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Forwards Constituent L Gretz 810918 Ltr Re Facility Security & Requests Status of Statutory &/Or Regulatory Requirements Re Security & Training
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/25/1981
From: Corcoran T
To: Palladino N
NUDOCS 8110020356
Download: ML20049A895 (3)




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CONSCRV ADON AND POWER Congtegg of ti.)c Eniteb &>tates rm ... -

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ggg ^~=,c;g. magington, D.C. 20515 '%* "' C'"' "4" cuocouurntz om Muuaw nosounccs sunc:wurntr ow Postat oecnAnoms SWNDi$ TOMRCE ACTION LINC4 AMD SERVICts (800) 941 4437 September 25, 1981 # 'b e e

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Dr. Nunzio Palladino UsNF0 '


Chairman -

1 I90t ~9 Nuclear Regulatory Commission ~

.  ; OCT '

Washington, DC 20555 Y 9~

OCT1 1981

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Dear Mr. Chairman:

\ " N'awatcu 5A 1

'N The enclosed copy of a September'

\ A i yf

. rom a constituent, Mr. Larry Gretz, expresses concern in connection wi . af Comonwealth Edison's Dresden nuclear power station in Morris, Illinois.

In particular, Mr. Gretz is concerned about the training requirements as implemented by Burns Security, the company retained by Comed to maintain plant security. A complicating factor is the current dispute between two Lnions for the right to represent Burns Security employees at Dresden. The dispute involves a contested election between local 73 of the Gereral Service Employees Union (the union which has represented Burns Security employees at Dresden) and the United Plant Guard Workers of America.

In view of the fact that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has the final authority with respect to licensing of commercial nuclear plants, I believe that NRC would be the appropriate agency to address the issues in Mr. Gretz's letter. In addition to NRC, the National Labor Relations Board, Commonwealth Edison, Burns Security, and the two unions are involved. I am particularly interested in knowing the status of statutory and/or regulatory requirerents a connection with security at comercial nuclear plants, especially training requirements.

Finally, I would like to note that, in a telephone conversation between Mr. Gretz and my staff on September 22, Mr. Gretz stated his belief that the Dresden facility was being operated in a generally acceptable manner. In other words, Mr. Gretz's concerns are limited only to the security aspects of the Dresden olant.

Any assistance you could provide in this matter - 1d be greatly appreciated.

Please contact me if : can provide you with a.y addit coa rmation in this case.

Si rely ll N

Tom Corcoran v GOS3 Representative in Congress cc: National Labor Relations Board Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety Commonwealth Edison Curns Security 8110020356 810925 PDR ADOCK 05000237 H PDR

occ:,r;., m FROD, & UT!L j.;c.EO.M.

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Sept. 18 1981 La ry Gretz .

503 Depot St. }

,; Mazon , 111. 60444 C @

&A T% (n n ., g /.i Ph. 815 448 2332 ,3 't

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-9 RI: Lax security- Dresden Nuclea" Power Station 1  %... ,1' 'h, f .~.e'ary Morris, I'14nois }y " f e s

-N 6Af 8 Dear S$rs;

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I as writing you in regards to the cualificatior. stan-da-dc, and tne lack o f pro f essional train,,7; that. there should be for nuclear guards.

I went to work for Bu ns Security at susp D esden on O ctober 10 1979 Iwas told that I would be going through highly sophisticated pro fessional trainNLprogra=s.

The only prof essional training that I received was on the security cocputer syste: in the security control roon implimented by the manuf actuer of the systet and Co :. Ed.

Frc= the beginnqof my second year viith the co. we were promised to upgrade the training and to date, their only res-olution to the problem was to fire the Guards sincerely con-ccrned of how they did their jobs.

Until the qualification of April of 81 we were always given at least two rounds of free fire before firing for points and if you fail to qualify you canc back two cr three drys later cr until' you made the points necessary to qual-i fy.

l Enowing that I was under =y doctors care. Burns sched-ualed =e for practice 3 and later qualification April the 20th 1981. " hen I returned to work I requested a new practice and w as denied I was told in fact that another practice would not be schedualed and that failure would deen ternin-ation. I f ailed by only fcur points and was terzinated.

The sate instructor after three :eeks realizing the inef ficiency of method due to the numerous guards failing began giving extra chance: again and schedualed practice for those needing help fcr the exceptics of eight guards

. r.ow fired under the first teo weeks under the inefficient methods.

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In an effort to serve security pers::nal at the Dresden 4 G o. , t e 4,,. o . . .,

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ed a letter ctating that they woulc n: . honor our local 73 the evenin5 prior to our final arbitration sectin6

"'hree weeks later the National Labor Board held an election between the two unicns. Since the election the Flant Gua-d '.'iorkers Union filed charges. Hence it has been 4

said by local 73 personal and the labor Board that it .cculd take as long as two years for a decision Of the Labor Soard, i leaving guards unrepresented by a union, and I and others holding arbitration awards that Burns refuses to honor.

IN a telephone conversation with a representitive of the Nuclear Regulatory Com:ission. I was inforced that the N.R.C. has ver} -little regulation on the recuirements of the trainin5 of guards when asked why they could not do anything about the invalid instructor.

Eurns clains that the N.E.C. regulates training inclu_

ding fire arts and the N.R.C. claims that they are limited and that they approve programs, 'but; that they leave train-ing to the secu-ity Companies and Cons. Ed., the liscensee l

of the plant.

i In a.v. two ' cars of service to Eurns there has been and continues to be a very high turnover in the work force and very lc coral status a ong personal to the point that the greatest percent of the working guards as well as myself and the twenty five others holdin5 arbitratien that the proble presents a hazardous condition to the public safety.

I urge that your office and the state of Illinois get involved in ' future legislatior. and stop the passing of the buck and give -reuponsible people the backing they need to up to insure do the job of a RESPONSI3LE PBSON. And follo that recuirements are upheld.

Sinc er ely cc U.S. Senator C percy La r3 Gre::

  • U.S. Senator A Dixon ''~.-

Ecusu Snr. Ryan v

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State Senator J. Joyce -

\ Concrest:an T. Corccan Pep. 43 District Christiansen J

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