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Submits Supplemental Info to Special Rept Re Invalid Failures of Diesel Generator 1B Which Occurred on 931203,per Dl Rehn
Person / Time
Site: Catawba Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/14/1994
From: Rehn D
NUDOCS 9403170029
Download: ML20064G838 (2)




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Duke Przer Company D. L Rua CamuN Nudear Generanon Depanment Dce President


  1. 00 Concord Rowl (503XUIM5 olhce York, Sc 29N3 (SalLDl3C6 Var DUKEPOWER February 14, 1994 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555


Catawba Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-413 Supplemental Information to Special Report Invalid Failures of Diesel Generator 1B


Letter from D.L. Rehn to N~RC dated January 4,1994 In the reference letter, which was submitted concerning the Unit i Diesel Generator (DG) IB invalid failures which occurred on December 3,1993, it was indicated that Catawba would inspect the blower end of the turbochargers for wobble at the completion of the DG monthly run.

Subsequent to the reference letter being issued, DG system personnel discussed this issue and concluded that the benefits to be gained from this inspection did not warrant the decrease in engine availability and increase in wear For this inspection to be performed, the engine would have to be made unavailable while the rotor was examined. Furthermore, an operability performance test would have to be performed afterward, which would require an additional fast start of the engine. Fast starts are believed to be the primary cause of premature turbocharger bearing wear, as well as other deleterious effects such as liner scuffing.

Because the information to be gained from this inspection is not expected to contribute to a determination of root cause, DG system personnel recommended that these inspections be performed at the conclusion of the annual 24-hour run, instead of on a monthly basis. Hence, these inspections will be performed annually.

Very truly yours,


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D.L. Rehn 160 0 ']y 9403170029 940214 PDR ADOCK 05000413 b4)


Document Control Desk Page 2 February 14, 1994 UR\\DOlB1203.93 xc:

S.D. Ebneter, Regional Administrator Region II R.J. Freudenberger, Senior Resident Inspector R.E. Martin, NRC Project Manager ONRR
