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Advises That INPO Accreditation Process Offers Utils Mechanism to Meet Intent of Proposed Training Rule W/O Separate Set of Reporting Requirements.Final Accrediation Rept to Detail Observations Required
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire, 05000000
Issue date: 03/01/1984
From: Thompson H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Strahm K
Shared Package
ML082310270 List:
FOIA-87-787 NUDOCS 8403160117
Download: ML20149B580 (1)



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Central Files j

LQB Reading MAR 011984 DHFS Reading (2)


A. B.lumer Mr. Kenneth Strahm, Director Training and Education Division Institute of Nuclear Power Operations 1100 Circle 75 Parkway Suite 500 Atlanta, GA 30339

Dear Ken:

As you know, J Persensky and Tansy Bluner observed the first three days of the INP0 Accreditation Team visit to ficGuire Nuclear Power Station on January 16-18, 1984.

The purpose of their visit was to determine, on a preliminary basis, whether the INP0 Accreditation process offers a means of enabling utilities to meet the intent of the proposed Training Rule without a separate set of reporting requirements.

J and Tansy found the process and the team to be very thorough and professional.

They noted that the utility views the Accreditation process as a positive activity providing valued feedback to their training program.

The utility indicated that it would participate in the Accreditation process whether or not the new rule is promulgated.

During the visit, J and Tansy mentioned to Joe Solynossy that they would need to read the final Accreditation report for McGuire to round out their observations and impressions.

Joe indicated that a written request from ne to you would be necessary to obtain a copy of the report.

Tansy and J also asked Bob Kohler of Duke if he had any objections to our reviewing the I

report. After he understood the purpose of'our intended review, Bob said ho l

would have no objection.

PhasecontactJtomakearrangementsforourreviewofthereportwhenitis l


Naturally, we will keep you informed of any comments or impressions we have after we have had a chance to review it.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Sincerely, l

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Hugh L. Thompson, Jr., Director Division of Hunan Factors Safety N

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MNS ACCREDITATION TEAM (January 16 thru 20, 1984)

TEAM LEADER - Joe Solymossy I.

PROGRAMS Leader - Sonny Pruitt (INPO)


Non Licensed -

Fred Curling (VEPCO)


Licensed (R0 and SRO/STA) -

John Hanson (INPO)

Rick Buckner (Midland) SI7-D 9 ~


Requal -

Sonny Pruitt (INPO)


PROCESS Leader - Mike Sakmar (INPO)


Resources & Facilities -

Mike Sakmar (INPO)


Program Development as related to:


Requal and NLO -

Tom Hydahl (Davis Besse) YO f 2.

Licensed -

Bob Mullican (on-loan to INFO)


Staff, Organization and Administration-Frank Cabanillas (INPO)

Observers Wayne Hollinger - INP0 Jay Persensky

- NRC (Mon., Tues., and Wed.)

Tanzy Bloomer

- NRC (Tues and Wed.)

Walt Coakley

- Manager, Accreditation (Wed. or Thurs.)