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Forwards License Amend,Notice of Issuance of Amend to OL & Initial Decision.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/27/1971
From: Price H
To: Bauser E
NUDOCS 9212020230
Download: ML20127P478 (1)


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Ossirman Seaborg (2) stribution:

Commissioner Johnson y t2 JEKE Commissioner Larson Commissioner Ramey PWR-1 Reading Secretariat (2)

DRL Reading DR=ReadinE HL Price RCDeYoung Docket No. 50-203 J2.h E 7197f OGC B. Schur, OGC OCR (2)

G. ERtter Hr. Edvard J. Bauser N. M.. Brown Executive Officer


Joint Conuittee on Atomic Energy Congress of the United States

Dear Mr. Bauser:

Pursuant to the Initial Decision of the Atomic Safety and Licemaing Loard, dated January 15, 1971, the Atomic Energy Comission has for-varded to the Office of the Federal Register for filing and pidalication a notico relating to Amende.ent No.1 to Provisional Operating License no. DPR-22 which van issued to the Northern States Power Conpany on Septeaber 8,1970, for the' Monticello Nuclear Generatint Unit No.1.

Provisional Operating License No. DPP-22, as previously issued, author-ized Northern States to operate the reactor at power levela up to five negavatts thernal and without the reactor head in place to permit initial fuel loading and teating.

As stated in the notice, Anendment No.1 to Provisional Operatinr, Licenne 5o. DPn-22 supersedes the September 8,1970 licenne in its entirety, and authorizen Northern States Power Conpany _to operate the Monticello Nuclear Generating l' nit No.1 at power levels not in excess of 1670 megayatts (thernal), except that iiorthern States shall not operate the facility at power levels in excess of five (5) megawatts thermal with the reactor vcsnel head in place until acceptable performance of the feedvater pumpe k

has been verified in writing by the Connission.

Copics of the License Anendnent, the Notice of Insuance of Amendment tc the Provisional Operating License, and the Initial Decision are enclosed for the information of the Cocimittee.

Sincerely, (Signed) H. L. Price -

. Harold L. Price


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