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Forwards Response to a Schwencer to Rl Mittl Requesting Addl Info Re Equipment Qualification,Including Response to Item Concerning Dependability of Containment Isolation,Containment Purge & Vent Operability
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 02/01/1985
From: Mittl R
Public Service Enterprise Group
To: Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8502050578
Download: ML20101S663 (117)


_ _

O P~ k.

G. Public Service Electric and Gas Company 80 Park Plaza, Newark, NJ 07101/ 201430-8217 MAILING ADDRESS / P.O. Box 570, Newark, NJ 07101 Robert L. Mitti General Manager Nuclear Assurance and Regulation February 1, 1985 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Attention:

Mr. Albert Schwencer, Chief Licensing Branch 2 Division of Licensing Gentlemen:

EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION DOCKET NO. 50-354 In response to NRC request for additional information regarding equipment qualification (letter from A.

Schwencer, NRC to R.

L. Mittl, PSE&G, dated November 21, 1984),

enclosed for your review is Public Service Electric and Gas Company's response to the following items:

Enclosure EQ Topic 1

Dependability of containment isolation -

containment purge and vent operability.

2 Performance testing of BWR safety / relief valves.

-3 Environmental'Oualification.

Please note, the response to Item No. 3 of Enclosure 2 will be provided by March 1, 1985.

Should you have any questions in this regard, please contact ed I )i '


Very truly yours,

.S-es 8


{g2050578eADOCK0500hh54 0'g. j PDR JES:mr The Ekttgpineeptn 95 4912 t4v) 7 83



Mr.-Albert Schwencer 2

2/1/85 C

D. H. Wagner


USNRC Licensing. Project Manager (w/ attach.)

.A.- R.


USNRC Sen or Resident Inspector (w/ attach.)

i 1




,;A'l 4




e 6



4 b


- t



4 i -






--For'each purge'and vent valve covered 11n the scope of this review',Lthe;following" documentation demonstrating compliance l:withatheD" Guidelines for!Demonst' ration _of Operability of LPurge and ' Vent 1 Valves" i; > to: be ~ submitted-for 'staf f review:



L Ai Dynamic :TorquejCoef ficient Test Reports (Butterfly TvalvesLonly).3-; including a description of the test


..B., ; Operability Demonstration or Ir-situ Test Reports (when used).


Stress Reports.

i eismic Reports.forxValve Assembly,.(valve and



operator).and associated _ parts.

fSketch or description of each valve-installation

' showing;the1following (Butte'rfly valves only):

31 2

.1. - Direction: of flow._

, y.g

g Disc closure direction, 2.-

j3..: Curved 1 side of disc,_ upstream or downstream




Orientation'and distance of elbows, tees, 1 bends,.etc.,_within twentyf(20) pipe diameters of valve.


Shaft orientation.

4 6.4 Distance;between valves.




?FE ' - Demonstration that :the ; maximum combined torque


ndeveloped 'by ?the : valve is !below the ' actuator



LThelconhainment ventfand-purge-valves are sealed' closed and


Lunderladministrative control.during opera'tional' conditions-


l13 t 2, -and z 3 : asidescribed in - FSAR LSection

The in-A

. board pu'rge valve in; conjunction with'the 2' inch bypass.



~M P85(20/10 1-srd; 4

pp Enclosure I Cont'd Page 2 h


- valve:in-series are-opened-as required to vent thermal expansion of-the air volume.

The flow rate in this path is limitedDby:the'2-inch. globe valve and would be less than the

- normal. purge: flow of.9000 CFM even with accident pressure in

'the containment., This is discussed in'FSAR Sections,., and

- The purge valves'will'be. sealed closed during operational conditions ~.1,'2, and 3~,.therefore, the information requested concerning valve operability is not applicable.

If it is


-determined.'in the' future that these valves will be opened

-during operational; conditions-1, 2,,and 3, the requested information will be provided.


No! test was performed for Dynamic Torque Coeffic-lent since the valves are only subjected to less than normal purge flow during an accident.

B, The-following information concerning the qualifica-C,.

tion of=the purge and bypass valves is.provided in D..

responses to your request.


Air-operated 2-inch globe valves -

-Assembly Numbers 1-KP-HV6056 and'l-KL-HV5175 to be retagged'l-GS-HV-4951, and 1-GS-HV-4963 respectively.



Operability 10855-P303(O)A-270-2 Test Report 10855-P303(O)A-259 b.

Design Report 10855-P303A(0)-267-2



Seismic Report



Purge isolation valves 1-GS-HV-4964 ( I ten. 1.1 )

and 1-GS-HV-4952 (Item 1.3).

L 10855-P305(O)-305-1 a.

. Operability

' Test Item 1.1 10855-P305(O)-318-2



. Test Item 1.3-M P85<20/10-2-srd-n:


' Enclosure I. Cont'd' Page 3 RESPONSE (Cont'd) 10855-P305(0)-248-4 c.

Seismic Anal.

Items 1.1 & l.3 d.

Seismic Qualif.

10855-P305(0)-317-2 Report Item 1.1 Acutator


Seismic Report 10855-P305(0)-315-2 Item 1.1-Opera.


Seismic Anal. Rpt. -

10855-P305(0)-314-2 Item 1.3 Opera.



Piping isometric showing the valve arrangement 10855-1-P-GS-010, Revision 17.


Valve General 10855-P305(0)-50-15 Arrangement Item 1.1 3.

. Valve General 10855-P305(0)-54-13 arrangement Item 1.3 F.

Operability test demonstrates that maximum combined torque-for_the currently specified operating conditions is below the actuator rating.


'The applicant should respond to the " Specific Valve Type Questions" (attached) which relate to his. valve.

Specific' Valve Type' Questions

-The'following questions apply to specific valve types only.

and need to be answered only where applicable.

-If not applicable, state so.

.A. Containment Backpressure EffectJ(TCB)

For those air operated valves located inside con-tainment, is the~ operator design of a type that can be aff ected by the containment pressure rise (back-pressure effect) 1.e., where the contaiment pres-sure acts to reduce the operator torque capability M P85 20/10.3-srd O______-_

XD '

Enclosure I' Cont'd Page 4 QUESTION NO. 2-(Cont'd) due to TCB.

Discuss the operator design with respect to the air vent and bleeds.

Show how TCB was calculated (if applicable).


Where air operated valve assemblies use accumu-lators as the fail-safe feature, describe the accumulator air system configuration and its opera-tion.

Discuss active electrical. components in the accumulator system, and the basis used to determine their qualification for the environmental condi-

.tions experienced.

Is this system seismically designed?

How is the allowable leakage from the accumulators determined and monitored?


For valvo' assemblies requiring a seal pressuriza-tion system (inflatable main seal), describe the air pressurization system configuration and opera-tion including means used to determine that valve closure and seal pressurization have taken place.

Discuss active electrical components in this sys-tem, and the basis used to determine their quali-fication for the-environmental condition experienced.

Is this' system seismically designed?


Where electric motor operators are used to close the valve has the' minimum available voltage to the electric. operator under both normal or emergency

- modes been determined and specified to the operator manufacturer to assure the adequacy of the operator to strokefthe valve at accident conditions with these lower. limit. voltages available?

Does this reduced voltage operation-result in any significant change in stroke timing?

Describe the emergency mode pow'r source used.

e Where electric motor and air operator units are E.. equipped with handwheels, does their design provide for automatic re-engagement of the motor operator

.following the handwheel mode of operation? ~If-not, what steps are taken to preclude the possibility of the valve being left in the' handwheel mode follow-ing some~ maintenance, test, etc.- type operation?

M P85 20/10 4-srd 1-3

n i


- Enclosure LI'. Cont'd ~

Page 5


~ UESTION-NO. 2t(Cont'd)-



For electric motor operated valves have the torques


. developed during-operation been found to be less than. torque limiting settings?-


, fSpecific Valve. Type Questions

> A.- - Torque 1duento' containment backpressure effect.


' applicable becauseLyalves are outside containment.

B.-LThe' valves are failuclosed and do not depend on air accumulators for: fail-safe actuation.


1The1 valves do not depend upon an inflatable seal or seal pressurization system.


The valves'are; air operated and fail closed so reduced._ voltage' operation is not' applicable.

The: ai, Loperated 2-inch valves have handwheels' that E.
must-be manually disengaged.

The air operated butterfly valves have a; hydraulic pump' system to' manually open.the valve.

This must be manully dis--

1 engaged for normal operation; Administrative con-trol will: be used 'to ensure Tthat handwheels and

> hydraulic system are disengaged when the-valves are returned to service.


"The-valves are air operated,Etherefore, the torque-


-inf ormation 'is.- not. applicable.

/00ESTION NO. 3 m

[ Analysis, -if1used,.should _ be supported by tests which estab -

(lish: torque: coefficients of'the valvelat various? angles.

As torque: coefficients in butterfly l valves'are dependent on

disc / shape' aspect ratio, angle oficlosure flow-direction and approach flow, L these things should be accurately represented
during tests.

Specifically,. piping installations-(upstream-andidownstream of-the valve) during :the test should tm.


representative of actual field: installations.- For' example,

'non-symetricfapproach flow elbow upstream of a valve

>M P85 20/10'5-srd t


Enclosure I Cont'd Page 6 o

QUESTION NO."3 (Cont'd) can result in fluid dynamic torques of double the magnitude of those found.for a valve with straight piping upstream and downstream.


The purge valves will be sealed closed during operational conditions 1, 2, and 3, therefore, the torque information for the butterfly valves is not applicable.


QUESTION NO. 4 7 In-situ tests, when performed on a representative valve, should be performed on a valve of each size / type which is determined to represent the worst case load. Worst case flow direction, for example, should be considered.

1For two (2) valves in series where the second valve is a butterfly valve, the effect of non-symetric flow from the first valve should be considered if the valves are within fifteen (15) _ pipe diameters of each other.


The purge valves will be sealed closed during operational conditions 1, 2, and 3, therefore, the flow information is not applicable.

QUESTION NO.:5 If-the applicant takes credit for closure time vs. the buildup of containment pressure, he must demonstrate that the method is conservative with respect to the actual valve closure rate.

Actual valve closure rate is to be determined under both loaded and unloaded conditions and periodic inspection;under tech. spec. requirements should be per-i f ormed to assure closure rate does not increase with time or use.

M P85 20/10 6-srd

Enclosure'I/ Cont'd-Page 7


The valve closure was determined by static deflection tests.

The valves.are~ sealed closed during operational

. conditions 1,-2,-'and vent the pressure change as

. discussed 11n FSAR Section

The valves are designed to-fclose'with the containment at the maximum

.-accident. pressure ~and. flow limited by the maximum flow through the 2-inch bypass valve.

6 l'A

'I ':

-M P85 20/10.7-srd m



-- ~~

--~ - ----- - - - - -





Question #1

' The ; testiprogram utilized a " rams - head" discharge pipe con-

) figuration.1 :Most: plants utilize a " tee" quencher configura-

> tion lat1the"end of-the' discharge line.

Describe the

'dischargeipipe-configuration used at your plant and compare

~ Lthe1 anticipated loads on valve internals ~in the plant con-


c figuration :to the measured. loads in the test program.

N_ Discuss the impact of any differences in-loads on valve

~ operability.



?The: safety-relief valve discharge piping configuration at lHCGS:utilizesia " tee"~ quencher at~ the discharge pipe exit.

? The s average length of the 14 SRV discharge lines - (SRVDL) is 125; feetiand the. submergence length in the suppression pool me ranges between approximately 7, to 10 feet. depending on torus 4*


? water level.. 1The SRVEtest program utilized ramshead at the

discharge. pipe-exit,fa pipe length.of ll2 feet and a sub-i

. mergence length of approximately.13 f eet.

Loads on valve

t l internals during the test program are larger than. loads on-valveJinternals--in. the HCGS ~ configuration for the following reasons:

.No dynamic mechanicalfload-originating at the " tee" J



. ;qbencher is transmitted 't'olthe valve in the HCGS con-9

figuration. because there is at least-one, anchor point

'between ethe valveland ithe tee quencher.

p 32.2 The first' length of the segment of; piping-downstream of the"SRVgin'theitest' facility wasLlonger than the HCGS.

9 piping, thereby1resulting in a. bounding dynamic, mechani-'


cal 41oad.on'the, valve in the testLprogram-due to:the-larger ~ moment: arm between the' SRVLand the first elbow..


{The first1 segment length in 'the test: f acility is 12 ' feet 7 -

whereasithis length is a: maximum. of.10 f t-2. in. with an.

"a; f2 (average of-approximately.3 ft-6 Tin. in-the plant-

' configuration.-


3 s



Dynamicihydraulic loads (backpressure) are experienced' J

JGP 1by:the:valveEinternals in the HCGS configuration..The

backpressure -loads may be either '(i) ~ transient backpres-csures occurring during valve-actuation, or (ii) steady-state backpressures occurring during steady-state flow
following_ valve actuation.'

s.M P85 27/06'l-cag 7

4 ch; 1


.. E..

II 7i l


.Re.3ponse (Cont'd)

.The key. parameters ' affecting the transient backpressures

are the fluid pressure upstream of the valve, the valve opening time, the~ fluid inertia in the submerged SRVDL

' and the SRVDL air volume.

Transient backpressures

. increase with higher upstream pressure, shorter valve opening times, greater line submergence, and smaller SRVDL air volume.

The transient backpressure in the test. program was maximized by utilizing a submergence of 13 feet,.which is-greater than HCGS and a pipe length of ll2 feet which is less than HCGS.

The maximum transient backpressure occurs with high pressure steam flow condi-tions.

The transient backpressure for the alternate shutdown cooling mode of operation is always much less than the desigr. for steam flow conditions because of the

. lower upstream pressure and the longer valve opening time.

Maximum S.S. Backpressure Al.1 - 441.6 PSIA A1.2 - 476.6 PSIA C3.1 - 490.3 PSIA C3.2 - 489.4 PSIA An additional consideration in the selection of the ramshead for the test facility was to allow more direct measurement of the thrust load in the final pipe seg-ment.

Utilization of a " tee" quencher in the test pro-gram would have required quencher supports that would unnecessarily obscure' accurate measurement of the pipe thrust. loads.

For the reasons stated above, differences between the SRVDL configurations ' in HCGS and the test facility will not have any adverse effect on SRV opera-

'bility at HCGS relative to the test facility.

Question #2 The test configuration utilized no spring hangers as pipe supports.. Plant specific configurations do use spring hangers in conjunction with snubber and rigid supports.

Describe the safety relief valve pipe supports used at your

. plant and compare the anticipated loads on valve internals

for the plant pipe supports to the measured loads in the test program.

Describe the impact of ~ any dif ferences in loads on valve operability.

M P85 27/06 2-cag

- - =



The HCGS safety-relief valve discharge lines (SRVDLs) are

-supported by a combination of snubbers, rigid supports, and spring hangers.

These supports were designed to accommodate

-combinations of loads resulting from piping dead weight, thermal conditions, seismic and suppression pool hydrodyna-mic events, and a high pressure steam discharge transient.

Additionally, each SRVDL at HCGS has only 2 to 4 spring hangers, all of.which are located in the drywell.

The dynamic load ef fects on the piping and supports of the test facility due to the water discharge event (the alter-nate shutdown cooling mode) were found to be significantly

~ lower than corresponding loads resulting from the high pres-sure steam discharge ~ event.

As stated in NEDE-24988-P, this finding is considered generic to all BWRs since the test

.f acility was designed to be prototypical of the features

. pertinent-to this issue.

During the water discharge' transient there will be signifi-

.cantly lower dynamic loads acting on the snubbers and rigid supports than during the steam discharge transient.

This will more than offset the small increase in the dead load on these supports-due to the weight of the water during the alternate. shutdown cooling mode of operation. - Therefore, design adequacy ~of the' snubbers and rigid supports is assured as they are designed for the larger steam discharge transient loads.

This question' addresses the design adequacy of the spring

' hangers with respect to-the increased dead load due to the weight of the water during the liquid discharge transient.

As was discussed _with respect to snubbers and rigid sup-ports, the dynamic loads resulting from liquid discharge during1the alternate shutdown cooling mode of operation are significantly lower than 'those f rom the high pressure steam discharge.

The spring hangers have - been reviewed for the deflections resulting from the steam discharge and found'to be acceptable.

In_ addition, the spring hangers have been evaluated for'the increased dead load due to a water filled condition.

Both -the spring hangers and the piping stresses

.were acceptable.

Furthermore, the effect of the water dead weight load does not affect the ability of the SRVs'to open to establish the alternate shutdown cooling path since the

' loads occur in the SRVDL only after valve opening.

M P85 27/06 3-cag L-

- - - - - - - -. ~ -. -

L t


~0ue'stion #3 F

.The purpose of the test program was to determine valve performance under conditions anticipated to be encountered in tho' plants.

Describe the events and anticipated condi-7 ctions at the-plant for which the velves are required to i


. operate and. compare these plant conditions to the conditions L

in the: test program.

Describe the plant features assumed in L

the' event evaluations used to scope the test program and


compare them-to the features. at your plant.

For example,

-describe 1high level trips to prevent water from entering the l

steam. lines under-high pressure operating conditions as l

' assumed in the ' test ' event and. compare them to trips used at j

L your plant.



- The information requested above will be provided by March 1, 1985.

l i'


-Question'44 Describe how the values of valve C 's in report NEDE-24988-P y

will be ~ used at - your plant.

Show that the methodology used i

will be con-p in the test program to determine the valve Cy sistent with the application at your plant.

I i


r The - flow coefficient, C, - for the Target-Rock 2-stage safety relief valve (SRV) utilfzed. in HCGS was determined in the


generic'SRV: test ~ program (NEDE-24988-P).

The average flow coef ficient calculated from the test results for 'the Target-Rock 2 stage. valve, is 5.2-1 o(


This test ' value has been used by Publib e

Service Electric and Gas Company to _ confirm that the liquid discharge. flow capacity of the HCGS SRVs will be suf ficient to -remove core decay heat 'when injecting into the. reactor pressure vessel (RPV) in the alternate shutdown cooling


" mode.

The C value determined inithe SRV test demonstrates y

y that1 the ' HCGS SRVs E are ' capable.of ' returning the flow F.

injected by the RHR or-CS pump to.the. suppression pool.

If it' were necessary for the operator' to place the HCGS plant in 'the alternate shutdown cooling mode, he would i

assure' that adequate core cooling 'was ~ being provided by monitoring the.following ' parameters:

lutR or CS flow-rate, reactor; vessel pressure and reactor vessel temperature.

1 p


ENCLOSURE 2 (CONT'D) 5 Response (Cont'd)

The flow coefficient for the Target-Rock 2-stage valve reported in NEDE-24988-P was determined from the SRV flow rate when the valve inlet was pressurized to approximately 250 psig.

The valve flow rate was measured with the supply line flow venturi upstream of the steam chest.

The C for y

the valve was calculated using the nominal measured pressure differential between the valve inlet (steam chest) and 3 ft downstream of the valve and the corresponding measured flow-rate.

Furthe rmore, the test conditions and test configura-tion were representative of the HCGS plant conditions for the alternate shutdown cooling mode, e.g.,

pressure upstream of the valve, fluid temperature, friction losses and liquid flowrate.

Therefore, the reported C values are appropriate y

for application-to the HCGS plant.

M P85 27/06 7-cag e


, =.



' Question el.-

" Item.12, of FSAR-Table 3.11-3, states that spray

impingement ~ will be evaluated to determine if testing under spray conditions in addition to 100 percent relative humidity ; conditions is required.

It should be noted that 1100 percentnhumidityftest is not an acceptable alternative to spray' testing.

Provide a list of equipment-which are subjected to spray but,are not qualified by subjecting them to theispray.

The' list should include the justification for


all;such components to describe why it is not necessary to subject these equipment to spray conditions."

' Response:

No; equipment. is currently identified as requiring spray p

- qualification.

The final field walkdown for hazards anal-


ysis_ verification will identify any exposed equipment.

Any such equipment.will be protected, unless it isL.already p

qualified for direct water spray.:

Question 192..

" Item 14,~ FSAR Table' 3.11-3, states that' aging :is included

-- except:whereLequipment is'not considered toLbe age sensi-

~ tive.

Confirm that'you'have included aging during the qualification. testing for -all equipment which are qualified

' to. category I requirements, and.have considered aging and established qualified life.for all equipment qualified to

~ category II. requirements."

- Responses-Section,the FSAR~ describes the-overall

-approach ~to aging. ~ Equipment qualified to category I includes aging.

There is currently no equipment which is be qualified in category II.

If category'II is used, the' qualification will consider' aging and will estab-lish'a~ qualified life.. If equipment was determined by anal-ysis insensitive to aging mechanism,' it was not necessary to age it.

r 4

M.P85 20/08 1-dh o

r-i LBNCLOSURE 3 (Cont'd)

Page 2



-Ouestion #3.


'" Item 15, FSAR Table-3.11-3, states'that equipment that

?could be_ submerged have been-identified and demonstrated to be? qualified by test.for. the duration required.

Provide a

~-list;offall-the equipment which.could be submerged along with the identification for the equipment which'are qualified :by test and the ones which are exempted from the

. qualification. - Provide the basis for exempting individual equipment fromisubmergence qualification.

Also, discuss the qualification method used to. qualify the equipment for

'H submergence."-

. Responses-t A list;offsubmerged shown on Attachment 1.

Any other - equipment-potentially subjected to flooding will be ridentified during(the field hazard analysis walkdown.

The.Rotork' Class-lE' motor-operated. valves have been quali-


'fied-by testing for submergence since they'are required to L

operate :inL response' to 'the event which causes them to be submerged. -- The method of submergence qualification is described as follows.

.The Rotork Class 1E motor-operated valve was successfully


demonstrated toLfunction during and following' complete'sub-norsion'at--a pressure of 70 psig which was decreased over a 26' day period to 15~psig.

These test _ conditions exceeded the actualLHope Creek requirement for submergence to a depth of about 19 feet of


2 All' other ' equipment which may. bel submerged is not qualified by. test because~it~ performs no. safety function.during the

events which-cause submergence. -These devices are'provided with classLIE primary and: backup protective devices which are located :in a hazard-free area.

g al

~ This design provides assurance that failure'of a device due b

-td: submergence, coupled with the worst case single failure will not: affect safe shutdown.

'gy iM P85'20/b8.2-dh 1

F 8


.--_.a-, - -. - -. - - - - -, -

-- ---. s.--

---a a---a--


.a m.---

I ENCLOSURE 3 (Cont'd)

Page 3 Question 44.

" Provide a discussion on how'the normal / abnormal environ-mental condition (temperature) has been used in aging consi.deration."

' Response Normal and abnormal temperature aging factors have been con-sidered'to place the equipment in an end-of-life condition prior to qualification at DBE conditions.

The normal environment factor and the abnormal environment factor are combined to determine an accelerated aging temperature.

This method uses Arrhenius techniques.

Question #5.

" Provide the temperature and radiation dose limit used to distinguish between the harsh and mild environmental zone."


The harsh environment zones are those in which the abnormal or DBE values of temperature or= radiation exceed 120"F and 1 x 103 RADS, respectively.

Question #6.

"Page VI-1 of Reference 2 lists the DBAs causing the worst

. case harsh environmental condition.

However, the list does not include fuel handling accidents which may result in a higher radiation dose for some equipment.

Provide the reason for not' including this accident into.the list of DBAs considered."


The fuel handling accident event'is considered as one of the DBA's..The EQ Summary Report will be revised to clarify this item.


M P85 20/08 3-dh

ENCLOSURP 3 (Cont'd)

Page 4 Question #7.

" Reference 2, page VII-8, item 5, states that exception to qualification is taken in those cases where safety function can be accomplished by some other designated equipment that has been adequately qualified and satisfies the single failure criterion.

Provide a list of all such equipment which have been exempted from qualification based on this criterion and explain how it affects the defense in depth concept (redundancy and diversity)."


All equipment is qualified to perform its intended safety function during events which require the operation of the equipment.

In some cases, equipment may be exposed to environmental conditions during events which do not require the equipment to operate, and for which the equipment is not qualified.

In these cases, the equipment is protected by redundant, qualified devices which are not subject to the same hazard.

This design does not affect the concepts of redundancy and diversity since the isolated equipment in these cases-is permitted to fail with no resultant effect on the safety function.

This equipment is identified on revised FSAR Table 3.11-6 which will be submitted as an FSAR change and is shown on

-Question 98.

" Reference 2, page VIII-3, GE/HCGS Response to Item 4, does not define the acceptable time margin for the equipment which do not have the one hour required time margin.

Provide the minimum time margin accepted by you and the basis for your acceptance."

Response -

A standard minimum time margin for equipment which does not have a one-hour margin has not been established The actual time margins are_ based upon individual component's " Time-to-Completion" of its safety function and the time at which a harsh environment is experienced by the equipment.

All cases of this type are analyzed and shown on the Equipment Evaluation Summary Sheets.


M P85 20/08 4-dh

C w

e n;


ENCLOSURE-3 (Cont'd)

Page 5 i

Question 99.

' "Regarding Reference 2, note 2 on figures 2, 4, and 8 should be clarified to' explain-the reasons for not establishing harsh: environment for these rooms."

' Response:

The'following'information clarifies Note 2 shown on figures 2,'4, and 8 of the summary report.

Figure 2 Note'2~is incorrect.

Room 4220 and 4221 are within the drywell and' experience the drywell environment i


. Rooms 4418 and 4419 are not identified separately because they are part of Room 4416 which has a mild environment.

Figure'8 Note 2 is' incorrect.

Room 4703 has the same environment as Room 4710.

The next-revision of the-EQ Summary Report will clarify the

. room environments' described above.

g Question #10.-

" Conform that you have not utilized thermal equivalence analysis to ' qualify some equipment at HCGS.

If you have, then ' confirm that you have utilized the method identified -in NUREG-0588.

Provide 'one example with ' the bases and criteria usedt in'thefthermal' equivalence analysis."'

Responses i

Thermal equivalence analysis has not been used to qualify Hope' Creek. equipment.

The method of NUREG-0588, Appendix C 0

. was used'.to' determine the Hope Creek containment conditions.

bj ts


M'P85 20/08 5-dh t

d f

E 4'


L ?

k 1

' ENCLOSURE 3 (Cont'd);

Page 6 t

Question #11.-

" Confirm _that all category I and II equipment per Reg. Guide 1.97 which are located in a harsh environment are included F

tin your environmental qualification program."

' Response:

r The PSE6G commitment to Reg. Guide 1.97 is contained in the HCGS FSAR'Section

The category I and II equipment located in a harsh environment is included in the E.O. pro-


Justification of differences between Reg. Guide 1.97 recommended. variables and Hope Creek specific instruments is also provided in.FSAR Section -

t Question #12.

"Your response to the staff's request for additional infor-

.mation item 270.2b does.not completely aderess the staff's r


Justification should be provided for each system

' individually which is identified as safety related in FSAR

". Table 3.2-1 and is not included in your EQ program."


Justification of all items in FSAR Table 3.2-1 (Amendment'8) which do not appear in Tables'3.11-5 or 3.11-6, is contained in the proposed. Table 3.11-8 which will be submitted as an FSAR change and is shown on Attachment 2.

Question 913.

J v

- " Radiation environment for HCGS is-low compared to similar Lplant. LProvide'the basis, assumption and a sample calcula-

tion 'to determine the acceptability of. the. radiation environment'for HCGS.

Also, if credit is taken for any equipment because of 'the location 'of the equipment in a room, a sample calculation with the basis and assumption should ' also be provided."



'The ra'diation: environment for HCGS is not' low compared with f

other similar plants. fTheLFSAR tables list only the shine

. contribution due to equipment

  • operation.-

Notes on the'FSAR I

1 7

LM P85 20/08 6-dh j

i s

i ENCLOSURE 3 (Cont'd)

Page 7 tables identify the airborne' cloud contributions which must be added to the table values to obtain the total dose.

The summed doses are comparable to other plants.

i Question #14.

l I

"FSAR Table 3.11-4 lists mechanical equipment required for harsh environment qualification.

This table should be expanded to include individual tag numbers with functional description, manuf acturer, model numbers, and location for individual equipment."-

Responses j

~ FSAR Table 3.11-4 has been expanded to include the required information and is shown on Attachment 3.

The proposed revision will be submitted as an FSAR change.

L Question 615.

" Confirm that you plan to add the qualification status with the identification as to which category (I or II per NUREG-0588) it. was ' qualified ' to.

In addition to this,

- maintenance / replacement schedules to maintain the qualified life should also be identified."

~ Response:

t An' identification of qualification status'(i.e. NUREG-0588

. category I or= II) will be included on the Equipment

-Evaluation Summary Sheets (EESS) which will be available in April 1985.

The EESS will also identify ~any required I

maintenance / replacement schedule information.

l I

h s

-f t

' M P85 20/08.7-dh-r e.

t ENCLOSURE 3 r-1E Equipment Subject to Submergence Tag Number Description Qualified Exempt 1-SK-TE-NOl6-Temperature Elements X

l-SK-TE-Nol2A Temperature Elements X

l-SK-T E-NO12C Temperature Elements X

l-SK-TE-NO10A Temperature Elements X

'l-SK-TE-NO10B Temperature Elements X

l 1-SK-TE-NO10C Temperature Elements X

l-SK-TE-NO10D Temperature Elements X

l-SK-TE-NO12B Temperature Elements X

l-SK-TE-NO12D Temperature Elements X

l-GU-TE-9428-1 Temperature Elements X

l-GU-T E-9 4 2 8-2 Temperature Elements X

l 1-AE-HV-F039 Motor Operated valves X

l-AB-HV-F071 Motor Operated Valves X

1-KP-HV-5829A,B Motor Operated Valves X


. Motor Operated Valves X

' ^

1-KP-HV-5835A,B Motor Operated Valves X

l-KP-HV-5836A,B Motor Operated Valves X

1-KP-HV-5837A,B Motor Operated Valves X

1-BJ-HV-8 27 8 Motor Operated valves X

l-AB-HV-F067A Motor Operated Valves X

m 1-AB-HV-F067B Motor Operated Valves

-X l

11-AB-HV-F067C Motor-Operated Valves

.X s


Motor Operated Valves X

r b


ynn i.









_. nr 1.

Reactor System I

Mechanical' '


Fuel Handling _and Storage System VIII Mechanical 3.

Fuel Servicing Equipment VIII (a)

Mechanical 3.1 Fuel Preparation Machines VIII (a) 3.

NON-lE 4.

Reactor Vessel Servicing Equipment VIII (b)

Mechanical 4.1 Reactor Bldg. Polar Crane VIII (b) 4.

NON-lE 5.

In-Vessel Service Equipment VIII (c)

Mechanical 6.

Refueling Equipment VIII (d)

Mechanical 7.

Storage Equipment VIII (e)

Mechanical 8.

Undervessel Service Equipment VIII (f)

Mechanical 9.

Fuel Oil Storage and Transfer System XII (a)

Mechanical 10.

Lubricant System XII (e)

Mechanical 10.1 Heater XII (e) 5.

NON-lE 10.2 Pump, Motor Driven Prelube Keepwarm XII (e) 7.

NON-IE 10.3 Motors, Prelube/Keepwarm & Prelube Pumps XII (e) 11.

NON-1E 11.

Starting and Control Air System XII (f)

Mechanical 12.

Cooling Water System XII (g)

Mechanical 13.

Combustion Air Intake and Exhaust System XII (h)

Mechanical 14.

Main Steam and Power Conversion System XIV Mechanical 15.

Main Steam Supply System XIV (a)

Mechanical 16.

Main condenser Evacuation System XIV (b)

Mechanical 17.

Feedwater and Condensate System XIV (c)

Mechanical 18.

Condensate Cleanup System XIV (d)

Mechanical 19.

Circulating water System XIV (e)

Mechanical 20.

Steam Seal System XIV (f)

Mechanical 21.

Lube Oil System XIV (g)

Mechanicak 21.1 Motors XIV (g) 3.

Non-l E.


Gen. H2 and CO2 Purge System XIV (h)

Mechanical 23.

Buildings XVIII Mechanical 24.

Primary Containment XVIII (a)

Mechanical 25.

Auxiliary Building (Diesel Area)


Mechanical 26.

Auxiliary Building (Containment Area)




i TABLE 3.11-8 (Cont'd)





i 27.

Auxiliary Building (Radweste Area)


Mechan q ji XVIII (e)

Mechanical,5 l


Turbine Building l


Administration Facility XVIII (f)

Mechanical 30.

Cire. Water Pump Nouse XVIII (g)

Mechanical j


Reactor Building, Including Pressure-i Retaining Door XVIII (h)

Mechanical 32.

Plant Cancelled Area

~ XVIII (i)

Mechanical i

l 33.

Structures XIX Mechanical


i 34.

Station Service Water Intake Structure XIX (a)

Mechanical 35.

Condensate Storage Tank XIX (b)



f 36.

Diesel Gen. Fuel Tank Room XIX (c)

Mechanical j


Station. Battery Rooms XIX (d)

Mechanical l


Spent Fuel Pool, Reactor Well, New Fuel Vault, Dryer, Separator Pool and Tank Cask Pit XIX (e)

Mechanical i


Circulating Water Structures XIX (f)

Mechanical 40.

Unit Vent, North and South XIX (g)

Mechanical 41.

Condensate Storage Tank Dike XIX (h)

Mechanical 42.

Spent Fuel Pool Liner XIX (1)

Mechanical 43.

Skimmer Surge Tank XIX (j)

Mechanical 44.

Missile / Jet Barriers XIX (k)

Mechanical 45.

Structural Backfill XIX (1)

Mechanical 46.

Post-Accident Shielding XIX (m)

Mechanical I


Seismic Category I, Electrical Duct Banks Manholes XIX (n)

Mechanical i


Nitrogen System V (d3)

NON-IE 49.

Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing System V (e)

NON-IE s-50.

Gaseous Radweste System X (b)



Turbine Auxiliary Cooling System XI (d)



Portable and Sanitary Water System XI (h)



Primary Containment Ventilating System XIII (b)

NON-IE 54.

Auxiliary Building Serv. and Radweste Area l

ventilating System XIII'(d)


I i

1 U

i c


i s.


XIII (f)



& : 6'-


- 55.

Turbine Building ventilation System l


Miscellaneous Structures ventilating System XIII (h)



Turbine Bypass System XIV (i)

NON-IE 58.

Safety-Related Display Instrumentation XV (d)

NON-IE/kild 59.

Control & Instrumentation for Systems Not l

Required for Safety XV (f)



Process Sampling System XVII (c)



Fire Protection System XVII (e)

NON-I E 62.

Auxiliary Boiler System XVII (f)


i 63.

Equipment and Floor Drain System XVII (g)

NON-I E 64.

Breathing Air XVII (i)

NON-IE 65.

Lighting System XVII (j)



Auxiliary Building Control Area Chilled Water System XI (g)

Mild j


Standby Diesel Generator and Auxiliary System XII Mild I


Diesel Generator XII (b)

Mild l


Electrical Modules with' Safety Functions XII (c)

Mild l

l 70.

Cable with Safety Function XII (d)

Mild i

j 71.

Main Control Room and Control Building i

HVAC System XIII (a)

Mild l


Standby Diesel Gen. Area Ventilation System XIII (e)

Mild i


Serv. Water Intake Structure ventilating I

system XIII (g)




Reactor Trip System (Reactor Protection i


XIV (a)

Mild 75.

Control Complex Panels XV (g)

Mild 76.-

Local Panels and Racks XV (h)

Mild 120-VVitalACSystemEguipment 77.

XVI (c)

Mild 125V, and 250V Station tteries and Racks XVI-(b)

Mild 78.




U m

4 w


Manu f acture r: Target Rock Corp.

SHEET I of 1 Functional Description I.D. No.

Model No.

(Typical.for all Valves on this Sheet)

Location IS3 PSV F013A, 7567F Gea'1. Config.

Dual function safety and relief valves:. self actuating Reactor Bldg.


at the spring safety set pressure (safety mode) and per-

. EL 121' mit. remote manual or automatic l relief opening at pres-ISN PSV F0138 7567F Gen' l. ' Conf ig.

sure below the set point with the electro-pneumatic Reactor Bldg.


. actuator.

EL 121' ISN PSV F013C-7567F Gen'l. Config.

Safety Functions:

Reactor Bldg.


EL 121' To open to its ASME rated capacity position, as a mini-ISN PSV F013D~

7567F Gen't. Config.

mum, and permit depressurization of the reactor pressure Reactor Bldg.

(7567F-010-10) vessel to provide EL 121' ISN PSV F013E

'7567F Gen'l. Config.


Operation of the valve at a vessel pressure at or Reactor Bldg.

.(7567F-010-10) above the valve's (inlet pressure) spring safety set EL 121' point.(safety mode) to provide overpressure IA3 PSV F013F 7567F Gen't. Config.


Reactor Bldg.


EL 121' 2.

A manual means of relieving steam generated by core

'lA3 PSV F013G 7567F Gen'1. Config.

. decay heat to t.he suppression pool in the event that

' Reactor Bldg.

(7567F-010-10) the main condenser is not available as a heat sink EL 121' after reactor shutdown and until the RHR steam con-IA3 PSV F013H 7567F Gen'l. Config.

densing mode of, operation is initiated (relief Reactor Bldg.

(7567F-010-10) mode).

EL 121' 1A3 PSV F013J 7567F Gen'l. Config.


Automatic depressurization (ADS) of the reactor Reactor Bldg.

.(7567F-010-10) pressure vessel under an assumed loss-of-coolant EL 121' condition (relief mode).

lAS PSV F013K 7567F Gen'l. Config.

Reactor Bldg.



An alternate means to cool and shutdown the reactor EL 121' by passing water from the reactor to the suppression LAB PSV F013L 7567F Gen'l.'Config.

pool in the unlikely event that the RHR shutdown Reactor Bldg.


suction line is not available to transmit water from EL 121' the reactor to the RHR heat exchanger while the IA3 PSV F013M 7567F Gen'l. Config.

RHR/LPCI pumps are injecting water into the reactor Reactor Bldg.


-(relief mode).

EL 121' IAR PSV F013P 7567F Gen'l. Config.

Reactor Bldg.


EL 121' 1AB PSV F013R 7567F Gen't. Config.

Reactor Bldg.


EL 121' M P85 8/03 1-cag -

TABLE 3.11-4 MECHANICAL EOUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE 2 OF 88 P.O. 4 MOOl Component Main Steam Isolation Valves Manu f acturers - Atwood & Morrill Co.

SHEET 1 of 1-TB21-F-22/F028)


I.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location 1A3 HV F022A.

21362H Inboard:

To remain open throughout the normal plant Reactor Bldg.

(Typical). operation. In case of small line break EL 102',

(of 4) accident, the operator may keep the MSIV's IAB HV F022B 21362H open to utilize the main condenser. In case Reactor Bldg.

of.a BDE, the MSIV's will be closed within EL 102' the first hour of the accident and maintained IA3 HV F022C 21362H in.the closed position throughout the post-Reactor Bldg.

. accident period. The MSIV's are to limit the EL 102' leakage through the valve seat.

The MSIV's IA3 HV F022D 21362H are equipped with limit switches to provide Reactor Bldg.

safety signals to the reactor protection.

EL 102' system.

lA3 HV F028A 21362H Outboard: To remain open throughout the normal plant Reactor Bldg.

(Typical) operation. In case of small line break EL 102' (of 4) accident, the operator may keep the MSIV's IAD HV F0288 21362H open to utilize the main condenser.

In case Reactor Bldg.

of a BDE, the MSIV's will be closed within EL 102' the first hour of the accident and maintained 1A3 HV F028C 21362H -

in the closed position throughout the post-Reactor Bldg.

accident period. The MSIV's are to limit the EL 102' leakage through the valve seat.

The MSIV's l A% HV F028 D 21362H

'are equipped with limit switches to provide Reactor Bldg.

safety signals to the reactor protection EL 102' system.

M P85/03 2-cag

ry, l.

4 17 r

r r

TABLE 3.11-4



-PAGE 3 OF 88 P.C, 9 M001 Component: Recirculation Pumps (B31-C001)

-Manufacturers Byron Jackson Pump Co.

SHEET-1 of.1 T,D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location 1103 AP 201

-28X28X35EVSS To provide flow to the jet pump which provides forced

. Reactor Bldg.

coolant flow through the Reactor Core.

EL 077' (Drywell) 1C3 EP 201

28X28X35EVSS Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' (Drywell)

M P85 8/03 3-cag


b TABLE 3.11-4 MECH ANICAL EQUI PMENT SELECTED FOR ' HARSH ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE 4 OF 88 P.O. 0.M001 Components. Recirculation System Valves Manufacturers Lunkenheimer SHEET 1 of 1-(B31-F023/F031




Model No.

Functional Description Location 119 HV F023A

-D-12925 Suction:

  • Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1R3 HV F023B D-12925 Suction: * -

Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1RB HV F031A D-12926 Discharges-Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' IBB HV F031B D-12926.

Discharges Reactor Bldg.

EL 100'

  • The recirculation block valves stay opened throughout the normal plant operation. They are close only for recirculation pump maintenance. After a confirmed ATNS, it is desirable that one of the block valves stay oper-able.

The valve will be closed to route the shutdown cooling water. to the jet pump inlet, but this is not a safety function. These valves have no active safety function they shall maintain pressure integrity of.the reactor coolant, boundary.

M P85 8/03 4-cag

qc r



-Manufacturers General Electric Co.

SHEET 1 of I~

C l l-D001 1.D. No.

'Model No.

. Functional Description Location

11F 00 202 761E500G007

' Modular assembly of Control Rod Drive directional Reactor Bldg.

(Typical for 185)

Control valve, scram Valve, and accumulator.

EL 10 2'



(Erch HCU is identified by the etppropriate control roo, which has been cosigned a coordinate number that defines th3 location of the

. rod within the core.

All coordinate numbers consist of four digitse. Two for row cnd two for

~ column. Rows are ossigned odd numbers and columns

.eesigned even numbers)

M P858/03 5-cag


- w ;.

.~ } 1 I



PAGE 6 OF 88

P.O.~0 M001 ' Component CRD Vent Valves and Drain Valves Manuf acters - Hammel Dehl SHEET 1 of I~



I.D. No.


Functional Description Location 1 CF HV F010 522FRR62HA29 Inboards,

  • Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 CF HV F180 522FRR62HAZ9 Outboard: *

+ Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 12F HV F0ll 522JRR6 2H A29 '


  • Reactor Bldg.

E L 10 2 '

1 EF HV F011 A 522JRR62HA29 Inboard Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1 EF HV F181A 522JR R62H A29 Outboard: *.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 077'

  • Air operated globe valves utilized to facilitate proper venting and draining of the SDV header, except during scram when the valves are closed to conserve reacter water.

..The valves are required to operate and isolate the SDV vent and drain lines within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> af ter a small break accident (SBA) occurs and remain closed for the post accident duration. After a LOCA, the valves may be delayed up to 40 seconds prior to required operation.

M P85 8/03 6-cag

ry,-- -




M001 Component: Standby Liquid Control Pumps'

.Manu f acturers - Union Pump Co.

' SHEET 1 of 1 (C41-C001 I-D. No.

.Model No.

Functional Description Location 1 BH AP 208 2X3,TD-60 Triplex To pump a neutron absorber solution (sodium pentaborate)

Reactor Bldg.

from the system' storage tank into the reactor vessel.

.EL 162' Provides all independent backup capability to shutdown 1 BH EP 208 2X3,TD-60 Triplex the reactor and keep. it subcritical as it cools.

Reactor Hldg.

EL 16 2' M P85 8/03 7-cag

U s


Manufacturer: Delta Southern Co.




Model No.

Functional Description Location 1 BC At 205 gu The functions of the RHR Heat Exchanger, depending on Reactor Bldg.

operating mode are:

EL 054' 1 IC EE 205 gEU l.

Provides containment cooling during containment Reactor Bldg.


EL 054' 2.

Fuel Pool cooling.


Suppression pool cooling.


Condensation of reactor vessel steam produced by reactor decay heat while the reactor is on hot standby.


Reactor water cooling during reactor shutdown.

Safety Functions Containment cooling during containment spray and pool cooling operations.

M P85 8/03 8-cag

. s. y g,



.s v..

y; I



PAGE 9 OF 88 P.O. I' M001 Component: RHR Pumps (Ell-C002 A, B,

C, D)

Manufacturer Ingersoll Rand SHEET T of 1-I-D. No..




Functional Description 1 BC AP 20 2 ~

34APKD 2

Provide emergency cooling to the reactor core.

' Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' I BC CP 202 34APKD

- Provide emergency cooling to the reactor core.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' l.CC CP 202 34APKD Provide emergency cooling to' the reactor core.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 BC DP 202 34APKD Provide emergency cooling to the reactor core.

Reactor Ridg.

EL 054' M P8 5 8/0 3 9-cag


,li I



Atwood 6' Morrill Co.

SHEET 1 of 1 (E11-F041/F050 Functional Descripticn I.D.


Model No.

(Typical for All Components on this. Sheet)



1 RC HV F050A (14053-01-H)*

To prevent backflow of reactor water' in event of a pipe Reactor Bldg.

1 BC SV F050A rupture upstream of valve.. The solenoid-controlled air EL 100' cylinder is used'as a positive means of opening the 1 EC HV F0508 (14053-01-H)*

valve at zero pressure differential, but is not capable Reactor Bldg.

I BC SV F050B.

of closing the valve or holding the valve open against -

EL 100' reverse flow.

The actuator and related linkages and '

1 EC HV F041A (14053-01-H)*

components are designed to preclude any damage as a Reactor Bldg.

1 BC SV F041A result of applying maximum pneumatic pressure to the EL 100' actuator in the opening or closing direction while the

'l-1C HV F041B-(14053-01-H)*

valve disc is positioned by system fluid forces.

Reactor Bldg.

1 BC SV F041B EL 100' 1 BC HV F041C (14053-01-H)*

Reactor Bldg.

1 BC SV F041C EL 100' 1 BC HV F0410 (14053-01-H)*

Reactor Ridg.

1 BC SV F041D EL 100'

  • Drawing No.

M P8 5 8/0 3 10-cag


ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 11 OF 88 P.O. 0 'M001 Component: LOCS-Check Valves (Testable)

.Manufacter: Atwood & Morrill Co.

SHEET 1 of ~



1 I.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location 1-CE HV F006 A (Drawing 14953-01-H)

To prevent backflow of reactor water in event of pipe

~ Reactor. Bldg.

I CE HV F006B rupture upstream of valve. The solenoid-controlled air EL 100' cylinder is <used as a positive means of opening the.

1 EE SV S006A (Drawing 14053-01-H) valve at zero pressure differential, but is not capable Reactor Bldg.

1 EE SV S0078.

of closing the valve or holding the valve open against EL 100' reverse flow. The actuator and related linkages and components are designed to preclude any damage as a result of applying maximum pneumatic pressure to the actuator. in the opening or closing direction while the valve disc is positioned by system fluid forces.

M P85 8/03 Il-cag




q-E F


P.O. O M001. Component: LPCS Core Spray Pumps ( E21-C001).

Manufacturers'.Ingersoll' Rand SHEET 1 of 1 Functional Description I D. No.

Model No.

. Typical for all components on this Sheet)


l CE AP.206 25APKD

. Provide emergency cooling flow to the reactor core.

Reactor Bldg.

Frovide makeup water in the event of a loss of reactor EL 054' coolant in order-to prevent fuel damage should the core 1 EE.CP 206 25APKD

.become uncovered. The pumps operate only when the Reactor Ridg.

reactor is depressurized.

EL 054' 1 CE CP 206 '

'25APKD Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 EE DP' 206 25APKD Reactor Ridg.

EL 054' r

M P8 5 8/0 3 12-caq l



i a

4 TABLE 3.11-4


PAGE ' 13 OP 88 P.O. ' 8 M001 ' Component: H MOI Pump Assembly (E410-C001)

-Manufacturer: Byron Jackson Co.

SHEET ! of 1 I.D. No.

'Model No.

' Functional Description

' Location l' BJ C P 217 12X14X230VS Booster Pumps

. Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 BJ OP 204 '

10X12X15DVS, 2STG MVMX Main Pumps.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 054'

  • To supply demineralized make-up from the condensate storage tank or. suppression pool water to the reactor vessel, to provide that adequate core cooling takes place to avoid overheating of the reactor fuel, in the event of, a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), an Antici-pated Transient without Scram ( ATwS), or reactor. isola-tion and f ailure of the Reactor Core' Isolation Cooling (RCIC) system.



t i

M P85 8/03 13-cag l


it. '




Manufacturer. Binohan Willamatte Pump Co.

SHEET l ot 1



Model No.

Functional-Description Location

'l BD OP203 6X6X10-1/2CP The RCIC pump is directly connected to the RCIC turbine.

Reactor Bldg.

driver and supplies water. to the reactor vessel during EL.054' isolation conditions accomplished with the loss of normal feedwater.

l l

I l

l M PBS 8/03 14-cag l


e a -

L 4

.c f



' P.O. 9-EM001 Components.'TIP valve, Guide Tube Assembly Manufacturers Consolidation Controls Corp.

SHEET I of.1

-(C51-J004) 1.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location 1 CE XV J004Bl.

136 BI'302G002

. A'squibb fired isolation valve for the tube containing Reactor Bldg.

the in-core monitoring. calibration detector.

EL 102' 1 SE XV J004B2 136B1302G002 A squibb fired isolation valve for the tube containing Reactor Bldg.

the in-core monitoring calibration detector.

EL 102'

. 1 SE XV J00483 13681302G002 A squibb fired isolation valve for the tube containing Reactor Bldg.

the in-core monitoring calibration detector.

EL 102' 1 SE XV J004B4 136B1302G002 A squibb fired isolation valve for the tube containing Reactor Ridg.

the in-core monitoring calibration detector.

EL 102' l SE XV J004BS

-136B1302G002 A squibb. fired isolation valve for the tube containing Reactor Bldg.

the in-core monitoring calibration detector.

EL 102' M P8 5 8/0 3 15-cag


8 8

1-P Ofo 61 1-

.g T

d EE l


AH n

r PS o

o '4 i

t t5 a

c0 c

a o

eL L


.p m

n u

o p

i t

C a

I r

C o

R p

r e

o h


n t

S o


.y i

g A

. r t

n H

r p

i e

i v


r i

ON c

r FO s

d s'

e I

DT r

D r

EA e

o TC

.r l

f -


.u a

EF t'

n r

1LI c

o e

EL a'

i w

1.S A f

t o-3 U

.u' c

p T O.

n n

EN a

u e


F v





m -

o UN OO ER e

I h

LV t


I e

N d

A i

H-g2 v

C n 0 o

E i

0 r

M l


o o 1 C 5 E

no y il t b a m l

e o s s s I

A r e

- o n


tic b a r e u o


l t

e 2-n d

e o

S n


opm g

o a

C c

6 1

1 0

0 o

2 3


1 0



s S

8 D.

O 8

5 I

C 8



P 1




PAGE 17 of 88 P.C. 0 4070(O)' Component: - Pumps, SACS Manufacturer: Ingersoll Rand SHEET I of 1 1-D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location

- 1 EG AP 210 14X23S (volute)

To provide flow for safetyf auxiliaries. cooling -(closed Reactor Bldg.

loop). system.

EL 102' 1 EC BP 210 14X23S (volute)

To provide. flow for safety auxiliaries cooling (closed Reactor Bldg.

loop). system.

EL 102' 1 EG CP 210 14X23S (volute)

To provide flow for safety auxiliaries cooling (closed Reactor Bldg.

loop) system.

EL 102' 1 EG OP 210 14X23S (volute)

To provide flow for safety auxiliaries cooling (closed Reactor Bldg.

loop) system.

EL 102'

- MP85 8/04 1-cag

a g_



' TABLE 3.11-4 MECH ANICAL EOUIPMENT SELECTED FOR H ARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE' 18'Or 88 P.O. 8 M082(O) Component: Horizontal Centrifuaal Pumps Manufacturers Hayward Tyler-SHEET l_ of.1

,I.D.' No.

Model No.

Functional Description

. Location 1 CJ AP 414 BH2 IE Panel Rm. Chilled Water Pump Aux.' Bldg. ' Diesel Area, EL. 178' 1 GJ BP 414' BH2 IE Panel Re. Chilled Water Pump Aux. Bldg., Diesel Area.

E L.

178 1>EP.AP 502 BH3

. Traveling' screen spray water booster pump Service Water Intake, EL 079' 1 EP BP 502

'BH3 Traveling screen spray water booster pump Service Water Intake.

EL 079' 1 EP CP 502 BH3 Traveling screen spray water booster pump Service Water Intake.

EL 079' 1 EP DP 502 BH3 Traveling screen spray water booster pump Service Water Intake.

' EL 079' 1 EC AP 211 4X6X10 NHSH Fuel Rod Cooling Pump Reactor Bldg.

EL 162 1 EC BP 211 4X6X10 NHSH Fuel Rod Cooling Pump Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' n

i M P85 8/04 2-cag



J TARLE 3.11-4 MECHANICAL EOUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PACE 19 of 88 P.O. 8 M141(O) Component: Nuclear Relief Valves Manufacturers Crosby Valve & Cage Company.

SHEET 1 of 3 I.D.


Model No.

Functional Description Location 1 AB PSV F037A.

Style VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV F037B Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV F037C Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV F037D Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 AB PSV F037E Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

s EL 102' I AB PSV F037F Style VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line vacuum Rreaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Rldg.

EL 102' 1 A*J PSV F037G Style: VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Rreaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV F037H Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV F037J Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 AB PSV F037K Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 AB PSV F037L Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Rreaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV F037M Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge. Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 A% PSV F037P Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line. Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV F037R Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

FL 102' M P85 8/04 3-cag



.s 1

J 1


ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE.20 Or 88 P.O. 8 M141(O) Component: Nuclear Relief Valves Manufacturer: Crosby Valve & Gage Company SHEET 2 of 3 I. D...No,

Model No.

Functional Description Location 1 AB PSV 4500A Style: VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 AB PSV 45008 Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

EL 102' 1 AB PSV 4500C Style: VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102

1 AB PSV 4500D Style: VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor BldJ.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV 4500E

. Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'

. 1 A3 PSV 4500F Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 AB PSV 4500G Style VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

EL 10 2' 1 A3 PSV 4500H

' Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV 4500J Style: VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV 4500K Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywe l l To ru s, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 AS PSV 4500L Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breake r Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV 4500M Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV 4500P Styles VR Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Rreaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 A3 PSV 4500R Style: - VR -

Vacuum Relief - Discharge Line Vacuum Breaker Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' M P85 8/04 4-cag

TABLE 3.11-4 MECHANICAL EOUIPMENT SELECTED FOR H ARSH ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE 21 OP 88 P.O. 0 M141(O) Component: Nuclear Relief Valves Manufacturers Crosby Valve 4. Gage Company ~

SHEET 3_ of 3 I.D.'No.


Functional Description Location

-1 F3 PSV F076 Style:


HPCI Vacuum Breaker Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1 FD PSV F077 Styles VR -

HPCI Vacuum Breaker Line -

Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1 FC PSV F063 Styles VR RICCI Turbine Exhaust Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1 FC PSV F064 Style VR RICCI Turbine Exhaust Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1 CC PSV F151 A Styles VR Siphon Breaker - HX A to Torus Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 BC PSV F151B Style VR Siphon Breaker - HX B to Torus Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 EC PSV P152A Styles VR Siphon Breaker - HX A to Torus Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 BC PSV F152B Style VR Siphon Breaker - HX B to Torus Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 BC PSV FOSSA Style JB-56-TD RHR Heat Exchanger A Inlet Reactor Bldg.


. Style:

JB-56-TD RHR Heat Exchanger B Inlet Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1 KP PSV 5832A Style: JMBU MSIV Inboard Seal Gas Supply Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 KP PSV 58328 Style: JMBU MSIV Outboard Seal Gas Supply Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' C P85 8/04 5-cag




1 l

t l-TABLE 3.11-4 l




'P.O. 8 '9150(O) Component: Vacuum Re11ef Valves Manufacturer:.GPE Controls (Div. Vapor Corp.)

SHEET I of 1 I.9. No.


Func'tional Description Location 1 GS PSV 4946A LD240-447 Suppression Chamber vacuum Breaker Reactor Bldg.

'EL 054' 1 CS PSV 4946B LD240-447 Suppression Chamber Vacuum Breaker Reactor Bldg.

~EL 054' 1 GS PSV 4946C' LD240-447 Suppression Chamber vacuum Breaker Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1

i 1 CS PSV 4946D LD240-447 Suppression Chamber vacuum Breaker.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' l

1 GS PSV 4946E LD240-447 Suppression Chamber Vacuum Breaker Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 CS PSV 4946F LD240-447 Suppression Chamber Vacuum Breaker Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 GS PSV 4946G LD240-447 Suppression Chamber Vacuum Breaker Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 GS PSV,4946H LD240-447 Suppression Chamber vacuum Breaker Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 GS PSV 5030 LD240-383 Reactor Bldg. Vacuum Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1 CS PSV 5032 LD240-383 Reactor Bldg. Vacuurg Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' M P85 8/04 6-cag i



Fans, Centrifugal Manufacturers. Buffalo Porae company SHEET 1 of 2_

- I. *. - No.

.Model No.

Functional Description Location 1 GK AV 400 365 BL Control Room Emergency Air Supply Fan Aux. Bldg. Control Area.

EL 155' 1 GK CV 400 365 BL

' Control-Room Emergency Air Supply Fan Aux. Bldg. Control Area.

EL 155' 1 CK AV 410 245 BL Control Area Battery Room Exhaust. Fan Aux. Bldg. Control Area.

EL 178' 1 CK CV 410 245 BL Control Area Battery Room Exhaust Fan Aux. Bldg.. Control Area.

EL 178' 1 GM AV 406 270 BL Diesel Area Battery Room Exhaust Fan Aux. Bldg. Control Area.

EL 178' 1 GM BV 406 270 BL ~

Diesel Area Battery Room Exhaust Fan Aux. Bldg. Control Area.

EL 178' 1 GM CV 406 270 BL Diesel Area Battery Room Exhaust Pan Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area.

EL 16 3' 1 GM DV 406 270 BL Dies 41 Area Battery Room Exhaust Fan Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area.

EL 163' 1 GU AV 206 840 BL Filtration, Recirculation & Vent Fan Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area.

EL 16 3' 1 GU EV 206 840 BL Filtration. Recirculation & Vent Fan Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area.

EL 16 3' 1 GU AV 213 805 BL FRVS, Recirculation Fan Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' 1 GU CV 213 805 BL FRVS, Recirculation Fan Reactor Bldg.

EL 178' 1 GU CV 213 805 BL FRVS, Recirculation Fan Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' 1 CU DV 213 805 BL FRVS, Recirculation Fan Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' O P85 8/04 7-cag

F o



.P.O. t 4713(O) Component:

Fans, Centrifugal Manufacturers Buffalo Force Company SHEET 2 of 2



Model No.

Functional Description Location

'l GU EV 213

'805 BL FRVS, Recirculation Fan Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' 1 GU FV 213 805 BL FRVS, Recirculation Fan Reactor Bldg.

EL 178' s

l' l

l M P85 8/04 8-cag

f. _


.= 1 r

a 9


ENVIRONMENT.OUALIFICATION PAGE 25 OF 88 P.O.' S J601(O) Component: Control' Valves Manufacturer: Masonellon Div. (McGraw Edison)

-SHEET 1,of 2, I.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location 1 CC IN F053A 38~20721 RHR HX A'To RCIC.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 BC LV F0538 38 20721 RHR HX' B Disch. to Sup PL/RCIC Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 EC LV 4660 38 20771, Skimmer Surge TK B Hake-Up SPL

' Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' 1 FD LV F025 38 20771 Vac TK Cond. ' PMP Disch' to CRW Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 EC PV F051A

38 40512 HPCI STM Press Reducing Reactor Bldg.

EL 077'

' l BC PV F0518' 38.40512 RHR Heat Exch B Reactor Bldg.

EL 077'

- 1 CJ TV 9634A 38'80385 Cont. Equip. Rm.'Clr. AVH407 BYP Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area.

EL 178' 1 CJ'TV 96348 38 80385

. Cont. Equip. Rm. Clr BVH407 BYP Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area.

EL 178' 1 GJ.TV 9637A 37 80385 Cont. Rm. Clr. AVH403 BYP Aux. Bldg. Cont. Area.

EL 155' 1 CJ TV 96378

'37 80385 Cont. Rm. Clr. BVH4 03 BYP Aux. Bldg. Cont. Area.

EL 155' 1 GJ TV 9667A 38 80385 IE PNL Rm. Supply AC AVH408-Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area.

EL 163' 1 GJ TV 9667B 38 80385

' I E PNL Rm. Supply CLR BVH4 08 BYP Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area.

EL 16 3 '

1 GJ TV 9762A 38 80385 TSC AC Unit OOVH314 Coil A BYP Aux. Bldg. Radwaste Area.

EL 155'-

1 GJ TV 9762B 38 80385 TSC AC Unit OOVH314 Coil B Aux. Bldg. Radwaste Area.

.EL 155' M P8 5 8/04 9-az

r ---


- tM...

4 s

q r

x. -

l TABLE 3.11-4


' ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE 26 OF 88 P.O. 9 J601(O) Components-Control Valves Manufacturer: Masonellon Div. (McGraw Edison)

SHEET 2,of 2,

' I #.


Model No.

fFunctional Description Location 1 CJ TV 9768A

'37'20771 RSP Rm. OOVH316 Cooling coil A Aux. Bldg. Control Area.

EL 137'

'1 GJ TV 97688 37 20771 RSP Rm. OOVH316 Cooling Coll B Aux. Ridg. Control Area.

EL 137' M P85 8/04 10-az



.~ :



-c, w

e, 3

. g-3 :.


Y i

TABLE 3.11-4 MECH ANICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 27 OF 88 P.O. 0 J605(O) Component: Control valves Manufacturers Fisher Controls Corp. (Controls Ass.)

SHEET 1 of 1 I.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location 7670' SACS Heat Exchanger Butterfly valve Reactor aldg.

1 EG V804 EL 103'

.1 EG V805 7670 SACS Heat Exchanger Butterfly Valve

. Reactor Bldg.

EL 113' 1 EG V806 7670 SACS Heat Exchanger Butterfly Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 103' l'EG V807' 7670 SACS Heat Exchanger Butterfly Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 113' 1 IC HCV F W A 7620 RHR Butterfly Control Valve Reactor aldg.

EL 077' 1 SC HCV h 48H is20 RHR. Butterfly Control Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077*

1 EG TV 2517A 7620 SACS Heat Exchanger Butterfly Bypass Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 EG TV 25178

~7620 SACS Heat Exchanger Butterfly Bypass Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' M P85 8/04 Il-as


-P.O. g,J703(O) Component:- Excess Flow Check Valves Manufacturer. Dragon Valve Inc.

SHEET 1 of 15 I.D. No.


Functional Description Location IAB'FO 3666A.

12696-7L-MS Line A' Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' 1ABFO 3666D 12696-7L MS Line B Instrument'Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' 1AIFO 3666C 12696-7L MS Line C Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' 1ABFO 3666D

~12696-7L MS Line D Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' 1ABFO 3667A 12696-7L MS Line A Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112'

.lAIFO 3667B 12696-7L MS Line B Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' 1ABFO 3667C 12696-7L MS Line C Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' 1AIFO 3667D 12696-7L MS Line D Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100*

1 AIFO 3668 A 12696-7L MS Line A Instrument Line F Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' 1ABFO 3668B 12696-7L MS Line B Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' 1ABFO 3668C 12696-7L MS Line C Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' 1ABFO 3668D 12696-7L MS Line D instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' 1ABFO 3669A 12696-7L MS Line A Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' 1AIFO 3669B 12696-7L

.MS Line B Inst rument Line Drywe!! Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' M P85 8/04 12-az

f d



' ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE 29 OF 88 P.O. 6 J703(O) Component: Excess Flow Check Valves' Manufacturer: Dragon i/alve Inc.

SHEET 2 of 15 I. D. No,'

Model No.

Functional Description Location IABFO 3669C 12696-7L MS Line C Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100*

1ABFO 3669D 12696-7L MS Line D Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' 1 ABXV 3666 A 12504-4 Main Steam Line A Excess Flow.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 477' 1 ABXV 36663 12504-4

- Main Steam'Line B Excess-Flow Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1ABXV 3666C 12504-4 Main Steam Line C Excess Flow Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1ABXV 3666D 12504-4 Main Steam Line'D Excess Flow Reactor Bldg.

EL 077'


.lABXV 3667A

12504-4 Main Steam Line A Excess Flow Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1ABXV 3667B 12504-4 Main Steam Line B Excess Flow Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IABXV 3667C 12504-4 Main Steam Line C Excess Flow Reactor Bldg.

EL 077'

'1ABXV 3667D 12504-4 Main Steam Line D Excess Flow Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1ABXV 3668A 12504-4 Main Steam Line A Excess Flow Reactor Hldg.

EL 077' 1ABXV 3668B 12504-4 Main Steam Line B Excess Flow Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IABXV 3668C 12504-4 Main Steam Line C Excess Flow Reactor bldg.

EL 077' 1ARXV 366BD 12504-4 Main $ team Line D Excess Flow hwactor Bldg.

EL 077' M P85 8/04 13-az



~ P.O.- 0 J703(O) Components. Excess Flow Check Valves Manufacturer: ' Dragon Valve Inc.

SHEET'3 of'15, I.D. No.


' Functional Description' Location IABXV 3669A.


, Main Steam Line A Excess Flow Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1ABXV 3669B 12504-4 Main Steam Line B Excess Flow.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1ABXV 3669C 12504-4

. Main Steam Line C Excess Flow Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IABXV 3669D 12504-4 Main Steam Line D Excess Flow Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBBFO 3621 12696-7L-IBB-LT-36228-Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 145' 11CFO 3649

'12696-7L Reac. Head Seal Leakage Det Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IBBFO 3725 12696-7L Reactor Vessel Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 121' IKFO 3726A 12696-7L Reactor vessel Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' ISBFO 3.726B 12696-7L Reactor vessel Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor aldg.

EL 162' IM FO 3727A 12696-7L Reactor Vessel Instrument Line Drywell Torus, React.or Bldg.

EL 162' 1BBFO 3727B 12696-7L

. Reactor Vessel Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

EL 162' 118FO 3728A 12696-7L Reactor vessel Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL I45' ISBFO 37288 12696-7L Reactor Vessel Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 145' I MFO 3729A 12696-7L Reactor. Vessel Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 145' M P85 8/04 14-az




-TABLE 3.11-4

- MECH ANICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 31 OF 88 P.O. 8. J103(O! Components-Excess Flow Check valves Manufacturers. Dragon valve Inc.

SHEET 4 of M I.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location ISBF3 37298


- Reactor Vessel. Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 145' ICIFO 3730A 12696-7L Reactor vessel Instrument.Line Drywell Torus, peactor' Bldg.

EL 145' IBBFO 37308 12696-7L Reactor Vessel' Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' ICBFO 3731A 12696-7L~

Reactor Vessel Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 145' IIBFO 3731B' 12696-7L Reactor Vessel Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' 12BFO 3732A 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line.

Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 121' IBBFO 37328 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' L

ISBFO 3732C 12696-7L

' Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 121' ISBFO 3732D 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' i

Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

111FO 3732E 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line l

EL 121' IBBFO 3732F 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' l

lEBFO 3732G 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 121' 1:;;CFO 3732H 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Lin-e Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' 12BFO 3732J 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Hldg.

EL 121' M P85 8/04 15-az t_ __



-P.O. 4. J703(O) Components' Excess Flow Check Valves Manufacturer: Dragon Valve Inc.

' SHEET 5 of 15 I.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location

'ISBF3 3732K 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line-Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112'

'lGBFO 3732L 12696-7L Jet' Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL.121' IBBFO 3732M 12696-7L

. Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' IIZFO 3732N 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 121' IBBFO 3732P

~12696-7L Jet Pump ' Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

EL 121' l

ISBFO 3732R 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line' Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 121' 1BBFO 3732S 12696-7L

. Jet Pump Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IIIFO 3732T.

12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBBFO 37320

'12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' II1FO 3732V 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

i i

EL 121' l

ISBFO 3732W 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' 12 BFO 3734 A 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' i

IBBFO 3734B 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 121' IERFO 3734C 12696-7L Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 121' M PBS 8/04 16-az

4 y

w '



PAGE 33 OF 88 P.O. s J703(O) Componenti. Excess Flow Check valves Manufacturer: Dragon Valve Inc.

SHEET 6 of 15 1.D. No.

.Model No.

Functional Description location ISBFO 3734D 12696-7L Jet Pump. Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112'

.IECFO 3737A 12696-7L IBB-PDT-NO32-821 Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' ISBFO 3737B 12696-7L Control Rod Drive Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' ILCFO 3738A 12696-7L.

Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100'

'lSCFO 37388 12696-7L

. Jet Pump Instrument Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100'

.ll PO 3783

.12696-7L Recirc. Pump A Seal Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

E L 10 2 '

IBBFO 3785 12696-7L.

Recirc. Pump A Seal Purge Instr.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' ISBFO 3787 12696-7L Recirc. Pump B Seal Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1BBFO 3789 12696-7L Recirc. Pump Seal B Purge Instr.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'


'IECFO 3801A 12696-7L Recirc. Line A Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

i E L 10 2 '

I l

IBBFO 3801C 12696-7L Recirc. Line A Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 12BFO 3802A 12696-7L Recirc. Line A Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IBBFO 3802C 12696-7L

.Recirc. Line A Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1rJFO 38038 12696-7L Recirc. Line B Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

E L 10 2 '

i M P85 8/04 17-az i





P.O. 8,J703(O) Component: Excess Flow Check Valves :

-- Manuf acturer:

Dragon' Valve Inc.

SHEET 7 of 15 I?. No.

Model No.

Functional Description.

Location-IBBFO '3803D

'12696-7L Recirc. Line B Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IC3FO 38048 12696-7L:

Recirc. Line-B Instrument Line' Reactor Bldg.

EL 10 2 '

IBBFD 3804D 12696-7L.

Recirc. Line B Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

EL.102' 1;BFO 3820 12696-7L

.Recirc.. Pump A Discharge Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1BBFO 3821 12696-7L Recirc. Pump A Suction Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' ICBFO 3826.


. Recirc. Pump B Suction Instrument Line

. Reactor Bldg.

EL 102',

IBBFO 3827 12696-7L Recirc. Pump B Discharge Instrument Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IIBxv 3621 12504-2 1RB-LT-36228.thstrument Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 145' IIBxV 3649 12504-4 Reactor Head Seal Leakage Det Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 145' 1RBxy 3688 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' I

leIXV 3691A-12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 11BxV 36918 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IEBxV 3725 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Ridg.

EL 145' IHT.xv 3726A 12504-2 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Ridg.

EL 102' M P35 8/04 18-az i

u t.


' TABLE 3.11-4


'PAGE' 35 OF 88 P.O. e 'J703(O) Component: 'Eucess Flow Check Valves Manufacturer: Dragon Valve ~ Inc.

SHEET 8 of'15-I-D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location IBBXV 37268 -

...12504 Excess-Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 12BXV 3727A 12504-2 Excess Flow check valve Reactor, Bldg.

EL 102' 1BBXV 3727B' 12504-2

- Excess Flow Check Valve.

Reactor' Bldg.

EL 102' ICBXV 3728 A

'12504 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' ISBXV 37288 12504-2 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1BXV 3729A 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' ICSXV 3729B.~

'12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1;BXV'3730A 12504-2

- Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 10 2' 1BBXV 37308 12504-2 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IEBXV 3731A 12504-2 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1BBXV 37318 12504-2 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' ILBXV 3732A 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBbxV 37328 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 11BXV 3732C 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' C P85 8/04 19-az


ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE ' }6, OF 88 P.c. 4' J703(O) Component ' Excess Flow Check Valves Manufacturers. Dragon valve Inc.

SHEET 9 of 15 I D.


.Model No.

Fonctional Description Location IBBXV 3732D 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Hldg.

EL 077*

10BXV 3732E 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve-Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICBXV 3732F 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ISBXV 3732G 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ISBXV 3732H 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 10BXV 3732J 12504-4 Excess Flow Check valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICBXV 3732K 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Ridg.

EL 077*

ICBXV 3732L 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 10BXV 37324 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IEBXV 3732N 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 11BXV 3732P 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICSXV 3732R 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 10HXV 37324 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Hldg.

EL 077' 1%BXV 3732T 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor H1dg.

EL 077*

M PBS 8/04 20-az



-ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 37 OP 88 P.O.;9 J703(O) Components' Excess Flow Check valves Manufacturer: Dragon valve Inc.

SHEET H of l_5, IA No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location ISBXV 37320 12504-4 Excess; Flow Check valve' Reactor Bldg.


EL 077' l

10BXV 3732V 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IEBXV 3732nd 12504-4 Excess Flow Check valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1;BXV 3734A 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' lauXV 37348 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1

10.BXV 3734C 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

E.L 077' IIBXV 3734D 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' I

ICBXV 3737A 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICBXV 37378 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICSXV 3738A 12504-2 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IEBXV 3738B 12504-2 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' l

1*:BXV 378 3 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IIBXV 3785 12504-4

. Excess Flow Check. Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1%BXV 3787 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' M P8 5 a/04 21-az s-b


. Manufacturer: Draaon Valve Inc.

SHEET ll of-15 TM. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location-IBBXV 3789 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Purge Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICBXV 3801A 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Dr ywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 086*

1;BXV 38018 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

EL 077' ICBXV 3801C 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICBXV 3801D 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICBXV 3802A 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBHXV 38028 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICBXV 3802C 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICBXV 3802D 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor aldg.

EL 077' IIBXV 3803A 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077*

IBBXV 38038 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077*

IEBXV 3803C 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IKBXV 3803D 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Hldg.

EL 077' ICBXV 3804A 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' M P8 5 8/04 22-as

TABLE 3.11-4 i

MECHANICAL EOUIPMENT SELECTED FOR H ARSH ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE 39 OF 88 P.O. e J703(O) Component: Excess Flow Check valves Manufacturer: Dragon Valve Inc.

SHEET 12 of 15 I.P.


Model No.

Functional Description I.ocation 1BBxV 3804B 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1:Bxv 3804C

,12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBBxV 3804D 12504-4 Excess Flow Check valve Drywell Torus, Reactor aldg.

EL 086' IEBxV 3820-12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077*

IBBxV 3821 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1*:Bxv 3826 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBBXV 3827 12504-4.

Excess Flow Check Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICBFO 4411 A 12696-7L Excess Flow Check For PDT-N060A Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1BCFO 44118 12696-7L LPCI Inject Press Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' IBCFO 4411C 12696-7L Excess Flow Check For PDT-N060A Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' 1BCFO 4411D 12696-7L LPCI Inject Line Press Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

LL 077' IBCFO 4429 A 12696-7L Excess Flow Check For PDT-NOSSA Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077'

!BCFO 4429B 12696-7L HV-F017R Ell DP LN Flow Check Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

EL 102' ICCFO 4429C 12696-7L Excess Flow Check For PDT-N058C Reactor Didg.

F.L 077' M F85 8/04 23-az

y TABLE 3.11-4 NECHANICAL-EOUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE-40 OF 88 P.O. 4 J703(O) Component: Excess Flow Check valvos Manufacturer: Dragon Valve Inc.

SHEET 13 of 15 I.*.


Model No.

Functional Description Location 1BCFO 4429D 12696-7L HV-F017D Ell DP LN. Flow Check Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

'EL 102' 1BCXV 4411A' 12504-4 Excess Flow Check For PDT-N060A Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBCXV 44118 12504-4 Excess Flow Check For PDT-N0608 Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1BCXV 4411C 12504-4 Excess Flow Check For PDT-N060A Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IHCXV 4411D 12504-4 Excess Flow Check For PDT-N060A Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1BCXV 4429A 12504-4 Excess Flow Check For PDT-N058A Reactor aldg.

EL 077' 1RCXV 44298 12504-4 HV-F017B Ell DP LN Flow Check Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IICXV 4429C 12504-4 Excess Flow Check For PDT-N058C Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1RCXV 4429D 12504-4 HV-F0170 Ell DP LN Flow Check Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IEEFO 4 575A 12696-7L Core Spray Loop B To PDT-N056 Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1BEFO 45758 12696-7L Core Spray Loop A To PDT-N056 Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' ICEXV FDl8A E21 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve PDT N056 Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICEXV FOl88 E21 12504-4 Excess Flow Check Valve PDT N056 Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBCFO 3882 12696-7L RV Drain Ex Flow Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 10 2' C P85 8/04 24-az


8 P.% 8 ~J703(O) Component: Excess Flow Check Valves Manufacturer: Dragon Valve Inc.

SHEET M of M I-D. No.


Functional Description

. Location l

IBGFO 38844 12696-7L:

RWCU Inlet Flow Ex F1


Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 121' 19GFO 38848 12696-7L RWCU Inlet Flow Ex F1 Reactor Bldg.

EL 150' 1BGFO 3884C 12696-7L RNCU Inlet Flow Ex F1 Reactor Bldg.

EL 150' 1BGFO 3884D 12696-7L RWCU Inlet Flow Ex F1 Reactor Bldg.

EL 150' 1BGXV 3882 12504-2 RV Drain Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077*

IBGXV 3884A 12504-4

'RWCU Inlet Flow Ex F1 Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1BGXV 38848 12504-4 RWCU Inlet Flow Em F1 Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBGXV 3884C 12504-4 RWCU Inlet Flow Ex F1 Check valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBGXV 3884D 12504-4 RWCU Inlet Flow Ex F1 Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IFCFO 4150A 12696-7L RCIC Turbine Steam Instr Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 087' 1FCFO 41508 12696-7L RCIC Turbine Steam Instr Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 087' IFCFO 4150C 12696-7L RCIC Turbine Steam Instr Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 087' IFCFO 4150D 12696-7L RCIC Turbine Steam Instr Line Reactor Hldg.

EL 087' IFCXV 4150A 12504-4 RCIC Turbine Steam Ex F1 Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 53 P85 8/04 25-az


. ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE. 4 2 OF 8 8 P.O. 4 J703(O) Component: Excess Flow Check Valves Manufacturer: Dragon Valve Inc.

SHEET 15 of 15 IJN No, Model No.

' Functional Description Location RFCEV 41508' 12504-4 RCIC Turbine Steam Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077:

IFCXV 4150C 12504-4 RCIC Turbine Steam Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IFCXV 4150D 12504-4 RCIC Turbine Steam Excess Flow Check Valve Reactor Ridg.

EL 077'


IFDFO 4800A 12696-7L HPCI Steam Supply Instr.'Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IFDFO 4800m 12696-7L HPCI Steam Supply Instr. Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

EL 077*

IFDFO 4800C 12696-7L HPCI Steam Supply Instr. Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IFDFO 48000 12696-7L HPCI. Steam Supply Instr. Line Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IFDEV 4800A 12504-4 HPCI Steam Supply Instr. Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 077*

IFDKV 48008 12504-4 HPCI Steam Supply Instr. Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IFDEV 4800C 12504-4 HPCI Steam Supply Instr. Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IFDEV 4800D 12504-4 HPCI Steam Supply Instr. Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' C3 P85 8/04 26-az

r g

H TABLE-3.11-4

- MECH ANICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTED POR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 43 OP 88 P4. 8 J705(O) Component Nuclear Instrument Valve Manufacturer: Dragon Valves SHEET 1 of 3 I.e. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location IAS XV 1072A 14833 Main Steam First Stage Turbine Pressure Valve Turbine Bldg.

EL 120' 1A3 XV 10728 14833 Main Steam First Stage Turbine Pressure Valve Turbine Bldg.

EL 120' 1AP XV 2043 14833

. Condensate Storage Tank Excess Plow Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IEA XV 2262A 14833 Service Water Pump Lube Tank Check Valve '

Service Water Structure.

EL 122' IEA XV 22628 14833 Service 'Wa'ter Pump Lube Tank Check Valve Service Water Structure.

EL 122' IEG XV 2518Al 14833 RHR Pump Rearing Cooler Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEG XV 2518 A2 14833 RHR Pump Bearing Cooler Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEG XV 2518B1 14833 RHR Pump Bearing Cooler Check valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEG XV 251882 14833 RHR Pump Rearing Cooler Check Valve Reactor Ridg.

EL 054' IEC XV 2518C1 14833 RHR Pump Bearing Cooler Check valve Reactor Ridg.

EL 054' liG XV 2518C2 14833 RHR Pump Bearing Cooler Check Valve Reactor Rldg.

EL 054' IEG XV 2518D1 14833 RHR Pump Bearing Cooler Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 10G XV 2518D2 14833 RHR Pump Rearing Cooler Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEC XV 2533Al 14833 RHR Pump Bearing Cooler Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' n P85 8/04 27-az

-v t.



P.C. 4-J705(O) Components. Nuclear Instrument Valve Manufacturer: Dragon Valves SHEET 2 of 3

!#. No.

Model No.

Functional Description-Location IEC XV 2533A2 14833 RHR Pump Seal Cooler Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEG XV 2533B1 14833 RHR Pump Seal Cooler Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEG XV 2533B2 14833

. RHR Pump Seal Cooler Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEC XV 2533Cl 14833 RHR Pump Seal Cooler Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' ICC XV 2533C2 14833 RHR Pump Seal Cooler Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEG XV 2533D1 14833 RHR Pump Seal Cooler Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEG XV 2533D2 14833 RHR Pump Seal Cooler Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEG XV 2281 A 14833 SACS Accumulator Supply Side, Limiting Flow Check Valve Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area EL 054' IEG XV 22818 14833 SACS Accumulator Supply Side, Limiting Flow Check Valve Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area EL 054' IEG XV 2288A 14833 S ACS Accumulator Return Side, Limiting Flow Check Valve Aux. Bldg. Contr. Area EL 054'

'lEC XV 22888 14833 SACS, Accumulator Return Side, Limiting Flow Check Valve Aux. Bldg. Contr. Area EL 054' IEG XV 2509 14833 Return Side Accum. Inlet Limiting Flow Check Valve Aux. Bldg. Contr. Area EL 054' IEG XV 2523 14833 Return Side Accum. Inlet Limiting Flow Check Valve Aux. Bldg. Contr. Area EL 054' IEC XV 2545 14833 Supply Side Accum. Outlet Limiting Flow Check Valve Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area EL 054' A P85 8/04 28-az



P.C. 9 J705(O) Component: Nuclear Instrument Valve Manufacturers Dragon Valves SHEET'3 of 3 I



Model No.

-Functional Description Location l

IEG XV 2546 14833 Supply Side'Accum. Outlet Limiting Flow Check Valve Aux. Hldg. Diesel Area l

EL 054' IEG XV 2587 14833 Return' Side Accum. Inlet Limiting Flow Check Valve Aux. Bldg. Contr. Area EL 054' IEG XV 2593 14833 Supply side Accum. ' Outlet Limiting Flow Check Valve Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area EL 054' ICC'XV 4660 14833 Fuel Pool Cooling and Torus. Water Cleanup Skimmer Reactor Bldg.

Surge Tank Limiting-Flow Check Valve EL 162' ICC XV 4662A 14833 Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps, Suction Side Limiting Reactor Bldg.

Flow Check Valve EL 162' IEC XV 46628 14833-Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps. Suction Side Limiting Reactor Bldg. Drywell Flow Check Valve EL 162' 11C XV 4673A 14833 Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps, Discharge Side Reactor Bldg. Drywell.

Limiting Flow Check valve EL 162' ILC XV 46738 14833 Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps, Discharge Side Reactor Bldg. Drywell Limiting Flow Check Valve EL 16 2' lic XV 4682A 14833 Fuel Pool Cooling System Limiting Reactor Bldg. Drywell Flow Check Valve EL 16?'

IEC XV 4682B 14833 Fuel Pool Cooling System Limiting Reactor Bldg. Drywell Flow Check Valve EL 162' 1BH XV 2077A 14833 Standby Liquid Control Reactor Hldg. Drywell EL 077' 1BH XV 2077B 14833 Standby Liquid Control Reactor Bldg. Drywell EL 077' Sr.15SIDN2 Not Applicable 5 Valve Manifold w/ threaded connection Various Locations EL Various 2215SIDN2 Not Applicable 2 Valve Manifold w/ threaded connection Various Locations EL Vcrious l

Q P85 8/04 29-az

TABLE 3.11-4




'PAGE 46 OF 88 P.O. 0 'J71510) Component: Nuclear Instrument Valves

' Manufacturer: Dragon Valves SHEET 1 of 1 1.9-No.*

Model No.

Functional Description' Location G81551PN2 133770N-7 Instrument Calibrat' ion Isolation Valves and High~

-Approx. 5t'of these 1500 Point Vent valves valves are used in the Diesel Gen. Aldg.'and the Balance of Plant.. Rema in--

ing.954 in Reactor Bldg.

. G81551KN2 13770N-6SE7 Instrument Calibration Is sation Valves and High 550 valves purchased for Point Vent Valves various applications in the Reactor Bldg.

G81552HN2 13769N-6SE Instrument Calibration Isolation valves and High 220 valves purchased for-Point Vent Valves' various applications in the Reactor Bldg.

- *Theas valves will not receive unique tag numbers:

Valves classification number is shown here.

I l

l i

I M P85 8/04 30-az B


P.O. e 301(O) Camponent: Large valves

-Manufacturers anchor Darling Valve Co.

SHEET 1 of 13 f.D. No.

Model No.

. Functional Description Location OAPHV 2072 Not Applicable RB Isolation Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' OAPHY 2073 Not Applicable RB Isolation Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' OBNHV 2069 Not Applicable RB Isolation Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 ANHV 2600 Not Applicable Demin.. Water to Reactor Bldg.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 054'

'18CHV F003A Ell Not Applicable RHR HX A Shell Outlet Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IBCHV F003B Ell Not Applicable RHR HTX B Shell Outlet Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 18CHV F004A Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump A Suppr. Pool Suct.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' l

1BCHV F004B Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump B Suppr. Pool Suct.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 18CHV F004C E!!

Not Applicable RHR Pump C Suppr. Pool Suct.

Reactor Bldg.

l EL 054' IBCMV F004D Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump D Suppr. Pool Suct.

Reactor Bldg.

l EL 054' IBCHV F006A Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump A Shtown Clg suct Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IBC".V F006B Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump B Shtdwn Clg Suct Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IBCHV F007A Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump A Min Flow Bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' l

l 1BCHV F0078 Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump B Min Flow Bypass Reactor Bldg.

l EL 054' l

C3 P85 8/04 31-az


ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE 48 OF-88 P.C. 9 301(Q1 Component: 'Large Valves Manufacturer. Anchor Darling-Valve Co.

SHEET 2,of 13 I-D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location 1BCHV F007C Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump C Min Flow Bypass Reactor Ridg.

EL 054' IBCMV F007D Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump D Min Flow Bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1BCHV F010A Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump C Test Return Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IBCHV F010B Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump D Test Return Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1BCHV FollA Ell Not Applicable RHR HK A To Suppr Pool Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IBCHV F0lla Ell Not Applicable

-RHR HX B Test. Return Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IBCHV F016A Ell Not Applicable

.RHR Cont Spray Outbd Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'


IBCMV F0168 Ell Not Applicable RHR Cntet Spray B Outbd Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' 18CHV F021A Ell Not Applicable RHR Cntant Spray Inbd Reactor Oldg.

EL 102' 18CHV F021B Ell Not Applicable RHR Cont Spray B Inbd Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' l'

1BCMV F024A Ell Not-Applicable RHR Pump A Test Return Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IBCHV F024B Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump'B Test Return Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 18CHV F026A Ell Not Applicable RHR HK A To Reic Reactor Ridg.

EL 054' IBCHV F0268 Ell

'4o t Applicable RHR HE H To Rcic Reactor Hldg.

EL 054' 83 P85 8/04 32-az t




l s

TABLE 3.11 NECHANICAL EOUIPNEast SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONNENT QUALIFICATION PAGE 49 OF 88 P.% 9 301(O) ' Component: Large Valves Manufacturer: Anchor Darling Valve Co.

SHEET 3 of l_33 I.D, No.

.Model No.

Functional Description Location laCHV F027A Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump A Suppr Pool Spray Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBCHV F0278 Ell Not Applicable RHR Pump B Suppe Pool Spray Reactor Bldg.

l EL 077' leCHV F040 E!!

Not Applicable

.RHR Disch To Rdwst Isin Outbd Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1BCHV F047A Ell Not Applicable RHR HX A Shell Side Inlet Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' InCMV F047a Ell Not Applicable RHR HX B Shell Side Inlet Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IDCNV F049 Ell Not Applicable RHR Flush to Rdwst Isin Inbd Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBCHV F075 Ell Not Applicable RHR Svce Mtr. Cross Tie Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ISCNV 4420A Ell Not Applicable RHR HX A Vac RLF_Istn Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ISCHV 44208 Ell Not Applicable RHR HX B Vac RLF Istn Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ISCHV 4421 Ell Not Applicable RHR HX R Vac RLF To Torus Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBCMV 4439 Ell Not Applicable RX Bldg Istn/RHR S To Liq RM Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ISDNV F010 E51 Not Applicable RCIC Pump Suction From CS Tank Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' ISDHV F011 E51 Not Applicable RCIC Pump Suction From Sup Pool Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' i

1REHV F001A E21 Not Applicable Core Spray Pump AP206 Suction Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' O P85 C/04 33-at



TABLE 3.11-4



.P.0, 4 301(O) Component: Large valves Manufacturer Anchor Darling Valve Co.

SHEET 4 of 13

!.D. No.

.Model No.

Functional Description Location IDENV F0018 E21 Not Applicable Core Spray Pump BP206 Suction Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IBENV F001C E21 Not Applicable Core Spray Pump CP206 Suction Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IDENV F00lO E21 Not Applicable Core Spray Pump DP206 Suction Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 18ENV F015A E21 Not Applicable CS Loop A Test Return Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1BENV F015B E21 Not Applicable CS Loop B Test Return Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 18ENV F031A E21 Not Applicable Core Spray Loop A Min Flow Bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IDENV F031B E21 Not Applicable Core Spray Loop B Min Flow Bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IBFNV 4005 Not Applicable CRD Pump Suction RK Bldg Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1BJHV FC04 E41 Not Applicable HPCI Pump Suction From CST Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' ICJHV F042 E41 Not Applicable

.HPCI Pump Suct From Supp Pool Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IECHV 4676 A Not Applicable Fltr Domin Inlet Outbd Istn Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IECNV 46768 Not Applicable Fltr Demin Inlet Inbd Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IECNV 4678 Not Applicable Fltr Domin Outlet Istn Reactor Bldg.

EL 077*

IECHV 4689A Not Applicable Fuel Pool F1tr Demin Bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 16 2' Q PS5 4/04 34-az

y e

u TASLE 3.11-4


PAGE H OF 88, P.@. 9 301(O) Composwnt: Laree valves stanu f acturer: Anchor Darling valve Co.

' SHEET 5 of M.

I - D. Iso.

Isodel Iso.

. Functional Description' Location IEctev 4645s

' esot Applicable

. Fuel Pool F1tr Domin Bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IEDesv 2553 seot Applicable React Recirc Pump Cooling Istn Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IEDesv 2554 slot Applicable peact Recirc Pump cooling Isin Drywell Torus, Reactor aldg.

EL 100' IEDefV 2555 seot Applicable peact Recirc Pump Cooling Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IED4ev 2556 seot Applicable React Recirc Pump Cooling Isin Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' 1EENV 4652 seot Applicable Torus Wtr C1nup Supr P1 Isin Reactor aldg.

EL 054' IEElev 4655 Mot Applicable Torus Wtr Clnup RE Bldg Isin Reactor Aldg.

EL 054' IEenev 4656 Mot Applicable Torus Wtr Clnup RX Sldg Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEEuv 4663 slot Applicable Torus Wtr C1nup RX B1dg Isin Reactor Ridg.

EL 077' IEElfV 4679 Isot Applicable Torus Wtr C1nup RE Bldg Istn Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEteIV 4680 Mot Applicable Torus Wtr Clnup Suppr P1 IsIn Reactor Rldg.

EL 054' IEENV 4681 seot Applicable

- Torus Wt r C1nup Suppe P1 Isin Reactor aldg.

EL 054' I

l 1EGetV 22904 Not Applicable RHR Pump RM Unit Cooler AVH210 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEGwv 2290s Not Applicable RNR Pump RM Unit Cooler SVH210 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 53 P85 8/04 35-as

. ~..



' TABLE 3.11-4 MECH ANICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT QUAs.IFICATION PAGE. 52 OF 88 7.% 4 30140) Component: Large Valves Manufacturers Anchor parlina valve Co.

SHEET 6 of M I.e.


Model No.

Functional Description Loca t io'n' IBGNV 2290C Mot Applicable RHR Pump RM Unit Cooler CVH210 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEGNV 2290D Not Applicable

' RHR Pump RM Unit Coole'r DVH210 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEGNV 2290E Not Applicable RHR Pump RM Unit Coolers EVH210 Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IEGNV 2290F Not Applicable RHR Pump RM Unit Coolers FVH210 Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IEGNV 2290G Not Applicable RHR Pump RM Unit Coolers CVH210 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEGNV 22904 Not Applicable RHR Pump RM Unit Coolers HVH210 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEGNV 2292A Not Applicable HPCI Pump RM Unit Cooler AVH209 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEGNV 22928 Not Applicable HPCI Pump RM Unit Cooler BVH209 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEGHV 2302A Mot Applicable FRVS Cooling Coil AVH213 Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' IECMV 23028

'Not Applicable FRVS Cooling Coil BVH213 Reactor Bldg.

EL 178' i

IEGNV 2302C Not Applicable FRVS Cooling coil CVH213 Reactor Ridg.

l EL 132' l

IEGNV 23020 Not Applicable FRVS Cooling Co11 DVH213 Reactor Bldg.

l E L 16 2 '

IEGHV 2302E Mot Applicable FRVS Cooling Coil EVH213 Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IEGNV 2302F Not Applicable FRVS Cooling Coil FVH213 Reactor Hldg.

EL 178*

C3 P85 8/34 36-az l

l 1

y h

TABLE 3.11 MECHANICAL EOUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 53 OF 88 P.O. 4 30lf0) Component's t_arge valves Manufacturer: Anchor Darling Valve Co.

SHEET 7 of M I.N No.

Model No.

- Funct ional Descript ion -

Location IEGHV 2325A Not Applicable Core Spray Pump RM Unt Cls AVH211 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEGNV 2325B Not Applicable Core Spray Pump Rm Unt Cls BVH211 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054

IEGHV 2325C Not Applicable Core Spray Pump RM Unt Cls CVH211 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IECHV 2325D Not Applicable' Core Spray Pump RM Unt Cls DVH211 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054*

IECHV 2325E Not Applicable Core Spray Pump RN Unt Cls EVH211 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEGHV 2325F Not Applicable Core. Spray Pump RM Unt Cls FVH211 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEGHV 2325G Not Applicable Core Spray Pump RN Unt Cls GVH211 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IFCHV F059 E51 Not Applicable RCIC Stm Exh Istn Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IFCHV F062 E51

.Not Applicable RCIC Vaccum Breaker Isin Valve -

Reactor Bldg.

EL 077'

' 1FCCV F084 E51 Not Applicable RCIC Vacuum Breaker Istn Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IFDHV F071 E41 Not Applicable HPCI Stm Exhaust Isln Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IFDHV F075 E41 Not Applicable HPCI Turb Exh Vac Brkr Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IFDHV F079_ E41 Not Applicable HPCI Turb Exh Vac Brkr Istn Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IGBHV C531A1 Not Applicable CH Nt r Loop A Sply CTMT. IsIn Reactor H!dg.

EL-102' El P85 C/04 37-as



--c 6


c TABLE.3.11-4:


i P.O. 8 301(O) Component: Laree' Valves' Manufacturer: Anchor Darling Valve Co.

SHEET 8 of 13

-Model No.'

Functional Description Location I-D. No '

IGSNV 9531A2 Not Applicable CH wtr Loop. A RTN Ctat - Istn.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IGsNV 9531A3 Mot Applicable

'CH Wtr Loop B Sply Ctat Isln Reactor Bldg.

EL 10 2' IGSNV 9531A4 Not Applicable CH Wtr Loop B RTN Ctat Isln Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IGaNV 953131 Not Applicable

.CH Wtr Loop A Sply Ctat.Isin Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' IGSNV 953182, Not Applicable'

.CH wtr Loop A RTM Ctat Isin-Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' IcaNV 953183 Not Applicable'-

TCH Wtr Loop B Sply.Ctat Isin Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' IGSMV 953184 Not Applicable CH Wtr Loop B RTN Ctat Isin Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IGSNV 9532-1 Not Applicable CH Wtr.RTN Reactor Bldg IsIn Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IGBHV 9532-2 Not Applicable

~ CH Wtr Sply Reactor Bldg Isin Reactor Ridg.

EL 162' IGSNV 5050A Not Applicable Drywell To H2 Recomb AS205 Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 14 5'

.lGSHV.50508 Not Applicable Drywell To H2 Recomb BS205 Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IGSHV 5052A Not Applicable Drywell To H2 Recomb AS205 Reactor Bldg.

EL 145' 1GSHV 50528 Not Applicable Drywell To H2 Recomb BS205 Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1GSHV $053A Not Applicable

' H2 Recomb AS205 Suppr Pool Reactor Bldg.

EL 077'

' 80 Pe 5 8/04 38-az


f -

, hl






._ t 0



' p.



PAGE 55 OP 88

.P.C. 9 301(O) Ccenponent s tacoe valves Manufacturer: Anchor Darlino Valve Co.

' SHEET 9,of y I A No.

fModel No.

C g nettonal Description Location IGSHV 50538 Not Applicable

.H2 Recomb BS205 To Suppe Pool Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IGSHV 5054A Not Applicable H2 Recomb AS205 To Suppr Pool Reactor Bldg.

EL 077'

,ICSHV'50548, Not Applicable H2 Recomb BS205 To Suppr Pool Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ILBHV F003 G14.-

Not Applicable.

Isin Closure Signal Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IHBWV F004 _G14 Not Applicable IsIn Closure Signal. Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1HBHV F019 G14 Not' Applicable' Drywell Equip Drain Sump Pump Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077*

'lEBNV F020 G14

.Not Applicable.

Drywell Equip Drain Sump Pump Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1HBHV 5262 Not Applicable RS/Drywell Dr To Dr Coll Tk Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IHBHV 5275 Not Applicable

'RB/Drywell Dr to Waste Coll Tk Reactor Bldg.

EL 077*

IHCHV 5551' Not Applicable Reactor Bldg Istn Valve Unit 1 Reactor Bldg.

i I

EL 132' IKAHV 7626 Not Applicable Reactor Bldg Isolation Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1KBHV 7269 Not Applicable Reactor Bldg Isolation Reactor Bld4J.

EL 077' IECHV 3408N Not Applicable

.Sys IPD3-IPDll Istn Valve IV049 Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IKGHV 7801 Not Applicable Breathing Air Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' N P85 8/04 39-az

y : -m _

1 s

aj o,j s t,

a TABLE 3.11-4 MECHANICAL EQUIPMEfft SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 56 OF 88 P.C. # 301(O) -Components. ~ t.arge Valves Manufacturer: Anchor Darling Valve Co.

SHEET 10 of 13 I.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location 1 KH HV 5035 Not Applicable l RB Nitrogen Sply Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' l'EG HV 2398A-H' Not Applicable D.G.

Room Cooler, Valve Auxiliary Bldg.

EL 082' 1 EG HV 2325H Not Applicable Core Spray Pump Rm Unit Cls Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' 1 KC HV 3474 Not Applicable Spare Valve Unas signed


1 KC HV 3408P Not Applicable Spare Valve Unassigned 1 KC HV 3408R Not Applicable Spare Valve Unas signed untacigned Not Applicable (4"-HRC-GB)

Unassigned Una3aigned Not Applicable (6"-HBC-GR)

Unassigned Unicoign.d Not Applicable (4"-HRC-GT)

Unassisjned i

Unassigned Not Applicable (3*-HCC-GR)

Unass igned i

Unnacigned Not Applicable (6"-HCC-GB)

Unassigned Una3 Signed Not Applicable (8"-HCC-CB)

Unas sig ned Uncesigned Not Applicable (6"-HCC-CK)

Unassigned M P85 8/04 40-az i

L -


f. ; g l7

- s..


.PAGE 57 OF 88.

P.O. $_

301( M ' Components' Large Valves Nanufacturer: Anchor Darling valve Co.

SHEET 11 of 13 1.D. M.

Model No.

Functional Description Location C E signed Not Applicable (8"-HCC-CK)

Unassigned UArcsigned Not Applicable (6*-HEC-CK)



Un00:31gned Not Applicable (6"-HBC-GT)

Unassigned Unsccigned Not' Applicable (8"-HBC-GT)

Unassigned Usoccigned Not Applf. cable (6"-GBB-TCK)

Unassigned Untcaigned Not Applicable (18"-CBB-CK)

Unassigned l-l Untesigned Not Applicable (12"-CBB-CK)

Unassigned Unnsaigned Not Applicable (4"GBB-CK)

Unassigned U ncoigned Not Applicable (3"GBB-CK)

Unassigned U*accigned Not Applicable (3"-GBB-GB)

Unassigned Untteigned Not Applicable (12"-GBB-CB)

Unassigned l


Unnecigned '

Not' Applicable

( 16 *-G B B-GB )

Unassigned i

i j

Uncesigned Not Applicable (6"-GBC-GT)

Unassigned t

N P85 8/04 41-as

TABLE 3.11-4 NECHANICAL EOUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONNENT OUALIFICATION PAGE-8 OF 8J P.O. s 301(O) Component: Larae valves Manufacturer: Anchor Darling valve Co.~

SHEET Q of 13 I.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location Uracc31gned.

Not Applicable (6"-HBB-GT)~

Unassigned Una2algned Not Applicable (16"-HSB-GT)

Unassigned Un000igned Not Applicable (20"-HBB-GT)

Unassigned Uneacigned Not Applicable

. (4"-HBB-GT).

Unassigned Un30 signed Not Applicable (8*-HBB-GT)

Unassigned Un 031gned Not Applicable (20"-HBB-GT)

Unassigned Unissigned Not Applicable (3*-HBB-GT)

Unassigned Uncesigned Not Applicable


Unassigned Un:ceigned Not Applicable (10*-HSB-GT)


.Unscoigned Not Applicable

_ ( 3"-HBB-GB )

Unassigned UnLGeigned Not Applicable (14"-HBB-GB)

Unassigned Unscsigned Not Applicable (6*-HBB-CH).

Unassigned Untesigned Not Applicable (6"-HBB-GB)

Unass ig ned N P85 8/04 42-az


a h


-PACE 59 OF 88 i

P.O. 0 301(O}, Components. Large valves Manufacturer: Anchor Darlina valve Co.

SHEET 13 of 13 I.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location Una;s igned Not ApplicableI

( 6 "-H BB-TCK )


'Un% signed Not Applicable _



'Uncesigned Not Applicable


Unassigned Untesigned

'Not Applicable (20"-HBB-TCK)

Unassigned t



M P85 8/04 4 3-az


TABLE 3.11-4 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 60 OF 88 P.O. 4 P302(O). component: Nuclear Valves Manufacturers Anchor Darling Valve Company

-SHEET 1 of 7 T D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description

. Location lABHV F016 B21 Not Applicable.

Steam Line Drain Inbd Istn Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' 1 ABHV F019 B21 Not Applicable Steam Line Drain Outhd Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 10 2 '

1ATHV F020 B21 Not Applicable Main Steam Line Equalizer Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' 1ABHV F021' B21 Not Applicable Steam Line Start-up Drain Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'

'lABHV 3631A Not Applicable Main Steam Line A Stop Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' 1ABHV 36'31B Not Applicable Main Steam Line B Stop Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' 1A!HV 3631C Not Applicable Main Steam Line C Stop Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' 1 ABHV 36 31D Not' Applicable Main Steam Line D Stop Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' 1AEHV FollA B21 Not Applicable Feedwater Inlet A Shutoff Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 121'

'lAEHV F011B B21 Not Applicable Feedwater Inlet B Shutof f Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 121' 1AEHV F032A B21 Not Applicable Fdw Line A Inlet Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' 1AEHV F0328 B21 Not Applicable Fdw Line B Inlet Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' 1AEHV F039 G33 Not Applicable RWCU Disch To Feedwater Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'

'lAEHV F074A B21 Not Applicable Fdw Line A Inlet Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 10 2' M P35 8/04 44-az



.:l l




.c c.

7 W

i, '


' ?:.





'P.O. O P302(O) Component: Nuclear Valves

.Nanufacturer ' Anchor Darlina-Valve Company ~

SHEET 2,of.7




Nodel No.'

Functional Description Location lAENV F0748 821 Not-Applicable

.Fdw Line B Inlet' Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1APHV F011 E41 Not Applic'able_

HPCI Disch Isin to Cst Sht Of f..

Reactor Bldg.

EL 077'

'IBCHV F008 Ell

- Not Applicable' RHR. Outboard Shtdn C1g Istn Reactor Rldg.

EL 102' 11CHV F009 Ell'

-Not Applicable RHR Inbd Shtdn Clg _ Isin Drywell Totus, Reactor Bldg.


EL 100' 1BCHV F015A Ell Not Applicable RHR' Shtdn C1g Inject Outbd '

Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'-

11CHV F0158' Ell Not Applicable

' RHR Shtdn C1g Inject Outhd Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' I'

IBCHV F017A Ell Not. Applicable RHR/LPCI Line A Reactor Ridg.

EL 102' IECHV'F0178 Ell.

Not Applicable.

'LPCI Injection Line B-Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' l

IBCHV'F017C Ell Not Applicable

.RHR/LPCI Line C Reactor Ridg.

EL 10 2' IECHV F017D Ell Not Applic ble LPCI!!njection Line D Reactor Bldg.

l EL 102' IBCHV F022 Ell Not Applicable

'RHR RPV Head Spray Isin Inbd Drywell Torus, Reactor Ridg.

EL 145' 11ECHV F023 Ell Not Applicable.

RHR RPV Head Spray Isin Outhd Reactor Bldg.

EL 145'

-1BCHV F052A Ell' Not Applicable H PC I To RH R HX. A Reactor Ridg.

EL 0778 11CHV F0528 Ell Not. Applicable RHR HX B Inlet Stop From HPCI Reactor Hldg.

EL 077' N P8 5 8/04 45-aa L i

=- -



t P302(O). Component: Nuclear Valves Nanufacturer Anchor Darling valve ~ Company SHEET 3 of 7 I.D. No Nodel No...

Functional Description Location a


IBDHV F012 E51 Not Applicable RCIC Pump Discharge Valve Reactor Ridg.

EL 054' IEDHV F013 E51 Not Applicable' RCIC Feedwater Isin Valve.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 10 2' IBDHV F022-E51 Not Applicable RCIC Test Loop Isin Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IIEHV F004A E21 Not Applicable Core Spray Loop A Is1n Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IBEHV F0048 E21 Not Applicable Core Spray Loop B Isin Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1%EHV F005A E21 Not Applicable CS Loop A Containment Istn Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' ITEHV F005B E21 Not Applicable CS Loop B Containment Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IBGHV F001 G33 Not Applicable RWCU Inbd Isin Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 14 5' 1BGHV F004 G33

.Not Applicable RWCU Outbd-Isin Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 145' IBGHV F031 G33 Not Applicable RWCU Blowdown Orifice Bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' IBCHV F034 G33 Not Applicable RWCU Disch to Condenser Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBCHV F035 G33 Not Applicable RWCU Disch To Equip Drain Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1BGHV F100 G33 Not Applicable Suction From Recirc Loop A Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' N P85 8/04 46-as


r o



P.O.'s P302(O) Component: Nuclear Valves Manufacturer Anchor Darling Valve Company SHEET 4 of 7 I.D.' No.

Model No..

Functional Description t.oca t ion


IBGHV F101 G33 Not Applicable' Suction From RPV Bdt'Drn Drywell Torus, Reactor, Bldg.

EL 100' IBGHV F102 G33 Not Applicable Suction From Recirc Inside Cont Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

-EL 100' L1BGHV F106_ G33 Not Applicable Suction From Recirc loop B Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 1BJHV F006-E41 Not Applicable

'HPCI/ Pump Discharge Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1BJ'HV F007 E41 Not Applicable HPCI Pump Discharge Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IBJHV F008 E41 Not Applicable HPCI Test Bypass To CST Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IEJHV F012 E41 Not Applicable Min Flow Bypass Valve Flow Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IBJHV 8278 Not Applicable

.HPCI Pump Dsch To Fdwtr Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 124' IFCHV F007 E51 Not Applicable Steam Supply Isin Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' I FCHV F008 ESI Not Applicable Steam Supply Isin Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 4

IFCHV F045 ESI Not Applicable Recic Turb Steam Stop Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IFDHV F001 E41 Not Applicable Turb Steam Supply Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IFDHV F002 E41 Not Applicable HPCI Pump Turb Stm Isin Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg, EL 100' I FDHV a 63 E41 Not' Applicable HPCI Pump Turb Stm Istn Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'

- M P85 8/04 47-az


- - -, c -:,


3 i:

y-c 9,y i

m 1


. : TABL E 3 '.11-4 '


ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 64 OF 88 P.0,~ 0 P302(O) Components.. Nuclear Valves

, Manufacturer: Anchor Darlina Valve Company.

SHEET 5 of 7



Model No.

Functional Description Location l1 BG HV F102 G33.Not Applicable Suction ~line. valve from Recirc System Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 101'

l. BJ HV F012

.E41' Not Applicable

'HPCI Pump Discharge Istn Valve to Suppression Pool Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 062'

'l CE HV F005A E21. Not Applicable Core Spray Isolation valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 109' 1 CE HV F005B E21 ' No't' Applicable '

Core Spray Isolation Valve Reactor Bldg.

El 109' 1 IC.V074-Not' Applicable RHR HX to Recirc System Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Hldg.

EL 108' 1.'BC V183 Not Applicablo RHR HX to recirc. System Valve-Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 106' 1 BG HV F031'G33 Not Applicable RWCU Blowdown' orifice bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 133' l BG HV F044 G33 Not Applicable RWCU Filter. demin bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 146' 1ABHV 1003 Not.Applicablo Main Steam To Stm Seal Evap Turbine Hldg.

EL 120' 1ABHV 1005 Not Applicable Cond Hotwell Sparger Stm Spply Turbine Bldg.

EL 120' 1ARHV 1006 Not Applicable ~

Main Steam To Rept Turbine Bldg.

EL I17' 1ABHV 2016A Not Applicable Main Steam Supply Shut Of f Turbine Bldg.

EL 077' 1ACHV 2016B Not Applicable Main Steam Supply Shut Off Turbine Hldg.

EL 077' IBGHV F042 G33 Not.Appltcable

~ Regen HX Rtn Istn Valve' Reactor Bldg.

EL 14 5' M P85 8/04 48-az

a J


PAGE 65 OF 88

- P.O.1 0 P302(O) Component: ' ' Nuclear Valves Nanufacturers Anchor Darling Valve Company SHEET 6 of 7

'I D. No.

Nodel No.

Functional Description Location lHGHV F044' G33.

'.Not Applicable RWCU Filter Demin Bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 145' I BGHV' F104 G33 Not Applicable

. DCU HX Hypass Valve Reactor Hldg.

EL 132'

' Un%Goigned Not Applicable'


Unassigned Un:ccigned Not Applicable

( 3"- DBC-GT)

Unas signed Unnecigned Not Applicable (4"-DBC-GT)

Unassigned 4

Untacigned Not Applicable

( 3 * - DRC-GB )

Unassigned Unscoigned Not Applicable.

( 12 *- D LA-GT)

Unassigned Una3cigned Not ApplicaDie

( 20 "- DLA-GT) -

Unas sign ed Untcaigned Not Applicable (4"-EBC-GT)

Unassigned Unscoigned Not Applicable

( 6"- DHA-CK ) '

Unas sign ed Unsasigned Not Applicable (14"-DHB-CK)

Unassigned Un2asigned Not Applicable

( 6"- DBR-CK )

Unas s ig n ed Untcaigned Not Applicable

( 3"- DHC-CK )

Unassigned Untasigned Not Applicable

( 2 4 "-DLA-CK )

Unas signed N P85 8/04 49-az




w TABLE 3.11-4'


. ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE 66 OF 88 P.O. t P302(OiComponent: Nuclear Valves Manufacturer Anchor Darling Valve Company SHEET 7 of 7

!.D. No.

.Model No.

Functional Description Location Unsrmigned Not Applicable

. ( 4 "-DBB-TCK)

Unassigned UntcGig ned Not Applicable (4"-DBB-TCK)


Unr;0tigned Not Applicable (10"-DBB-TCK)

Unass ig ned UnSO31gned Not f.pplicable


Unassigned M P85 8/04 50-az





'PAGE 67 OP 88 P.O.

4P303A(0) -Ccaponentn': Seall Valves

. Manufacturers. Rockwell International SHEET 1 'of 12 I.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location lABHV F067A'B21 3624-MT' MS Line A outbd Drain Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'


1ABHV F067B B21 3624-MT MS Line B Outbd Drain Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1ABHV F067C B21 3624-MT MS Line C'Outbd Drain valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 ABHV F067D B21 3624-MT MS Line D Outbd Drain valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1ABHV F070A B21 3624-MT.

MS Line Downstream Drain Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1ABHV F0708 B2'1' 3624-MT MS Line B Downstream Drain Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IAIHV F070C B21 3624-MT MS ~ Line C Downstream Drain Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 A8HV F070D B21 3624-MT MS Line D Downstream Drain Valve Reactor Bldg.

l EL 102' IAIHV F071 D21 3624-MT ST Hdr Downstream Drain IsIn Valve Reactor Bldg.

I EL 102' l


IBBHV F001 B21 3624-MT RV Head Vent To Drw Inbd Isin' Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' 1BBHV F002 H21 3624-MT RV Head Vent To Drw Outbd Isin Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' 1BBHV F005 B21 3624-MT

.RV Head Vent To Steam Line A Drywe l l Toru s, Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' l


'1BCHV F103A Ell 3624-MT HX A Vent' Valve Outbd Reactor Bldg.

l-EL 077' l_

l I BCHV F103H Ell 3624-MT RHR Heat Exchr B Vent Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' M P35 8/04 51-az t




TABLE ' 3.11-4 '-

MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTED.FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 68 OF 88-P.O. 6'P303A(O) Component: - Small Valves' Manufacturer: Rockwell International SH EET 2_ of 12 -

I D.


Model No.

Functional Description Location IbCHV F104A Ell 3624-MT HX A. Vent Valve Inbd Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 18CHV F104B El l -

3624-MT RHR Heat.Exche B Vent Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBCHV F122A El!.

36124MMRTl RHR HV-F050A Ell Bypass Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' IBCHV F1228 Ell 36124MMRTl RHR HV-F0508-Ell Bypass Drywell Toru s, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100'

'IBCHV F146A Ell 36124MMRT1 RHR HV-F041A Ell Bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' 1BCHV F146B Ell 36124MMRT!

RHR. HV-F041B Ell Bypass Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' IBCHV F146C Ell 36124MMRTl RHR HV-F041C Ell Bypass.

Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' IBCHV F146D Ell 36124MMRT1 RH R IBC HV-F041D Ell Bypass Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' lbCHV 4428 3684-MT Steam Line Warmup Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' 11DHV F046 E51 3624-MT RCIC Turl> Clg Wtr Supply.

Reactor Hldg.

EL 054' 1%EHV F039A E21 36174MMRT!

HV-F006A Bypass Test valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' 18EHV F0398 E21 36124MMRT1 HV-F006B Bypass Test Valve Drywe l l To ru s, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' l

IBFHV 3800A 36224-F316LMT Recirc. Pump A Supply l

Reactor Bldg.

EL 077*

l l


'M P85 8/04 52-az



- Manuf acturers Rockwe11 International SHEET 3_ of 12-IID.' No.

Model No.

_ Funct iona1 Description Location IBFHV 38008 36224-F316LMT Recirc B. Sply

~ Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IBGHV 3980 3624-MT.

React Bldg. Isin Valve To Cwt Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' ITHHV F006A C4'l 3624F316-LMT

' Sic outbd Isln Stop Chk'A.

Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL I45' IBHHV F006B C41 3524 F316-!JIT.

Slc OUthd Istn Stop Ckh R Drywell Toru s, Reactor Bldg.

EL 145' 1BJHV F059 E41 3624-MT HPCI L.O. Cooling Water Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' t

1BJHV 4803 3G24-MT Suppr Pool Lvl Instr-LP Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 077'

- IBJHV 4804 3624-MT Suppr Pool Lvl' Instr-Hp Tap Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' I BJHV 48 65

'3624-MT Suppr Pool Level Instr-Lp Tap Reactor Bldg.

EL 054'

' IBJHV 4866 3624-MT Suppr Pool Level Instr-Hp Tap Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IECHV 4647 36224-F16 LMT.

Fuel _ Pool Makeup SSWS.toop A Reactor Bldg.

EL 162*

" lECHV 4648 36224-F16LMT LP B Emerg Makeup To Fuel Pool Reactor Bldg.

EL 16 2' IEGHV 2293A 36124MMRT!

Reic Pmp RM Unit Cooler AVH208 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEGHV 22933 36124MMRTl Rcic Ptap RM Unit Cooler AVH208 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IECHV 2320A 36 2 4-MT Containmt Instr Gas Ccap Clr Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' M P85 8/04 53-az

s k

t 4

e TABLE 3.11-4 MECHANICAL EOUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 70 OF 88 P.O. O P303A(0) Component:' small' Valves Manufacturer: Rockwell' International

. SHEET 4'of 12 T.D.


Model No.

Functional Description' Location IEGIV 23208 3624-MT Containst Instr Gas Comp Clr.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' ICGHV 2321A 3624-MT Containst Instr Gas comp Clr Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' IEGHV 23218 3624-MT Containst Instr. Gas Comp Clr Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' IECHV 2446' 3624-MT Eme rg Clg Wt r M/U To S ACS LP A.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IECHV 2447 3624-MT Emerg Clg Wtr M/U To SACS LP B Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'

.lfCHV 2452A 3624-MT Containmt Instr Gas Comp Clr A Reactor Rldg.

EL 132' IEGHV 2452B 3624-MT Containst Instr Gas Comp Clr B Reactor Hldg.

EL 132' IEGHV 2453A 3624-MT Containst Instr Gas Comp Clr Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' IEGHV 24538 3624-MT Containst Instr Gas Comp Clr Reactor Hldg.

EL 132' IEGHV 2480A 36224F316LMT-Sacs Expan. Tnk' Make Up Reactor Bldg.

EL 201' IEGHV 2480B 36224 F316 LMT Sacs Expansion Tnk Make Up Reactor Hldg.

EL 162' IECHV 2520A 36124 MMRTl RHR Cooler Pop AP202 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IECHV 25208 36124 MMRTl RHR Cooler Pop BP202 Reactor Hldg.

EL 054' IECHV 2520C 36124 MMRTl RHR Cooler Pop CP202 Reactor Hldg.

EL 054' M P8 5 8/04 54-as

t TABLE 3.11-4--

MECHANICAL EOUIPMEPrr SELECTED FOR HARSH-ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 71 OF 88 P.O. 9 P303A(0) Components.Small Valves Manufacturers Rockwell International SHEET 5 of 12

!-D. No.

Model NO Funct ional Description Location 2

IECHV 2520p 36124 MMRTl RHR Cooler Pmp DP202 Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IFC1V F004 ESI 36)24 MMRT1 Rcic Vac Tnk Cond Pup Drain-Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IFCHV F025 ESI 36124 MMRTl Reic Steam Trap Isin valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IFC"V F026 E51 136124 MMRT!

Rcic Steam Trap Istn Valve Reactor Hldg.

EL 054' IFCHV F060 E51 3624-MT Reic Vacuum Pump Discharge Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IFCHV F076 E51 3624-MT

.Rcic Isolation Valve Bypass Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' IFChV F004 E51 36124 MMRTl Rcic Vac Tnk Cond Pop Drain Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IFCOV F025 E51 36124 MMRT1 Rcic Steam Trap Istn Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IFCSV F026 E51 36124 MMRTl Reic Steam Trap Isin Valve Reactor oldg.

EL 054'

- IFO iv F026 E41

'36124 MMRTl Vac Tk Cond Pmp Disch To Crw Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IFDHV F028 E41 36124 MMRTl HPCI Stm Trap Isin Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IFDHV F029 Ell J6124 MMRTI HPCI Stm Trap Istn Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IPDHV F100 E41 3624-MT HPCI Warmup Line Istn Valve Drywe!! Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' ICSHV 4951 3624-MT Drywell Purge Exhaust Drywe l l Toru s, Reactor B119 EL 145' M P85 8/04 55-az




1 a-1 TABLE 3.11-4 MECHANICAL EOUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 72 OF 88 P.O. 9 P303A(0). Component: Small Valves Manufacturer Rockwell International SHEET 6 of 12



Model No.

Functional Description-Location IGSHV 4955A 3684-F16LMT-Drywell ATM Sample 'Isin.


Reactor Bldg.

EL 132'-

IGSHV 4955B 3684-F16LMT Drywell ATM Sample Isin Reactor Bldg.

E L 16 2 ' -

ICSHV 4959A'


' Supp Chmbr ATM Sample Isin.

Reactor Hldg.

EL 077' IGSHV 49598 3684-F16LMT Supp Chabr ATM Sample Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 077*

ICS%V 4963 3624-MT Supp Chabr Purge. Exhaust Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IGSHV 4965A 3624-F16LMT Supp Chabr ATM Sample Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICSHV 4965B 3624-F16LMT Supp Chabr ATM Sample Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IGSHV 4966A 36*4-F16LMT Supp Chabr ATM Samp RTN Isln-Reactor Blog.

EL 077' 1GSIV 4966B 3624-F161MT Supp Chmbr ATM Samp RTN Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' ICSHV 4974 3624-MT Nitrogen Makeup Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 10 2' IGSHV 4983A 362 4-F161J4T Drywell Sample Istn Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' ICSHV 4983B 3624-F16LMT Drywell Sample Istn Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' ICSHV 4984 A 3624-F16tMT Drywell. Sample Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IGSHV 49348 3624-F16LMT_

Drywell Sample Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' M F85 8/04 36-az

q l

1 TABLE 3.11-4 MECHANICA!. EOulPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE.73 OF 88 P.O. O P303Ajp], Components. Small Valves Manufacturer Rockwell International SHEET 7 of 12 1,D. NO.


Functional Description Location ICSHV 5019A 3624-F16I.Mt Drvwell ATM Sample IsIn Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IGSHV 50198 3624-F16LMT

-Drywell ATM Sample Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IGSHV 3022A 3624-F16 LM t Chabr ATM Samp RTN Isin

. Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IGSHV 50228 3624-F16LMT Chabr ATM Samp RTN Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IGSHV 5741A 36224-P316 LMT H2/02 Analyzer A.H2. Supply Reactor Hldg.

EL 132' 1GSHV 5741R 36224-F316LMT H2/02 Analyzer B *12 Supply.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' IKLHV 5124A 36224-F316LMT Supply HDR A Shutoff. Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' IKLHV 51248 36224-F316LMT Supply HDR B Shutoff Valve Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 121' IKLHV 5126A 3624-MT Instr Gas HDR A Outbd Istn Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKLHV 5126B 3624-MT Instr Gas HDR B Outbd Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKLHV 5147 3624-MT Instr Gas Cprsr A Suct Istn Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' IKLHV 5148 3624-MT Instr Gas Cprsrs Suct Isin Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL I45' IKLHV 5152A 3624-MT Instr Gas Hdr A Inbd'Isin Drywell Torus, Reactor H1dg.

EL 100*

M P85 8/04 57-az


~ ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE 74 OF 88 P.O. 4 P303A(0) Coreponents. Smelt valves Manufacturer Rockwell International SHEET 8 of 12, l.D.


Model No.

Functional Description Location

-lKLHV 51528 -


Instr Gas HDR R Inbd Isin Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 112' IKLHV $154 36124MMRTl Instr Gas To Vac RV Outbd Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IKLHV 5155 36124MMRTl Instr Gas To Vac RV Inbd Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IKLHV 5156A 36124MMRT)

. Instr. Gas Sply HDR A Xconn Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKLHV 5156B 36124MMRTl

' Instr Gas Sply HDR B Xconn Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1KLHV 5160A 3624-MT Instr Gas CPRSR A LOCA Suct Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' IKLHV 5160B 3624-MT Instr Gas CPRSR B LOCA Suct Reactor H1dg.

EL 132' IKLHV 5162 3624-MT Instr Gas CPRSRS Suct IsIn Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' IKLHV 5172A 3624-MT Instr Gas To Vac Brkr Acc A Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKLHV 5172B 3624-MT Instr Gas To Vac Brkr Acc B Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKLHV 6057 36124MMRTI Seal Gas Test Line Isin Reactor Hldg.

EL 077' IKP!!V 5829A 3624-MT-MSIV Inbd Seal Gas Sply Sov Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKPHV 5829B 3624-MT MSIV Outbd Seal Gas Sply Sov Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKFHV $834A 3624-MT MSL A MSIV Inbd Seal Gas Sply Reactor Bldg.

EL 10 2' M P85 8/04 58-az

p -


p 1

4 TABLE 3.11-4



' P.O..'s P303A(0) Component: Small Valves Manufacturer Rockwell International SHEET 9 of 12



Model No.

Functional Description.

Location 1KPHV 58348 3624-MT MSL B MSIV Outbd Seal Gas Sply Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKPHV 5835A

'3624-MT MSL B MSIV Inbd Seal Gas Sply Reactor Bldg.

EL 102 '

IKPHV 58358

-3624-MT MSL B MSIV Outbd Seal Gas Sply Reactor Bldg.

EL 10 2 '

IKPHV 5836A 3524-MT MSL C MSIV Inbd Seal Gas Sply Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKPHV 58368 3624-MT MSL C MSIV Outbd Seal Gas Sply Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKPHV 5837 A 3624-MT MSL D MSIV Inbd Seal Gas Sply Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKPHV 58370 3624-MT MSL D MSlv Outbd Seal Gas Sply Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKPHV 6055A 36124MMRTl Inbd Seal Gas Test Line Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKPHV 6055B 36124MMRT!

Outbd Seal Gas Test Line Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' ISEHV 5161 16124MMRTl Tip' Purge Containment Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 100' ISKHV 4953 36224-F16LMT Drywell Gas Sample Isolation Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IEKHV 4957 36224-F16LMT Drywell Sample Return Isolation Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL I45' ISKHV 4981' 36224-Fl6LMT Drywell Sample Return Isolation Drywell Torus, Reactor Bldg.

EL 145' 1SKHV 5018 36224-F16 LMT Drywell Gas Sample Isolation.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' Q P35 8/04 59-az


- m:.;

t n.



l '

TABLE ' 3. l l-4 _-

NECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT..OUALIFICATION, PAGE-76 OF 88 P.O. 4 P303A(O)' Components small valves-Manufacturers-Rockwell' International'

. SHEET 10 of 12 I D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location UAccoigned Not Applicable:



.U2cacigned-Not Applicable!

~ (2"-CBA-CB)

Unassigned USS00igned Not' Applicable;


Unassigned Uacccigned Not Applicable

'( 3 /4 "-CBA-G S )

Unassigned Unncaigned Not Applicable (l"-CBA-GB)

Unassigned UEcosigned Not Applicable (1-1/2"-CBA-GB)

Unassigned Unc881gned Not Applicable (1-1/2"-CBA-GB)

Unassigned Uncesigned Not Applicable (2"-CBA-GB)

Unassigned Uncesigned Not Applicable (l"-CCA-CB)

Unassigned l

UAcesigned Not Applicable


, Unassigned l

Unessigned Not Applicable (l-1/2" CCA-CK)



Uncesigned Not Applicable (l" EBA-GB)

Unassigned I

l Unsasigned~

Not Appiicable (1-1/2" ERA-GB)

Unassigned l


Unsasigned-Not Applicable


Unassigned N P85 8/04 60-az

1 1

J TABLE 3.11-4 MECH ANICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE 77 OF 88 P.O. 4 P303A(0) Components small valves Manufacturer: Rockwell international

. SHEET 11 of 12 I.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location Un_Tasigned '

Not Applicable (1-1/2"-LBA-GB)

Unassigned UnSO31gned.

Not Applicable (2"-EBA-GB)

Unassigned U wagigned Not Applicable (l"-EBA-CK)'

Unassigned UECOcigned Not Applicable (2"-EBA-CK)

Unassigned IEG-HV 2542A 36124 MMRTl (System Spare)

Reactor Bldg.

Unassigned IEG-HV 2542B 36124 MMRT1-(System Spare)

Reactor Bldg.


.!!G-HV 2543A 36124 MMRTl (System Spare).

Reactor Bldg.

Unassigned IEG-HV 2543B 36124 MMRTl (System Spare)

Reactor Bldg.

Unassigned 1KL-HV 5175 36124 MMRTl (System Spare)

Reactor Bldg.

Unassigned 1A>HV F073 B21 36124 MMRTl (System Spare)

Reactor Bldg.

EL 105' IBC HV 5055A 3624-MT Valve from RHR GX to Hydrogen Recombiner Rector Bldg.

EL 058' IBC HV 5055tt 3624-MT Valve f rom RHR HX to Hydrogen Recombiner Reactor Bldg.

EL 090' IBC HV 5057A 3624-MT Valve from RHR HX to Hydrogen Recombiner Reactor Bldg.

EL 058' ICC HV.5057B 3624-MT valve f rom RHR HX to Hydrogen Recombiner Reactor Bldg.

EL 090' Q P85 8/04 61-as

' TABLE 3.11-4

-MECHANICAL EOulPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OHALIFICATION PAGE 78 OF 88 P.O. 8 P303A(0) Component: 'Small valves Manufacturers Rock we ll I n t e rna t i ona l '

.. SHEET 12 of 12 1.D. No, Model ho.

Functional Description Location IABHV F033 B21 36124MMRTl Steam Line Inboard Drain Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1ABHV F068 B21 3624-MT MS Outbd Drain HDR Startup Valve

' Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1ABHV F073 B21' 3fl24MMRTl MS Outbd Drn HDR Opnl Drain Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IKLHV 5125 36124MMRTl Instr Air Backup Sply Reactor Bldg.

EL 132' ICDSV F019-E51 3624MT RCIC Pump min, flow bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 078' IEGHV 2313A_

3624MT System Spare Reactor Bldg.

Unassigned lEGH 23138 3624MT System Spare Reactor Bldg.

Unas signed M.P85 8/04 62-aa




'" 3.11-4 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SELE T ED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE 79 Or 88 P.C. 4 P305(C) Component Butterfly Valves Manufacturers B.I.F/ Unit Of General Signal' SHEET 1 of 6, I-D. No.

Model No._

Functional Description Location IEAHV F073 Not Applicable Emerg Clg Wtr M/U Loop'B Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' lEAHV 2203 Not Applicable SSWS Loop A To RACS HX Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IEAHV 2204 Not Applicable RACS HTX Clg Wtr From Loop B Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IGAHV 2207 Not Applicable RACS HX Cooling Wtr Inlet Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IEAHV 2234 Not Applicable Emerg Clg Wtr M/U Loop A Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICAHV 2236 Not Applicable Emerg Wtr M/U Loop A Isln Reactor Bdig.

EL 077' IEAHV 2238 Not Applicable Emerg Wtr M/U Loop B IsIn Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' ICAHV 2346 Not Applicable RACS HTX Clg Wtr Disch Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IEAHV 2355A Not Applicable SACS HTX A2E201 Outlet Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' ICAHV 2355B Not applicable SACS HTX B2E201 Outlet Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IEAHV 2356A Not Applicable

- SACS LP A To Yard Dump Reactor Hldg.

EL 102' ICAHV 23568 Not Applicable SACS LP B To Yard Dump Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IEAHV 2357A Not Applicable SACS LP A To Clg Tower Reactor Bldg.

EL 077*

IEAHV 2357B Not Applicable SACS LP B To Clg Tower Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' M P85 8/04 63-as

- - ~ -

1 TABLE 3.11-4 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT QUALIFICATION PAGE'.80 OF 88 P.O. 4 P105(O) Components nutterflV Valves Manufacturers B.I.F/ Unit Of General Signal SHEET 2 of 6, I#. No.

Model No.

' Functional Description Location IEAdV 2371A Not Applicable SACS HTX AIE201. Outlet Reactor Ridg.

EL 102' IEAHV 23718

.Not Applicable SACS HTX BIE201 Outlet Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IEDHV 2598 t;o t Applicable' Reac/ Aux Bldg Isin Reactor Ridg.

EL 054' ICDHV 2599 Not Applicshle Reac/ Aux Bldg Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 054' IEGHV 2314A Not Applicable Fuel Pool HX AE202 Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IECHV 2314B Not Applicable

' Fuel Pool HX RE202 Reactor' Bldg.

EL 162' IEGHV 2317 A Not Applicable Fuel Pool HX AE202 Reactor Aldg.

EL 1628 IECHV 2317B Not Applicable Fuel Pool HX BE202 Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IEGHV 2457A Not Applicable SACS Heat Exch Loop A Bypass Reactor Oldg.

EL 102' IECHV 24578 Not Applicable SACS Heat Exch Loop B Bypass Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IECHV 2491 A Not Applicable SACS HX AIF.201 Inlet Reactor Hldg.

EL 102' O



~ Not Applicable

. SACS HX BIE201 Inlet Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IEGHV 2494A Not Applicable SACS HX A2E201 Inlet Reactor Bldg.

e EL 102' IEGHV 24948 Not Applicable SACS HX H2E201 Inlet Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' M P8 5 8/04 64-az L

p; m

i m


'P.O. 4 P305(Ol' components putterfly Valves Nanufacturer B.I.F/ Unit Of General Signa l '

SHEET 3 of 6_

I D.


Nodel No.

Functional Description Location IECHV 2496A' Not Applicable SACS Loop A Return Valve-Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' lEGHV 2496B

Not applicable SACS Loop B Return Valve

- Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'-

IEGHV 2496C Not Applicable SACS loop A Return Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'

- IEGHV 2496D Not Applicable SACS Isop B Return Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'

-.lEGHV '2512A Not Applicable RHR.HX AE205.Disch

' Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IEGHV 2512B -

Not Applicable RHR HX BE205 Disch Reactor Bldg.

EL 077 IEGHV 2522A Not Applicable SACS To TACS Loop A Supply Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IEGHV 2522B Not Applicable SACS To TACS Imop B Supply.

Reactor Bldg.

EL 102 '

IECHV 2522C Not Applicable SACS To.TACS toop A Supply Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IEGHV 2522D Not Applicable SACS'To TACS thop B Supply Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IECHV 2522E Not Applicable SACS To TACS Isolation Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area EL 054' lEGHV 2522F Not Applicable SACS TO TACS lsolation Aux. Bldg. Diesel Area EL 054' IECHV 7921A Not Applicable Fuel Pool Heat Exchanger Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IEGHV 7921B Not applicable Fuel' Pool HZ HE20 2 Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' M P85 8/04'65-az

y, s

-u V

TABLE 3.11-4


ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 82 OF 88 P305(O)-Components Butterfly Valves Manufacturers-B.I.F/ Unit Of General Signal SHEET 4,of 6_-

P.O. 4.



Model No.

Functional Description Location

. lEGHV 7922A Not Applicable Fuel Pool HK AE202 Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IEGHV 79228 Not Applicable Fuel Pool HX BE202 Reactor Bldg.

EL 162' IGHHV 5543 Not Applicable' Aln Up Rcvg TK IOT217 Vent ' RW s Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IGSHV 4950 Not Applicablw Drywell Purge Exhaust Reactor Bldg.

EL 14 5' IGSHV 4952 Not-Applicable Drywell Purge Exhaust Reactor Bldg.

EL I45'

- IGSHV 4956

. Not Applicable Drywell Purge Inlet Valve Istn Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IC2HV 4958 Not Applicable Suppr Chabr Purge Inlet Reactor Hldg.


EL 077' IGSHV 4962 Not Applicable Supp Chabr Purge Exhaust Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IGSHV 4964 Not Applicable Supp Chabr Purge Exhaust Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IGSHV 4978 Not Applicablo Nitrogen Purge Isin Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IGSHV 4979 Not Applicable Drywell Prepurge C/U Inl Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' IGSHV 4980 Not Applicable Drywell Prepurge C/U Inl Line Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IGSHV 5029 Not Applicable Reactor Bldg ATM Control Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' IGSHV 5031 Not Applicable Reactor Bldg ATM Control Reactor Bldg.

EL 077' M P85 8/04 66-az


_. p -

- v, --


}g's fi'

.,2 v >>..


. f'/



t' P305(O)' Components : Butterfly Valves Nanufacturer B.I.P/ Unit Of General Signal SHEET _5 of 6_-

I.D. No.

Nodel - No.

Functional Description Location

+ ;


1EG HV 2395A Not Applicable.

SACS Lube Oil HX-Butterfly Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 094' IkC HV 23958-Not Appl 1 Cable SACS Lube Oil HK Butterfly Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 094' IEG HV 2395C Not Applicable SACS Lube 011'HX Butterfly Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 094' k,

IEG HV 2395D' Not Applicable SACS Lube Oil HX Butterfly Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 094' IEA HV 2197A Not Applicable SW Pump Strainer Butterfly Valve S.W. Structure.

EL 096' IEA HV 2197B

~ Not Applicable-SW Pump Strainer Butterfly Valve S.W. Structure.

EL 096'

. LEA HV 2197C Not Applicable SW Pump Strainer Butterfly Valve S.W.


EL 096' IEA HV 2197D Not Applicable SW Pump Strainer Butterfly Valve S.W. Structure.

EL 096' IEA HV 2225A Not Applicable.

SW Traveling Screen _Sprof Wash Valve S.W. Structure.

EL 089' IEA HV 2225B Not Applicable SW Traveling Screen Spray Wash Valve S.W. Structure.

EL 089' IEA HV 2225C Not Applicable SW Traveling Screen Spray Wash Valve S.W.


EL 089' IEA HV 2225D Not Applicable.

SW Traveling Screen Spray Wash Valve S.W. Structure.

EL 089' IEA HV 2198A Not Applicable SW Pump Discharge Valve S.W.


EL 088' IEA HV 2198B Not Applicable SW Pump Discharge Valve S.W. Structure.

EL 088' N P85 8/04 67-az

4 TABLE 3.11-4


B.I.P/ Unit Of General Sianal SHEET 6 of 6 1.D. No.

Model No.

Functional tiescription Location IEA HV 2198C Not Applicable SW Pump Discharge Valve S.W. Structure.

EL 088' IEA HV 2198D Not Applicable SW Pump Discharge Valve.

S.W. Structure.

EL 088'


'Not Applicable 20"-HBC-BF Unassigned Unsazigned Not Applicable 8"-HBC-BP' Unassigned Untssigned Not Applicable 6"-HBC-BF Unassigned Unitsigned Not Applicable 20"-HBC-BF Unassigned Unassigned Not Applicable

,12"-HCC-BP Unassigned Untasigned Not Applicable 10"-HCC-BF Unassigned Unsasigned Not Applicable 24*-HEC-BF Unassigned Uncesigned Not Applicable 6"-HEC-BF Unassigned Unnesigned Not Applicable 6*-HEC-BP Unassigned M P85 8/04 68-az


/j e




'. P.0, O P366(O) Component: Resilient Seated Check Valves Manufacturers Circle Seal Controls (Brun'swick Corp.) SHEET 1 of I~

(Technetics Div.)


I.D. No.

Model No.

Functional Description Location IEA V544-Not Applicable

- Service Water Pump. Lub. water check valve S.W. Structure.

EL 098' LEA V545 Not Applicable Service' Water Pump Lub. water check' valve S.W. Structure.

EL 098'

.lE A V546 '

.Not Applicable

' Service Water Pump Lub.. water check valve S.W. Structure.

.EL 098' IEA V547 Not Applicable.

Service Water Pump Lub, water check valve S.W. Structure.

EL 098' IEA V543 Not Applicable Service Water Check Valve between lub. head tank and pump S.W.


EL'122' IEA V556 Not Applicable Service Water Check Valve between lub. head tank and pump S.W. Structure, EL 122' 1 AB V 051 Not Applicable Inboard MSIV Instrumentation. Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1A3 V 052 Not Applicable Inboard MSIV. Instrumentation Check. Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1 A3 V 053 Not Applicable Inboard MSIV Instrumentation Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1A3 V 054 Not Applicable Inboard MSIV Instrumentation Check Valve Rector Bldg.

EL 10 2 '

1A3 V 055 Not Applicable Outboard MSIV Instrumentation Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1AB V 056 Not Applicable Outboard MSIV Instrumentation Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102' 1A3 V 057 Not Applicable Outboard MSIV Instrumentation Check Valve Reactor Bldg.

EL 102'

'pplicable Outhoard MSIV Instrumentation Check valve Reactor Bldg.

1AB V 058 Not A

EL 102'

  • The balance of the 1-AB valves (14) have not yet been assigned.

M P85 8/04 69-aa

n. "


A GU v

3 f

1k h' ;





. i-


3 f

A TABLE 3.Il' 4.



'PAGE 86 OF 88 J P.O. 0, ~ P401 ( D) Component:' Hydraulic Snubbers

-Manufacturer ' E-Systems, Inc.', Montek Division SHEET 1 of'3, I.D. No.

[Model No. IRating)

Functional Description Location-51-AS-030-H02<

152007 70 Kip l

. Pipe Support / Restraint Device.

Reactor Bldg., - EL 121' 1

-.1-AB-0 30-H0 3 152007

'70 Kip

Pipe Support / Restraint, Device

- Reactor Bldg., EL 121' 1-AS-030-H04 152007

~70 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 121'

.1-As-0 30-H0 5,


70' Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device

' Reactor Bldg., EL 121' 1-AB-031-H02 152007 70 Kip-LPipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 121' 1-A3-031-H03


70 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device' Reactor Bldg., EL 121' 1-A3-031-H05
152007 170 dip, Pipe Support / Restraint.. Device Reactor Bldg., EL 121' 1-AS-031-H04 152005

.50 Kip-Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 121'

'l-AD-031-H07 152005 50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 121' 1-As-032-H04

-152005 50 Kip.

. Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 121' 1-A*1-0 32-H07 152005 50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 121' 1-A3-032-H02

.152007 70 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor aldg., EL 121' 1-A1-032-H05

'152007 70 Kip.

Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 121' 1-Aa-033-H02 152007

.70 Kip Pipe Suppoet/ Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 121' 1-A3-033-H03 152007 70 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Ridg., EL 121' 1-A3-033-H04 152007 70 Kip

.' Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 121' 1-AD-033-H05 152007 70 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device.

Reactor Bldg., EL 121' 1-ES-011-H02' 152005 50 Kip

. Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 086' 1-F.3-011-H0 3 152005 50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Stdg., EL 086' 1-33-Oll-H07 152005' 50 Kip

.-Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor H1dg., EL 100' 1-BB-Oll-H08 152005

' 50 Kip-

' Pipe Support / Restraint Device' Reactor Bldg., EL 100' M P85 8/04 70-az


.1 I


' TABLE 3.11-4 MECHA'4ICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTED.FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 87 OF 88 P.O. 4 P401(D) Components'.. Hydraulic Snubbers Manufacturert E-Systems, Inc., Montek' Division SHEET 2,of 3 1.D. No.

Model No. (Rating)

Functional Description Location 1-LI-011-Hil 152010 100 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' l-CD-Oll-H12 152010' 100 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint' Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' l-11-Oll-H13 152010 100 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 086' l-ID-011-H14 152010 100 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 086' l-I,G-012-H02 15:005

~ 50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 086 1-CD-012-H03

152005, 50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device.

Reactor Bldg., EL 086' l-IS-012-H07 152005 50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bidg., EL 100' 1-i?-012-H08 152005 50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device psactor Bldg., EL 100' l-O 012-H09 152005 50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' l-II-012-H10 152005 50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' l-D 012-Hil 152010 100 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' l-El-012-H12 152010 100 Kip' Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 086' 1-EG-012-H13 152010 100 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 086' l-CL-012-H14 152010 100 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 086' 1 -ED-013-il0 2 152007

-70 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' l-CD-013-H01 152005 50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint' Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100*

l-CG-013-H04 152005 50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 086' l-O-013-H06 152003 30 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' l-02-013-H07 152003 30 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' 1-E3-013-H08 152003 301G p Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' l-83-013-H09 152003 30 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100*

M P85 8/04 71-aa


.. y e

I TABLE 3.I1-4

. MECH ANICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT OUALIFICATION PAGE 88 OF 88 P.O. 4 'P401(D) Component: Hydraulic Snubbers Manufacturer E-Systems, Inc.,' Mon'tek Division SHEET 3,of 3_


!Model No. (Rating)

Functional Description.

Location 1-C> 014-H02 152007

,70 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' l-CG-014-H01 152005

.50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device.

Reactor Bldg., EL 100' l-IB-014-H04 152005 50 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 086' l-12-014-H06 152003 30 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device-Reactor Bldg., EL 100

  • l-1B-014-H07 152003 J30 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' l "D-014-H08 152003-

-30 Kip Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' s

l-BB-014-H09 152003 30 Kip-Pipe Support / Restraint Device Reactor Bldg., EL 100' M P85 8/04 72-az


n 7,~



4 w

N HCGS FSAR 10/83 TABLE 3.11-6 SAFETY-REL4TED EQUIPMENF IDCATED IN A RARSR ENVIRONMENF EXEMPTED FR3M ENVIROl#tENTAL QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 529123Bl!I ZMi If9 DBBCB&fII9tl RE& SON 1 AVE 261 Electric Duct Heater, SLC' Due to reactor building temperature increase during 1 BWE 261 Electric Dact Beater, SLC a DBA, the duct heatsrs will not function due to 13 VE 259 Electric Doct Heater, RCIC the temperature control settings, which is below 10 WE 260 Electric Dect Beater, HPCI DBA building temperature. Th e b e.ou+ c.r

c. i F C La
  • N
  • -"C-p rot ec.t e.d b.3 P'imod m<sd lowckwe 8( 8eeakC#-

1 AN 205 4.16 RV Breaker - RRS Pump Motor The RRS pump actor breakers trip upon receipt of a 1 BN 205 4.16 KV Breater - RRS Pump mtor LOCA signal shutting down the pumps. The breakers 1 CN 205 4.16 KV Breaker - RRS Pump Motor are no longer required to perform a safety-related 1 DN 205 4.16 RV Breater - RRB Pump mtor function.

13 Y 201 Panel to Y 202 Panel 13 Y 203 Panel These panels and traaeformers are located in the 13 Y 204 Panel reactor building and feed non-critical class SE 10 1 201 Transformer Loads. Thc3 pec't ec.t e ol b 3 p r i mo.P LJ 0 n d 15 I 202 Transformer bc)( ap iE b r eo.h t r-S.

13 E 203 Transformer 15 1 204 Transformer



' " - - ^ '


1-SK-TE-NOl6 Temperature Elements Th6 5 C-e m y c rM v re,'e l e-m u t s o ncI mo to r-W 1-SK-TE-NO12A Temperature Elements nod p al[hieM fo?"

1-SK-TE-NO12C Temperature Elements o p trCdC d Va I VCS

0. rc l-SK-TE-NO10A Temperature Elements l-SK-TE-NO10B Temperature Elements S u b m e.r3 e n c.C.

c G.u.5ecI b3G fec.d Load e.P 1-SK-TE-NO10C Temperature Elements lE nC b y e.oS in thc. S te a-^

Th-n 6 f A T'h C-y

  • y "'
  • g D " ' "" 3 " ^ g 1-SK-TE-NO10D Tercperature Elements a

1-SK-TE-NO12B Temperature Elements h o,Q C.


Pgeg g g g g g c e, g, j o cock c-cd 1-SK-TE-NO12D Temperature Elements 1-GU-TE-9423-1 Temperature Elements loo.C,k u.f IE aS 1-GU-TE-9428-2 Temperature Elements g { p g,g, op c. cA.

1-AE-HV-F039 Motor Operated Valves 1-AB-HV-F071 Motor Operated valves 1-KP-HV-5829A,B Motor Operated Valves 1-KP-HV-5834A,B Motor Operated Valves 1-KP-HV-5835A,B Motor Operated valves 1-KP-HV-5836A,B Motor Operated valves 1-KP-HV-5837A,B Motor Operated valves 1-BJ-HV-8278 Motor Operated Valves ulJrnedd /d O' 3 1-AB-HV-F067A Motor Operated Valves g,' jp / / o [

f.-/s c e


g g


,. f 3 g,cj,'g

g o, c co f. c/ a s1 C C 1-AB-HV-F067B Motor Operated Valves 1-AB-HV-F067C Motor Operated valves j uG I' m e# M
  • i 1-AB-HV-F067D Motor Operated Valves

,.f h

/O C8N IO*

I' #[ " r l

Amendment 2 i