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Ltr Contract NRC-03-90-028, NDE Support at Big Rock Nuclear Power Plant, Awarding Task Order 1 to Tet,Inc
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/27/1990
From: Edgeworth P
To: Payne D
Shared Package
ML20059M283 List:
CON-FIN-L-14740, CON-NRC-03-90-028, CON-NRC-3-90-28 NUDOCS 9010040049
Download: ML20059M286 (4)



09/27/90 09181 C 206 666-1438 T E T.Inc.

C002 I



NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMIS$10N wAmaustow.o.c.aoses 8EP t 71990 Thompson Engineering an'd Testing, Inc.

ATTN: Mr. David Payne Vice President 4234 Halls, Nill Road P. O. Drawer 91537 Mobile, Alaba,ma 36691

Dear Mr. Payne:


Task Order 1, "Nondestrvtive Ext.tsination Support at Big. Rock l

Nuclear Power Plant," Under contract No. NRC-03-90-028 In accordance with Section G.5, " Task Order Procedures," of the subject contract, this letter definitizes Task Order 1.

This effert shall be performed in accoMance with the enclos6d State: ent of Work and the contractor's proposal dated September 24, 1990, incorporated herein by reference.

Task Order 1 shall be in effect from September 24, ISSO through October 19, 1990 with a cost ceiling of $24,288.21. The amount of

$23,131.63 represents the total estimated reicbursable costs and the amount i

of $1,166.58 represents the fixed fee.

Accounting data for Task Order 1 is as follows:

B&R No.:

0201914020 FIN No.:

L14740 APPN No.:

'31X0200.200 AMOUNT OBl.IG:

$24,288.21 The following individuals are considered to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder; Day 1/ Wiggins and Marty Hingus.

The issuance of this task order dbes not amend any other tems or l

conditieris of the subject contract.

s ',

Your contacts during the course of this task order are:


Technical Matters:

_ Harold Gray (215)337-5325 l

L l

Contractual Matters: Sharlene McCubbtn


l (301)492-7764 9010040049 900927


F'DR CONTR NRC-03-90-028 PNU l


os/27/so esist e sos e66 1436 T E T.Inc.

8 003

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Acceptance' of this task order should t>e made by aucuting three copies of this document in the space provided and returning two copies to'the' Contract Administrator. You should retain the third copy for your records.

Shouiu you,have any questions regarding this matter, please contact sharleneMcCubbinon(301)492-7764.

Sincerely, f

a Tu Eg or, contracting Officer con,act inistration Branch No. 1 Division of Contracts and Property Management Office of Administration


As stated AC EPTED:

it Order 1 NAME

\\lP TITLE 9{t1l90 DATE a

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' Scope OF WORK t

Provide NRC, Region 1, assistance and services in independent non -

destructive examinations at Big Rock Nuclear Power Plant. The examination I

requirements include liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, ultrasonic radiography and visual examination per requirements of ASME B&PV Code, E



BACKGROUND The NRC trailer is completely equipped with X-ray film cassettes, penetra-meters, lead lined isotope storage ca, binet, and all items necessary to perform radiography.

The NRC trailer includes a prod method, Magnaflux P90 machine and two Y-5 and Y-6 yokes to perform magnetic particle examina-tions. The NRC trailer also includes the necessary liquid penetrant. materials I

and equipment to perform both visible solvent removabic and fluorescent' i

liquid penetrant examinations.

As a part of the NRC independent measurements program applied to' nuclear L

power plants the NRC plans to use this NDE trailer to examine a sample of welds and base materials at Big Rock Nuclear Plant. The NRC will provide detailed work procedures for each type of NDE required.

The NRC will provide the necessary person (s) at the Big Rock site who will have the authority to coordinate the operations; contact the licensee, AE or con-t tractor; revise the procedure,s, and. issue addenda as necessary and assume overall responsibility for the inspection activity NRC will make the necessary arrangements:for moving the trailer and NRC supplied equipment to Big Rock. site and the return back to Region 1.

NRC will issue the final report to the licensee, y



Tentative plans are to accomplish the inspection during October 9,1990 through October 19, 1990.

Personnel should be at the site by 0800 PM on 1

October 10 1990 for training. Your contact at the site will be-Mr.-Elden Plettner phone number 616-547-4086, NRC Resident Inspector at -

1 Big Rock ~. The contractor shall supply the following personnel and equipmentLand perform the'following activities at Big-Rock Nuclear Plant.

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Two technicians must be also qualified in ultrasonic, to assist l


the NRC in performing ultrasonic examinations.

P B.

Provide NRC Region I with a copy of each individual's qualification before commencing work.

i C.

Provide.the above. listed qualified people at the Big Rock to perform j

inspections daily for eight hours a day, any shif t for a period of two weeks, including one weekend. Overtime will be specified as lF neces sa ry.

' l D.

Provide NRC Region I the names of all personnel who will be performing the inspection at this facility seven working days be. fore the beginning of the inspection; E.

Assure technicians assigned have current physical examination including, eye, urin lysis drug screen, pulmonary testing-for respirator equipment and psychological screening.



The following reports are required.

Daily progress report of inspection findings including a daily fiscal a.

report detailing staff hours applied to examinations, hours allocated to travel status, etc., as well as any other costs incurred for performance of the effort, i


A report containing final examination results for all requested examinations to be supplied at completion of the on-site' inspection


before Icaving the site.

r 5.

PLACE-OF PERFORMANCE Big Rock Nuclear Power Plant located 4 miles northeast of Charlevoix.


Michigan, 6.


-.t The contractor will make the necessary arrangements to comply with licensee insurance and liability-requirements for site access of his.

employees. The contractor is responsible for compilance with local tax and employment egulations.


-Add one week of site preparation work to be conducted at Battelle Pacific NorthwestLaboratory,Richland,Waihington, September 24-23, 1990 pr.ior'to reporting :o Big Rock NpS on October 9.

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