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Forwards Application for Withholding from Public Disclosure Westinghouse Proprietary Info Discussed in 830415 Meeting. Method for Circulating Nonproprietary Portions of 830415 Transcript to PDRs Being Worked Out.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/11/1983
From: Davis F
To: Callihan A, Cole R, Smith I
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8305170334
Download: ML20023C439 (2)






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-2 P. O. Box 355 O Pittsburgh, PA 15230 O 7Q /%,[ gI8 SJ^

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'/ May 11, 1983 .

7 Ivan W. Smith, Esq. Dr. Richard F. Cole Administrative Judge Administrative Judge and Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Washington, D.C. 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. A. Dixon Callihan Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board c/o Union Carbide Corporation P. O. Box Y Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Re: In the Matter of Commonwealth Edison Company (Byron Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2)

Docket Nos. 50-454 and 50-455 Gentlemen:

I am enclosing a copy of a Westinghouse application to the Comission staff pursuant to 10 CFR Sec. 2.790 for withholding from furthe information discussed in the April 15, 1983 session of the above-captioned proceeding. The application was mailed April 26, 1983, was numbered AW-83-34, and was sent on like date with a cover letter numbered NS-EPR-2756.

The regulatory staff has both personnel and established procedures in place to pass on such applications which ensure thatThe established consistent standards are appifed to the review.

has been to submit such applications to the regulatory staff, and to keep the appointed licensing board informed of the appifcation when a hearing transcript or evidence in a Ifcensing proceeding is involved.

f 8305170334 830511 .--

d PDR ADOCK 05000454 G PDR


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s Ivan W. Smith, Esq. Page 2 Dr. Richard F. Cole May 11, 1983 Dr. A. Dixon Ca11ihan Westinghouse now has narrowed substantially the breadth of the information for which it seeks continued protection; hence, continued protection is n'ecessary for limited information appearing on just three pages (4691-92 and 4699), rather than the 11 pages originally ordered to be sealed.

Westinghouse has no objection to release of the other eight pages (viz.

4693-98, 4700-01) and the information other than that marked as proprietary on the other three pages.

I have omitted from the enclosure the proprietary version of pages 4691, 4692, and 4699, while enclosing the non-proprietary versions. This expediency lessens the possibility that the information would be dis-tributed to the pubife in error. The information which has been masked on these three pages may be garnered from the original transcript in your possession.

I have contacted the regulatory staff to work out a method to circulate the non-proprietary portions of the April 15 transcript to the public document rooms. Either I or the staff will inform you of the outcome of these discussions.

I am mailing the proprietary versions of the three pages on which pro-prietary information appears to the intervenor representatives who have signed the Westinghouse non-disclosure agreement pursuant to the terms of that agreement. I am also mailing a copy to Mr. Thomas, who did not sign the agreement but agreed to abide by its terms and who is subject to the terms of the oral protective order of this Board which was entered during the course of the April 27, 1983 evidentiary session.

Westinghouse is reviewing the transcript of the in camera proceedings on April 27, 1983, and will submit a similar application for withholding when that review is complete.

Very truly yours, l

O j -

Francis X. Davis i

Attorney for Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Appearing Specially FXD:mjl Enclosure cc: Service List i