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Rev 16 to CNEI-0400-24, Catawba Unit 1 Cycle 12 Colr
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Site: Catawba Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/04/1999
Shared Package
ML20206N823 List:
CNEI-0400-24, CNEI-0400-24-R16, CNEI-400-24, CNEI-400-24-R16, NUDOCS 9905180085
Download: ML20206N839 (9)


CNEl-0400-24 Page 1 of 24 Revision 16 j

,F Catawba Unit 1 Cycle 12


Core Operating Limits Report Revision 16 May 1999 Calculation Number: CNC-1553.05-00-0314 Duke Power Company Date Prepared By:

d 6 #!ff u

i Checked By:,u / L-4%

g/W71 Checked By:


fk9 Approved By: g /F M (d ;

(/y/M QA Condition 1 The contents of this document have been reviewed to verify that no material herein either directly or indirectly changes or affects the results and conclusions presented in the 10CFR50.59 Catawba 1 Cycle 12 Reload Safety Evaluation.

9905180085 990510 PDR ADOCK 05000413 P


CNEl-0400-24 Page 2 of 24 Revision 16 Catawba 1 Cycle 12 Core Operating Limits Report IMPLEMENTATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR REVISION 16 Revision 16 of the Catawba Unit 1 COLR contains limits specific to the Catawba Unit 1 Cycle 12 ccre design. This revision shall be implemented after no mode is reached and prior to the start of fuel loading in the Catawba Unit 1 EOC-11 outage.


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CNEI-0400-24 i

Page 3 of 24 I

Revision 16 Catawba 1 Cycle 12 Core Operating Limits Report REVISION LOG Revision Effective Date Pages Affected COLR OriginalIssue September 8,1992 N/A CIC07 COLR Revision 1 October 10,1992 N/A CIC07 COLR rev 1 Revision 2 December 1,1993 N/A CIC08 COLR Revision 3 April 14,1994 N/A CIC08 COLR rev 1 Revision 4 October 24,1994 N/A CIC08 COLR rev 2 i

Revision 5 November 30,1994 N/A CIC08 COLR rev 3 Revision 6 February 15,1995 N/A CIC09 COLR Revision 7 April 12,1995 N/A CIC09 COLR rev 1 Revision 8 September 28,1995 N/A CIC09 COLR rev 2 Revision 9 August 2,1996 N/A C1C10 COLR Revision 10 May 28,1997 N/A CIC10 COLR rev 1 Revision 1I July 1997 N/A CIC10 COLR rev 2 Revision 12 November 1997 N/A CIC11 COLR Revision 13 August 1998 N/A CIC11 COLR rev 1 Revision 14 December 1998 N/A CIC11 COLR rev 2 l

Revision 15 April 1999 1-24 CIC12 COLR Revision 16 May 1999 1-4,20-24 CIC12 COLR, rev 1 l

l GV 1


CNEl-0400-24 Page 4 of 24 Revision 16 Catawba 1 Cycle 12 Core Operating Limits Report INSERTION SHEET FOR REVISION 16 Remove Rev.15 pages Insert Rev.16 pages Pages 1,2,3,4,20,21,22,23,24 Pages 1,2,3,4,20,21,22,23,24 0

4 j


CNEl-0400-24 Page 20 of 24 Revision 16 l Catawba 1 Cycle 12 Core Operating Limits Report 2.9 Boron Dilution Mitigation System (TS 3.3.9) 2.9.1 Reactor Makeup Water Pump flow rate limits:

l Applicable Mode Limit Mode 3 s 150 gpm Mode 4 or 5 s 70 gpm 2.10 Accumulators (TS 3.5.1) 2.10.1 Boron concentration limits during modes 1 and 2, and mode 3 with RCS pressure

>1000 psi:

Parameter Limit U

Cold Leg Accumulator minimum boron concentration.

2,550 ppm l

Cold Leg Accumulator maximum boron concentration.

2,975 ppm 2.11 Refueling Water Storage Tank - RWST (TS 3.5.4) 2.11.1 Boron concentration limits during modes 1,2,3, and 4:

Parameter Limit Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum boron 2,750 ppm l


Refueling Water Storage Tank maximum boron 2,975 ppm concentration.


CNEI-0400-24 Page 21 of 24 Revision 16 l Catawba 1 Cycle 12 Core Operating Limits Report

(]J L

2.12 5 pent Fuel Pool Boron Concentration (TS 3.7.15) 2.12.1 Minimum boron concentration limit for the spent fuel pool. Applicable when fuel assemblies are stored in the spent fuel pool.

Parameter Limit Spent fuel pool minimum boron concentration 2,750 ppm l

2.13 Refueling Operations - Boron Concentration (TS 3.9.1) 2.13.1 Minimum boron concentration limit for the filled portions of the Reactor Coolant System, refueling canal, and refueling cavity for mode 6 conditions. The minimum boron concentration limit and plant refueling procedures ensure that the

('3 Keff of the core will remain within the mode 6 reactivity requirement of Keff s k/


Parameter Limit Minimum Boron concentration of the Reactor Coolant 2,750 ppm l

System, the refueling canal, and the refueling cavity.

2.14 Refueling Operations - Instrumentation (TS 3.9.2) 2.14.1 Reactor Makeup Water Pump Flow rate Limit:

Applicable Mode Limit Mode 6 s 70 gpm O

CNEI-0400-24 Page 22 of 24 Revision 16 l A

Catawba 1 Cycle 12 Core Operating Limits Report U

2.15 Borated Water Source-Shutdown (SLC 16.9-11) 2.15.1 Volume and boron concentrations for the Boric Acid Storage System and the Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) during mode 4 with any RCS cold leg temperature s 285 F, and modes 5 and 6.

Parameter Limit Boric Acid Storage System minimum contained 12,000 gallons borated water volume Boric Acid Storage System minimum boron 7,000 ppm concentration Boric Acid Storage System minimum water 585 gallons volume required to maintain SDM at 7,000 ppm Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum contained 45,000 gallons borated water volume Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum boron 2,750 ppm l

concentration Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum water 3,500 gallons volume required to maintain SDM at 2,750 ppm l


p l

CNEl-0400-24 Page 23 of 24 Revision 16 l i


,o Catawba 1 Cycle 12 Core Operating Limits Report Q

2.16 Borated Water Source - Operating (SLC 16.9-12) 2.16.1 Volume and boron concentrations for the Boric Acid Storage System and the Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) during modes 1,2,3, and mode 4 with all l

l RCS cold leg temperatures > 285 F.

Parameter Limit i

Boric Acid Storage System minimum contained 24,000 gallons borated water volume Boric Acid Storage System minimum boron 7,000 ppm concentration Boric Acid Storage System minimum water 12,300 gallons


volume required to maintain SDM at 7,000 ppm O

Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum contained 98,607 gallons td borated water volume Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum boron 2,750 ppm l

concentration Refueling Water Storage Tank minimum water 57,107 gallons volume required to maintain SDM at 2,750 ppm l

l l

l 1


CNEl-0400-24 Page 24 of 24 Revision 16 l Catawba 1 Cycle 12 Core Operating Limits Report 2.17 Standby Makeup Pump Water Supply - Boron Concentration (SLC-16.7-9.3) 2.17.1 Minimum boron concentration limit for the spent fuel pool. Applicable for modes 1,2, and 3.

1 1

Parameter Limit Spent fuel pool minimum boron concentration for 2,750 ppm l

l surveillance SLC-16.7-9.3.

NOTE: Data contained in the Appendix to this document was generated in the Catawba 1 Cycle 12 Maneuvering Analysis calculation file, CNC-1553.05-00-0304. The Plant Nuclear Engineering Section will control this information via computer file (s) and should be


contacted if there is a need to access this information.

