88249, dated March 18, 1988.

Amendment 69 provides updates, reviews, additions and editorial changes; plus the Effective Page Listing, reprinted in its entirety. The following is a-summary of the detailed description of this amendment:

1) Impact of mild environment position on seismic qualification of Class IE equipment and the TU Electric position on the following Regulatory Guides:

R.G.1.89, "Qualification of Class IE Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants",

and R.G. 1.100, " Seismic Qualification of Electrical Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants."

2) Method of compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.17, ' Protection of Nuclear Power Plants Against Industrial Sabotage" by implementing updated ANSI l criteria.
3) Clarification of ASME Code Case N-411 applications.


4) Revised analysis of LOCA and MSLB postulated accidents (inside containment) using a new computer code. Results indicate that equipment qualification (on the basis of the old code) would not be jeopardized.
5) Clarifications, updates and corrections to instrumentation variable parameters for various components / systems with respect to accident monitoring.
6) Corrections or clarifications to the discuss?ons regarding various plant components / systems, i.e., diesel generators trips, service water, instrument air (including the additon of more air compressors) component cooling water, auxiliary feedwater, etc.



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7) Criteria for assuring proper instrument accuracy where the 4:1 calibration ratio is not reasonably achievable.
8) Several editorial changes have been made which include reissuance of sections, appendices, tables and figures, where ap3ropriate, utilizing a fonnat which allows computerization of the change aars and amendment numbers. This format ensures consistency of the FSAR.

A page-by-page description of the changes is attached. The number in parenthesis behind each description (e.g., (88-147)) is the identification number for the FSAR Change Request if any that was used to process that portion of this amendment. Pages which do not have changes but are included in the amendment (either because they are on the opposite side of the sheet from a page that was changed or because a change shifted the existing material to another page) are not discussed in the attachment.

Very truly yours, W. G. Counsil GLB/grr Attachment c - Mr. R. D. Martin, Region IV CPSES Resident Inspectors (3)

Attachment to TXX-88248 March 18, 1988

. Page 1 of 16 CPSES FSAR AMENDMENT 69 CETAILED DESCRIPTION FSAR Page (as amended) Descriotion Table 1.0-1 Addition: This change incorporates WCAP-10271 (Sht. 18) (through Supplement 2) and WCAP-ll312 into Table 1.6-1 to indicate their applicability to CPSES with regard to CPSEE Technical Specifications.

(88-145) 1A(N)-48 Update: Reflects current status of WCAP-8587, Revision-6-A, and references 10CFR50.49 statements of consideration for exception to Reg. Guide 1.89 for Class IE equipment located in a mild environment area.

(88-281) i 1A(N)-56 Revision: Details how Class lE equipment located in a mild environment area will meet Reg. Guide 1.100.

(88-281) 1A(B)-7 Revision: CPSES complies with the criteria of Reg. Guide 1.17 by implementing the criteria of ANSI /ANS 3.3-1982 which supersedes ANSI N18.17-1973 (88-156) 1A(B)-52 Update: References 10CFR50.49 statements of consideration for exception to Reg. Guide 1.89 for Class IE equipment located in a mild environment area.


Table 2.4-13 Editorial: Provides minor editorial corrections to Table 2.4-13 from Amendment 68. ,


Table 3.2-3 Editorial: This table is being reissued in the computerized format.

(Shts. 6 and 7) Addition: Add flow diagrams to the list of flow diagrams for the Fire Drotection System. These diagrams have been redrawn incorporating outstanding design changes.

(88-152) i 3.78-4 Correction: Presides a change to allow the use of ASME j Code Case N-411 omping values in an analysis of the 1 primary system loop to determine seismic loads for the reactor coolant pump tie supports and the reactor vessel .

supports. 1 (88-147) i 1



. ..: Attachment to TXX-88248 March 18, 1988 Page 2.of 16 FSAR Page (as amended) Descriotion 3.7B-42 Correction: Provides a change to correct the statement discussing how structural failure of the Turbine Building in the direction of the adjacent Category I structures is prevented. Internal bracing will prevent the Turbine Building from interacting with the adjacent Category I structures.


Section 3.10N-3 Editorial: This section is being reissued in the computerized format.

3.10N-3 Revision: Details how Class lE equipment located in a mild environment area will be seismically qualified.

(88-281) 3.108-4 Revision: Details how Class lE equipment located in a mild environment area will be seismically qualified.

(88-281) 5.2-31 Clartfication: Provides clarification by identifying which edition of the ASME Section XI code is applicable to Units 1 and 2. Adds the following wording "... for Unit I and to the 1983 Edition for Unit 2." This change was requested and approved during the sign-off reviews for Amendment 66, but was inadvertently omitted.


Section 6.2 The analyses of LOCA and Main Steam Line Breaks (MSLB) "

inside containment were re-performed using the Stone &

Webster LOCTIC computer code. These reanalyses were  :

necessary because of errors discovered in the version of '

CONTEMPT-LT 26 used in the original containment analyses, resulting in the under-prediction of certain containment parameters. This condition was previously reported to the NRC in our letters TXX-6512 dated June 12, 1987, and TXX-88120 dated January 28, 1988. Since a new aWalysis was being performed, the most current information was used.

This included new information, such'as the deletion of the Boron Injection Tank (BIT) and revised containment heat sink data based on current plant drawings and revised LOCA I structural heat transfer coefficient. l l

The revised containment analysis resulted in an increased  !

containment peak temperature for the MSLB case. All  !

safety related equipment required to be qualified fer this  !

condition were determined to be qualified to the Sigher  !

temperature. Tables and Figures in this FSAR section have j been revised to reflect the results of tne revised j containment analysis. '


1 t


Attachment to TXX-88248 March 18, 1988 Page 3 of 16 FSAR Page (as amended) Description Section 6.2 SER sections and reference the use of the CONTEMPT code for containment analyses along with the l resultant containment conditions. As result of this FSAR change these SER sections are no longer correct.

(88-114) 6.2-3 Clarification: Adds the words "minimum Containment Spray System (CSS) operation" to indicate that one out of two j containment spray trains in operation is the minimum CSS l operating condition.

(88-114) 6.2-4 Clarification: Expands the discussion of the initial conditions of the ECCS and CSS operation for various break analyses. 1 (88-114) j Revision: Of the steam line breaks analyzed, the FSAR is revised to present one small double ended rupture at two power levels (30% and 70%) instead of the previous two small double ended ruptures at four power levels (102%,

70%, 30% and hot shutdown). The small runtures presented were determined to envelope all the small rupture l conditions previously presented.

l (88-114) l


Revision: Replaces previous Table 6.2.1-2 which considered LOCA and MSLB together, with two tables, a new Table 6.2.12 which considers only LOCA and a new Table 6.2.1-2A which considers only MSLB.


Addition: Provides description of a sensitivity study performed to determine the effect: of varying cont Ainment initial conditions on peak pressure ano .'.cmperatura for

' the DEPSG and 0.908 square foot steam line breaks.

(88-114) 6.2-5 Revision: The parameters that were provided as a fur . tion of time (i.e., previous item numbers 1 thru 9 for the design basis LOCA case and 1 thru 5 for containment pressure transients for other analyzed LOCAs) have been revised, consolidated and rearranged consistent with the parameters supplied by the LOCTIC code. The parameters to be included in FSAR figures have been identified for specific analyzed breaks. The following figures for the LOCA case, were duplicative of information contained in tables, were not used, or were not sufficiently useful to update, and thus the figures have been deleted:

q Attachment to TXX-88248 I March 18, 1988 Page 4 of 16 FSAR Page l (as amended) Description l


i 6.2-5 1. Containment steam partial pressure (Figure 6.2.1-4)

This figure was not sufficiently useful to update.

2. Energy addition to containment (Figure 6.2.1-5)

This information is already contained in the mass l and energy release rates contained in Tables '

6.2.1-3A, 6.2.1-38, 6.2.1-3C, 6.2.1-4, and 6.2.1-50. )

3. Energy removal from containment (Figure 6.2.1-6)  :
4. Energy distribution in Containment (Figure 6.2.1-7)
5. Energy removal by spray from containmer,t vapor region 1 (Figure 6.2.1-8)  !

The information contained in Figures 6.2.1-6, i 6.2.1-7 and 6.2.1-8 was duplicative of information I contained in Tables 6.2.1-50 and 6.2.1-50A. '


Clarification: Containment "vapor" is revised to read containment "atmosphere".

(88-114) 6.2-6 Revision: Figure 6.2.1-18, Containment External Wall Temperature, and Figure 6.2.1-19, Containment Internal Concrete Temperature, have been deleted. These parameters are included as part of the containment heat sink -

analysis, however, the figures were not sufficiently useful to update.


Clarification: Adds description of conditions for the analysis of containment pressure temperature responses.


Revision: The analyses performed by CONTEMPT-LT/ MOD 22[1, 2, 3, 4] and CONTEMPT-LT/ MOD 26 computer codes have been replaced by analyses using the LOCTIC code. (See i discussion under Section 6.2).

(88-114) 6.2-7 Revision: Dew point temperature is used instead of relative humidity.

(88-114) l Addition: Service water temperature is added to Table 6.2.1-5.

(88-114) l l


Attachment to TXX-88248 March 18, 1988 Page 5 of 16 FSAR Page (as amended) Descriotion 6.2-8 Revision: The assumption of a one-eighth inch air gap with thermal conductance of 1.6 Btu /hr-sq ft-F,-has been replaced with a more realistic assumption for interface conductance of 10 Btu /hr-sq ft-F. This is a realistic and conservative assumption because; 1) the containment liner was used as a form for concrete pour during containment construction and therefore, for the most part, the liner is in direct /close contact with the concrete, and 2) during the times of interest for the LOCA and MSLB events, the containment is pressurized forcing the liner into closer contact with the concrete.


Revision: The paint heat conductances for steel and concrete painted surfaces have been revised to be more realistic.


Revision: The paragraph discussing mesh spacing for heat sinks is deleted. A discussion of the LOCTIC methodology for mesh spacing is presented in FSAR Section


Revision: The LOCTIC code uses the Tagami structural heat transfer coefficient for LOCA analysis and the Uchida coefficient for MSLB analysis. The Uchida heat transfer' coefficient was previously used for CPSES LOCA analyses.

Because of the difference in the pipe break exit fluid conditions between LOCA and MSLB scenarios and the differing containment saturation conditions, the Tagami heat transfer coefficient is more conservative for LOCA analyses whereas the Uchida coefficient is more appropriate for MSLB analyses.


Revision: Revises figure number for the LOCA heat transfer coefficient as a function of time. j (88-114)  ;

6.2-9 Revision: Revises containment initial pressure from 14.7 psia to a more conservative 14.2 psia, i (88-114)

Revision: Revises maximum external differential pressure 4 from 3.37 psid to 3.79 psid based on the conservative '

revision to the initial containment pressure.


Revision: Deletes the statement regarding nercent margin.

The revised computed external differential pressure is still well below the maximum design differential. A statements as to percent margin is unnecessary.


Attachment to TXX-88248 March 18, 1988 Page 6 of 16 FSAR Page (as amended) Description 6.2-9 Revision: Replaces the paragraph discussing the impact of Boron Injection Tank (BIT) removal on the previous containment MSLB analysis. The revised containment MSLB analysis considered the removal- of the BIT.

(88-114) 6.2-10 thru Revision: A new Section has been added to 6.2-22 describe the analytic modeling of the LOCTIC computer code. See discussion under Section 6.2.


Revision: The Westinghouse mass and energy release rates fcr the post-reflood phase are modified as discussed in tSe Broken Loop and Intact Loop Steam Generator analyses 4s a result of the lower containment pressure (p) computed by the LOCTIC code. In addition, the mass and energy release rates have been modified to include core decay heat and safety injection flow.


Revision: ECCS spillage is accounted for saparately by the LOCTIC code since it was not included in the -

Westinghouse WREFLOOD calculation of mass and energy release for the reflood phase.

(88-114) 6.2-43 Revision: The discussions of items 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, i Broken loop Steam Generators - Equilibrium Stage, Broken Loop Steam Generators - Depressurization Stage, Intact loop Steam generator- Equilibrium Stage, Intact Loop Steam Generator - Depressurization Phase, and Illustration of Method, have been deleted. These discussions have been modified and are discussed under new Section


Addition: Provides reference to Tables 6.2.1-50 and 6.2.1-50A for additional design basis LOCA energy distributions.

(88-114)  !

6.2-44 Clarification: Adds "RCS hot leg" to clarify the location of the temperature referred to.

(88-114) 6.2-45 Addition: Adds reference for the LOCTIC code.


Attachment to TXX-88248 March 18, 1988 Page 7 of 16 FSAR Page (as amended) Descriotion 6.2-51 Revision: Revises the volume of the Unisolated feedline from 260 to 571 cu. Ft. Although-it was not necessary to l postulate a failure of the feedwater isolation valve, the new volume includes the fluid between the isolation valve and the feedwater control valve. Previously this volume was not included. This is a conservative assumption and still less than the volume of 800 cu. used in the analysis.

(88-114) 6.2-52 Clarification: Adds "5 sec" which was previously omitted.

(88-114) ,

6.2-54 Revision: For the MSLB events the statement that containment spray actuation occurs within 60 seconds of containment pressure reaching 20 psig, has been replaced with an expanded description of the time it takes to achieve full containment spray flow. The two cases of interest are, the full double ended rupture case and the partial double ended rupture / split break case. The primary difference between these cases is the energy release rate and the resultant speed at which containment ~

pressure increases (and thus the speed at which the S and l P signals are generated). The S signal initiates spray pump start (at approximately 5 psig) and the P signal initiates spray valve opening (at approximately 20 psig).

As a result of the relatively long time differential between S signal and P signal initiation for the partial-double ended rupture / split break case, the time delays associated with pump start ( i.e., diesel generator start, sequencing pump load to Class IE bus, and pump acceleration) are satisfied prior to P signal initiation.

Thus full spray flow can occur within 38 seconds after .

containment pressure reaches 20 psig. For the full double .

ended rupture case P signal initiation occurs before pump l start time delays are satisfied and thus full flow is  !

conservatively assumed to be achieved ir, 60 seconds after the 20 psig containment pressure is reached.


Clarification: The words "among the steam breaks analyzed" are deleted. These words imply that there may be an unanalyzed break which is more limiting.


Revision: Revises the reference to WCAP-8822 for the mass and energy release data.


Attachment to TXX-88248 March 18, 1988 Page 8 - of 16 FSAR Page (as amended) Descriotion 6.2-60 thru Revision: Deletes references associated with the CONTEMPT 6.2-62 code and replaces them with references related to the LOCTIC code, heat transfer information, and boron injection tank removal. Also addc new references 9 through 14 related to Safety Evaluation Reports issued to plants which used the LOCTIC code for containment analysis.

(88-114) 6.2-73 Correction: Deletes the statement which says that no credit is taken for cooling by the ECCS. The cooling effects of the ECCS (i.e., RHR heat exchangers) are taken in account during the recirculation phase. It is unnecessary to state that credit is not taken during the injection phase.

(88-114) 6.2-74 Revision: Deletes reference to Figures 6.2.1-7 and 6.2.1-8 and replaces them with Tables 6.2.1-50 and 6.2.1-50A for integrated energy content of the containment.

(88-114) 6.2-75 Revision: The overall thermal efficiency of spray droplets in cooling the containment is revised from 1.0 to


0.99. This is a more conservative assumption than was used previously.


Tables 6.2.1-2 Revision: These tables are revised to reflect the revised and 6.2.1-2A containment analysis using the LOCTIC code. See discussion under Section 6.2.


Tables 6.2.1-3, Revision: These Tables replace previous Table 6.2.1-3.

6.2.1-3A and The new tables reflect the revised containment analysis 6.2.1-3B using the LOCTIC code. See discussion under Section 6.2 (88-114)

Tables 6.2.1-4 Revision: These tables are revised to reflect the revised thru 6.2.1-6 containment analysis using the LOCTIC code. See discussion under Section 6.2. l (88-114)

Table 6.2.1-7 Revision: This table is deleted. The mesh spacing for heat sinks is performed within the LOCTIC code.


Tables 6.2.1-8 Revision: These tables are revised to reflect the thru 6.2.1-10 revised containment analysis using the LOCTIC code. See discussion under Section 6.2.


.-_q Attachment to TXX-88248 March 18, 1988 I Page 9 of 16 FSAR Page (as amended) Descriotion Tables 6.2-1-50 Revision: Tables are revised to reflect the revised and 6.2.1-50A containment analysis using the LOCTIC code. See discussion under Section 6.2.

(88-114)  ;

Figures 6.2.1-1 Revision: Figures revised to reflect the revised thru 6.2.1-3 containment analysis using the LOCTIC code. See discussion under Section 6.2 (88-114)

Figure 6.2.1-4 Revision: This figure has been deleted because it was not sufficiently useful to update.


Figures 6.2.1-5 Revision: These figures are deleted since they are thru 6.2.1-8 duplicative of information contained in tables. See discussion under page 6.2-4.


Figures 6.2.1-9 Revision: These figures are revised to reflect the thru 6.2.1-16 revised containment analysis using the LOCTIC code. See-discussion under Section 6.2.


Figure Revision: This figure is deleted because it was not --

sufficiently useful to update.


Figure 6.2.1-17 Revision: This figure is revised to reflect the revised-contairaent analysis using the LOCTIC code. See discussion under Section 6.2.


Figures 6.2.1-18 Revision: These figures were deleted because they were and 6.2.1-19 not sufficiently useful to update.



Figure 6.2.1-20 Revision: This figure was revised to reflect the revised  !

containment analysis using the LOCTIC code. See I discussion under Section 6.2.

(88-114) 6.4-8 Clarification: Adds the word "unprotected" to clarify I that during accident conditions, general area radiation level which would result in a maximum exposure to 75 rem ,

of beta to unprotected skin is acceptable provided that special protective clothing and eye protection is worn.

(88-116) l l

7 Attachment to TXX-88248 March 18, 1988 Page 10 of 16 FSAR Page (as amended) Description 7.5-5 Clarification: Clarifies that the key variables are the required information for which backup variables monitor.

(88-144) 7.5-13 Correction: All types D and E variables are not included under Category 2 variables. Containment Radiation Level (High Rang 3) is an El variable which is the exception.

(88-144) 7.5-16 Addition: Adds a statement to address the information processing and display interface criteria for Category 3 variables. Like Category 2, as minimum, Category 3 instrumentation at CPSES is processed for display on demand. This is consistent with existing Table 7.5-1.

(38-144) 7.5-18 Clarification: Clarifies that the monitored variable for Auxiliary Feedwater Flow is to each steam generator.

(88-144) 7.5-21 Correction: Safety Chilled Water was unintentionally omitted from the Type D variables list and is now being added.

(88-144) 7.5-23 Clarification: The word "perform" is more technically -

correct than the word "provide" for this application. In general, we speak of equipment performing its intended function as oppose to equipment providing its intended function.


Tables 7.5-2, Clarification: Clarifies that the monitored variable for 7.5-3 (Sht. 2) Auxiliary Feedwater Flow is to each steam generator.

And 7.5-5 (Sht. 2) (88-144)

Table 7.5-7 Addition: Adds the new tag number, PT-437, for the third l (Sht. 1) pressure transmitter for the RCS Pressure (WR). This  ;

third channel was added to meet the Reg. Guide 1.97, Rev. '

2 requirements for diversity for Category 1 variables.


(Shts. 8 and 9) Correction: Reflects the correct tag numbers for the ECCS valves.

l (88-144)

(Sht. 14) Correction: Reflects the correct tag numbers for the UPS Ventilation monitors.


q Attachment to TXX-88248  !

March 18, 1988  !

Page 11 of 16 FSAR Page (as amended) Descriotion Table 7.5-7 Correction: Reflects the correct bus identification for (Sht. 15) the 110-130 VAC busses.


(Sht. 16) Correction: Reflects the correct tag numbers for the Wind Speed monitoring instrumentation.


Correction: Reflects the correct tag numbers for the Wind Direction monitoring instrumentation.


(Sht. 17) Correction: Reflects the correct tag numbers for the High Level Radioactive Liquid Tank Level instrumentation.


(Sht. 20) Correction: The accident monitoring variable "Station Service Water Pump Status" was unintentionally omitted from a previous amendment and is now being added.

(88-144) 8.3-13 Revisior,: Clarifies what is meant as a "bus fault" and reflects design change to allow the diesel generator -

circuit breaker to close automatically in the event of a-single line to ground fault coincident with a safety injection signal. The ground fault current is minimal and will have no adverse effect on the continued operation of the diesel generator. The design change increases the availability of the diesel generator during the design accident.

(88-160) 8.3-21 Correction: Corrects description of diesel generator "non-DBA" trips to reflect the design basis documentation and as-built plant. Corrections to items "c" thru "m" involve updated nomenclature. The Engine / Turbo high vibration trip is split into two separate items. Three trips are added: Left or right bank turbo low oil pressure, generator overexcitation, and generator neutral ground overcurrent.

(88-161) i I

f '

I Attachment to TXX-88248 March 18, 1988 Page 12 of 16 i l

FSAR Page 1 (as amendedl Descriotion 9.2-2 Revision: Revises the station Service Waste System outlet temperature to 1330F instead of 1200F based on the recent system calculations.

(88-153) 9.2-4 Clarification: Clarifies the existing sentence to say that only component cooling water heat exchangers uses a cleanliness factor of 80% and other heat exchangers served by Station Service Water allow some fouling.


Clarification: Clarifies that the reservoir water is corrosive based on stability and saturation index (which includes scale-forming tendencies at low index).

(88-118) 9.2-5 Clarification: Clarifies the system operation under normal unit shutdown mode that two trains are used for normal cooldown of each unit.

(88-153) 9.2-6 Revision: Revises to include the recirculation phase operation of Station Service Water and to be consistent with the third paragraph of Section

(88-118) 9.2-15 and Correction: Deletes the "reactor coolant post accident 9.2-17 sampling system sample cooler" from the non-safeguard loops of the CCW system and adds it to the safeguard loops of train "A" for the CCW system. This was an inadvertent mistake to the list.

(88-243) l Section 9.3-1 SER Impact-As a result of the design change described in the FSAR the l SER Section 9.3.1, page 9-15 and 9-16, paragraphs 1 and 2, '

need to be revised to reflect the current design of .

Instrument Air System which adds additional air capacity l to the system.

9.3-2 Editorial: Corrects a typographical error. Changes "31.3" to ANSI B31.1.

(88-128) 9.3-3 Revision: The Instrument Air System (IAS) design has been changed to incorporate the trace rotary air compressors as an additional system capacity is warranted. This change in design includes the trace rotary air compressors and its various components. Also, the component description, system operation, instrumentation and power supply sections have been changed to reflect this system design change.


Attachment to TXX-88248 i March 18, 1988 i Page 13 of 16 FSAR Page (ac amendedl Descriotion  !

9.3-4 and Revision: IAS design change (See Justification for Page 9.3-5 9.3-3).

(88-128) 9.3-6 Revision: Changes ft / min to Actual ft / min (AFCM).


Editorial: Corrects the typographical error. Changes "31.3" to ANSI B31.1 and deletes Petroleum Refinery Piping.

(88-128) 9.3-7 See Justification for pages 9.3-4 and 9.3-5.

(88-128) 9.3-8 Revision: Deletes the "Pressurizer PORV's" as these PORV's are supplied by nitrogen accumulators.

(88-128) 9.3-9 See Justification for pages 9.3-4 and 9.3-5.

(88-128) 9.3-10 See Justification for page 9.3-8.

(88-128) 9.3-11 and See Justification for pages 9.3-4 and 9.3-5.

9.3-13 (88-128)

Table 9.3-1 Revision: Adds the Rotary Air Compressor packages and -

associated equipment data and revises the existing data in the table for Reciprocating Air Compressors and associated equipment, (See Justification for page 9.3-3).


Table 9.3-3 Revision: Deletes Pressurizer PORV from the table as it is supplied by nitrogen instead of Air, (See Justification for page 9.3-8).

(88-128) 9.5-138 Revision: Deletes AC Essential Lighting System from verification during the periodic diesel loading test. The AC Essential Lighting System has been reclassified as non-Class lE. As already stated in FSAR Section, "The AC essential lighting is used on a day-to-day basis ,

to provide apart of the ordinary operational lighting. '

Therefore, periodic tests are not required." During diesel generator sequence loading, AC essential lighting panels are a base load dependent on feeder breaker ,

alignment prior to diesel generator sequence loading, i Breaker alignment actually verifies onsite standby AC power being available to the AC Essential Lighting System, l

not the periodic diesel loading test.



, . Attachment to TXX-88248 March 18, 1988 Page 14 of 16 i FSAR Page (as amended) Descriotion 10.3-6 Clarification: Clarify the operation of Power-related relief valves operation during safe shutdown earthquake coincident with loss of offsite power.


Table 10.3-3 Correction: Corrected the lower limit for natural cooldown from 125 psia to 100 psia. This change was inadvertently left out in Amendment 66 (see page 10.3-7, Section, Amendment 66).

(88-111) 10.4-88 Clarification: A change to clarify that the auxiliary feedwater pumps auto starts are based on the AFW system design basis.

(88-247) 10.4-96 Revision: Revises the sentence to indicate that, "the low-discharge pressure alarms are only provided for each motor design auxiliary feedwater pumps," based on existing design.

(88-232) 15.2-29 thru Correction: Part of Section and all of Sections 15.2-32 and were inadvertently deleted in Amendment 66.

(88-275) 17.2-30 Revision: Change provides a calibration program - -

flexibility by allowing the use of an alternate accuracy criteria for the 4:1 accuracy ratio. This criteria will be used when the 4:1 accuracy ratio is not reasonably achievable. During such times, documentation is required to ensure that the assumptions used in the setpoint methodologies for the calibration error are not violated, or that new setpoints are established. This documentation will ensure that the accepted safety related margins are not reduced.

(87-237) 17.2-34 Clarification: Change the wording to more clearly address that replacement of items during performance of normal maintenance activities is accomplished by scrapping the old item and replacing with an acceptable item.

Nonconforming items are marked and segregated, when required, in accordance with station procedures. Changes the wording from "Station procedures required marking and segregation of nonconforming items and also require ..."

to "Marking and segregation of nonconforming items, when required, are addressed in station procedures. In I addition, station procedures require ..."


Attachment to TXX-88248 March 18, 1988 Page 15 of 16 FSAR Page (as amended) Descriotion j Table 17A-1 Addition: Adds "Breakdown orifices" and Orifices" to the (Sht. 13) table listing of components for the Auxiliary Feedwater System. These items were inadvertently omitted from the listing.


Table 032.110-1 Addition: Adds the new tag number, PT-437, for the third (Sht. 2) pressure transmitter for the RCS Pressure (WR). This third channel was added to meet the Reg. Guide 1.97, Rev.

2 requirements for diversity for Category 1 variables.


Correction: Changes the sensor location to reference the correct figure.


(Sht. 3) Editorial: Changes "WR" to "NR".


(Sht. 4) Correction: Under Accident Sampling, the upper range for "Dissolved Oxygen" and the measured parameter "Gamma Spectrum" were unintentionally omitted from the text in a previous FSAR amendment and are now being added.


(Sht. 5) Editorial: Changes "ml" to "mR".


Table 032.110-1 Correction: Reflects the correct tag numbers for the (Sht. 13) High Level Radioactive Liquid Tank Level instrumentation.


(Sht. 14) Correction: Reflects the correct bus identification for the 110-130 VAC busses.


(Sht. 17) Correction: Reflects the correct tag numbers for the Wind Speed monitoring instrumentation.


Correction: Reflects the correct tag numbers for the Wind Direction monitoring instrumentation.


(Sht. 18) See Justification for Table 032.110-1 (Sht. 4).  !


I 1

Attachment to TXX-88248 '

March 18, 1988 Page 16 of 16 FSAR Page (as amended) Descriotion Table 032.110-2 Correction: Reflects the :.orrect tag numbers for the ECCS (Shts. 2 and 3) valves.


(Sht. 6) Correction: Reflects the correct tag numbers for the Main Feedwater Isolation Valve Status.


(Sht. 11) Correction: Reflects the correct tag numbers for the UPS Ventilation monitors.


Table 032.110-4 Clarification: At CPSES, we de not display RCS Soluble (Sht. 1) Baron Concentration parameters in the control room.

Instead portable instruments are used to obtain this information.


(Sht. 3) Deletion: For consistency througFout this table, delete the phrase "of usable volume."


(Sht. 4) Correction: Reflects the correct temperature range for the Containment Atmospheric Temperature variable.

(88-144) 130-50 Revision: Revises the number of masonry walls in the Electrical and Control Building which were modified to prevent seismic interactions and the number which were evaluated to have acceptable seismic interactions. Also, adds one additional removable block enclosure in the Safeguards Building which was evaluated and found to have acceptable seismic interactions.

(88-245) l I

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