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Forwards LER 81-042/03T-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 09/11/1981
From: Carroll J
To: Haynes R
Shared Package
ML20010H791 List:
NUDOCS 8109290297
Download: ML20010H790 (4)





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7f'.9 9 m (609)693-6000 P.O BOX 388 e FORKED RIVER

  • 08731 Septsber 11, 1981


Mr. Ronald Haynes, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcment U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccumission D'h bq Y . h'Ch g,ON, T

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Region I O 631 Park Avenue j King of Prussia, PA 19406 'h ,

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Dear Mr. Haynes:



Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station D -

Docket No. 50-219 Licensee Event Report Reportable Occurrence No. 50-219/81-42/0lT This letter forwards three copies of a Licensee Event Report to report Reportable Occurrence No. 50-219/81-42/0lT in cmpliance with paragraph 6.9.2.b.1 of the Technical Specifications.

It is recognized that failures of the stack gas sanple pumps have occurred on several occasions. Although this results in a total loss of stack effluent monitoring, the loss of indication has been muumized by prmpt operator action, after discovery of the failures, to place the backup sample pump in service.

Currently, a new, much inproved stack gas sample systs is being installed at tho Oyster Creek Station. This syst s will include isotopic identification as well as the recording and alarm functions of the existing systs. Furthernere, this sytm will include new bellows action type sanple pumps which have detronstrated improved operation, over the existing pumps, for the last year or so. It is expected that this new syst m will be operable in early 1982.

In view of the current probles associated with the sanple pumps in use, consideration was given to installing an autmatic starting capability on the backup pump. It has been decided that since this introduces the possibility of a ccnnon node failure (i.e., vater in tae piping) , it vuld not be advantageous to install this capability since a ccnnon made failure would result in loss of nenitoring capability for an extended period. 3 s

II 8109290297 810911 PDR ADOCK 05000219 S PDR

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Mr. Ronald Haynes Page 2 As an alternative, it has been Mielul to request a diange to Technical Specification 3.6.A.3 in order to pennit operation for a short period of time (similar to that allowed for filter changes) with the monitoring systen out of ser" ice in order to acwmudate system failures which can be corrected within the specified time period.

It is exp2cted that the actions taken above in conjunction with those actions delineated in the LER will prevent a recurrence of this situation in the future.

Very truly yours, d /C M J/T. Carroll,Jr. /

Actirg Director - Oyst Creek JIC:1se enclosure cc: Director (40 copies)

Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnission Washington, D.C. 20555 Director (3 copies)

Office of Management Information and Program Control ,

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnission Washington, D.C. 20555 1

NRC Resident Inspector Oyster Creek Nuclear Generatirg Station Forked River, NJ 08731

OYSTER CREEK NUCLFAR GENERATING STATION Forked River, New Jersey 08731 Licensee Event Report Reportale Occurrence No. 50-219/81-42/0lT Report Date Septenber 11, 1981 Occurrence Date August 28, 1981 Identification d of Occurrence The Stack Gas was not continuously monitored as required by Technical Specifica-tion 3.6.A.3 due to a trip of the 'B' Stack Gas Sanple Pm p.

This event is considered to be a reportable occurrence as defined in the Technical Specifications, paragraph 6.9.2.A(2).

Conditions Prior to Occurrence The plant was in refuel mode with reactor tsperature below 212 F and vented.

Description of Occurrence On Friday, August 28, 1981, a approximately 0720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> a chemistry technician observed the 'B' Stack gas punp was not running. The Stack Gas System P w flow alarm had not annunciated in the Control Bocm to provide an indication cf the situation. An operator was dispatched to investigate the problan and at approxi-mately 0740, the 'A' Stack Gas Pump was placed in service.

Apparent Cause of Occurrence The 'B' Stack Gas Sanple Pump tripped on thermal overload when the punp's carbon vanes became frozen. The pump overheated and vaporized the oil that was present in the punp. The sticky vaporized oil coated the pump vanes and caused it to bind. Malfunction of the autcraatic lubrication systen apparently caused the failure.

The low flow alarm did not annunciate in the Control Rocm because of an electronic ccxnponent failure on' the low flow switch alarm card.

Analysis of Occurrence

'Ihe maximum time that the Stack Gas Monitoring Systen could have been out of service was approximately six hours. The pump was Jast observed to be inservice at approximately 0100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> on August 27_during a Radwaste Equignent Operator's tour. At 0720 the following morning, the 'B' sanple punp was discovered to be tripped.

4 Reportable Occurrence Page 2 No. 50-219/81-42/0lT A review of Stack Gas Radiation Monitor Recorder showed the levels in 'A' channel (100 cps) and 'B' channel (70 cps) to be constant before and after the event. In a further effort to detemine if excessive stack gas Ic '. eases might have occurred during the event, a review of the Reactor Building ventilation exhaust radiation nonitor recorder showed that the levels in both channels were relatively constant with no spiking.

The Augmented Off-Gas Systs, the Mechanical Vacuum Punp and the Steam Packing Exhauster were secured during the event, and, therefore, could not provide naaitional radiological influents to the stack. Based on these considerations the safety significance of this event is considered minimal.

Corrective Action The 'B' sanple punp was cleaned, rebuilt, and satisfactorily tested operable.

The faulty alarm card was replaced and the alarm circuit was also proven to be operable. A new Radioactive Gaseous Effluent lenitoring System is scheduled to be installed in early 1982. The system will consist of a monitor that will be used to perform, on a contintous basis, an on line isotopic analysis of radio-active effluents fram the stack in aaaition to the existing recording and alarm functions. In order to increase the syst m reliability prior to startup of the new Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Systs, the Stack Gas Sample Punps will be replaced with a new type which is expected to be more reliable. In addition, the Radwaste Operator's tour sheet will be revised to identify, specifically, the routine checks to be performed by the operator.



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