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Discusses Arrangements for 830711-13 Environ Site Visit Associated W/Eis & 830712 Environ Review Public Meeting in Madison,In.Agenda Encl
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 07/01/1983
From: Novak T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Todd T
NUDOCS 8307130359
Download: ML20024C815 (3)



DIST:w/ enclosure 1 only r



{' Document: Control ' (STN' 504546/547)

NRC PDR L PDR NSIC PRC System EL 01 1993 LBg1 Rdg.

MRushbrook P0'Connor Attorney, OELD Edordan, 0IE lir. Ted R. Todd, County Attorney JTaylor, OIE ACRS Jefferson County 426 East Main Street Madison, Indiana 47250

Dear Mr. Todd:


Nuc1 car Regulatory Comission Staff Open Meeting in Madison, Indiana On July 11,12, and 13,1983 the Huclear Regulatory Comission staff will visit the Marble 11111 Nuclear Generating Station, Units !!o.1 and 2.

This visit is part of the review process for the environmental inpact statement associated with the recently docketed application for an operating license. Several state and Federal agencies have also been invited to attend the visit and provide their input to the NRC staff.

In a separate related manner, the llRC staff plans to have an open meeting with the public on the evening of July 12, 1983 in the Madison-Jefferson County Public Library. The purpose of this meeting is to provide an opportunity for members of the public to express their environmental concerns directly to the NRC staff in order to assist the staff in determining the scope of the environmental review.

The flRC appreciates your kind offer to moderate this meeting.

As discussed during your conversation with Paul O'Connor on June 28, 1983 the following arrangenents are being nade:


The date and time will be July 12, 1983 from 7:30 pm to 11:00 pm.


tiembers of the NRC staff responsible for preparation of the Marble 11111 Environmental Impact Statement will be present.


The NRC will provide a transcription service.

1 4.

Approximately one week before the meeting the NRC will place advertisements in the Madison Carrier; The Trimble Banner Democrat, and the 1.ouisville Courier Journal and will issue a press release describing the meeting.

8307130359 830701 PDR ADOCK 05000546 D

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NRC FORM 318 pm NRCM 024o OFFICIAL RECORD COPY uso m issi-m m

3 JUL 011983 Mr. Ted R. Todd 5.

The purpose of the meeting is to afford nembers of the public an opportunity to express their concerns regarding the effects of operation of 11arble Hill, Units !!o.1 and 2 on the environment directly to the staff. The meeting is not intended to provide for the resolution of issues, but there may be some discussion of the review process. Additionally, this meeting is only for hearing environmental concerns and therefore comments from members of the public should not include those areas of interest that are more properly included in the safety review.

I have enclosed a copy of the meeting notice for the staff's July 11,12, and 13, 1983 site visit. If you wish to attend portions of the site visit to obtain background material to assist you in moderating the necting or if you have any other questions regarding the netting please contact Paul O'Connor on 301-492-4708.

Your support of this meeting will help ensure that the environnental impact statement for flarble Hill, Units No.1 and 2 will provide a complete and accurate assessment of the effects of operation of the plant on its environnent.

The flRC staff appreci3tes your support, and the interests of the public will be better served by your having participated in the process.

Sincerely, Original signed by'-~

ThomasA!,yoyajg Thomas M. Hovak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing



Agenda 2.

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Opening remarks by moderator.


Introd;ces himself.


Welcomes persons attending the meeting and the NRC staff.

3. -Invites -he NRC staff to introduce themselves.


Introductory remarks by the NRC Assistant Director for Licensing.


Explains purpose of the meeting.


NRC Project Manager sunnarizes background.


Allows each member of the staff to introduce themselves and briefly describe areas covered in their portion of the review.

f 4.

Asks moderator if he wishes to make.any administrative remarks to guide the conduct of the meeting.


The moderator determines which persons desire to express environmental l

concerns to the staff and invites them to speak.

The NRC Assistant Director for Licensing coordinates the staff response.


Approximately 15 minutes prior to the end of the meeting, the moderator terminates the public discussion with the staff.

The Assistant Director far-Licensing summarizes his assessment of the meetin;.


Closing remarks by the moderator.

