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Dicusses Attendance at INPO Accreditation Board Meeting on 871022 & 23 in Atlanta,Ga Re Accreditation of Licensee Training Programs on Maint & Technical Support Areas.Future NRC Observers Should Be Given Info Prior to Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry, Crystal River, Cook, 05000000
Issue date: 10/28/1987
From: Lainas G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Roe J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML082310270 List:
FOIA-87-787 NUDOCS 8711020491
Download: ML20149C534 (4)


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October 28, 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR:

Jack W. Roe, Director Division of Licensee Performance and Quality Evaluation, NRR FROM:

Gus C. Lainas, Assistant Director for Region II Reactors Division of Reactor Projects - I/II, NRR


INPO ACCREDITATION BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 22 & 23, 1987 On October 22 and 23, 1987, I attended an INPO Accreditation Board Meeting in Atlanta.

The Board was chaired by John E. Carroll, Retired Vice President -

United Airlines; Members:

John M. Griffin Sr., Vice President - Arkansas Power & Light Company; Dennis E. Gilberts, Senior Vice President - Northern States Power Company; Russell R. O'Neill, Dean Emeritus - University of California; and Frank C. Fogarty, Associate General Manager - EG&G.

Gordan Robinson, Professor of Nuclear Engineering - Pennsylvania State University replaced Frank Fogarty on the Tennessee Valley Authority Board.

As background, the process for accreditation of training consists of:

a self-evaluation (SER) conducted of the utility a INP0 team evaluation and a decision by the National Nuclear Accrediting Board classifying the utility as a member of the National Academy of Nuclear Training, and followed by maintenance of accreditation.

The meeting that I attended as an observer was that conducted by the "Board" to allow it to make a decision on the accreditation of licensee's training programs related to maintenance ano technical support areas.

The "Board" utilized the licensee's SER, INP0's team evaluation, and the licensee's response to the evaluation, included and presentations by INPO's team leader and the licensee.

Training is evaluated against 12 objectives, a summary of which is listed in Enclosure 1.

Thru October 1, 1987, 19 utilities have been designated as members of the National Academy of Nuclear Training, and 485 utility program have been accredited.

At this meeting, three utilities presented programs for accreditation.



Indiana & Michigan Electric Company's - D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant in FN H 'S7 ' N 7 instrument and control technician electrical maintenance personnel f/6d b.f h ef, j

4 Jack W. Roe October 28, 1987 mechanical maintenance personnel radiological protection technician technical staff and managers 2.

Florida Power Corporation - Crystal River Unit 3 shift technical advisor instrument and control technician electrical maintenance personnel mechanical maintenance personnel chemistry technician radiological protection technician technical staff and managers 3.

Tennessee Valley Authority's - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant electrical maintenance personnel mechanical maintenance personnel Utility represensatives are listed in Enclosure 2.

My impressions of the meeting were:


The Board members were well prepared.


Their questions were preceptive and unrestrained.


Board members were will qualified and experienced.


INPO Team leaders were well prepared and knowledgeable.


Good utility staff representation.


Executive level representation by utilities.

I would recommend that future NRC observers, if they are not familiar with the process, be provided with appropriate general information on accreditation before they attend the meeting.


us C. Lainas, Assistant Director for Region II Reactors Division of Reactor Projects - I/II, NRR


As stated cc w/encis:

S. A. Varga J. J. Persensky




Organization and Management of the Training System.


Development and Qualification of Staff for Training Outies.


Support of Training with Facilities, Equipment, and Materials.


Conduct of Job Analysis and Identification of.


Establishment of Training Program Content.


Development of Learning Objectives as the Basis for Training.


Organization of Instructions Using Lessons Plans and other Training Guides.


Conduct of Classroom and Individual Instructor and Trainee Evaluation.



Conduct of In-Plant Training and Trainee Evaluation.


Conduct of Simulator Training and Trainee Evaluation.


Conduct of Laboratory Training and Trainee Evaluation.

12. ' Systematic Evaluation of Training Effectiveness.



ENCLOSURE 2 UTILITY REPRESENTATION Indiana & Michigan Electric Company's presentation Milt Alexich, Vice President, Nuclear Operations Bo Smith, Jr., Plant Manager John Allard, Maintenance Superintendent Lew Matthias, Administrative Superintendent Bill Nichols, Training Manager Terry Wagoner, Training Support Supervisor John Ersland, Skills Training Supervisor Florida Power Corporation's presentation Wally Wilgus, Vice President, Nuclear Operations Paul McKee, Director, Plant Operations Larry Kelley, Manager, Nuclear Operations Training Prather Ellsberry, Nuclear Technical Training Supervisor Dave Watson, Academic Specialist Donnie Ashworth, Non-licensed Operator Training Supervisor Tennessee Valley Authority's presentation Chuck Mason, Deputy Manager of Nuclear Power Hugo Pomrehn, Browns Ferry Site Director John Walker, Plant Manager John Crowell, Common Unit Maintenance Superintendent Joe Johnson, Director of Nuclear Training Terry Dexter, Chief, Browns Ferry Training Branch Gerald Moody, Manager, Engineering and Technical Group Don Conner, Chief, Engineering and Technical Training Branch Jira Bean, Manager of INPO Accreditation


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I MEMORANDUM FOR: William J. Dircks j

Executive Director for Operations FROM:

Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


HRR RESPONSE TO ISSUES RAISED IN OCTOBER 16, 1985, LETTER FROM INPO REGARDING ACCREDITATION The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation has prepared the enclosed comments regarding the October 16, 1985, letter to you from Mr. Patt.

I strongly support the staff position that the NUREG/CR on instructor qualifications should be published, that post-accreditation visits be conducted and that trip reports describing staff observaticis be made publicly available.

The NUREG/CR provides infonnation that goes beyond that provided by INP0 and does not conflict with accreditation criteria.

In the staff's opinion the publication should not confuse knowledgable utility personnel.

Both Mr. Taylor and I support the plan described in SECY-85-288 as indicated in our joint memorandum of August 14, 1985, to the Regional Administrators.

Nothing INPO has said has changed my mind as to the three phased approach described in that memorandum.

It is appropriate that NRC trip reports related to accreditation be made publicly available since INPO documentation is not. These reports should*

include facts as well as suggestions for improvements to the accreditation program so NRC management and the Comission are informed.

If you have any questions regarding our coments, please contact me or Mr. Russell.

Harold R. Denton, Director Of.fice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc:

V. Stello pT.8 $J'Nl

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